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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 Jan 1915, p. 1

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;RIMEL WILLIS' OSIpS 8rIjs! uis FOUND'GUI LTY 0OP NLUI-TR 111 i tfTu" Afer a comparaiv.ly, short dle-auid Wbeeuoarrled Mt la CRI trilor, Uio Jury on laieMorablte stable $0 SOber up.Kablo,$00 01 là prepared from aspeclaformula tilreonda.verdict of'Gnilty wondunk *l h si. . ' lth gmét cr and accuracy. et Mwuluhte," faithé apwW ela atSasloSlvtre ta.r .( dnai le vil UTO 1 ue caled-iut S t -ry té, mit! u areay e ot, a IWitpIoIBpdy curerFI Itaitan, ?Jmne. Mo7rbuo, wbosxt ht hy'« aldor o h sous sois. MNOIT s t"3 ut atuI Bonjourvi on Oco- ,ttuo u étlaon.L VANSt - CROIS, 8 bor $rd las, sgisareSut of wlaloh TbêIIè pI*ee Morab*to, on 'tmkl a 1~ 1WI ffatin U Ra1W Dornjou.rul diedi tour day4 iota. tiitoe lml a, be was drimai, and ib the. bsphatory O'Pt"$ t. thfir on ~ThiIwju a! tesoos, la grand "iid zemember iiothlng itter ,b eug . d cmw eaklthy èoudItIê. moe'na.to thedàr ie usice bnMIt' ,ao, M 0oI yo us y ears -Sir,-William Muock proslded, o et .-te mud. 1Ho didu't bave ~a mnaThe grail Jury chose as Its fore- Wglie in ismPossession at ail. Ue ldid, nli if.111UM. man Mr. DaivdGaith, otWUI-. not romember any of te,"t O by. The membergu ot- the juary wero wlch were reportei to bave taken Iol Norman Cooper, .1. G. Morrlmoe, place. g .1 E W LL-j" as.Buk, Cham. SérvceJ.,C. Mo- J Mr. Snow, in crexamnat4 o à kUn, G. A. McClintock, H. Gifford, finI h'earlng Morabito hati sald ho 3rsgllst and VOticienFP. T. RoI Geo. qterriltker, 'Geo. did» sot know wliethier lie b.d a kn4fe MEDICAL HALL Reaeéo.or net. aT Srek L * WbtbY hThe grad jury retired, and in- an Wlth these three wltnesee t he de- Wa Breek SLýWhIbY. aurlandsa hait reburneti, wltih a fonce closeti the case, and Mn. Rob- a _______________________ truebtfl apainst taiel'prî,some. Inette addresWe the jury. He made Con _____________________ Immedl-ately Mn. T. C. Udaiîutte, a stroeig piea te have the charge A K.O., who reWemted Morabito, ap. reduced to manslaughter on thai t Profesion.al C.r4.plied ta) have the ecaee traversed un- gvowid that taeie "îoer iiad bem La _________________________til h Mrh Assises on tie grounti drunk, aocordlug t thie levidence LhGtL ev wllemses, one du Italy, e9tabiLaheti. a.nd CtLes lu aent IwbeMr. Snow s addreswas brie! andi Couldti o b re o f or a montai. tte iepoint. He matde mucai of the j». F. .FAItEWELLe NeC. 'r.er'enideme. *anmost important, tact that Morabito, at the.