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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 Jan 1915, p. 3

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,alto this uns every Bràntiord ý, Ém olind in ibis Drtail t.-f eature any capacity sy te turi, is. ,a yeur. iasher ' [iMax 'of et uizgrstand- Wounld-meke a coid fail to Iug o! II> lnj ald ft eeialo uwely tre 1TeI __0 wrm-«btyNT - -- wih er dia%~tr ia belA clownh, npp domal c-ýA arg c a i d m a biy s tut a r e C U O d c f n g i ,w l l A t i ~ B n o r 1 l D . E a s b m o v d t r o m ' t 1 -he l d O O I I 1 n u l o . ÀM r , 4 M . m n e r o i "pair 1* O*ou tres.Ifohe r. sobln lm m mnce , Sideiust east Of the Standard àuber of, people and Mr*.i idre I of7om tea ido m nu.,and fcnsnt th=aitorboena day' The trie'il betg brougiit on ]mlito, the.résid eenByron- St., ome i W att.Udm ibi Adorsof Perth' tGodo tile rigti,» eusmd- we now, rir i w-~il a om:bll yjr 5oma6g- 4 the IÇnVwJ rté' adoi n aig onandr.o, Tordon wif ept bm, if it lu posibe 1ises; go tisât tihe ians lnvoîyM lCormack. Mr. and Mr s.plediésoJohnit to do 10. The chargesw"Ilbe wtflbe on band.- At ai g<'r"'*IIW imgS- rt Pleocbuà wo"aie, Ver vstor a dr n Toron-a moderato, maglit b. difficult te local» tii. » ThéeWoms.i',Instituts wilîomet made b sm~sp i.clr b, a id y wItit M. and lit,, Job WO BOY1Oldl1ie andricultuTHEiTBEoNAzsE.on Wrlday Reo- , .. , Semlth, G. pX.e- a. idrg1 1. 1OI I udSlo ' TBRNVE jaiternoon, Jantuary 1 t a, 8p.m. Lean. and Dr., 1fare aima vere 1oalled Misse. l'orla and Mliiie Li*e Who thdeay bigist market-prîce Siaja". ~ r. W- MacPlsauyem, O.L.C., viii u r. It. ezieemade am excellent -are atteusdlisg Business Coilege in 'lTo. for:le, If you have >any you àMerning service il ôolook. Sbjot8 ~a taik c» ,",Value i odi. "mpes pohucorgalnidotttred »Ted mte woud 1k mdcuplîo ew -~MyNeglbo aa,,"or "The.Ail am n ad girls velome. Wrs, UPon'-theoPele, geferally, and muels iendissg two veeke holiday. witbi jeweiry vo viii be pleaed-'te give Ro a w. G.A Rosa, Prealdent; Min F.? Bat>ie- abeing expected of M aMuvrhietprnt es you an eimate, and guara t. Eteong service 7- 0,01 ubec 9 ;Sorear. - br..lt sd1ia.llz W&g >m st thtmu-u Our own oid gold "yNegiorad1011or $-The Roy. 1.....Tiea 'IdCroM a ld~ r ut$ h sc ie pa mm' Ccmxssrand i aeTha~ ~ " epe Gmeafy'ad crn u , lêlit ad a s T O rt daya a 0a1tai.EarîcrUUTeFMeule..ne______-______ " lviiimugessbedty ec.ok GodAellbw 0 ne"eAuSon-S .The.tardineme of Iha appearam.CucJfr1?5 h~~y e oiat ~vn ' ý,bvme. Euduet *1wfatthat ith. pubflob..1014 ai b - . ey jEWELER;ý anMOCaFF-42 #foo t104pfth;fr tI. - 1iib.mm toto, by thé Re« Dr.' tue7 had o~jime b CoBoardAbram, Louf e M, auiter c OPTICIAN and otiser bùsnostm mpmmsvi !i uawork frhcssls.Ti.cl oeu, er. et fl uc ur.thee mb.J<nsaisLIOtei ug bW brouglit before the, mees%. ua osn mmalgprTem~c e~1m asr.A edrJery ~ teH oo Mt WIIITBy, ONTARIO JOHN J. XOOlaz, See. t onofthe Tovncf1Wutby. ne quit la sOmeo"gs i asyar_________ W H , ' T Byf O TARI f thias& b...etuns ceeep$lu. Ni». m» IBAPTZST CiRCI£. the t&" muWicu, vfsat* si tTeala TiLt e -&sny, Ja. 19. large demaud foi the. 1mai - Ciogdgr;t. p01 lut kE$t ouW n. Trin. ML .able upnwcbI ppetred.