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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Dec 1914, p. 7

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1igls bebot, Ourea D1stem ,ad ~lec nPÃ" y d~et*HU y crmd q re L&or 0 r mu . ea i. e io i ~ erdgf DIITRIIUTORS-ALL WHOLESALE DRUOCIITS 30014N MEDICAL .CO' ChemiMa ands aot@ri«lolt,4s, 00*0e, d., U.S.A. Or, A- Strange -Stipulation. rsc ti)ti.l I u '1vio' llng et yen" ho eaiS LO be'<a stralght ehp.anS nov 'ou bave leceins Icte c-veh1, I'n glaS. ver' r. Te footnen brought in freoh coffse anS le sevenaiciliver dtéee anS placeS <hem In In fracsnt fMu. Keftc. teTIes-e e an expression on theaesr-vantVe Sface -hic-b dld not escape the gneât. He c, hucîled te bîmoesf -an ho peured eut s mre coflse. "Ain% toteepleaood-to e lia tndîn" round doSing <lbinge fer na chap 111e me." lie naiS, i "!Amn I to e hemyneit?' Yen," j ea. aidJulian Bryat, laavlng the "Wel.l <hie 'n a bit ot al igbt,' nalct- Mtch. ns ho ps-empli'aboyaS. Wbillie ho ta ho ooed about hlif. -t den't eem hnman." hos sai, after a capse I've usaS a btIt uni' Vtine, anS -ht tbr -o'palacen-,- anS bilg t aces vwbere, kinge .and pucolle 1v.,, n fe eeb atP Hovi'd yen Ilé td-go beel 4gt l the, o1d lite. gettin' n-p et d ix, i PZ vohln,' e itdndogoa.asid int, anS, a iiIfi'a snillig or te-o at <heend- "Yen ven't - beloevo me,.. Keich'- saiS Bry'ant, "but U'dgivo al th âI ail 'y gel. anSl' a great ilsai. te o, bebick liv- ru. Mtch svamloweS tse oSe vwith a Mnelisit anS vipeS his menth itflh e d et hie hbanS... eile -AIlcnd Ildon'% thlnlte' ebLi.Ioad <bat. Bryant vient.-on quicîli'. "I vient te Se semething as ceas -aensI eau. I'm an 1d e man. Mtch, anS I've teO much tmns on m=y hacds. I vent te lie busi'. can _yen bave yeur Joli and conse anS vork fou ne?" a -Yen s-y nie,"imid Ktch. -l auppeSo yo'e sogt & Jobnny.ae-hat drive, fer yen?"' "Yn. oS muet.leep hlm an. _-a'ee a eet chmap, anS h'. got a *ito anSdVavo ebtidron. IL veldc't ho- fait-te shunt iî, epecialli' an-ebelas beon IonlInget. tes- the case lsons Icane bers?' "But vhat'is the Idea. guv'nor Me anS hlm t--en'i cssarrei?" naiS Match. gently and, genereuili' -'I'm goins <o lot yen sexpoimentae.e 'anS if yens- invention e-anIs eut ail right, e-eUl, e-s'iltari a businesof eus- evu, Ketch." -De yen nean tliat?" aslIýoS <ho'min eagerly'. Bryant ceSSaS bis lienS "Yea. esaneit my -bacS on IL." They @book bandns cies.te table, anS MKeth aueton eaiing. RuSSe ly ho putdevin hie lnife. anS - ovl; aeS lible et Julien. "I ca't blyI beileva it." ha naiS; anS bis volces viu net ateadi ."Of course, l'Ves gene on kidilin' mnmei ail Ibis tIns that someblul voulut.Isppen au e-çuld zIve-nia ni' chance-, but I Son't beiîeenigbt-dovwi u' mi' 'ert I even hengitt as' ta chance - viulS -soie. ,Isu net t.hefiret 'asthought <lingeont e-ha go le Use e-aIl, anS ater au csasoutehllghter vibli more jusk -cam a deug anSdSaotte sari thiug - ai 1 van tusatin' te do. Thet'e vitat gels me novw!-It!ocoseaea antexpeeted. IL Sont ueem s-al." "It'e real enougli," taIS »ryant,; ,and yen neednut -tiaul me.,besause if -u.uy ses-- vise le reailerod ite yen eho ae-e Sing IL. net IV" "Have ih yous- ovine-ai'," saiS Ketchi, andShllugbei. "Wben do-e naIs ia "Just ans an as wee an Haviare yen ixeS, Mieoel? ;"WeI" saiS Ketch. aftas a pause "P'rael'il bettes- eos-k eut the rosiof. litee-el. Suppoe e vesai' I chucb <hiei Job ounBatus-Say anSdliegîn along e' yon on Mondai'. Mavil that Se?" "Tis-et rate!'"e@&id Julien beartîl'. 