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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 Jan 1915, p. 2

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f - NO1TES AND COMA~EN4T5 ethat wa.r ~r as 4the zmjraI tÇflirGof nations, a t.errible but in- gpiring a.nd i!trengthfeiing crdeu.I, necetary &nt ote for the auto-ih- toication of- poe.. Witbout its igous discipline n>sn gro' soft, weak-twilled, irrescidlute, uÛduly - arfù,l Ausk the wi*ner, the New-. foundl1and fhhexwan, the lumber r k, the~ st2el nfl worker, fte en- eer and! firernan in their ceb, tho .4akes.rian, the firemo«, the. police- m'a~n whzt hey think <clethis tiheory. It i true these are hazarce'iiîs occu- ta~,sid allewanc3 muet- be -;made for that.But- ducs the argu- nfélt hold even for mcib and wrnen 'in Fafer ernployments? War ibsclf ýdoes net proe it.. Ili fact, it-tends to prove thi oppoaits0. Green civ-l!ians d1j net filpht as wel as g5eascmned eoldiers. They are motre mubject to -panieý. They are raôt well controlled. This history roveu, thougli the euperficiai heo- ruts who realy cmi minute mnen for miodern miar ignore it. On ther other htaud, civilians, ineluding men f romn thie inoet. secIentaàýy ccupations, are ma4c goixi soîders aet a rate which- W-culd neyer be attaîned îf a 111e of mvoalled pease had w.orked the' hav- oc uipon their wi.l. that'militarigs wvonl- have us bc!ieye in. And the rear.on eems not obscure. There is need en.t>tgh in the daily lives of naosut et us for tihe persistent exer- Cise f wiill. There are doubt and re.pain -and solrew, ambition niud necessity, a complex cf ma-ny pre",ures to keep the will f rom atrro- phy. War mnay key up -te seul, but meo oten &-) t'ic iEsues. of peace, amd atfter alltl i&lit-h of the w'ldees mt-reqîlire excemmive t-la't MNla nkind is very far as yet f rom a wa4tery of its deetiny, andIlife fer almee>t ail men holds enough of struiggle to. keep us f rom getting yve ry flabby. This ie noeto r.ay that r iationFs, epesc lasËes-, likçe di- %ndais, -do not Ëomietiwnes degener-ý itte morally andi grow labby, cow- ari-ly, indol)ent. But it is lesI;kely thi t-bhey aré wak liecauce they arei liL t warIike'tiran that they are net )iIiEbecauec -Lbry are wcak, Be- c-anse virile peopjbe ueîaîby- have - - beeu wanrioî-e Wt doeesnet follovi t-hat wvarniakiug madle theni virile. 17nquiefti',ou.abîy the n-e-ce- eity of flzbtiýng- rias de:reIoped ii nations t-ho wstrni4er virtues, courage, detet- -iYnatitui, couques-t cf pain, fldielity, j-jtience, unity, ohedience. But se 41by Ç)'dors the neressit7y et living, se fur as muo t-bte buman tace-is Now threîîghîeut thre country, -sud e'peciaîly lu eut great ¶fities, thou- b-ndm cf men and wcmen are rînder- geîug tiie drastic diacipýine cf coild sudbuger sud anxietiy. They» are - ut ýWlr vit-h fat-e, -vit-h theniselves, wih -tire elemeuts, vitb the cendi- tions et tfhein man-«uade environ- mni.If-vian proer le ne-cc'cau-y stibi flirt-ber te brace Lîremi i eyet Lu he demostrated. The darnucs an-cl deetruct;ien of vian are tragica- ]y plain. If iu spite of -ieÏn wvia- l go (a thiie niil:4taript wyul have te lPiove.it- very-ce--y si . Il 1EI'N WOOi). -Says Allihes W iii e Suiesifui by EIlIPr'ti'it lpar'. -'rite.fellowing expris 4ûnon ou b. (Jlenenal vis- coLlc-oS w-as made t-c -t-h.INew-Yor-k \Ve id-by Field Mar- shl sSir Evelyn Wood: --Piomisiîîgithatj bhave ne official knovbcdge, 1I-,tate t-uaL 1 uniconfi- de-nt-,vit-h Got's bleruting, cf the su-cc-esscf t-be alliPaîin our righteotis caurse lu Lb. -ceining yesr. This oupinio)n le ba.meci-on eixt-y- t-hree y si'ervice. IJriuer the Cîo-wn I liav-eniadé s cintintuouis stuîdy ci 'war problenîs micner 1861. I aseisted lu tbe diarni- barkation of t-be allied&amue.lu thbe JCra, teuîght aloungside thbe Frnch for nine ment-bs, and earu- Scd te approci-ate: the uincii-acing, en- 1duiig c ouragecf the ueas -- Every soldier ieaizes t-be manvel- e-e - iïatical improvement -et t-hein troojpeeminer the Ma-curuiaî cani- paigu. This, vit-h Jbheir devoted eoura.e and numbers, rutiat make N the-niirremietible. - Abl vian students re-alize tii. baet- termeft7o1 t-be Frenchi srmny since 1870. 