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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Dec 1914, p. 6

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vsexs h uq -noir -to g4o n..,Speaking te C4en-. e-o the disazter, ha teý 4ly4â ot want to make war on- t M. dle Ko-urakine senat a h Mt, te cùn he subject o!tise aSane mandiChamnpa&gy, - y Joreizii miisate.rs, were in- qor isin. Tisry tici not-t under- eand îfa- real motives tisat batd die- - Wcthénot ssd Icoubd mml pou- -sibly in mry position exchange ex- plan*atki-ùs' wi'th Iourakine. They r1 -P ersuadeti me that Vise note w-as t ~ i~I'ev-ç~uion ntich 8Ût, rmeant fer a declaration'e! War anc ~n jhytWneta the Frencis-. that Russqia, which Ssci witistra.wn mgnof o-.Uay la Fraînce. Wisile 'ber troons- 'fs-cm Moltiva* wsg We'e esan wtsa 1014 Amuer'- ing ta- Imke tise-initiative'antiws - - an acetyieer whilttse e<itsa>l about to entýÉr Warsaw. Tiser - - t.ý-e L the Englishman andi-tise Ko4urgkine gi'etv senacing anti ask- Gernuanisî]ls Etropean cotusin 0ée-ls e d fr i -psports. I really t0ôL Qo! a anu,ýaleýr apeei e S. hossgilsî- tlsttRssia 'an~ated wtt-. Tise ankw-er lis f-ôtid intise bas o! lt ' Iif thle XNrspc>poinc. wars. Na- 1 Set Olît for the Aruîy. Spolcün wmus a t';aaiJma iimseîf. Hie I sent Lauriston lu Alexander-. Re -woa w- affectionnately Ly lus was not r eceived. I isad, ali-eady men as the Lit-île COdrpo'aie'but soi-t Naribonne nûi ev>erythiag cun- p)rigss'-lo Napoileoa'stleetlie Fsrench is mssd me in tise opinion Ihat liis- as a rv1l, wersi big people. -TIse e(-x sia tva-aroatiy for war. S-o I cross- pI mla,"iso mai-che,4 tisrongh thv -Pd thie Niemnas near Wilna Alex- J. -wi! ci- i' o! America andi exisi<r- sadet-r sent a gonesai tb me to as- S -i -cdh, i- c; ids cf (Xsnrdn ari ibu. Mis- -srs sue tisai hodid not wisis for -rlip.iJi.ms e i eseisuof !sas:4ie 1 -sur- i smglît lus mission was'a b uil k iyhgis>tjt is.They wi-e ruse t. ps-et-ont General Bagi-atio-a trh i ]ý c-k Liisz. as-Lb-s- Ssi- Isjft'() b-ein1-iint-cemtet. I went on 14i3 iqse us -ces'acd. 'Tie tî'ap- -wuîh su'- siiitryrvprepanations." i-tmr i? -s1> sý i-ssrti- ii Ls C(ases ;saic r:-f'11otsr majesty sw,-< (- .'si ý(lthise, w 1 saac]matît- ear-:. xit.1 Spain eand MmESs.!1~ o.I 'h3~iî1u-.- - witisrtis-' omirm'-ey fs½m the pon- "M . aYusosigisîhavehlucifroim T. d 1 -<u-s,-siucmut,a rmtrr luu- Pu5d 0 N t,, 0, moruie -aie." 1-':-il v-i-A Ileui-s-îmi. --Bst'replir-cth ie empes-or, tlsa't V l~irSapîten 9CtsPîcsV -uuî hav>e bQ"au l20,000 mosre mont ï îar )F-.iistos-y titan ausy o-iht- r -l e-iattt'len 1 wasa mt aruuu.?u~putItii ame ucr attis Moseow Alexander wiisedtito t-omit exu)eisa î- f li-, <u, eule ii mith nie, -Lui-th11mb hodid nî>îtii-re lik., tise. bi-au'5e,, and Mbggest. maous. -becauise lue was u urŽuîitied by par- -Er nswlr'iS a- ->4rifi-ce of-tie be-at. tissu-s of Eagdaat. He was af raid Witl al tise wi-tI-agaia)st him, Na- o! Leing ýsî>-angiod. I wouid net polc-os hidtôtego *.çs tiausual ex- have- #leclssred mar tîpon JIuuauia but tremeciP.,-o i1ihis on-ms. Se saised tisai 1 was persusatiet -tisat sise was --hirras?lf îts- bise impcrial t-hi-o, buit abolst to decla-e war ispon me. [ lie cF-cl ilt hy lop-ping off -t-eho ia.da-we.ii knew tise difficulties lu Le on- -cfJ ch r,ýc >copio ansdiby -takinÏg cotinlere in la ami acampaign." liseis- f1eýi. ws (In ususia tise war ws -popular, WMeýfn Napoleoa finmiuly asim stise people cisafed against tise pira-fird aI Sailit Helen-a, lise aven. i-et-ami o! tise cortinental block. ago Fi-e,-ciman,% wa two incises age Napo-lee'n estàiblisised. Gour- aunulier thani ho was at the lime of! «sud trisoughitisat Ya.poleon