'ai gaiug te lot yen iale ancetfmy cara te plecen. IL'ce arrench malte, anS I bolieve- Yeu eau fit yonn nov adjuelment an toe t exacihi'." Titan 'heput hie banS inte ii "Ile re'e-seme moesi for yen," lie saiS, "if yen vent <o lui' ani'materiale." Ketcht ebool b hieSd. "No. I've set toeaera my wvages. AnS Son't yen go chuckin' yonn monyaboahut seo free. Yen migbt boss It." He tool n p his cap anSde-alla te tIhe Sdocs-,anS Bryant e-aliteS vii i hm.his - and 'sesfiagon te ve-kIng nanas eboni- " *Thata saitleS, thon, yen corne an Mon- day. .Il tale yen round <a Use ges-agd myneit. anS VI'i ntroduce yen teimyMu Teue-as-b sepas-stel', liecanne y ans-joli e-ll lie quît. difes-cnt te hIs Titans e-lu lie hoIe îttes-suece." Mtch gvîncd.- Re wu rn.; h'.aiiome, but h its seSmesry' oresand a estet fplen- IdIS testit. "I ueesathore'll lie.no love lest 't-eau ns eSpeolal 111e, afler 1 begin te play IvitIs oua et bis cas."t "l'h maIe that ail s-ight - selSdBryant. Thon Metch's expression Senddcn-iy sbang- "You n loe, a's-," ho selS, "Ive set a lot I'd 111e te sai'. but yen'l bave tc toolu 't- a for being s-id. 1-m net oua for we-os-1s.8 hope l'Il lie alme toe elov yon e-bat etuiff - n' aSe et baforeue ye- o ghs witait Ha changeS bis valsaendianli'.t - "m'glaS yonve comae into moeai'."ha naiS. '*Yens-e t ho sert as Gughite b ave il I-I. anS yens- ladys aona ai thte right sorti tue. Oh. I aint fergot that ulgIsi as yaiu sont me round vifi a meeqage te ber sai'-t ing u@ you'S lia lats. îbe fsesteS me lOue a gent, that aIse diS. l'Il lbe prend if youil gise lips- ny respects - -"My eifs laflot bere«" Jniian Bryantf salîS ses-yquietli' -I mýyai' sa velteiliyen t n-yselt lieforZ otites-peple do. Ve ae- C5VAPTEM Xi. - I wa tsauge but a ses-y charmliFg ex- Iseriect'forEiai toe-aIe -tIse sact mn-- CAS îg eud look about ber. Thbe einSee- ea-j wildey open,. anSdfthe eas-Iy mosning isun- nhine ivît lcodng tIse ron. . It wea a ainti' uttles-con, aIl e-bits Cîuuren paint anS ps-aty fioeeaSchintz-thees-rt ore;ts-he elanes ontens9, lied eLo te nsgqîq i1~e. b , o i., e nPatlabe ron fl i zzaiSatMbefo -_ l pue urLLk$4o" A*AItk eD. lo e i d iii'.o t ttic.Se u b .L.. y nFrm hi ernerofem houme.bllei' uîmss-ateuo.m ana uns, snun iedteos-s-e nir lsu hvea ua- - -etuis ee'? honf ontehee.u- l I.r e-s e-nil thogo othes- ta oloelDaacn a bL -i - 411<. -~ tuf' lie bail fa obey ber. and they cas-rieS the big Sl f brough tbe -v ooded part et tie grounds back te fthe. gardené. Mr& . reeaasu vs standing et the door roadiug ber lettes as thè eaw t-hem cern- ung acro7s the me-n Ithe cr-oISeS Eiid e-hile ibe kioeed ber. ('r, ha<'oftinuel.) Siîmallest Book. Tise sciallest boeok lu tise tond- Lmicrascapie gem uf b-ock making, ýarcelyi large- than a ihan's tlîîmb- lail-is in tise Brilisb Museum. It hntains Vhs New Testament, in- eribed by a Ges-man as-tisit et Nu- embsrg 'in Vhs eas-lY Pas-t cf Vhs 7th century.Tses-e are 208 pages, Lnd'tise lettes-uin s so Perfect that bcan be reati vithlout difficulty. hs bocok measures three.quarters. Ef an inchs by te-e-flts a c i B: it Th c! Russiabl Soldie'"s Delight. Dancing, singing acd.a hot bath every Saturday as-e tise main de- ligists cf tise lin tian seldier. Drink- ing vodka usseci te be Y> nusmbered aumong his cisiet amusements ic lite, but et laVe tise gantes" flelt-par- ticularly tise football fleld-has been made a bigger at-traction than tise drain shop by Vhe aut-horities. es -et' the -ent suad Octarle, le Empire, Il Ina,. for;~ lbat base 0 on the loldier ale my . t Jb. ig, chu, - lft*r hls e saa devn -on a ruatle soitd'wtoesa 