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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 Jan 1915, p. 4

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IV lae a very auxerestlag a Iy. f*m* Èaa bore-lut flday Itw eu heJuilor ase e, pea- 4of het lb. iir boys ve to thse O.H.A. gm ainmao tage ht*kémerilto 'strikoe emdutug &Mni perli. The. resuit was thgl 7 1 Soor heiibe le Ihein mae he Whitby bain me rap, and' trem ,ihon on 1h. 0 wu Ina iheir tavoer. The visi- were held sceelesa until bail ibrogisthse lust pLmod, -whill lal taI two. Thre second. id vas doldedly nesy ferlthe, bby boy.-The sanie waemaxhed: poi cbeckg and fut work~, os- illy ai thié'score ln the 1ai per- vas sm dose. ,- "Pge O'Oomrtihe dimInutive lie. lm d, and ne vess:. Ty Wbhl>'~a i flM&a 11W, LIW ~W, 000. WSMd i b00ui5 -&a"iela lie puai wek, aot loj.-- nludlng te Ohw-tBlýil ~k Oshav 51 Whiby 8. gaine et lagt nlgbl, O et h-no su Osaw unor etatdWMtbyon cord-coul be o<t.ulned at lime Of Ouhday'aiJualeua 4eat unseing le pnqSs. Thre above gaines z- SIsuibeil as tfolovi: tWdu ýnowout0 herace tor' Jan. 6O-Oehawa ai Eownmvile. te m honora. Alilsho 6 theme Oshawa vWS, 5-4.,- Ilibav te gamne wvalfta, se Jan. .-Picton ai Oshawa. Pleoe» thse Whltby hboys put rap a ood ',-2 argmel.Jan . --Beville ai 'Peterbere. Clareuce odge on a ued tu Potner o n, 15,-2. the second perlod, and tbe gaine Jan. lw-ownv'ica Pctn ,proceded euth air mou amide. The Pioton wu,.1 gain vasclesly caleeeillb. Jan1. 11...-..Petrboro <>at Belleville, penleil endlng 8-2, and lb. Second "-. petetboro, von, 9-2. In the laut perloi the play vas VOq. The group standing nov la: fut and isard, nelîber aide belng Wu .Ls mle te score. Wibyvswu prWon... .S os salel y ia sni binas Ii SPreterbcon.............'B preelom.u anie. .2 . INTÉERMEDIATE HOCKEY. 00oi...... ... ............2, 2 Whltl1y Intermediatesbe h'e net iati Bevanvilie... .. .....i 4 SgaMO'Wa week nd ahait. ThiisBleil......< suwy ~ ~ 1 muWiUlsowing tbsapcrcu'ly arrangeil obeil. qe sioppeil -tomeO ule ,whieh givu s bein srekt for 1isaidIed imtelf eleven daiys , l he m ie on tiren it» nakae -a ler- *to play neveu gaines Çà tIveâst. be attlas P5 Tie nxt-game vii b. io-morrov (Fridwoy) ,ulgil lu Oshava. WbItby idDovfti ver. beat Osbaw.a virhea the latter play- best. led benM, snd a greai game la ex-I vas j pscted. A lauge erovl frein Whlby SI 091TING 'GOODS MADE IN-CAÀNAD A BY CANADMIN WORNEN FOR CANADIANS' We have the best agencies- -Automobile Skates' Spalding Sporting Ooods MlCINTVRE'S HARDWARE "6MAD)e IN CANADA" Now's the time to prepare. -for neit year's harvest - Il III Your harvest will b. bigger, better heon ysar, if you put in more flune on the fanm. Drive a Ford- and reciace from a matter cf-heurs to a matter of minutes,trne spent iti thosn. neceàmary trips %ô town duÉing the busy season. Seventeen thousand - Canadian 'farmerg drive the' Ford because it's a time-saver - money-saver - and pleasure-giver. Ford Touring Car 859), Ford Runabout $540. Ford *copie: 850. Ford Sedan 81150. Ford Town Car 8840. * Enyors of tboao practical cars yl sohare la profits, If ws oil 80,MW DOWNEXPENSES P SRE YOIJ CAN -Did you- ever try the nice kinds of Fish we are Try us, we have the goods. Salmon, sliced -per-lb. Halibut Steaks, per lb. Manitoba White Fish, per, lb. Sea Herring, 4 lbs. for Salmon Snacks, per IL. Fillets of Haddie, per lb. Fininan Haddie, per lb. Ciscoe ,H erring, 2 lbs. for Our phone is Il. selling.