-/The calm . H.- WnOm sÉ» Sumday Schoei mmd Bible Clsses dur viii ho ready by Frday ci .Hov viicos uRnslbe j vol, ns vey a tom sub-ing hefn prcm dod t @iseposition-7 Morlm sevie l eoick Sujet'arbing te ith.Gazette and -Chrea i eUt beWield last yae. Mr. EY EseÂi ftytof i . - ToTseur@ eopy on applîca l*y- ýdwop o M. -- - 1bas held a esat luCouncil, viii G.bR STRAIN u g gSv; A Y g GlSkA. '10 . yiT 0 1 % self a ilîd Slve." -Homne Guard vas heid on Monday tihe place occpied 1ai erb rOIgvs. 4~am ouia..,o iwt EEstrn is e verSell mi.eenlsg, at vihes tcl mnistera-John Moore, of Broo ..i wt pesn wh hae Anthem by the choir. Whso are membera- vote apcnted In EtWtbHlam Gifford,... i ..M e Dueft, by Mina Evanis and lira. flhuPiaius, ih thse tank or HS o- laiEatWarehuatb.ird i lc s... .7.4 1 :: ..,6 330PJ f e e n a g i . A p r i L a , " o n n o l e "- a" y eutet &sai*4 T hese are R e" . ]R eve be ng taken by J usg. M o Kç e iie l u ad ay trains leave for. T oronto fect eye can stand tnuch The pastot vii conduct 1hmet - ME-B.SOxsmits, IR. W. Allen, G. A. jlaut ycar's DePutY Reeve. Tise lai- 4.92 marn d 1.40 p.m. Prom Tor- A eatyiovoe vat»aievsameenvea odiscurRyned fr sr- on i81 i .5an. i .0p abuse, but a defecieey IViLenad ahrRyn range- ter position lo now hcid by H. Dear- oitIo-traIis stop ai Whithy Junction cta n st an ltte ust e. Eye maY ielite orsip vILis u. lIng additional equipien, and it je In eachi tc, tere ha beena lSA IOn strai cars be st p p e d,..4' ..0 e pW t t before long the ie ni prom otion. J. T . D ob s , i fa W Ga ng No Tb. 3o a m OW N g S T .7I ., hi then al symtornsgo a- Nov Yeat's Eve was clebrated by bers viii ho ahie t,take part in Reeve, taklnihepîa<ie ai Narth.q.m.g:M ig ot-18&l then al symîoms gta- e annuai Firemen's Bail iield in tise nusketry preotice rcgisiariy cvery Mtye, aid tche pa cve alh,-0.0p.m. v...o WaY# Hedchsaere ui ail. A good ctowd van in week. Targeis and rangea are beihg formeriy heid by Mr. Doson, te liii- - ,CPR -lieved, eyesifeel and look atiendance, and a most enjoyablo l3tepatcd. db nS#n. CIgv-4. . R.:JGio iu-.1. brihîandston. Nth jt4me vas spent. A number of pea- A oompaaxy has been organ-tzed nit rokToGshioviin rpo-542aot prS.m ingas ye knwn ill pie vero present from cscialde points, Pickering, and ano'tier. at Hlghiand sentcd by tiva new men viso have STAGES. "of tang th as e o g l l s. suCh s ,a -Oshawa,- Brookli ad Toý- jCreek. Tier. le' a posiblity of a not estat a Couîscl before, namely, I ae lsty fr Oshawa a 0ki tae heplceofglsss. rOuta. Supper vas servedl at mid-j third ai Agincourt,.,Tises.ecorn- Moeurs.. Rundie and Wilson. le md 4 p.m. W. Nantpo aigut, and dancing vas tisen'resum- passies