115515brook 5hwt triclesd ï1nogs th'- ogr e. liadancoci and chocs lua<thee unIlght, and It made ai -muical and 1uI'slng noueS s it over bonz tou pècoS o s». And-as -absh e1nat thor, isoens leapod Mver labolow boundary ewnll and came teviardo ber. Again mJet ftr' a mmpt E Id ryant etarted s.nd sleivared as: $5,o'eda ti mac; tahough ho vise oluer ho certainly won ver'ery lkeJuian. Colonel Davinsaw that aIment friglit. ened îook ln b.e syeo. and -expr.eed re- geret for stai't.1it¶heiY o ad.' dIS net suppose 1-ehould finS any oft he 'Rectery xoijtyup, altheughlfrMi. Greshnam la eijways about exarly The fact e.Is, baS lhn a0inon' sent nme tram Sootiand lmot nîglit, and I thought Ivioxald bring lt dovin te ler Whait ae e an't uee a eaI -Dii yon carry that huge flh nil t-be viay f-rom yonr houý;e" gaked Enad. 1snehaid-Dualong -man.tcbaokst-down on the -ir'cunS. Hoe ool he lieaS. "Ne. 1 came bY ca-r; lt's out yonder. I thult wuldn'a rouas the bousebdld by drivîe upVo Lte d or. 1 Itool M7 taV- - orIe n~ot eut-Ne." ha addad. "that gsi- ialean -ielie mo a littlo bit tao much for me te carry more. than n. sbort dl. tance. le Lb' yeur firet-visît te lire. Ors- £nid saiS "Yen. It la .very good et bar te hava me. l'in, isaliy utranger te Mr. Gresham'@ nephovi. Mr. Hnmeond."1 -1 don't thlnk àa Ihîils se.o" sald Colonel Dawiney. *May 1 ait doi*nP" *'Pleasre de." en-id Enid' Then @bs emil. aS "X have -aertetIdes that yoou vin-d like te smala viouldn't yen?" ga nodded-in ead. "Yen.. Yeu rea.lly don't mindP'1 ".No; 1 a= uneS te nmeklng." Blie coloreS hetly after @abs bail saI thie; but Çül cal IDsrwney-ddSnet a-ttach aDy signfiscance Iii 44f svend; if ho had thougit about themf ha' woUld posuibly have imn<lzued that abs, meant that -ber fa-thar or a brother, amoked censtantly. S1he.longeS Vo he1pýf4l_ n s ne sav i hm takaeut lâ* ppa'and «i'bacco oncitbut -he-tas ne Qulel'anSdAeft i wufihoes banS that te offer te seelait viuid mot oely bave bern-burtful. but. unneceesary. ~DBiwu~$*rnd As er, ase--lit nm5h -I neyer osas. e obe- lthankful i tast vias - BITriglit -ara; <bat 'waasSPO , ai_. ~t. ewsl.-w the ii.other oe. IL js wendrtu viht ve ean do vihoneà .try, "Ye,"saIS Enid. viondertul." She vas thlnklcg te beresi. and rsîlis- lg boy -muoli'harder. bit -bisSen- wvin l a ceose than bar ovin. "I hope Yen den't mlnd a pipe. I can't get ueed te eogareavw, anS a cîgar Je an after diccar aftalr.l!' ' "I 511e- a pipe,'" nhe aniared hlm. "It' no lioely. li1re. Greshami le golcg te sel Yen te ulve w-ztes thîn afterceon. êbs .àThateâ good I ehould like te ew .Yeu MY lîttie home I aIw.aye baead tewne anS bilVclîies-1ie Country fer me. Den't Yeu lovaeIL?"- "Yen,' naIS E"Id. -"B;ut ie eae't alviayn h6va 1h l tlgevolove, Colonel Datwn7O."- "o at'. trne"e2' a moled lna ilenca -for a minute. or trWo. and. thon ho sald- "*Are yen resteS? I tbeUglity ou looked tlred eut vihen Yen cama yseerly. -Young 1la.mmendsaye fiat you verk ne liard." t"(ne, Muet vieilif oens vante tedo any' thlng." --Une lie gai any talent?'. EnidfauseeSbefors n.nsverîng, snd thon elle saiS *'Nvt real talent; but bee hae a very pret- ty velce. and hebne improved very mucb." "Titey ouwb t itavé -put hlm inte the army.e aiS Dawaey. "Ha e sa good beoy. bt ail -tbf, artitie business. le ireng. 1 ehoulil llkeste have hlmn witli me for a fee- menthe. -and mals hlm do nomse plough- icîrgà u rai liard viorlk? At tbat verY moment l)aemond Hami. -menS hieseif <amtnte viavi dressad lu immaculaise -bIts flauneis. and vilita tee-el niuug oser be. ahouler., "Hula! Dawney, rouire an early bird."