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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Dec 1914, p. 4

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. ~WATERIiOUSF,ý PhOne Il Prompt t>eih.zy. TANDARD 'KI WW muwII-wijoyead Y lthe aUdfifece. Tise Cadet Corps gave a splendid ex- hlbfton ofdrilltiig, under thé. con- umand of B_- Mo.wbray. Misa"s John- sansd Lavery, were called ou' for an instrumental duett, andSMies Carnie Lawrence gave a readilng, H=nY Chawpwél'u"tisdgle Daby."* Miosew K., Nkçboson aýidG. -Un.- tmo inlu. 4cai"duett, '"Rose,'f Ipkaesc the audence wlth thbeir splen- did aioting sud alnglg, and-- were qalled ou for au ere 1she VaIedlotory ' ddroes was de- ttvo edby Miss i MayThompbcu.,Af- tber a very pretty Tambourine DrOI~, by. twelve girls, tbe dfplomnaswon at U ie Departmeutal Examnatlons were Asapirited and, amusin lapy,-' 4%e on Parle fuasicas,"1 provided a gond Soe! ofamuuemýt. 11. wax splendid- ly acteS hy Pme seven piipls- who teck parti,,!ehd'y was -the, subjel of. mucis favorable comment. Principai Bell assnouuced tiaIt the net prooeede ere belng devowto1 thse amount would be ahme Ut * HeU alo tated -liaI the High Scisool staiff would probably double the amount. A tableau, "Alter 'the Battle," coueluded the prorn.- %#~OCPhI~ ~ E v.i~.HOME GUAR S AT CHURCH. T_______________ Tise Whiby Home GuaiS attendeS divinesriena body on Suhday W RIT B:Y B RANCH rnirulst a th, Mt ist n»ku (CIcuma-tancoe, a. nuniber wcre unuble bo V e&i <. MeleIL.g',Seeslssaul, but about sixty were on band for parade. Col.'. J. E. Pare- _____________ Jwell accepteS an -invitation to take ----art, dfu llUreglmentls, ha' Crouci. jchoir. 1 Hagve Purchased Another New Mtock neldling R ev. - M. E. Sezomith, himself a Imemsber of tise Guard, preached the Ite'ssuieMen'o-overali., Mon'. Sunday pants, Men's wnrlcisigsermon. H. took as is let, Epises- pante, co'p uits and panis, Mon's woolen socks, Men's and Boysj'i ais, 6 :11-'APut on tise wloe ar-. Buday sirtè m n working'shirts, Mon'@suad Boys' bost sweaters: mot of Go." Hs Iraced the. growti nd'sweater coatis, Meulu and boys' beet winter cape, Men's and boys' of he faiy su ils varioés otages -in teworld's islory, eto show iow B.o. 11usd uudewear. Lots of braces cheap, Ladies' stylish- skirtis, tise prevafllng ideas with regard to liadiae house dresses, Ladies'waists, Ladies' underwoar, Childresis' rule 0ftishe lamiiy by tie pat. m~w.sr, Ohildren's fur selsï cheap, Lots of boots sud rubbers, riazeh isad developed in soins coin- 4o of éowé.làdi.s' snd.rnen's mufliers, Moensd boys' raincoats tries Into a rut. o!fVise peuple by au aulocrjit, and tisaI lie principlle o! '~ gob Chrstmasrule .bý Di vine Rîgit was tise bail -~ ail g Y gh lt a upon whlci lise Germas,. Empire o! 10-ay la foimded. Tins lMr. Son- .Ia " à oDundasat,East, WrVhI eusmisowed lise real cause, o!flise tYgreat war lu wiich lie Brillaih Em- pire was engageS. Us said Britain was fighting to prot«tet sweak 