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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Dec 1914, p. 8

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e 0 ue pruent Irom M yr- lesbgiM. E. In. sar, M y, gave a. very lit.euu Ibgtuiotvo aid««,eswbiech vas verp much eojed by ail.-> There on ,wqte 'solosby Mon, Josa aYerat ÎW. oBieneBroodili, dMs Eliaor Jolmitôn, ,mad a. chorus by eight yooegý men. ÂltÙM, Tbe %4rpiIU iono bO >MQ(!bçd ther BV« L njrâble GRIlProfit- t kro tespon4ed geueougly Ote Use be vening WIs speût. ppe ,al mae. fr - te EIk- Air. Dive Wilson, 01 WlitbYs val- ffu4SonSut<Ity. The amiou&iaak- I n the viflage this veek, palntug 1 tr-» realzed. - ad deo0a4bg the new Stamard Xm .0. Jones vlsftedlu Toro- ank . o b Satuxday. Mr. L. Webber lie aslogunMr. MEN Tiake: advantage of our 2o per cent. ~Discount'offer on'al SIJITS Oit JVElIGOATS. for his.mQnS-uly., SEE RkFSULT 0F'GRAFONOLA CONTEST *IN LOCAL COL UMNS. I3est Christmas Wishes'to i Ail Oûr Many Customers. .M1LAWRENCE - , - Ontario e Chistas Gift PAR EXCeLLENCE .You cannet itake a bei- ter gift to your family or to a friend, than a Oolumbia Grafonola and a selection of appropriate records. A Columbia Grafonola may be had foF, , as Iow as $20.o0oor YOUrhay pay as high as $130.0ooand get the new mignionette ini Louis XV case, genuinse mahog- any-the finest- instrument that wgs ever sold at the pricé. Illustration is that of the' new.Columbia "Patricia"at $78-00. We now have à gocd stock of Grafonolas and records from which to make a selection. KLAWRENCE, m Brookline. Pure water-white Coal Oil in barrol lots at reduced price. We are now in a position te effer Imperial Oit Co.'S High grade American O1I "Royalite9" Il ga4vanied steel barrel with tap attached. Fer a short timè ihis steel barrel with tap wiii be sold- at U~.00 net, and oit at 15e-por gallon net cash, and can be refilled with Ioil at Our 40-gallozi price whenever dcsired. I ROY4ýLITrE IL is the most economicai high grade ehl op~ the nariet. .Uriah Jones .ONTARIO. B ROOKLINI J1ï. KIomzDg, of ' OW=h3,iM 15 i-refralftmzom so dolssg. bcëk Y01U1 -bd iü't r.70W. cisate, ou aMu, and every-, end "vltis iheir parents.- tire was a Mrry ga imdg -ai ISÂ Mie ous o!Xv. (D.) as.Moue ~ E.W. Tlnk preached an. z Su .Thuisday, venlisg lait, the 00055- celeat (Ir<ilsîmasemrmon, here last ion beug a "aboyer" glvsa by thse S undySe vice 1>. coxiDductod, Wêing Workera of!'St.ThopiS' by 'the pufoe mnt t-Sabbatas eveulig, (hurohansmd, trindh, in boor of ai meu 'In0.k Miss Edua Speicr. ..Meus Spencr Tise tnnai sohool meig iib bas forsmre years bien orgalmiet kll1 is ooltXt.eud. thse dNneliand ëeoePtary O! tue0 ýW41 onuga o 'cck fr h Ing Wcorke»e, and . a1 tiotote»on fMcret elîg rssleii trioedlp besiiovwo 'ler vers but 'erved tvo terma. Miss MéRay iun- amaiackaowiedgement of ber klndhj~ ejyn ie 'rumshU fy'seies. T4d te , de val mO u r j dY. lReriri Mlx mentèsinlu'the belly dea e Ibl atiseche! feaduesoel bave been aylie