* ho saS; and -then bie sipression changed and he colored hotu" -an be' gevEnid. 'Goed imernlug," hg naii4. "You are up saîly! I t'hought Yeu viere geing teo stai' in bied for, breakfast" 'I ilidn't feel 111e it " aiS Enid, as ebe ahooli bande vîfi 1him "The suneiîne temP-led me, -and I bail te eoméouf." "I ayý I winh Id knoe-n. Ire beau mooning around andd eondering ihien nemecule would -wake up.', "Rad your seem-n?'a-kdS olonel Daw- ney. "No; i ah Junt geingte nthe -river.' "W .dont% ]et n, keep you,'" P1r. Hammond mades np repli', but ho kIckoS tha long nattang bag on the ground. '*Wht'n thiop?" lie aaked. '*Fieh for a geod littîs boy. and If Yen 111e Yen can carry it ta the kitcee. It welche ve- fearI' e'ghteen pounila.' "Onseoft he gardetiere cen do <balt," sai] Hammond. ra-ther celdly. Colonel Daviney got np; andl--t a faint ensile belS eut his baud -le EnîS. ..Weil, au revoir. Mis@ Sinclair Iglhal] look forwarcl to neelng yen thinafter- noon "Arsn't yen seing teo day te breakfast?", aekad ths othermnx. tryi,,g te putome civilty auto hie toue - "«No; I must get back. I have a hundred anS oea Iinge te de. juet feulirn. Gr& .hý a. 1I thouglit aswal îe-ta a mon .. ol li ate. j5 .ýËeru age thle 4tnge' ât0Tiç$ c-o-ur g-r*n<4otheriý A1WPkt ýthe d-ay. -'alien- awa-w-0 ~ Boray fut il, w-, do-not-ý4ei"v ,thénm .%e;b~v uonlyI te ook -ýat,,th-e bOok5 we our-sîqs used 't>o read lun .ourc~hl4~odto rea.lize that ,týhe" ti-mes Of &Caroe o-ra.ngee 4170 nlOt very efar aay o'yt ein- be r ab 0 ~i radge o0ns 1dI~J was 'alaatkn e ntegood 'child ,When it Was-iIllI t ,Wài flhé '9Yea0,,t zmark f àdevetion an lkind-, 'aime-st, as pte tCe4,VrVý Iy -ýof us havye ýléiûall winte.r,]1o ng. W e carn geV 'vilem, tÃ" ns~mer,-a,- th-ough Ihé SUMMer ev.apges are n' so~~~~ glasthsw.elin wintor. Moreqver , ummr î is seoverladen with gccd t.hînga. in, the, w-yoffresh fruits ,thiLt 'we orget, the orange, Companien o ur fruitIesa ' inteèr days, until tihe'firet frost makes its golden terni and delicieus Maver Here are f.-me'tUseipes for the preparatien ef or'anges in ways that mate tlien more delicicus -t-han ever- 0 aueCustarl.-Out* swee-t or- anges into, Cubes a&ndplcth, -with a Jittie sugar, in a 'glass chah. Over them 'pour à very thick eue,- tard, ixnade wâhh milk in which a s-hred 'of 'orange skliii bas been] s-teep'd. Où top* ofVthe custard place 'meringues browned on a board in ,tihe eVen ChiMlithorough- ]y and, ÃŽerve eery'coId. SJelIlid Orangeg.-Halve large or- ange and talc. out th. pu1p; fi wuthi .émon--jelly, and place a mer- ingue on the jeliy when it %ais, set. The meringue muet be cooked-in the oven on a beard in little heap3ancd_ -pkLced o-Qn the Iely vison -cld. Orange Pie.-Mix two he4pm.9 tabeecasnf Ofiet ornt&,i'dh ià el ittewar and pour a cuplul et be-iiing niilk O'ver it, stirring. con- Stanty. ; Graté -the rimd ,eofene. orange and mix it with thse juice cf a large orange, a boaton ogg, ced a pinos of sait, it the starch and mulk., Thon stir in a cupiul et gran- ulated zugar or not se much' if the orange is very sweet. Pour it inte' an undercrust, and balte until the coeisteney et baised custard. Spread with a thick -meringue, brown', cool and serve cold. Orange and Prune Salad.--Steam a dezen large prunes until they are a'oft; cool, and reipove tihe pîts, Cut tise prunes in two and mix With an equal quantity et orange pulp. Serveon lettuce beaves with French dressing. -Orange Sance.