migist tise st-i--iag 'o! tise Bastue. When froun the nature o!f-is lents anti Na.soleors,,ktard fell in thesa unk- i-epai-ations, have been preparing en .an -md fltý Wýieloho 1Isat com- foi- a campaiga on India 1ifisis Rus- -aPilût hi- a creer i cutting tweity sian campaiga were successfmsl.) ,Poîrdu c,,! îlot-lt f-oit ia sown peo- Wlîile t-le worl-d lias mai-teled fer 1 11N'0 - ac:mttiry miit te -gi-at gan us 01 Na- (Grent inproe nt Hae ee N.polon m ailbsa hadt luadmit tisaI bis Oelet- neBe n.o es tise Mode on It by the C'.P. ha jle Fenchýpe le. Tise. record o-f iniprovo-menta e!-4 -Napl-,)eon casedtIst-beWÉ r is aick feeteti on tise Dominion, -Atlanstic1 ar4 woinde-d.' Tisat I prcbably R.ailway, Wiici the Canadian Pdci-i hc«ghlened tise lit of-asdaltiea on fie Railway leased in 1911 for 994 11, 4'a. ampaignu-. Tise !oliowing flg:, yeiars shows tisat new w-harvea haveg is-e- show ho- d-earby Napoleon's9 beam uLlit; 45 miles o! ne>w track warÉrccs'a tise french people: Ianlise have been bluulasted; 30 Msiles o! P-eslln.tlar'eampaign lise castalîy. new 85-po-mint saila hiave been laid -- liat -was 400,000 men. In tise Mos- down; 120 cattb:e-guai-da bave ho-en coy; -camnpujina b-L be5 wsas 480,000 fille-cianti repiaceti Ly surface _-.~u The Leipzig campaign costr gust, whiie dozens o! bridges 100.6Cý *riea. Those tSi-ecanie- fhave beaun eitiher improveti or i-e- p.igss obksawed cn.e af'tejr eaeci built. Ia round figures, 6,000 foot --othery anti_ wes-e a-t t-lie l ëe 'o!t Na- o! weoden bridges& have Leen i-e- po:-e>a'scarer. -placedc, or wifi be.i-eptaced very Thle Pr'eent War ini Europe wil 1hbOxLa similar eff eet on the size 91 the r.itture Eitropeans. The na-ý *ticri wlich will be Jikely to i3uffer mopt.À tthe, molt effieient 1ighting nation. The inlieâtiuns now are thst naotio6n- is Gei-mone. She La on al sMes. e-he bas niany matnre men mlio can fight than any other naionm. England bas only a feýw htïncIrd thi:eancI fighting men <n té,e vwi(ineit. France 'has leua 'ýt,au-CGernny. ilusaja prvbably îIAs a g,:4ý ma-ay more fightiii3 mèn tha.'iin. b. ut she has not s;o xnany ofiercely :a~'.Should th-: GCéexnan,, mii, their s'cto-rv will bc Mw0n at the price of their own ba't rbest rnen, -SUfredôvri 'Ya.GrewThîn and optApotlte;IlçJung, Burn- - ing,eElqpti6n. uiuaô and Oiýtmet-* 4 iIy ,eaI~ --for cs*er týo yens- with eczensa whlauuIrit appesrsd la amag, ,piampIes a4 broSse lnto red isfamae orea. ýThey-wer tory itchingl and whoa xýy clathiag smbbed, againathons- 1 wu lu opt cMtsqaa.1ostm=y rea tm nwiht sMd smas mach <lhiuwd liythé eiwp-' tics. The pczensew> MWso basi thas 1 giew tinansd lmvt W *pitg;,, U- yb4qM, armaLm,rts dysmroq pte.!of ns> dy Mionetosf= nd-t&Îmh I toolc man>. com- fieto do' ygod< - &fter abou three pelcs Iw5a eompietey 1 aed tse pld"sareins recomeo<ing to otgo ed My suffers fi-co orpther.uptlos* f h- d." theSduiidiat c( bf Allas Mqffrm ini be~llfrarane sa. ar e emughto re- thereams asidsi te >»mssqpoim ddile y«tof cie .mollhmt VMMeoete, duier - m fcOuum Ofament, wbhrendue 1 iaitvgl ao veoomin a isedency t6 I MaW. ftas.,witm 82-p. boek.A reàPQr cttrd "OuttursDpt. D, BOatasi, U- 0. A, ~Y ~ tAtin ~~~Sen D oga of. Ma aTtefirs.3. - e sre -ýra Cuy~s:.codm,- ,6ufs, SoraTjîroat d6tibn iorthe tk e fc lier o :i 'L*r l ýàIZ ~ h~moltiaiés, Ïinyeteby:.,a dati n fo .h"lth, EyeJr-,oyn ne-ied iSik rrkykrirey ~gir shoii1d have p1,,ntý ofpure, red t(hre, bees neage 17e01?rls i iO-- I' whB ýsik éeo 1ibis i, ihtfr' tlhiebiégèest ~~~27ç b1ooâa,dtrong nerve,&. Witiiti,9turning to >at>tive service;' Ili the wIe-wdiai.e ts fi ilvthe 4ruggist i1,X fi' irý rinI are impt.e 1ooi~he ~ witm, eiIer of a* 