1I'bave erve i fit-y-n lue yeas --- with ou~r troeps0 >and beliove thai,' ma.ly cwiug Le the bat. Lord Woi- meley, vie have the brut trained army in t-le wo rbd, vlile iu courn- age àt vies witb t-hat of iLs coîrades ofthlie iter s2rvice. IL -and Lb. navy have beîpc-d to cnes-te the Eni- Il leisipossible t-e think cfthbe - avy wit-hut necalliug iLs vast debL ci gratitud-e lic he'illumiusliing gen- lus cf Lb. Istie Admirai Mshan-, mwhich iyduced the clean tbiukiug -out cf th~e problemisoel tbe, commrand - ocf the.'ceas. As te tie national spirit, I bave seeu iL lu. msny unit-s. oi the nevi s-ny. AMi soliera nmuet necegnize libat thero are types oi men lu the -riauke H~ hv neyer sLeod t-bore befo re. ilArie panishi in vihichr I was bî-cîgbt tmp over 10 per ce-ut. have enlisted aluce .Au guat. I1 ee1 sure -thait t-be - Ëli'h, vie began, moali neluc-tantl , ilil flghl ri n 11101thoalles at-n the-ir oh- Tllete'â a lot cf desc t-xs<dl ioat fs-rily trees. p Adipoeity ia the. medical namc- foi excessi-ve fat;, lit meas'athe. arne thing as corp ýEce or ob eeity. i~ tan, a dis-seas. cf ~utrition-, a-nd' oîtee bis occurrence dannot be expIa:Jed It le 1hereditarý iln core familiea. and it aise .een»,to6 bear sme rela- ;tion te certain constitutional trou- ble; lt-li etteî seen lu tii. vioti-mi of gut, for ex len . jfIt la not aI vîlsys8 easy tue dccide jut when a p. msoihis beome toc fat for halth. A~ec l~4in howeever, ha cal&lated that iàe arnount ef fat in7 healthy man l a-bout o-ne-twe-ntieth gçf the bod3 ,wPight, and in a woman, aboutonz, sixte-enth; Wc are ia-l better off foi a proper amount of fat; adipose tissue la. a poo- conducte-r of iSeat, and se prevents t-he bodily heai frorn ýassinZ off toc rapidl>y. Mre- over, in cases ef iliueas, it gives thc patient soîne roerve te drnw upon, But whena person begins te sjuffer f rom hie fat, when he grows breath- exs an-d disiM~lined tk move, about, ho, la certaînly - beýoxAd the. bine ci safety. Wýhen. -a very stout'persom stops exerciang, tuhe muscles begin te atrophy. The tve-ker they get, t-ho Aooner they flag under -the ivcight they- have te caýrry. In thaï .way, a vicieîiaseirce le i§eetabui;h-dý firgt, heavy weig'ht and lshirking musp.clesf; then, as a re&ult cf that, stili heavier weight, and finally, aI- mont uselesa muscles. Although fat people are net ai- waye great ea;te.ra, and rnany thin people eat a aurprising quaiity cf bocd, iL le neverthheJees in general true that tiose who eat more than they nneed are likely te grow stout, espc îl f they est a god dealI 'f trhe etigarti, etarches, and fat tocade. On - the other lbaud the nitrogeloue feods l-ead te tisue wa-s-te. That je vhy pliysicians sometimâl treat ca-ses of extrerne obe-sity by a menat <loet. Anything that increa-Pes oxidâtien. tends te, le-ceu f-a-t, and therefore steout people ,h-ouid practice deep breathi n u rd-er tatthe bodiy în-ay -bur tmpis -wàste ran.ate-,4ale r-apidby. If ordh-iary exerciee, even waiking,--has groun intoierable, you ca7î brerathe deceply while you -are sitti-ng stili. The- treatmenrt cf cor- p-nlet,ïce, -withine-diclues ebeuîd al- w-a>s be directcd by a physicien, for therç is darger lu experi-ment- ing or ini following advertised renie- di e%. l'le Cuire of iie Ilair. -There s-ne t-vi thirage that the haïr muet have in oren-l-nt-o pres.Zerve iLs lîesltb sud beauty: perfect cleanli- oMs sud a gccd circulation cf-t-be Woeod lu 1h'- scal!p. Badiy treated or uegircted bain le net beautiful; ILt greva dry, sud dulI, and briLhle, sud i- tho bad treaiaà-nt continues iL may graduaiiy disappear entireiy. - Mosl pensons do net begin te tremble for thein hîir so>on euouîgb. They viaili until s-good- daeulot i bas f allen cut, frd Lbeu t-bey Lhiuk t-o) set niattens igbt by a fev s- pointieuta at t-be hair-dnesser'sans-d a bot-tIc ci tenie. But -uoluing de- mnandesud nespoudstLe'con-sistenL goed res-mtmolmoreliban the bai-r. IL is bard te suy jus-t boy citen yçFn cugirli te have a sbampon, but be sureIt le do>n-e oten enough tc keep bolih bain sud gcaIp ini s-condition -of absolute cleaulinese. If vmshing seeme te m-k. t-be liairto tedry,. mb in a ev drops of sýome hla-ud cil s-lter the sbauupoo. Do no-t put t-becil dinectly ou t-be blah-, where lt- canuet possibly, do auy good, bu-t maEsage it tborough- ly inte thre scalp- viltirtue lips cf t-he fngers., That neede te b.e doue Icniy ait-en s ebmpee, lu orden te reot-eLre t-leho aturab ci] t-list t-be Ny-a-s-ing-lias nemoved, but it les-a geod plus-n tù, massage thbe scalp vitb the tips cf the flugers eveny day, bot-hi nigbht aud mcoruung. That ie penb-aps t-le mouet important ajugle rîrle for those vibo viouid pemesess flue bain. Tie massage- shoîild b. vigorous, but net reugb, ferthie pur- pose iK-Lo lbing tlic blocdt thtue sur- face (cf the s-k-ii a-nd t-o kcep t-be scalp freely movable ou the surface lof tihe ekuil soe (bat the blond oan cireîl-ate frcely. - The frtee curcula- tion of- tfrcbloed is Lb.evibole secret (>f t-he engbh, Lb. gloffl, sudthie h)ea-ujty cf tbe buînau is-ir. Caret ul brushing (vit-h a scrupnleuély cira-n bnîElh leslalso elpf nI, for il tends te reniove duat, te nake the bain mone glosayý, auJ t-o ms-k. iL amen.