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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 31 Dec 1914, p. 5

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lea, rade A V *'nt li la". ea.veoey aniford Pumpa, ors Und in thia as4ty nui nairea diUI aind Grapino- IANJD MADE. emmate, and urne that noeebuî-YOprowmm l C id I "I N.cBasset JEWLERand POPTICIAN, WIIýITOYe, ONTAR10 STRAIN -EYE strain is ever with 'Persons who bave a defect ini sight.- A per- feàCecàcw stand, mucis abuse, but a defective eye can stand littie use. Eye strain, can be stopped, then'ail symptoms go u. way. Headaches are ré-- lieved, eyes feel and look bright and strong.ý Noth- ing as yet know-,n will take the place of glasses. Pittsi Hsrerrplttsel Rchbt R. N.' Bassett JEWELER. and OPTIGI AN , 1 fWIiITBY9 ONTARIOf W. C. T. UJ. ]DRINK AND CRIME. i là an Euglluh. ceunI>' tewn,l % h ODetober, 19 14-a great crowd le asenai the Assize Court. Let us " us hé ai the avns wltin. Thoa »Mdh t Judge lu scalet robe, and bbâ*Q lunwbite ulgs sud 'black M u md opposite lu tine dock la enlta-a soldim er. l ooko pâb mmd iuacabis. A ew ulgirfs boflb.mandis comradea had been 4whb»o boer, and tiée.vu a quan- lW, auj ho pullet! out a sharp bar' su mMd aomdow bis friand was leS, Md ho -la ohariuth klll- te Mm Drink made. hlm lois ils *Vék foi Y. Howard Mines for IL your lown golug by efluctg %d 5 uit, a ptogreme Mayor. - "e ft e nâse hefteveilge S uoan auary 4, 1915t at 8 oo'ethe lscshool roonu. Ail me=n- bu sare çondfaly luvlied. MeT. A. P. Mendisa, Who bhas- esptet a Sal 10 become pastor ef M1. Andrw's Pnouby'telau Churcb ker% ailI- be Ilucted luthie chanci eni Tuaaday evenlng, Juagy 5ti. * Mr. Menes vIli eccupy tine pulpft for %linsfinal lime ou lie follewiug I§ew la your wateh unng. It lb le »o keSplng liane or ls steppeS, teske (h o Basseht's. Vote for J. B. Wllls ton Mayor ton 1915. The toNvu has improveti rap- idl>' unden bis management. Do not hake an>' chances lunimaking a change. DoS4I 16rget.New- Ycan's iolldays. Cieap ticekets ah STEPHENý9ON'S, WhlVby. ':-Fane sud a- thiind- geod lnoig Dec. 301i sud 31st , good 1«11 Januan> 4th te returu, or single lane S -good goiug DSc. 8lst and Jan. lsi, god hili .Jan. Z, 10 return. Sec is otier advt. In thls paper. Thes wonk on laying lie suens asf been comploteS, aniS laierais àe uow' belng put lu for citiuens.wid have made. application for econwlh t he system. Tii. temporry loiposal plant willI b. read>' for une 1n a week or tlnereabouts, sud olllzen will ilion le able tb use -tinhe ~sfor î. ili drainage aud wast& . 92 Christmnas Day, Mrs. J."f. Per- Pr had theb.pleasune of reMe«rng a8 nuassag ecable frein ber son, cue #M h i ihi Ue-Canadlnan Con- word ver>' frequenbl>'- IIS N.-IIMEMORIAM. WILSO.-InlôvEng memiory of< deani 'mothen, lins.