-Parbeil the enter yellow rind of two, large oranges, drain and eut in thin strips. Add thbe juice efthtie twe orangea, a gimsful oft'port wine and half. a glasaful et white stock. Cook for ten minutes, atrain and serve very Mot with iseat. - This miay aise be used with fisih. CoImpote ef Orange anmd Apjle.-- Shice four seedless oranges withott remebving skin, in thin alices, and clust with suga.r. Pare four large apple,&, core with an apple orer 4,nd slice in thin slices. Duast the el- e s-lices with sugar a-nd ar- ruag t-two fruits, first a sluce of apple, then on-e cf orange, in rings. ýone above another, in a gla'ss diF.b. Chill tlhorouigh-ly and jist before &ervîng- pour over ail a giassâful of w'hi-te 'vine. Ilhe dusting of sugar should keep the appîca fren turning blek. As a-n added precaution put a layer of orange on top. as this mise helps keep ivQ apple froin t-le A aesidential Areain,ao-Chau, -Now Loit te,' maâde upon tham, iLnSw8F. oure 4DPOpaa anid l.Ip to. naaintalp thè, institution that !, pghting ~ lea!rnin battle'4Wlth'dineane ,and deaýi, fü t@ endeaver te noaye tili', striickéjlittjsl oses im- ýtbe ohiilit on-'tàaro. tast ydaÃŽ there Were 394 nt-iatients'1 trom. - 10- places- entaide, Ã"eý,T'Xerouto, and ln, ,the: paot tw9flty' >yei. there have been ,7,000 tframpllaff.t the [It conta us $224 per païtienit ýerdaî for maintenance.. The municipalitleg- psy for patients I1 'Der patient'-er day; the Gekvermnent'âIlwo-20' cents per patient per day; se, deductlng $1.20 front 8$2.34,,IL lesveotbeiHosital., wlth $1.14, topay euit ot.subacrlptions, It recelves troni the people'et Toronto and tle Province. ThVis hôrtage last year raut 18O0 9ic 80 about-1,000 ca4eïe 0f club, te&bowleg -ad"koekknees lave been treâted, and of these. 900 had perfect correction.-- Nearly ail thes were frem . diffèrep parts et the Pro- vince eutsjdeobX trheoityet 'feri=o. Remember that every y'eair u 's. var year -withthe ospOital: every'-days a day 0 f btte;every inùute ,the Hospital needa money, not'fer iti Own' sale, -but for ýthe.children's xale., The Hospital Is the:b4ttle-grqun& where the Akrmtisoet ite have.grappledilwith tii. MoeWu pf Dleath, sAnd. the lite, or death, of thousaaùds et 'lîtti'e ohildten i .the isoue.that l1, uéttlédiln that war.: Will iou lit. thwýMeItôw ibe..dWea from dreadnouhi inthe battis agaiinst ,death, a fligahlp Iûthé feettliaflgbts- for the'livesgof lîttie chIldren. -1te"nibsi't4at teIo'o4I'e eital'si mercy. le the deer -of hope, and: your dollar, kind readeri may be the key thLtý opeus the door, for nomse- body's.chlld, Wll yo sexxd a dollar, or more If You C au, te Douglas -Davidien, Recre- tary-Treauurer, or J. ROOS ROBEIRTSON* Chairmaan .ot the Board- or Trust«o6 Tovronto. 11TPPINO OLD AS FIEUDÂLISM. Everybody Lived on the Bounty of_ Their Lords Then. Tipping is plainly a survival -of the feuclal relation, long before the humbler me 'ù bad risen from the condition Of statu$ to -hat of con- tract. Wlhen fixed-M3 in the ordi- nary sense was unknown- and where the relation between servant and master waa one ostensible vol- unary service for hi-fs, and in its best aspect was a relation of mu- -tual dependence and kindneas. Then the epasmodjc payment was, as tips are now, essential te tlhe upper man's dignity, and very espeeially te the dignity of- his visiter. This feudal relation survives in England. to-day te such an cxtent that poorr mnen refrain from visiting their richa relatives because of the tips. In the, great country bouses tebe -tipa, are expectcd to be in gold. And in England and eut of it, Don Caesar' s bestowal of his last shilling on the ,man 'whe had served him atill thrills the audience, &t least tihe tippeda part of It. ~ ~ ~ ~ - i mi___ Boy 'E jf C orru atëd I lroôii 1'tS~~rIi1 Keop yur. monoey'In the Eknpire., cet. a viitly hb»ttérarll- .