- able.toL iLs eviners vib.-ýYoutii'sl Companion - EARLY SUIIMARINE MINES. Umed Flri DIing the. Siege of Ant- venul i Elizabetlian Daye. Lt voubd sontubatt-be final appesM1race et mines lu varfare vise dur.iitg the. siege et Antviemp du Ehi- zabet-han days, ihien t-be Dut-ch des- troyerd several S'panisb ahips - by mes-ns.of flating kege cf guupewden. Amenicaus are noted fer their in- ventive geudua, se t-bat iL is net sur- priedug t-ha-t thalL n-a-ien cl-aime te be the- originator cf Lb. su-bmarne preper. I)uriugi the Amerlos-n War .&f Independence' s contact- mune of guupcvd-en vais- rvented. Sub-. menged bernest-Lbthle viveg iycx- phoded on beingj tomclid by s sess- iug veseel. Fuît-en, thbe luventor-er, rather, perbape eue sbould say, oee-of the inventos-of tbé steamboat, ha-J a plan for a mine, or a subminu bocatu, ihiebh. subrnit-ked batb te F-rance sud Great BrItain; but- the tii. vas -hsrdîy ripe fer it, sud -th. invention came lto ne gmeat import- auce. -The Eugliab uiei vhs-t- visetetin- ed a catamaran s-t- Calais and ]»ou- legue lu 1804. li v as a beavy, elgan or cone-sbaped boat stuîffed wit-b povider thiat t¶oated juet ws-via-ensd was tovied Loviards t-be vessel Le b. dest-roïed. INIIEIRNATIONIAl LESSOIN. JAN UARY 17. Lesson 111. Tue 'ahi of Ghdcouu. -Judg. 6. 11-40. Golden Test, PSU. 65. 4. Verse Al. Sali under t-becal which uis lu Opbrah.-This ilan- cthon-instuance cf a sacred turro par ticuiary used- on a great occasioni 1.Gideen vis beatiug eut viheat ii the wiuepress.,-A most unusua proceeding, as the.vine vis ee oruL frequeuthy l inteinnmer-clèeft c a.rock arranged lu Lbe nature oet wiuepress, viieressviheat is tbrrahed eut ou s higb place as in dicated abcve. To bide iL fron t-h. Midianiibss.- Everything vu-ch tube Ifaelitei possesaèd vis-s iu grave danger c beiugLtaken by Lb. ruemy. Undei the invasion of the Causanites, Lu rael's native lavi could be adminis Lered on]ý in the extreme meuth es-st, betveen Ramab and Bethel vibere, as wié iound in the bess o, Jasury 3, Lb. paim-tree cf Deibor ah stood. lu Lb. day- et Gideoi the Midis-nites swept south irom Lbh plain et Esdraelon, se that t-be us( cf the t-hnesbing-floers vis imposai hIe. They pused se fan that tht Israelites had te hide themselve, oven af Ophrah. Fneî Lb. piain- e Esdrs-elou a succession cf epeî plIains les-c out, connected by eaaý passes. It is tb. vildest avenue iut<c botb Sais-nia sud Judmea, anc niaies connection &asewiLh tbe plain of Sharon. * 12. Thou mig-Ly man of valor.- Gideon vism-net in s- particularly good îood; te t-unis that h., s- man et vahon-that la, a strong -and sc- tive mau-ahould have te bide hlm- self pracsticallylu thi.ebeit cf a rock iu order te tubresh eut a litLe vheal vis almcaLas. nuch as a -hardy, strong young ma-n ccuid sasd. Tlhe aknge1ii visiter ixuplied in bie greei- îng thali Gideon vis net only a atroug sud brave muan, but that be aise vis a deveut man, a ms-n valet in the full sens. 13. Ob, my lord, if Jebovs-h la vi-ti us, why then i la ai fis befallen us? -Tii. angel of t-le Lord came with a-n sesu-ring greetiurg, "Jehovs-b le vitii thee.." Gideon vis tee devout te repudi-ate tuis statemeut. Hovi- ever, he vas toc aorely distrrssed net te question it, sund be aaks, "éIf Jehovs-b je viLh the Isra-el-tes, vihy deoes he net reveal biniself as he did to trhe men of oid 1" The. greatest revelation alvisys in t-he memery of thie Israelites vist-h. faet t-ha-t Je- bovah bnought t-h.elIsalitea tmp ouL of EgYPt. Gideon- could net vit- boid the expression that Jebovab, whrb vsswitir the ebildreu cf Ilael lu Egypt, seemed novi te be dolivor- ing t-bei inte the baudcf Midis-n. 14. And Jehevab booked upon hlm. fier. tbe statement la direct-net thbe angel oi Jebevab, bu-t Jebovah. Gideon'e eyes are open Le t-be real import of tuhe message lihat le cern- ing te hini. IL cemes direct f rom God. Go in t-hie t.by miglit, sud save lsael f nomLb. - haud ci Midian: iiave net I sent Lbce ?