-T. IL WII bopaaasd mm Iis Mlit getbeyond, ai Broohiluo 231h, 1918. * Ohodrm. MAPLE LEAF TEA 1%OOM obna LOSE». Oà Thureday lent, the kitohea utea- ooddwtcouit ,etc., Of lthe Mapîs Leaf Ta, Bom w m I by audi...Thia mntbaun* te s room ulilbe clesed ton a itm at 1mai. 0iMa. Winter biea besu called te her home iu NQVs Scela, and nis manot ho able to reteu. If p-i>. J ible, fboweven,, abs uil rb<-pe room laU tnssplun. Ai olit-adsge sud a true one-"Do. snot awap herses crossing a etream.'l Whutby la ou the . to eprosperlty.i Vote for J.E. WIlIIIufor NMayoe. né, la best qualifiedt! te roie.!, our la- lereuta. N H. bs done it well lu past.1 He ýw1ll do ' h lu thnefutc r.. BAPTIST XMAS ENTERTANy- MENT., A gooi crowd turued oui ho icar lbe etterteiud,#ut given by the I bholars o! the Baptisi Sunday IScinool ou Wednesday evcnlng luit ai teruulCbatmas doings. The Jprograrn conshsted 'of recitations, drille, several dialogues, and chorus- es by lie uchool. AItlihs conclusion iItheo Chialtmmogifta were dlstributed, eI s,. h solar receiving somethiug, skong with a box of ciiecolates. The. nel proceeds were to be donated te ad for Our Drugs -are Pros!, and Pure Vromt Srvi. ad-Mderate, 0harges Whifiok's DugSOre73 Ifyouwant efficient service in the Couileli for 1914 VOTE FOR DR@."F. WARREN FOR THE IAYORALTY YOUR VOTE AND INLUENCE SOLICITED * PATRIOTISM. t...*e*s..oe.e e *..j Patnlotlm lo love of eountry. aid a dol'. brass bedetead for thns was therefone net unempecjt<l. She Country meanis more-than land alnd girls. Each child denirlng te cern- j ad been almoat a life-ieng resident lakea. Io the prcper sae cotry [pute must make regular use ofthe of Port Whitby. Si. was greaîîy nisans theo folik%,, sd'foik araseon*- 1001h brush morulug aud evening, ioved by ail who kuew hon, as -a line third clildi-en under 10 yeuo! ago. beginning January lst te. Juno lot. type of Christian womau. Sic was a Sorae cildreu cann'h love theïr coun- The parents are tb mark onithe menuber of St. Johnn's Anglican try because. hhey nomer aw agny love,. caiendin every lime lie brunÉi la met Churci. Rer iusband and famuIy We have ah Oshawa, a Sheiter ful snd o.ntity liat under their signa- jsun'u1ve to inourn ber less. Tic tu- o! chlidrcn, mStty boys, fromn8 titre. Tiie boy or girl most regular neral te-ok placé frorn ion late resi- mouns e ld up te 18 yearo. The. dean lu tins use oi tie brusin wtIi recelve dence on Mouda'y aflernoon. Service boye never had a chance. WOi't YOU luiprizea, whilc are uow iu the Win- was ield lu St. John's Cinurci by b. patriollo enougbh o hake oeeO<f dow of Mrs. Allin's book store. Mr. Glovor, student-pastor, and fin- tineso boys and give him a chance le -# toment hook place lu tie burytug be clean inl body sud soul, ho train The equalization lu i<assesmneni ground'adjoinlng tine church' Mrs. ils icad sud hind, to gnou le aimade lu 1913 ant!1914 nnakes Cadi Atklnson's déatih l deeply mourned seul Maun? rabepayer psy is fair siare-of tan-, by ail ber fnlend?. 1 Write Rev. E. C. Rall, Agent for e. Tic poor man ne longer paye, Chldren'a Aid Society, 'Ouiaws, the ricin man's portion. J. E. Will4a' oint. as Mayor wiîî ensure tfair play tb Personai Mention. J . E.Willis han a thorougi know- OIDYVSIOS Iedgs of the. Installatio>n o! tin saew- V .N ri .H LAY VIITOCrstma er system wici le under way. In- V .N ia .H ogaetCngna ahis on himlmiusiig It. Ho bas ai- The regular menti!