--- Every Canadian worthy of the name wants to help Canada and, the Empire in these strenuous- times. One way yod farmers can, help, and help -tremendously, is to bue Canadian and British-made Sgoods. The, Metailc Roofing C6.9 Limited, .strongly Invites yolrorders for -Corrugated Iron on behaif " of their fainoii ""Empire-' band.;-British-made- through ang through. Mined, smelted, rolled, gai. vanized. atd corrugated ihith miean ih u hequal ithe world for rust;.resistig quali ties and durability. We are selllng it to-day direct to farmers at thefollowing special cut prices: ORtDER 28 Qaugoàt--- $3,60 per 100 square foot ORDER _______________ _______________ Frasghi propald te any Stàtion ln 015 Oitanlo. Ternis cash* wlth order. W S ome fariners bave complained lu tle ,ixut that they ould flot Wl whib ' Oocl were Brltiihma4orand. whieh Iwere foreign.made In 60 far ao Cerrugated Iromi la coerned, Vliore le absoluteiY ne deubt- "Emptio" la is. *Britiah-made as Vhs aid Union Jack Itteif. Il, ie abeolutcly dopendablo fer uniform fIttinog, esans a laying, wator *tightnean nsud ruat-reelatlng durabrllty. You'U neyer regret buyiflg It. We couid seti you Keyatodle anq othor *forcign-ma-de aheetÉ, but we prefer te bandie Brlidi-mio e o&Ws ud 4se aboUld YOU. Prime now reduef,ýx., 1nd, IVWTALLUC ROO0FINO C008 LÈimited, MANUFACTURERS Cor. King and ýDufferin Sts., Toronto' uns 'Eplis" Cor- "EanI*k"- tand Shniuand bulîS a - - r us your order te-day. Oui~ 30 rear old.-,repu.tation 1, your gtiariuuitSO cf abeointo souaro deallng. We gladly help you wltli sconemlcal Suggêstlons fer any building YOU are geins le put up. Teil un yeur problnms 'I ittle!eait.ki'ép Uton eë-ihi which eggs are serk Will W&ShîoteayI' .trinenis easje"r ie -writé, ,iâarking :1< dipped inu«s a T p n pi.- hen .wrte withQ Wis'ù e..srvying bpt, bres4.oý,r ppstry,> etfn kaÃŽ 'dndil selot plate4 e 9Y" ehn servtid on colch plate, the kiehen ï,i-s, freq 1 n iy.- flooç te4 with f réslhu aii<Gie.can workfa- er and w3itb moére'ease ,, awel- teh ,aiémadhe yo p dibroet'$tes o fbthr, sego hci'k Wa, bai-egIlVsvii T-d ise ' prpotfionis hre alep o efly bak bresd ahend b.- htly eavéred t. hada ei ____ aired- whn i i-stake f te. ovfitisatte be aeggy. jÂTVTE J For -a baed custa4- ginld besauce -" ii awie cpit Ifrnp te hi is uat et a'cuptul et choppea 'pre-s.rved nhrdeG giger -bas been addedi Serve hot. OetidoGreat Britain's tel- Cayenne, pepper is excellent te ril grapliers are vemen. cupboarde of ie. Tise looehould- Philadelphia ha, 30 wonen build- - - be- ".or carelully, anti-e", ersI'5andi - centsari . isole tpped np viti a pieceetfràg In Rus-as omen mm ~net allovied 4iipedin vater andthéin in cayecuete marr more, tbais vetiiis. -- pepper. -Fift,,-six per eênit. et the lc Perspir-ation stainnsa"y blu"we re- tory wvorkerp lui Japan are womesi.- ineveà d.rom white bouesvthont* Berlin vworMnn-ave disca.*d any trouble if tih-y are soe.ked be- mourning andi instea4just Wear a fore w-assling in coid vater, te vwhich nall ibisen. - a ldte . of "a h &,3-beenLAdelina Patti, e-ho sins lYears ago was ai opera Ëtasr i3 now 7it Te celor ici-ng pink, tise sîtrai-ned years old. beet juice, anti mix vitis powdered This 3-ih Guiana _rubbFî fac.