-T['ere us ne acecounli toaien of the compiainu of Cideon. There la no turne te argue t-ho maLte-r. Worda are of litie uim- portÂuce. Action la vihat la de- iauded. Gideon la made te feel isnmediatly -that hie bas t-b. power tc go and saie. leraci -f nom the handai of t-hol Midis-uites. Thbis -puts an entlrely diffe ment phase ou t-h. question.- 15. Ob, Lord, vibereviith shah I s-ve Israel 7-The tboughL cSurs to Gideen s-t once, iiewever, tibat heie l a young ms-n ef vory l1ev engin. Hie family is net ouiy the pocrest lu thbe tribe cf Mauasseb, but he birinseli le t-h. very le-set lu hie fatlier's bouse. la. Andi Jeiiovab said unto bum, Stirely I viii br vith t-hee, sud tbou cha-t smite, the Midianites as one menu-&galn Jeiioveh pays ne at- valley intended Le umake a conceri againat the chibdreu cf Ierael. -And tdiey paeed over.-They m. mediately cntered the confines ci thre Iaraeîitea. And encamped lu the. vaibley oi Jezreel.-The word ued lier. foi Valley me-ans 'Tdpepening." IL iu the sme as the Scotch expreasios "ival.." It la a valley as one looki inte it frorn above, sud not a valleéý &a one migbt st'and belevi and looku over au extensive plain runnin@ aw-ay froi thbe hilîs far off -to e. other rise of his. The "deeýpen- iug" or "val.," is a wide avenue ruýnnîug tmp into mouintainous ceu-n- tries. So we read cf the val. o-1 Hebron, thbe vairetfEiaîh, cf Ajalon, cf ,jezreel. These invading s-nies were nét going te meet the Israel- ites on t-be western border of the plain cf Esdraelcn bj- the river Kiehon, but Lhey were going te at- tack t-hem more in the mount-ainous country aud put theni te disadvau- take by dividing their forces and disposixig of then pieccomeal. Israel, therefore, had te muster net on Mount Tabor, but at. Gilbea. It je iuterestiug te note that the Midian- ites lu themr battle against Gideo,,n teck tmp practically the saine posi- t-inas thre Pbhiisfinee did ini their battie with Saul 34. But the pirit cf Jeiiovsh camne upon Gideen; sud he blew- a trumpet.-Although the tribes cf Israél were satterrd and working indepeudentiy, tbey could be gath- ered together at a Lime -of criais. The blowiug o#MbJe trumpet, how- ever, was directed te thbe people cf Gideou's own tribe. He wanted Le b. sure of them i frst. , Afterviard Gideon sent messengers te ailLb.h neighboriug tribos, te give varniug cf danger and te cail assistance. And Abiezer vis gatbered toge- tuber after him.-This waa iris own tribe. That bis, people, who knew hlm as brlongiug te a poor taniiy and cf humble orngin, ralbied te hlm s-t once muet have bren a sigu of great encourage .ment sad, doubt- lesa, a real indicàtion that Jehovah would be viith hlm. . 35. And ho sent messengers throu*gbeut aIl Maussseh-Asa soon as -he vins cure of bis ovin people, hie sent the word everyvibere. He par- Liculsrly. boviever, sent messengeris unte Asher, and tinte Zebulun, -sud unto Napbtaii; and they came tmp Le meet them. They ail came tmp te- 'gether--as wiIl appear aftervard, a formidable army of tbirty-two thicu- sand men. 36. And Gideomi said tinte God.- Tii, test which Gideen puta te God lu this paragrapb (verses 36-40) i-s a mioat striking preef cf the faith which the people, of the. Old Testa- ment bad in their God. If be vias the. true God, ho weuld show hini- self lu, soie viay, Pa-rticulûrhy at a Lime of se great criais. Tbe particu- larity viitb which tbhia test le des- ri-bed by Lue He-brevi writer shows ue bey great weigh-t. the chronicier put up"n the incident, -sud alec les evidonce cf t-he belief which Gideon hinimef hîsd, that if he was Le go out iute t-be conflict he sboîîld go out entirely s the messeuger an d in the ountrol and under the guîid- auce cf God. A Fi-anks Pro)h(ey. Addressiug the recent annual mee-ting of hie ahareholdere, the âhairman of au niportant London undustrial cem-pany had this te s-y: 'There le euîy eue tbing of -Which we cau be quit. sure, that vie- are going toviarde a viorld. eutirely dif- ferent froni the werld Le which vie have been accutoîrd., Thiere la going on througheutvihat we have haorl a dstrctin11 à- popr Sîubseeibens te saVar lioaiu. IleiiBntish Gi[vernment lu t-le vvi of the London Statiet, "lias proviclddiself, througb lb. great beau, vith tire rnans o! finauoiug