1tu~r, hê' or,tlIedoctor, --thait'ls *hen'you need baudieai too greaub-t,-wis euceeas there wa-nb> regu-IarsyE.teiirof re- N 1 ilýistEXpeii0ucediimother s 1 b _1c, aeneyer wlthout IL, One of tihe ahil- q 3 and happiness. Pure, Pedbo ienent in -he Br, Âsh un YaVy rnmybv qtioi»Wto~' men e4atiul $rowth, fitrong easp<Vins wenl 9gver that age werc, rîu e4 îepiess iitlgst forç Te oky ct a ir t1n ' d Highest grade beans cept wlzoie nervs &olea brin nd 00,god»Lill-a~nx~uîiàsy wig1or-pro;miDý' entire lhôuseho;d. Wfth Nerviline the mn pangi a Zpe]a i r- and realy by prfect bakl.g, ~digestion. 1n s. wrd, pure biolosd iis lu 1840 eve.ry eaptbaii. on the pain ils relilefd qiky tmyb ~i.Tevvre1<~h ~c~- rctaining their full àtrcn eli the ounatin c! 'eist.list 'had beld post rmnk aIne rfl gaipiaa. ti lQ ne Aémr,4late the agei. &enger Cat- PIavored with deliciolis sau2s. Iuhe sise iù oftâin,_impur 4 lcod gar. Ad iraI Boqwle» tcok, M3 1~ofthe. kiddleo conghing w.1th a bad' Lin, w hh oj±toe fnitl j~ oasl are mnv y «ud uinnivtakable. _The, Devcnportcommnd. in hfs eightieth cheut coId.'." Nothtins gianive quicl<er nc Ob~i~nj~o i~ws ale, lirîtabebyo il h h~3r cr )noIad-who jet&Ti~t bb fdos U~1gWInti li hi,; ab'h.nc îFhrec, engi -ei.-are roc aptt.or axnbý'tiln, la1aways century ago was £tripped ef his f thisold.tlme faiflhlya rexnedy appet..e ery.iline lMtoo useful, tovaluable fxted,'S F,0.11 a$t:Ai L E.il tirel eut, eanhl hort -of ors ia.nd put in the pillory Ou la. fa!a to be ýwlthôut.- For, lumbaigo, lame 1,000 horser,,owei», for, - " o h3 ASI o SÀE breath, and who doiès net g- ah ilarge-.was aeventy-nine 'When: he bacir, sqlatlca prlielrala there la nà Sikùr,,kv b;,rp!ane wew g iiis! A.Otlnt obro tet Et.reng, is tlie victitun of aiiaenmin, or becaâme "Adwrririal of the >Ln'ted, inhînent>wl.th halfof Nerviline's pow- cne aii a ha11 ton, id liveig , Toronto. bodeoeshegreatest eniemy Kingdo - :y"-Ilit,hos2 days naval ër',to penéýrate and easq t he -pain, large a. creiv tq c4lry it 'nîi AaA of o1h .je n OIniadr ee re cue ! As W" am safeguard, as some- higl c' (pr tof h r~n Frit ATT U U8k coma>!r yeuth.; ofer bueuîngof 1 ùwetCo pQrain ooffîe»airy,.arm n ant ~wrtoi/ W. Da"rwsan. Brampton, or. 1O Col'- boys ad .zf-uun b u airtr.'uks.ttehenrlu yatl loceur Ili e ey The w.eiglit cf iV' 'ry- these b and Ur-elcs.DuîndonaklWI- ls a fily, te cure pain anywhere, you 11HW ASN olon 4Trn* hlood with'Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla hrilliaet exception. in 18Yq, ;n hls cafi find nothing to compare with old- nec' &Jý,t'atel an lbreînîn .W A8N oon-6. rn~ for Pale Peuple. Yeu can't, afford eightieth year, this "Iast of à2 01 ia e*îiewhc frfot yan opoîEd - cf imreronst,ï MISCULLANEOUIJS to, experiment with othor'remýecies Iota kinga" effered Vo bloM up trâe bas been the fot wldely used family aPring99a rti 'unî tuixa, ao AC£Te., fer there mut be no-guiessi in wa;1'lg 01 Sebast(,pcl. - l;ondon remedy Ia tha nDomi.ion. 'Thý, most dI 01aé irchupbip!,22 c ça iai;lvrî neisdeteraici-d it the treatmentof annemia. T±imrougi lrail.economical size ils the large 50c. ai, ' is .,i gigi-'r a y oui lîoig au an.Wr~ neglei t or -wrong treatmeint anae- zily size bottle, anial trial slze 25c, Ail lof ,ixty ruies a J! 1< A i-nuiit &Ingodr Ota Udc miia gradually develops into Ille per- dealers aell N l m ai n. eIeniIdicL noosor hc spracticaU l,à'i- " ---.. curable.- Dr. Wiliaims' Pin.k PillIE a thNal l«ne FO 11101-.AdFola a rÜK it just the eleimentswhiceh it lacks. Ne CIi'i1iiisw <Lad3 Their .Aelievel,îent Ilias Neyer Booms fie-Be linl mno se Nvith- 0F I_ÈVEKTl0Ný8 In this iPay these PilisIbUild up 4" QI~j<~ h-O .)