correct; tiat tlb aar.i CARD OF THANiT&'. . par.d' proportion, but that osei Mss. Da'vid Wilson and iamOy »Il& suad according toproper turn. Vii> .xPrUs tblilr appIfSf-ation of theÀ!! 1h. above conadition& ai ilndheeu3 and yMPatlaY,-Showu by TYour precription sbceives1 tJaetr, my fricatia lu 'their, remut evory waY.i berà vee~.W. ke.p the. boat and wideë --4-.Dlrus ud iheir combinationu,: H mLPTE BELGIÂNS. prep aration that you wisb to sec RarveTedy aur~2bfr scribes w. will got it for you. . aelaet whef "The Strollers" delayed. :WIl gîve their'pcpulà r etertalnumt, Duîhstt eeuo tu thie Tcwn'Hall- .,Whersvér tli. o'tistaet Oa de i hated audime Pull baverticl» u<reDrugu, Prompt Servie usai woek. AII the. net procosil go t e oDigau Relief Fund. Adm#O- PATO EGINS MSTRY. ed Re. . .monies bqb is W Mll-> fetry in 9i. A de' rsyotmWJRITBY, Cbuch ou Sunday- lain. For - Ne Bell Phon»e 374 *srat sermn he chose as bis bel Ia. 0,"Mine gym. bave sam , te King, the Lord et Hoob." A large- and appreola-Uve audience wsIp -ro.m; o ia UpO olTsaas -seul,.u auuhU spices flirra.L a _____________________and Patr.-t. - mitU m "a'1 1 _______________in iait o!ftUn Fatrioti. - Br u or doctor'u preqrtiog 8'umd. an ad !amlly recipes Vo WilliIs' Medlcal MWADE IN CANADA 'Hal fora rt u aeu r- CONSERVÂTIVE- MEETING. pato. J. E. lWlldrugglust Th &nuameeting oi VheS outh sMd opticis». Ontarieo oCnsrsvtlvAssociation wus beld on Tuday alternoon lu the. A FINE RECOMMENDATION. Tomn Hall bore. Thon vwas a large M.R. J. Undorwoo<i bau recelvei atitendajice, amoiag the number belng the. following letter from a Toronto Muss. Wm. Smith, M.P., and Chas. 4eut.gnîemn, who lu building a rosi- Calder, M.P.P. deuce In Whthy: 141 tioe pleamre Ms. E. H~. Purdy, of Pori Ferry, lnu-sending yog choque, be<ng payment vas roelecked President, sud Dr. iu f ul for drain construotecl by- yen.1 John MoMof > Brooklin, Secretary. I am sure fit laone of the bat drains 1Speeches, ers ma&d by varfous A Pulic temperauce meeting, unde Kug. thýe auspices o! the, Royal Tempiars .- TH UYNof Temnpérance, vill beheld eIn th ne die st,"Autumn China, THEBUYNG ounil hambr o Frdayeveingnineyý-inep",reglarpricessev- t.Jnuary 15th, ai 7.80. Short, critp. ty-flve dollars, for hirty-five dol- O F SILVERWARE addresses wîll be gfven by reM*dent lars. Whitfleld's drug store, Whitby. The. bonsehold silver you boy vocal snd Instrumental, musilc by loa- BAND IW-ORGANIZED. ils to busone an helrloom in yonr family. Cal' talent. A hearby Invitation iu The Whutby Ditizena' Band was se-c "The silver proet ta the bride isg Ve o al Vo corne sud euloy tbbcanitel!Zd luit wsek ai -a meetîng o! #te b. tressured by her descendants, Do1 service. 'the playera, aud regular practiises miet gocil judgment and regard for future 4wl ebl'rmnwo.M.W generations demand the selestion o! the ....wilbbedfrm ovo.M.W bsCtana mont amons 'silverware? The _ C A-RD 0F THANKS. A edro a lce edr oeilenlytii.bestwhuher t bestering t tiel and the band apii.arsd lu public on tîîverwato, or plated silverware, banc. o! thauke Vo al the ladies who as- match ndlhs pdl ircin Mr He 4ffording 700 th. assurance that wh at uiuted lin derson lua capable maliaailaa' yenpurebs om' us will b. rellable, and mkn hi uulbi the baud should meet wlth success 2v y e h.satisfaction yon wish. Letunder e5s. *4 show you our D.w patterns inu fiat -4- under .le, *wale. TU"A A ? -- à i- ~J3'A 'Sunday, Jauuary 17. Moruiug service il o'clock- SubJot -My