t-he van until Xidhummer, at al eveute. Penhape-june respect is t-be - -ban more satiofscct-y that ~ seiu smal people have breuglit forth tiir savings te psy ion thein allotmeuts; very,,mauyn- deed, paying for them, net -by cheque, but lu actual cash." "Men ýare alviays i-ate. I have viaited ' ere since 6 o'clochc for =y btbaud Le corne, auJ lt la newv 7.30." "At- vibut heur werr you teo meet himV'1 asked the vioman iro iad joisied ber. "Ah ô o'clock." la the AIDe. "Tell- us about iL," urged tfie cldren. Aunt Gertrude lauglied, -and Pad that se.would. Auut Gertrude vis au artiat who had been on a long trip te Europe, and vihen hier nephevis sud nioces visited hier, there visnetbing tibey liked se vieIl as te look t'brcugb uer big sketch-bcok snd have ber tel1 then thi.e teries about the pictur-es. This t-ime tbey hki shovin special intereet lu t-be drawiung cf a etreet lu a mnountelu, village, wbere t-wo beys viere driig a flock cf goats up ko the door cf oeeof t1ra qîmaint houses. "That vas lu the Alps,?" sai1 Aunt Gertrude, "snd thé-î littie vil- lage is on the, road that tiie great Napoieou buiht Lhrougb t-be Si-mploi Pass and over the motîntains more thîn a buîndired years s-go. - Iha boy wl-Lb the stick le dniving bis goaLs frein bouse te houeP, ,to let hie cuistomers have gos-t'a mP-k s-ccerdiug te their ne-ede, juet as tire mihknîan drives round bis wagon in thie couîntry. The o4ber boy, viLb a basket,-is also deiiveting pareis item t-h. village store. The ch-ogies that tihe boy% vear, sn4; even their ahoes, are made at home." -WhaL a strauge hou»--! broke in MoI-ly. le'Yee," said 4unt Gertruîde, "iL ivery eid, aiid is cf the kind coni- mon ln thîcce mouintains, low andi beaviby built. BetLvien tb. bittbe .windows upetaire you cau cee three curionis designe. Tbey are the cc-s cf aria of tbe tubrer cantons or statre Lb-st were, the beginninge cf t-be presenc republic cf Switzer- baud, jus-t as the thirteen colonies viene t-h. begiuuing cf America. The great bulge below thbe windo.ws la Lb. big ovon, wbere ail Lb. co-ok- iug is doue. Over Lb.he-ousces fa-tbcir tmp tuhe-treelt you can seecrie of the nieun-tain peake, which le aIways coverrd with su-o-w. And iL is a curicue tbiug that beautiful flo-weî-e grovi beside the mo r-Li oad, even witbin a fevi fee-t cf t1me en-o-w "'I wisb -h ta-t Ic-otild go t-o Fli' Aipe," sald Kenneth. "Pehaps you can ail go sDme day,' sald bile surt,* - - bt yen s-hould learu ail about t-i)tir own woudetful aud beautifuI ciîti-y belore you viiLt-bhe straîgi bands over the cea.s. -Yoiiths' Compan- ion. ADSl'AI<IIýIIN1 LAKiE. Aun »Alc-ienut 1egeuitiofIsle Lii tic Lake of (suuuitcrno. An untusual oocclîrrence t-bat lias micîr icteresed th e scikritifie mnim recently happeued a. Fumuue, Etaby. The pictitieqi&- litîle buSe cf Cauterno suddenby disappeared. AlI thbe vatr retreated into a -boL- tonilese pif in the middle-cf (ha lake-, -sud heit t-be vhole area ah- soîutely dry Z fI apprars t-bat Luis came phreno- mencu basocunred severabl imes, lu the bistery cf thbe place ; tLb.ist trime vinss-bout.220 yoas age. At that tim e .fniersae1sd begun t-o tl thbe brd oitb. lake, sud b-id bnougbtILt-to a higb. sta 'te cf cuilti- vation., vihensuddeuIy t-hie water te- t-urned; and as if te recempense Lb. peeple for tb. lese of t-hein onope, Lb. fisb es-me back aIse. There is ani ancleat legeud that t-be Iake, disappeare viben'even its rwaters <daim t-ho bite cf a bumnan be- ing. Thai vissthe case at tii. Ist previcue disappeaance cf the via- ter. On s certain Shrov. Tuesday, nîne yeung beys vere drovurd ini CanLerno Lake. Their' distracteti parent5 oursed thec Waters cf Lb. lake, -sud then s cnaten fifteen feet lu diameter svallowed tmp t-be va- lier witii feanful audJ uueartbly gur- gliug. Firr spoulied frem the hole, and fr-cm the depths cf Lthe earth ca-me a mystenlous ruucbling. The enlire irak. bed vas - strewn witb fieb, and -the boat vhich had gene devin vitii thboye viss -walîcwcd up bv the. cnater. I3eb-"Tbat bey cf ycîi a afin4., t-ail lad, Jacks; yQu sheuld b. prcud of hlm." Jaoi-"I -i't, tbougb. "Wby, ire le 18 luches taller t-han I amn, and bis met-ber insis on eut- ting his Lýrusers devin tic fit me." these survivaIs from prehistoric tirnes, says a -writ.r in the Field,1.Z bu t aven ncw, wleu I gaze at hie horm as it boldly protrudes fron The O1iaIfyia':-Steyeu" the. Wall -cf My