- prelimin- BauIute Couaty Crois Attoruey sud Mr. A. J. Russell Snow, et Toon- ary heailng, said hle ow'ned a Içufe, loi - COIsty olicitor. la, wbo vas CrIvacouasel, SIln but dit! flot kuow whether or nat hoe o ois OB toatawiag Court Houe, Whitby. wéth COWI Crown Attoney Fare. balddlit on hlm on taie day lu question. I _____________________ oen, opposedti he application-, ibidi Aler belng out an hour asti a hait cm A. . UCBTANfially hls LortoifhlIreluse to. agIat the jury returned with a verdict. o! o A, IL CHRISTIA'PThe trial vas,1 theretore, orderéd te 11Gully oaI Maiiaugbler."1su siaflsi metNuter 5r PN..16 proceetion Fri4ay m orning. Chie! .Justice Mulochi sali t t th aie OEa., Br.ck. St., Op Stàudard Banik. Serallo C. Caslrauccl, a yugjr:" ut ge i yourvr MI om eLoaS. o tiuditt at Toronto Unv&Mty, vas dict. The clrc4o~~taancex caileti, for ______________________ reeatte ctaam utnprte0 - chjust , much aaverdict syou have Si o. vOuNs SIT~. LLB. hé ie tit itaig atsfaction tb the o toiS." h at 'lejr C&6rt. Michael Basu, f Toronto, Tl'I the prîmoner esI T jr Co Issue et vs preent, 4lngfo, r . RobI> aire:te a merciful but reasonableve MARRIAGE L1IENSES .ette, au a oheck on thie court Inter- v4ew., 1 sympathize wlth yen, but 1 a Cort Houa. Whitby, or reoidesce. preter. mtiiitot allow -My sympathies te yr Wheu the 10ort wax calodtet or- Ilntent ere'with giving you.properpua- i der on F'rlday xýornlng, Christa Lot Isbmnt. Mucha reqmou.ihlity reste PIS G.4 sASNta, foneman on 1the seweraige vonhI lapon the hotei .keeper lu whose pla.O'Mc Baiisftr, Solicltor,-,Not8Ty Public, -vas called, 1îl and'ti t halera were YoU a rniatdpn hs an Coaveyancer, et. etc, C. wlth thie dead man Bon.joiarnl wteu are supposed ta look aller thie I- Oshawa, -Ostario thie atablhlng w doue. ose systenf In taie Town of Whl{ cm 64Officc- No., z Kisg sSt. E, Mackte Block Loto's evideo w as practîoigly a bv. Il was vry wioug o! thi e Pecae' IH ResideiiCe-52 Dreî St. repetitiion of t14at giron a thie pre- ot the hotel te have soIt you and P ph.e.O 5ce, pi3;L Residence. 326. jiminary heaIl~~ The tour silan vesyour cornpanicms drink uni you. ________________ -___ walking down ud ti et Em,- C v, ere sa trualo that i eucoult neta ad, & thée COI et oAth, sîreet Vey hoiti ally more. I roqiacat taie Clerk etoppeti. Thr ecdtâtem vont over of thie rCourt to commumicate wthat - slructingtae Wr 1,onorn e-~ Government in ToTonte regard- u bisegr et Marias.e Z ne tiusubg way sud 'eaci a coet Ia"the -s5 âkia1 e âèl. o! he ai cSrmusruomlmr. WihV quor law by taie hotl-keee. malasti on tue sidevalk, aut Mors- Hlm LordsMhp thon seulencel Mor- biewh wn aau.ne t al fabuto te m»on years' mPflsoiiment, ton t[a reee 4 ho cm aOn, saying that 'taie lightnemn of taie to a i O.,Limiuid My telo'fiouutryrIiantt sait eitence was due taelthe lack f aa!-au- En saeDeuler s.ttes Manageti. Konabito, 1"*ilre are yôù i nlgV" Ire and taie.tact of taie prianner belng 11 lto»Ooletet, Virai Loan. Arr*ngedi, . an goIg th ae camp," roplieti drunk when lie cornmittod taie crime, h IvPIruea hought asd t. -Beiljours4. F« term ap 1 ead'Office, Brooki St. "Ta there a place thons for me" F l olS.9tN rt a Ioft honelId. Phono 70W 1"WeI1l try tb do the esît we can" rooISiet eiI "tles inagers, vas taie afln ____ quilSIENO £RICHARDSON, Whltby.; Thon thie sttnger lit a. cigar . T ' i RHOlS O WIIB.h ____-~ ---had 'a pockefull, ant i anomrTi Th1 Wl1_COURT, Plastoror a cigar, the inan plunged bis hanad 'he-ari1d0 Waib-o on ai out against etanjourni'm abdomen. fday atraveler froriateMceni-M 448SmlgomAe. TRNT Go after Iliat mani, he bas kiiied River district, iii the persou of Mr. ' Wit b. plessed ýta give estimâates on al m,"cnot onjourI ,ci asPing bis IWn. Johnston, who came ti.,-vsit kdsaPlterinîg, Latbing, etc. hands5 or bis stconaaci. lis brother-iin-îaw, Mr. j. r. lirns- f obarges Kodera te. Write- for T nn. Latta lmmotiately obsaseti Mora- iby. Mr. Jahnston bas becn in the an ________________________bite, wha stum.bled andi fell when he employ of the Hudson Biay Conmpa'ny MI _________________________- iati run aatta hundred yards, to for' tbirty years, and knows the sil-M FRIED W. McBRIEN the corneraof, 'undas and Penny Sts. lenV places of the northland 141'e a 1 ThenIlote ietunedta see what book.. Ho connecs out to civiliz.attoa - - Capester, Bulider anti Cantractor had happened hils friand. occasionaily, ani thus docs riot for- Plas dawnant enimtesfurishd. Ixumediateîy Morabita rose andi rau get the ways of the worid. - Six RPta rAlt nertimae uihd up ta Greene Street, turneti South weeks ago lie - le t. bis beadquarters Jobbng. andi disappeateti. and travellýgd on the new ice' on the USOOKUN. ONTARI O Lotto agaîn started, in pursuit, but Saskatchewan River to A thabasca ___________________________lien coulti uat catch the mari. 11e Landing-a destarace ot 2.50 riies. VbCrefore borrowed a bicycle, ant-i This stage of the ' iurney was made CoufttrY ReI state. naf.llten making lnquiries,'over- 1au foot, a dog team biaing te cnfui- toakthefugtiv Brok pge. F'rin went Vothity ile 1 - -a,-- - i., Wush.atSlly M. Johauman vas an lier«mted tveu uîtîi~~ ie niorf, prIa! te speetato' 0!1th. -junior hSwky UVEEY, SALE AND hlm arnest, e6a onra t ce mtc o MaiavenIug. Ple gaine miaoIDIN STABLES aOnt# «'Let me 'l kIiliiedti tammn.". o!.hockey le s faim o! vinter sprt -M. aise slai tat vaille lheyers«Ounractilsed lu taie Mackenzie Rie BROO ST, WH TBV avatlsgtai Cal!, om~fientiu. of Dirict. Mr. Jobuxton viii remain Moruio came @gong and urrouûtietilu Ountonmor neme . thein, anti fl he then hlisme- LJI kindfi of single and double tftang thnown ove? taie fence. Net s fr hre.Busl il aie mornlng ho uantia tienti, Jo. Mesoul, htertamed -Oshawa iad agggo Iansor. f0itiit&_ ksltu anti a pipe lu taiegraum M aMlier sîtie o! taie ronci one#esboughl and el n t<~Severaî éther mînar vltuossufflPol'auin mimsoû. Somne good vere calledi to tell a! taie efforts ta igmoad drivers snd heavy ave taie life oft BnJournl, andi of On Monday evenlng laieYcung-Peti- ýw8for sali; aia baied bils ante-Mo'rtom stabemuemt. ple's Union of taie Oelu'awa- Baptist in auyqantity Taie-Crawn'mcame *as fluishoti by Chanchla as entertalusti by taie Young sud srai 2.30 lu taie artenu. Taie tefonce People of taie Baptiiot Church hene. oivered. ail once çalied