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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 21 Jan 1915, p. 2

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e' Il Or.,'A Strange Stipulation. çHAP~4, Y1-Oontta7dX ___ on. *bout, lber It wâaa ail Se.rang the 1belà sý ud tt (bl h V Wel orhe telli U.. h»iI dtd ~~th W be uit.d Dot wtli ta- O o4 w .,*t.di M oPowt la l, Mry"' huaband; but other pole dlanidhm ,"One day JUt week, zmy 1.4v. 1told Th&, kuow(edoo cai. mdd t oEfltd aiO? YOut w.. ta Sootlusid ode. aid a&h One imcont t tbo thp iou f -J iaue wOtUd wrtt.." ogrest19« ne b dpenet.ated Vn O tai -01 5Wlîh 1 couldaqê ier.",s aid Lady. EV i"' ll w d,ýB& ,*Ith tiia t. 0*1a 8car- III, la ber i iétr> way. %in elemant of'do$t, if no t Iactua am TO bln ire 'O et.vilonp, weboru o reOlt. T~ hîn ~a (osot )re Ohilitn brin ng lIn ber break- - ;ary Irangup ufor a taxi andeo dioe faitt, broug tln .toan old, discoloOid over to au if ob. oo'idd Alnd, Ml. Powti. aud torn copy of an iluatrated paper. l*idt -0l CAWOR, ebê1 &inud o ther ,'ro.Ragri 4&w ibat and .jhe brougb a ortn ObU 8 'h r l oWl 0 alotue oz er 'when able coW to bave a Th gomî eht." ongt ss waachat wlth me lait ntgbt. 8lie *aya 0* Slhuitfhrl me bwa, ong (o ceeiwdle. yhere xc a ptcture ln it of your poor but- O0tttn c be lat buuand, a ldd en ad. .ad.what's léueer, blielsai go the kiud wcan, euewho ,%&me unome 1i oîciber ne It coulduth lay lonfved mont .tucoreIl mi 'li,snd muet be a relatton-, but you know Pcwitc Wl.s atmsned nurse but, Liiia g£ vat th. eo18h. willl have it as ttlje the, 'tOerU suicâ,ouni o*f monev, Oe. led taltefl Mr.Brrsaj .uned to live bore." b O nitflcf-uictug shoât onttrely Rud opeu.d the paper sud juat for anl bY 'W&Y of diar!ty. sud ahe geuotalIy rIntu elart corîtraeted aud ber oyes wGrlgd in tho, poorer 4uartero of the clty. cgii f uilu' pctme Thle tatl waa' cirrylng Lady Ellen nowfaene 111etortue Jolie. icue tOlicVteeL u Bl'lcay.It *oasa photoeraul taken beforo thpelr TPhe pretty lIttiîe womsn .htvered once mrigweoea ena"ir ~or t'wce a abhi rolled 'Ibrougix the cold of m alege. wierut L. en a leDi. the atornoon Nmai' P 1tt, "ilw.. oe r, obe oid t aean o "I wtihI1had Nrs' prtbt1b or tosdy lie ,"Mme. togers liai made 11ev, I1eliould die If I1lied-to livo lnthese agvyyprnstx. Ti§ti aaolir' kitndofvai.1>S tl, aald Mm@. Chapln, peering Yet when ée.' ot ita Mtu Powt.aa oopnedowu at the.page. !Then ahe looked et bem were not oeiIy rleery and coifort- lodger a llttle furtiveiy. "But dtdn't ýrou , bteuÛottrally pretty; and the iiitt tell me as once lied been lu the. army." ma!d îuformed her étebler mittxl'eearmmbr" ëidEi. na,1w * iOlit hobai'k about te&oi.tme. ' o' eume. adEt.t c * l1il waitt," ýoatd Lady Ellen: and the voice. to<Itof Oltier fuie aud wallod 'round the. Prevartcatiton untruths. wero not ea.y 2 0021 piolng up thei hoogrph uad to lier. Sh. tlooked en uncouifortable thbat maktugi hereelf qulte at Mme. Cuh aplin catd nothing more, plokod 1up in a 'vems, litti' wlitle M,.Pewl ceethepaper. *andvient a.way. i-n.. ieveral dayo later Enîid made auothea' lihe roro ber nursee'e uniform. There dlfecovery. 8h. realized that Mrm. hp wiie somet hui, etimulating about lier. lln's kindneu asa no longer opontaneous. Ou. ILt r <nesc-If 'ri the preaenre of a By th!@ tîme the r'iih of blood toelier 0t. 0119, ,ri'oureeful.- yet tender.hearted fiwe and pain-et lier iieart wao eaoy te wounîau underatand. Sire was discreditedl The **Weil, tht. "e a VLaureo." oe. aid, aa etory of -ber wido.,x-hood. which lad been t'he kýI.3gd ILady l,ers. 1"I 1hought you iurgeoted by Mr@i. -C&aalinil it j true. but wea'e go!lg go eay in S<4 taud ait the tacitly acce-pted by lber, was diobeliered. wilnte'i'.f Suie resolved et oz'ce ounaling a move. lui ouniy dowu acere for a jîttie whle,-I have had an offer of souie work." oe ,a'd Lady kElîie; "and wuien 1i ew your saltd 10 Mrc. Chapalin. "It will tale nie - isrd 1 IhOuglit I mulit rupîh off- and- ee right over the otàier olde. 1 amx awfuuly yeu, Norah you dearithing! llow gc'od aerry to leave YOu. but.- Il Ii toliehowilh YOU."; "Wel, my dear, everybody must think "Sif doi*11; we Il ha ie crne tee, and for themiuel7<'i." e&i<iMmi. Chaplin. .1- 7011 Ïhall tell rx, ail abiout youreelf," peatd lui cory 1. feel you niust go. b~ut per. IltF-4 POw. lapa you are vise." l'i uc4hlnx toue, Lady Ellen. en- '"Will you tllitmu wlat you mean by owered. "Your's is the tîteresttug Eleth5atP" ked Enid a tittie coldly. Norah-Slire ho augliid. witî upi ut a toucli)due. Cha.ptin fumbl&'d with hier epron, Ã"[ bitierncm-3 ins ber laugh. -"lui uotnhtng aud did iot aenewer imrnedtat.nty aud t.heu but a .tipd. sJl'îbuttcrfly." the oaid lu an abrupt way- "Weil. buttstetilio n,éan ourmhine a.nd "*I dtdn't mean to oay anythiug (o yoIi. cll<>wert.Yoi ltnow.