satistactory. beln a ine isrstrns ie., She vIl! resume .ceutrel atter thse wMti suiable gis: It fteii to Mr. holi'day seacin Mitrhoad's lot to.premt lieit but Howazd Maoley hao oeturuedI home lnetead 1 'ef pev.onlying a =Vent- mter a mcnth's labor vus bhis ucclo fesnai "Fosr Crisimas," hbeobuchos e fli uw app ioe o i umoous Mr. -Steward Corner and bvide, c "Mette deplaisr'l nd th aan e isryenlaIveitln~grelat4ves ln and lu vhlch beho lnded over thse var- aroiund Kinuale. Stewart lae-ue et lcusly -addressed packages, oreated thse rny Kinsale boys who bas @rt merrnImt.. A susapuol1sre- maIle goedin luthe iesi. -VWe'entend petvas oervd, and.a lection* -o! te the young couple tiheu îsh ies apWWîatemust reneredby Use etf the Kinuale people. gposts. This meut enjoyable evmnilrg 1Preparationes are beng mades *irmlna t ala-te hur wlttb efor a S.. eutertaiumeut, somne tirne *luging oe! "Aul4 Lang. Syss," and lu Vthe nea future. -Pull paitîculars' bearty thauka vwere tendered. te Dr. l b*g1ein-usao. and Mrs. MSue.for their ind hom- vThe b ivotop duo eahesi.N Wptaii1y, togetasor <itus al od1 thesbre fe V In t iereh, - we . oresilk m2 upplyfng farmers. As time tisebrie elotlu hloh vo aregoos on no idoubtitls cmaterer. iii sure, ail ber Breokfnt rieuda vwiiluceae oordla$ly imnite. After service on fgTipbsbe ut mel Sunday thse cotigregatlon premeted Inecomeltatlug.,Dr. Johu -Moore'.ai 'MissSpue rvfth a purao. t , iqi, .t vo, axe piefodti t r -. -Mise Elsie Robiumocf -Peterbovo 'port lier- ontiton .qulte-,ltnproed. »ovaiScsollavIiiMug lehome T e lè i. pbie us biesawlu conuectidn vieue W.M. Lawrence's grabonola cS- v M Liche io vs dcied^1 tet la creatiug 'tauchis 'Pli. 1e cu. ie t auevsgod lutoe~t ai w»~t~e popaime.,Mv. M0-. aadg tthsecandites - wed a' Prosnd . , noeday, December 28, vas as * Lawten. -as -Sauta- Clan., The- ciilI-" PlM*W aelCuu 2 M.L.Wb n n erothe, reolpientu »fo! eeMM.' ber , 8e E. Marshall ; 4, Cliffor' Maysard;5, Mss MggleAkey 8, ilter bascerne for sue, 'titis the Dbavld Brs.Tise contenut cloueS 0on merryobtmuesof thse leigisbelle.. J*iuay lZtb, and d 0Iou1> t . Wé Reùenboetise social to be gîven viii b. an exctilug fnih. by thse Womme n's «.Wtte ln aid-et tihe Red Oross FunIl-on Tuesdav, Deo- 'ASHBURN. ceniber 29t5. Al velcome. - 1vOr Vie are ploased to mahe thse foi- tollietlon. Gents bvlng Use ladies. lai,,...,n..,.' t ~ ~w..wi, andi .î,,ibii 1December 'onth lu the date. lisuded te Misu Lillie Baltour, ceu- venor of Belgian and Red Cross rcormlittee, aise $84-80 -sent iu te 'Patrio;tic Fuisd a short trne ago. Méore lun.111 corng -in. Ail help eibher in cash or clothing viii be gratefully recelvod«. Werk done,-13 pairs stockIîngs, 24 shirts, il pairs vylsiiets, 8 ucarfu, 1 Balaclava cap, 2 nlghtahirts. Mouey recelved-.% $21.05 ; mouey jsa.d eut $20.35 ; balance on hand, 70C. Clothing donated fer Beigiau Re- lotf work,-4 coati, 4 pairs stock.