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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 31 Dec 1914, p. 1

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lie -nz I "Y si-tat as fÏÏ a E -Tink -$ôok 1eop*ht -MUNIOIPA.rL_-NOMINAIONS. heonraý*t'te o yw+ai e1eoo.où-wth a -W ISHagothe price V . fled, ad the thes yd -ometi* r adialscbsws. WhtyRecve Eiected b-y Acciamiation-'dTwo in field shd olI BUba oeu dllse 'on t ave in hMo.ort bl hod thora b55fl 81w place $ -osuac oui f tuMewar. éBHewoWad ~ra~payrscatzen, ad f for Mayer, Nine for Cotýci1 -Township ~ t~l iyaet a A . eb addt è,pmy friends a'd patron Cquncjl EJected by-- Acc!fniafion. , 44'DldBu4nI ___ __ otef, 1' tat tièes 1,uulieb noipeech, in whleh las pralsed evwry- 'dlsqualifk , - 1 gisfat.l enleJiral t& tiair good_ beliav- At ine ob'clock on Tuesday .,udng ths Inadequatee coi*noda*io ad -i oerdurfng tbe y6aex. newas net A rs eo s Town Clork White delared, hfeasSoi 1acilitlos irlsw ber.. üà:Tis .ù% b. romoý- 1 POIWAT*Ë OOM!STC RS >4 u e bawr b.would bha e au- lowlhg nme u ascandidates.for oM. . L asueA.. os Alt~ idate, .but ho wonld dacde on Tuaqs- Wnd Happy anfA.M.Ro1915:e anaHpp 1 r -J l'pli: r.Warn.J.B LAILAW. ad.members cf tfIas W. & L. Co- dày,._ W ~Rove-J. H. Dewney <<al.) I , .1 LaIdJBw i sBspléfl«Di14 B IIs r. àm hios, .wbo were -noaiMnated, befti Tiseior member, W. H. G~u"¶re, Ne Yéar. couwïiifo. xSe, In.1-ýspeech ýS6 - aidutoa thesrclnssni m»mme sein utwboDfeertiIida yeaim18basyboon hosuee tuas N ew Year (~oic1jJas.Ilooa, w j. ai- poec. ~Ifor, tiat 1fl 0<n . Township Council, gave a ir"qN~ R. J. Goldring, Je;rome Scott, iP. IR.W#1r anasUahtanyidate ahowole M&y -1915 brýng. te each aud Anhies, J.- W. BIBIIm , Thw.Cou i ces and-'were lncreasigly mni g Board Of 1Flducaîl fol 111 te roem hnefa adiaefrr-lc ovsry one Çomfort, Suoceae lin.-- 1u8se of.them. The. sais cf Whitby visa tbafr.lrnCaine le pak. lin Scheel Board. North Wrd-R. N. lever and local Imprevementdében. Thase#a aendWm' idato boght he weuld b. f l pr i>tue toe'ta telnnilcwa cnia su Hppnes.Basseit. Centrae~ dWJH fl-lrsabwdla l.lnnllc F. L. Broynasaked fer reeleetlon. ardson. 'South ..ward-W. A. Frazer ditidof etWitby ia regarded 85 5aite ..~~ p Dr. Moore rose again le speak. He sud oe.Scot. il fur erselMt,. j Isaclory. Nearly ail muicîpaliîiosFÃŽdIW I% i i.wspiae laInwodecii- ou! b>' accîmation. 111Canada are Ilaylng 1. per cent. dm bdbenoerdsb lb J1E. WILLIS Witef and LetblC6mmgln'- W. more for - mons>' Vian 1Wiiby. B>' I vby 7cliaiin. onship ex-en<lllure for the e aL. J. Lke nd ' 0.eRos ýb c lias hespeedy eompletion-of lhe sHe aise Council by Acclamatibon-- Druggsl sd Optclani). >1the town ù getng a service neari> lft n a l eWrdno , WH1TBY NOMINATIONS. aya ene1a a epce.Il Tedyn1gbt ah "'ne o'clock wOasCeunty,-and lie fel jusllfledin seek- HAL FO MAOR.Frak Wrre, ~would bave bem on clish tec bave sub- the limit ofe isaiMwed for quali- -lng th1e position., He ceuld serve bis Mî DICXÀ HL FR mR-rnkWreJ ihted lhe sewer j4uestion again tic 1>Ing for office, and aI ithaIturiene township'ust as wlfa tht Broc&tb. E.WlIs C. E. Harper, J.O3. 