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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 Jan 1915, p. 8

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I mIIeLmg r. G.. àigiitid-* on -Tued.y b l h.agh1m'~W. otTo(tOmi, wbeéoreb.w!!! he S ~~ ~ Mx mam, CobureB ret e =100 au enSaoir r.B.Os(3mbbOl, fornOrITof. the Ut. . <n~p À Alparww -,îetlng' wUl b. 'h e # t~ ~~ a the -Uacule H.!!on Monday ovu- don& av«T wil4; othm' 4R& iI1UBTl 1T iSti,.8 otelock. that the. game la B>gc«4, EE1JGdy weSmi. - . u e D o ar ,ta ýTihe Mthodl*t SuadaT Sobool à%- ÃœL ahomrua mde thetmdgiving à griid concert inla tb Magmen of Mr 0"Itu tar futues. Partteulars Istu. s~ensi otlir su ~ Mes Loui Werry, of Torocto, lu ýjSW0 l v th gt tlndg al he > horne C Mri. sud uidy, of Toronto, sudPoe1, ! uKraba.bo o! ~ p.,y yjjf..ving wltbh rAliter, Mns. Broad. Ura Gr.g lust week. Mmra. irs. F. Mi, anldryayo hgsed to PoehPeçry w%$tb Me .village, b.d the mtu!ortuu enlat bam, wbere Me é vi irémalisweek tb slip aud lu oxnmre tee la s. ber yard sud break ber wrlst SIte N. Hforte vas ppolutedlu geitiig aIougas véli sa eau , be- for 1916 ýaitee lng o!- expected. l eid M om oaay The montbly moet$ng or the W. ir. ai meétiu'go! the Brook- .S. of the. Pregbyterlan Churob stli c Library wlll be h.ld on conIveIIéatheb home o! Mn.re A. Kit- j moui. A>f uli atteudance dé citen, on Wedaesdaysy ftérzrnua BBER-LIN MADE-TO-ORDER. 118 ýand OVERCýOATS AT A GREAT BARGAIN. vMôr thé remainder af this inonhh all fancy tweed uuitm or overcoats ab a straigbt 20% discount. Must keep hands buay, hfen4e thé reduction. AUi ordenis ieft wluh ni, sud paid for préviens lic Jsnuary '101h, viii givé youi! balaots on th. Grafa- SnoasContest. Put your candidat* Bt -the head ai théeliai. Sale nov on iu Mena and Boys' Ready Made Brooklon eoIlumbýa JThe "COMET" Gra'phopioneý $20,00 The Cornet is the latest Hornless Graphophone made. It is supplied in order to fi11 a long felt. want for a low-priced, portable-. instru Menf, containing the welI-known tone' and fWiIch of ail Columbia Graphophones an d Grafonolas. The Gornet is finished in oak and measui es 12 Y4 in, by 1.34 iin. bY7 in. R.K.' Lawrence SRCSKLIMONTARIO BARGAINS $15.00O I eodHand Morce Power, un No. r shape, 1 B.'Bell & Son Cutting Box, NO. 50, good as new, 12J ln. mouth, Carriers, Jack, etc. This ]Boy ha. t&e very -best Marshe Concave Knives, and will filyour sio with a 4 hp. enine. Regular prkçe $90.00, for Sala $45 .01 Melotte S leat,.5lbnwreur price $60.00 eONrpitA ol $75-00, will bc sold for spot cash at- A FULL LUNE 0F HARDWARE - ALWAYS ON HAMND@ VJR1AH JONES Bell opd lad. Phonos. -No. ~ J=uaryl14.1 The. rOntRnlYmeeting o! thte W0i1- Iug "Workerm viii hé held - ah the11 hoïu. o! is. B. C. fOcibomeu, e Tbursday, Jaiuary 14, aI 8 o'cloek. Mr. W. A. Holltday, of Uxhrilge, vas lu thé village on Momdsy.. A4 comnitte of' Youmg Mou are1 g!vlng a - dance lu the, lissuie Hall ou Frldsy evucng, Juar 15. Cal- yérley'î ochestra vili provide mu- nic for thé svenlng. A good crawl ta s-ee. The bousfe and loi belmonug ho the "ute of tii. late lire. Poeremare offeréd for sale làa iother'coluimu of ibIs, papér. Read thé advt. The MasoelcLodge havé balthie citipenhers and- painters working ah thsur rooma, wvilc bave undergono s eoruderable change. * A coonert, laoludlug a dram, 4*111 be give a l- Brooklil, on Fehruary 12, under the, auspices o! the Y.L.B. C. of Ainionda. Prooeeds