den, ththriWeoornes By their ,sleeve,.y Ù ipay i 'back âhImost as vividly as when I ýth6m. -tý"hat bee ruoo first' caught alight, ef hit slategvày frocks of to-ay. bulk 'agaloait a pâleiibacik-grou-ndof For sevenal ye'ars s1eves ha.ve noît, short grass. tiidbeen c« especiel ,pox'.t.s.noe. M. If~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~1 Wa ao u -lis e hem ha-ve ken C'ut oxa kîpiop when niy gunbearer'pointed eut -aimneB*-Rsid1Çô theyý-*i@ r. io -mleveu rnhinoceras a&bout 150 yards distant. at ali, and, perhap:sth"t i.s why t4iêy Rý was apparentrly fast asleep. L were net imior.,t4. Buit this yA ùiidthe .surj-oundinge ea.refully, w u-n.re'~ev an sel-ctnga mllbuh o de1wzth agio'n. r andsebctig asmal bsh or'y To bc. aure, thie fOw evening final cover. began to ataik hum, from gowms hve no iesIc u hi b behind. "ngeowyad eau. on'0'6 Btti -e sence cf si.eevea is as caatrti tiouàly, I reach-ed the. buàh, whieh ,o>f ihc stylo a-s an-y other >leevede- waa fifty yards from the sleeping ti.l 'ou!dbe. Thie ueW.eyeiilfgb animal-, .quit. easily. Then I rnoved lM reeu i twopo itt out a few yards to get a clear shot, ilasp on the, aheulder . sat ýdown, airned_ where, the, neck led- buck y r -;aP or urnder au joined the shoulder, and. firéd. 1 artificial flower; or, else- they -ar puild'.dcwn, and enly hut hlm in eut square,,and-heiàd Qver tliOe goul- the leg. -ders wituh jéweélled bandas or stxZ'a4idS Oft h. went-awgy froinmei, I arn oft artificlEail flowere. - r glad to say-at asitonishing speed. I But -in ý the day time tbé,ýslfeevê fired agaîn; but my shot only mnade i& al regulmation eleevo eet -iiito 8 himt run the faater, and h. diaip- regu lation vmihcIîd.,Andit la long peared over a genrtle undulation. I -and rather an-tmg aduuJyra followed hlm up, -and wati able to, es welb thver the handi. Sornetilies a give hlm another bullet. lie lay in biphop sleeve is used4-one futil 1abôVe- seme rather,_ long grass, and was the wrist, galhered into a Jittle ao quiet that I concltded h. - was wrie3tband. Sometimes, too, c-f dying. course, t-le kimona arrangement cf I c-mme nearer, down the wind, bth boc o le foloe. -it hat . and alLer looking through the brj oughs aryte psfc;MifetielYtat glaspes, made up my mind that he Fi ebdt berli niey was tone dead. Then I aw an Fiî,ibt -frial n t ear twitoh. Nevertrheless, I be- tracétîve i-n appearance. ]ieved that he was as good as donc nsadFi ls for; but iL was well to b.ea"uus VsIîads -rtýad Fae.-rsý!T and I crawled on my stomach to -lu msa c tsrea epula seQua.;- withln- thirtv yards cf hbu. f<- I cud e ag<ensadrever oe n hoan # Qua- disinely ee icqwiced itteCyes.. it conimcnted crn. -the beauty of their fie wae Iying with hie nose down,' gownrt-med lte be sure, but knees bent under bum, and every I tibb .mcdelledl on te rccfte vulnrabl par prce-ctd byhieQuaker maid. . Now t-bat w-ide-akirt- horn. There we Jay, each waiting- cd frocke, with narrow bddieces scern f<or the other tLo make the firiqt'te be ceming gradually ini fa.sehic)n, move. Hie cou]d net smell or see liertiap, the Quaker costume will me; -but he knew, there was some- receeive -uie coniideratien. One thing wrong, and only wanLed a designer lias aireadv fentured it. sign to get the direction fur his Have yuu en the« drunt muif? charge. Th-e e r-ne. Ili le ernal land crum Alter live -nervuus minutes of t(bs shaped, and it le worn about ttSe suîspense, there came an aceidrutal neck on a cliain cf go'd galicjon. It cotigli f rom my gun-beareî-. WiLh a--iJbe wor-n' mith a military,. eîrprising qui ness, thle uge braided ceu e pacliydermi roset~nd cbai-ged like a Thére are soine interesting im- strcak of lighitning. As I had a i ported co(.ate rmade of. big shawls or single-harrel gun, I knew that if I ste-amer rîlg3, wit-fringe arounti did net stop hini with the first bu-ti- the bottoni a-n-c edgi-ug-the cape sec- teh wub ion that fal over hEleeo ]et h w(il.lave me; 'but I he!dometmr edin h e - wi el1s, r my giinstraight, and as he came, 1so-nticE cgngt-îe-cll- shtot hinr throtî-glî the chest rglit B"" 1 a sdo ronbod into the heart. 1 leaped up an- 1 'loth with good effeet. 'Ugually a lirc<l, anti- the eriiornitie beast greater contrast than ýthat betw-een critrmpheid up at my fect, and esqteai- beaver anid dark brown broadcloth ed like a ehot hare.