- 1 5C 1 5C 1 5C 2 5c i15C 25c Ring us Up. -Jn.o. E. WATERHOUSE \-%fHFiITBY Phone Il Prompt Delivery. .THEIS BÀ1MkI SAiihs aM o, CA~A1~IA '4 M hcemounray be ma& w6ua. ~ 0I~"c~ I everdesired witirout dde -TORONTO _______ ýWHITBY BRAIN ci -. C. A. McClellan, Manager. 9Méo aimeai owmiaviil.Broolclin (C. A. MCJellan, Manager;, Newcastle. OaO.Ohaw (J. P. vena, Manager). Pkoring and Port, -...y Iv Whitby 4, Canada Lite 4. The lafftent hockey seen nluWhtby tbis Wuiter Was played on! Tuedday asigbt ai the Arena whea the Whtby lÙtermedia4t. played an exhibition gaie With thç_ Canada Lite Teaiu, of -the P'IU=Gial League, Toronto. 1%0e ViOllers are al members Of Senior O.H.A. teama lunToronto, and wéfe uaturally expecled -b giv tihe Whitby boys a -defeat. No__.g ofet Ibek*dappened, however. The ldid t eaan Ptayed up te the bout f&zm, andl led the visiion j«ortwo Peeleds1 tbe anie lunlly resulting in T'he viellera brough*t three termue Wu~tby boDyv 'wltfh i"n, la Harry (Google) !tdekaon, Ketth <Tissie) WaUgb, and J4Lk MoiCamus.- The laîter is nov a niber ef St. Mlch. Wo's bati, Probably thie fasteet am- atei tbamin luOntario, Waugb, long and laîzky, 10a88as t Uaever, andl likOs te mlx)thingà up. He aud his former WhitbY friendah"bailanumber of rum-fnm durlug the evealug. Al thie Canada Lite team vers véry fast, and Individual mention -would be use- The Whltby boys were great. Qt'hey sbOwed the resuli et soane goilprac- tice, and il iicetalnly make -the ctbu eains-lu group I1"*se nome. '<'Sandy" Little teck thre place ot (l'e Blanchard, who van 111, aud hé mad a splendid substilute. Il lu unfortuxate that bis arrival In tiowu vas tee late to allow thre soouzing ef a certilicate f or him. The boys ail played faster hockey than they have tiUm far, which mneans a good deal. Steve Coffey acteil as reterce, and virile ire was 4'ncllued te tavor thre home team, his parttality wus not sucb that lb put thie vieitons at any1 appreclable .dlsadvan-tgc at any1 tlme. Tire tact Is, traIt tre Teronto boys oked for sa easy vin, -ad got 1 a surprIse. If the -Whltby -team keeps Up the pace ehovn on Tuesday night, tliey lock goed tor the gronp houions.i TOWNSHIP COUNCIL. Council met ou Monda>' pursuani to statute. The followdng membez electod, irhavlng deposuted their de. claration of quallflcat4on - etof oMc teck tiroir seats ; F'red T. Rove, Reeve; Tires. Hait, Wm. Oriniston, W. H. Gutirrie and F. L. Broyn, Councillors. The Reeve teck tire chair aud ad- dreseoltire members rogardlng ver] likel>' te core beoretire Couricii dunlng 1915, Il vas noved tirat tire Clerk place tire usuai onde-r vitir the- Municipal Wenld for six coples, one ton Cleni andil 'eefon sncb anerner et the Cennoil, sud tiraI the Reeve grani hiq' order on tire Trea&urer in (aveu of D. Hollida>' fer tire sum et $5. A by-lav vas Introduceil antI pasa. ai Il, valious readinga te appintu memnbens et local Board et Hea-ItS and Sanîtar>' Inspectoefr tonTp. -eo -Whirt-by for 1915. Tire Board constate et thre teiiowing ; Jas. Moore, M.D, Medical Officer of Healtir; Fred Rove and John Vipouil; Sanitary Inspec. ber, Tires. Coabveli. Thre followlng ceasîltule tire Stand- ing Cemmittees ton tue year 1915. Remis and Br-Idges-Guthirne, Orale- ton, Hall andl Brown. Stat4ionery, Prlnt4ng and Indigent -Hall, Brown and Orn-iston. Damages sireep kllled by dogs, vire fonce bonuses-Brovu, Ormiston snd Hall. Salaries andl Contingences-ormîs- ton, Gutirnie and Hall. Thie ReeVe eX-offic a meMirer et aIl crmlttees, sud thre tiret men- iosed lu cacir committees b be cirairman. A by-lav le appoint auditors to audit books and accouants ot Corper- alen of tire Townsip et Wlitiry for. 1914, patsdI ît trd readfing, ap- poInîing G.M. Muluirolland, Audiier. I was meved trat -las. Wlglnton be and is bereir> appointed overseer of tire gnavel pit, lot 35, con. 9, with authority to report te tire Cierk et Ibis niunicipallty tire uumber et yards cf grat-el moved from said pib and amount of damage doue, If any, b>' res9dents of anljolinng Townsbipa, tire Cicrk being instructci iry tifs ('ormcll te collect for sald gravel at tire rate of 15c. pet load. Il vas moved tiraI the Reeve anrd Councillor Gutirrie ire a committee to draft a Icetter o! condolence te tire family t. tire late W. J1. Haverait able. Yeuâng mSouiculd arrange le attend. Tire course lucludes lectures ou, the fiollowlng aubWecs :-, Live Stock, Feeds anil Feedtag,.Datrylnrg, Seil Culilivation, Drainage, Focod Requiro- ment.etofSeil, Fild Crops, Bacter- ltology, Fruit Qsoving, Poulin>', Ag- rlcultwaalBotany, Inseots ud -Pua-, tui iseases, Spraylug, AÂthrneic, Bcc-k'eplgCc-Opeatlcu and Mar- keting,, Public Speaklng. 'lire expenses of' the course- are .iliht. Tire. are' no tees ani ne charge for use cf text ïbocks, so tIraI thre oniy' expenne vilil be for boa-rd aud railway fare. Tire course do a mont comprehensive oue, as wili be seen trom tire above out4nqetand viii re of invaluable aid te auy young man, wlro wishes te have a- botter --Urowledge et tarming ad stock nalsing methodis. A greal mny have already attbended fiù pr.- doiue ypars, -and tlrey are all'-de- lighted with il. ,Tire coursefi-epen te any yong man-over teurteen years ot age.. If yen cannet attend al 1he lectures,. attend - aIL yen can. Applkoatlenu sauqd be made aI once le R. M. Tipper, Depariment et Agriculture, Whltby, freonWhom Information muy be obtaie4. Thre cmure -'dpens next - Monday, January 18, therefore, application shoulil be sent lua.a soon as pos- sible. PATRIOTLSM AND PRODUCTION. 'l:e Duty andl the Opportunît>' of Tire Oral Agricultural Conlerence viii be holdin l- thre lecture 'room et tire Winter 'àir Building, Ottiawa, on Wednesday, Jauuary 201th, ai 1.30 e'clook. Tire Coul erence wili ire preield over b>' Ilea. Jamres Duif, MîiIter cf Agriculture for, Onrtario, and vilible adred by lire Hon. Martin Bur- reli, Minister cf Agriculture for Can- ada. Tire discussion vii lue led by Duncanr Anderson, Orillia, Ont., and Robt. Miller, Stoufvlle, Ont. The Conterence la heid under tue direction efthtie Dominion Deparl- meut cf Agriculture, lu co,-operation îtr tire Provinelal Depaxtment of