4~d'1he electoTs under the circurnstance. 'ly four mon bad douese forco- slu 85W8 poal- Iaw, J. D. Howden. lie referred lethe question of roads, cil. The 1915 Coumcil was, Ce= ton asI any othor. -FOR REEVE.-J. H. Perrin .~< lcssc h eaneu. Tefrdcaodcslib clmteref thiree-corneced discussion bore Warren, Jareine Scot- J.H. Dcivney. few appeaus made Ibis year -ind'Icated 'as folleva,: W. H. Gthtrie, T. Hail' arose bolveon Dr. Mcocre and Mes- -- J. E. WftiI, W. .1. HallalI, T. ýG. hatgenerally lt lces eeit- .Lrwa m risea.re. 'Hail and Rowe, over th1e ques. Colwill, J. W. Baueman. 'sfM Tiie *ncrasetofassesment DrJoln oýewtÈreI om teý'n oethle Reeveshfp. 0f course Il drfs i xa3 Carda FOR COUNCIL.-Jos. Baker, Jas. îhis year amo 1<>te about $00m > SveW, aloin FedT.Roeha t ele . l i lieb.settled aI lths ==MMoore, C. E. Harper, H.E. Walaen, 000, largoly frozu nov buildings. Ilt ac b. electod b>' acélamnation.,, -- _: ioý". . tlin, I'A.i 8W j" uwas iukeiy liaI lierashuid be soe,, Tha necusit>' for an eleclion viii NOMINATIONS IN OTHER MUNI JPM» Eu ARÈWEL4 L Q W. aitecs , i. È,. W: iia, h.Incrcais lnlaz rate naxto yeay. Wil- fliorebore b. ObviAted'. rno. i. AUEWELLB& W. J. alt, J.F . Wlrd -lusë, J i!B.byld oshieok for1the -future vas ..~ IAIIS Burister Batemn, F. oyardManieJ. B.bÃŽlgil. ffo vas net a candidate for 'The- Msen-ie a, Bediv BEAVERTON.-Rev H..Cae County Solicitor. y& . gdth. A. Friser, F. Warren., Off~ utbwzg Cur Hase W ing ORW TRA. D FraHiCOMr,-F.- thie -ico f nomInations or Reeva ares, (acclinatilc). Counilers5 0& suth ingCour HoselWhib ý- FÃ"R ATE AND LIHT CMf and Ccunciilo.rs for Wtlhy Township -'B. Roveliff. Lewis* Burns, Tis _______________MISSION.-W. J. Luie, A. M.. Rosi., THE REEVESHIP. on Monda>' aflerneo.' CWsk Bolà- Woodward, Wma. Breomfield!, red A.E HRSINJos. Baker, J. E. Willis. For lie Rseveship Dr. Warren was day received nominations for one Teer, Isames Bîrciard. P.E. Byxne. Bw«~ oeuuer Not" P blie . . O SCHOOL TRUSTEES- nominated finI, sand again loek the heur, commencing ajl one o'ciock. B>' P. Stewart, W. C. Laiàar, Schoel South iWard-R. Goldring, W. Ilpiattorna. He said a much s;paUer1w-o o'cieck lie hall v'as vl l Ued, Board.-M. B. Roach, Dr- . Galfe- OU., Brck St., Opp. Standard- ak Wahson, W. A. Fraser, Jas, Scott. sylaeteofsevon voulu! bave done te and One oft he hast meetings in a v. and George Véalee (acclama- Moue>' te Loan. Centro Ward-C. E. Harper, John short. Itliait been said b>' lie Dis- years waà ield. Thora vas vory mnatlon). Thospsos, W. J. H. Rleiardson tricti Officer of HeaIth liaI 1the dis-. uttle excitement, but lhe speakersL PORT PERRY.