Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 Jan 1915, p. 2

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KORSES Daliont; 2, Ja&"X alç , 'N. 1,Parléh, Po*l Fery; 2, Mrs, B. new oor, 00Idn "itod iï Butboay daugt ~lu jas, Woe ,Mc<Greger, -WMîtby; 8 rs. M.W . ty wiH bé halled wiÙ dt5bty d mu, ,500*limis nch nd o 1 bu ea lch. Baladoas, Whitby. *' fina'sau '0t4ag Ibuute 10 lita mwa 1S, oaa àhat @.Btr -1,W. 'IL-Babdio; 2, Ja. McJCoe- Boul 5 Ibo. hublt l Inck.-1 and worVa. Hli, cwer ho ur ofo t'lohnin;8, J Head I ~2, Ms. .parish, Port Porry P, 8; KmluurqApilabucest - By 1oat burkey ovin 14 lbo.-1, Ma.., ailett,. Wbltby. lcrc- Bi.hoa*IarGewod 2'W.Hhltà;e -e Bu -0Ib.butr nc i .-1Bart., la 'o! Uni'o mie Ly Bout agncultuial bum -lathaet -'l.ai..Woodç ,E.mpiredo; ,J.t ot 0 b. ute 11,50 t101500 pouadi-1, Thou. *MI< le u 2, Mrâ. Parlsb, -Port -Perry ,8,a"et deacent, the gona- of Job Huz-am Columnbus. Hall, ic pair turkeya, 10 Iboa. and un-; W. J. Hallict. jar Gremwood, barrlwrter, of Wltby, Bout gneral purpose tusr a-der- each.-1,i Jas. McKeze; 2,W. iLADIES' WORK. - Ontarive.ire 'au oal & ami, ndr 85 îb. ac,. Hi. Balidon ; 8, Mu. Jas. Woodo IBest 3 loaves home, made 'wiO _He, wa@ edoeated ai Whitby Colleg- muoudr o, WirIb. Bout pair turkoys, 10 -to 14 Ib«. bread.-1, and 2, Mrs. Parli; 3, Wrs..leai iUDVS1YoTrot, .Bo0 d& aS nog h it re or ge di g ch.- 1, ro.. Jas. W ood ; 2 aa d , H ancock. -. e zad a bt he lcr' e gr es la 18of baler 8yr. idovr.-o xiibta WH.Baladon. Boul two boaves borne made brown t-He vaàss mrneime, la thé' Ontaro GEESE. bread.-1, Mns. Hancock ; 2, Mrs. Dopartmeat ci Agriculture, and *,frst Boul beavy draught mare or geld- 1Bout goose, 10 lbe. and over.-!, 1V Kean < 3, Il. Dearboru. weml 10 'Ênglaad tAn1885, vor fat on baller, omer 2 and tander 8 , Ï. u. Best 1 dozen plain buns-1, ?Mn. later hovwayadmltted a. baWRrstera set-WS. Scott, Columbu . 2,J.Balletezanoc e.3 Pargesbet2, H. *Dearflom; 8, Meu. 'GtayesInn. H. vae -presideat of lhe tJamup Wltby j 80 W. J. Hali;tt, a do ' .-aH.aa Boni Whlb.t ot omsounder 10 ibs.-i W.H HBCà oCk. . - bueCa alnScety of London, hi 1906. Bou-beMvydraught mare or ged- Baladon; 2 and 8-, L. Hancock. B-1Idoe otan u suaadlSir Mamar, wvbo la aLiberal, :bus wtgos abr vrImduieS Best'pair geme., 10 lb.. and ' over 2, Mrs. Parish; , r.. Hancock. -boon a sr'mber of the. Imperili- -Par- ~eau.1,Oso Cchiae, olmbs ach.-1., W. J. Haliett ;2, Le Hàný- Hnok oze aD. ua.1 r.ament mince 1900, durng which lime "ouM Caiano. bcran e ormbus. cock ç 3, Oco. Cochrai.. M a yer ÛNock. "thobas served as ParIlamSntary Un- Bu à aube mr r ed;Bout pair geose*under 10 Io nh etlyr ae N îhbt. der Serebary t10-Wlastoe Spencer fg grloual, on balter, over 2 , L Haaeock; 2, W . H. Baidmon; But. pair kni tted mille,,band xmado 1Chrurchill. sir, H1ar ni'aieoffice r la Ufeand nd 83 's.-1 Le , WHJaiei.coarse wo.-,Mrs. Wbitw-Il g2al1 l ie lagEdwardl' Morse, a terri- BptAggp ickering ;,yojrA.