Nelgbbor sud 1VI or "Mau's Retort. Evening service 7 e'clock. Subject- 'M3y Neighbor sud 1," or "The. Fnl- illmeut e! the Lav." Good music by tue choir. S. S. and Organizeil Classesai 8 A STRONG APPEAL. The -Sacrameut o! the Lord's Sup- abouily before bis suildea. dsath, per will-be held at Almouds at Vhe .wcb leunuivensaiiy mourueil, the close o! the service. %taià Srd Roberts Issued to ths Eng.; - 1Mb prar an appoal ou behal! ofths The Wonen's Institute will meet n» la arme for their coutry'sÃŽde- in Vhe Agriouiturai rooms ou Friday ffu.' Ilawhieh he sald Iu part 41"Iafternoon, January l5th, at 3Sp.m. leu) Ãt my duty te, point eut te -Mrs. W. MacPhadyeu, O.L.C., vili *bs 0h11 population that puttiug give a talk on "Value of Foods."' t4impts*lou lu Vheway cf -ou soldl- Al vomen sud -girls veicome.Mrss.* iffl by, tnjudlolouuly reating ihen G.A. Rosa, Presidet ; Miss F. Bate- bt drink la Inuu.noua Vo them sud man, Secretary. eudlval te eoui Chances of vie- 'toy. Tiomisaudu e!f young recruits MAGNER-AUGUSTUS. ,hà s nov coileciediogeilher iu var-, Ou Tueeday ai noon a Whltby Iot place, sud are -havlng bir1 youug couple entereil Vhe bonds cf wcsk hatsrferred wi'th snd their cou- matrimony, , wheu Ms. Thomas E. s*Uutiions imndermined by being Maguer sud Miss Roma Irnu 'tompted* Vo drink,-by a frlendly but, Âuglu vere marrled by Rev. M.E. *Ã"augbtlesa public, snd aIe by hs Sexsmltb;. BoVb young people are <setliai public bouses are kept open 1vdlol bers. îmmediately'a! ber te a lais bous o! the tilgit. I -clim te coemony tbey motored Vo PIck- mot bebm . hai Vhe owners o! swcb erlng, vhere Vhey teck ths 2.15 bous. are leus patriotie sud more train for Vhs vesi. On itheir returu agiD-eaei g Vian their fellov-subJocis îhey will reulde lu Witby. - go Malt bsy voulil dliberaiely, for MW faks et gain, pneveub eurs oldlers The Ancient Order of United Work'- bing sunffiieuily tralued lu body sud nmen held their annual "At Home"l -nno t enable ihem to mmdrgo ths on Mosaday evenisag iu their. lod' «buin et the ardons service vhich roonis. je Wsons.thém-a. airainvlcia ouly tii. steegest playolcaily and morally Our speelalty Io drugsansd med-i- on letrustO. ,endure. I1 t8e- ctnes-these lunes receive our speciai »oebg meoarnoutly ihai piibli-. attentdon. You are ate lu buying «winpaýrteuiar,, sud the publie - o.r drugsud meicines at J. E. genoellyp yl do tiOne outePre- ili' rggsan pil. vuO ur yomg soldiérs befug enipi-Wil',dugs dotia. $, te drink. My appeal appiies FRE equaU for hs lb WHTTBY BOY IN KIT-' ~ersay co tnents, whsof hae 5~CHENER'S ARMY,, goemontisungustshly orneaves FPous of Vhe 481h Highlanders o! ths gmlos o aedpunshl o heur Oilrst Canadian Contingent ai Sais- 5.01." bury Plain, have been made non-coin - ndosiommed oficers l icee' Sarmy, witm the rank of sergeaut. *Anxong these fous Is Ms. Lou. E. De- ~Lo aIH pp nin s 0 Hart,. well-known headsud in 0 Bookin.Ms. DeHart ivelhere Iu his sehool days, sud atteudeil Vhs at Stanley Barracke, Toronto, and atCHlegaesitux, s. t e revas' The aunual business meeting o! ths mlitary training. W]Lîtby.W.C.T.U. was hold Insteven-.01 ln~. i WEEK 0F FRAYER. -4'- I__The Presbytorian, Methodist sud De MOuro oattenu Y.fl. i3rougnLOfls sIale O! cern, ou Saturday, Jauuary -10. See bis advediseîaeat for par- The adjourned t] sale will he held Ia the Court Hou le on Frlday, Jan- uary 20, ai 2 p.m.