'w w ' 'w'w w ' W' 'w 'w w ' 'w'w w ' 'w'w e, w sad oppressId, not, for gain or fj coaiqket. tise Empire la protecting,' --WA'TER ANE> L16HT COMIISSIONERSI ehmisousor, ber piedge tb 'respect a pmaller nation. Mir. Semumitis ,appeaied houlise men to, be hrue Home Guards, in every ssise o!flstherUmç te ,guard their Do t E ectica ly. homes froin sin, anS disisonor,an Do ït E eetriaela lyo frm thse greal Meils of lie day. He urgeSthbeul to put on tise wisoie POIRA CHRISTMAS OR NEW YEAR'S GIFT armer of God, anti be Use besl poâsibie soldiers. At tise conclusion. et lthe sermon W hy not Select Co. arewell poke biefly, ell semething electrc1, euch as "sorap o! papem" was presented In I tise Brillis House 'of Commons. LAMI5 ASHIN MACHNE TOSTER uaiS marcheS ho lie Higis READNG LM AHN AHN .SE Scisool campas where tisey lhueS up SEWING MACHINE MOTOR CURLING TONGS and were addressed by Col. Fate- well. FohlowWg g Is a piclure wa MILK WARMER, HEATING PAD KITCHEN RANGE taken, before dlsmlssai. COFFRE PERCOLATOR TEA SAMOVER -Mý- 'CHAFING DISH HOT-WATER HEATER SAD IRON Te h OCe ugbtKE ol o DISC 1S'1"OVE, ETC.- Whllby fans again, anS witi mucis anticipation liey are iooklug forward .À gift of this kind wil be a joy forever, and, covering a tutheVis ta game o!tise seabson nemI multitude of ine -1k. charity, will biss him that gives s Tuesday ulgit, December 29, wiseu Oshawa Intermediates, olS line anS w. as hins that receivee. worthy rivale, coins hmr for tseoeu- oc's opening. The junior aid lu- GE0 W.P. VBR1 Spt. termediate Isame have both stexteS G~O.W. P EVEY, SpI. piactice* .awd sous very geod1 hockey is beiug looked for. Soine1 _____________ promislng new material isas been un-1 ________________________ ...-4-nA 1»0A7n«.Twill TREA &IRER'6 'A LE OË-LA'ND FOR, TA ,E3 Y VirtUe ef a wàtrsttundertliéhand Of the Warden and thec ueBl cf the Corporation oftbe Couty of Ontario, dated the îitb day cf September, 1924, cmmarJlng mie -'~càir uo the lande mentioned ln the folowlng list for arrears 0f tazet thereon and costa as hereln set forth ; I heieby give notice that unlesas such arrearurafl tosts arc Moouorpald, 1 shall, lu compliance wlth thé Asseasment Act, proceed ta seli by Public Auction, tue said lande, or so much thereof as may be necessary for the taxes, -at the Court House, lu the Town of Whitby, on SATURDAY, IYECEMBER 26TH, 1914 at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon TOWNSHIP 0F RAMA part Lot Cou. Acres Taxes Costs Total Fat or Unpat N> 18 F -50 10 38 2 P1 12 89 Unpat 10 G. io0 $13 43 $2 59 $16 02 Pat 14 G 50 $ 9 83 $2 50 $12-33 Unpat 2 L 106 13 86 2 6o 16 46 t TOWNSHIP 0F MARA Part Lot Con. Acres Taxes Casts Total Pat or Unpat W )éof E%» 0 12- 50 8 8ý 2 50 Il137\ Pat N11 12 100 9 59 2 50 12 09 Fat TOWNS&HIP 0F BROCK. part J.,&LotCn. Acres Taxes Costs Total Fat or iUnpat- Pt.