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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 31 Dec 1914, p. 7

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msa.attemipt Vo'force. -a wegebetween the Wuesian ~nrth- pÉ nd sauthern ani-efs. lm- iiielsig sJusug1ter 'is taking place in eouthwd,,-*,g,, tiot be abated uDtir the 3Sn4ancy <Ë M has been <léfinity estiablimhe4. in tbe rezion of Sec'aczew thou- bnste Ge- sandsf of, elvilians have been kiled. sivTii.Gesmztns, usee igt-inch guns baMttle, which oe..- àgainst the -tcwn 4rnd rnimashed tbe 3as a eneral .Ger- higýh tenet housese. inihabi- '-h-ieeà i h ants were crueihed undei' the nma- S Ru.Eai&ns as, they, &p- to fiee to WarE,àw-ý,the G -rmàÏ n V jint whee the Aus, pourvd shelle! into te dense matý."z IVEomninate in th1e enerny' of'nieon, wonien anà dien. and î'The most southerly liattle hundreds we. tramnpliedVo death. and is on fthe NWa~. fere the The, sanethn <cre toi ME have gained ia vicooT over, A Russian offilcer wý%ho wase aecor- )anikl, whose task apparentjy atsd for -capturingsix German guns à link up with thé Austro- at Lowicz- statea. thnt 80 GerMa n -army on' thé ?iIipa, 20 mailes.1 women were fighting in th~e treneh- f Ne>wo, Rsdîmgk, and afsis4r es. [RIWS ORFEN- ISIF NEW, 1 R AIL F1103 1-1 --Jl:iiotoîiings lit th0 Esnemzaid Iole Iiistete toIriêti The National Il tel, Limerick, h Ibeen4est-royed by,lire. C-trpsa.e 0'Hagan, o!Bre - Iow, Duucalk, 'udmate, o! ti Vag - boat "isao, dead st .S*iti Qlsay while, makiy liupt ahUe $ýoi anl ii-ccinig- ve st-i. ('Accoî'4izig te-a report of Vhs Pli le Heruith Cotijiittee o!ftlie 1)ubl Çvm!puration, thero are now iceîns-'d îiciluue houses in thecicl areftour more ase beiug censtru- cci., tMajor-General Bmowne, Kiiioi Cottnty l)ewn, coloael-ia-chiefi tbc 2nd Draguons, bas r-cceive7d message frora tice Tsar with li greeti4s ganud wfsling the regimer vîctory. - JInquiries La Dublin regardliig th -effeçtso.f thie wamcan t-h-P prîcec ,lentlier, owiag ,Vo exceptional de manda for eadd,'emy, show tiiat lo- m,-de hics been ývery litie affecteA A letter froni the Local Cioveri -enV Board lias been ecivcd t: '«e Bray UrIunaCounicil itiî efer aete the ditrees in the distric owing VoL tho war. The matter wil 7lie gcnc into at once. - Mr. H. Adamsoa Banhridge Coirnty Down, lias been prceste< - by the towns people withI a pusase c gà1d for gallantly attempting tc save thbe manager o! the 'local. gu-r wes-ks afte-r an explosion. Dr. Mulcahy, J.P., coroner o South Leifr.ixu, was tlîmown froc bis ca-m at Kiltyarden, a lev-et cmos ing on thc Cavan and Leitr-mu Rail. -way, anid was se scverety injure- tligt be died slîert-iy after. ItLis zt-at-ed t-bat a-Id members ci tliÉî sýtaff of the Rankr o! Ire-aný volunteeming for active service wvill be allowcd leave cf abi-ance, Vieir _posts kept open and tbey wil me- ceiva bal f pisy<lu ring absence. The recruiting aut-horities ia Ire- land are drawing up a »sebeme for tapping-thé resoumcps -of the county districts mors effective ly. With t-ho con.clusion -o! harvest-'ng oecris tiens iV is anticipalted t~ta arge of meaie c n will becoie ça.da- bIc-for service. ( I Second Lieutenant VIsc1funt Cas- tierose,Irish Guards ('w4,.nd- -an-d isig) at-hoheir of ehsEarm o! Keama- 're, aud la repres>entative cla famit>. which lias cSuýpieda distinguiehed position lair'eland -for centurmies. 