-Nl, L. , (ageti 92 yoars), Brooklln ;'-2, liva. tonial regîrnent composed o! do-loin- Whllby ;38,,;Jas., Moore, Whtby. "B - . Hancock. ls resident la the -United Kingdom, Bcu 1Oadto olt, à " L. andl-ruc%90ok 1ýW-'Best pair. kntted ckw, hait! malle, ad bas been actitve lu recruiting dot 8Iow rueiorýý âdntîý n bl- Bout pair duek.-l, W. J. Malett co ruege i.1,Mr. Iancook ; 8, jdnce tic van began. He marriot! lui 4«.-1, Je L. Palnaor';r, J.B. Alles, MisAkUS>. r. Parieh.. 1911 Margery4 t!augbter qf, Walter S, wd IIe S ous ~i. Bu wpi uoe-, .H 'Bout pafir ar'iw wnstlets.-J., Mr». p crof FowmsuhopèCourt, Hors nwi' ingbe driver, If*, band anmd ftt; 2, W. H. Balais. 'Je'folarke. *v~-,J. rEIu4t; 30 R. Vans. CHICKENS. S- it Maman matiea£ visit to Whllby Bou@tsinge, driver, roadoter, 'aider But par olkeu.-î i Jus,5 !-aj' nw years &go, "d was given a ffl ?iid.-,Dr. Jobn,-Mooren, KeK.suo!r5; . M. . HOCKEY publie rocoption, li' reogiltion of Sreokllm,1 il J. Heard & m--oiWUi- Beot w<opn mn -,Je.. tie hlgh placobobaswon in Eng- hy. MoKemize. BOWMANVILLE 0, WH'ITBY S. latd. Sbouid ho ove! netitta to iea But ing drrr 5k &tb mâ Bt treèpai chokfo.-l Jo. O Ne yertsnative lova b. vIl ho &gain mos# BotiaI dl~,5 larsml0ottrupamCl -t.1 n e ersDay Wbulby._played 1hoartliy velconied-. star. ewl and -drives ib, farmer MoKeizie ;59,Mrs. L.le Muo. s or faxm« oe o-l, R. DuO, myrile 0# Noemmgi Wbto 4 S, J. Murray, Boul sinon,. driver, unddr 51 ban&s, owued Md drive by farmer .or ftrm- e s -,F. Verion, imyrie r, 20 Job sloep,, Whlby '- s, W. J. Haî- 1001, Wty. But lady dlvoe, lmt prize by R.N. Bas0,Jowder, Wb*tY sud Aiea., -tut. prise, lady'. gold watob. Win- amrof lot prise la former yTsr biÃœred.-1, Mis. Crozier ; 2, Mis 'Joy Ralflet; 8, Mins Agnon Lyndo. TURREYS. Butem tickoy wider 10 lbu.-l, W.H. But rlgtitlore quatr.-l ma 8I Hewia, Brosi., «Whtby.,' Àrý Bout rlght hMmd quartr.-l an& 0, MeulaBron. ,HOGS. 'Buthog, 150 O b2O M.1md 0, Bout bof,11OO fo î'l5i6b.-No ex- Mibits. - SHEEP. Best ra&a lamb, dressed.-1 id 2, Hewlm Bron., Bron. -BUTTER., Bout 5 ibus; butter in Ibo. or roUas Salmon, sliced, per lb. Halibut Steaks, per lb. Manitoba White Fish,ý per Sea Herring, 4 ibu. for Salmon- Snacks, per lb. Fillets of Haddie, per lb. Finnan Haddie, per lb. r i..Ciscoe Herring, 2 Ibu.'for t'K 'Ouilphone is 11. Is5c 1 5é l .b. 15t 25e 1 5C 1 5C i 2je 25e -Ring US Up. Prompt Deliveiry. *THE He _ SiÀlait BANK 0tF» eANAD TORONTO THE WATER AND 'IEfollowing table oi T te 250 residents middle of October to th tabule thiat tells a talqç S25c. and leis 0 5c. to 600, 50e to 75c, 75e tq 90c, Due to 01.00 81$.00 to 1.i $1.2i to $1.1 $1.50 to $2.ý !-7 $2.00 to $2.. 82.50 to $3.