- 19 11 % 2 83 2 50 5 33 Pat Pt. 9 14 24 31 38 3 28 34 66 Pat TOWNSHIP 0F PICKERING prt Lot Con. Acres Taxes- Costa Total Pat or Unpat Blk.A, Pickerng being N% 14, Village lot 69, <tursisSt. btlngS% 31 TI 1 X 31 53 3 29 348St 15 'OWNSHI Part Lot Con. AC PL N%4 1 7J C&, ldgs., Sept, 15, '94, %c 17992£95 [P OF EAST WHITBY cris TaiesCois ?X % 37710 3 4it 120 94 ,total 41 12 Pst Pat or Unpat 1Par- County TreasUr c-uun'u, aaouuuu.u5unvgzainw ii ho placeS ou tise Ica la ,rep resoul Whisiby. O! lat year's lnlerieuiate tain Jubb, geaikeeper, wili net ler avail- able, but chier-geod candidates fer lise position are ln vlew. Soins new mon, Littlo aid Colwiîl, as well an ali lise rest o! lasI year'e Intertued- lates, are in tcywn, and thé leam i wii be strouger, if anythhng Issu lu 1913. The jun'ars wilI b. muci atronger lisis Ycar, anS are conceded to bave a apleudid chance forlise champien- ship o!fthe group, whiciu' ihcluSes Oshawa, Bowmanvilie aid Whllby. Theie nter.nediate schedtule las as fol- Iowas: Dec. 28-Plcton at BellestU1e. Dec. 29-Bowmanviiis at Peleihoro. Dec. 29--Oshawa aI -Wiitby. Dec. 31-BehisilIle aI Photon. Dec. 31-Whitby at Bowmanvhlle. Worthba Guinea a 3oX. thé safest -Meat reflable 1 'and most POP ular-for thh. common alimÎents Of Stomacî, iver and bowels, 15s alwas 13EECHIAM'S PULILS 1 zolmwesiwhse. u mon 5Su Jan. 25-IeleU4lO SI Jan. 27-Pk$0u at1 Jan. 27-Whitblr at Jan. 39"-Wbuiby it mIlle. Te Penn IV. Henry Streel.-D. MaeGrolty, G. jennhnge, M. Mit- ciels, G. Rogers, E. Williais, Ji. Sawdon, W.Uyds, W. MacCarl, C. Palmer, L. Bradley. 'Pc Jr-. IV.-L. Senit, L. Palmer, M. ]Robertson., O. Ruttan, R. Piile, D. Moîntyre, E. Gurney, L. Smitis, R. BeIl, L.-,Jobuston, Ma Bonnei, E. -Cormack. Trainsfsrred....Cîags Jr. III. from Miss Andeson's terni ho Miss Burus'. To sr. III, Henry St.-0. McMli- ian, Pisyllis MveIntyre, J. Stace', j. McKenzle, H. Seldon. To Jr. III Henry sI.-W. Newman, L. Morow, B. Willlng, B. Augustu, -H- FOrrester, S. HaIdi, F. Webb, M. Tod'S, J. Anderson. To sr. II. Henry Street-J. ToutS,1 E. ]Bradley, M. MaoQiotty, H. New- mai, G. Flesuniung, L. Masyne, J. Bryck,, J. Morow, P. WlIlamis,. G. Rogers. To Jr.. IIl Heury, Streeb--R. Hall, LANO, rai btanfflr manufactured, to my*w ftikig' 'ftey work completeiy, no griping wbatever, and one là plmnty sor auy ordiilu»,poe îf ta domt. My uiZe WUOWllrtyftoCOtlÏp8tIOD. Wetrled eveythlug On the caleudiar Wlthout satid"ation, and apsiat lurge' suani of mony ntil w. happoeei on 1"Pruit- alve. 1 ousut e"y too Much. in th* r tar.-11 -W. baveneedtbem in thefuulyfor &bout two years and we would not use auythig oesas long as W ecau get 4dt.a-tlvo -".ý at aul i. baecamuddthonsto mnotherpeople,,sMa Our wbole Thoewbobaybu cured by "Fruit- a-tires" are pfoud auShapp toila slck ore silng frioud about Ûewo- SuInt tablets made frcms fruit juies. 50r- a box,.# for U.0&Wtisiie25c. At sfl ulm or uotoureceptof pdis by PruIt4tioeu udted, Ottawa. DiqýWilson, A. Audoruo, T. Gain- mopn, S. Robertson, S. Erlne, W. Gollinger, W. Cormmk, M. Scott, G. Grahans. To Jr. Il Dbxdat Street-C. Maw, A. Trlmm, P.NJohogto, N. -Cor-1 mack, L. B t.I\~lPe sie A. Rowe. A To Sr. il fleury ntet aivol PriniaxyForma.