- becaisso, after ail, itea your buoineee, but 1lrem P'wî iisei'rdi §sie toâed off lier t.hey're talklug about you round about bOrsytet and1 long eljoak, anud put ise hetti lie,,and ist'. the honeelt truiJa. 'I'hey coiL.ut esprit li.nqp. say Mm. Bryant tant dead. Oue or two Lidy 1.r.1len chatted away -for a ltttle de-elai'e a@ thev've eeen hlm owelltng wlaie. but cime isa, evÃŽdeiitly restteie. Sud. ;round abalela motor-car.i. and--well--I'll deîiy t4e iaid leawe you to guea whstt they tey about "'rlYou hlii me to do somthing. No. 7511"' rh"TlovP ' *i-eing you, but you alw-.ia 111l go awar at once,." catd Euld boarm.- InDk ice a Iftlte 1usîlîappy. beeanie therel."a.once! Wi'll you lelp me park My 1M ;4 <h io'qîtr.làt between oc."Utn" .ss"agreed the other woman, "con. "NOvY! Tli.re tu ne c6u<'h burry ai ail wtdvrlys thrai 1 ara old eîîorsh to bc' 7mai" t.lat." sid lire. Chiaplinî a littie asbamed, uoh',thern la rncýt ertatuly a cou- ao3 it C1O. trait'But Entd wae row lu a fever toeoecape 'didi't tmenritti tat. I meaoneee @from îb,.. ce ldorroundsinge. itherin iii. ýwith you that lier. te no 8he wa hortbly h'url; the cuggeeîion tiiing-wr'sled lnur>u' ife, that oacih hour, vag se60uly, 80 hurnl-iating, yet neot even eatît* mintute, y'.u are doiug oomethîsg fer for tht. would the sp0i..k the truti. To onurmi.bdy e"e.put liereelf rîglit lu teeoye.utf hels(b lieo, Moic PouYllloekc'J acrce- ai. the poeti.y pie vo-mad h. lu dograde hlm. and Julianes face, whiih a.d a ;îathettc îtouch lu h. lnoner we ettil a treaiure to hem. More. oapmneslotu. ovres', tIfuolvere to have tbld the îroîh. "I have alwaYî wanted to eee you lu wilo v@uld have belleved lier? ysaurown bl ome, N:il. I rn:an ln a. propor Mouie heurs later @e. was aeatcd lu a fenkeýaOdfOriveme or sa li ard iWur.'b wli tt b ler modoit luggage 0on tâhigm, of the deud, 'but-Hlarvey waa s t.beregeat iu front otflier, sud se iiio drove cruel n'on; hp-hoad no-rtght to have mar. devin thse etreet able felt that everyoue ird 'yo'u, no rtir!st to bav. treated yeu I wau lookiig t ber, aud es'eryone 'va. ise- wa.-r' ho dld. You woldn't rouie ail' paaaiug laawh remarke about lier. lsîgmmu le help you if rour lite 'sas% what' Sue told the man te go te morne todgings. IV ou,4'tt lu hate heen. Now. îbere'c a- the aidree of wblIe. by moere chiance. liad sire rup ! ofia, and thoue are îome o! my been given bier~ by the barîtone of!tho favor-te îe'r-c. Crie and tell me ail littie touing party. about gietlaud, Cui! by the. way, ?<el," Literaily lobe did net! kueww iene te * lfas P0r',ee mntled u er chair aud s*t weiild Lsd the moner te parY for the todg. daeen tep tiuioay table, "can you 'give me luge at tâte veelî'g end. for att i5e liai Adrian Dîlwtiey's ne'w addreabP" left vesle a few silîtugem, ansd tlieee the 1 1#dy EVllni beant thrilled. man t alwaye rab fume v'suid rracttcally exlianet. yet d,4,, et the, mere mention of thie man'@ tlie relief et leaving lira. cliaplini houa. noasfi. vas soegreet tihat. thoogli aie wae 111, ah. "'le !A down lu Kent, living lu a farm. -fait lmoit happy esa ihe drove away. bou'ae, You 'kuoiw." We be (o w lodgingc 'ere reacd, -Bîut doesn't he eî'er corne to London?" the lied the. good fortune to fiud one, aud a"s':a a malter of fart I belleve o le nly ona, room vacant. Sire gaýve the. *11, boein town îo.morr-ow. 1 ha.d e note nome of the @Inger vho liad roromniend. ilrm nhim to-day. Can i give hlm a en&o.- .d hem and the. tandlady spole o! tuile âge?"one roomn depecatilyii; but wheu Euid 'I ciold like lu .ee him' for a few min a elcimlsed up and hnad looked at it, ehre ut"., l'lere la a littie matter of buoineues doeled too tskç ft.t 1 walisI to 41itcues,; ithihlm." "1 àbll 6e out ail day at MY work," eh. " I lboogimi yOII alwaye rorremponded.' eaid; "aud lta is ii do oplenididly." @titi Lady l",Ii- 1 The price ivas verymy odeet, aud allen M',e Powma ehrssgxed lier shouldere.. hoe l ied msked lier fow l.ingd, oe e'0Ii! my dear,- cie cpaid, "reatly 1 arn 'snt out and valled lu cearbof o a mueire alfoclslasg is er. letteru are coucemned. I .hop. .'eleve Admlan dtd write b me lapp, but A reatl7 tiare wac not audhL .corn- It'w ie g.1 h. bu hmag tMuCayr u inse uetghoruiod, but lu tuie dago le inago fi mabout lm agretwiudow of 'one of! the local 6dores @lie "Yfo, ho je nice.,"Fatd ady Ellen, sud etugiggt o! mueic, sud eutering hold' aise 4rlnk hem tes hurriedly. T-henie =ymixamde hem way t10 lia depart.menî de'd: "Wcr.bhMe hrn a line. l'Il go. tiat sud aoed tb upeak tb t-hemanager. lie Iliat." Though che loved te tal Wi tovferleli uervouae ele detailIed c4,otlt 'mm, l a on-e the vas alno4t, lier varloua qualificationc. Si cexld rooy curry tiat iim narne bild roro uejtmule tranepe.e, ie could payde n&. er I ruh.LayElleisliard y un- ol"in.aecould teaci. AUl eh. 