lun id o! Patriotlo Pund. WOOIIWARD-At Broolin, ou Fril day', Jenuary Bih, 181N ,to Mr. sMd lira. John Woodwatd, -a on. Nu* cIterert !o taken ibis veoit lu thé Gralonola content. Mayo! the caudidetes are voîlug bard ho viii. lt would hé bard ho make a gueis on ltce wimsr yêt.. as mapcy of the bal-i lots are belag bell -forthe, last 1ev tbo¶pJd o!ballt tioi. A! uwn4mtbé luby ten ocokStrs ulght,,mc thé suspenme yl bon ho ovSe. Staadlng vhe going ho pross as folIows: Cliffol Mayasil,987, Mabel Chinu, 1,140, B. Manrsbe!704, Li Webber -082, M» Akey 570, D. Bomas804. CARD OF THANKS. Mns. Esycrait asddalu4iers viei te tbank the rnany ionda vho vers vo kiaI to téemra lutirr récent ho- rearement la thé lois of a lôvtng hbgx and dfather. sCte of Ohio, City of Tôle"*. Lue. oucty. Worauik J. Oheney makes oatth h e l.a oi orofth flmofP.1.Ch MY tC. dolna. , th Ciy o Tofle ccutysud sae eforeeuldsud that sud liaim wlfl puy thesma of ONit 13UNDURD DoLLanB for eae) auJ tTtry am. o0' Otrrh Chat cannaS b. cartd by the une 6f Malls Cotsrrh Cure. VRANEJ. c«NzNY. Sworu tobeforecue ad suberlb.d iamy pres. ocet his 6 làdey of Decembet, A.D. M. (geai) . v.GLDtansO. NOVAS? rPoULie1 HaIs'Catarrb Cure fi. tabou iteiuslly. ana à iteyon the blood sud maçous aafac«et f lbc Bona. .d for t«imonial' fret Pat .1. çà«Nzy à o.. roitde.. Boid &H d Ï .75oe. COLUMBUS. Misn Florence Pilkey risit4l at Mr. Audrev Murison'.. IThérlznk Io golag full bia. Tbere lu lo be a grand calval ou thée 20Ou lit. od primes viii '*6given and a large crowd lo expecied. Only ibosé la costume are ta hé slloede ho skate mntii alten thé judgiag le eernplahed. Coagraiuiaiions to Mr. Levi Ellens on" being eiectod to the Council fon thce cornlng ycar. Messrs. Smith & Richardson are ieking nearly twenty of their hoimes lowa ta théehose show ai Ottawa ncxi week. Miss Dalsy Wileoison spent a few days at hon home icone. Any outside hockey teama wlshing ta arrange for a fiendly garne can do so by communicatlng wlth _Mr. Arthur Cook. The Minister'-s Bride, given by the young people ln the tawn hall hene last Friday night was a very declded suocese ln eveny way. In spÊte of thé bad noade the hall was crowdcd to the oon, sund standing noom vas ah a prcmium. King Street Metho- dist Orchestra, of Oshawa, supplied excellent munie belore -And beiveen bliuas> anD. wvs Oèuoy; N* iaagc u zcu ae' Jouei, Mies,'Poaril Ward - Rbert -W ali lt 4biat, vo c èoul 1nôhte Spmioe, Ewait Gllroy; Janot leW -' MéIooable occasin pasis wth-, liter, lia Eblh »cr-isu out smre fittlag mark. lie al bave, Snsigovo (haublul youug rmsn) John thé hnlghtestb-rOmorl6 eo- o berM o!, GUzY. yoccn amlly rela'tiomslp, sud, tati- A concert, lauug a drame, viii mate Irlend"hp uhrough thé' many b. g1vec lu Brockllu -on Februsry yearm. Your home. has alway5 béen 12, under the aspicés af the Y.L.B. open ta youî friens an d alwayi C., of AlmSics. Prceeedm a indM o! have vo foumd Inu you a dellghtf'l Patirioti PunI. bo&t sndbosteso. You havéedel 6 your place lu ticesocal cirai.., 'nud RAGLAN. your pleamant faces voul ha iirdiy Miss Emma Holgsou vas haken ta mîmised wééeyau ho- absent yauslves Oshava Hospilab on Fniday mora- f rom auy of aur gatheringse. Yoii lng ho undergo 44 opération for ap- have been brue finda la urne cf pondiclhi. The operatilonvas SUC.~ trouble sud sorrow. 