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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Dec 1914, p. 5

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I - 4 £ 4~IA Bassett's Dosombor 28 and -24 TI HElarg st jewelry Caaathroûghthf reprebentative, have kind- iy loancd this large stock ta us for.th is occasion. , The jr representative will be here in pêrson and will, be pleased ta -8show you anythi M ouaay fancy. We neyer consider it a, trouble to show goo>ds. (~2err~ Io -fou R. N. Bagssettl JEWELER and OPTICIAN WI-IIBY, ONTARIO CHRISTMAS Sb 11 1VIE. - f-W"v.MLI clvwgsi on Suadiay, nG Sne RIC,-oEm.oe <UY. ta-go io 'if bouse. - 27th, the. chor -ofe .Bâptist ohuroh MM RnUy Toms, et Cold*ater, fi wIil g1ve iti sual Cbristmas bong bôfiaying wl4h.her parenits bore. service. There wilJlbe sole,,dutt.i, quartettes, anthoma and pleuty of TABERNACLE XMAS CONCERT. Dluglng. COun and brlng a friand. o i.»ftw ox.u u BAPTIST cHURCE day School 01 the Methodlat Tabero Sünday, DeceM27. al u rae t sepl og Servcesat i a.. ami 7p.m. molrtalnmert of a h1%hstandard, 5IundBY Sehool andi Adult Cl a mss id nvovng a largeo màbOf~ 80 10 a.ï. work. aiddetI, This Pa tucm. At 4h. ve ng servIM.e i.choir en' i hrb Oar9l." Théo-Plal vii g voa on sevie.Everybody W8 Ptd.fo,e 40pWS .ieiby Mr, WOICoDic ArtliurHadai, of Vieota Colege, R. C. wo spmnt tbe annner la Whtby. R. C.CHURH BAZAR. The ~pay wu tghly ie:tslnlg, Tii.lades t4h& R.C. Cbuirch d showedavu meuto vp af mon Th;ucos!a-ut 7 *a8Uo Mdi strict atbtitiate ulù teaon husda latDecembe,, 7, be, tbou wlio footpart. tui thc Town -Rail. Tihe bazur WU The principal chatoteru M Io.. 'Voy largelY Patronized snd the lad- Swoge-Arthur Hardeus, lm are pleasd to report procoo<ls geyl ffGh0e4ýyyPaline. 0f evor $150. _+_Bob Cra*ebt-Wenly Auustia. no for Xnas at hoi-anybhe lNr. Cratchlt-Mlses Roua. Buy 'tkvOl!oes-Dr. BiMn sd Mr. Bytickets if Ycur lelsUre- at E. Duan" slîpHBNBON'S, -the UP-town fichu- Scrooge's îNephew-A. 0.Miebor- et and expreas offce, Whtby, - Md -m auid posshb1eicrowdlungs if uta- -Tlny Tifr-Edward 0k. tiens. Stçpenson guarantees rates, TPhe Cratobit !amlly, >Srooge ma letc., and rede6in hie tickets if Pre- boy aid other éharactors also, par-j 'W eduslng. Full Information, tirna tlclpadtcd lu the play. tbles, tc., qheerfully supplied. Mir. Hardes, as "Scr'oe,"pao hfs part partlcularly ewel., bufvery There irtl" be skating at Burns' oeof o! e ta'kng part deserves Arma o)m Christmas day froin 2 te great credfit. Th~e story of Scroogc's ô lu the afternoon, and lrom 7 to, transorrnati,n from an ol! miter 10 ln thre cvenng. toe a.generous hearfed man, 1thraWuh the worklng of thre Chrlstmnas spirit, Thre Royal Templars are meeting was played in excellent style, aoftl wfth BUceSfflui their organization though thre tinie required was con- work. Two meetings of thre order, siderable, thre interest of thre audd- bave been held and a number oe! new lemice was sustalned througlrcit. menibers bave been intiated ateach[ M r. Albert W. jaek1sm atsd as Meeting. Mr. E. Skitoh, of Camp- dhcIran,, and 'made a brie! Introdue- belifaid, who has been assisting -in j tery address. Precedlng thre play a thre- work, will raturu a! 4cr Chist- 1short prograni was gI-yen, lnclùffin z mua and assist ln glvlng tire -oigan- a del h y ths primmry close, a reÉd- fzation a large measure o! strength. lng by Miss O. 