-Reev--Jas. Lucas _Ge, YOUNG SMITH, LL.B* Nor*b Ward-W. A. Broughlen, R.N 'posai plant helng hult -vas large on- ail gel down t6 business, and as a-q5,.Gerov. Ceuc*iiors-.T.L. Pou. Issuer cf Basetit. -eugh te accemmodate a cil>' of 30,- remilt lb. meeting vas most inter- Man. Tas. Litica, W.L. rarish, B. The public meeting feiioving the 000 people. B>' procoeding nov villa estlng. Criibe.FW ýenyr, .Xd MAR91AGE LICNSE ,lation lk~da>' ev«ug ivas fairiy th wok tjws ost gthetow Te1' er anou d th nCSTITeqlISS.A. .. MCneXie, ias. S adi- e Br CiitH@se, hity, or noidic. well aîlended. ai euelne~g-,go, mehmore hcase ofdaer me î .tiensl-i.A T:Creie,.a. ~oe Bre Cmt-eue ______-su ils at!'lng meetng ninp. Trn4eps--Dr. Bery, W. S. Dee. WA804 ad quied t d o e> l u e i> JEROME SCOTT endoraed thepo- ~FOR REEVE,-Fred T. Rove, Dr. jc*Pnrt, Pebt. 1Murra>'. Sine M Asoa. Notar>'Publcetnd bcoefas niaim.Erylt-sillon Iaken lu Ceamdll by Dr. Wa- Johin Moore, Tics. Hail, E. Lick. RFAV<H TOW',.9mP. 'i-J Jut-,~tc., tc. ereaaloeeri vienvs- s inEx-. ren sud Mr. Harper. The queti>n'FOR COUNCIL.- E. Tink, Wm. 1 T. Dcehson <cl..DepuIv-R-eae- -iarisertSéici0rNOarePubic Maor mucson, hae hauver- should have heen suiai . d'toa Bovden, D. Burn's, Ale«. Kelcien, %h MaTk., Iohn g5ot. ' ouwlbl- Oshawae - Ontario gupnd u iglias ha thougbt oet1he vote. The -manne-r'et paying twnl vnova n.Gii, m. onmihsoHl, .. nrle&-W . W)nl. P1lln v. n Office-Ne. 2 King St. E, Muokie Bîock goed eld limes vhen 11e made , hetaxes sbouid b. -amended, sud if eve-siooe, nF.L.GrvnTisHal 3ve W. fnadAlant.ede ResîdencejL5 Drow St. -'rf>'l uiia oaot.F> hudb nCudlni ear 11e D.MorIni rnt os. Lanibe. phoM-OE1Ce, jzî; Residence. 326. him, the "piping timaS of pence" have wouid endeaver te have lie systsin Mhessr . W. - tevmdon li Kgb-»TG-,l oe fled been usbered Inansd litsoralorical altered. <Gran, - c e tevno Ind"a ,PtCKEoN. Em11offies-fHle-mb> H~rs. toes.s tuntia -bas net yqt beencaugil up 1 .WLISakdvylemen dravais. - leeuiv Reeve, R. R. vhrav. cou"-* b>' an' asprlag Eisha.wbc are shenting blue ru-t did netl 'Ath1e cutse-t there vaesesme dMff- rl. n PriAo.WloW A. M. ALL il. ao ili eve tsrahier t -letomake lie old lowna tyas le d bey g owmuci lime '%ak, lm«or vardag.ejHvee, MorWiimtiu"cit' dolin W.Srs conerdTUSIoTC. Wkhv -aniepai candidate vho possessaS, prosper ? Tic>' vouid pull dova. Ho should b. givon te speakeo. Event.. JFAST W4-TT3.-Reeve. -Tas. Mc- NWlte.senuulrd. -luse ex-Mayor Jackson, a cemptehan- lnied te bitild up. Tic assessment et uaiiy one heur for the Reveship ca. l~Ken7le(cl.> Devautv Tiecre. T-. u lve and accunaile loowledga cf mu- li. eva wnwau nov 51,900,000, et didates and twenty rminutes for ooWi PTe-ithoru, (.>rr 1 . (n <lncll-T)r Fane- fto e mWW Ouids m mmunnt 4, nicipal afaina, sud vieo aa tory wvhicb $600,000 vas exempt. He a id clors vas agree-d upon. - veql, Levi Ellens, H. Pascoe, 010-ver. *- U*If..d dearl>'and latelligonl>' tate liii oiginaaed the (dca of having certain Dr. Johbn Moore, rellring Remt, -- LudCo, Uitd" case.B>' long odds tb. bout sperW exempt properties haxed for moyen ooeupied his full hours aliolmeal. 