- sugar, neing thse juice in place of tories 'e-mf>ioy wonsen lor twr-vty mi-hk or wisite et egg. Beil beets un-cetsada._1 tiiý tise exact sisade etf pink i-s se- The women of c-be TtiricisI',3 :Z'rn Cîired. wear tIl- treuters banded- aC To malte eet ohoeshook like 115W. , ke ' re-mo4e imîxsedite!ýy, wa-hb off »al - Tise woman 1ufrs auel rg. inud, and wipe thorouihly. Tiseiîan a -rance is a dead tu-pic at - ,,rb in pienty of vaseline acd set lran.nd & ide, away f rom ie fire, -for ev- p Oe r . 00 o e i u s i o f eral days, se t-bat tise groaee viii Oe 600wmninýus-.dTý resorenatual i-.Gerinany, lhave-,beenî made widovsW -Brass beds that haveubecome t-ar- w cate ren"t wars ts ni-shed may be cleaneti by applyi ng *owan cre ýçaégi h a mixture et olive ail a-ud whiting Firt h (i 'ces-pet -milis ean an or rottenstone. Rub dlean vitî a average of $5.47 a week. soft, dry flarinel or chamîois sk'ic. Wmn okin vwaprétiiA If thse braësis worn- off have îp. re - fitîiiid Rt;13 per i' îconih .inhl flnislhed. - hoillemTaid's get cc)li, t4,9pei ntsr._ _ - , oking, n'ng., lia's a7 school wher(<Iwvmeîî hr î ten o Savesi by Q> Naine.- emigrate are taught c'ccking. bread-. An Irishs adîdier ri:n at ca.mp mak-ing, wasbing, liuuisecleani-îg,' laie oe nigist warritjlngedppeît ry keepiîîg, býiitermakîAig, -Wlîo-gsthiere 1" Considering ae c moment. and thinking lie might trs . Nancy Corwin of ('asrn;l.,1 cveid punisisment, hie -answered, *hohas j-ust celebrated lier iua.h "Kitchener-!" He was immediate- birtisday, attribu tes. bei' bngpt-:ty ]y knocked -clown ay Vise butt end t ir okat ipedtîg She has nover uwiîed a 'et XIUJ>an of a rifle, and as he s-at upan teViSsnckes ho;' piple eve,ý- ay grounti ruefully rubbing a lump on_ T-he fî'iî-nî'Auna {~îd, jucwaw his bead these enls-y exclaimed, - 'Why, itls Caîhagisan ! Wiy did you FrenchIi,-'intePar iaso vc sn;pea say it suas Kitoheceri Shure, -kspiPast4 ve.ml-y carne he anser, <-e v oulti menttu iiîedy wtmn el ic have cam tise aîitcsner, edwn;bee-s ma-hs destitlite o-n acceuint of do tîs t Kîebenr, <e c vet tie-ji'husbands gcoillg ov.waY. peer Callaghan's lite, yo spalpeen. " hnAainwre ob~ mourning the.V stairi theïrii7 ha-ds and teest iith indigo for <-1gi-t day.t -, - #- ~ andI dus-iug bat- iane thev S--'drine no iik on tise grottrd th'at - --ita ewbite hue dues not, 1sarnmons-ze ~ ~s' ~' - itistise mental gloonm. a Qusen Elizabeth cf Beighissm -fouindeti a cook-ng sehoul i r, E s.!s sels wtith a three-ysaî' courise andi W i an- isonor coilsse. Little gi-àr's cf '5,poor parents were:Ieas-ncd to -ak< 1 -p alatàible dish'es e-hon iùsn -e-au'- DI broke oI and -lt la h-opecd thaI is CI PTFER X.-(Continusd). Thiacitame nlgbt. anslie caL aonoe atel Mr. PPYdoliliaS loft ihm, t-bers came 't Julien '<ho auddeu reolutlon that hc AOiS h ave le Sa somet.ing -lt-lu bie tIi j Inlitke coma big Icterest; and ho rèmember id ibaf. vihea ihs baS leiss eonlng at -lh rarire lernl,%ail ihere vise te laarn ficm acar, heYadnmade tniends viltb one 01ha rfelîo oevirlema. a yeulpg iq n salled Kelch, a._real Ccbkni'product. Imnpudent, humeronsm, but tull of pluck anS, mord oser. tull et iSsus. Kete ibaS la tact cenfidod te uty -Athat litbaS tbeught ont a ver, lIportant lImprovisment lu the teernngsgaif.Just ne et thoe svan' simple thingoe-bld InighVu issae bean vheugb t fi' douae oe s'cipie- but had never beon utisîz tili Thieltle innovation vionmd mean a trea meudqu.e economyinlathse questioof ttyres suId-b ni'auLauddnSSsu1 - rakgoived, - toput K~îh edisove'y--teapractIcaI sapée1 meut. -- chiniÏsê[Sn."' h -;, a th-bo, , Ifiil ie lituehfg patenteS n ol ot.to'work anS manufacture cane et