-0 'Me aunual banquet and business meeting -of Vhs congregation e! the Baptisi Chureh vil be held on Fr1- fay eveuing of nexi veek. A large atiendance lu sarnpstly requested. iJaptist churches are uaiting this week fa three fmeetings In thes "week ot prayer" series. On Tuesday even-1 iag the meeting was held lu St. An- drew's school room, wlien alinost every seat was fiiled. The pastor led the meeting, and Rev. ME. Sex- e;mith gave a fine address upon the topie for Vhs eveniug. Lasi eveaing Vhs meeting was, held in the Taber- nadqe. sclool-rooni, led lby pastor Sexsmith, sud addressed by Mr. Mc- Lean. To-night lu the Baptisi chirrch the .u ew- paster of St. Aadrew's, 1 &,bq~A~'Apv. %.P.n7lritA, Wil rbi b hotho mx..- 'W-'-'dav109an. l. ong m sss Mr. ' W. E. Vaneleime began tii er. Mr. MeLean wilI lead the meet- ut East COliestaut Street ,Wmlr hse motion of a fine, solid fng. (na ...sain brick i1ouse oir King- sireet, whieh b4na ...sain yl enotaiu ai! the môderu conven- -CUinawars ai liait pries. wiit- Two Acres oif Oood Ear Corn, the loncs. !elc's Drug store, Wh1tby-. property of Mn. ~ w.4'W. A. BROIJGHTON Mr.Bateman, Ms.J. Batêman, Reeerve February 19 for doncert te lUe Bateinan sud ether memibers o! be g'lven by Dramatie Club -o! the le be sold 'in smili lots., *0s faimly vtsh tethbank the. many Cellege I the Mulec Hall, Whltby, Terme Cash, Wm, Maw, Anetiece 'I n LETTER 0F APPRECIATION. The Ontarto Couuty Old G'Isis' Au- sociation, hrough Mss. Fred Habsh, han irecelveil the following leVier, from the Montreai OMfce of Relief Work for th. vlctims o! th. war in Beigluni,:- Monireal, Jan. 11, 1915. Ontarlo County Oid Girls, . WIIitby, Ont. Madarn - We beg Vo acknowledgs the receipi o! Vhe Vhree cases o! eau- neil poids, which your Assodiatien have se gesously contributed Vo our Relief Work for the Victimi o! the War lu-Belgium. Ws are filled witb admiration at this splendid proof of!-Vhe gener- osity froni the morubers of youx as- sociaion, sud vo would ask you te kindly convey ous ezpresrions of deepest gratitude sud our hearby thanka te aIl the generous donators tc Ibis'- plendid gfi. It wyul ho a groat help Vo us ln urs efforts to stemi the ide o! starvallon nov fase Ing the population of Belgiwn, and belleve un It In a glut greatly appre- elated. Hector Prud'Homme, TIon.-Tressurer. A4 EVANS-HOOD. A quiet wedding took place ai the home of Mr. and Mru. F. E. Harri- son, close personal friends of the bride, on Tuesday atternoon, Jan- uary 12, when Mr. E.W. Evans and Mrs. P.C.' Hood, were united in marriage by Rev. G.A. MeLeun. The. bride, beomlugly~ gowned ln blue duchess mousseline silk, with drap. figs of black marqulsite, trinnned 1with Irridescent beadiug, entered the drawing room, where the ceremony took .placa, accompanied by Mr. Harrison, to the strains ocg the Brid- ai Chorus, as rendeLred by Miss Laura Evuna. Mter the- signl'ng of the register à nd partaking of a ;Ilnty buffet luncheon, M(r. and Mrs. Evanzs 161V on the 5.40 train for pointe west. Mrs. Evans' travelling uit was of dark blue broadclotb, with black hat and plumes. The marriage was solemnIzed in the presence of Immediate relatives and triemds. Mr. and Mrs. Evans are both pop. ular and well-known residents ofý Whitby, and will be followed by Vhs good wish"s of their many Whltby ns weli as! other friende. REPORT 0F WAn R. RELiEF SOCIETY. The following Is a full report of the work done , y the WhIthy War Relief Society. since I Vs lnccption in Augiist laqt Vo the end of the ycar The Whitby Socety have been as- slsting Oshawa ln supplving I-eId, comiforts for the 34th Ontarlo l{egi- raent, and have sent to Oshawa ln1 Auction Sale of Ear Corn' IN SHOCI< IS po jW9IWUme 'sfuflly met at Our store.