1wus!pt Dealers, Estates Mauaged, as et tbhe vening were made- b>'Mn. purMoes. For Instance 1e had pro- Ho gave a bnief reviev efth11e con- Egmte .ll«od, Firet Loane Arranged, Willhs, sud ne-il le 1dm came Mn. ipoeaitc Ime CoumI>' Council liaI dMeons vîivh came about durng the;LbflstRaS pair a Soucicess ___ ospti>eeulad ieook . Li w o ui-ivadcere the>' cossent te b. se Iaied, and year, sud thon- turnped bis atention 1. b... 198. ly He d.fi ron St7. ltm eul. ienm iare te ho congratu- they had consented te an assesnen-I te th~e inanciai statemant. 1I1Almial I deai weather pnevaiied for I" be»1.. Ma hnege 7- . àt .of i54,000 on 1the Flouse et RetugO, The increase in the- ta% rate vas 11 nna2hlb;msFarhi .IUO leA MnIIagrsIO, _hb foca.eWhit-e, returning ofileeT, vas and 'xhen the Court lieuse vouid be expiained b>' an inc-rease in the a- ltbursal hy xopt Fr bnle imd-ciairman efth11e meeting. le onnect-ed with the sewerage System nmounts required for ceutity rate and atTrs .Exe fragnl cal]ed for the speeches In 1the erder tbley voffld increase that ass'ess ment. schooi purposes, ove-r which the tai). of snow conditions couid *net of nomination. Application had aiso been made ho Township has no contre), and b>' the hdvo been be-lIer. While the snew ln- ft CURPlserrDR. F. WA-RREN the' Ontario ladiles' ('ellie and te larme expenditure entaiied in the doublail4y red uced the size ofth11e 44 Uplsgtss Av.e, TOMOTO T s frst nominated for Mayor, had liea Dominion Government aleng sim- building of Phierrilî's Pond bridge, crowd to soue extent, yet t11e WiUb. leaedte ve stiiaes n ale break thie ice. Ilis reascyn fer de- Ilar uines. This woulul heip te redue-e a permanent work. The suni ef 5600 id et Plesato erg, Lat ng,&etc. ciding te -ofier for 1the Mayoraitth11e burden of taxation upon 1the had aie."been spent on ce-ment vaîks streets vere veli packed during 1the hma'ea oda&l. Wrie fr Trna,, as that e iigit, if possible, put rate-payera-. Referring ho the dis- in Brookla.prgsuo-te dig. O le a check upon vhatlihe deemed te ie posai plant, Mr. Willls stated that Dr. Moore aise retferred te several ýwhole, th1e attendance vas penbaps ________________________-unnecessar>' expenditure- ot public whlen, Dr. Cliniton was here lie tbld Countv matters. slncb as ne-mimera- net quite se large as lait year, but FRED W. McBRIEN . -Be reterne-d te th1e graduai Mr. Willis tfiath e had neî'er before tien of meruberç. tCe <Cmiit> vait- many mendiants vere heard la state FREI) * NCIRIEN rse intaxat.ion, and critîkfzed the 8c-en a disposaI plant 1W-e the one lin the îatriotic f und, etc. >/ ' that business for them vas -briskerj pà;.M..L.. ullA.... ..A l1-erino' of the rate for appe-arance be-lng orected here. TT- ton. 1 1c aid he was.a candlidate .1.ndbte h. n11 ai a uvremsr, muu c VIKanaa%.otau1 ur - vu.---- - - --- .