eus He lsit quît. excIteS, anSdviraLe euta tellg5tou, @en& ai-ntb,iornlng. Vu h efouierpal-at the garage. Ne 'waenet quise lsurse e-hrsKetchivan lIving. but lis Lboug'bt Lt pretti' certain clint tile nietneigo voumd rossi th a n itIse ceurse et the day. Suis enougt about--0 'IDocaclthe ceaI day a taxi droe lm te thse doer anS the drIver ef t IL se poalk te Mr. Bryant. JuIt55cm butier iould have Senled this requent! but Mr. Ketoch etood his grenS Meres I suppose,Yeuen an road," hi - " asd; afid ha o l okfreni hi. poko.etýthe 81--Pizorani whlch lisbail reosived aài&pb' t under te nase efthUe ethai. m5i. S- Seo, I'mi bora becaune I'mi vanteS, so Ou Junt cnt anS rua aad tala la my -j Julim hMdnlsf -came forviard. Re bnd hecard the ilttle altercation etaitseano. 'Ia-J irglai.' hlienaiS te th. servant,. Mr -6ltch bacralsoera teuse nie on bulsIness. 1 supposa youn car e-lUlibe ail i stndngUsraetc? --t 4 Ltfi incS. T iii. Ote othea ::veas 'aSulS ti: Bteel off hscpadaniect.hedbi vers nmooth hhalrviltb hie hand reugiten- oS vith vork an&tblpoe b&vt lb greie. HRaS-yau.r breekPaaV?'aed Bryant, as lie Paasad nto the Siang-reom. I'S a8;cisp et enaisoat ovo aYLms out on an early Job thls lsiorutcg; b&dmio tool- 0,a gent'tram Hampstead ta Waterloo-, lofe e1tigago.- Trhus hi vas SeIn; a ncot; iu tat ai none et -my buascems. anS illiierate, but litfes al Lhe'eascs; nothiag n titti'Flàg. 'ncbihiag myetee loue. nelbins Oppressive ile ho ali atmosphene wvih aurs-aundedicnch 'à man ns lII Ktch. Do, yeu mena that?" aobad Ketch, a lîffle Sublously.' Ire wvies ebating vithî Iin ineit e-bei-bs lic ouglitte o ny ."ir.'lTIses-e wes scbal ehange -lu Julien Bryant. nes seau' baril' ly recogulzse!l bie former Pal ln hs gedi. loobing vali-dreseed mac. "Of coïree, I mnean IL. Bit devin anS have ieometblug teo eat. I'va Juet ImieeS breakfasèt; but <bey shahl mals you noms tresit caSse. and yen cen have anythlng yen ike." Mtch alSéoemethîng pretty tron gun. der blitbs-sa-fb; but ho set Se-en a iltle elusally anS <bec looked as Jullan. I've alLen îondered e-bat bai came <o van." ihe aiS; "but blInei. f1Ilaven suppos- tdunyLhicg eOft hIe sot. It Sen't take nueli gueseln' te nos ad yeU've evidently cone lIe a fortune.", "Yee" na-@iS Bryant,. "<bat leae-hi'I sont for yen. Have Yen Sone auytblng about <bat littie Invention et yournî"P "No." taiS Mtch 'vo beén valtîn'.", Àfootman came lu anS tolMs- Bry. e-ut s os-Sera fer oobreakfast te b. brongbt at once. *egsr" Ive been e-ali'.'"continueS K'etch. 'I belleve lu leeplng oue,'e Vngue beteen one'@ teetli. Bryant, <fil aonsgete 1inga elsoved alecg &a bit- toto- nhape. - 1v So% ouS, yen Inovi. te tale tee mani' pea- p ie toyens-confidence. Thes-e*a asca bimy lot et thleveacuttlug-raun.d .". 'Weil, 1'em ne-aa <blet," %ulIe-n Breant r: aiSdeith a iangh. anS sndgenly lie we t1lient. Wha.t oe.e-as lisobût a titief? A mane-ho otOOd-inu a taise pâîtien. e m-an e-ho baSl etolen the liant eut et a e-an'. lieust anSdlte, anS thon lott ber te 1gb-t. sas-rn ao veu <o go undes-?.- Ne -s-- hivered, 'and, turnlug, lie ealkeS te the windev , Ketch vise looklng et hlm euslouai'. Me liaS eivwayn realîzeS that Bryant vine s cut above the îet fhs men lante yard, anS unconaclouili' ho baS tampanod his frieadebip viii a carta-la siiounat oe . epeel. Nov b. tait met a ittle avik-ard. t;. il i 444 1-i" I t! I--ai il - -'e NOW 26 Gaugo---$380 per 100 square -feee 7- m- -7.- uagi aigu OVJPIJIY "Fruansvu noueu lkfotljj glu'e tu ait gur prilFouh NOW

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