'snt- dercloed ber owîi fetinc,-with regard te ed vau (tesm s alittis itoney. Adiati DawneY' at lemet ah. knew fier- She did not, receive much' encourage. A"rtlY welt *at ho 0w.îc the dearent sud meut. The manager told ber bilat the the -hu&t. tue '111Y mars lit aIl le wortd !gramophone sud meeianiral instrumenti for ber, but .having. couceivcd -certain lid practically 'slped out thbe value o! a1 fleaai on a long limp. wltb MW&. POvtIO e, " atd Euld fel,"v v juiit sud toit a-tlte bres'red and iselped, eO noier hêm. I'u ail alorie nov, sud altliugh they esciauged no confidence% 1 muat wos'k te keev myseil t rame to whei cie bock lien depanturo, tht. ehop tw cee If 110YiOyUeld pit mo 'lu Lady Elen lad tld lier rabîo coule tise vas' of anything. 1 dont rarc 'shat 1 bock for lier lu atcru îr',fiime. and wvie O I ocu drtvlugj bailoliitheWes t End, "Wliene are veu taying," )Il($ Posw'asgave a good dent of thouglit Mid gavelier a.ddresu,1(1w soeo! hav. te lier atter Lud y li ou lied gone. ugto an, rd cli. eatd that àMisem ationt Rile t.a adear #coul!" ecie FIsld 10 he!-mel!, Ln-rieolu ld )he a referene f omrlier if "1Why doreii't Adian make lien ha-ppy?" sncb vt ere noeiru y. I Thie maid, vieu edie carne lu, br*ught a I kuow Minou hoauri.." aid the Young' mscsroaze lu telibler liaIt-lie ras 'sautai womn."I dont vaut auy -rofenenre Dy a «'ricin ciaî; Ibu-t befutre Aîl e 'sat TOu 1l let kVme lbnp You, I'm marrie4 t eut bIna PaWesatI <In uan rî< ciîamlcil e d a toor. sud ho le doiug very 'sdI. -t» t-hue to <'ofloelDaFrns-y, lhead- My naure lMughees n"'s 1atwaye llked draîd îiîa' <'ria of lady FIiîs Yeu, Enid; yets were tuci a pnetty eneat- "11cm, Aiitztkau.'sl wsrCte. "1 beau' from tâie. ansd au olloU. Is'an't her 10 oeeyn Nsll that vois art- tii owau lfor a day or as you are Flow, Look bhe, Mv dear, for- ýwo, Do ruliît'il iult'l to 1> '04' 4at-id gc mf if 1 am i'ry plain, iout do you êec mc. 1 arn atra'd IYî'arî't get Wî'st. aewant, a 11111, molleY?" 1 au. verv prr".,ed ,ith i ,srk. 1-isagît 10 Mid gre-w crurnsoi, and Ihen a'aid liita ..i'.ak iii Ym i aot a. rnais i at-r 'fii I-w voie1v J ohirli I a1u11's'rv ise'elC.(o-uld yoîs v uais;c- lut'iu) I] I Itri a.nol'r'w about "l C oing to driv( -ho - >Me' 'raid ï. .:o!ck" ii' - '11.. lice and you mulet tnmy Iis. t'lse pruIt 'a. 1'Piehie&. candwaîti' b diame ,ndujcee yoil. t. lrlslaly atour, i;a'; 'yli'lîidd(>iso, 0",,, n.oh, 110." Fnid ayiswere'd iurried.fi iii tji' ~ ni tI" rîter siu.i-by. IV "'rh u voi ry, very nioci lý ur not litorny odi of hrneeit re ler pteîtrî'lly JlIt, ouiy 'orried, and it bhie bea.u t ,W4l1M twalliiig ho-r. ouIliai.," fi -.I' "i ii"a gocl i;- i,"carsaid 1<" lier- 1"Oh umy de r, yo'?got tb 'lei' akn iiil, "te lîning 14-t-41A"î'daian tc'getler-; cane oft," the ot'er youiig so-mauillaid liai 1 donit csuiîtenýei boa uLtloi going t10 hj a'r anustly: "'Yoi'rc irnpiy netIfit eveiltub -doue; and uptriaps, a-ier ail, oue. mugit -bh ou-t atone. Dont yen realizo that?" blu'nl 3ît u -b, !citoi> rrally iawe;-t te "I siaui h. aIl rlght t! I rau Cet 'surit.d lie waited ai. hem life. 1 am only afrald 1l ue er tegerimue 'sel," satd Enld, i Adian 'sill seatizo 'shaï lebliait .wîen !everiEbly. "I muet earsamomethinç. If ho flu'dc4 liaIcsaeother mani l;;o omd --if I clîn onlY gel Vinougli bhia wtuter, P Itb Xrll'o lite," ti&n l'Il go harl 10 Canada," fi - lIe. Iluglea did net anever or pas-esm lier vies. arîy turtb-er, Pie eaw that Mid ("IAPTER XVI I *a@ realiy ltr. lu fart cie-li!Supportae wha-be'lho'i-;ulryAugueulr , ber friend ase bey waîked out of tle shota. Etld-l oelt, utl hr ifeInth I Outeide îaie lt1d a rab, sud vien they rieaahd la ellaeisan'der u lu theold ere drivtug aval ciee ald bo uid: "Pou - nui l rechp any IJ a la once 1 are marled, are 1700 iot, dearP 1 hourd Tere zmo ha «plnsrpy p i thatw's awliy ycu 1ofti.the Acadeuy; but' comblsmed' for ber tou d liereel! lu tliee 1 neyer board vout uew name. I tvellý.known curroundinge; andJjusl for a Muid pasad jui. an Inatant, and thon tow daye ehI îdsInethîngbut :eeI aud îlet ahle aid ilu a very 1ev votre- Mme«. (ibq~iit )ýtait. rare otflien, "Plneaee cr811i Tue3fre..'Sinclair." tg 11cr landlady sacgi euutnoly curry for, Eau yHuglicae atd nothi u' but a littie & -lier& aî.d was ktnduegg ilcel!; lta.Euutt cmeovrfir ,vo. ee'acan li qutrky xealiàe4 tuat the kindncre. vaq pullvethkiud-lierCedy'un oiu u eo tu',' Vo mi.Chaplin; alto@e d ia-. omt llngiahuî nid touclod loer vemv cover'd lu a verp 11111e wvitle 'PIe landlsdy Tht lie lodgînga wae open. me,44 4o-areat.wlatstkâl iuîoig back tu Iy tmprceaed by the fact, tiat Mr*. CI -- - - A Tai'get 8uha ~~~ À~a'- nehas ur riisý iime - lm Wh en They aae a Rais U9on eU fl1ý14eha Tic j3ritish Copsul' Genemal for Beliunu, 'Sir Cecil, Hertelit, speaking of hie experieneos at Âutwerp, >Maid that 'uothing hb'.