- lugu, 4 skirts, 2 sweater ceats, 1 bat (man's)j, i ma's -muflier, 7 shirts, 4 j nfast's vens, 1 chisld's hoed, 1 child's coat, 6 paIrs dravers, -2 Daissas Cannot be Cured by wal pplcations. s the cannot reaci thse lemed prtio oftie emn. Tiae lie only ornt way~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~. tocr ufea m ia s comUgtus hionuaI n:sediem. Desaueula cmu dty au lu- fiamed c.mdltion of thse iucona Ilns 01 tise Eust-icblau Tuhe. vsen tMeSatube la tnliued yo bisae a romblini sonne! or Iuipenfectlsealg, sud wbeu k la !!estlel l.dDesamea.la us. amsu, suit ul - fi-e-famao a ae outautitstube rehtèned tltsonuaiOoniloU, basin «11 be deeno5W fq1ever. ime can nte o 4iarteuad by c«tann1, wilai. otis- tm u n Iflmed co"dtion cf tise mausn piyu ave One Hundred Dolar for any casce ,Duafueàs canut! bycataris) tisa cammiot be cured by Hall.a catasTil ure. #end for fre etrculana.0 F. 3.CHXNEY A CO., Toledo, c. âoldby Duggtb,75e Taire Raille BMilv Fille for conmtoo. AUDLEY. pairs -obees, 4 vool vests, 4 sisiri- -and Mns. I. Puckrin loi t on w&lstii, 8 corset covers, 2 drosses. 'Why dent our youug mou club te- Tue.day te spend over Christimas ln geiber and build a skating riuk. Cluton. Christm.as greet'iugs to all. Willie Smiiitb teck pact in thse Xmas é Mtertainment ai Greenwood on Tues- MYRTLE STATION. day ev'esùg. 3Mers. E. LAniser and E. Bays Tise solo on Sumday moraing iast can 5U'PPîY You wltls a quautity ef vas weli rendered. beel. There is good sleig'hiug' ail arouiid Walter Guanu l taking orders for bere, and smcre suow faiiing at tîrne speing delivery of a weii-knewn for- of writlng. tillzer. Mr. Oliver Lane spent Supday with Sevieai are ibusy getting eut .the' atressd ut Whltby. wood t.hey purchased at receut Wood Severai frcrn bore attended the saies. bail sot Utica ou Friday last. Tise Christmas otertalumnent In TPhe Gien Major Or<iestra gave the sOboel-roorn on Frkia.Y ev'en'ng splendid muoie bore con Fnlday ilght Pasue4 Off[a ssf ully. Tise many last. Thiey were thse bout musîciaus 'Itemfs <Vn the prograrn vere weli pro- ever 'heard at Mynille. Thse orchestra ueuted, audmucis credit lu due the oonsied cf ivo viclîns, on. manide- teachers, Misses Long and John- lin, oes auto harp and organ. Sncb rton, and othiers. Mr. W. Guthrie, in vorthy people sheuld bave the bout the absence ot Sent.a Claus, distrib- acwomodati<n and attent6on pou- uted tise, ucores <<proes f rom a Bible. Mr. Brt Dut! bas tise Rieamue beautifully?- decrIe troe. Evory of buying the blghest prlood bagket. child lu' the ne! s4rhod' vas ré- Sauta Clans vas very young tbis ,membed,,. #lse al ie grr>wn - upu aud just ful cf f un. lie seemed te Whwbvere pMoent -- ho on apringu. Hf s ufngirag was grand,'Plverybody vas deligisted te 7'1BROCK ROAD. hear hlmn, asu If hoevmer takes Part Eaiijr Sungay m-orMnug, Decemgber again ut Myrile everybody viii be .ath, Mru. B. Rieddin,wldow cl tise out te heur'h. late, John Reddin, passed away at Beru-to Mr, and Mru. Oscar, 011-"jts. tamily home, Brock Read, Pick- roy, on' .Snnday, Denember 20,, a enlflg, lu ber 7ftis year. daugiter. Mrs, Reddin vas bora May 24tis, Brs-to Mr. al'd Mrs.' Cils. 