0 . George Rety, a-a allen rçzidiuný ai i Caslewood Park, Rathmiaesa, vyas fiaed la thle Southera Police Couvre $25 or two mentiis' imprisonmeatý for !ailing Vo ,return a permit a.loi-/ ïadius of iv,>milýesf rom hie reui- 2dayce for a. period of 24'lhou Increïa-sin-g vigilance u issu enalcui the aortli Irioh eoa.st. Portruali C.'ouncil lias aow deinanded tilat a&l public lighting ah-at-i e extinguish- cd ab 9 o'clock, sud-thbe gas coqu Pan>y ha been ia-tructed Vo that affesct. " At -a meeting cd! he Limerick Dis- tit Cemmittee the oity surveyor siuggested -as a means o! giving em- plcycasut t-le wid-saing o! tile, Cork- --a-ares ecabienknt,-andi VheL. G. Board w-ae aked- for a -ban Vo carry cult the soliere. Value of a Flesh Dtct. - maily !pc»n theImperia¶ 5 wbo suff.red bod' or ql a.areàult- -0! thc gFa4 on the r Whit- J- QUEE'N'S NEEDLEIVOItK GUILD New Year's Gift te Quecu lMarýy Front Woiuiîcîîof Canada. [E- The foiloving appe.L- bas been sent cuit by ýthe Queca Mamy's Nee'dlýew-ork Guiid Vo tise wcteen-of Ca!nada, aeking thea iVo contribute towai-d a c earF,-iit te Qucen c O Mary :--- %- "Wiii yeu kiadly aiiow nie, throuîgh yosîr yaiua-ble meidunm,te ask the wvoren of Canada tô uniteý ba itî Q ueen Ma'ys Needlewerk Guilin la anin.g a Neiw Year 8 pro- ans sent V,-, Queen Mary whieli shait lbe the w'orthy ,ci our gicat Dominion, and 1e ~ -bco nuanifzcent work the,,womea ng "Will .-aelh wnsan 'in Canada, wlîo las orkiîgor the soidiers ànd' saie rs, send oene gariennt duning ,li Jiunuary Cthrough . Quseen XMary's 49 Neediework Guiiid for Fier Majesty it u dîrtrilijute 7 ty This cau be dJone very easily. Lt 'Tii-antre te Lady Wifliams-Tayior tihe 1Ba.nkcof Mt-ntrea.1 bas kindiy in- o! strutcd ilany cf i-s branches te me- acieparce-Is on is-count -o! Vhs [li Gssi-d, a-nd such-pa-rcels wiili -ha for- lit wa idcd wit-hoxit cost te t-be douer. utPérsons esiding lu a'Vown wherc hethera iii no bran-eu of thc Bank of ofMeontrua- may fo rward parcels t-o of lnra a213 re-el Thé Pi'ine sendiug Vhe Bank Vthe meceipt for the .SicVteoîbekftleva d.charger ad i mon !wib into the very-firiag -inca. Thliu4 n i-lle rtumd, ethe anut.f hi fered the heir te the Britishi tb y "iV wib i erny pleasre Voa-p- slip as a "rlookie," bis dearcat w. r- pîImt il for c.asurouSdga- lus way -t-o jein thle Expeditionary niants te those who are williig Vo PvlS!taV d Fied iMaasi. cai i igve their work luit bave net mater- Prerincen hhmascmai iali riid Patteras avaiabI-oThis aercoeigfrom wousnd-s- rece emateriai wiIl make fanaclette permitted Vo accumpaay lis faitiior ýddresses for infants, woolien under- if clot-bes for children froni- two -to COAL BOOM F!OR CA.NADA. ,0 eigit yeams otd, men's flannel shirts,- Sseeke and children's steekiags. A