( LIOHI COMMISSIONEIIS f actual ceets ef electricity supplied in the TPown of Whitby from tire ào middle of Docember, 1914, je a n, Per Ilîonth, 3 pur niontix, 20 pen mozîth, 28 2per month, 4J per nîoith, 17 12, per iîoath, 37 ,501 pur iontl, 36 ,00. per mouth, 36 ,50, per montii, 16 00, per înonth, 9. per month, 9 ' It yull be udertood that ieter rente are lot taken î nto account in compiling this table, and that electricity iras hot only been used for right, but in many instances for irons, toasters and ether appliances. D0o it Electrially. .GEO.W. P. EVERY, Supt. s ,IL owiwaavure, Sa udoasne4 à $4 defeat. The. boys were net la good chape, bovever, as hbey bat! a coit! drive, vers laute, aurd got, out onto thoe irnrnmedla'toiy feeling baif-froz- en and'uift t10 play. Bowmarv'iile bas a fast teain Ibis yeul, and tbe reaubi vam lihtIWhit- by -vas unrable to OorCOme a iix goal score. Tbey put up a lgame fight bugt ver. slmply not la a condition to play weli. On leavIng they. reg- isbened a vow te get novSoge la' the relura game, wliich, hbcy Ml. S. S. NoS, 4'ICKiERING. Standing of Puelmla inChrlsaua examInatlons ai e S. No. il Ficher- ing. Sr. IV.-Joim nottby, Clara Bell, Ernoot SmIth, <2?yril Morley _and Haury Pike (absnt for aeveral o'- ams.)7 .Jr. IV.-Loule Puelcrin, Fred Smifth, Eva West (absent fôr two élams.), Anaie Lintner (absent fer acterai). WHITBY 5, BOWMANVILLE, 3. Lam i.-tiiaUyU a'xunTuy, *ro Crawford, Isaac Puchnin. For threir deteat of tire Whitby Class 1.-Giadys Pwioela, Susie b.otma c onNev Year's Day, the Boy- Lntnor. mantille Interumeffates vore tto<uic- Clas L-Gorrniey Crawford, Bert !ed bore on Monday night by a score Smith, Lorne Bell, Willie Bell, Lets j of 5-4. A speclal-train brougbt aup a Puckrln, (absent).- crowd of probably 250- froni, BoW-- Primer - Hugh Meflonaît!, Bort mantille, ail entbusiastic and look- Hoîîby. lng for a win, ln view of their sun- H. LONG, Tacihe., cus of last Friday. The arena vas packed witb a crowt! o! over 800. À AUBEP ER Thi esvas ýkeen, andt!ho teamu sAUBEPPR vore able to play fast hockey. Art. The opportimitles of the comirg- Blanchiard vas back on the Whit.by year frein a fariner'. point of view lino-up, andi piayed a great garne. appean to b. rnany. Oving te' lhe wan The. finit peniot! vas greal, vihthe "thore viii be a siiortage o! crops in play silSbtiy Ia fayot of the brais. Eurpe, andti herefoe an extra do- Charlie Blanchard actted oneae lttenr mand for ail kinds of farm produntu about Oive minutes play antteb. e- !in Canada. This viii afford an op- maiider of thc perlot! vas truliess,1 portunlty for the fariner wbo ma>* albougb sonie close shots were made ages bis farr n l a business way 10 by bot. teains. , neap a ricb harvest. Every fariner The- second petiot! mev Wbltby OR I vireta farming for profita, sbouid b. vltb a rush. In Ibis spuantheloei - a noaden îo! theWeekiy Sun, lhe cals piayed rings arount! Bovinan- farmor's business paper. Thero lutano ville, getting lUiree goals, tvo of otiier farrn pape$ lin Ontaro.iba tirein ithin a minute of ecdi thor, uuppeles the fariner vith the saine wbule ticei4itors were sonlng one. rellable Information as thre' Sun In the tUilrt periot! Whtby 'alack- doe. By pcrustû lbe Sun, you viii cnet! up somevhat for a vbille. Tire gain a nmowebde-o! the markets, play vas very fast, bovever, andthe lb.hicla vii onablo 'you 10 sei your boys vero Incliedte 10mlx l up. At products t the boul at!vantage. 