-fHe wn-s-a very le deerrable between fur and fabric, (Ad brute; his 1horin wae much worn, buit these twe go Weil toget àe r. and hie jianks *eî-e badly ,scarred In *pite, of the. very long waia',t, f romt fightiug. I have been in more which le without doýubt -the.feature- tian one (1gb t corner, but I ehaîl of the winter mcdèlsà there are sôeé neyer foi-get the five minutes 1 lay ve.ry ehoit, Empire, waists. - They, and watchted that wounded rhino. are gener-aiy becoyming, always, we1I-liked by t-le wearer. These niervî - ees end ailmost-un der the. arma. Louking Ouit for 'Iheninîelvem. Ornaniental hoche -and *eyes of The two set-, auts met. -Jblack and -white ce-buloid. are ueed i)ojeg this wai they're talking su b On corne of the new model-â, muîcb about make rnch difference to you V, '. " The miesus sys we&ve geL Le. emouemize, so we've Lo bave mar.- garine at meals in the. kit-cheu. - '1)oesu't ah. have iL. Liien ?"'1 **NoL hier. She says ut doesu't suîit ber digestion. But thîenes *no- (bing vrong vit-b hen digestion. We kuovi that. For as otiten as not vie senti ber up the margairine aud have the buîtter orselves." "*Mamniýia" eaid Elsie, -'I viicb 1 ba4 a i-cal baby tuo Wbeeî lu Lb. go. cart." ýh'WbVi' said t-lie niotir. - Von hav'e vour,111, havent yoti 1'" '-Yes, huit the dols are aIw.ays get- tiîîg brokbù-wireu iL ips ovýer." - k g -'4 Lloyd (deorge-s Cheerfuiî,essf. The mos-t vondenful tiig s-bout Britain's 'Chancelier cf Lb. Exehe- que? le bis cheenfuluesesud conifi- dence s-t aIll tinies. The verse Lb. -outiloo, t-hie more cherry b. be- comes., Semeone once asked ii how iL vis be alvays mrnasgéd tebe se cheenful. "Doun't .vou have aiiy t'rouibles ?" tLb. 4-restioner s-sked. -Hfeaps -sud liesps oi t-lin,'> Mn. Lloyd George b-iskîy replird; ,"-' but vie'ne nÃ"t ber. te mope sud cry. - Wewe ber. te geL oven tire trourbles, sud beî-e le not-bing lise cheem-fin- nees for giving you ç & 'leg up.' Theî -01oiihave en'e cf Lb. cecre- "TEE DAY 0F VENGEAÀNCE" Il 1914 Was th- Vear Of Judgrncî-it Shahl Be the Vear of. Redemptien? Not 1915 "! ' trd d unii thepeeuiurine olit-v, lias aplmr-aicc i- thîcîr ciii-' auget, an-cl Itinuii-ctiouit t-br-lite îuer-î-ial. pol-dticcul and auiial tla- blocd ou Lb. eaît-. . Foi- tbie -ay tions. And, br-1old, t-e- .day cf of vengea-cc%%-as in mv heart, arid judguîent lcecouic - upo., theni the yeat cf rny tdc- iîcle oie." Theli-rs h ave four,-d (hem ort'L -saiah. lxiii., -. . - Selliehness lias br-.itighrit iflser-y and T-akeîî iteî-al - 3 irçh- -i trted d2 ahs e ,ehave neveu- î-aîîigtiagc c__f tY'i- :!îet cau find doue bcf-oi-c: An-l-mterere comnes Iittt,-c~ptance iutage. Iu (bic erowuiig hîoî,r-.r of poi;- spite cf tb. easy pw~uip ieî -th t-rodden do 1v. n lun- ager and theix- whicbtii inges ncb pnieste f EuÉt- ile b-eod iua u-utr r-ti r-ope are ei.pc-ti'rg Go tu - give Bîrtiis is neL ail of t-be pnopiec3-. t-hem vict-ory lu batte-.--b«y w-hicumh For "t-be eday cf vengeanhce," tiayln t-bey frankby mean bîing dieath au-cl!beéarixieut p'r.<Tilet, marks lhe iu destruîcti-on t-o t hein enemies-vwe no îug ci "tJîe yean i Gd')ofeei bounger t-hiS et-ofed as s couquener ." Otut cf abi tis ms a- viho treadi devin t-bepeople i lubie bbood ha'i t-la- hene cince-h auger -sud perr ouIt -ber lii. blon-.d -an abborîence of force, ,7 1 u the cantb. Love and net lite. ,Sncb a-,Huitrei-et Vielti4e . pitvan unih uc-tvatYuh, forgiveneQfj,.antc-lu ,cla.qtickeui--gci compass-ion no-t veuge-ance-Lheso vie regard te- aud br)t-herioed as the world has day as the trui e tri-iutes cf Qed. neyer frit bafore-,? AuJ chah tihereo If vie think etherwise.iL le becs-use ne-t come,, açiria cd-ucex-ees-2fion ..~f w-e euînsehvrs are buse aundthufist-bis aiwakenl'-ag cf t-le sPinît cf good- guibt. e f Lhre unparcheuable in of iil antd as a fitti'îg com-nprycatio:i degradiug t--e Deity to t-hielevri of Jfort tille lo;iie3 etteîei andt-h. s-go- oui- uYwi pa'eijous. nies endureclili t-hi'c greatest ~f~ Iu the deeper epiritual sane, l1w- w-cati, t-be eît-ab)iemènt iJ za ever, tlrce etods-of ocrntext are- as forever more? I-f ris-t'-<j-'4!rai-l] i tnre to-day as-evr-, sud neyer be- Iouijgc'u lift tupb> eveîd agaiîi. nat fore Fe inprqt-asive perbape as t-bey neiýt-i-ca m- il waraïry n-ne, il are at t-bis ver-y moment. dence sha.l ne miore hefiretrd in God I 18No-t Vîudetive. !and, waptiug non etr to Sin n et visited by divine ir-at b, pli l-o e-great w vnd_ wattý .Qîý but'i i-t mos-t centainly punisbcd by b