Rasa Vinceuzo, wlao A big load t ivsitons caine from -'Vô ~,ices et., aplyat as one of thie meno wia as UP- Oshawva, anti vit the Whlthy Socle- o. o phno 9, 1 or74. poseti ta ho away nortlu oft Otava,tymieacm nTaovrah- ci or hone 8j14loa 74.lbe as a vltuisa. Fe. treti. A short prograni vas glven by andt ires alliera v ers vithi Morabilto tais Oshawa -Uilan. Mn. .1. -D. Mac-, hables su Offico; n ae atternn 0 1 Occtoben Snti. ris6u, B. A., haie usv paston of taie Theycam uptraibae -AsyusiOshawa Churohu, spoke brieffy, sud Ehithi ewtley liatibeeu vorkl'sg, sud'later gave tva apleuili reatilugi. spu aieaternoon ln a luete bacr Gaml'vere ludulgeti nlu iter, snt drlktn vlfkygln and ti ler Il- refrealimeutu vers servet before the - <~son. îl mud h.gelvery tiruu distorsId 111for IhueIr home tovu. TTBES -APPOINTHD. 5V Il lais z lots. dèns, dl%: and building ul a coàmIrutWége >i, vg ho t-' hlrmoby-iavs vers introduceti by - by bAllot, nméMeA40sff.oi-' Mr, Goudiiag ..On. reppointlugiR.C LL TI S iai ,MoWas, sd Tonp u a rutelo .b Lbrc -Retsad acounts of aillkinds wilI becollected àeua. tonBoard farna te=" of laie. e eosana- fr onrt e lIratngmnutceadiou net e otiber'appointiug Chas, A. McCIeiiau o oeaefe umlblee neturueti asd reportetiltue a member of Lthe School Boardi for lowîng standing epmimtes, "taie tae years aud &a-tlb r e-ppelat- MANA(dEMENT 0F ESTATES tbienau fiana ue ta'u acii case Iug.-C.A. Goodieilov as a memuber of act astahemn b Bwoar f ealth. Estates. carefully maniged and conducted so as i~uuc-Msss.Laldlaw,- Mooe PhYae rous by-las v ers Piiý 10yield a reasonable margin of profit to theowners, i hlateman. tairougli laiir gaerai 'rMdtiîug. etroets-Messro. Moore, La<dlaw Il vas tecidedtoe bc4dthe meetlAu9 IBa teimu of laie ('otineil as utual, oris le f;~ IDTN rowu Pnoperly-Mmase ateman, saudt Ibrd Montisys et lhe mntai. A DT ligon .,ant i z Taie hour being rather lncouveaiioel The above company is empowered by "lLetters ire aud Llght+-Mesms Watsonu, for a si'tlhag of Couucli, the 'IaYon'm Patenft" 1 undertake the audit ing of accoutnts of, euts, anti M o 'e . . attireesSvas , po slp Saed wat4l he* t, t w s o n h p ; c un y a d p i a e f r s upîlcatlos -Mes , s. Goidnîng, reguhan meeting, ihicli*111hi taire tontwsiscutyadpvaefr . [tulaw anti ('oualin. place os Monday, -.ansrW. _______________Il____________ Z_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ASESSMENT AND, VALIATINO VHITBY DIVISION COURT, - are now prcpared Ici undertake aill kinda of assessiig-and viuating for municipalifies and of the 'Il upear for taie plaintiff, youàr batsa heiler there belfonglag t, i, - rp ic f rvleflm adesons. For terms Mon, lain s am of Blianuiv. taehelloîen -that vas sumaienedsix at apply Head IOfice, Brock St., hiby. ua, , anti 1si for &à, atijosur- 1h. sale. Ather tiusputuag about thie bat- because......." ap-, malter for sme lIme, Holhliayl'mid, ar for -b.he, udeÇ your bow*e, l'If maie', yours, take lier." Some W. ýD9 DYfKES, GenermalManager I sipe!ely lWgtht haie tiaym latter Mesure. Atîvel sud W.7 se shah stand ovr." .J. Hauietit came ad hook . aay lie Sae 'M anagers. 