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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 Jan 1915, p. 6

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-5Uoyur 5i'5eia uUjpowers. THE QOAT DOOS. 4e6 *o ithe AilXeilean Ranèber DegeÉties 1h Néthoê of Trataing Them. Just beoe.the. - Rie Grande crooses 1th. bcund'ary line-betweec e>so!fthe Colcrado: and ew Meitico, iL en- jý b ea yo ters a box canon whp,,ee a~ hawdly Ps-Iý' soie places 'are a tho'usand le-4iLnl amn àffl lieight and *elmoat' - prpendiéluir. Wfl3h a IImP For anumber ci, miles, 1.er. i:en- IGise ; thoir lterg. the nauon. the rivex fIow-5 Le,nke;ê;p2ig the. ses, vy and Ârinyr ouruel. aost' 9taùtiini chsmnge i. ktipWi$edand naked t4 .-wauld pre.ent, îf4r eot &yV. pes, and the. uouai pawa- it le srt cf-asny ships The~s Ti.vesels&te. ship ready for the aers e is no l.ighL ,ndertàk- 6t coe a irek édu.ring îmes of pe'aeethéè whole - -- U e.1A i' - 4fuerÏal ,quarters," sa 'evolutiozi *amhihtûae avéryfew minutes to -te forni. On theae occasons the twers sound off "exorcise actiope, pthe. gune .are "caet- iccs," !ýgzines openec, hetiiguuns being rWed witlva projectle and duînmy .&ago. Dri!14%-ere then proceedeti theLbguns generaliy bSng se- euured, and ail stores retumueti by ix bell-il A.m. - Meni the sliple geing. Vo arget practice "actici" -is sounded, andi, ôf cjvrse,. the gunsare loadet i wth e rcal chiarge anti the firing pro- ceede 1-' th e anraunt ofaI auruni- ---tion- ihaelfer LIse occasions is curpe-ideti. .TIen t-le "secure" ie sotrri. -d Thet aiso if; a pieps-ma- -pýî fovnout- iil ing-de "pre- pruro ,for bnît1I. ' hVe slip is stý-t)lpe-d cie'.r'>' ni nîof fri-i'ng - - kjiv tjý pr'o' ulî4ngaî'IUtI i el'e arnd Iioib. 0,)( A ie the' greatet dangers in a n4if.eîia actuionis fit-e, tcwin;ç te tIe terrible' incendiar>' nature of the tb-ils uored. eo that tleuoretucnhly n schnp -4.f wiou- s hînuuil e foutit in a NV CrslFli;Tr but as men lave ta live in thn i înug Limes cf pence, a Cer- tn nuiuut (cf woodftht-augs le ab- - olhtei i-e--arurfançomfau-V. But- - eeî- »rrap eofvc-crd fittiug ie of a porIaI)- nattuire', andi ensil> me- i moiei. Xc-sioi-iiyunn go'- tO - - atrore p~èpmn-for bat-tIi," MvéMr> piere id wotiwomk tihat co -ilî, rvV;eised is manieune, aad e-,ait rnan or gi-oup of men made ta cr s'tndfe,,r uhat parts tii.> J~twIvit - wcihtî lit' (ome witàJ - - -bo-.tu n' tuttra emrs nrua-c-ta have - h< tdriniîlyeteUled. Borne offi- crin tPire i,: tîtvoi' cf loweiing t-hemn - - l-iii,tui j lfvu e dtk c iiperstrue- tIare une] fllui'ig t-itm witlî water; oie "ýsispzggeet cavering tiieniwithî eau va nliii uu-rlng t-hem round wit'i rtopJ -fi-ointstem t-o stern ; et- ém. agau.'ntike tsheî'eoic course te-ppn tl-'m inta t-he rae a l yCa f'tîid tgei~ranti alhowing O VI-j iooilrift wlucni-t-bey wHh. The laIt rj7courte' t-le mu-V prea-ti- 'lire iie.bject ôl tbe boat can be tria .uîcile ehc;l dVIe ship le re- ducird t-o a -"nking condition, and 1)('-01t01v filîng of Îtîcifui weter o-ii i, thein d.-own wouid ren- d-enh't o!sr for titis pumpose, w, il. woiu1d teke se-,,me ime b-lare Lihv cul-ni ie mradle rez4y 'for lower- inc. alwas'ys sauppoýi'ng t-le>' escapeti t-le slatt'ning effeet- ofl elil. Wiîat is beiîîg regardeti as a gtSod suleluttute Cer lifc-saving purposes in ma-y hips-inVioc grand fleet is t1e mens mers tables. Thsse are runde cf aoe-ineli plankin-g, are tibt, t 'ires fcct wide, anti from g eicu t- n oifi-et long., l<t-ttig fiat (c)i- I,!!