1l am y- vot- oSu ansd ber rny frionds hope der ubat vo tale deligt lu meeting foir a apeociy recovery. here to-night aud eudeavariug- ta Mit. WatSom 15 v-siing ai Mr. .Kel- maie ibis an occasion to, -ho remom- lingon'. .bel? f Hov mue thc,' wyrds o! Mn. ClaremoeHodgmon la ai borne. Loegellow!1 "We may bull more1 Misu AU wadgo la vlitig jin j indM h abifiatiocm, 11 aur roomm Broolin.wQlbpaintînge andl vltbsculpturne, Broaki tfo l. wek. but vécaunot huy vlth gold thce (ToclaIeforlaitveék. ad associations." Atanlay services eré vwe i. - Thue bas deait gently, wluh yaiu leRdéil On 'frday ev@nlng. Anoze-l- bth. - GoI has prospSe eyu Iu len't tes vas mérvedý,miter v àa youi undertakinga, and ai the prime goal X0rogram vas glvm, conmimiug of 111e you are lu a position ho enlov o! mules, dialogus, sud recltatoum 111e ta isfull citent. AnI as OUi by Ut Simday & 01Ci~a hldien, ant has prospered yeu and yourm lu ullM by Rey. S. 'O. moore, !Of - ,earthly thlngs, we aieéréy hore ycrn ava. Raglan, Cotmrbus sud Brook- are laying up for yaurWeivc hisent- Hun quartettes, MisaJ'!MutOn sud 'ers lu Heaven for t le frta caie. - Mine Shauton Iutisbel music which W. amk you ta accépi ibis gift, as a vau euJôÏed bhyai roceeds vers -tolen a! oui lovéandla souvenir a1 over ueveÛty olar. - our gathering. here t6-niglci, and vé Mliss Sethie Lukse * " friand apeuLt pnay thai yau rnay bé ipatél ta palme Newv 'Ybarl'iah homc. " - 1 -.maiuy more of tbségoldeln mie- MissHelen -Hariden le viiiug ber stane, sud may the. One who hba patente - j g4ded you mo fan, hé vith yau sud Mr. Gardon Holgean la visitiag Tours uirougi tic. rny yéat vo Wus parent.. -hope arc youii. Misa Ada Wadge le home fram thé (Signel) W. J. HALLETT, Wast. on béhaif of thé fnloecds sud ris- Mr. and lire. Wlll11 ialéy speut tives. Nev Ycar's ai Mn. J. Brayas. irmediateiy aften the pîeentation Miss Lottié Ksliigton Io at home. the friends all joined In stiglng Mr, Wrn. ROee, Oa-i1hi Second Con- '-4'Blest ho théeîle tihat bIaIs," alter tingeni, ai Toronto, apént Nev vihich Mr. Moreombe népliel l aa Year's ai Mr. Buokier'e.. Mn. Réel plessiug mannon. Thé frietils then vîli loiS vlhwh thé second contingent sang, "<For they aie jolly goal ici- fan Englaul lu about tva ocisa. Igywq." A splendid programé vas lisLuin Strtoug visutdet ai M. hhem n ruderel, i luidlg apec.he John Bnent'm. . ram sevsrsI friende. Mr.. and lins. John Bnlight vIsIede -Thé piogram daééed by singlug, !rieqds hére. 'Onad hé wih you I wil e méet a- - gain.". F red Rave vas chairmau MYRTLII. for lte evéalug. - The Nev Yoari*a usheredLalu vth a allime 4i fflY hhav, vluoh made thé sleigb.iag raller sparse tai placés. Wé are pléasaltoamso lis. Bale- man back aften a Ieagthy visitviii Oshawa tionds. nase Prou. lait'on. of their boat drlvtagmare. by Inddgestion asat li. nsd Mns. F.E. Harrison, o! Whtby, osllou frisaIs bore oui 1h le repoted uhat anc of aur ait- lzM b as been 'o succemaful la tice mercan-ille business that he has soid oui and <luteuds going ta Toronto where-he viii ave a viner scope for ever increasing business. Miss O. VanNesi, ai Whtby, apeut Suaday with hon parents. We ane pleased ta sec Mr. -James Kent oui again afien itis severe ill- ness. A numbcr froni bore atteaded ex- Wandeu -laycraf t',s funeral en Mon- day. Mn. Haycnaf-i was well sud lavorably kuovu hene, his parents having reided south o! tIi village for a number of yeans. Tice sym- paticy of the ncigh.bonlood goes oui ta Mrs. Hayons! i and hon daugictens. lins. John lBright retund ta tics capital