-éaould 'tliniuofw-smoenr-rkng'hn - Zepeln *i. geia airhi, au let loiigèir than ïCsnte«ibury daiýedr4, a, igi iigoe nw p~aa edc ihsd opped'ite bombe without s momeut'c .warning. Fortînately, thé great ize -of, the Z pelins lun Dt a*11 in tht.enemy's lav6r, Is czeceutat«the-comestr<fuiou uge ehedu oa#abI, cf "docking> tuhem at every bue from wieh t-hey operate, sud--thesýel 70h edaau lIIau the, sdrhjîc tuemueiv e., ~raunarnu. agt4 hebma'foui Édvnturouu aiirmen, sjich séthose^'ho go daringly reided tie Zepp'elin headquarteru at Cuxhaven anud .triedriakeliafen, and hos who, pr.viou.sly -attaked tii. ZïWpélin slted at Dusseloul, 'Otaher disadvantages -of1 Ze ppelins fer thie purpo.ee of long'serinai voyages, smciias would b. xleces M o nateico odn ccîune et-i ,rcn ril eoiigteexeine fa aimman wlic 'sent for a trip iu one as a passenger. Every time th.enigin=. baek-ired (ho airahip juntped witfo aa lesrfùl jar aud the wind-currents mode it patch about ini ai .dimectiona. Ho was Oxpectitlgît o break ail tie time sud.was.net borry to 'dieed'to',earth. His apprehensiona w.re net:allayed, afterw.rds, by seeiug a mecisule go insid. tie outer skin and sweep up -quantitiec of boîta and tnte.Which the> &train onthe framework had caused Vo wô.rk loose and f1.11 ont. Tue fra;mework ef s Zeppelin ia composed of an lfIimfee number ohlght slunum ýglrders.-<By coui'tSy o f tii. Sointific AM24x"cn), Xsgbe Ma& *1end of ber uel'lodgar', 'le doetor's vteieasted 0ail iieilo Muid*'10 alîmibs (le'titeVotlat, one lutie uoom, and vhou (bey vere there @i, open- dir er uWe sud pour.d sU th. mquey lu Il ou (o Vhe table. "Look ber, Ahi. 10 aIl I bave vlth me, Muid; but-ra intu o taâee 01cfycu. Tee; I*'h try sud geit yen orne vok; tut, firet, of ai], -on have to gel s 111(1. bottes'; sud I! You ven't e mybnd--woll, yon shal aeecomenue ee 'siuquita au Zood s deelor. She. la a great frleud cf uiitu matvice omaulOet oms s good del et sstuetg lt i. neighbcmliuad, MY htxesnd fludh lier Iixvalush[o. I blInk 1 aixal ua ber Vo ecarndude uentht. eveuit. Ber tisme le Norah Povia. and 1 kuev You sud-ehOu'sili ho great frienla." Mu,@.,Hughes dtd net leave usUI iae lad ieou that Eulal b-advariona 11(11. cer- ferle. Purtluer. aie Inatsted (liatlier fri.ud eauldndreu and get lut. boid. ITlL sendti on rouud some book@ sud s fe's flovete, uud l'Il cal ou mv vsv home sud .cIluie Pova te cor nsd am Yen thi. a!teruo." Word. 'sere Impouhile "te Muid. ffl vac evemvholmed vîlli Vie kîndie9s; ueoo hbeu phyulcal veeu, >or ome. ofeetxe. lisuetiou, w" Sego thfat, ch. could do mothtng but lbe' etIl, sud seemtegi ac- aierpt ai tht w's loue for ber ln um . Mmre. Rughes 'sas as good au ber wori. Au houa' or so 151er ch. calied ugatu, vtx flovere sud boeoksud fruit. Obe had iveu ber liuebaud as ttle socouut t of Id. "I1 lad encli aaSuix wvien 1I 'seln CosaStores this moulinc, 1 eaw a vo. man very i11, sud I veuttvo ilp lier, aud- it vaseuoe o!f(lie clii Acdeuiv grl. s canadian. 1 dou'V kucvw vhat bas lisp. pened tb hem, but *hlat.very cliaug.d, azs I arn ofrald mie t. lu great. greut trouble. J'eol, eueVhuxug àlu ne, oah.le. "Wore la mie living? l'Il go sudsee lier," gaid Dm. Hughes. But li. vile riecked liu. "No; oh.beqgmed me nsot te cend ypu, co I errilibled s fev lin«Mies Et.Peuvs, sud atsled lier te go lu lat. to.day Ineteu.d. I cau't tell Yv o bey pOIst esT about til. wîy, I beiove you muet lave met Mntd Itinoaar. Dou'V von remasuber vixen I Ilang at oeeo! Vie Acade-m( councort i tutrodmired von te sU swtfl : prottv fatr girl. quite beautiful, ilu <set?' -"ya. etfcmurue, 1I mtember beu quite well. Yeu muet.look afur iber. Mary." ",yes,î'm golug t(c , ésld mues. ugheo. "Slie sou't talk about- ler iluabsud; lu tact, I'm-I'i hait a*rald, JTack, tli.t liere fs eometilni wiong, but that doesa't mal. any di!feree. S e wvu briiliui. Jack-, tie ettideut of(lie momnt, vlieu 1 loft. liov ch. vante (o vork, te (oaci; but oie voni. b. fit (oo do auytibiug for a leng wbile." Thalia ae evel' tue Nouai Pevis climbhua the many eîaiuii te i 11(1.room viere Eit., Sinclair laY. sud lu teVi. 11moe 0 ing Euid'a laeart weut cut to ber. 5h. vas kirid and! vomanly, «sliEr. Gresham lad been, ut iutihere vaa moue tisu til aibout lier. Mie lad gtreugth, che, ad ssymupatlsy. Lite lad given lier anunder- g3tanding 'shihmade aunjuest uad ma«- netti' bond betiween tliem. sud lun(lie dave tIalt toîloved vîon Muid w'scvemy. very lU, iî 'sau extraomdinal'y boy tit.fragile sud uuihapv croaVure orept luto (the very lear. o! Nonali Pe'sî. Thie