-watei-. Vhs>'would sup- porvt a 'Otu-e-i nuniler cf me-n. -Im- mv'diàtely muais are finisheti. these tailt-i e disrtantieti, reati>'for dir-ylg on de-ck, ebouldti hs neeti faur uacng tlîenî for ife-savig-"ur- Lire-sa ' îng air beite bave necent- ly hei-u pro)vidcdti hese ans 'worn airond 111%, wa!Ft t ind cari le b!own' 11P a'eiv, and i osi keep the wcar- er nflont iflte slip g4-esdawn. lI ui- big modern ei,psmonen wihible Onte-ide armer protection -- dtuing tire courqescf an actLion. There are- ne secondai'>' armarnrs t.,trie V-day j fer aiuougli the lat- et Ac riDrestinoirghLta, te "Iran Di ike" 'ctase, carry Vweive f-incli * guri, as tit al pre-Dre-adnuglt ehuutIsse are a pure]>' anti-tom- -- - pn<!u nrmament, anti wonid net- le lea n a generai us-t-ion. The gun nvuiners wouuid le ail in their t-tr- - - rets, wbile- Vhs- reniainder would le below fhe prot-eptive dec-k -ant ini- side ( brtarmeor. At-Vhiît hmnement o! an ac- t-on-tliat, le, ift-e weathem -sers çc-ar enogiu te sow for long rr-nge---tlie gun crews wotîlt lave eot-ng Voaddo beycond loading t-bs -gun, the. training, ia3'irg ant flring -- -being carrild ont b ' the contriol ociBeer in t4î,o cntmol gatio-nl fïtiu-- ated s-t t-b. foremost lSSd. 1V is puite possible thet a batple m>'l e dçcideOi içfqe Mie leet geLtuer eiugl forthie jnivi4nueiguis-la>'- ença 11 plow teîýr ekil]. A things %tand- in the. North Béa,'* we have every essou ta bolieve that pur ýhip5 have 4i mucb gre%4e r aupenior- f f gjg-fire over tmie Gerian 2, iip s u the. Gneiwusu anti Sjiiaernkirgt, had over TreelGeetl Pçpe &Z Mo1uouVh. Tersîmer.it ý'll le to çsr înterest te maire tihe iuatge. îfr as posible; acnd as Admpf ffico -Mao o qe p1 our ledsg, guIiGqre eperts, cepen- taevéey a gta trsuperlor- It 1ý> tlia r tu m -ho 'quite'vulunerab to Tii. pastura 1ge.even 'is so 1 aliY h it fis suita.ble only for sheep âind- goats. - The. ew settiers are - al Wolves and.coyotes heunt the hila àd -ravines &long the ,river bab .nd thie heids nust ha Watéh- ed day a.nd, nght. Near tue -eû- trance to the canon lives a Mef xican, rancher, who awns several large herds cf goat-.e h as i£>'înd eut how to herd bis flock without bired, bolP. Neo sende the herd ont on' the range under the cure of doge,' each of whleh ha*. been raed emong goaLs,Iand hàs, lu !ectp hlid e geat foiter mother. This man de- scribes' is method of training hfis dog herders as follows: -à 'My degs are 1a-cross between the ,shepherd 'aud '-Sctlicole. Ai soon as the pups are born, I tekre these that 1~ want to inake -intq herders away feom the motiier dog and put them te nurse on a nanny «cati, one puppy te a goat. The geat milk agrees with tliem perfect- ly. Tliey are neyer'permitted« te rua with other dogs,ý and kuow ne companions except pats, and- by the time they are grown they have a tboro.ugh knowiedge -of their adopted relatives. You miglit ai- mc..st say fhtiiet-~I*y were hall goat. "After the pjtppies get their teeth, 1 bave Vo watch theni -care- fully, for now and then one of them wili gel. the fiabit cf liVing Vhe goateq. That trait renders the dag als-olutely useless for my purposes, and I immediatel>' kill him. But liters are very rare. The deg rais- ed in tlîis way soan becames a natu- rel guardian of guats, and et e year or se. can le put in charge af a herd. The berds go ta the hiI in the eariy spring, -- and remein there tili the firet snow cornes. The dog stays withbhis herd day andi night, drives hie, charges ta the lest grass in the Morning, and rounds theni up st night, on semai goed bed ground, juet ns a human herder wauld do. And %il the tume lie keiepe a sharp lookout ior î.rowi- ing wolves. or coyotes.'- I almost neyer bs an>' goats ot-atieze ani- mais. &"6I carry food ta the doge once e day. The anly time a dog will leave bis herd andi corne ini te the ranch is wlien I fai1 ta, take Ihirn seeething ta es-t. And then he les impatient t-c geV laek ta hie wn6rk, anti as soontUs lie lias got bis meal, hurries away. "I finti the dog herders more sa-t- isfactory t.han mnen. ' They under- stand - their business thoroughly,' and tIc>' are always faithful. More- aver, 1 do net have ta pa>' hem an>' wages." W1as DuIy Invîted. A gentbleman was chatting Vo hbs wife in the presence of bis littie daugliter, and rernarked,-"We will ask Mr. Brown te carne and dine with us ta-morrew. It ta-kes -hi ail hie ime ta keep hie head abave wa- er." Mr. Brown ws.s d-uly inv'it- ed, and came. As sapn as he had got comfortally settled in s, chair the littie daugh er wen-t and -set on bis knee. then started stroking bis hair. "Weil," she said, with inueh surprise-t "yaur haïr isn't wet." "No, littie woman," said Mr. Brown', "wb> should- it le wet?". "Papa said it taok yan ail your tume La keep your hea-ti-aove wat-ar, 50 I wae, sure your hair mut le ver>' wet," 66 .