viii ho attacised to the 'Wbut- Ge.Wi- â ev fToawl ..adépn ,MMpo - M~~~e until tise early hours. The Pire- 'by cosnpany ptoviionaliy. ohe.intdo!JnWeia. prietor. mei appreclate the support giveis by JAil thse membere are requeseid ta J. -1. Downey, ex-Mayor, no Leursa for. Brougham ai 10 «.M., ut irlends ai tifs aisuai fete. j be on hand teguiarly ta talc. patlnhi Whtby's Reev, and F. L. Mason, Mt. lEdwardm, proprietor.o drill and rifle practice. Deputy-Roeve of Oshava, viii >0 AIS COS PItt.d îRer.aalît.d Rlght Mrt. E. Skitois, who bas boom votk- --6tva nov mon ropreenimg the nelgis-AL COS Inglnth iteest o teïRoalCHR1lSTMA,, TRFE AT HÃ"USE borlîgitowis..a Tempiars, Iras roiurned train Camp- OpeEFUG. Vri' î .30 am. For o 1R. N Bassetrmeto t 5cun 1.30 p.M. bee-or Ne.vii rmaisuitilt On Wednesday afternoon at, foi- iY Coueiii viii hoau foilov:- .m .og work of orgenization la compleied. -oving tseir, usuel cuutorn, 'tise qd-Pickering Tovnship..E. B. HonvorFrnu..6.o.. Por Oshawa--s.So p.tu JEWELER and j10.--leso! the W.C.T.U. prow1'ded an en- a"d R .MWr 8.302~ o Nri Mis PreaiAvhise te taktCtrtaelnt and tes forthse old foîkt Whitby Tovnahlp-Fred T. Roé»._______________ WHT Yexecutiveofo!tise V.0.N. snd aise lier e t tise Rouie of Refuge. -A spleÉdid East Whtby-Jameu MoKouzis mmd W IB ONTARIO Whitby admirera for this. ry Umm arr, opse !mulrea4l- H. DOrboa. WHITBY JIARKETS _____________________ ro tse omnuliyTro.loian,-visa peided, spoke in a Stone. Wheai, fl... ... . .., 1.15 te 1.20 isumôrous velu, as dld aiea Rev. M. %ugog-Wrni Jackson.Whaoo. . 110t 0 C. T -. EE F RAER E.Sexemitis and Rev. R.W. Allen. ;Ux............n1...D.0..5Morga.. W.- Nezi veek fa being ceiebrated as i FIcloving thse pragram asupper was SOtt'-.Iai. Blandserd. - alo7...... ...... .05te .05 Week of Prayer. 'On Tueaday even- served, and tise l'imate vote tree.,. Broclo-Mesefro. Rundie and WilbTan. R.........01 a07 Un »ular meeting a! tise W. 0. îhng, Rev. - M.E. Seramlit i viicS- cd te s regular Christmas feus-t, Tisorals-Glea. W.tili.. Y ....... ......07 o07 M 11K Viii ho hcld ai-tise home of duct tise'meeting l he ii. ?reabyteriuî vhfch ihey enjoyed ta thse fuis. Dr. IMar-John McWa.bbh. pou.aa...... ........ 0.0 ta 1.00 MMu. X. G. Oko, Dundas stiret, onj Cisurcis, thse subject belng, "Thejiu-and eMs. ijavev. as voil as thieoMl Rama-Henty Heaverser. Buckwhat .....4 ....... 070 te 0.75 1dua1 u*0 venngt Jauuary 13, at, givineg and Humilihatfon." Rev. G. people, visis to express tiseir bearty Whisiby Tovî-.J. H. DowneyI. OB..Cla. ..... ......... . 00 te 0.55 tIM *'lcck. At tise close af tise A. --McLeas i vii condisst tise service thauka ta tho ladies fer tise spihndid Oshava Tawn.-G.D. Canant and F. RdCoe .......... .ot .5 I M ee00Mting a social heur viii in tise Metisodiet Tabernacle on Wed- ontertalîmeni and aurper. Thse oid 'L- Mascit. - LOUR AND FEED. W oopmtt aid refreuimenti servefi. needay ovenlng, vison tiere viii ho foiki apprecissie tise. fasnge peesape Urhridge ,own-Wr. 7,o9ter. Floue, per$W% . ... 