- Nasadiau sd etimaes urnsie. vile1the aniouit cf taxation ste-ad- 1h vas ten big for W.ithbv or nl.said last vear wolild ho bis-lait, luit In1the malter of eoilhtgsshow'n In 1Éopa4s, Altestiensand jo'ubiag. il îy Increasai. Bis allitude upon lie- But la orden tese-ble the point b11e n ha iad grouin4s fo< erellng îho 'V-ouncil Chamibers,111e-ne vas aise B4>OKN. - ONTARIO, qW~stiQn O e va 1e.-defined. Be'asked Ihat englacer Murray bhaheard. 1ýhe Wardans11lp of the- <"envte behoa ilighly smaller number Ihan lait ______________ idnt ilai lis lovan eeded se-w- Ti vsacd e onferreduron 1uum. This bad not Ivear. but the quality vas ver>' cvi-i - <'mSaI lesat uomnos large a Sdis R .lJýý5M.4&..bieen doue, and ho askedl Min a.nother de-nIl> as goed or even bette-r. The ?ADU WAN TD -sud o W5ganpOa-tr ocWIlng -going On viti Vie- von 1the-plans 1vear te att2li, thein«1010. IRe ie Ifevl exhihibité voeeesneeiallv fine, [FlRf IE- ' t ~'iiron vitheul a mandata vere subnitted tb bhc Provincial a-ieaied for electioa~-onmtib PiateOn n sd ver. vol) vorli lhe gocu prIces -- ......- ifrom lis peo>ple. - Board etof lt, nd11e tord's et ecoffnoni-. le-v brmugit aftorwards. ~.--~ am frs <5 0 5acres Ini J. E. WILLIS englacer vent carefull>' over -lie-r, Fred T. Rowe erTnIainPd tbei Werk The herses enlered nce aIse-sfie-a- ViâtAccepf50tO7thle position et Mayor tIv e 1engine-or coming le Whitb>'te done by hbsdenaXîment et thf Ç'e-. l¶nimns. anud' somi gond conteste thge oriera part of tie Township cf yersago vithi leth -le t oftryiag oea the location. 'Ho approvai cf 1the cil during 1914. île ofVredhiTnwlf wërp urovided in clasmes veset- Wecg Wklitby. If you haye a tanna te te make oid Wiitby more prespeous. plans, whiciî vero passai b>' the as Roee-Be had servm i hr"ce " >eral ,e-tries were made-. - I ts he- had succeeded. Tic pqpu- Boaxd. The disposaI plan-t vas de-, In <',ouncil, and while twn otlV't 1menf The rlass fer lady drivers created "110 -- ' la-Mon iad been iacre-ased b>' savon signed for 3,000 people-, anad ferrorner-1 had served longer than he, liev hmdared-da et I-ruleod tuhrd;le ligbting o! lbe main gencies vouid accommodalo tr dcaa ehmt'i mns e ewt' -rsh .N ase-lt bêlng JOHN ]FISHER & P.O. etreeta had heen muchI lnpnovcd, limes li te aunber. The plan use-d stand fer Reeve. Ho there-fore effet- thilv awalrderl te Miss <'rozier, vitb Cotr tei sat adFam rkesmail boxes had be-en iastalied, the1e be - as Ihat fol1lowed Ia G reat - d 11usel! for the Position. 'situa bdv flalîcti a gond se-oud. Ceues' ealEsat su Fna Briensamsssmeul ad be-en grealy>' quai- 13rilalqan sd Anicnica, and was neceg- tTics- Hall bhrew a ieh n Ie n4)the Lums»den Building ized, sud a lever ystai construct- nize-d te ho 1the best et ils kind. The meetIng vlafn ho stated tiaI h4 had The utize' lut viiilu e pullfsed 6 dlldetdEs u. Whils 1the asie-ssent vas 110 Willhy von had beon demie at lhe net delared busel? out cf the run- se-i eekc, be-mge- rewdad eut ot Ibis: 6 dlieS.Etyet perfect, il vas greati>' improved love-st cosl of