>long: V>ois'%,e ani Pl OoN, Plr.EON 6 DAVIS every ergan adnrelats oY, nlY-An i tRAr tlt o 1 is Writeferingot aatlou thus develo.ping strengruggecl as estored to Mer Anxlous F& mI Iy An ofihes 4-te rîy1-vi--tb bm n gtr-,vien r laSt aesS5 onr boys and ffirls. MIi->Anna Loseke, W1nHpeHa1on. ÇopawIts sHeY a utni .hes -gtawe-j- Grand Fucrks, B.C-,sazys: "It hink St. John, N.11., Dec. l5til.-At one 1Xpers- o* , raduigt sna- no 1ft -;tsad n BO LE RS thlat before taking Dr. Willianis' lime lt was feared that Mrs. J. Grant,,pr-I ' Newssîwîthî ansd Secoid-band, tor heating Pink Pilla 1 was one of the most of ü3 White St., would succumb Io tise 1horde o hecgentry oud eF'--i p -vc upoo A- rniiseeîable girls alive. I was hia-dly deadly ravages of advanced kdc S 5dEgad hro< < Lroe A N MOC E ee feefrm wfl eaaces wîatro~uble. "My fii-st attacks of back- tliink an~tun but t!t at ill o'.'p STAOKS - e%5 Palfee u *s afl leahswachestauîid kldaey trouble began years -ai-one i Ï9--m trilise a-w«%ftinl--ss -(. -iic VI-lun lu - OSN iiIEI.3tN ais1>le s i.gli,,tandi could nuit go ago.7 For six yc-ars that duitî,guawing th-4 tli»,g that ti1c tisi (vursv, s-ery Ei1î\ A5i0anà Lrsîeîslldbs- apatîrs :tlisitsl4ipirs b est.1ipain lias been pi-osent. Wlien 1 exert- thljlin siii .nc pc~ khli i o u !.tainNIiI Nwmic, takng IllePilla Fise bond- c i e iîyself ft waseibly insifled. le-lt1 -1-o-r a 1S-~~~uîîr rvis lve _g ,ny appe-tî sIl é uli ol l pain w suen - hardii tolSA iR'i 'PM::TE Ji exertion, anti you mas- b>.sure 1 ti olsgg 9aVeAlhat certain graleful re e sInln i jsgI:> x" bA~ n:-.: u y wil always -ccomnmend lr.X iief tiiat ceâe f-rnDr. l-arilton'asoutjn ito.-5¼? s.-sil X-O-Lu- - liant' Pin Pill.1.1119<bof Mandrakie assd Bulîci-nut. in0> l< c i u in 0.0 rid Un> St i. BUIL.1ri L 'shafting. beîtirîg, rl-, Soltiby ai medcin~ enie s tend of belsîg bowpd dowil witlî pain, of b'>gune- 411Y'.i on-w"tLiPVbt..(:.9t2. et î oalsg faî-r-rr ;. box usyail pot pici at lý?,etsorto-day I alln atroiig. enjoy splendid ap îmsir ,Ik (',1tise b!rrr-lt. fîr ns wlrk- lc nin.1 u ,c sent by mi, o>tpii a,5 et eie lec-p somndly. Lost properties liesbeisindtilltis rl-sîchpes.ndusta kt. Iwâtlî-cylîncles fi <mr-, flv. e-I rr a bo or six boxes for- $2.50 bY have Leen Inssilled loto rny blood- off my isia. -ettu ail iund cr-srct ri. wiiting direct to the Dr. Willianms' cheeks are rosy mith color, and Il ba i- etesnni ise s Médicine Co., Br<>ckville, Ont. thank that day that 1 heard o! so l ld slcr.Issii irw a reîîmV . 1*st - S.;i liist pu fomsucth-t jti - grand a medicine as Dir. liltniltonýs' ht ci ecis Lt Ile >eivAs i-l i. Erun.ines, pll îtv îrsixuchls t-o JI E N 7111E TREN('IES. Plîls twoil 1 -1e -twlVie -cidi ef inclues bcli;11 £i iis;e, r' Evory wornislsould use Usoeeplilla milion o iv0, ail.vet tfi on*t -U-es,î nrta wîoicss iiLi -tr- regularly, because good liealth pays, 1soeien tuhave gel tise first c i oI sI a b Us- til> cons 1114rns'tin part. sheils 1ly Overlîead by Day, nai and it's gooti, vigorous i-ealth that plote-d yet. .If they comilt i nlv - Gk-e cf thsi Ldlie>à ti .ilar:î:s and R Iille Fiirî' Iy Night. cornes te ail wlso use Dr. Hamilti~ ie3clt Egadtoo f --v Wt- Jssthesug. -ntle va OFR EUS <BE - Tise so-calleti Bau-le of the Aisne Mnrk n utru il. ally-c-cnduicîoci louir ait-r; omsr lr:.-<0re-piidet aS. Frank' \Vilsb .n &Sous. was a sie-ge rather thaîs a batLle, Isere Eu û hat thley eoiuiti îoalieiio>aî tauac. y!~s 73- Adelaide S-r eet West, Toront.i For weks he sidies ef otis Story l'y LOrd )linlto. ie are up against, 1I liîýnk they' fý yepo ai-mies lit-et in the cleve-13 co--* A <apital a,oi-vwhich Lord Mnl joîn. ta a. be-y; but,, failing 6ueis-iL.Dut.idb n sti-ucted tronches they had dug uisedto delight in telia;, was of an tise Lest way to Li-k tîsemii u>'n ureoSriblcdun among the his and atone quai-ries. experience -ie-had whiie lie wî e smm.crd hE es(ie-srm flrei agapi -icue : telie ie»ofo nda One nsorning'in landing ii Eng'a.