11Vr1ý-wilb."caee-la Po14- bellier, Attweli ha lt tl,wiltS le aed."14 ohera, tla Ur.. W. J. HalleIt. Cl1nllar cosrsilItii »te thie above lfoiiiday veulta oHatlett'm facmlu lu.r s n & i ba i o e very cosmos lulaite Dlvhieu soarcl oflhe animai, anti touait her-'P )unI, anti. several, cases viere Ira- *tidup 'lu a bar utll ln 1h. ban h8 d o -- i a d rad frein tie Court helti on Thur.ý Subseiquenhly Hoilitiay gaI the ai- ,y last by lm atà nor Judge Mêla- mal bac. Bl, _e15 a.Poe7 '5. -Mr. Halliday'i oa is tIniy *as 19la.PonO - lis Honor reuticred utgmmt ton coailrreti b hat af ais son, U!geb-_____________________ alIitf for »S8n8.lu ca0 se o! Jéhu ieu, R";BHour, hie mon-l-lai and o0mpmou vy.',Fred Ifa teaibeiug ton aies ailret boy, Lmage tic lthe plaâflýutlt ahmobîle, Mn. -lamnes Moore, caliet -by tais maet by a couîlifan. Taie -am huat plainliff, haut a titrent slory bo en prevlously heur-.t.1l.Ne emaldt hasttaie black. andi Ioliidsy Vs. HallAl vwas aase ffl aille"lie efen jaumborot i às waa nul11 ' ' cuilac istenestal air0etujumutal cir- taken away bY I-oi'4.lav. u asl ugait action against W.J. Halle» vhich Holidtay sait! h. drove Il e s n s r s i g Sreplepia aalasifer ,wihpla painilf! avay. Prom bis fields il strayed on td tefeutaut clainÀget, ant i haite h. faim, of Mn. Thimas Hardy, id bees laken 14th.pmelf' air l euint o xm by defendant. -,Wiue Mr. inant- irove lais -eattIleensadPto h T'ae case to'taie piaistil! vas fluati freinlaie pauture go-Id home te ais .WewsouFkd an Ptr s h àOctober 8 -lasI hue bat purehaset ,bann, lIn paoslug hy Mn. Ha1idaY's Season's Compliments and'AIl Good s ha of etyousg cattis tram A.. O. fim mh. drave lita IlollIiday'm yard «twei, of S, Mdcniauad, who hl a t ils helfer lu dispute. Tig o h erNntnFfen tlion sale dl caIlle aI laie Whlthy Thie eviieuuce of taie defendtiasmTig o h erNnte te 'use thal day. Holiday purdiaieti ilnesses supçortetil tais contention e caIlle by privaIs tesder, paylug of hov Hohliav came biv-taie lieer. .e~rr OO Ior tb. bandai. Taie foliowlng Attweli hat 301.dth lb.flen caIll ay tbe. catle were teivon ila sonne that woeeon Moace's -Iarrn le Mn. fteen others la the taran aI -lames W. «. . ailett. and befaire tiuey voee sson anti others came for thoni. Attwell hocatd ber on Hoilidav's PE E L 'S 110E ST O R E lue cattle bore numbers Ian itienti- farm, anti clilmed ber In ontier ta ýatirk, anti tbey were Ibus separ- tieliver lier tn I TalIett.DL j7S A ted -from taie others. Onlv rime uni- For the defencs thes itresceAIOI flg£lFfca 51, - 'WiuY, Ot. ais o! those purchaseti by lloiiiday wýere c-al"id-N. 0. .Attwell, W. .T-. <'e foi-ind, and these were dniveu ta Tallet-t. Wm. M.%aw. (aiictioneer),rI - -Fi.