doctor's wtt-e va. jrartical, vosusu- iv, îiouglttful; 'tnut It 'wai reaily Norai peaue 'ho actually tougîl fou Vhe lite et thie yomug creatone. SI. dragged Muid bacl froua tie grave-oie aud Dr. Hughes bven ,he u; sud ounlîhis tale December olternoon, after Lady Etien lad lofther, éle 'sao makiug lier 'ray te thzt 1111.1. moonu aI Vie wbu o! thttaill odglng.ieuse. As eo'sal:id lier liougîts elimnped quiel. IV sway !nom Itlgu Crooper sud lier fu- t .ure. Lady Bilen at leset lied frleidm; aile-s'a as e.in a material genîs, but the future 'shidli îtretclied -béton. Eud Sin- clair usaseuoe tisaIlied growu to ho a great trouble 10 Mie" Porwi, and ele did net imuov 1ev eue'could heat li.lp this girl abon-bie reatty ioved. il'o le routiua.) REGIMENTAI, RECORDS. Thie l>rceut Iar WilI Inerease the Records et Britishl Troope. By the time the van le over moat British megimeuts yull have added immeasurabîy Vo their flght.ing re- cords. Tic poliay of keeping se- tret Vie names o! t-be corps t-bai fgured prominently lu ba-fiebli been wisely discarded by Sir John Fr'ench. sud bis latet dispatcli 'ili blarili many people viti pride and gratification at t-le tinning deeds As their city cm couuty negiments. È~ndouers are jostly proud o! the uecial mention matIe by the. Field .4arshal o!fithe exuploits of Vie Mid- lesex- sud West Kents-tvo regl- aients 'hici bave their recnuitiug gnound lu the melmopolitan ares- anut e ViindusîniaI nerVi, thé 'mid- lands anîd the wst coutry viii feel equaliy deligited at t-h. fiue omlt aecomplushed by t-h. Lancashire Fn- siliers, thb. Royal Laucasters, Vie Worcestems, tbe Nortiamptons sud thne SomersetVsire LigI t Infantry and ilorse ts respeetively. Ireland in. represeuted in tise depatalhes by the Royal Irish Rifles, snd Vie N'orth Cof tise Tweed by Vie Scote i Fusiliers. Local patr>iotism, whii 'sas bea'n fosterird by coxint>' cricket and foottball, viii receive a decided stimuluis by t-be ue's o! Vie, hercie w'rrk wsuihiu being don. by mndi. vidiuîl regimemîs. This in tixnis shotild dii mucl Vo stimulato me- .nuiting iy pî'omotiug a friendly -ivminy bIteaen the di'ffa'rent ce-un- ie. IV iswuidely iopedthat lorthe futime the eensonsiip, au so fan as t applies Vuuppnessitig Vie names if regiments sud individuals 'siit dislinguish themuelves viii b. me- laxed. It is inconceivable that Via. publicationi of names eau prove use- nil te th.eleemy, lu cases 'siere suci -publication la made weeks af- tet t-be st-ual date of tie'évent ne- coitred. Bill Rendered. Dutt-on-You should psy More at- tention (o your pereonal appear- tice, oid -ehsp. Remember that t-le let-hes maké Vie mati. De broke-Yes, b5uV*for Me t-be Lnan refuses Vo make .any more Dmes'iîg for~ Fruit Saiad.-- Squeez eue-bal! lemon in a bovI, addt one tableepoonful ef Taragon.- vîne ar , one (ablespoonful cf anar- aschusoc cherry .joice, t-vo table- speonfuis oit-clive oil. Stir up quick- ]y sud serve on fruit salad or fruit zccktail. Dreaing fer Cueumber Salad.- Squeeze eue-riait lemon lu a bowl, addt s- pinci et 'site pepper, cuis tablespeouful -of ciopped chives; andI eue ounce et eveet creanu, one, '»np of 'wipped cemu; mir up sud, serve. Roquefort 'Cheese Dresing-Fer a Part-y of fou-r ornim6re,"graVe oe Pound of guz'lie, add erilV antI pepper to ueason. 'Take two tabiespoonflei ef vinegar, tire. cf tomaVo çaup, thee of olive cil, Mix 's.U, sud (heu pour iu gmsted roquefort Rue@ for Maklng Pastry. Mak ifin luascold place if possi- ble. Keep lande, utensilesu d in- gredient- , acool sposibli or thbe paatmy becomes heavy. Be carelul Vo add theo right quan- tity cf wste'r, for too lit-t-le viii malte it esavy. Keep utensilsansd bande as cool as possible, for heat nusales thle psstuyr heavy. HsndaL eho>uld be -waabed tîcu- ougrhiy, and nothiuýg sbeuld' b. touch&I that eau give t-le paat-ry any dther rodor. Shorteulng muetaalvays lie ru-b- bed il lgltly with thle funger tips. Ba.ke paetsry lu a bot oven; thie will expaad thbe air iu IV and thus ligliten the. fleur. Hlaudie pastrys littIe aud Bas lightly as osibe.Uaerolling-pin lightly sud with even pressure. If bakriug powder is used, hake thla pastry as soon s possible, or tie cambonie acid gas tlirorn' off by Vie bakiug povder wien iV comes lun contact wth t-ihe moisture will force lt-s vsy out of Vie paste and lt-s sc- tio~n wilI be lest. itsfor the Home) Tested Reeipea. Fremch Toai§t.-TJce btread dough 1 nd roll on.t about hall un ineh thick. Out- in small squares and drop into boi-ling lard. When they are a liglit brown take out, drain on a uieve and serve hot. Arn Egg Baver.