-.--In "gOne day I sew a pcage o (ira-pe-Nuitâ et the restauîranit and tried orne with cream. The food took my lancy at once, After a few lunches on iti at midnigbt I noted a-n improvemn rt in'm- ryfeel- ings, anid was able W~ work witli less fatiguo, rsdQaeN~ 4'l have Ue MeNt- as a yegular diet since tèieri, and have improved great]>'. The old dyspep- sie and lad feelings that I thought were necessary adjunots Vo niglit wo-rk disappe-ared, a-nd I &'-n able ta do mucl more anad better work with less effort- than éver before. "-I was neariy ready teo give up ahd seek lieaith in sonie other waik ini lite, but, thanks ýo rny change in diet, I arn now ailrýght.," "Tbere's Naîm. given ly O'uadian Pestum. o., Windsor, Ont.1 Look in pkgs. for the famous littis bock, "The Road te Welirille." Euu' rad teibe ahaVi !SUuÀ - A fo nt *hsi, re and Ssai et155humail gagersit I~Germny- Be Pmugmil -State Pr çl. Frani Columbà, -Uni b. -mrtD uUht .5 lMatv fs .ew, aau "'~Us to ho affefted byLb.hesiltî?' "Ifthe. allies win ther'. wili ho a stiment ~fsuesort. - ."~i4iif .znapy, wine, if the dreamaof Lhe miliLary, plrty- co'me true, ' if thbe, octieaof,-trpiitscihke aud Bernherdi'prevýail, 'then ihoer. wil. i o -a'ne egotiatien. Ther. il b. only subrnision. Gerxnany çdUi sayoy tl h6 world' powers: 'You're JiÏked, Tae.your medicine, sud we willtake the re,t. "The world wil-îbe Prussianoiîýd., Everywhe re except lu Amerlos tii. triumph of absolutism ill 11b. eom- Plete. Thé spirit of detnoercy #ad* ail HIeraà tliought wil b. - Utterly tirushed. World-power snch as bias uevPr bgeen kncwa. in'history willl b. wielded by a nation that ,has cteveloped ýailong thé ia.erilistie lines, that. -i-s steeped lu tbe eachings of Nietz- ache, that believes weakaeae -Lb-e essentiel evil and miglit the essen- tiel righteouanes aud compassion thei enly &sm-a xi4ion tilat denies tbe riglit o! sovereign pec'ples te but-b crea4e and c-noyconstitutionel, liberty. "Now, disoading aIl thé beeli about what should le, and f-acing thinge as the-y are, tiuis one grcat fact stands ont: Thouglhtfl men are saying: If Gerznany wins iL willlbe aur turn nrext. Now, whether thsy are right or wrong as te that, therei cari be ne questioni as ta what. iL me-ans. "It nie!aas that il Germa-ny wins we become saiuilit-erietic nation. W. have no cliaice. Demrnene must arni te dfen-d itself againet autocracy; muet armite preserve lilsrty and &il the things' this ceun- try stands for. We b-ave a popula- tion of 100,000,000 wbich is growing festçr b>' immiigr-atieon Vlan that af an>' other country, a-nd will groýw aVill lester after the war. We -have a stu pe-rdons amount cf nattîral wealth, For every dollar tiia-t Ger- men>' pute up as an ante in the great garme of armement Lhe Unit.ed States will liave Vo put up two. 3M1sdirccted Etiieieeiey.