- i th meut careful consideralion in est vsriétîy'of foreiga and',domestie but If -thers is any ariulr o0urs-or that your physiciauý pro- Nover wili you. beuneceà saarily s becaus. you a ère flot- a regular m aud Moderaio Charge. -ma 1mw IIM ~tiend Nias vbet*~L. al Menition. WOOD FOR SALE.. solt Wood,-food for kkiling, . EVa a s#~ lvrdbWhtby or Broffla' Sos- $8.85 peçr cord, oQr 88la-thes bub.ý usby han boomv'ui Apply b oJoI0i MCunu,lot 25, cou. liAdaay. ,1, '4Wlb.PO d~re .1 wn, Alvloti l i. ,Wib. -. frLindsay, wbeïe te.Wiln tihe collegImbs. Mxay Graugor, of Smarorcl Drug Store Indepeudent phone 31 two lutlt-8pizu w lt- Jets, us pansooks I,-»77 olera d o= aaoowe,. dozm A balJe vas akse Mat teSalsbury Plain, eComf(stdng cf -62 pain bei 500kw, tu pains wTite, 8 acarfu, 88 flannel shirts, 9 nuits of pyjamas, 12 beits, 1 box bandage. for Blue Crues Souiety. Report of, Treuror. . ........ Expendiur, siucs Auguet 15 Sent te Hopital Sbip .8...160.00 Sent tb RedlCross' society 7».00 Wool, fiannel, etc., for artbs. oIes made .s ...... ...a 82.«1 Balanceln, Baink ',...8888.85 Total amount collecteil for Belgfan Fimd ........ ...... 1045.55 The viiole eftii amoimt han been forwardeai.' The comve ocf ithe diffeneat do- parmuts of!. work- have wool for the celiers sud pien'ty of articles oui' out ready for sevIng. The Eiecutfve vlsh bo iliank the .onveuors sud thelr vownier for Vhe genercus vay they have aualtcd lu the worthy wonk. WATER AND LIjGHT CO3MS- SIONERS' INAUGURAL MKEETING. For the firet urne ln 1915 the Wat- er and -Lige~ Commlselsamomt cm 'uesday oveung. Only oee no mombss la on the Board Ibis year, nue ofliii position, rnesib the Town ou the Commissi. Mr. J. M1elutyre vas re-oieced Cbaîrman, &WU 'W. J. Luke, Smoe- Train Time Table. G.T.R. WHITBY JUNCTION. "nIg West... .... 693OPP Sunday trains leave for Toronl 4.52 a.m. and 1.40 p.m. Prom Te aub-train stop ab Wbibby Junoti et 8.15 and 0.55 s.m., and 9.80 p., -- UP-TOWN. STATION Gelng North ...5.3o a,=. Golng South ... 7.1 a. C.P. R. Golog Wst-, 42 .0. IGel o g 8 55 STAGES. Leaves Whiiby for Oshawaa i a.m. sud 4 p.m. W. Martin, pr priotor. Loaves for Brougham at 10 amn Ms. Fdwandu, propnîstor. MAILS CLOSE For Wet- 6.30 1.01. 12.30P-m. .30 p. m. For gEfft--5.3o 1&. SPECIAL BARGAINS fo r this woek Gr. Sugar, 15 lbs. for $1 For Port Whtby- 6.3oa. m 6.&0 P. m ForNohwm-d.lo p Extra (luality Potatoes, large ,and every ene sound as a dollar. Pure Jelies, delicicus, appetizing and wholesome. There is ucthing in our store te vhieh vo give more attention than the buying and 88lliDg Of Butter, Eggs, Vegetables and produce generally. I '.0 .0 '.0 .0 t. 'T- om M. .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 j, o- I., .0 ID Your business frieud, WM. MEEKER Phono 94, - WHITBY r~U mi Mnai 'Gm Noiaebouse, li storsysu j, dhagefor 1 1ad romu -lsebahâ,-uS, eleetric shlav and baijog ldh.Apply IJ. H. JAMES, Wii.u3<Ieýb Éat by.-$fsi. Ver w ird. Tb".rsaa -Wait r I Ladies' ýnd Misses' Coats This nie -ns that every Ladies' and Misses'- Coat in$7tre, formerly sold at $ 50 to $ 15.00 ~gq -~ ror iP4.