an>' vonlan Canada, ning for Reevo- li' had bee-na issue oving le pressure of spadc. - TORONTO overà-n iat Ilas Ivo y'ears- ago. At aioul 66 ce-dm par foot. Co-nun<ilor for four yezrs, and bad a -- greatMI le-gli Mn. Willis dealt viiwW TMNsid adfo ialural ight te stop usi, but ho vas _______________ lie se-ver question, and la defeading J.n W.imebAee-n a aot f bit- vmudecided jusl thon as te viat 11e ie adtiou of Ceancil produccu! aUn g the-veer queston te lie alec- von-Id do.,ewudlln loer rend a letton from th1e PnovIaeial ila 1Me-. EltnrLlck wa ut acadi - Board ef Bealih, vhich 111e Town ltor liabu tic etIn frme So-data, but bhoeffered soeacritlcism, mounled te a mandater>' erder le l-poIn îl 11-vn 1ecagdKingston no-ad hetveen Whitby aud jus sitaîl soyar., lu addition te lii is e roeeatt e Tb , e m clianetOshawa. The>' area adisçraca, lha voeayean gsaeabi ao-hsatiue TeCçwlbdntalu!, but oould bat. heeon cash>'n-' 'vl aogveabg ao-decided lee cmpel anyone tic put lu0 alb to il>'lu atou Unar issedneum-laIerais if 111e>' de'l vsh te do 5s led.osaevt e a! t Ca 8o o staces lb. Ceuneil vers justified t H e badu! ed bie Influence in Coul>' gravai. Mr' Lck vas altmoossu!32-00ton- e- ~~~~proceeding. Tho mevers beau Onpliut clt glle otil e tne- lssêeboifor a geod te-ad troi loueai LvoInla eil wvtin enundaamomalfrsea rnte -le Ostiav HéBesalu! 1115 j Rolled Qats 36.00 ton lioa IIF. adte debontares bau! solu!fayor- tc l anat lb. on tie fanmers voiilu! hafax tee ahi>'. Tiae vers toy ttveexlns baavthe Flour - Olcun rad u l. onVT ns el ud îi i forpultiug Ibis linougl.h . Lek iNeau ia ie 603.20 cWt Buo ni Dray Business Icrel th emit ad he1sui>' e wadi e Cthat>r. Dow-I. utic l m do lsaitaie I0va, leva had recolved full value for lth e>'cuu nt1l! et a ol bad bes en t osn enmt valles Iun- Ailvarieties grain and me-ne>' expended. b ei sease ho bad a contral 1ta Breelilulion s bad béecs nacICttlV Bus te ailtrains. C. E. HARPER sppo mltata ont.nothine dose e b lieKinesten -Rosd! feed. ÂUTO OBIL FORHIRE IfWbity va-le eopi ha salu!, lhe we-st evamnlecf no-ad A T1 BIBFRHR. pore viiholien levai and! forge a- FOR COUNCILLORS. lvildinc oseenid-flA.More 11et, - Oindlng md Roling Evuu'y Day be-ad v. inuit bave al111e moeorna .E APRsi htywsto,1 "Pifrté TI«O W. ha"e takea otan thae llapnctemente. ,Be did nol appreve C E HRPR a4 Wlly a tee gnode be-r ii. Ttiioeitôii etoteelova a i rate. Be-îe-ter - net golng le tain lumI becausei-Rodesuflv c-a biefi5 jeu onExpress businâeas, bave a 11111e hi giar rate Iban lt r dbe n u l.Lot %dl taie lue nfi-aiS-livt-dieen- Quick ev .Wl Du beginnug 0e-obai lt Ail have hazai eedrafti aI eau! cf year. hold and! maie the boul of lime-. cii'er+a qnqns-lsoenr. Mn. Lic evc. elDn begining etobr lo.BeRpnedicted Ibal lie lax rate veuld . .E. WTLLq, , aii sng-al'ng, obiehed le- men s btoIs- sen t h m ers are<ully attsnded te. have le he ilgher ne-il yean exclu- sald ho vas ,noad of lithe-vn jv-Pns; (.i.,pi inv t ml4 leSix Cents Pur -Bag ONLY - etive ef sevens. Be explainod bis po e- e-i.and d nemt prflflfqe to gel office o o-tWve.Tcfei,'ttbt -hones-39, 14 and 74. 