MShIs -.Eno)rmouis lt<;our4-e5su d po-stçamd sent Vo Miss Wcltsr, Assis- IVari 111 3ako n Market. tant Scretary, Qucen Mary'aé 'n Neediçwork Guuld, St. Catharines, Couid Canada-corne te the roscuse 'Ont-ai, Sayinglbow snany garments o! the warriag allies of Europe if can le made, will resuttl in aterial those nations continsse te draft d and directions being forwarded to inte their flghtiug ammi 2s4Vhs 500,- )fthe sender free. 000 men that are needed te - mine "Queen Mary, by ber unsaýlfisti de- and rnarkeb Vhs ceai suîpply 1 dvotion te dut>, and splendid exiam- The ccii esoumees o! Canada are iC, bas cndeaed hersai! te Vhe wo- estinîabed at soinetlîing over l,ý20 rmaen o! Vhs Empire at this cri s8s,- billion tons cf easily svorkabîe ceai, and sucb a Newv Ycam',s gift as I wit-h an additional'17 hullion tons lia-vs suggested would net en'y a deptlîs groater than 4,000 feet, r r e-ytr srsVsQei ev n eprove t-bat t-ho women o! Canada uvbichi could le uised as a lset me- Vare trd teravo servuee t-a eve-n yt ast y ear, Canada h Kiang" Lbut aIsogivo Vo Hm ajesty cîm-ported wneier-b!o! tecea t hs gra-at plaasure o! Hdisrtributiug caundwtîî isbres Suseful gamments te Vhe soldiers andi The otai production cf ceai in -sailoma, Vhe refugees, Vhs pour and Canada hast >'cai was 15,012,178 needy, t-le- waifs andi stmay-s. tons, andi the number o.! men sai- déHOping that the idez o! a-New ploycd te, mine this c-cal was abeu1t LYcar's gift te Quean Mary from Vhs- 28,000, cf wiîich 1,736 La the ca-st- womea cfl Caadawiil meet witb a cru previnces mmced 7,980,000 tons. e ar-ty esponse, beliave me, If Canada cousic expert an appra- a "Youms faitli!utly, cialle amount o! ceai te Europe it éé(Sgd.) C. WELLAND MERRVPT, wouid have Vo corne frôni t-he Marl- b "Hlonortamy Secret-my." ime Provi-aces, which are estimat- - ...~,ed Vo have a total eservc o! 10,- KOeOOoooo0 tons. The Maritime b KIL EIHT 0 ENENY. - rvnces <uring 1913, exiported - _Two Manehes5ter Offleers Get Vie. 676,000 tp.rq, df-mhich 417,000 teeS A - on., c,.,. ~ -~wCi?ê 1Wthe United States. Ade&Patdh from tiudn - 13>far the.largeat cea iefldsid n Victria roses hve ..~ ~~iCanada are ia Alerta, 'nIiere t-he V o Second Lîeuteaant James Lëe-adi - a ted reserve îs over 1,000,000- and Sergeamit John Hogan cf VIe 00,0 tons, lui tVhe long haulage Second Battal-lon o!fV-be Manchester and Vhs Jack o! macisinery and mien Regisueut for "ceaspicucus bravery Vo work tIhe mines ou a large scats asar Pestubert on Octo-ler 20, at a short notice wesîtd practicall> wis, sterther tenc îai b-sîexelude this enermous sppiy f rom taken b> Gens-ns, and after Vwo uoe a- ertemnso i attempta te recapture iV lad failecl, berta produceci 3,300,000 tons, val- they volu-ntariiy decided ou thbe ued at $8,000,000, and employed 6,-- afterneeu o! Vhs same day Vo me- M6 mou. The question of obtain- c-ove-r hs trench tbem»,clvesan d ing la-bor Vo work anyr addition-at werkiag frorn traverse te traverse mines is quite a probleni, as min-t at close quartera, wit-h great Ira- ers are skiiied wormrnn, and. every .er1 