'HoTlllktay, and two y 0 eohoruse by the sehool. ST. JOHN'S (BAY). CIIURCH. Trhe net -Proceeds o!f1the concert A Paroclilal Misuon iras ireen ar- w«ee resented te the, Beian Re- ranged in cooOectiýon witir St. joins lie! Fund. (BY) Clnigch, to ho held frein Jan- Santa Claus, o! course, was on lire u8rY lst te January 5tý. Thre Mis-; ,ob, and madie a presmetati>n o! gifts aimoer wlll hoe Rev. H.W.X. Moweil, f0 the sebo1ars.11 e B.Aof Wycliffe Cellege. Tire meet,- Mms. G.A. Ros actued as plamlet. fn. p wIIl ho hsld cvery 'at«rnoon aiýd evèdx4ng. ier. Is a splendid epportu- nity te begIn tire New Ycar well. Yen are warmly Invitemi to attend any Or aIl of thes meetings. TROUBLE AT CHINESE RES- 1 ~ TAURANT. 1 rWHILE WISHING YOU A MERRY IXMAS And art W. takly e'p ielrpain@ to serve ýyonr- blidren as 1'- i nbeto'get. out your$elf, send one of aourate wou al serve yourelf.and The~~o otooou tofauOmt evi, u OOUtUStte e» omu , u :Customeyu I u 49 WITBY9 Bell Phono 37. Iadependcit Phono 31 Trust Funds Should Be Deposîted M5 ains 4st t Tlhe Doiï1t.,g,,,s sudsus swrn s hghCur«t sug SS mede y rmm.t.d. Wtb muotrebp or wgryBRANCH: A. A. ATKIN8SON, manae OSHAWA H. 1BLCV- SALE REGISTER. Thursday, December 24.- Aucton Be o! kitehen utenils, china, glass- warc aid con!ectlonery, at the Maple Lea! Tea Rooni, Whltby, immediats ly a!ter tire close of the Xmau Fair, about 4 o'clock. Wm. Maw, auction-? ser. FOR SALE. Herse for sale. Wunld suit a farm- or. Apply J.E. Watenhomze, Whitby. TO RENT. 0f roomed bungalow, wlth bath and cleotrie llght, by lot Januar, Lois. Apply te W. Bunu. WANTED. Lake Front Farrn. Give full par- ticuart, Including 'prios, ternis,"<Me- tancoe from station, and lake front- age. R. Faulkner, 138 Victoria St., Toronto, Ont.-26 LOTS FOR SALE. Lots, l5OxSo. PrIce' $100 each, on, easy terms. Convenleuit te vater, llght and sewers.- Apply box 10, Ga- zette Office. -NOUSE POR SALEI. New trame house, li uforeys, si roonis, 8-pies. banh, furnie, electrie light. Apply J. H. JAMES, Whit.. by.-tf. BOARDERS WANTED. Furnis-hed xom sud board. ALL TAXES REMAINING UN- PAID AFTER DECEMBER 81sf, 10-14, WILL BE CHARGED INTER- EST AT THE RATE OF 5 PER CENT. - C. IF. MscGROTTY, - -C.-dIletor. December 27. -M I Building 'that bas been ooeupled by C3hristmnas services *wI11 be heîd S- W& UVUU Standard Bank, Breoklin, poo.1m Simday. Phone 94, WHITBY January lut, 1915. For parltSlu Mornlng service il o'clock. Subjeet1 apply Geo. Pringle, 148 UGorre Sb., -"The Influence o!fra Babe." Peterboro, Ont. Anthez>,'i-The Flr9t 'Christmnas ___________________ 'Xorn" Duett-*Hear 'the Hoste of Angel'. Slnglng;"-Misses Kathleen Nichol- Eveing servce 7 o'cl ,4 4 -,uT , g son~J aadGrae intn. on Anthei- "The Little Town of "ffl ll - y stre. y 1 j ~ 4 Soo"!I were a volee"-W. J.R. ARTISTUC FLORIST ]Richardeo. . KING ST. EAST Phono 470 OSHAWA, ONT. Dueft-ILove DIvlne"-MXrs.A.W Jacknon and Mr. R. Downey. Mr. C.Th tra o! Betblehein" - CHOICE CUl FLOWERS Daily, No. i quallty Coins and worsM'P. only. Everything in season and. strictly fresh. BOY SERIOUSLY HURT. ORDERS RNOEIVED BEFORE 12- O'OLOCK (MOON) WILL BE .The nine-yearf-ol d son o! Mr. Leslie DELIVERED IN WHITBY THE SAME DAY, Moo>re, H4eydenshiore Park, sustained a very serious and painful lnjur3T lait We handie nothing but the very best quality. week, the resuits of whlch were for We carry in stock everything that a florist usually a time In -doubt. On Wedneeday al- hnls oyucndpn nu hnyusn ternoon lait the little îellow went hnis 0yucndpn nu hnyusn out to lead the horses to drink, an order, Soine turneaftetward he, came baCk ,with his face lu a shooking condi- HOLLY, MI8TLETOE AND XMA8 DECORATIONS a Spoalalty Juit now. tien. One of hie eyes was airnost Fernis, Palms and Flowering Plants in great variety. gougsd