-Wheu a cake or cooky recipe cole for two or. more egga, use one-hallf the numbér me- quired. A.fter turning tiie egg fr11 thle sheli fill the.sheli vitai real cold water and add Vo the. eg Thesi beat, until foamy. You will be sur- prieed te flnd thbat your cakie or cookie. are as light au if thbe fu'll Dumber of eggs ad, been used. Pîrneapple Pudding. - uate on. pinespple, and meaaure by weight an equtisIanount of sugar alnd half as rnuch butter. Best tle butter and sugar te a creain, snd sdd five egge, one cupiul cf thick, sweet cream, and *ei pineapple. Beat the mixture thoroughly. Put thbe pudding in a deep pudding dish, cover it with a orust that hait been rolled a bit thicker than for pie, and 1that has been prick-ed to et1e the steam escape, aid bake it. Pleklèd Fige. - Wsaah -amefully two pounds of dried figeatnd seak tbem for an boum in old water. Muke a thickvi-negar syrup of one cupful of vinegar and three cupful. of sugar. Tie s teaspoonf ul eaeh acd guound clovea, moce, and cinnamon in a thin muslin -bag, sdd ' Vo the syrup, and cook the syru" fifteen mxinutes. D;1b h thefige, smmd a&l them to tube syrup. Let the. mixture simtnmer slowly for thirty minutes. The. result is a delicious reliai tat 'sili keep iu an open jar. Strawberry Pudding. - Mix three tableapoonfuls ofco!crn fleur i-n a littie milk, a.dd to it the yo-lka of four eggs and tire. tablespoonfuIs cf powdered sugarf &tir it well for six or seven minutes into nearly a quart ci boiling milk. Stir ail the time, pour into a pie dish sud let it stand tem minutes. TaIt. uome strswberry prouerve and put it over the disi on.Vie corn flour pudding. Beat thie- whites of four eggs wi-th hall a te.acup' cf sifted white sugar to a utiE f rothan id opuead over the. atrawberrie-9, Balte for twenty min- tites in a cool oven with the door open and keep un s.cool place tili waated. Cooklug CoId Mutton or Veniscu. -To three tablea.poonfuls of melted butter add a littie muot-ard, sak aud red pepper. Stir unutil it ia pip- ing h.ot. Theu sdd a full table- spoonful of currant jelly. When these ingredientg are well mixed, put in thbe mest sud baste it-with the gravy for a minute, then let it Esimuxer for tbree or four minutea more. Ackl a glaséful cf uweet eider, and leVt te mixture stand over the fine for Vwo or three minutes. This eceeipt is for mutton aiready cook- - ed. For reatiug unceoked venison, the mneat must be allowed te .im- mer until it is done before-the eider xc addccl. A 'Ne w Way of Serving Tiiriip.-- Pare and eut in halves or quartera <ane or two lar'ge yel.low autumn u o- nips. Have roady ou tibe Are a good- sized -aucepau filled with boiling water, te wlmich you have added two teanpooufula of ual-t. When t-he tumumps art' waphed. throw tbem aV onmce iutc tise boilinîg water, and 1---- them» -oil1ng-forha 1- nheur Day, - And now lie Day lias roame, Riaaspiemem, hragamVandI camard ail. LItU ouanrock of rthe nuîmbin g aa, Plie ilatu,e mId, on the "whitîe ai-m'a" Ai tL.ev upeed poor humane home. Ton @pie for tic Day, you lied fer tbe And 'sole lhe Daie r Ispleen. Monsten; vie îe-ked Ood'e aid Divine, 'Pieu ctneved Hie ceas 'sitli the gastly Net ail bbe -vater. o! lie bibIne Can vasaI1t- oui lband@eart You drmend t-or t' Day, :'ou ocIuamod for lie Day;- 'saiel lia the Dai viti go, glavon of age an' youtîi and pr'ime' <Deofenepltccî cMain for ues'en a crime> 'Pieu amt eteeped tI iueod ais a air»g 'nr oliuue., Foi&e tieusI and rîawandiy foc. Toit bave lqowsuortonle Day, you bave groan fon lic Day; Tour. i. tic iturvuet med. Can vou hbarntlue groansaanti tht.awfuî crics n Can vian cee tIe 1cm o!fa'Iain ti.lîîticg, AndI elilet!i uruued ta tie flarne-at4l sgkie, ThIe gtaseiy ys ofetîe dead? 'Pou biave vrenuged t-or tie Day. yens sfwse longed for tie Day; Phli1t theawful fiarne. 'TIs'aotlaîng 10 700 that bitI sud plain Ti,1d olisaves ef deasI men o.mid tlie gr in., fTibau. 'sdoeomoumu ton Ibein lovod oee olain, AnsI mollierscurge 1.1vname.- But atter tlie Day Ilierei a prune te ps'y Fri'(le eteepers under îhl' od, AndI Klm vou have uxenked ton msny as day- Liteusasd lieam vat Hoeliua toeay "Vengeance la Mide, I wili repaye"' WhaV eanu anamy ta loci? And Nie DId. Hibbs-Tle shrapnel, I under-' i stand, is named alter Genei'al Sharapnel. Di-bbs--Tbat, KO 7No dou b tIiîis pa- rents believat hein boy vould malte a noise iu t-le wvend. ONDER fiRE "FOR FRIlM SENSATIONS' 0F SOLDIERS AT THE FRONT. Feeling of Terrer Passes Âway aud Lea've Oniy Ânxiety and Fatigue. The Londonu Times publahez thle following article from lt-s medical correspondent.t Temani wholias noV 'been under fire always desires esger-ly te kuow wiat weue Vie feelings ot the mati 'sho bai been duuing tuis ordeal. It is prébable that- h. dees net f me- quently fiud Vie Information given by veteraus either satiefying or en- lightening. Beinu ider ire-for the fluait time existe,s a psychological problem, only