--d. I d-,st ssýlp- just Eye Cosnfort. 'At Hereis grahiepictrt he ife iceoy o Inia.pose thcy'd gel vos-, far, c-. iii t.le, Vour DruÎgist'a 50c per Bôttle. Murinc E>o they led thes'e, taken fi-cm an Eng- Simlaalho wanted to sp.-ak t0-o . ldbrn ueb teastga-s- avhîubs5.FoBooieEeres lish officer's lètter' in tise bondon Comman-der-in-Chief of tisle Indian wcIsd-rLiighue st hi ng rnie-r DruggiTùbeorMarincfycR leEedy al Times: Armybefore tise latterstaited work m-41i aom eitihing -at leat cf 1t:he nw!ul Ten days age we had ri-iveti for tihe davi, so lie sit off usmattentid-a' c in -l Belgim- m 'id par-t cf-4J îîextpëet a sie4rsi Lfor beisi- ai 'vithin sotmnti o! the firing. and were ed to pay an e-a-sly cmiii. When lie France -has suffered. . "o jnicildier. about -touiuke our places- in tise arrive i at t.he Comnmander-sa- are ouitlier--e'ci-oing snir-acleus. 111 --11M.2 ti-oacheî. That -night we iai-cled C'iief's official.,-ea.idence he o fuad In- the rneametime, -hic-'- Minard'a Liniment Cures Dlstemriier. ~iIiIiI>Iiî se'>en -miles tiû-ough the mmsd otér bis way :baLrr-çd-i bv a sentry, who ever-cosifidonl one Mnis Lecof thc - -- rends that -hti been soaked iby four .ppai-entl' didultot recognîze tisei-esuit, we are mtli a l-c-ng wav off lss uPra' O , iays' rain anti toi-n y ceaseless visit-or. Lord Mint.u explainedthtia that sa-ivaion, a-ad tb ra bat- Nellv Gi-'Wl i sycnr fa-Mrhito il raffic. The -eomnd -o!g-uns andi he waated te aèe tise Comtander- le îla miliriaging baekwards andtiies- like fos breakfast?" idPabeIn rifle-s grew louder as we approach- lu-C-hie-f. -but the senti-y declined te forwards as fierceiy a-slever.,A Litîtle-lMNabe-"Ile mlwa.-s likes and g Üeplac wing f fIr 'ti the fi-ont, anti de-ad horses mark- aile-w shim to!P-a-as. "But I amnts you aid i-n yessi- otismi- bIettr, i-be most Ny riusg we hasn't go)t." t aiiaol r.«- tti tise passage o! tise ai-mies. Wç Vicery." protestti his liordsisip. olti Scotti-sh have do-neapiendidly, ssosicai. Yhi*ciusg wiiill crmle 'rosseti the river Aitine, and halt-' The senti-y lookedi at isim -with a anti I amn afraiti, -have teat rathor 8fiead'ortieeCihssîîîowigi ednoar tise village benea.th the pitying-mie "Ah," -ho saiti, heaviiy, Lut tisere oi-' ne. regi.'h r heighss... Tise brigade split into thoughtfu:lly, "we gelis ail sort-s ment in tise firing lie tisa-tis d-,,g .,.A S _ KapckgnaSe ti tofftci regiints, and ours went off cire. Last week -we 'ad a cove w-hat better thai-sîs<-e anîsflîter; tia arc .,>. -t sren hlslipp ei wiath muti, lie ktid' grani e-a uenVc i en -orLsat pedttnle.W eivdacmn oi' rniather. We 'adti'lu Lest, too. i=t1 ameeI - -®îll -- là ampUra as anous-agos i4me ce sugay-and is n addition t'Oyosur - paste>. w@ulshtisiyens wili Welcosne. Vour friands wil bu Iossd'in thisas Pruine. If Yeu tâke prid-3tiyoui- Pastry-,itnd 25c. ln ctetmpa or coin' and w. ýwtI iait a p*OieA s 5051- pald with comploeswiùkdng 41s-ec. tiens.- S T W. T. OTT CO., INC. 32e--4 T;onu ant. W., TOIlONTO. CAN,. - Two Iriss-men ahov.-lliesg ou u a hot ci iv £,toppedtu ioriest ,i:i t) -exelsange '>iewa on È1tm ln'-obr -e tien. "Pat. thi si3 mi;isty bt-a w-ork wo ara ai. -'hi.