'The one peniot! onhy four boinstors "wO.subscrlptlon price viii oaaly be a on lie Ile against six visitons. Thei fraction of tic adtlonal profits yen final score vas 5-3. v iii make by readbng tbe Sun. WhtS Of lhe locals Individuml mfntiOnt rcnewlng your subscription for your would be rinfair vihbout lnciwiing local paper, you viii maire no mis- ail. Brown, la goal, bas been meut take if you subseriho foz the Sun, matis! actory. On Monday niglit licthe Farnersa Business Papor. biocked au mîmoal sure score atter ___________ thre Bowmanville forwards bat! boret!LINHSLP r igt in on hum. Smith at! Mcmn-AL N-SO j yre were great, the latten's rushes A very quet wet!t!ng bock place-mb e speally being feanet! by tie visîl- 1the bome of Mr. Wmn. Hiseop, Elgn - ors. Alderman Watsonr vonket! hie a St., Bovmanville, on Wet!nesday a!- bense, and vas ail oven thec be. Lut- lernoon, December 28rt!, viiecbIs ory, tee, playeti bis nouai fast ant! daugiter, Miss Olve EI-en, vaa hart! cbeekiag gaine. The Blanchants united la marniage vltb Mn. John vene as apecdy as ever, Cianbie play- Et!win Allan,. son of Mn. Samuel AI- Ilng one of the best gaines oter abown lin, Aliindaie Farrn, LakeoShrte, *by him. Artie seems te give consfi- West. Tic bride vas given away la Idence te the viole beain, and cou- marriagc by ber futher, andt! lb. yd- bibuted much te lie vlctory. ntag match vas phayet! by Miss An- ~Bowmanvillic bas a very' fastt bai nie- E. Allun, aiter of thc groom. and! wili malte the other teams travel The bay ýwlndow o! the panior vaf 10o bmnI hem. Higginbottom' and! decônated vith an anci of evergreen, Hoopen vere probably tbe best. - holhy and vhite bells, where ltre Harvey Sproule, o! Toronto, gave bridai couple stoot vhlle the cens- excellent satisfaction as refenee. The mony vas bclng perfonmed by themr teains were : pastor, Ret. IL. B. Kenny. Aftjcr Bowanvll-GolSpry; defence, congratulations and the senving o! a .Jones'and Davev ; centre, Grecnfield; -splendid vedding dinner, thic happy rover, Williamns , viagS, 140ooper end couple depantet! aridst a shower o! Higginhottomn. good wishes, and confetti for lie G. Wbily- Goal, Brown; defence, T.R. station for a honeymoon trip Smith and Mlntyre;, centre A. west. 'Phé bride was attinct Iin a! Blanchard,, rever, Lavery - wings, -tailored suite o! dark brovn serge Watson and C. flanchand. witr whi'te siik crepe blouse and liaI OTHFR GAMES. to match. On their return Mr. and! Mrs. Alhin wilI reside at "Alindale On Wednesday niglît hast Belleville Farm'" Among the guests were Mn. played the retuin gaine at Picton, andi Mrs. .Jolm Coopier, Whtbv;, Mr. and were again defoated tbis time by and Mms. Win. epburn and Miss 3-2. Luella Hepburn, East Witbv.