- "0(f Course Vhid wili gi> pain to fmariy good people, and great num- bers aoftus will be ead and not ap- prove of it; lut that is not tiie issue. IL is not what wie want to do lut what we shah1 have ta do. The fsct we bave ta lace is that if Gernian>' wins,, rightly or wrongIy, and whetiher we like it ao' net, tie United States wilil ecorne -one of the greate-et militaristic nations on the fa-ce of the'eerth. Not ebtceuse an>'<one want i-t-, but, be-caus*e it %vould le aur eni>' saivatioiî." -"Atter the war, if the allies win, thie whoe world will ask itseli une question:1 "Hlow did Gerri'any do lt-? How did se.make herselfif m-Vo 8mnar- vellouel>' efficient an erganization that Mhe came within an ace of es- allisbirig berseif. as the world power-and imposing bier wili and her ideels upon aI-i thc reet af mani- kind? "The worid wili ask those qîles- tione net witli an>' idea of sm.ashuîîg a militer>' power- that, wii1 h-ave ceased Vo le a menace, b-ut wit-h t.4e intention of copying and iituizing t-be tbingà tilat have made Germ.,iv se, great anti powcrfui. What wiil the sriswer bel This:' "Long' before ths rest, of tilie [wurld geV onte 1V, German>' discov- - ered the value of natidriai efficiene>'. BiFiuarcek, firet of a-il, anid t-hen the rubinýg group Ii'GOcimun> gat anto t-he idea tftat national efficie-no> is; the oni> tihing on whlich a country can bî,ild up resi ar~d la.tnrg powver, and that- it could on>' le attniied b>' lringing abouht.aprctca nrk point of abuse; the>' carriecI their î trade greed te sncb an ext-renie that the>' ceased as a nation Le le ini- erestre-as Vhs>' werc twa genera- lions ugo-m nthe intçH.]tuai hIfe, in music, in art, ini literature.' Whnt l11511ptflC(. He came hame and found bi;s yeung wite diesel ved in tsars. "Whs;t do yen Lhink las happen- sdi" se cried. "I left t-le oage open and -aur canary has flown away." R. underteok te give %vbat conselation lie migit- andi took t-he poor distreeeed lady in hie arme. As she neatIeti againat lis shoa-ider a *new, acosse af suIs canvnlsed her. "Ah, George,' se.murmumeti in a chocking voiçe, "now I've oni>' yon Minarda Liniment curas cargo: in Cowéf aig cL ai 3 Y , , IlrriItueo, . çe'-"sold byýniciinp' dëâ.19rs or,lbY MOil tklorty BoihrtgC,~ l3~le$tgALUcmn8IcpWA3Uw- taii UDdYmYMTtTI@SU ou the pr n eayw efc hie nhls ' ft et 25cents lebox frem Vited c r, Wfriraci. , ndmelybype1 etbaldngt 41-Wllnïjj--_ ètoàtýôt 4m&'Mediehis Co,, BrovIkville him be"c;>me engagéd tj Wh d <ïgh- wtingterfl tegh &IZ~ 4~. *~ O t ~ ~ ~Uvordwith delICiotis Saàcàl ý "eii4 ofdthée- -Cè,sar ,theý,, sa(1l"Would j »ài<eflhyhsauO*a ual. -S hd V YMOG ¶oh". a difèýrenez in your dedgicrn if 4enada0 r 4esem.ze t partnery-hip ?" King E4ward las turned 1'lrneLeIy Pite 0or nin. ~deiaùgyal AM O AE ffiitedtha ibwoul. Perr-Cear . W. DAwsoN, HineSycolbornes trent, hwy âIldlis-dogs"to heel, anxd, British 'troops in the trencee, 1 he et aktaH-an n sg àrno obitsydispleaeed, has- i'luedt nd orhn geste, to Jwr. Hope that âmiglit be J~<t WANT TO I3UY OR. 5EL, à hear another word- The Kaiser, Fisne are suffering ser4>us17ly f od lntarhm oopatmriet Stock. Grain or D&1r r' fi. l»m- H. hm ùt ! W. Dawgon, Brampton. or 90 Col' lookin~g hocughly ahayin0d- f h sciirvy -and -vermin. Water er s hip -We'Mr.Hoe , u- bonet. Trrooto. self~ is trymýg to 'd.tfain bin, hiz source for , drinkfi g purpofes and «e i.ie oS~<,"ol tH.W ASN oton tTrn~ bands oùtîstretche&¶ in- sUPPliiati0n» .a]oiist non. astl l it te'be hed makeany dfeSne Torounteo. -bhave- never seen su<ch a strik- for bath'ng 1puros d espite tiei. ACENTS WANYEDi.yOr -eoi ing aüld-' prioJetic" picture." great'quantities of main Vhat havëe slo n if v<ou knew that I'wat engaged---- Sir ,Herbert Tree got -the photo- fallen. The'-follcvwing letter fr to the daughiter'of Sir -Fiantis Bar- A04T.8sTO ThAlLE uôoRD, mR e FR grap i l om-bu, in 19W9, frein amem'ber. cithe now-f,moe ida- nl"ueaeure eloibes. no'.zieh, good proft. eO"Y ctèrtaîn -prômnfent. per'son 'whno "'wit- sx Jiegi'meoit, ,eas- Mr. Hope. replied "eetily." eales;.trhin nesedtie oyaiquarrel. Itý rnay "We 1ha.ve been- kept bu;sy la.t Whereupon the wily clerk said, Writ today.T. lys ordheimçr welle bethe a lt eowd heteriter. igt 'ae4 ~laY weletht à tquiarrelswd hWaiting, and, continually. moving "WelI, 1 amn engag'ed te Mis oro4 -BuildIng, oono-Ont, îeeds o-ýf e Iae- s aneer afrùomthe beaastly 'Germian aheils. tyBrn. jwauWA.wwzi. , hâvowe attainie 'sch iosto The Germâns'are"uiug vartL' quan- That very day he wa.s able- te ÀRMB .WNTECiD FOR CASH{ growth aite. éthé 'iaàr bégn. tities of lyddite,an_âd Wiy'o! the write te Sir Francis, anneunoiflg I. eRx ileexchange, for . *Toronito, - ~ ~ boys have been permanently dleaif- the news of h, -admission ta part-, hou es. pewtress. FPirnslZ1iI~ A muene-d by the- roar when the shele ership in the bouse of Hope, and ,Church St. Toronto. KneeJoinL tIIiiireTe0,iears explode ner ~ ote rbymy e sie ~ li liedte~EGSEP CURED ',BV NIRVILINE. boots off fur tFwenty da-ys. Al-the R.____Holatein Calves. T. J. -Morrison. Wnoë,vouldma îrveI et My recov. others are in thé same fix. ThereIowa ik 1BI Durham. 's I _te_______a________losof_____bu_____ i Young man- w1ll-lcnownabout Chat- littie water for drinking or bathingcA.NCE% TMK§ LM6 hani. 4,1 tler!ted -a rheumatic ten- purposeq oronathing b ur bL4o uS.te tnnWi aend lru y erlyii>m other'a family, umud.Tlhat le the priuu.îIîeipitena ad ztnul ord àt adn y thrgh "M sufd, principalun becre r.oo 1Jte Dr BeilWloredO a fully., Attm .-te'.darg.asufferefraintpart of the ladscapo on every hand. READ ThfIS VERY CAREFULLY. Co"'mti4.C024tSot '1 an atfiïesý et in m le1 k We oe'ivn ndug-outsa at th-u - 1 . d M ilbille o behtn apat00e ']For yers 1was thIn and delcat a hlsy For_-,Sale brouglit, my notice' and 1 rubbed IL "The Germans have four big, guns yelUOWLpallor, pimples and blotches on Engine.- shafting. belting. plIllie-Y Into the.stlUC joint four or five trnes a! in front (if our lines whieh are ljhmyn> face weri-flot only mortIfying ta etc, from, large faetoiy for rale. day. -It dispelled .every vestige Of Vo go off a.t any liour of the day j~r niy feelings, but becausè 1 tlîought xny Wheelock engine, là by 42, cornPlete pain, reduced the.,swelllng, took ont night. Eaàh sheil weighs 2ZPo pounde ekin wouid neyer l.ook nie again .1 with-cylinder f)u.me, f>' wheel. ,r the stIffneaand .gave me- the full use and we cali them Ilaek M&ria,.5 grew despondeat. Then xny appetite làget.. n ngo odto of m ni>'mb again. lýdon't belleve there Te a ho e iead~ failed. I grew ver>' weak. VarJoue , fting f ramni neinch tU, thrde Ie a pain-relievingýrenmedy, net a sin-l' ther oan shott ir , n h remedies, pille, tonie and tablets I cz g gle liniment that 'canà compare with ohe day onucrik near ýthe edgi tried without permanent bennfit A inches, pulleya thirty -inches wO NerviIIne.ý I hope-ýevery persan with of the trench, burying me beneath vîsît te my sîster put Into my bande fifty inc'hes, belting six incheï peins, with s'ore b.ack, with lameness, a w-agon-load- af mud and slime, but la box of Dr. Hamilto-n's Pille. She t%çolve inches WÎIl gel1 1efltirC r. with lumbago, with neuraga-1 do, the boys diignme aut before 1 suifa- pîaced reltance upon them and. naw înprt- hope they will try out Nerviline wlîich cate-d. tiiet they bave made me a well womnan ';%0 SOA I. 1 amn convinced wlI qufeki>' and per- "Yes-terelay vas a terrible day. Il wouid net be wlthout themi whatever OFFEJI REFUSE». mnnently cure theni." The Ge ;ïn artillery kept bl-zi'gthey m!glit c0st. I found Dr. lainil- if Nerviline wasn't a wonderful away fr<m dawn to dark, and it was itai's Pill4 b>' their mild yet searching S. Frank Wilson '& Sotýt paineseremel>' ifNervlin diat ipo~îîeta get in or 'Ouit Lf the ýaction ver>' suitable ta the délicate73Aead SretW tTrî- quieki>' relleve, if Nerviline wasn't frt n rrlr.Tis .