g sial> ucesede.d i-n me- miner in Canada is busily engagcd. - gaîunmg possession o! Vhs trencil. Whetliem unskillsd- men could le The> killeci eigt"&of VIe enerny, uRcd euccssfully wculd lie eue o!f' wouînded two aud trade eixteen pri- the problema that the -piontes d s3oners." would have Vo soive.c Urges il'se of Poorer Focils. industrýr extensively hs looks like ii - ______._____ If anada eau deveipThem ceai A despatcli frorn Ar.terqar says: irgetcp.ui~.Tcca The Vossisdlie _Zeitung oWr Berlin meseurces o! Vhs Dominion are sec- v. pî'iuts a-a appeaT b> ieadiag Gem- oi to thosé cf no couîntry la the n -m-an professors o-f polit-ical emony wcri 'd, -but the distribution of pop- ri whicli urges Germans Vo live ou utlation lias up to the present pre- 0' vegetabies sud ry-e Ire-ad. lîýaving veated 'fu]] advantage ieing 9aken e' nieat, 'white bread sud delicacies o! hIem. Pemitapa Vhs watr will' fer t-ho sià kasd wouaded. "E-ng- force action o!sorne kind c! ether, c l-aud want8 Vo atari'. us, and we and 'nilI nisan tbat before the sud c muat therefore do evcrything pos- cof aext year. shoulc thbe war. con- c- sibte Vo écen-omize lu VIe use cf cuir tinua, -Canada wil lhave devcloped ln food,", the appeal sayq. a market that c-an use at- least , 91 000,000 tons o! our coaI a year, ad -Atrocitie Provcd by Many Exhibits., will continue after the 'nar la de- Of cided.c A despateli from bLondon says: An S -~ I exhibition is .bein-g leldinl London GEMASDII tao prove t-he, occurrence o! GermanLU1 ED - atrociîsa. It consista of oefcia 6 documents and nuniereus Photo- LaRt Avisilablo Jian Called to the" graphe. -Colors. 91 -The Petit Parisien -Ptblfshes a c A Slow Cailer. - sts;t-ment'by a Freachman- wlio suc- "Say, Mary, ham't -that -y0uag <eeded Ln escapiug froni Oemîaay, man e ut tiers a home te go toi" sud whese information, says thxe ,I gues. ast, dad, ac! wbat's journal, ia precise, and beara the nore se far lis -asn't- shown an y imprees of trutî.- -1n e akig'eR o ta.tensfo-Te eMaL, ie syNe onerl I 1 ShowNtoreFigopro vick ii.jtoe inl .rt cgTh Europrisw Comra4e.,- The great endu ranjce and' ghing NEW* 3IAIL -Ajj:QOUT -bility cf 'tihe ýnative trooýps f'roax 5 u JOL *India, wh.o have <>me to talce Ypart- for te Èrst timte Inliecr-i war against white, tvops'n'Eùro- pean soil, have aston,:ehed t1ise GQcrrences n la Ln &a whoan they have been'pit- 11-ii ai Leas WelL Re adi the oqidcm II ~IVii nti : mandes except the British-: merelai World. The oilly question Whicih ar-ose in * the ]3ritiâh officers" mind ias wùîe- lF dty-neBtilofce' stad gaiatarillry fie, o erie rder,' of ier -liher the Indian would be able to leen &ward-ed the' Distingul * w.hicbh they neyer liad been'subject- The British Adrniralty annoi e ihef rontier wars. ThIs ha that so far7,4lie & b.j b-nanîswered -iii the a$Ymativc, in Pthe naia service, Aand they lhave proved as steady " tth eitc Al SLit der,, Iirapne41h'e as the ;best of their White com-rades i agirms. Not o hoeithbel wr rn this, but the commanders of tihe muffled fur those fallen in the aljd armies