'Wii- I138, lu Balliuvobe, Maye, Irelnd, son, on Frf«ay, Decexuber Iltis, a lise eldeat cf a farnsiy of seven, al daungter. excePt oee iaving 'predeceased ber. 'On. Xmias' Use beys are golug te Sise vas a niece of C'ol, Hamilton, have-ý ' reat ifme slelghlng over enof the Brili Ar my. tise bhlleut oftMyrtie Statiom. Tisey Tisat tise'end was preceded by an have prepared il, se e.'erybody 'Illnos of lbus tusan two h'ours adds 2ame and el201h slsm e. te tise grief o! tise bereaved fanily. 25thand 6th.A sudden attack of heart f allure This lu the lest veo f T.,.,13ea- caused iser deuils. Thougis delicate coc & on'- sle.for soe timne she vas as active us MYRLE.usmal, Up te Use eveuing preceding MYRTLE.ber deutis. A Merry ('brîstmas ! To éthose dear te ber the se t cen- Y iss M. Crossiey, et Montreali solin rnory. viii be Mrs.- Reddin's thse guest o! bet ister, Mrs. W. R. model Catholo lite. Kent. Sbe la survived by eue son and six Mr. G. Lawrence and friend, Mr. daughters,-Jý Timothy, Ma#ry and E.. Seymour, o! Toronto, are hall- Louise, Pickerink ; Margaret, Pria- dayhsg at the formera bhome. 1 cîpul of the Roddin BusinessSeSI1ool, Mr. F. Sheli is cenvaiescing atter Boston, Mass.; Hannals, professieflal a severe attack of pieurisy and pneu-- nurse, Bufialor, Katharine, stenegra- monta. pher 'and- bo1eeper, i3ull aie, and -fY ou feel bihous, #'headachy" and irritable- = for that's a Sign Your liver is ouft of order. Your food lu flot digestn-ît stays in the stomach a ýsour, ferrnentedmass, tosoiie system. just take a dose of Chamber ain's Stomach and Lf.ver Tablet- Chamerlin ediîneCompany, Toronto 14 I -a M& lal our friends'enjoy in hulltsft measuire tht Merriest of, Cbrîstmêses,) tht Hêppiest of -New Yecrs. May 1915 bring Ù'nêlloyed prosper-o ity and good. healtb to cb one of youf May the New Year prove- ever more plairily thêt "Quality" is the beat policyo The,, beres to ibeinost proésperous ,t'M "50 A. C.JLLIOTT BROOKLI N, - - - ONTARIO ~1 </ Mni. J. Carey, Buffalo. REV. J. J. REDDITT DEAD. rayom until forced to givefit up. Ms.. The limerai tcok place on Wedles- Redut vaus slty-one years of a'e day, December i#tb, te tise R. C. The death eccurred on Saturday .eteelUensnar w. ov church, of -whieh the deceased was a Dec. 19, in Toronto, cf 11ev. J. J.. twenty-elz, bis finit charge befugi devout, talthful member. A sciemn Reddltt, who lu ,wel-kapswn bore. Mr. Wlstby. Laier heo seved ai .Osbawi. HICb Massof reqtiem was ceoeratod Redditt had been 111 for nmre urne Mr. Reddit bas been a dlreco, c by 11ev. Fat&er Ryau, who alis of- wih cancer, but had centinued at the Boardl of Ontario Ladies' Col- ficlatod ai ihe.grave. bis work l tu te MetuWIsdt Book lege fur years. everý JNO Broci Of.icNo.A ]gCoantat Y y ~ t fi 15 ..eDe. 'Boa Ra.oOlleoted, Par tonna applj INPbeme 1loi TORONTO i- 1 1 & - qwwwqwvumwl -

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