l in theaoat ehadowy fomm untîl the idiosyncrasies et t-h. individual mou have beenr taken mbt aceount. It lias been my good fout-une te- enjoy nsany opportunities of talIt- in-g witb soldieme who have been wouuded lu action. I have visited Belgian. Frenci and Britisihboa- pitaIs ut varionsperiods, and, as a medical man, have been aiffomded speciai faciliVies for study. These opportunities lave couvinced me t-bal net-vo men feel quit-e Vhe same4 sensations whilj;t under fire for t-be4 firrt ime, sud also that a mati is1 capable cf experieuding quite dit - ferent emotions at- different periods of (lie came day, Vhoughhbu air- cumst-auces bave noV cbanged. For example, f rom t-h.etatemeut e! a mati whc expemieuced shell ime fcr t-ie fimut time in bis lite lu Vie ueigiborhood cf Armas I gathered that bis final feeling had been oe of gremi inteneet sud ciiiosity, A "Black Maria" feli some bu udreda of yards away sud sent up a.great columu ofamolte, sud ai lb. saune time shrapnel 'sas bursting ai- net) long distance. But sîddenlythenîn came home Vie realizalîcu that lies. sixeils weme iutended t-o womk havoc, aud that, lu fsct, Vie posi- tien occupied was full ef danger. 'Tien I feli exactly as aybcdy ouîd lee l te iomeni alter he discovered that be vas lu a field wxlb an augry bull. Every instinct o! mitid sud body -pnompted fliglt-î Thîe Terrer et Antieilpation. i A second minu ld me 'that fron' the. moment le came uder fire-in a trench-lie experienced Vie meut hively terrer, r"But tle feeling passed away ai ter a while, le-as'ig me rather tired sud only a lti auxions," A tisird declared t-bal le, hsd been so nervous bçlore goingý iste action liai Vhe eveut pot the. anticipation of it Vo siame, 1He had egau'ded himgelf as a dead man, sund wolte up, under fine, te lia- realization that lus chances of w-- iug tirougi sa.ely were neally very good. Esci <oI Vies. men acqîuitted hinu' stelf bravely; Vwo ofIt-hem were wounded. Clearly, when physical t-le word in no ceusorious seuse)i moral resîraint effeei.ed victory. Tisere came a second courîage, a courage open-e.yed sud cf clear vision, which, m utnot despising, (langer, was able Vo discount it. Under fire thaesr t wn found a self Iitherto îînsuspected, tiat eluisive cuîîsity wliic-h for wsfxt of s better lit-le ia calletI maubood.- The aciievemerît of r"second~< cour- age" is o! coulrse- s well-recoguized stage inî lha.scasoning process o! 1a' I eard a'lit.tle "tory Irom- the -isuf Ëa British off icer w'sud seems te me Vo illoctrate the. gene- tus -o! iV very convinciugly-and -the< Stou'y le worf'h telling for iLs own salie.A-t a certain period of ' the. present 'ai' some new trooîîs were sent tuo iold a par-tictîlar trench.1 'ihey sîîffened s regily terrible( bumbarduient with sellusuadf sharapnel, and at haust about 100 cft îlxem es'acutaed thîe position sud retired. Presently they met a sen- ior off ie r1, wlî<ast-opped them mandi entînird 'satlixad hlappened. On .being inform.d Vthe officer lolted grave sud told the men t-bat he woîîld b. very sorry te have te use any coercive measures 'siti men whom b. kuew te be brave fellewsà. He spolete - theha for a short time sud seadied them. Tien b. point- t ed ont tlaat (ho way. of dorty la» backwsrds teward t-lieposition the j of the w&y 'with, you." Re did sej The.- men xeturned Vo their post sn, gave a geod aecounitý cf theuaselvee.f In the wrmds of my Infrmaant, te. "weme sI-i-right aftçu t-bat," -Tie Tritimph of Experience. Au okicer whô aad himueif Seen. muci servica (<aid me before Vie b.- giuuinget t-h.e-preseut var t-bat t-b. soldier vIe said lie vas 'iudiffernut Vo flue vas merely a bmaggart, Thati la genemally t-rue, thougi I person-' ally kuow of a fev exceptions. But' equalIy tmue 15iV itat s mau de- velopsas certain callousuess, or ns.-> t-hem ludiffemence, He learnus finsVM (o co-trol, then Vo measune, bis' fear. Nie leamus Vo discounut posai- bilities juat as t-h. omdiuary railvay traveler de.- AndI the work in haaud-gi'sdually engages 'and nolda more sud more cf his attent-on, Ther. cernes s timne 'hen, lu Vhe words of an army deeter -vie was wvound.d'near Ypres, "Yen vaut Vo go -baclt noV because it la pleas-- sut there, -but because st-ayiug a*ayi is-just impossible." Wiile theme-lore the mani 'ho haS net been uder fire canuot safely! countr. upen exp er , encing this )r tat particular feeling vien bis' boum !comea-this depending se mucia upon t-be tempemaméent-sud, circumstance-ie - cai, I believe,, conrt upen acbieving Vite 'second' courage whichislathle pricelees poa< siesafô'n of t-be veteran. He eau( cont upon "making gcod" -iu a moral sud ispiritual sense; uponi rea.ching. courage even, t1rough t-heu deepeat valleys et imistmuet a fear.. UTnder fime be may lce.