--, oneyrceri ad me, yenturle.y eb ________________ known ta be a grand cure for ail rheu- i-eten'ee hi ha- hrocte r f a wmans nturThe >' _______fi matie conditions, It wouldjV't have figlit-inig is far from our old c0nÇçep- li'hed regularlt>'. My appetite grew te been so largel>' used as a farnl>' rem- ions of fi'e-hitiing. We se,!dom ece keeri-my bIood reci and pure-heavy U2 i J ' edy for the past fart>' years. Na bet- any Germans ta ehreot at excePt iring-s under îny cye disappeared and. 43#l&4-06fI<Mief l0iinly er, stronger, or mareso6thtng lini- simalipartit s cf rnipers. t-miylînl scer n n ~ t~aiO., ment made. Cet the large 50c. fani- 'My, teeth and gurus are gettb~ingwrinkled as wh'en I was a girl Dr. la M_ Wr ý il>' size baoule; smaîl trial sitze 25e.; sûre f rom eating the herd army bir,- Hamiitoc's Pille dd d 1V al." uiyým; Isold b>' an>' dealer; "anywhere. ci-adw tc 'i tue~ae~ Ti oe~rihforward letter iX. I7RATI X;L SCtxFlC OOD % the sae -wa. we uuaîîy~~j<'frontfl rs. J. Y. Tadd, wife of a weil21514'-f -.TRMr the sm nwam Waer or tabere'lnown miller In Regersville, le proo-f _______________ Mienlory 1I1f4. .te namatro e coz suffcIen t hat Dr. Hainîlton's Plle are ________________ Notony c .atrsb;i fgurs ndwgttry ta enV. thein. WVriting paper a wonderful wornan,'sni edicine. lise facts, ca.n le conimitted ta me andy tefrnt, fos rvr al he sue, aVo oter pill but Dr.' i4amtlton's. 215e. < d'~ -F th fon, ral teÇP3c o sp-pe Lonx. AIl dealers or the Catarrlî- wif.hout much effort by makcing it - py tanjen vbeinçrta-ken ii-,ozone Co., Kingston, Ontario. - L a noie neyer ta t-h4'k of une th;ni; with l-roviiionaq. ammuiitie4n, fregl- -i without reeluiing whnt you wantia'îin, and ct-ler acJ-treet.,ust the T'rouble.I to remnin-beer witli it. Supposle yC nyau l ack~u no>w g wisli ta o nhra sch,,al friend' îrl îg h iiia>'p a srie nicker-Ail 'men are equal le- -. I adtires-s. If you think of the num- AUl big ones are' ret. fo)re the law. - ___ ber cuf the h ae nd tli m. ,i- .P -'t~ ___ t-le street whîeiioer youî tiink -f lis home yatu vwiIi neyer lai-geL it. IL le tîhis habit ef tying cne- idea or fa-et Le a-mothem t-I-at ena-lies some pensons ta remieifiber quickl>', anti an>' cne cari a,-qtire this habit who wili perseveringi!y foîiow hs rini- pie rile. UPi-l'O-DATIE SERVICE. The cornfont and wel-leing oI thse passerigers wlie t revel on Vhs Cana- diean Pacifie je- niway-s faremost in the minds thseVlofficiais cf «rue <ran- pan>', ancli- furtbe-r evidence cf hs is te lec foun i n fthe offici'ai an- nonr.oasnentnia-de t-bat al Vhsi came in the,. Mo ntresl-Chic'aguservice la-vsbeen cquipped witba-n oup-t.o- date valet service e8o that yen -atar now have your ithets Iruolieti anti precsed whiîe yon fe-p. Simoulta-ue- oiey with thie cernes the decision cf t-ise Cana-dian Ps,-rifle te discontinue t-le tise of Vhe t-ootlpiks crn th? talles of thé d*nirig c-ars. This utep lias net been -trien witlotit serions con.-deration. Mari> lettens of coin- p sint have- een receiveti ioî L,- c4-nnection, and t is jpretty wehl known t-bat pnovi4on of tootihpieks et fi-t-ciase lictels andt restautrants is now considereti mut quit. LIe tbing, Plîtting It liii. Twa cointry women, mother anti iatugliter,' were visiting a menag- ense for Vhe finit tiome. AV hast -the>' came -o- t-le hippopotamne, and stocti for sev'enali ,nutes transfixeti lu sulent wo)ndeit. (Ten Vhs moLlies Vurnedti tue er di 1uughtsr anti saiti, slpwiy 'anti solemn ly: "Goodtnesnie! Ain't he plain" Milnarda Liniment Curés Coids, Eto. Magistnate-Wbv did you mari-y two wive-s? Pet-Weii, son. so long I supported t-le luith o! t-hem wici- out wan knowin' abottVhe alier, I thought us hcw 1 muight le doixu' huumanitfv a bless;iri' b>' tiupensini' wid wnn onîti muid. ED. 5. - ISSUE 3-:11à.1 ALMOSI LYNCHED I-t baVOelt tes-local drugglat <Jat metC a cees- - ntScern is-ive Instead ocf the ra'lable Pnt-namn'a Corn Extracto:r Sub6titu±.en burn the uieub-Putuuu.u'a cure t-lue ccru. Uewo niy the beet-"Purtioem's' 25c. et ahi deaiena. NORTIII'RN ' N DA IiDS. A Fa'W Hînîlsen 1Bai>ýK' getsj, ITeuf- Bireed?; andI Nntivre- Tlere. Thotigh much ie written abott WVesternmn aaenowatieys, writeeg