out of its socket, there was a long eut near the eye, the T'ose Artistic Funeral Work a Specialty. was hadly ba'ttered and the face gen- erally brulsed., Médical attention Give us one trial and you- wilI corne again. was at once sumnioned, and the e Where to get IJseful Xmas Gifts- Get Prices at'Ueo. M. Riae's Hardware and compare wlth others Hlot Point Electric Irons, $3,95 Fancy Tea Pots. Oul Stoves. Automobile Skates with Radiant Electric Irons, 8.7b GiIlett Safety Rasors, 4.75 AluminÏur C afpet Sweepers, - $2.90 and up Auto Strop Safety Razors, 4.75 Hockey Skates, 0 O'Cedar Mops, 1.60 Ever Ready Safety Razors, 1.00 Hockey'Sticks, Food Choppers, 1.00 and up Thermos Botules. Flash Lights.1 Skate Straps, Carvers in Cases, 2.00 and up Mitts and Gloves. Snow Sirocf, 1847 Rogers Knivcs and Forks. Big Ben Alarmn Clocks. Guns and Ridles, Brgss Goods. Aluminuni Ware.. Boy Frgof Wgtches. Iiand Sleighs. - Sleigh -Belli, n Tep; $4.76 ôOi and up 100 and up 1 Ocand up* $2.90 pr. 8.00 and up Americat, Coal Oul, any quantity, 1 5c per- gallon OPEN EVER Y EVENINO Oe.Ne.RICES HARDWARE Ir~ Every c "onble emuireÎ,ent f , buulings, orchU, W.doher mproemeSNbemetinthY evaridLiferd J. E. WINN, Residence, Dundas St. Fréc Fhrnch Chqers Rump White Cherries- grown in Southern France. Each envelop- ed in a coating of liquid cream and then dipped in pure, xich chocolate. Half-ponnd package eft. One-pound package $1.00 THAT ARE DIFFER9Nr INO. L WILSON W HIT B ,ti - O NT. WIIITBY P. O.- Box 394 Kast. 4 v-w w w w w ww~v'v~ y'~~ z ULUM FIATIM-Toi! un COUTIhL LED oASSENTSALA IR.N.BASSETT'S WHITBY ex pert Cleaning, Dyeing, Pressing and Repairing GENT'SLIST PRESSING ...it.... ................. Ooats .................. Trouem ................... Vests i .. ....... ......lc. te Dres Sute ............. Overcoatis.....,... .... RENCE CLEANING, PRESSING. Tis method of clanng des nt srink tie abrie or destroy tie color. Suits ............8 ... 1.25 te 81.50 Drees Suite ................-$17 Coat ..........* ......885C. to 1.00 Trousers .......,......... ........S5c. Vests .............25c. te 85c. Overcoats............s...s$. Sweaters....... ..... 5c. to 75c. SPONGING AND PRESSING. suite.. ...75c. Coats....... ....... ..... . Trousers ..............5e. te 85C. veste........ ..........150. Ovecoats............. ......5. W. Employ only- Sklled Talors for SOc. 250. 15C. 150. 75c. Alterations and Repairs at Reasonable *Rates. Contract Service-3 rnonths, $6.5o, in advance. Goods called for and delivered. Perfect satisfaction assured, The TorontoGnto Ladies' and Mon's Tailoring Co. Diuudas SL, Whltby M est of Post Ofikoc LADIES' LIST- PRESSING Suite............. ........ 7Ç Skirts ,....... .........5. t000 Shoit Cosas....... ...p.........0. Long Coata ...................50c. Cloth Dresses ...........50c. to '18o. FRENCH 'CLEANING,- PRESSING. This method o! cleaning dos not shrlnk thre fabrie or destroy the. Suite .............1.75 to 82.50 Short Coats ......... ..... ...1.00 Long Coats .. 1 .............1 5 Sklrts .ý.. .. ...... .....i....... 0 Dresses ....... ....... 2 $t 1.50 Evenlng Dresses .....8.1.75 te 8'2.50, Silk Blouses............ 50C. SPONGING AND. PRESSING.' Suifs........... .... $1.00 te 8$1.25 Short Cas... ...........40. Long Coats .........«............75. .SOs........... ...5c. to 75c. Dresses .........,.......75. te 8$1.00 Toronto Guarantee Ladies' & Men's Tailoring Go.31» j * ~ mua ~ ~- ~m .c qmmmý AL AL 1 ÀL ALAL 1 1col fi% 1 & Miscellaneous Advetts Nze..*Oor/ IIR. N, BÀ il., WHITBY:

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