8.25 tea 8.150 *M:U.sah eité. Everyone vel- special prayor for tise mations, and more tisan cani h old, andit 1,9 Port Ferry ViIlage.-Geo. Gerow. Chopped fSd, wmvi,....1.60 ta 1.60 -u lenibersm viii please crethn aerlts atiCisurchisgratifying ta iliose ln chsarge of tise tCarulngtosi-Tom. A. Wlson. CornmaI.... ......... 2.09 te 2.8 WMOatu -ruev their fees, an i hs s on Thursday evening Rev. A.-P. lien- Homne tisaitoviwspeoôple ilhug lnteretM Vo'O-.1 .Camer ôi. Bapetu...3.0t 80 kaAu* meeting cgl tie Nov; zies, tise nev pastôt of St. Andrevs', themscives Bh cka!crî o hrt, p......8.#0 to 280.00 viii have charge. Tiese ubjert viii the dependeni oies. METUEISAhob "Tise Cisurcis Universel." el are ,- Persona] Mention. MEÂT, POULTRY AND PRODUCE MEHE' PEAL. velcomed tota esrvcs' OKY A H ,Bief, ci. dsd.,..135te 18.00 HOCKEY AMES HRE. Mr. John Mowai waa hoe.wu ate ievlii50 a75 WrItlug r'enty to tise Sereiary -' * -On Frida' evenfng of this vecistiehipaet tse hoida-s.LaatO, aie...h.......00 Ote8.0 cfil aie epeaneSotiy h OL BC T CMAN. juniors play ilseirfirsi ganse vien Miss Minnie Buttai upent à vesk [legs- dresse@ .......11.00 to 12.00 respoues *0 an liviIttlon to i reede1 A calI bas boom hsued for uh. rais- Bow n aîville viil e tiseir epponents. fi Toronto wvus Ser brother. oe, slct .. ...........25 te 8.50 *mm a meeting convéned ,to prometesfig and erquipping o! an addtloxsai This shouid provide a good game fot . Mr. Waikey, o! Taronte, riaited Chickenn, per lb........ 010 te 0.20 '>rIi moypuiet for total abstinence eforce of approximateiy 8300 mer to tise lovera of. hockey. Tise ganse ii litM. Geo. Movat, ut., on tise ho- Dcuptl.....0.8te02 f dIStag ic v 'an, lell Marsael Lord/gc -. _ -- »-liaiaiigetTrnolrcaiecea .5.dy Gee reased pet lb. l.*0%1ita O 1 - . reai Emp -ire teo_ -aci. the ,1,r .pa r t -am h d thans to tise cagot cihidren. Thse M- vonaay evening. mW de13ti ertedadafir a ecddy Ssad Mise Helen Hoiiand, o! Cenreten, t,5row from hexec his vhi e ce afd asara seidediy suesu, aid the Rev. A. P. Menzies le, a guest aitishe home of Mr. and - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' worwIe isn bs hocre ivsaspeddcosî viIfrts nducted. Mrs. W. G. Waiters. drink' au tue Russi ans have done, se yaars ok.___Mrs. WA. aid Miss Farn ander- Mtisi hey mîy make ihamselves fit BYDSPERE WYF I Si. Andnov'e Preshyterian Chuncis son veto in Geodwood vils talla- fn basly aid nerve te face a tee' ihat BOHOMPPA E.WA RO was tise scene o! a mostIlnterestiig tives over Sunday. fi-as'- ounageosis as ftisle rsstiÇ .î JrOME.ccnemony on Tuesday o! ibis veak, Mre. T. G. Witfiold reburied Safb. vu.1 -Mrs. H. A. Baylic, Hamilton P.O., wisen thse new mini sien, Bey. A.