- Tie Primary teadiervnlll -arage -their clou January 4t«L MONUMENTS ofall Delgns ud latoutal kept In Stock Il w!» jPay yen te cIl st.- On works sud Inspeot for yousel. -Dom't be musleS by agmnts. W. do Dotl employ tbem. Conuequetly Wî eau and do sllow the agets com- mission, 10 per cent., whlcb pou vii oertulny sari by purcbaming Irom u&s A Cati SolieJt.d. Olffice, aud Wouks Oppoite Standard gank, Wbltby. Pet-sonalMention. Mis. Geo.. MoBurney, of Niniga, Man., l lfhg t own with ber Mr. an& d' un. -Wm. Toms have 'goue -01 a leugthy visit withieuu s Campbellford. Mu. lMayor ani Miss Hlt5kie have gons to Toronto tb vieil wlth rela tive for a lime. Miss Antie "".JohastQi, of Toono Normal SebooLl, tuvlsitiug hem mott-. er for tise Xma vacation. Mr. and Mrs...Ssm. Dudley and son, of Colboine, &peut a Iew days wth Mn. and Mis. -L.W. Dudley. lire.,J. N. Noufder and chiMiren, ut Toroistoý, are'rçisltlng witls r. Nod- der's parents, Sisenif aid Mia. Pax. tons. lits. J. C. Walters and sou, of Grimsby, are spendlng thse vacation. wltls her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos., Auguatus. Misses Agnes Kean, Hiida Robert-- son, Louie Melîtosh, Mary Rulttaui and! Lula Macpherson, of Peterboro, aie home for thse vacation. Mr.- F. W. Goodfellow and bis sam Normai,, ot Tlrnbumy, wero v1utors lin town wiIls relatives for a' couplèU -of days -this week. Thcy viii spend Xxnas lu Gait. LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS. Take notice IIIà$ -1. Thse Coumcil of the Corporation of the. Town of Whitby lntends $0 construct -as a local impiovemei private drain connections betweeu tse sewers and the streetl hues on sSeh streets and at sucis limes as tise Councli may direct, and intends bO 'Peclîy asseefs tise ost upon lise land abutting dlmectiy ounlise work. 2. Tise estimated costl-of tise work Per lineel foot Io $0.65. The spatial assessmeul lg 10 be palS ln 10 au- tualindstaimeuts. A petition against the work will not avail 10 prevent ils construc- lion. Tise foilowlng are tise stroots upon whlci sewsrs have been laid:- Euclld Street' Chestnut Street King Streety'iz-. Wainuu Street Kent Street John Street Centre Street Mary Street Byron Street EIan Street Brook Street Dumdas Street Greene Street Dunlop Street Pemry Street Coiborne Street Asi Strt Gilbert Street Peel Street St. John Street Hickaory Sîre Trent Street Pins Street Pitt Street Dufferlu, Street Kelhh Street Wrousl Street. Dtaed December 10t 1914, J09EPII WHITE, -20. .Towni Clerk. fExecutor's Notice To Cred- la 1h.e etaIs ,! Peter Perry, laIe of the Town o! Whitby, lunlise Coin- ty.iof Ontario, lahorer, deceased. Xqtlce la hemeby given pursuant to SettiOU 56, Chapter 12i; R.. s. o., 1,94, liat ail persons havlng dlaims .