ï r22, Jimm3-, bs--t wlbaL kii -iv-k-- il vuitloik3il i ec -e-îu t mt i "~ai"f-aitd thse ïo'isej7. leamiiag r flectiveiv uosluis sisdel, - l»ot- aie, ais. -lasse 1. is:' T -icusld boike to eiea. j - -t ssnortly, by steel bridges, cencre-te ardhes, a-adi-ail top cabres-ta. Ne-w brick rftelions hava Leen built; a gene-b a ovalia as taken place, cosling maay Ihomus.andu- o! dol-Iars. Tisa netV fstations mciut-e lis-ose at Wclfvilie anti Annapebis Royal, Me- s-Servi-lie,.P-altera-on anti Iberville. Duri-ng tisa pasl lwo yoars 35 -ta- tio-as have Leen i-opa-i-et anti paint- et,' &udpioefoimns have hec-n areet- et. A new lune fi-un Centrevilie 10 Wesion, 14 miles i-n extent, bas been bîmihin latbe--woust substantiai rnan- nar. BotS permanent wos-k a-ad 0-e ligiher thiinga wiihi ne-eteci atten- tion iiiive -be-e-n carniet ont; andti t- day the oit D-omt*n'LouAtlanicie ooks spsek anti apan-leoks as if it h-ad ta'ken Qu n ne leaseofo!lirie. Vitla asiGraln of Salt. Thse wai- bas given Pise le al sorts o! seneaitional etatements andi predicti.a,. Que witers, Who-ae b-ook Saa hat a large i-taie i-n ,Erg- land'amuidAinericaj,lsF -ait, -for-cx- ample, - tiiat isaeO-ètman ... o-neval. s,*e as,.le laun-di Zeppelin ami-- shî-h &~n - î s gafi! te-en'limes ligUetr fflu h ydrogeii, anti atie.o! a -meteI thàt, althwugh as rigid -as steel, la tsi-ce tîm-êà dgfistei-tbtia abumtWum. 'In a lettes- to tise Timea, SiriWill;amn RamE-ay points oui tise abfui-dily o! ti;s sîFatement. Fiflîqg a-n ai-sisip wiSt. a g-as, f'of ne eight~ at e if, !-sucih a gas existeti, wenlt4 not Selp n-iuch. A- $allcoc.a owas 1l-s buoj-iancy te hyts'cgeâ.s a gas 14% -timos a,î i gi as air..If'tis.e- ns hati ne. weiglit..M ail, tisebusoyaat p-we-r wouiti -be- irfreased vas-y lutine. A-s for.a me4ri onby onie4ýhirt as bleavy as a1us"jsi, ceiits -woult agree thàt iieraigo! any euhS metal1 isîin 'lie bigîlsert de-greéeimp'robble. Tiserearase excellant- raac-for be- lie-viug th.at no ligfmutl --etal rema.ins te b. tiïimôvered. A Li le~Tai-- kay d&eài- wtar & Ruainansd Englend hç writar s4eerred t-o pré- dicWt-edi ffie New.uYor«k. présà,tirat th~e firs-move o-f Ttrrkey womsld b. te -blow utp t1h bocks in tha- Suez Canai. Ast -a matter oun!4- th1e - Suez Canal -Sas no lucke. Écady For!flum Both Wayo. Ta-lr-' 'Thiseibill ha,. iseon- rua- aiag for a long Cime. 1'il Lare ~te begin -charging-ymaiatra. Owes- It'sa aanst my pria- - - eslr"èl, pay lise pFineipai Owens-"N-o; it'a againet My in- payeat tsep heas-, o! Irisisman aimosl incoherent in their speech fs-cm thisas long ordeal, who bat bagua with tish qtreat from Mens, andih-ad been kjting witheut eeasing ever sînce. fiany issut been killeti, -bmît with Vhier weakeneti nus-bers lhey h-ad taken these iseigitts, and cIung t-o isern un-- tii our ai-rival. We !posteti sonîsies, andtihie c4lîm- pmny took msp ils aliotteti bine, finti- ing coveiF-Leisindth ie embasîkment o! a qtîmrry. Tise noxt day food, ai- rivet; we cooketi oui- inneti Leef anti boiied le<t, cieaned otîs rifles, anti -egaa ite foot more at home. Tiser2we etartod to tig. Nco ne knew how long we shoubti alay, Lut tise cover was hati, anti g-aenu protection fi-o-m tise enemny',s guns. Anti tiis we bea-mat t- our oas , for soon we isat our firai lesson ab-out shsrapnel. Oui- own ai-tillai-y open- eti fi-e, andtihis sheill passed ovar oui- ho-adainto lthe eaemy'a linos. Thon they repbied, 'fi-sat l us- guns andtiien mil oui- tranches. Bangl Sma£h! anti musbower of pal-lots anti earts, tisaIw-as miii. A -Soirit, un- pleasant souati, typicai ef destruc- tien,. Yeti if mèn wibl romain ander mov-i,, eha-n van befail. Butteyr won't.. Notbing on eas-th wilJî,'- vont tise Britisi s oidier fromIn igist-ý îng, a fi-e 10 o ckbis tea,'orf0'Mi gcing reount -le borrow alight?,oi, isý cigarette. Tisen lise shrapnel atches him. Lî ia net ibravai-y- or any -tiser si-tua. lt i. jasi - bis suheerful Jiaeiî, Soe