- On Monday nighl Bellev'ille played Statesman. aI Oshawa, meeting with stili an- other disasten, the score beiurg]11-7 In favc>r o! Oshawa,. Sînce Whitby 1110GH SCI-IOOL.WEEKIY EXAMS. beat Oshawa, Belleville looks easy Fonin IV. for the locals. I Latin i'rose-H. Long 78, E. Soi- On Tuesday evening o! this week siith 73, I. Cook, 67. Peterboro vlsited Piclon, and vere Forin 111. defeated by a score o! 3-0. French Authors-T. Proctert The group standing up to Wednes- 'l-lshop 78, K. Nicholson 78, M. i day, Januany 6, Io as foîhows' inson 07, E. Lawrence 65, -J. O'Con- Won Lost no r62, M. Kennedy 55, .1. Gales 30, Pbcton .............. ...s o 0 I aimer 22. F l Whitby ............... 2 1 AgForin ukly 9,M.G.d Osiva .... .... 1 ring 76, E. Cronk 73, A.- Kennedy 63, Ohwaavl... .......... 1 2 E. Robertson 60, E. O'Connor 57, A. Belleville ................O0 3 Richardson 57, H. Arksey -56, C. Jackson 56, G. Shirley 56, A. Gold- When Bowmaavil unitmors visitet ring 58, C. Plaskett 0, P. Hanîock Oshawa last week they vene defeatet! 51, W. .Johnstone 51, Y-. Ross 42, B. by lie 'home teain by a score of 7-3. 'Meeker 42, P. Qoidrlng 4ý, G. Rob- The Junior hockey schedule ta as-4 SJan. 21-Oshawa at Bowmanviiie. SJan. 27-Whltby at Oshawa. t Sir J-amar Greenwood. Among the naines of those hoxiored by King George on New Year's ap- pears that ot a Whltby boy, Hamar Gree'nwood, upon wborn a Baronetey -han been conferred. with. sai!fow - omplexions, headaches, backaches, low spfrits-until they learn that sure relief may b. found in OEECHimig P2JV!4* SeI nsyb,..la uuu.5 Tiw rVailu IM~ lms&d of EFULI RECORD -F A 01 ne . Gyps Iesp.aihhFer 'lh. p7ou" 09 Ur" Adâla Imhe lood. M.my S~...m t amethat the ffla iao re t. t4mroprgip lda-. £à a Mateor Ã" tacit te Skia ,thl tbatekd oya. Wbm lécef Amd otI M S .f* aultd thee.y.at.eU~.Pl m Ski* =' et the rnlmte% 'u lm . caumeVet~tvV@.bil@Oa s de mis. th eto4m a zmmiim 'Tlfta-tivu0lteoad by ail.dalmr 24.o al >oxadfum*9j. etlImoime of rimby fWev m" ertson 84, D. Bell 33, Q. 27, M. Tantes 23, F. absent, F. Ward, absent, absent. McGiliivray1 Headonso W. Nugeat Forrn I. Englisb Literature-C. Quinton 81, L. Ravin .74, E. Eltldge 70, D. Brad- bizy 69, E. Stephenson 64, J. Long 84, R' Lavery 5, M. MaIntyre 5, W. Wîli!s 49, M. Aliaw,%y 49, 1 E. Kemrp 49, A. Rice 40, L. Hubybeli 4i4, C. Neill 41, A. Goldning 40, M. Wal- tors 39, D. Thomson 30, W. O'ldon- non 33, J. Teins 26, N. Neill 26, G. Molntyre 24, H. Kim& 15. DEATHS. B3ATMIA N-In Whtby, on 'Puouday, JanuaryMi~1915, Charles Bale- ma, labis 84th ycan. WILSON- At Whltby, on Monday, January 4, 1915, David! H. Wilson, aget! 35 oan. MeOLELLAN-ia Whilby cm Tues. day, January 5, 1915, Jas. MOCbI- Ian, in bis 701h ycan. IIAYCRAPT-In Royal Alexandra Tbursday, Dec. 81, 1914, Wm. Johnm Haycraft, o! Brooli, Ont., age 55 yearo. NEW TRAIN SER VICE TORONTO-MONTREAL OTTAWA Via ' Lake Ontario Shore Lino" Faut time to Oshawa, Port Hope, Cabourg, Bellevile, Trenton, etc. Partlculars <roui C.P.U9. Agents, or vuS.