~U for $i oo For 19c J ust secu rec4 35 pieces Of new Lades per yarsd. Te Ail the ieft overs of Our new Xma ies, regular value 50 tp 75c W. Go' WALTERS9 Und erwear, Boys' Underwear, sizes 26 to 32, shirts and drawers to match, form- erly 30 to 35C Work Gloires Canvas'- Gloires, bïrown knit top, formerly i Oc Men'sLineJ For 4c pi, Me-'sLind Mits and Gloves, formerly sold Spring Prints and Muslins, regular -price 12 X t 1 SîC -Reduceci Sale.Price' 9%c Notwithstanding t advance in al we will offer 30 best quality of Table Linen,wor- BIG BARGAINS IN MEN'S OVERCOATS $25.oo Overcoats for $14.90 $i2.oo Overcoats for $8.9o -$2o.oo Overcoa-t, for $12.90 .$io.oo Overcoats for-$7.90) linens, 200 yds. Fane p Silks, 40 'o yds. inches 'wide, regular White value' $i.25 t 1 45 -th$u.:a5 Five yd. e-nds q8c per 40 in. Coloredi Plaid aid- Men's Tailor Made Blne Worsted Suits, regular price $23-50, sizes 36 t0 42. Wide SiIk Rlbbon Ladies' and Misses' Skirts SPECIALS We vi*j o&, duinghis Ladies'- Black Sateen Bibbons 51 to 7 inches se, iîl offer duint.his Underskirts, lined-'witb.h wiei busbsas glari kitsathafred. flannelette, regular wide inblus, bown, rgula prce.value $-1.50. greens and, black, reg. $5.50 for $2.75-.. Sale Price 98,c v. le 2 tO 5C.$4.0 fo $225 Un'ined Sateen Under- v4Iu 25 o 35. $.50 or $.25skirts, reg. value 75c, Sale Prico 19c $3.50 for $1.75 Sale Price 39c SPECIAL--500 yards Heavy- Grey Cotton, 40 juches wide, regular value 17Ç-, Price 12ê Furs Furs J. P. Coates' Thread Men's Soit lHa" s .Men's Tweed Suits 50 Men's Tailor Ma-,de T-weed Suits, Hobber- lin and MfcAlpine & Riclw.,rdson make, reg. value 18,oo to $20 00. Ladies' Overail Aprons- A perfect îting Overali Apron, ight -and dark colorn good quiality of' print, reg. -value 50e. - Haif- price and less 0r.oMis o 5O $î8S.oo Long Stoles $'12.00 $10 oo Caperines for $5.90 CIarke's Crochet Cotton, 8 for 25e Tapestry Squares 3 x 3 size, regular value $8-75- 3 x 31 size, regular value $9-75. Sale Price $6.75 Sale Price 98e Sale. 200 yd. spools- of J. P. Coates' Thread, reg. value 5c Now 3 for 10 36 lni. Black 511k Black Pailette and Duch- ess Silks, Bennett's make, cvery yd stamp . ed. Reg. value $ .25._ Any Soft -Hat we have in store, regular value- .$1-50 to $2.50. Laces Laces- J ust received shipment of Valiences and Torchon Laces, which 'we will aiso o ffier at reduced prices during Janhuary WHIBYONT. A- t4... ýa1e of FùrJP.u UjUU j5 'Y OULU UuUUM91 .1 ~ae o FusReadya-made (Jlothing, Dress'«Goods, Silfks, Ladies'e and isses' Coats. In fact everything in the store will. be reduced. In'1 ,u'1n last fifteen days of January. The well known policy of no carrying over- stocks from one se-ason to another causes 1us, this y ar, to "-make the reductions greater than usual; ouf- objeet being to insure, an imimediate clearance of -a stock. that is lre than e have liad in other years. -We believe- the price ae'the lowest ever quoted by 'the Walters store. -Anl early visit will be flo the ad antage of every customer in' and out of town.: e sale opens Saturday., January .lOth', and -ends Saturday5, Janua 3Oth. Below we quote a few specials, and&où a on prepar d' to find many more that are just as great. à 'c o r d#4 of ap1eas e R. N. Bassett Jeweler &ad. Optician 0 OTAIUO WC. T. U. Janary lGth to 3Oth, Don't faillté visit WaltrsStoro dur!n i JanuaryStock Roducing Sale, UANIJARV lOth to 3Oth 1 0 ýn i! 1- 1 tu P« i 2lPý l nilqr Wdl mr Summer Printit and Mualins now the big ý 1 For 29c 1 Broom for 19C Sale Price $5,75 Sale Price $6.75 6 - - - - -- - ý a 0»ý 1 6 For $4.90 M For 69e White Table Linens Men's Navy Blue Suits Sà le price $17.50 1 aturday. Jan. 1 6th. 2 D. mal a