>' meeting of in Toronto. ready obbalucd $54,000 extra assess- the Ladies Commubtee o! lie Wiitby Miss Meon a 't W/ Aî rt, O e roto umu from the Conansd promises brunch o!the Victonlazi Order ot witihber parentYern, 10 inceee Iis to $200,000 fron, Nurses, will be held lu lhe BoardJ Mn.E. Guru.>' and fmil>' spent othergoum l thug lowering your Boom oet hi.PubliceIliran> ah 3.80 Xmas In Toronto. tjxrae Voteafnrliii.-Wllia and ocdock Monday feron Jan.. 4th. U. andi Mrs. $. Coffe>', o! Soffale, CHESTNUT-WILLCOX. A vory pretty wedding took place on Wednesday, December 30, at th. home, o! Judge Montyre, wiien Mies Jessie May Willcox becanne the bride o! Mir. Arthur Bruce Ohestmut. The cereenony was pertormd by Rey. G. A. MeLeazi. The. bride, who was li- attmeded, wore a pretty go"n of Mue allk. The wedding mch waz played by Mies Maud Melntyre. Alter tb .oeromoey X- -"ntr - flbsoû was served, sud the bappy' couple loftIon the. 2.11 train for points west. On ilisir returu tbey *111 reside lu The l"des of the Whtby branci o! thne Victortan Order of Nurss are offenlng two przs to the .chldren of the town. A sicamboat for tbe boys We want yen le ihave. perfect enfidence inu orservice, as iL bs deignedi oryourbenefit. If yen cannot coine in Persen, we want yen to eteel perfecti>' free te tele phone 94; or @end yeur chibdren. In cubher event it wiII receive our liest attention. SPECIAL PRICES FOR NEW YEAR 6 Jeliy Powders 25e 3 Dutcb Cldanser 25e i Best black tea 40o 24 lb. bal; fleur 150li 6 Bars Surpris Soap n2e 6 Bajae Comfort Soap -250 Our Cola makes youp Breakfast a 3 Cern, Pesa or Tomatoes 26o 1 lb. large coeking Fige Te 1.doz. large aweet. oranges Mc- Net oui>' are our goods right but our prices are rigit as weil. VYour business friend, WM. MEEKEUR Phone 94, WHITBY Nent Sunday tie preacier ah boti znornlng aud eveuning services at St. John's (Bay) Chunci wilIl be bis Rev. H.W.K. Moweî, B.A., o! Wy- ffctie College, Torointo, whin a Ou- ductiing the Mission bon. freon Jan- uany lot to Janua.ry 5tn. Roi>' Com- munion willi b. aduinistered affer morning, service. Heinenber theo Mission wiiiob iIoto commence aI elgint e'leck to-niemroiw ulgit. The missioner will b. the Pie-. l.Wr-K.- Mlore!,B.A.,,->assstod by Mr. W. H-. Gregory, B.AÀ., --and- Mr. H. Aldenwood. Atidressos ou "The Christian Lite"! will be givein ever>'afternooni, except Suruda>', ai 3.15, and Ciildrenn's service ah 4.15. Mission services every evenhng aV-S' e'clock. At 4 p.m. on Saneda>' an addross ou "The Second Comiug"' will be givein. You are lnvited ho attend any eft les. meetings. Be- gin thie New Year wcil. -4-1 COMMITTED TO ASYLUM. David -Binci, wio bas been acting quecni>' ton some weeks, lias been se. counted mentali>' affected, andd h to be commibted to au asylmn. Birci is a main ef prebabl>' tiirhy- Oive yeans of age. Ha lo an EnglIs-h- main, -a widewer, and s three littie cidren in lte old land. For the past six menthe ie has been board- ing lin town, iaving cerne te Whltby f rom Tononto, Ho iad been anme>'- ing a young wornan with is undesir- eti attentions. and had been ordered to beave is boarding place. Thiis ho refusedti o do, saying it was not the Lord's will that lie sliould do se. A couple et weeks ago ho was ovor- heard le make tircats that i. would shoot !tio youzng wernan anS hiniseîf. 