Augicultune, and are tire firet of a senies whlch are being arrangod for tirrougirout Canada, tQ explain and dîseuse conditions lu Ccmirnes viere live stock sud agrîculturai , produe- t4en wiillire attecteil by thre ver. Munir valuable Informaticoniras beeu collected, wit.lirte vlew cf preseut- lug te farmner.and business men the necessity ef cxtendiug our agnicul- tural production, lu crder, through tre developmeoricf our rebourcea, te take advantage'oethtie oppentunty of establ-ieiing an' extensive expert trade and, ai the samo unme, te dis- charge our diày te tire Empire b> providing a more adequate supply o1 focd stuffs ton tire suseance et lfIl army and lts people. Farmers are urged te be present lu large nurubena te pantdcipate ln tins conference. Il le tireir pnivilege as cifllzens efttis Dominion toi render a very effectIve service-te tire, fother Corurtry dur- lu tire comingyean. Wirat le te be loue and hbey,' tedo 4t *I1l be tuil>' dieauei aIt the Ottawa meeting. AN ADD)ITION TO THE HOME GUARD. àLasif Wednesday evearlug aI the rHospital fer tire Insane a compan>' wau organized te joi tire Witby Home Guard, fifty-eight names beiug f eglstered. Thre menof et ts coiupmny -Iare engagei lu tire construction verk aI tire Hospital, andd yul make a -jsplendid shovhig, sman>' et tirei b ave irad previous mllitary training. The tormation of tis companyh as neceeuitated several changes. Tire compair>'up-tevn vili ire knowu as 84A,"9 aud tira aItirhe HospItat as 1"B"' coimpan>'. Captain Creucir ias heen given tire rank cf Major, and J. T. Hornili' las been promoteil te tire Captalwry. Other changes have also beon maie, and tire officers et "A" ceurpan>' are nov as followi: Major-Tires. Croucir. CaptalnuL.J. T. Horusir>. lot Lieutenanit-F. Matinisen. .Sengeants-Dr. Evans, G. 1. Wi- son, Dr.- Precter, Dr. E.W. Sisseir. Côrporals- G.,-M. Goedtellew, W. M. Pningle, G. Whtfield, A.E. Luka, V. Williams, E. Baya. "B" Company' oficers are as fol- Captaiwr-Alliert'Oldfleld. fet Lieulena.nt-Wm. Levelock. 2ndt, Lieutenant.-Geo. Macpirerson. Sergeants. -R. McKlrby, Tiromas Maxwffl, H. Deii, Richard Gnîndie>', E. Moore. Honorar>' Lieutenants.- Messrs. r Frencir, Rowl and Hogg. D(Ili is ield WeuInesday and Fr1. day erenings aI eigit o'clock lutire Iligb Sehool gy-mnaslum. Tire use et rnlfleehias been obîained, anrd mus- and tiraItir-e same bce nov placed on ire commenced. rcr anlaop settti ir-- --rea-vcd famlly hy the ('1érk. IIRTHS.- «THE FIRSI iitr - On motin itvas deoided that the HNIGA Ota ,onJ - t 11ccr hebailowed a furtiier e-ci ANN-t Otaa nIn t f' s i n o e t tm e u n t i l n p x t m p e t l n tg e t u a r y t î, t e M r . a n d M r . A t. o t e n i e a îs s e n u uuc h . I ts this(01Mei forth haninga dugher.lias neant uccess t thous- Ibis ~ ' ('uclfrt reluru cf tr hnig gte. acidsofoxîung Peple whi, tA roll a iaid uoitng..LAWLEf-At Whithy, on Sunda>', arote forour Citalogue as N. HortOP Ss-r for 191.5. .Janinar> 10, 1915, te Mn. and 1'rs. thefriedsition. twr ae ('nt-ol aioirnd e eo ~ A. T. Laver, a daugrter. tir tpt a drs Mondai', Februarv let. .21(Central 3îxsnuefss Coilege, -' MARRIAGES. 395 Yonge S tree t, Troute. SHORT (OURSE I N AGRICUL- EVANS-HOOD-In Wiitiry, on Tues- W. H. S8HAW, President. TR.day, Jaiuary 12th, 1915, E. 