ý P. urday evening frons Toronio, visere Ontario, wrhtes ibis piper asking as-- jMnzias, vas inducied into tise pasi- sheha bar ic for soe daye. sistance fI ocathng her son, visa orate. Si. Aîdnev's Sas been wvus- Mns. Chas. Stevensons, of Toronto, Sdisappearer tram hie homo fn Sep- oui a regulan pasior for soffie four speît Sundav vith Mn. and Mrs. A.- * Local Il4ppenlhgs f tember. htifi thougis tbsai lie is menthe, Dr. Abraham's resignation Bandai, aitise Wbitby flousa, 0 w orkfing on a taris somevisere fn thi s iSaiig aken effeci on Sept. 1. on Mn. and Mrs' Fitzpatnick and son, ,district or araund Cobousrg. Tise Nov. 16, a meeting, o!fbise Cisurcis Tom., of Toronste, spent tise weeki- ~ ~boy le 16 years of age, helgisi 5 fee1t vas iseld, and a uninimous invitaý- end vus Mn.-and Mrs. E. Gurnay. : 4 !incises, vush brava hait aid cyeu. tien vas' extender] to Mn. Mcnzles, Mn. aid Mre. A. E. Luke and Dlv1i ca Court viilho hcid ai ihp Be e v el huill, vas vearng bnown visao was chosci Item about a dozen daugister epent New Yean's vush CovHouo bis(Tiurday mn- coat, hrown sweater, blue irousar en aiwbo veto iseard, and tram aven Mns. Luke's parente ai Leaskdaie. -ailO o'ciock. and peak cap vie so 1 e cn. Aîyi eavciiy applicanis. Mr. andMns. B.A.- Harrison, To- 0 -neye o! hlm viii ho vaicomed by isis jTisacisurch vas veil 'filued wvsette, speni Nov Yaar's wvus tisair TMe adjeunned tan sale viii bholdote miSo. Bhs f abier bas dled ince the service hegan at four o'ciack. A parents, Mn. and Mrs. F.E. Harri- la 1h. Court Bouse on Friday, -Tans- ho laftihome, aid tise motiser Is very nme fmnsesfon vrossn yo t -30 nxius o fnd er on.places witisin tise Whitby Presby- Misses Margaret, Ediih aid Tronc ...~0- -tery veto preseît, as veli as soe Anderson, and. Mr. Edvmrd Aride- Oi- Wednesday Saut ai Parle, Ont.', Mns. E. Edmund -Starr, Dominion a! tise local pistera. son, ot Toronto, epeni Nov Yean's lns. ises. Blngham, ion cr f Re#. W.C.T.U. representative on the iii- Bey. Mn. Camerai, o! West BMill,,vh thiai simien, lire. C.F. Amaot. 'L'.Bigisar, a former Whlthy (anal etimmtte etfvomen fon pati- jptesfded. -Mn. Adirm Keai, o! tise Army Ser- Pter, pessed evay. Mrs. Bhngh aot ile service, v as oie o! tise histceee Tise service vas vary soiemîs aid vi ce Corps, nov ai Exhibition Park, -nv Whiby friendi, visa 21i at tise eibiton o! pictures, aider' Impressive. Tise sermon vas deliven- Tarante, sqeni the ihree days' beave liear of ber deatis. 55e tbe auspIes ofthtie RayaI Canadian od by Bey. Mr. Currie, visa preacher] et absence vus hlms parents, lit. aid '.her of four sons, al ýf Academy of Anis, iseid aitishe Celiege a thirlllng message trom tise tort, Mrst. Jas. Kean. mlnistry. Street Library, Toranto, ibis veek. I" n on ia yemgs aalt, Mn. and Mrs. W. T. Brning and -1-Th e pletures ficludAed n "Wiite aid tisai y-a migis bave hi more a- two cihdren, O! ('oboeurlz0,Mn. and Guard arýe ,Narcissus" hy B.R.H. Princess Pat- bundaitiy." Mn. and lire. Gao. Waitete returi- - é-e drillIs1 ricia a! Connaughi: tise finsi affer for Tise induction service vas iead hy ed to iheir