P. H. Gati-seil, in the Wide World- Magazine, ones hears ver>' littIe of tubs va-st northern wacL-ný cf that I>aminion, where the conditions cf lIfe va-r>' but lit-tle f nom wbat t-le>' were a- century a-go... tint-il ver>' race-rit yen-r. t-he gi-est widennese o! swarmp anti- fifreet strepý-clag f cm V-le lead aI La-iel Winnipe-g Vo Hoîdton Bay, anti mrtîeri> t-o tIe Arctic (irele, wa3 knewn as t-bs district el Kéow-atin. IVith the exception of sinal de- tachuments cdu' Nochtwee't Matant--ci Polce, a few sc.att-encd nisionaries anti thbeHudv<on fBay Curupanys t tradiers anti enpîcycet, tibis oast dis.- tric-V la peuipieti i-tireily' 1>'Indians of the-Cres anti Sait-iaux t-nies, amid in t-be farnonert!berri portion, a feîv w aiidering Eskimos anti.Cirippgçway- T-bis coint-r>', lu wlicl wimte' r -if en-ast Arctie severity hlides wav - fri eight mont-lis im uthe 0am, le a uat%-iîcrk ef large 1lakes, river a-ni-I m.aller st-ei-c-s tiininîç intruJTira-- son Bey. Along meet o! t-be-s-'na gablie wat-ens. r-ituateti tram a humn- dredtu te wo loundreti and i flt>'nilez;l -spart, stand Lhe lonel>'ty i-1t poste or forte af the Huitin Bay!- Company,. These farts nu.-tahly ecrur Risot of a piekete-ri or etookid squarne inclo-Yng a nuniber ofIlogý 4<n rame buildings, uF.tiehh>' four rr fîve, îo'ith a t-aIll lits--ple risicgig t-I-u centre. frr'i'rro hich. on ,'-pe-ln- f-"'4o-,1k-aVets h. e "I emeig.o f. t-h.- cc-mpa'iy. The kiaff ofaI iinsaallfer outpodt< gencraîl>' c;pnsE--t-L of anc wliitema- as afficer ii charge, wi-Vb two orn thi-ce haWlf-l>efd or Indiean a-ssis- tants-sor de-g-drivers. As ;n rnosti case-, the' c x-ste are situia 'tti MIa!- vgin widenness, fer troni civiliza- tion,ýI t-be t-rader ma-y not sec a- bel- law white mari for six menths et a t'itnetchl, anti- bas onl>' the societ>' affordet b>' bis halI-breeti servante. One-Sided. Magistrate - I understanti that yon everheard the quarrel -letween t-le de-tendant ant isi wife i Witnsss-Yes, sir. -Magistrat-e-Tell me, if you eau-, Wliat lie seemeti te be doing. Witness-He serne t te e duing Vthe listening, sir.1-), 1MJU.,.e,-- .L00iL O JUOL. I4i they shoîîld be equa.l after the law. "Ive co ine, said a mari who hlad just been sh-own intco the edi-tor's romi, 'Lu see wby you called me a poli-tic-aI jobber in vour paper to- day.' "I regret the error quite as much as yau,' replied the editoir. "Ah. then ycsu didrit inean t.) cll me thn.t't" "No. sir, I wrote 'rob-, ber' verY clistinetdy." Mitards LUimnat '-., LIirnter!. G,-uoieuen.-,uaîtirte-r 1 rac,'sived girot bondit f ram (lheuea-ar cfMINAItD'S-LN I - MEkNTr unua ci-yen-i-a,'ck of La Gr.ppe, su-d ikue f'elueuailY en'ved h o le vcry !necIv iicastï acIflamTumation. W. A. IIRJTCIIINIiON. Wlieî a in c mes-hane ie ik, hie' wife &Ocects hlm t-c old the baby while she mixes hini a dose of seme îiast-y astuif. YOVP. OWN I)!?UGGIST WÏLLTLL YUL: 11-Y M::rie'1- Eym' eG.l or lRed, Welk, Watery zy es a ud C(V 1ai ttIl Ilelid; Nuo martn- ht Lyon (!emfort.Wrikte fer lle-nk Of 4h e Ee Just a Scratch i BUT IV ieslokn t treaiment 's'tlî CAR BOLATED i r wif hi-bp IVta healquclI and prevent nlsk ot Infect io:: Csrbolated "Vaseline" i- nua Most -effective, , antIierîh dmessinig for cuVes, bruLto.-,t bouls, and WskIrrit-nat o i ail - kinds, such as ez'uo.1 poison Iv>' and bgnbe-'s fiil. Aiogoal fon corne. -S olb>'Cheonists e-tua,1J-e- I partment atones everywoviet.-. Refuse t-o accept subStilIWtýS.n Pres booliet on requiset. CHESEBROUGH MPG Co. (Cdneoiidacted) - 1 1880 Chabot Ave. Montrocoi The inventor uft rubber tips forJ - peýneils mode -a fortune beeause of 1 Magistrate - Now prLtoner', other pe-ople's misjtaiàeýs. . ish td kn-ow -wly you hi-t vüulkilte -- 'band, witli thektht > e.a3 Idinard's LinIment Cures Diphthoria. vou admit yoù di-'i? Prisoner - Shure, yer, honor. I caîlds1i't Ç,d Wihen a m-an bassts of -heing slowý the broornstick, &s I use in genîera.