ègalmsl the eltaIs. of thse sald Peter Peiiy, who died at these aid Town Of WMhy on lise.25th day o! No- vembbr, 1914, are mequired to deliver or BMn by post, prepaid, b Albet W. Jackson, Whltby, Ontario, 1h. on- ecutor of -be saiSesaaI, on or be- fore thse 15t1 day of January, 1915, 'their siames anSdaddresss, sud a ful description of theiraras, ned tise OPTICIAN SWAN FOONTAIN PENS Il. jon waut a Swan SafstY ADy way, tisontise Swan le tise o yoYuwant. neyu $.00 UP an s"70 YONGE STREET. Corner King St.9 Toronto. indtrte fr itif nteste mete dof h 9U UINE»COuL-. bsing e tandccea dres I FoonoOreLe civatokgu e lass AiMedeadu Rtomobilce. r ntd me wricor a nie te WienLie;dayvSpcl ate Nlhss mAcchidan Autoobis es.tl lcis nd Aeia on the ees. Satursday npeiht ' o ar i t BAIN 1PERRIN, Manager I~~~S NCOSRSELDONI Phne.3J5 WHITBY V AO PSITION[1r ]FOIR FALL AND WINTER. ~- We have sefo sound business proposition ora resiable eegtic salezauufo h e Lit te oeil fruit tries, 'mail fruits. flowenlng shrubu, etc. Psy weekly, outât iree, exclusive bos'tMr. OVEROOOAORES - - of f ruit sud ornaiental stoei tn'er cultlvion. W. ml through our salesmnndirect tte the con- sumer sud guarautee delliry of fnesàh bghgrade bre. Our ageucs aue vainable by reaosseofTth service we rve aud tise volumae'ot "e o,' H T WîitO PeiheuNur4a-Y Ce, Tooto Ot. P.S.-Handom Catalogue on in-que&* elthber te I Toirouto, Ont. This ichoolattuabeau >ad sbould.ru above, the, ordlnary buino e anooosd le conuldred, raukom among the buit u thla continent. Hlandoome Catalogue meni on requait. Cor. Voge aud I W. 4 J . u DOUBLE TIUCi< AI.!.THE- WA CHR-1STMAS AND- NEW YEAR FARES SINGLE PAR13 Dec. 4-28. goed fer ratua utal Dec. 36; aise lie.pt, 1984g an a. seMise volld fer reara Ustm Jeu. 2, 1955 PARE ANID ONS-THfIRD Dec. 22-2,&-24-21F snd ai, 1914, sud Jan. o. i955. vaild for roture sUIl Jan- 4s Abore reduced fares apply- betweeu al stations in Canada east of Port Arthur aud to Detroit and Port Huron, Mich' Buffalo, Black Rock, Niagara Fall s a. Suspension Bridige, N.Y.' Tickets nuer on sale at 0. £.B. ticket offices B. ftohýbonAxent, phone à56. WblLby Scranton Ceoai Cbeetnut and Stove per- ton $7.75 7.80 6.50 le Cornes "au". 'T Aiterations and a mopms IIET 4LUNWOEK GPAUMNIE. ApplyDPundas St. West or P.. box 403 DENTAL W. ADAMS, Dmtiat, orne, flus Strwt, RssldemoeNo. i4 lt» TT Byro, St., Whitby. Phoime No. lU: J"S. 1ISHOP Oshawa, Lfceàmd AMUtome. Sfo» 005501t t L. Fafibanks. For .t«m snd dates apply to self or G. Robb, Wbl$by. WMa. AW LICEBNSED AUCTEIONEER AND, VALUATOR. AUl klnusWo!ales promptiy alUnS- id to. Arraiigmeats for sale ou be made s.t thse Gazete OMes. Bell sud Indepedent pbouesm WlIITBY. ONT. - James &W alker Pump -Nanulaoturers succesouu toeB. W. B" Stsop Dmmdss Street, Whltby. - Thru domrsWesl 09 Whlty We are prepared toinstafl oodo pumpion short notice, aise attend t e kinds of repairing. gA ete for theOntarl io ii0 Phoue.--Beli 50, lad!. 28. WINTER TOURS, TO THF LAND OF i8hflh1IRmqi, Summir legs.