bomne'i Tarante lasi -ad Ftiday ibis sketàh vas $200.00. F. Y. Bell Mn. Cameron. Foloiov hîgibs, Rer. veek aftar hnlfdaving viib Mrs. G. 3-'ooak. Ail , Smsiths, B.C.A., contnih uted2«Gacers Dr. Abrahami, Vhe fermer paster, %~uthweil. patent t1dd~ and roIIel t Id' 0% A m Ã"ur Drugs are Fresh nd nur n4l' &,ri 5& a 'l& j 'au J5 5 DE IID F U C i Tict. itie, f Èokita vie lase uge for four'- Yes, diiodes mSay. w! as about 70ryears ot aïs. NOTICE.W. J. Lel Bring y4k tar imblea d- e d i. Son. a sue . Ji i ind jot olit nsqLJim o f atarie OldLO . Htla' Association c xi Tueiiy, On yen Ste t nni o l. Vednsesday an-d Thursday lia tse sUd- Rcad, *Wet, camle, a lus mal tolum elcf 'tiePublie lÀblzaty, rom Ild#r Pliâ a love ai t#ost LO arn. U#iliSapm. te sev fa tbe B191g1M Relif Fund. AIl ladiesuIn- WOOD FOR SA-lm..- ,ereseod are cordtallYinvited ta john Saflt vood, cood for khadlla, de in VMs mch: needed vork. Cont-ri- l-lvered ta Whi'tby or Breokfl lu allfons of mateniais te sew vIi ho $8.85 -p« crd, or8 la Il bsul irY ascetbe. -AppIy te J11sn, MeCusselot 25, tu, ------4-ý Wiitby. P-O. addrm, R.U. Né SALE REGISTER. 2 hty HOUSE FOR SALE. Saturday, . Jauuary O.-Auotion saie Nov frarno house, li,-storoya, at ftse furridgihig@ e! t4ie apIe Leal roonus, 8-pi»sosbifmae ler Lichen éud téeroor. Sale ai 1-30 ligisi. Apply J. H. JAMES, W )'dOck. ;Ternis cash. Wr.M bw, . -' B « OUSE AND) LOTFoIRBALE. Tuay, Januaxy 19.-Auctien sale Z» ihe village- cf Brookla,- lae] fefrrnstock, the prcpety ai H. oteuplud by tbé late lt.Pum Reyneids, ýlot 8i$ con* 1, Whiihy lpi. Gaod lewtIon. Âpply ite 36. T»e Sle ai ans 'o'cebshap. Wrn. iv perai, 'Columbus, or- TIe. -Ces] uctioeer. ei, Brookilà, Obi-t, MlsceilaneousAdet Uupt bc la gooloeWm pl to el ot MuOguti @on.' r. a I. I. I j- ods- 0ARE "MADE IN CANADA" Now'.s the timne to prepare' r for next year's harvest j Your harvest wil be bigger, better next year, if you l put in more time on the farm. Drive a Ford-- j j and reduce from a ratter of, hours to a matter j of minutes, time-spertitnl those 'necegaary trips 50 town during the busy season. Sventeen thousand ;Cana-dian farinera drive -the Ford because it'sa time-saver - inoney-saver - and pisasure-giver. ,ÃŽ Fordi Totiring Car $59). Forci Runabout $640. Ford Fars Fr ýal Upwards of forty farms from 25 açras up, and et froin $35 an acre, guaanateed te show satisfactory 'resuts fron investmerpt, ocated in Whitby and P ickering Townships. Evey coceivable rqirement f sol, buildings.ociard JE.WINN, Bell-phone 109. =WIITBY P. 0.Box 394 ndas St. East. - - - - - - I- -ide--ice- - -)A -t I - '-' ' - s ________________________________ iuaU~555,~~ ~m %~U'UMflI~J SPOR TINO 600 MADE ON CANADA 13V CANADIAN WORKMEN FOR ýCANADIANS We have the best agencjes Automobile Skates Spalding. Sporting 0O1 McINTVIRE'S HARDNi *****ê****pSêB*p.pÃ"Ucee*.p. per rétumed ! a mmthsl FV-V-"ýwwi OWObO ip -

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