- r. Iloliiday's farro. Amangst Ihese Pice (-eko! sale), Thos. Hardy,_____________ mie was cane nuambereti six-a black W. Vansîcane. _________________________________of____ id white hetfer. The Iollowitig day The Cisecocrrilined i ze asa 4r. hiolliday was given anotlier uni- c.nntnadietcrv ta'stiiicny, anti Hie nal in place or the mitrqing onue, thus T-To-nca resrved dec.-in -îaking Up bis ten. A. P.,C'hrliatian. for plaintif! :W. In twca or three weeks Mn. Attwehi A. MeM.Naqter, Toronto, for defeuti ,ame aiong andi snid tat Hoiiidav antWs e u. W. J. HA CRAFT LAID TO REST On Mlonday the lainerai of taie laIe' taken a tanin for taie vorse. Mns The people who give their hen-s Royal Purpie W. .i.1-laycraf t look place ta Grava- Hayraft leftimtiiately Ion Eti, Poultry Speciflc are the WISE GUYS who are side cenictery. Service vas held inl monîcua, but Mn. Hayeraf I puseta- sligN wLi gsa ac rcs the 11reshyterian (Cburch, Brooluin, way on Tburstiay, pnuemonla baving slîgNw Li gsa ac rcs coducted. by Rev. W.M. Hai g, as- sel Iu. Royal Purpie MAKES their hens iay. sisted by Rov. 11.13. Konny, o! Iiow- Mrs. Hayeraft anniveti in Einuanton rmaville, uad 1ev. H.W. Fuley., of on Sunday, leavinc Ion home ugala It wiii MAKE your hens lay, aiso. Broklln. lIn tva tays. Sue arniveti an Sat- The pull bearera wiere Mosans. A.C. urday hast. ir1Iiott, Thas. Hall, W. Arksey, Wm. flesidet. Mci. Iayeral t, lia daugli- Royal Purpie Poultry Speclfkc Rîeeson, D. W. Macdoualdi, IL Mua- ters siarv'ive tri mourn their fituer'fm eung. 1(Is, miss lcen, of Oshawa,ý andi Put up in 25C and Soc packages à-#-rim hgrThue lainerai was lths laiget helti in Miss Jean, aI home. and large tins at $ 1.50. toc our eacsas or- sud Lean. There vas a large gather- tor four m u eeea! li T In inoftneiglibors ant i nds. Th'P li ulbe a large cossumptieli of Ibis jiopular food. sli, u ai hereast ebeli efehe'Town-ail bearers vers uuembens aI taie Potatoes. constitue a large ahane of table supplies, 1andt (ey are melllag Warplthe ai ea en g ét anlly and relatives. -about fifty per cent. lover Iban lait yeare Mardn. o-thaya nat os u dos-- a - f - leuSugar also bas Sous veaksessta taie eent o! 300 per bustire. Hou.,- Ion fer a ysar antis ait, î. le vWasl TMA noOO PN AGAIN. keepers may h. sucourageti and are Invitedti t supply. thaefr iaeeds frou.nt . S' balcen fli las1 -lune, but vwas aiLle t lThe Umne Lestal Tea Ram lias Pringle & Co% sstore. continus at bhri iems. Hée becanu eaies ounehased .b! Mn. N. Mactin, Tbey have cluoice -sev Raisins#,,extra value ln Curiants, and Tees (bat se 111 en Deceuiher 24 Iliat metilci~Ohsnsdvi .cilldSi5îâo pa res ait vas *smmoueti, sud taie ceton taomerIv, ais a teacaorn anti cafe. pronomocctthe-trouble 5silklg Mc. Machs v isbte o lntncm bueh p..ralytcIote . HM condition vas publlitaIath ile mdutenatineiia mtthm' t é lou u o lasýbsneg, adéàflt et-W -8e PR i N G L E & 0 0 seui homne tao rolc-02atAiholuead jayeby Êtrs. W"sur. W I B N 2 I a~k~ ~ _ ITALIAN GETS, SI YEARS FOR

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