lasi veek ufien a voek's vis- It vlth her ipauy fniends hene. Mn. F. Scurrah, af Raglan, visit- éd fiende icere an Saturday. IMrs. D. G.' Rossansd Mrs. A. .1. Carmichaeli-are appelntéd as dole-1 gales ta attend thé Studay Scicool Convention vhich Is to be heldlnl Columbus this month. - lins. D. A. 1-lubbell and Mrs. Chas. Luke pecked -a bale Ã"! cloticing vhich had beén daaatéd by thé nedgihor- hoal for thé Belgians, sud fonvard- éd smrnéta headquentérs ou Frlday. Do you felthies. vinien éveng@ long sud tédiaus ? If 50 appuil to lire. Jas. Division. Si. hué jusl the nighli mahettal ho hélp you .1)011 your lim charitsbly sud profltably. Tbluk of tbô,c soldiens lu the trecches vho arc sérvlag aur cou- try s0 vailantly, aldyet iack cora- lortable lothlug. Thé pair of socks you Wtl, tic sirt - you make, on thé vulsilela viii aIl materislly ho thiu cniont. ALMONDS. Mn.. Chiaveil, or Owen Sound, bas boom speudlag a 1ev laye vith her broîher, Mn. 'lias. Morcombé. lins. ingrasa vascalled ta Pick- .rlng on, account o! the suddén li- [nus o! Mrs,. N. Dlagman. * The Y.L.B.C.;isud tbeé- Y.M.B.C. vent hle HOo Refuge on Wed- .Xesday lest-, and gave lhe aid people toc lng, ls!la programme and treat. 'mg. t WMThe Aduit Bible Clae met ai the tion. rme of Mr. -John Hallet7t, .Jr., on th» 1lionday aight, viiere a veVy profit- ySx sfferable evenlug -vas epent, ubere belng i2dierabetweaty-five members present. headache, ne* On friday *vénfng, January 8t&," So az r lw about iorty relatives and Ilnds eornplexon.J"umàttr 144lched ~ait theborne o!-Mr. ..and C H à MBERLAJN'S, >lira. Thos. lorembe, ta clebrate BTOMCH & LIMR .wth thora -the twkw1-fifth anal ver- TABLETS. T7The r-- > zy of the4r -m"a"a. ,Aller ail haeve fermentation, bad partaken o! a sumptuous lnmer Indigeion li«.U te-bride and rroom vwere escorted ta " Chsd * parlor, ýwere thes followng ad- Mon 0 ,37 n gbm i re. vu rend by lMr. Jas. HalleUi Meddi C. oo.eo d a heudsomle -silver teas mriei hnw ti am S uonar.n y te ho i l «- prbgIp for lb.., evdos«svii nMaoe immodiSi. diffei1eac doaxIocalosalusn vi euwat>PutmsIrvlm mnt la beath sud utreuglk Th" relies an Ecechanu'aPI W, Dot ol sud evon ydnve condion, illa quiet., neros msud L1&T1?ia5»#i e ia Enjoys A -Cloar Complexion MYRTLE WHY MOT HAVE A CHANGE? 1 I HAVE- FRIESH FISH gAl-so Finnan Haddie and Labrador H erring. Give them a trial. Thos. W. -Brookes MVRTLE- KINSALLC. 3 Mn. Wm. Richardson, af Dryden, ~iWl1 utto apent hie Xrnas holidays vîtl ____ bis siten, Mns.. Jom. Harbron, bas rotumnel ta his homo in thé West. Some o! aur citizens atieuded Mn. Haycrsft'e limerai on Monday last, t rein bis al home lu Brookli a l Grovesils céraéteny. W. jolu la ex- tendiug oui esympalhy ta tics b.. reavel family. Extensive préparations are belag made for thé S.S. auniversany- Somo talit of oui defunet choir gettiag tlu shape fan thé enientalaneni. Pull ina puntlculans later. Everj Miss Cannie Lawrence sud Rulph aud n Mowbnsy une again attending 1High Sehool ai Whitby. Miss Anderson. oi Tavacîto, hum be.en vi.%iting with Miss Miaulé Ric- J Mn. C. L. Mackey's -yvoungoat daugicten .was cu'verely hurt on New Ycan'.s day while aleigbniding with other niembeys of the farniiy, noces- sitatlng Dr; Moane's services- jMn. Russeli -bath, o! Hamilton, spent Sunday vlth his unclé snd son, and attended divine service bers. convéyfn-g thé mail, ibis week lnaa buggy, thé suaw lâving disappeared lateiy, sa that théeviceels are moiré guitable. 