- lit sure, we are et leat sure eboît o I took the nare,.gt thing. ~a tht' slow part! came te liend, $50 ORA NAME I Canada. en4orsed and usedexl.eh vM' i o-.*: 0t.t-~.th,'i- .'noupCann.dIan Prjma. WVe want a sitUloe nane for 1it. ikI et)" w!I 3508 IN GA8H PRIZES - -, 01roi !oc :- -. 8400.00 f.,r -vhe brel. name. 5.53 'foi'43be 1eC-Zend h-est nrnc. - III10.00fer the «v.nd 4oqc. ei e.jon if ~~5.00 for î:he ihiri ber-m e-rA~n and ten $1.00 pi zre for t'-ho ncxtt î4ec-r'ýP. I i t-ono. Il 1~~he wînmvr - 11r' .It3 iri be decided by & Il cem~t.tofaiMontretl'e iea<inx advertiotv« meu andtheir qiec-e:e- 'Y.i~li h- i':ral. SbouldPio or SmoefcentDgta'nte tenid in ,.-beû wlntiilnj nuae lirize Ite Vh vecf 8$5.00 rill b, -b. I ox«icb suc- this fric hahei nte-r-the ç0le-.con4oacle RODGES ORY & TEAR-Toi,b- v-erF cu.tR 0 1 AM a ru c -lt-j uni. 1-- Ivetrýd go ra a ornvicre, andC ces l'ut lac-. 1e iithrieaIS ' great d;fftciesc" PieaE nie ta pnt -tiocua riglit. I arnmirt nu-u-Ie acri>' a-orificte acudl-tastart et 'Vitaouler i-tIi-r Ehue, wvrote ue-fori l-WtOe ver>' '.:rt i fyen -teoaced me on aturday. bcýautiese f di4 se brîdl c#Of«-u; ardl cei upan a time yen ed bie teo-be yeir gui-ct. 'Yen e-haIl TO ad ne.mo -arauuing b.< desn. s-uiC t-h'o uniharde awc-Y to ti ou irwthie Libai'=irig -btdr-c-o ol -i-e fürmien drc-r une awai fli-le n'hile Ichtz-tlia-e e -a,>nusne YO b l yp'reJf; but dockt estfor a inutihbecai _Z &"Ihoeuiir ±ob -hut3y te aui-r yon. vPS-i oit s-ý.joy tha muzh-, er -%. rt -tOue teetQry? I1'ventt e--t tell tee' hes 4.uePlayed1 a tu 4I t% bi uoneg ýRCFitV ÉSUPONTi * ~ ~ 1gtn I'rng"bcngndrlyie ktrjt, away tLram everychung : andd orceLl' lie nrc~d 'lr.Iotehie iipe. qxoi or a eieteud<î q htu.I aM ziru' ,d I dgilt me lie 'wtt; -b-ni n h-etitu c~Cgoth--r -bni~scu -rot-c. -w-W.u h'0W,i pruérl'-, d . ir ijacu iou 'ahrg hl:pu;y lie. -e-lt-lu ET]»,d ai wroul tIl -c uutIlukt'u lut* -ci'utlirre ut on<7t-am7b "r ti- neUos'cîrTne tii- q t ý:r>.e J aiiz yr'r oo airI x.-u .u - u *tsp e n Yctie «x-c O;-r rai oor,- HÙ aMue, tiarea qe-.c-nnv - - - lirai ar-.- -.u r.îIwfng mea c ln hivAd. 1 -u'-d a n. .1V >' ma --crs I f:br-1 li <iq li-hp tWs-i le botter If% deter-hi-sirevfl' grd cfvos. a lie a lt C .,hL- J..'k hs't heehe tae.t- hî l hi t(iehz .e >w a-oC a.Ca.1, - e, J *i heuu n thuin1-> uwn ,ougul, fllut ud. 1n- etis-'--, .a laie aedod Sir. Tnd.2 M.' but a-~ey ililee -î -1 raýi I-cunat- -a t -buth er 'lot t lu.,beci- -a bot thr . - - JniU iiacEd t,.>ike b W -iînY -,atifi --i ay E - "lei usdie ry>ai jutathi Jua rr cari.' -f.-Aihbi Ifthe eihoeugtta e elle a-As tss fTrml-il. C 't thsff ibL udnya- 1 ouc -Âh, btaye n yes kheenU bhe i-e . iU;auCii- FlélchbrU#glut tbe.bat cýeor dereru.. -oarxo -y lve, n "Adyu nt e gotaeb u byee -aida ne iden u vic Ne; 1 d>' rt ve.' 10, drLadyl lhe "1-1izeames'y sskky <la net aff1 aurd a qur-:-wîlt O 'Ionl raoe to thek <bat suwu .ascng c-o-tiur liii-erL lue m sord . 11h ad - -t 71-- ouweIl,ry cuio-ny ii-e. .c h-1 pod me @0bo neweru." - "tand ybae ian - crue le bel1, yi te1h cor f e-wam eén Ore oei. >,c nw, X. "I--Icm feIady <0 -tueiltlen. hlAson s ifst-gavehi ber fax>'loakof1 jmhù ed OR oc-er e t-bere-ncl baery1nt-w0aoe an thelp lu n i n oroy'hu a-l It-, -yoer wouhd rely ug.oc e. adyio "Oluat1I1011e beu 5sy-ionte a Elee.r1'body amy l eeertnd newd =pdS an oting for, neil. Ir.ow, n. ederten I cm a-I -eyclle rlybpet Maeug as I r ibis hanse ccad lekri np aili.i, - - el ier. sei y er he oftile be o loa-keâaiuer*lait pn fad.hd ber pc,,*ureti und'er uraiured .b hi, nd'à ay rtt4<î iha.- wse, h Pl ott,-hI erdelaatIenu f iepe. dingI tii yenut os-ameneuahs a Ladyn. I nv'riMud6=0it-le aner Juetn ge mptc altrti, o lu yau[r Vf d'lnin 1efi -n ctent tai-arogli nie--fot-" la Byat -. ut. tink b u nrt_1f----- - - - -r 1 .

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