'sillon ns sewers ai nolthe-lng o-udrlehr cuIe«îiin "1 o -- rw~1i sfi f pie- te111m, ul u l taot t -MR. ANNFIS vas a.candifate fer salA be- venlut set, fp b i sssert- - Stslae ad Offce: ubmitîlng 111e question t 1ee-e-- esli, asd congrtuiled the- ho teast mais fnr li'peoobnts 1111, hi. - e a t8ll7 Imprved, or 1the :nsVea lf:d t o f e oInl i t lfiot e . owney .& Co. ne-idants-w n'l c toa ttr~at m rfNe.tohn I fth. i eona Whtby Ontla pupils voeenov> gonelasew fo .B. yLA TT>IAW effer!blmnseif ri-îspbe e- icn-mnest-> * 11g boiol, educallon bacauseof0fbotr rlectlon ,to Councl. enlvrsmmvblboa.M. ï - --- - - - --- I D-Wi $1300.00. Brick dwalling1 goed gardés. COs lsituated in tbhav story, 8 nooms, lange cerner.- loi paymaent $700. This propsrt, ige et Brookîja.- $1800.00j - Casb pq#ýonth' $1400, balance arranged. Seven acres markeol) gardes, 7 roomed <rame bhotse,,good - welI, outhbuildi ngi nov, 2 acres ot orchard in f ait beanring. $2400.00. $500 cab buys a six roomed brick vaneer bouse, hýardwoedfinisoh- dova istaini, 3 pýiece bath, farnace, venndah, olectnfo lgits, fitures, goed osîlar, lot 50 x 140. - FÂTRMS - $4500.00. -85- acres, sou cia>' leani, -14stor>' <rame-dwell 7recuis. fair. outbuildincs, gfiein«spsrint.a firot-c grain and stock fan sd situahed adjacent te a good' village viit' h aippin g - acilities k sase cheol, churches audaltoresouIly hait mils distatt. 511,00.00.170 aores, large 1*i sotoon se dwelling, 2 lsrg. < auut,n.w, dri,-ne;bs 2,silos, shablingfer .44# bsad of --cattle, sud a i8cýinî<npring neairthéb.fari buildings; Good istocek sud grain tarn, nsd siutedhserîi propossd -Hydro'Eleohnic Railvay. I 4 4 ~5aIes.ï Manager": Richaîds on &Rcaýo -4 Dell Phono 1Sà t The Ssason',s G.Jr We wrsh out Friends and Pstons the Season's Complimets n ilQ> Týhings for the year Nineteen ýFîfteeni -41 - 4 -. 4 4 4 PEE L'S 1 S TOREü PLoie 151, m WLigby, Oft.e I '- - 4 4 4 4 A. .T. LAWLER WH.ITBY,. ONT. Phones: Bell . o. 47; neene o. 47 LOWER_ PRICE-ý1SI Beef, a staple food Vroduct lu this country' bas mateulaîlly receded In pdls. 1Wc keep a good suppiy of the cboicest youug stock. Pou aise is much lcwe-r, aud now tiat coid veather viii soen b. bere.tihus wiii b. a large cousumplicu of tuis pepular food. Petatees censtitute - a large siare ef table supplies, sud tb.>' are selimg about filt>' per cent. lovWer than last yean. Sugar aise bas showu veakuesi tothe ic citent cf 300 per bundred. Rosse- keepens nia>' b.eucounaged and are'in ,vitod te suppi>' their needs front W. B. i.Ptingie & Ce'$ store. -The>' have chice ne-wRaisins, eàtra value- in Carrants, sud Tou that 'Induce nope-ah onde-ns. WUB PRN(L &00. r- -q I '4 -- - 4 - . -4 Li~i Vacg A I Lc WISHING ALL OUR. QUSTOMERS HAPPY NEW Y£A bhone 70 'l

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