1 Siortly atterwand lie was arrestod, and bas spent s week or more In jail. Ho bas beoin examIned b>' med- ical men, -and given a iearlng fin Court, anS aftenrocelvlng additlonal evidence on Tuesday evenlng, Magis trats -Harper comnui±ted hlm ho the eane o! corne asylunu, il belug tine / opinion of lie niedical men liaI -a "penioi ot Metion was advisablo. DEATI-r 0F MES. ATK INSON. An old resident of Porth Wby> passeS away lait Saturda>'Iluthie -pergon ot Prancis Hanuain BeaL, h. leved wife et T-Y- Atkinson. Mn. Atkinsm n bd net been-- lu god --lt fr uomye ime, and liendeath wlIu Ers, S. uonsy. Mfr. Jack J . King spent Xmms;wh hie motin luAllistoui. Miss9 Newman la iolidaylug wltb ber parents lu Dunville. Mfr. sud Mrs. J. T. Hçizsby were iu Bowiagnville cm Sluda!/q. Mr. and Mn.. . RâcHuison speut Xmaa wlti tineftrron la.Toronto. Mn. Elmo Ard, of King, $peuit Cinristmas witnMu s renta hn. Mn. and Mns. P. G. Ensinlus and! fauxily are iold4ylng Iu Moutreal. ._ r. and Mrs. A.C. Macphernson and daugW; ,Droh, ,witi thenoremmcn' parents. Miss Lizzie Pirie, él Toronto, and Mr. Will Pin!., ot Port Ho"e, wlta hein parente bore. Mn. Colin Stewart and erge'Iut Douglas Stewart, withtri lo Ili towu. Messrs. Sld. sud Ram>' Tiompoon witn hei moîher, Mms. W. il.- Thompson. Mrn. and lira. C. Seldon sud fsaully spenit Xmas lin Hailtbon wih hen. son, Fraank. Mn. and Mn.. L. W. Dudley wore wlti relatives In Coîbonne for he past w'eek. Mr. and Mrs. Sain. Dudiley, of Coiborne, were <n bown for a day or two last week. Miss Moina BeShi, of Toronto, spent Christmas witi iner aumI, XMn. .J, T. fHornsby. Mr. Arthur Hardon and friend, o! Toronto, were lIn hown on Wednesday isitIngtrlesnds. Mn. and Mrs. W. C. Ruttan were Iu town wlth relatives on Chrilstmas day aud Satunda>'. Mr. and Mrs. JTohn Cooper wors in I3owmauvIlle lait week attendlug the wedding ef a niece. Mrs. 1IL W. Wilicoz Io spending a client lme lIn Boston. Sine *111 ne- turn er I>inhe New Yesn. Mr. A. Allun sud bride, o! Bow-m manville, were lu t;own witn roIs- hiê oven Christnias sud Sunday '. Mr. W. A. Tîsindersein wsIu Aur- nra on Chnistinai Day and Saturds>' visiting hîs motion and etner rela- tives. lIrg. BaWdaa& e, Montres! ;1Mn. and lIra. Norman fani, Torointo ; Mr. Geo. Ram, Mointreal, witb Miss I-Yarn. Mn. and Mn.. (4nrce Thndas sund .twn elIMrpn. of TT11rrn',C'<mintv, wa' vdtffl, Piv. <A. andi Mns. IcLean ou M.inanday. Mr. Boit, Mollune>', Toronto, andl 1r2 AvI rm Sool, «<North Om~fla, milir. irmlg Roer, mou a meflea Sdet aiToireýo VM- vmll'; r. ~ li.r. mHaI auwry,i Smmk; M*in au lire ',..J. HolMdldars. T.t.mHolll day*.