'W. -_____-_____-__ TURE.Evans, te Mrs. P. C. Hood. Tire sixth annual course in Agni- MAGNER-AU<USTUS- In-Wiitby-, culture for Otaneo County viii ire on Taesia>', Januar>' 12, 1915 y O A H A R held lu tire Agiculturai reculs, Whit- Rev.' M.E. Sexsmibir, Thromas F- R Y L T A by,, from January l8th -to Februar>' yard Magner, te Miès Ioma Irene Open 1 very evening. 26h. Tils course ie intended ton Augustus, botir et WhIby. Wednesday, 8' eciai FeatUre Nights whoîe year or more at au Agnicul- DEATHS. We have initalled a new Simplex 1 yun mnvio cno spnrai College, but w-ho wiii de-vote a POUCHER...OiJSanda>', Januar>' 10, macine, wiricir1 is absolutely flickcrlesm meontir -or more durlng tire winter te 1915, at ber late neeldence fI niesontrcya studying problemes that are met vîti JBroughram, Mary Aun Peucbr, la Saturday ýnigiri, toc te ail. on tire tarm, anid îearuîng eftmaya hon 73rd >'ear. BAIN PERRIN, Manager vWas ais l 1 ucoan. s th e n eui tImo i eil È ô r em e l> . m m 1I rdel lttry them. Théeffeet, 1 feundmer,,ba s tlamtry. vas iniil saud thr rat ail tiraCI co , Ib.eel Ced. MXY Kidue y& reuumeil tiror normal -action aller had takeuu upwarda -of a dozen box"s and I reginieil ni7olil. tiare vitality~ Today, I m iegloying gfdney R~C2ily lia the world. Ilts « th. bowels i sAin as veili won tire kidireysansd tiréreby otig«s Md Curea an>'Xi duey sorenems. "Fpruit a.ti vus" laseul by ail dealers at'soc.a 4bo2, 6 fero.5o, tri aï"se 2 «r viii b. mut onrecelpt of prie@ c" si "CNADIAN WAR." The only lwar publication that'is etilrely made ln Canada appeared under the above naine recently. Il la being edlied free by well-knowwn Canadîawr;ters, andIo abelng prints. ed for cou"". 1Ail profits are td b. de- vocted *0 , w51 funds, and the magazine wlll oei for lve cents weekly. "The Canadi an W r" eowesl nception te no party lnspraton-it fi editedlby men who were neyer in politics. XI le designed jas a constructive Incent. Ive to patrl9tism, union and victory. Let everyo'np support It by purchas- ing and. rea<l ng 1* every week. THIRTV DAVS Spocial Sale ARare 0pportunlty ta Purohase., Ladies' & Cents Jubbors Having purcbascd 2500 pairs of Rubbers, lI will sdi lthem, while thcy lant aà following pricen Ladies' iUbb fi# reg. 65o to $1.00, 20o Gents# Rubbers, Reg. 850 ta $1.25, 5ac Take adýantage of this chance before they are ail gene. rABOVE ARE TUE BESI QVALITV. NEW T AIN SERVICE TORO ITO-IIONTREAL OTTAWA ,- Via «. Lahe Ontario Shore Lino?" -fast time 'te Oshawa, Port Hope, Cobourg, Beý1evi1Je, Trenton, etc. Partlcularm f 0m(I.. a. Ageau, or write M. 0. m uzhy, Dlàtriteasenger "ent Corne in ad 0 0bl.,Týoront.. B. R. BLOW, Agen%, Whitby ONE SOHOOL TUAI MERITS the confidence cf the public bocaus, cf Its Higb Orade work in the r We train yopng muea and wonien to ha. coin. akilfui and expert uçeno raphers, typist, ,ok keeperu, conîtercfai teacli. ors, -!.iikm, cdasiers, or generai office Vusimtatl t fom four ta siX montlii ad &ait them t'Io gît poitions. Open al yesrýEnter ,ýow. CFatalogua fre.. Cor. Yoalge and W. J. Billott, Charlea St..' i Pri uclual . LUKEV ,REFRÂOT1UIG 8 WAN If oun want a Sw-au Safet lîat cain be carried.iu lthe peckt mny w-ny, thern the Swan ia tt ee yoa waut. $3.00 Up 70, YONGE STREET. Corner Klng St., Teronto. et> ket the punies recetved .