é Id.G. »f rih!y, DIstrietPaa.engs, Agent, E. IR. BLOW, Agent* Whitby ONE OCIIOOL THAT MERITS the confidence of the public because of It High Grade work in th. Toronto, Ont. CI We train Young men a 'orne okillul sud exp., typ)ibt., book keepers, cc erq, eIerks, caliîer, o anistants ln troin four Lei assiait theus to geL poidl Year. Enlter n0w. Caa Cor. Yonge and Charles Bte. FE. L'UKE, .nd wolnCui to ho. 't mtenc'graplîers, oxumerci ai Leach- r general oflice 1) six tuoiltlhs andl panies r5 ccetved $18,499,O95 in tUICU fi at tIn ycara uiainly. fort.witb-pre*fltf policies, and paid in profiks tb policY holders $9s,556. fleir combined ac-. cumiuiated surplus lover abareholders' contributions ,was $79,707 aI the end of their first ten years. Which looka ,est to you? The Equity Life la the total abatain. ers Company. If- Interéited write for furtber partlculara.ý The mciowbo tudie s is own 1Intents wili L, W. 0UDLBYV. H. SUIHBRLAND. Aet Prosident &Ganeral ianae h 07.Ont.Toronto. MONUNI ENTS worka sud Inapot for yo«.ref Demi b. mialed by agensi. Wé -d Wot employ lbem. Conioqmly-W# ea and do - iiow the agom*u mm. miulon, 10 p«o ou., Wb»chyou v certuinly maya by purchublg froui m. Office. mnd Worm Oppoit Standard'Bank, WhIiIy. Double Track Ail The Way Uuexoelled Train Service lligb.at CEuae i Eq«Ipm*ntý Winter Tours to Galifornia FLORIDA AND SUNNY SOUTH Fait Tralas-Cholce of Routes Low Firea now In effect Foi full particulars consuit G. T. R. Ticket Agents or write C. E. Horning, Dist. Pais. Agent, Toronto. B. Stesuhen.on,,Agent, phone Se, Wbutby Scranton Ceai Obestnut and Stowe per ton $7.75 Egg per ton Pea Côai per ton 7.801 6.90 At Hiarbor Coal sheds 50 cents per ton lesu. Ceai". The name bighest quality. E. R. BLOW, B$Il Tel. 9. guarantees the Whilby Home Tel. i4. 1,nprognabie Strongth, Maximum Benefit, Incomparable Dividends, minimum Net Cost. For rates sud full Infortuation apply t. P. J. DUFF, MR. A.-E. DONOVAN, Speelal B.pAl. Queen sà Victoria ete., Mptie. Toranto, Mgr. The Mutual Uf of e-Yr -JOHN T. NOflNSBY.= IIILOER aMi COUUUMO ' Plans Made and Eatimies Gwfra.-1 'AUl Kinds of. Brick and Coecrete Woriý Repaira 10 Cbimnoy Stacks and BoÃŽiWSm a apclalty. WhItby, (Box 91) Ontoirl BelPhont 13.- Ce fOILLESTr OONTrRAOTroR ASNoBuIDW PLANS 0F ALL DESCRIPTON FURNISHE-D. Residence, Thoratoals Corner Phone 41, Oshawa. TrlREADYGOLD BROS. Alteratiops aid Repairs. Apply Duada. St.- West or 7.0. 1»1401 DIENTAL W. ÀAANUDUM, Ub, Dmu Strut, iamea e. .4, * Terras. JAGI. BIISHOP Osbawa, Licemsi Au.oer. -SI> uuuar to L. Failiuak. For term and dates- apply 10 ami or G. Robi, Whltbe. WHR. HAW LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR. AU Uind# o! ae PrOMPtlYau"'d ed to. Arraagementa for male@ cea b. made st -the Gazette Office. Terms reamoabIs& Bell and Tadependent phue. WtIITBY, ONT. James & Walker fump manufacturers suceen ous X. W. Uvm ftop Dudaa .Street, Wltby. Thro doors veut etf WhyMoue. W. are prepunoIC 10 instai voed or ires Lindt. cf repalrng.'1 LN Agente for the. Ontario wind .111, alie % 4 EI gamoine engin... Piions-BehI 60, lad. 2L- 01 I NWHOSON &SELOO nesregular .'L vihbe .