&id e;*u . amilra.T F.Hou! Misceiianeous Advetts FOR SALE. Two seond-band Ford cars Lja firat-Clas shape. W. J. Luke: & Sou., FOR SALE. PreSh grade cow ; makes over ené pound butter dally. Bernard Baker, Byronz St. voutb, Whltby. TO RENT.. 0 roomed bungalow, wltb bath mmd 'ele*io Ilgbt, by lut January, 1915. Appiy le W. Buna., -WANTED. ..Lake Front Fam. Glve ful Par- iulars, lneludlng price, ternme, di&- tance frozu station, and lake front- age. R. F'aulkner, 136 VIctoria St., Toronto, Ont.-26 HOUSE FOR SALE. New trame hous, là atormy, mou roonis, 8-plan bath, turnwe, electrie Itght. Apply J. H,~ JAMES, Whl*- by.-tf. TO RENT. Building ithai has bééïn occupfsd by, Standard Bank, BrookiLu, posulcu Jaury lot, 1915. For parlulgre apply Oco. Pringle, 148 George 8t.9 Peterboro, Ont. W. J1HALIETT For Councillor for -1915 Your Vote and Influence Respectfully Solicited, RE-ELECT Jl'imes Moore for 1915 Council Vour vote and influence for hins are respectfully solicited. Vote for F. loward Aunes For Conncillor P lump White Cherries- growfl in Southern France, Each envelop- ed lu a coating of liquid cream aud then dipped in pure, nich chocolat. Half-pcund package afe. Oue-pouad. package- 11.00 THE «W TI4AT ARE'DIFFERENT 69(~ , I ILSOM hP tIl igtub l rogresive, oârdi1 mmd ps9udent managi tb its present good e£ Wishmg you 6 prosporoue 1915. iL E. /7 Permît me to hbank theratepayers of 'Wbitby. and My. op ente, who so generously, resigned, ibereby allowing me th.ée. for 1915 by a"' mtion. i. It will be imy aim'durn g the ceming year, botUs-in Town &ai-, CountY Councâ1, te support ail measures -tending toward advanu- ment o! Whitby. Propoese, temp.red with prudence, wHi b. u* motto. Wighng oùil theo Compliments of tine Beson. Wishin yen incerely youns, MUNICIPAL ELEOTION TOWN. 0F WHI-TJ3', 1915 For Couneiffog Your.,ote sud influence are respëetfnilly solicited fki Re.de. GO!lDRENG "MADR UN CANADA Now's -the tim e to - prepare for ucit ycar's harvoît Youn ianveal will b, biggen, bettes etsr fyu put. in nie timn utii faim. Driv, a Pord-ý- sud redue from. a malter of heurs tio a mat _-- et miaules, lime'spent in-thos . nece.a'itri-t-m-e town duriing lbe bus>' tEsson. Berenteen thntuand, Canadien fanmera drive tii.Ford boeause il's a' time-saver - monoy-aaver -,andpiesunre-given. Ford .Touring Car, $591.- Ford Runsbout $M4. Ford, Couplet $850. Ford Sedan $1160. Perd Towu Car_àsà&-' Bay.CffAia»' solfuIyequl & p.b li,?> n Boeso eeapnactical cars J pro 01 ,W newlPord cars b.t*wAugu.* i. 1525, sdud &5UUl, m55 ,Forda 2oior company of canuda, Limifleî W. J. LUKE & SON, - WtIITBY, DEALERS ~AAAAA~ I I Farmns For Sale Upwards of forty farine frein 26 -acres upi and at from $85 an woe, gusranteed tà- show satigfàactery reenults frei inveetinent, located in Wiitby aud.'Pi&êr'n'ge Towznships. Every couceivabie requirement of soli « buildings, ercnard. and other improvenients can ho met in tic .vanied liaIs offered. JE. WINN, Bell pho.no 1M. Ueie -,-Dul '4 v _ i = WI-IITBY" adas St. Est. - - - --- - - -xi.- SPORTINO 00008I MADE ON CANADA 13V CANADIAN WORiKMEN FOR CANADIANS -We have the best agencies Automobile Skates Spaldlng Sporting -Good s McINTYRE'S HARDWARE to ths - 1 §-*% qL ier-Mý- ".«qmwm-ý wto6o je IL- 1 rlwýWW' 3 or em loir"

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