$18,49,695 il' their first--ten years nmainly for w4th:-profk policies, andi paid in profits to pollcy holders $9:,55c>. Tbeir combiod, ac-' cumulated surplus oyer tbarebolders contribuion-ws $ 79,707 8f theend of their first ten years., Which looka best to you ? The Equity Life Is. the total abstala. -ers- Company. If intorested write-for further Particulars. Th ea wbo studJeis i.own Inteieuta wll patronize The Equity tif-, Aseusiroee CoIUpa 0 when lie vanta Life. Inenrance. L. W. DUDLBEY; es. MVfRA Aet Premident & GeOeidNluaI MONUNI EVNTS af &Il DoMd i d latortal Kopt hStocI 1* wuil paY ýy01àou C ali tCvo works à 'a-lIupoeifor your»U. Dou' be miseei by agonts. -W. do 2t employ tbem Conaequeu*y ve orn and -do ashow theajeaii' om Mission, 10 Per eai., wcb yen vii certainly save by purohblg(rom js, A Cai SoiIelted. «Cfe, ad Works Opposte Standard Bank, WhIibY. Double Track Al The Way Toronto.Chlcago - Toronto.Montrwa Unexcelled Train Servie 11ghest Cinos of Eq.lpmant Winter Tours to Calilornia FLORIDA AND SUNNY SOUTH Fast Trains-Cholce of Routes Low Fares now i et ect For full particulars consuit G. T. R. Ticket Agents or write C. E. Horning, Dist. ' ass. Agent, Toronto. E. SteDonoon, Agent, phono se, Whltby Scranton Goal Ail klnds of-Coal except pea ceai $8.00 per ton IAt Hiarber Ceai sheds 50. cent's per ton, less. 4"SORÀNT ON COai". The naine guarantees thé higbest quality. E.0 R. SLOW-9 Impregnabie Strongth, Maximum Beoîat, Incomparable Dividonds, minimum N et Cost. For raton andfulli nformation apply to V. J. DUFF , MR. A. E, DONOV AN, Spocial Bop. Qiieen &t Victoria Bt.., Myrtle. Toronto, Mgr. The Motoal tLif Ne" Y1IorkCa iWhilby C, FOLLES CONTrRACIýOR ANb. PLANS OF ALL DWI sidea e, -- T io rtou s C orn ers Phne 41, Oshawa. Re MON Alterations and Rpairs. IUET CLAN WONK G vAIAJTEN. Apply Dundau, St. West or V.O. box4e; S r, lssi m S ,NO. l. T eRna JAS. ýBISHQPO efflor le L.'Firbanks. For s Wu. HAW -LICENSBD.AUCTIONEERt ANQ VALUATOR. Ail knds of saIlewplày atmi- efi t. ArangeMeni for sales os ,b mde ai th. Gazelle O.. Termes reasonalb, Bell ad Independent phons. WHITBY, ONTf. James &Walk'r Punip Manufacturers Succeusor. te. B. W. Imm Sbop Dundas Streeto Whltby. Tbreo doors Weos t ofWhlby Homme. We are prepared te instail we.d or iron pampa on short notifie, aitoe attendto a&N kinda of repaiýring. ,gents for the Ontario'wlnd mi]], aIme gagoline engines. Phonos-Bell 5>, -lad. 28. INICHOLSON&8 !NDHRTANBRS Plissa as WHIT BV Aamn COLTJ R-ec( makes an fullof Pl MADE IN POIL)'- POISITION FOR FALL AND WJNTER. I v hava a sonn d buispsemio oa reliabla anoe tic ae m sh.ii i tritt ..U fruit trees, no *ristDw sgslrbec Par weekly, catât (.,aeas si.y cf fruit and crnaneu - ta ua iivatl.a W. seil through Oui Jemalenenns1*t thes» sumas and guarnlteo deilvoeel igbgrad. broem. 'Our atenciou ana valual ~f tbe sriewojivs and thi eum dons. Enal sb..ar s. Write Palisa Nsury Sa., »nsto, Ont. P.@.