aver that they show One hundred And thirty xesi' d'aih anid fearIcî,,?neas.t-o a remark- of the tSuiijation >Army shelter able degree, andl havý on many c 0iddlesex Street bave gone tu casions dispia.yed gre-at initiativeý war. under the must difficuIt ci-rcum- Tihere. are about 9-,000 Tui1La stanceE, lu a fsuburb- cf Boulognie, France, Mnhse n ~tit h' bc'f<re the leinrance cf a grent fiald r ciybjgegaged iu the_ covered withman regulier rows. of îgtae tents stood a I brenze figure as stiji T*o apples Fold tby auctios, as sttue It-'vs a~ ~i ~i5Covent Gardeii, London, du 4z uniform of'khaki, guarding the san- of the Princg -of Wa]ez Fund,i > ~itarium, in which tomne fundredz of i-zed $17.80. bis alightlfr wou-nded or -ailing com- "The 4erman£jtfjll11i ras fronm the battlefield, ocf Flan- will wiu, s ders werle recuperating fromn the wonder how long, they thin i hardships of the cainpaign,. The4Ec take them towlin. of Wales Marching to Join Gt neriui Freneli 8 AIIsly warri<or, frorn t.he Psnja-b andi Ben- Ne-ws has reached Iond6n thederee wri f iePriceç-fWaes a- ben e o V te frot, gai, as their fello--soiers, the Lieuit.-Ç(ol. -- Wilson, comm i' the earst ishof ihePrice f WIes ia, been o g tothefrorblitt.le, hardy Gurkhasa nd Pathaýns the Royal Norse Guards, . ha$!% ,gh sadly disappointed a nuxnber of times by Lord Kitchener, Who trans- and Jats f ro-m the mountai1ns c' killed in action, tronc f rom one regiment to another untdl lie liac served hi-s apprentice- thle Afghan frontier, generaliy bear1 Newcastle bias 'o'btained -.1 vish at Iast was granted him. The phipto Elhow-s the Prince mare-bing on thei variations of climnate with theme - frce inFrace.Kin George w-as in France a feW d ay-s ago on a. greatest fortitude. They declare flo:mnh.Frh renrih, t-he command,,er (if the Britis'h fore". Here lie met t-be youn.g they are fighting for bteir "r1 _ s e&,tis, ,10recruitsV >, t-h-e King made a to)ur of the base hospitalé, cheering the.. mie.n vho E mperor, and iV l-s noV for2 or otéi'tained i four days. -ived on t-he battl-efleld. The Prince was elated over t-he fact tha.t lie was compi-in. $510 a asdi e ____________tours. Julst as well drilled and disci- utes abieroltýoward-s. the plined as the soldiere cf any Euiro- o! ,trovidinÉ' a Live il1 have been told theni. The impres- 1915 EX POR1TS MAY BE BROKEN pean power, tliey go iaVe b.attale â Base HoikMta b the front..ý cîo wiehthy ive ad wio -the full assurance t;hat tbey ll be Lady Èï honas ~ C they do not conceal',41 one of er- Traile and ('ommeree Deparimentvîrs W-enhy iawntYtle i 0- rible and immense weariness. The Thsues Ainnual Report. action they disd-ained the~- tion S e- i xr1;5ed laïsted~ entýsiam o a hortvhle go ascf thle eheiter trenchirs .and daed I.