1 R. W. Mowbray bas of~ late beén coafluél ta hise 'bel. His condition 45 mot venT hopeful. Thé people oi Kinsale extéal ta tir: Keith Movbray thein heet vishes on thé récent avent of hie marrlagé ta Miss Deloa.g, cd BEnooklut. The auctian salé of thé laie R.W. XélAvoy's household éffects and reai sase came off smre conslder- able tume ago. Goal puces voe réa- lizél. 'lh. faim vas ealI ta Samuel lsaey for flué thouwand anI thiîty dollars. That voul mean cueil- enabiy botter than one hundrel dol- lar.i per acre, as the acreagé vas sasl ta heonoly about forty slx. Mn. Stewart Camr n sd bride, o! Dryden, are spendlug smre commidér- able Ulme amang relativri sanI fnieuda hors. Stewart ha@ miaegool Iceh@ 'W"t, sud after eniovlug a weli- eninel reet, vlthbhse hindly, hé viii retura ta Mmf western home. lié vlah hlm abuffant succea. Mr. Frank Movbray avent his hol- Iîays undes' thé parental roof. Hé has again refunned ta Hqamalton. whiceé héholde clova a lucrative Mr. Roy Mowbray veairsa ur sicticéahiée mile for smre urne bw snd n o ader. Tt la a flue boy, the tiret graudeon thé famiiv bac! bad the opportucltv ta admiré- ,Mr. C. O. Lavion bus put in a Beatty bitter Carrier Ia bis weil- enulnaed stables. Mn. Ned Lawreace did -thé vonlI. Mn. Oea. Trnpi bas purcbase-I a E vaiuabie younie drlviag hanse fram Mr. C, . O.Lavion ni s nomunersife Manter Pranicie Rocers bas been unwél o! late, but le naw nulle boîtler. Mis. Tnlnp tg quuts Improivellu heatlfh latliy. lecactnspil WHIT13 Re1v",Mrn. lk I cnutn pc sorvies ai Bnoughsm stcce Nov yers - - - ONTARIO Farms For Sale )wards .of forty farme frora 25 acreo acre, guaranteed ta show satiefaci sunt, Iocated in Wbitby and Picke -ouceivol,!e roquirement of mail, bi er impi. vemenats can b. met in the E.- WINN, =.Bell' phone 109. P. 0 lieside nec, Dundas St. Est o up, and st from ýory resulte from ering Townships. audngs, orohard varied lut offered. Box 394 elino o.f Cutters and Sloughi AT RIGNI PRICES. rPalrnoIv Sperfect toi soap-made fW Palm. and Olive o -Fo r delicate, beau uiComplexionS. F or every mem6 ofl e family;, a Fol every-toilet u Pa lnolivi For Sale hy.:JE. WILLIS PirofessionaiCE LEG.KL » NO. E. FAREWELL, K.i Barrîier, County Crown Attor C6unty Solicitor. Offi.southwi'ing Court House,V A.F. C'HRiSTIAN l3arr4uter. SoliIétor. Notarw Public. Office, Brock'St'., QOpp. Standard - Moriey to Loan-. G. YOUNG S1WITH, U.. Issuer of - MARRIAGE LICE1NSEý Court HFouse, Whîitby, or resid D. A. J. SWANSON Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Pi Cor.;eyancer, etc., etc. Oshawa, - --Ã"fftario Offie-No., -King St. E, Mlacii Residence-5j Dfrew st, Ph9as-Oice j-i';Residenoe. Igarrage, Licenst imiuer bf Marrlage ri -ensex Corner druutore. w No Wtueses requîred. I oater Canada Improvi Laa'd Co., Limited Rea l I5attleaier.î. .Eitates 'Man .Renta Oollected. Fitçt ljoà7ns Arra Propertiei I<uglýlt.alid Mftil. Fer. tecaapply Ilead f>lis' rock' Bell Phione 191. f1inihr RICJIAROSON & RI.CIARDSON, Whitty~ 44 Symigton Ave., TORONTO Wil be pleaae I to giv..e iîkt' kinds ot f tt il ' l'e ti ng. 111,4 Chargea Modeiaàte.. W TVite for Tel FRED W. MicRIEN Carpester, Builder and Contract, Plans dr'awc and estirnates furnished Repaira, Aiteraticins and Jobing. Cooiatrv Real Estate. ARCHIVES 0F ONTAR TfNDnm9UIN W. -M. Lawrpence,) DARGAINS J j ex0OKLINO ONTAI

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