-Handsmrn, ataiogu.a o .us oltiier t. Make a Christmas -present of a year's subsc-rltdon to this paper to that absent friend. Business as usual- 1 amn B:okingOrders for Seeci Peas for 191z5 Planting. Farmrs peaingearly have. choice of a large nubrof yarieties. C, N1. WILLCOX,- WI-iTBY Sixth Annual. Course in Agriltùre ' -AGRICULTURAL HRS, WHITOY 'Jan,. i Sth to Feb'. 26th, 1915 A Free Course, comprisiî-g a thorou-gh and practicar study of-Liveý Stock, Feed and Feedîng, Dairying, 'Soul' Cultivationi Drailiage, Fertilizers, Field Crops, Bacteriol Fruit Growing, Poultry,--Agricultural, - Botany, Insec Fungus Di -seases, Spraying, Ariîhmetjc, Book -Keepi operation and Marketing, and, Public Speaking, Sorne of the best agricultural authorities in the Pro have been secured ta instruct the ciass in the more importa subjects. This course will be complete, practical anti profi 2 able-six weeks well spient. Arrange to attend.-,Now your opportunity. Yuu may regret it if you miss it this. year. For full pariculars Write or phone. R. M. Tipper, * Dépt. et Agrioinaturo, whfiby THE BUY 0F SILVER The household mlver i Éas te become lan ireirioom 1 The silver gift you -preu;t rtc be tressured b>' lier dei m -et good jndgmnent abdre1 tgeneratiens demand.the 'aÎ bost ana meu-t famoug fnili lmy e1 dur houge hait al «l oni>' the bèat, whethber mîlvervare, cr plateil vil, * ~ a for ing y en the- ass ran yen purwcha&so rom ua viii i :give yen the satisf;ction uashow you cur I-nov Pa vWare. - '"eersd Opti WHITBY, A-STflONG API Shert>' before iris sudi ivkclu la universally moi -Iste Lord Roberts issueui 119 Peds'an-appeat on bE mmen Inamsfor tireir COt (MUs, Iu wbich h. aaid j: feel fi ni>'duty te pein- tirhe i Ipopulaion ti ltemptaton in tire v0 iota b>'injudiclousi>' treaý -to drink la injurious ' t Prejudiclal te our chance Ion>'. Thouands et yoln -are iev colleeted _tcigethi foui place, and are ba -work unerterred vitr and itutions umdermlned leiup*ed to drink- by a'-fi *ugbtless public, ard aah -fis t tiai pubie, - bouses ar" icoa laie heur ofthtie unid no et ffev iaItirhe ou-nez bouse are less pabniotic 89.eeetnghirhan -tieir >14l celJ t Ilii>'would delibe Vi ake cf gain, prevrnt'o belug suffliently' trained ir %&va te enabie them b a walf - tre arduous servi -lbs strengeet piysIcally au cai e irusted- b endlu-re, for. -beg mont earnestly I cane lnparticular and td genoal>', wfil do tncir hem vent out yeiIng soldiers bel ad tole drink. Myv appei equai>' for tire mennbers eversene contingents, vira generos>' and unsplishl>' *are le-ý belp us là, our SLocal'fêpet WiitIw}V..T.U. w-as heqd Die sure te nt er d W. A. 13 r sae-of cern, n d'ria 18. Secc his dvreen ticulars. - The ad'ourned tax saIe ln the .Çourt IIouse on Pri uary 29, at 2 i-n .l/ne annu.il ban.qut mi' c. meting of 'the-congr aio' Baptftt (hureir wiiI ,Cle. day Pei'ening of ccvi mc(,ek. attendaTic-h ar.st --re h.'. .vanstOm'- 1) week the erertfibMo!1 brick irouse onK r T., re viii nro n il tr 'ne hirs. flateman,Mr.iW mm eBdîtem.,and ant-rr the a nnl> w ish t e tha nki A NCIH1 V E S-0"ON TA R 10"' TORON TO -4 P-1 aw tue wgiacS cumgeurate ci itoeauWirdrawals ef part oSid. 0984> Fýý p CAbIADIAN Pcb.,CIFICI m :11 1 6-wl - . -. J'- 1 Toronto. Corner King St., ý i

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