- R.G. O APOSITION FOR -FALL AND-WINTER. ve have a ocnod b i.~u~n'fr a dIble .e11âJ cheeegtesiuxu ~'itits es e enb 011i fruit tuesa, mahl frulits esgoelharub,,, et.. ?ai veekly, ectit free, ezcludw h Iê.ray. -- Waet OVER 600 AORES 'A&à- of trait and ornauentsj i $a g ve seil througlf ur tsalems, irue. mthe ses - -M muer and gasante. deliveryef îresbhbgrade - '. JR irees. 0cr agendea revalmabie yraon elt le servie vancd tbe voleu t e ssd.e. i Wiii ' Establisbsd 55 rs.s ! ieCalne vY114 Paiha Ncrsry le.à»Mso, Ont. oo~tea P.S.-Baàdome catalogu cn sqasu t elber te apleBl e ie.Wg img Nw.ewy st»7l. 4 i and im cannot ticles bri wiii- repai to'do so inoderat, and payi for it. would lh jewt eiry You an e that none wili brul JEV fi EYI with pes a dt ectj fect eyec abuse,-bu ý'an stand strain-c; then alI. way. . U Iieved& e) hright an ing as tàke.-th> Fltted Ru Make a Christmas present of a year's subscriptkon to"this paper to that- absent feiend. GASOLNE IINGINES' This le tire season te ruake use of an engine a fev bours 'every day. Before purchasing corne in and inspeet our Ideal Brantiford lint; aise Grain Grinders, Water Bowls, Steel Saw Yrarnes, -Puanps, Tanks, etc. ef regu,"JJ' Standard Ca'eam S eps.v.4. s W. J5. e::ti Ltwih lc t nét) aL r Ltus demonstrate bo you the nev features f oun(I in jusi machine, hcplcitn a clase by itsef.* An imnportant-'featune B~FRAdTiNs1 the interchangeable Bevi, vhich permits the use of any capacity 0 PTICIAN Bowi with the one size Franie and Genring., It is easy to tunn, im. SWAN noiselees, and nequires oiling only once or twice during a.year. JNTAIN PENS a Swan Safety eThe 1900 Gravity . -Washer ._ ried in the pocket ,.L the Swan la the makes va8hing easy. It i8 thaeclimax-oif mffi* j'A~ 'y 1 - LU ~ i CUTINODOWN EXPENSESP SURE YOIJ CAN Did y ou ever try the nice kinds of Fish we are selling. Try us, we have the goods. J'o. 1E. WATERHOUSe ~WHITBY Phone Il11*J 1E bsnasmnWho bas aistomorsin vanoua prt Of Cana&,a« eaeheri A W nd)bea=Fi=eof diibank of kya6Iui asaanc. in cuaS- hgrlsetc. WHITBY BRANCH C..A. McClellasManager., -A« d a t B@wmavlh Brooklo (C.à&- MccCllan. MU0~NWSJ.~ Qeune Oshwa (J. P. dweie, Manager), Pickering cea.ot p'y '4 t. t.' - dulog the vaý Mathan- said: macle hJJy tua drlm tuin c0 body'-as" miur latouSiT lydrgra aile.a»e uaki PnOufeul o! ti f sko'uhd upeak- thilS -eat' cris: iregule arrmn . îinplep of sacbr mna who- arr t In Cirent init allke -to wlorn gradée nir u'tf or biaie ten chanmce of diFei, (s à, new lire t< (ans crut<(if um tllrçw froin t itiat they ma'ç WIn bn i nd n( W ally q I& ý& Àk ÀL Àk

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