ýfdom, Mcýunte. w" the Il en1uîs o hr hieaobs The Department of Trade and across tlie open at "theiropponeknta Payl ùï thcir ou, < give ng place to a dîull snd intr ommerce fias ssued its -Vweaty- witli their býyonete sud- kniveý, two yqunag melr abl aguih hio bcoms vidntsecond anoùsial report. I-L co vers much tVo tIîeir cost: Thcy have since _Kingstoii, Jàtms ia every instance,.a ere In th t wn c m dd e nd so th - the fisca e r e diiog , M arch ài -arned, like a l ths other roops own 'of K in g t kft mé ]ast, C'anadlas record Trade year. Iesîgaged in this, wai-of rabbit war- 'oin the Kfng's L ifa erm Germany wliil -he pasýsed The tma-de total amounted to $44, reis, te. bore tdieir way throughs the Mriin~o I tba seaino.mTh e 1915 ls haieentu480,276 more t-han the, total for the earth to geV at'their focs, and th6y Mre illa WP N aeden. the 1 5cl ssan d th e -a re z u ei, r achn hbi~ have preved -even 1m ors* adept at this 'th oMany Trùstees O rckae tle olutely emp te Gar- ing figure et 81,l29i,744,2. The îm- kind cf fi ;hlting tüîantheir Euro re ced- a tfable no rak aeasouey mt. e-ports to-ài1ed $6,50,746,797, a di- peanon rA)nades. - eadilly, Vonc1mm7n-of many ha-s atthe presdr4tmome-ni--l ec her i 14'fc - eroieda-I tu eTeciv~ a lir rease cf Ù1,285,5>5 as compared -. ay& disposaI. Those who ize flot intvh1913, 'but an in-ereasé of $91,- < By thie deatili ci Elàri R - the fighiting Une are p-icled on the the total cf 191£. - Ex- 11E,111.1 IIT I)OWN. - distinction Mf bein-g thc 01 frontiars and inu-concentration Pots fou*lre year amounted tu,-- ber o! the , 1ouse &f Lor ca.ps.$479,807,1)28, an increase cf $5,- itish saiIors Teli Iloiv Gerlîjin gained the Victoria Cirôs Tha army no lon-ger has aay na- j6b,871. Raider ,,-ttE~ppd. Scottishi peer,ile Barl t tional reserves, and wili no!U le alte I)eputy Minister O'Hara, ia his naa ien wliose edips have re- more, te form them, except attâe price report, says: "For several years in turned te Harwicli, England, af-tcr. The London Couaiity Coun.. of an immense effort, and il, cannot presenting Vhe annual report of t aking- part hse hase of the raid- cation -Committee recently reinorc onefrot eceptby im-thisd cpartmeat, it bas been my iig Germa-n cruiser-s st-À'te t-bat Vhe ed that a Jimited number of inishing its forces on another* 'ront. privileget e exceedi]iyc szeo h -eyia u hie uet bepoe sus That is why General Joffre' tW-he tîmistic observations as Vo the pro- ly Vo t-le fact -iat thc Northi Sea atiperarnuary teachers in ele knows ail, Lusuabie Vo gay t1st our beble i acrease in the. total trade was enveloped ia a thick mist. amy schools. position is very good. for the easfiing year. In every case "It-was desperately liard lins-s on The, ,Ùrst womaa towni crier, The truth is coxuing Vo light, de- tbc increase fias exceeded t-be most us," sa.id a member of t-le crew Pf Engiand is to lie asen now at C6ei epite- Vlie precautions taken, amoag sanguine expectations. This year, on. of the slips. -We were abso- sey, La the î-person cf Mrs. B1ý1ie Vhs massoec! German pèople, and theic-liwe.ver, in viewo! t-le European luVely certain we shouid bring-tliem whiose hiisbiàd, thle regular-crje pecople,,ful cf the ago > y cf its last W ar and the unprecedentsd dis- into action, but thou-gîi ' we wcre hogàet hefr , i.ý.