rot-ieîhooJ, t-len 141i' P thiei divine justice. I)ays ci vengeance cnaetiiral l !hr, b-ae net bave ýasscd brcyer, - but daye cfbe-eu lu vain judgmeut st-Ilappear. Wihat1 in- Sumcb et le-sst sl1oUir'î b&euti deed, lias the ycar 1914 ber-n but prayer, suc'. God - beipiug ilù, oi-- sucb a day i Deeply have t-be na- reaol"-. aS t-lie 01-i1y.car cf CIi e s, L C 1 tiens siu-ued lu tjaeit des-lin ge wibprase,s li,;t-o tue new yeîar et Profi- eue anot-hen. For fort-y yeans thëy le.! i"T-lie cliv eo enf nc" bave envird, hst-ed, dece.ived, plot- irtili w-lt-h 1us,- hultif w- e patient, ted, ar-med,theatencd,' Oballenge d. seisansud"uc-tunfaithfiultce t-lie Not one trace ef-gcnreroeity, b e- heaveuly visiojn" 1915 may b. imade thetbocd, sel-ahnegation, even lhe to e heLb year -of the: redcnmr<]." -Ordiuary decencirs et evenyday mor.- -1ey. J4)ohn nsHôlimo«. ýdeispateîî f rom petel -'~as a "caIltew duty', ers t<o rally te the j, rO.(.Jaxu&s, Dire 'Mn*tratlýOn cf the S -cral grant to agrieul-tui .the nimbers of tii 1',Earýt ai s-ryne n's A cito - cx weeks aiw2a-rcai Ivipa wîlel h.aý be-en the ýphrase, upattriotlsh -d11etiOD7' M'itbiin a we iikg tLu Mr. J.anire, fIai . frýmu ocean to re~uwil te the Canadiari farmer bibility, the-Utt, thèé bas in t.he xantnn -the Empire. Lt w-ill b. ljess important thali ti -arma.- IL le prejected1 minion Government, w«. -operation -with the. Promv £irat appeal-the pe)ster. aowed biy couference8 «6untýies of, the Domi larîera,-ill ho impresi -cecesslty cqf doing their1 --ing- Canada asud the -En Prèoaent crisie. Iàr. Jà t the appeal to eact-rt otprorninont diryint as Fud11 Wel1 "ýThe -first appeai -- -ertiits," sa:,id Mr. une -etc were-,up all ci-er t] 'RLicruits wanted'; neiv be anot-her -poster, -Plt icmd-uction. We arc someUiig in Canada thotîgb- w. hi id We u.p-for the firt t (ine t-ct] thîe (2anadiatîî'are a P - -taë tfo-day ' da~ti 'Senti up-nùtet o1n -. 'The fariner w ilb laste lcî N-VSLVMAIL A"I 11ULl.AND IlsIl ilLurrnL.~!in 'The- iigs!IIp)reîilp inIthi Ther4' are I --rak,- in 3it~ The -first Sl frtii tifjn 4A A il; t~Xn -'utilvieî nzbr4c 'i AurVbeîti a C 1sir JohnBi~a!kf L ~died on e1t ir.B à 4-it. 1' I. me lîiJîer à L. i.ai illen 5 ft. <J i. The t'.of t .rori11 tablé for use, (jn shitlî1r Jevel by an iieiu o .of weigiits and 1e-Vers. Ltrited Kiuîgdonî. rer -about 10 per cent. (')r'thl) It is po)ifltP4J out th1aft t ,page of foobu ok ho 50.0W Jwagî'l-earners II. peril £L2owu,c4mof CapituîL Towards the càtt f a new Public Librar.% -fur ,.Green, Lcî2ý-jn, Mr'. Andri negie has promised £5Ox T-he new., r iecently eah don tlîat Ctâptain Ian Hie - .-. ofthe LU>ndon séuttîbf1 'w wen-onded in both 'legs. is ai lu Biussels. Se'ieral new Lattalin i regarnents are-noiv quartere< leitted in vilqàges on-the bur! - Sussex,- Haxnpshire. anàd St the Royýal 05 the Gaineru the Ag1 and Sutherla-nâ. Of,"-otal of iO9Mills and lodiins in_ Burnly and'[ Br eleven- miille c.ontain i n g . have stopped wo)rk as a dix suit of the war. Telemil 8,536 buons are on fulil timne ailîs on reduccd time. In an.interview given to tI dofi represýextative ï)f the P&. f E manite-, David 1Lloyd CGeorge, --celloir of the Exehequer. "LBefüre -spring 500 0-, ~Ofreth -soldiers wil-l join those alrez France 4.ind Belgim. 1iritaJ at pretient mure lia n twe menuiinder arms."Y "If y ou have-.ativ doubt how closelY Scotland is to thi ofltthe British Emire.-saYs pespondent, ;ust drop ian don1 town.and* see the -seoLt dJerls encamped in the park, TIRS SLAI A despQte f nom At-liens zay- GrecS o-ncuiiser Ielle iarnivi Durazzo reeîrtly fo r -t J--atmr pîo)tcctiug- t-beGrerke t ht-rc 1 - fLbhe insurgent eCipUuire o- t-ewu.' The-pdiion cf t-lie ( luTurkey is daily bý-e îuunnag preu-ieus. ,Mitflers cf Chri lý,-Prougbcut Asia Miner are myietrreî -c1ho latesi amesWîTtl Ilor A drsatciif om Berlkii se Germnan anmy:autlioitie-c sied a generýal order pre)iril !uture tree-ps lu Lhe.-fmeld fi eni ing iLbforces et ith a~tsyddst several point AHIVES-UFONTARIC TORONTO 1lgb -Pigeât of )Iussulmah Falth DeeIaAn«ug a Holiy Wr.o Thisphoto which bas just been received from Cofltantinople, shows the. Tu'rkiah High Priest Sheik-Ùl- Islan proelainiing tCie Holy War in fronit cil tLdieMesque of Faith. The head of the 4ussulman faith is -shown readiag 8 fhe dèolaraAtion of war, eurrounded by Musasulnisan dignitaries. 1

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