me-n must go aItl, eifooumeg,'On duty, aud siý thora hava bean-lis e casurallias lisat you tee n ta ppers. Bu wilh care,' thase losseesseouit ho aligSt whita we romain, in 'tise tranchas. And. we begili te3,, hlit'k wa shah -eho ere- Tan tisys! Aer-oplanes watchinig ris, anti shella flying oves-Seat -ý by, day,. alarma anti rifle fi-e iby njihit.,. We liva thef-ife -o! a r&abbit-digging ouraelves- dee-par anti deeper iut- tise oas-li, -until we are <îomxplatelî shalteret fs-cm aboya, coming , -ý aow,,emd tise-, wisen thinga -are quiet, tq, oook.anti eat, -m&kingvkny flQves thast May -ha neee.ary unzdes- coves- o! darkn-s.Ammunition, food antduirinking water 'are brougs-îin by ni>ght; th. wounded are * ent away to tise hospital. W«, do not wash, we do not change -oui- ltises;, we alaep ai ocid interval-s henavar w. can geltisae chance, and -dai-ly wé get more a.<iustoieci to car lot. Little isolas are d-ug a- naathi Ithe, parapet ,hast lbig enou-gli to art-in à,re oui-r-m~ with straw ad perhapa a eaebc or two loi- rarùnlsh-. The. colti is intense aI igsi,- sud those good ladies wSo ý74 7 V heneaa f c t i t e n h Put 'i-m inn -1a-,M.sait-waistooat, 50 you'd teetter pueS on.', 2à Germau has-! ili -a Man. - Oneo! -tisa tni-agu !s-eqaesaly n-otçd by »oldiera &t tisie fi-osai i- w-riting t~o relt-ives anti friands is tise eXtsaoedimâsry expentilture cf bui.eis requireti -te kili a ms-an. A Germa-tu reporti aVal-eu i aina- ny Germni. soltiei's firet - 4,000 cart. rit-ges-apiace turing tise fis-s-t m-u)ntii o! tisaw-a-r. An Ersglsrh <,bse-vesf èutseàazedthaumt 25 GaritaanF-ehll-sas-a utritati flo'- cverýy man kili-et Ly ths-m, la 1870 it watt caletilâted lb-at the- Germa-nag fi-ret 150 Lulletîs anti six mtSsapnel i-ho lisfor every wouand- et Frembsan. -lIntise Rimiso Japa- nase Wagistinissait 3,000 Lîslets wore fi red l'or eýe ry1-i fe bl "Tis fay*suI< hat Ilsat yoîsag- rotîndar Spen4À,»t 4g committet ouicide." ,-1 "Yes-.' 'The dtjer says ho swai- l-»ed enougis poison te kil-i tif i-y - Jmst like iis Extraarga-nt tu tise Iast." -Gentleman, t-'b is rusatie Servan t -Weli, Jean, dit von give lise G-ov- es-nos- mv note ?- "Yoa, ii-, I gave it -le liii, 'but tiiese is nou ts? wrît- ing isis lot-tai-a. Ha can'I -sea b i-e-ad them. He's -blind a-s aba. ""Blindi!" 'Yes, ais-, iblint. Twice ho a2ked me whei-o mY bat was, anti .1 isai it on myh-eat ai] the lim,2. <linti as aba,.,ir!" miarws &LinimeDu curas cargsoa Cows. - -8Cution's. ,Edward&.-Wil Yeu t-ine w;ts'i us tisis eveni.*ng .We -are g:--' ~ta S-ave a pheassant. Sow o~anv ~slaOnce an oldi colored msan via Led a doctor'ant utas g-van-deflniîe in- -st-i-isoions as ta 'wihat h- ho ious to. SS-kin-g his Seat, ho i-ai-ted t-o leave tisa office wisesu -.isa doctes- "Haro, Raztus, y-ou foi-gaito pay "Pay yeu for '>uism, 'bo-ra V "lFor my aivi ce," repliodth-is a ,"Naw, -sal; naw, -suis; 1 ain't or gwiie to lake 4il" anti Raaus sisu-!- lod -out. "John Hoei-y," saiti his wif a, -. wit.li stony sseit." aw you conung etof *-al-on Vhius'tr - - noon." x"Werhl, madam ,-repliet ___________________ hae faie tav i àsere, ail dap, £0. 