àieh hours, feel t-bat tic fatal moment turbance ia trade tlirougiout Vhe hard at t-heLr beels, t-bey gave us t-lie son ia. e tie' rou.t -1 'h of oallaapse Le at bad. -worid reauling tiherefrom, it i. noV 14pini the cc-nlounded fog, wlî-ich a.ia lifted occasiona.iîy oaiy t.o eîut Raiwy irles at Aipeý. possibile Vo rea;cl any conclusions Wezly r o-be usýed a4 te as___futreossile___ edowa agaia like a Vhiek curtain enléy rt ___________as o utue pssblet-rdeex-pan- W, tcolb ledoue under such ll ary homes for ref ugees@. Qvs sion otther tha.n Vo observe tlhat dlitionts - Tley ddd noV want to bas been spent in,1fitting them 0 frÏom the latest information avail- figilt, and direct9y tliey knew wa wbile fumnît-uire h"a -keen provide - MEN STRUCJ< DUMB. - a'l]e it would anpe fa tbat-he- we o F-ield surgeonn coiitributé an se- Particulars aa tý Privatserog thrce Germnsisitr-y'rîe< gas is -bt)eing sed -séà the pbe'aV xmtnt -o-f Vhs manmeria wbicih deatli Wilson'-s, fins feat iin wiaiug-Jt heisathee 'w « ut r"n< very tnwhaiaro ayd1 i 'fe L.The ,ornes f rom shel l ire. Ia soin. VicVoria Cross dave been-g'Lve t o -ltrhwei muy e'y dc G sLgt aud oke C 6 mpaiiy ass me-a arc found- .Viff in deat-li Vhs LoadonDaily Te-Iegrapli, ý oweWpe lerid, "a.nof hewaste her ititan hogtleThms marvel-Ioua -low we got uo!teaecxxgg4.noepr1,0o- s life-iikc attitudes,-so that Vhes siff son disoovered thers wss a German affair at 0,-i. O! ,course, we en_ O;Et- ýess characteristiccf a corps. must =maie Sus i tationsd ia' a Wood, eee.n..1ee u ave corne on at tIe very moment ad pisetion lus *ws n lma"a' i a! e t6- urby h eyweatn a5,agt rwd s pr E deabli, whereaa under ordi-aary tiiye, ie'decidsd totop its oper.,o tii cxem séipi. flîey «>o ian ref, é s~b~ ti ircumstances a msn dieî first sud tiens. In bi.-4espesrate výnrLuoe e ieÎ'eewer eou-1 jby sm~ eitBntly hEn srge &C)çaýglgi lowly Wtffe-as afterwarde. Bon6 i' fgeVt ie -peraton ci àvvate.f male ff-hoee,'ie -e ~.tDacc alu eo&1~ lli is ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t 1il uren hy1ttrbtd i p~<ager t-o ticanssîvea, anad we w-eme bank -notes iate Englis meneY. he iVtel aureVi hoae atributd eh sy ' it eut e. d powe.rless Vo esVop Vem." - - SeatÉ were pr-ovided in the court yven off by t-lic new eiplossve, aged Vo e ui cloe - rercsmen- turpe-ntîte."'l One of he 1 ip m -ý>yard1sud Ot-bey - weiWisosupprfresh'wnth ae at GUcY'5 u>tehwve,èivaf* ntrditst-at ta , awee',. -piiohou-kllve Udeuted 'Old Aun-"Johnnie, how many ontaditstéa thëry hoave; isonconizued ob hirs tiies have I teld you te stop t-batk /-Z155Missio, Oe 4 Oee enoise?7" John-nie (refiectivsly) - Doco-PO yo'u -ts]i- n ayUr ehotth officer and entiMeýgU pep1Ptei--#1 ak I of ai 'eoldiers aàc! mý'm' 'dthh~See.ser epPat Fin a-«x Ialc - Whnaaled by her teadliero, eoaleà?àmsaIf a un an - te polesCIma Wlhc f Vhs fsa.hèred t-ribe aI rt tic leavie.t weghtor' a butitteiu W, replis4, "h nl, te-uta- -the wre Ian' aquar- 7- Ily wriu- itor au>'. lemliaast. le ie-- est. Litti. o qy+V>ât ddte- w4tý t-o kno<, <lkdI ~b.. c ~ - > -~1 11- - 'if - k ~ tiuo t~' :~ r L

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