ý THE 00CANADUA'." FÀST TIME BETWEEN MNTREAL-TrORONTOô DETROIT-ýCHUCASO Particulai rou Canadi& a aifie Ticket Agents, or wvrite M. 0. mu ,District Pseaur Agent, come 971andToue st.,-oroute. B. R. BLOW, Agene Whitby- Make a Christmas present of a year's subscription t'o- tlfsý paper to that absent. friend. GASOLINI3 ENG.INES This je the seaeon te tuake use of an engin. a few houri every day. Before purchasing corne in and inspect our' Ideal Brantford lins; alio Grain Grinders, Water Bowls, Steel Ssw Frames, Puinps, Tanks, etc;- Standard, wanvSepats Let us demonstrate to you tle nowfeatu-es Iound iuis machine, which place it in 'a dams by iteoif, An Important feuturs is the -initerchangeable Bowl, which permit@ -1he use of asiy capaeity Bowl with the one size Franie and Gearin'g. Il is esy te tti'n, W5 noiselees, and- requires o-iling only pnce- or twice during à yeai'. The 1900 Gravity Washer makes waehing Casy. It ie the climax Of ~O iency, las detachable tub, and wringer standà attachod on the main framne. This would- nuako a Christmag present Which'ne person, could fail, tu appreciate. The Tweed Sanitary Closet la a conveni ence which cen b. îstailed in any - ~ dwolliug wsthout waterworks or plumnbing of aYnY - k~~Ind te ouxectso b st?ýe pipe or ehiinnoY. Other seasonabie goods include, Fur and Fer Lined Coats, Robes, Hlarnees, Blankt, -Mitts Rana b Gloves, Trunke, Suit Cases,'Club Bagg, Orapho- phones, Slovems ad Ranges. WE DO HARNESS REPAIRING. N EW H.4RNESS AND PARTS HAND M) W.F.DSNIE3Y Bell sd ndedpindentplones in stàore. ludopeudeut 'phone -unresidenceç Canac t0 us for KTheir ýwil. be lit wiIIbe p yOU anyl 'fancy. .We ne~ trouble t JEWE OPI W1iITBY W.< 1' CONTRAS Lé1 i Hme aing about bousm re',onfi dovu iere are trsd about anS mu1i loor. pese, met dead, .bsug. il. Look yards alliround, bhndful -O! grape fnnkeeporte'l se &ea ! Tley rem Lord Roberts (wl - moulu aI lise ae kept young' becau alobol) airS- Lord abol be aÎ' LocatIl be e linl- tse ' asunlemng f Thursd 'Ille public anSd UowB closeS *ofl Tuî whlI re-open ou Mc ALL SAIN' 'floe will be seî Ublurib on Xmas âmerîcan coul o: 'PlgesHardwa Ion, delivered in 1 -.-Lemye your orde &t the'ýG-azotte ai ~ÇMtbi,. Orders fi A, good <'haiceI ~~ price, it Mnay not gzailon dehivered - Prlsgie's hardwart I £~ Tise Xmas -Faii helS in Whtby I weil attendeS. ,TIi (Seul for' sucis ai 90oM slçighins ai a blg crowd.- The Pire Br4gai -ua -nna bal] on fllumsday, Doere IUt* Hall. Egg per ton Pea Ceai per ton At Harbor Coal sheds 50 cents per ton lese. "SCRAN4TON CeaV"., The name guarasitees the higheet qssality. Whhby Home Tel. 14. TORONTO STEIKE fOR A BITTER POSITION. bytaUing a course ln the Fopular =8 1. teo5 9 S E~URflT Le beili pshc~d mmd bsaestmeimefrs sss~dm iseke byésss i..ufuub. a depoà m mli. s.v.p 71 J 'a,.- ~ ER, DLOW, Bell Tel. g Imprognablo Strongtb Maximum Benoîit,1ncomparable Dluldonds, Minimumlot ont For rate.sud fnulInfornation apply to F. J. DUFF, MR. A. E. DONOVAN, Spoclal Rep. Quesu & Victoria St,., Myrtie. Toronto, Mpg. The Mutual Lifo.,uuugo F. E LUKE9

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