4. - ---ISE8-1.Wduuld y<-u V - -- - lauslaughter Ih 8ocond Uegrae Casuns-corvs wwsh a sazur Ih danger' omis unU. eelcr-..The- cuti> s-oed>. iPut- na.moCas-n Extracuos-. whjc'l reunoveii -ori- assnd was-ss ln aie day Bei-au-e siainle6s sand iaf!elismu-on!u- Pntna-sss<" 25c-. -ies- bot-le at aill deiers. Th 'FicSeell s1. a m imy. Patt3- lias a greomt power ojf en- j-oymenl afi-r ail. Oua day as he w-aswalking -ho saw a bLuili s-bîack a man, ati S e hSuit teholt hi-asisld witls Luth 'handth Ibemiena was 1cr) fuin3-. After ai timc tie animal tini--il his sattenstion o blirands poor Pat', altos- exploi-rig tise us- pas' ragions, came twn -- ith a butas-p on tise otier site ut tie fenc-,. NeH s-isbed -itis weîuta n e hasait to Simusoîf: ?FaitS, l' ---t-Jhad iy ugis -Eleui Idid or 1I woul*'uu' S-ave hit lat- mii." J NF-ORMATJON l1 OR1IN-Vl-NTOîîS patent aclictois. Mont-c-tii, rcp-st, ilîmt 103L(asiia s u. ptenîts voe i s- stet for i-lie ' end*onti-g Iec. lut, 1914, 70 cf t-si-swcre gr-ribc t l Amesicans, 21tl toCan-adiatss,8 tsi i-lesan m t b s,--,sci -c Ef feig.i cousotries. Of fthe (r2iin uusci-eliN-m patenýts 13 mi4el- reËCe nts tf C.- tar-ilo, 3 4-f Qucbec-, 1 c-f A 1s-a Of Nota 1-iiaIcf 'r~ s ,i f Brillis hC4-lumLis-, 1<i-f New Brus.- wick anti 1 o! SaskaVx:Scwa,!i. Tisa man who -butl-s'in riever .ma-ke aîîeh is-i-u-crsay.* Minard', Lin.sMsnt CureS CG0109.o W'hy Siîosld Ils- Puy 1 Smoo aselvet Tbaàt,; thé w ay 'to kcep your Musles-Supple and Stro ' British, Army. Stands -In àa ass by- itsilf as a remedy for Stiffncess, Rheumatism, Swcllings, Wounds, Sprains, Neuralgia, &c., &c. Vois should £Iwayi kc1 a b:ntle ci British Armny - Linient in thse bouse. It roUi 5Soeekrcpcr basa':toi il. wgl:c Io ~The Turner Co. Limited - Minard's Liaimeni aur., miphsa,,rts. - .-~ ---~---- 'I EXTRA -IEAT, J Y013 NEtEilt ITgH a Perfection Snmokeless 0ij Heater èntshapps-n 0 yorr eatisp-ys4em. Cold saps- bave, no terror for Y»'ou, eith-érr fiýrhe; Perfection suplies juat tbe. extra, beteeded to make bdo ibtbopand i. ti% rooM rtrwar Perfectlsm'heatar ai1 Raie, heat qalckly and aresmokelo" s aa4 adorèag, At-,bàrd&; ware amd 'fàrushuire eaiers. .veayian Xfook for thea 'i'ingtradmic.L ROYAITE 019-1. best for &Ulmu M1E IPERIl OIL C. iie T o - o LIA l'gIa6 - - ~ 1-?i..-.------ mrH 11 I4U1IUI Jiimn ti-oiiddes sssuld have lo do le skce fome big unt Pd 1thisa. wlseýn le1 auast a car, he ria <of b;ë -eîîow wôrl Keli -h areil Cod lumcrussr,^but fu c-si-r,-tati of ideas Kseehhrsd tinfi tit -c h ud t-houi osise o! -thoesver: sais-lit bave been proplie but had menduAs ecoiomy andBrYîtyaa ud ment. teoo - - - <-ines i-sm." ho grma, lIlI get che- %et <te work ansdi i, e lit Qite el h:s former pal sl Ie wae nôs. qsu living-, but lie mi that tiismereag- in the coumi-e.of about, 10 o'cuSk C ui to0tbe door ai - Julisn'e but.er reqseut: ,bt Mr. 1 ie e i sup pal aid; snd ho toc les-ram whbiI aI under' the n "*See.l'm- bere ou tuei eut and hesai-il the iile m - "M'. etch ha. basin - ,I supp etechgrint,ed -YId'lSe 0a;-4 te rais away wit He took off his very isisootlliesJ ed wiiim wai- sais -Rad Four bra bo, saeed imb ý I'd-a cup af e on an early job-i -a gent tfram -Ra= of baggrage.,1hin but thai ain*otan ho raid -me well., -Sit dos'u." sat hies vaine. 's-is -w slliterate. bat 11fi fîlultifyius,-naihi eurroundied sasc-a î "Do you minn Ie w rslu d b u ing -he <sus-lit Io tsi>. - r change in Jan 1 ]y resrognizr 1hi loking, well-dresiî --have IFQmetling- mu breaistaitr but the s fi-i-h cnffie. ansd Ketch eaid sotie -der bl' breand ib cimîmeul>. and tison "Ive olten mond, m'on." le saisir "bui -- e ou nytuisns uo! th coinne tio a Tortun "Ye,"s-id JIuyw for iFou. Have 7y1 tissu lit Inlveatîc A tooixnan caime ant*,- orders for sc brougisu at once. "Yeo.- Ive beea Ksetch.- -l beiieve 1 between oue«s teet1à hingi edoved. alnq don*î,do , yoù Ssuwý 'ie mb yFor cosîf brilmu' lot O! t.hsev céaid with a lasgh, fileuS. wiîat else- man who tod lai who tssd suolen tihe leari and-Ilesand tics-lips even te gos- E e c5ivers'd. sd, the sindaw. - Kete)> wuie oSsus1 hardalways asalizi cu boete ras?, c and uie-onscioàâly frueiesip with a -e5îczi,'Now le el?,

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