-eveqiý precouceived notion he ever cher-t~ isictI or siunued, but it je at leuaI . lu t-h. higiest degmee probable tliat i. wiii find hinuself. AndI it is also' probable tiat thaît self wilL bef worth t-he fiudiig. My excuse for writing this article, is Vie impression !Ihave fermed t-lîmt many brave muen suifer a great deal needlesaîy Vîrougli anticipa- tion. Anticipation, I-sm ccnvinced,ý iu almost invariaibly afls. prophet lu tiiis respect, sud should be d'i;s- mi ssed as such. Ni) mati catibec te guesa at viol bis feelings sre liklt o'be in circumstanmaes fomeigil Vo ailhis experience. IV le viser policy t-o accept t-be my;t-ery, as a mystery, in Vie full confidence that ' "Vie ted badge of courage" cornes. inevitmbiY te tics. 'sho work sud wait, for il. Thiu Qîîeaaionau l Often Aujiînd 3y tiîe Pliperut. -1- J '1 -j ' The query, goc oftes a"kcd iniLA'&' papers, " WhaV lia the Navy doing 1" lu beginiug te malte tie uavy people angry. One oficer baa ansvtered iu the followiug mauner.- "It is aggravatiug te imear t'he unthinltiug person imply t-bat we arc doing nothiug. Herr Ballin, mana- ger cf lthe Harmbiirg-American Lin, says we are lItiuig lu our isî'bor. Let me say that from the Augîîst te t-be middle o(.Nevember my elip fias seiied 5.Y'V5C muiles, and w. hîave ncer ?,een 'very far lrorn Vhe grand Ilect, We arr pl4yxng our owu game, flot thle Germons',' "The uuthiuking ask why we do net go in and at-tack Kiel. Wilhelmslîsven, Cuxhaven aud Heligoiand, Net .Much. We have cur owni plans, snd , Vho Germans are certainly îlot going~ (o lue, otîr tplenïdid fleet luto their mine-infested areas andtiruider their .fort'css.îswil thI -e added dangeat of submariues. "W. arc netot 'fo figit fortt. resues, W. are aIter their ahîps. GuIns arc put imb ishipsso (bat they con be ' moved about, and tise Gem- mies are not iuceaising. their em- cieucy by remainî -ng lînder the pro.' tection cf their forts. 'W. are -add- iug Vo toui. effIcicney every day, tàiku ing cveI-y Ippotuity for (tho prso Vice of gîrnxeî'y, the lise of to rpe dees, and aI.o aule tactics,' prac- tîslng tunder every condition of wVea,- them, As things stand, tile'gsita ,. clear for British t-rade. Let VIiâia who say we aî'c doing .îothing lana-.' gine wmt-weîld Ilappe'n if 'We SVëe5 r s'eally doing ucîtiing. 'What would'~- b.ecc. c f Out isîma n'chat uvent '.;-- rOur timne wiII corne to'get'in tbe limeligIt. lMeaat-jnme; contcnt Vo 'wateb tond wi. And manY a man eculd. earn 152 with hfiaithe elîergy he wa'stes in tryiug to nhorrcw onie. __ THE ALLIES "Splic" st~hheifuvmieu For 4' have 'vaged -ao uceofâsij a0mipatgua esse. , 'U&ternpr. fufisteuca, LOtt" ar-at dio*tou Ol lee<ed bv '5pohni Aj 'sà .Ectp Ivllve. SolsI iv aiJ' d 7e5s~' srmv- ,,J Spolin Medical Co.4ý Goshes--Ii44s EtPlev&sl vue 'ery muei the Tler fronu Lady Elie u .c.dM ohiuq-aibout it aI tie < est'yo aonnltof - Pdy ilan; and lu bsil! au "sîtihbem all hie anejudicoe 7Othngt'soman 'sou cffictoallý BHe 'sao los and very Iaàii Lady Ellen e. îenoeoe-;;Lat 'ah. ftItnov aea. ad neier 'sien dealinîg with lie partis Shle ad pr.Iyared lieudit drafitileittmant, but Mn. 1 ariaedber lv lia liaient vin aVion, Ble eerîainly approeî duclng lier exeucest botl b. oun,lte toldo her, liaI Ri& iii lerasol a,% spauver abeolute tbirgbt- 'wçiuld b. prôbsbl akrraugoenu (to oess _her (s W"s riiu s" 1-r-it' l - atsrr r.iiar " s- afr"in- àci- au 1 .tbî U 0i'Jd1- ii4l' ii n nl'Isu' Ioir' - i r iis rnit 1' "î l li">h 'o irr fc 'n M rrin tu' ut' 'r1' ~- k Useful BIltas. Raisins and creanu ebeese malte a delightînl 'sandwich for Vi. sabot> basket., Eniamelied ware onlv abould ba used'for holding milt, costards and veget-ablea A delicieus sudeconemical des. sert le ouf etewed fige sud bo'uled nie served, Voget-her. The rougi end cf thIe rost eau groundud ansd iV ylmake vyen goed Hambu-rg stealt. The vater lu wbiai f resi ongue, mutVon; or chieken bas been boiled, may be used for soup or adder t-c tie stock pot-. Do net expeet good, 11gb-V caltem unlesa t-be egga mare perfectIy freal andI yen have gcod, aiweet butter. If eggsacnset ile coo'inig lunt saucepan, as oft-en lappiens lu cekd 'seathem, a spoonful of sait viii pre' vent Vie whiite Irom eoming ont, Disagreeable eye-amarting can b. avoided if t-he cuion ia peeled front -tie rot end. Afterward, rub-Vie hands witib salt aud w'sab o take sway t-be emell.. Parsley leaves me- move t-be edor f rom t-be breati. IV iu quiýe possible te fmy pet-at-ne. vinole, anailnet as "chips." When tey arej nearly boiled, but net craceking, put-t-hem lu a stewpmn vit-h sapiece of butter or bcef dnip- ping g;:ske t-hem about t-e prevent burning ont-il t-bey are browu -atnd crisp; drain and serve. If t-be chilîdren are fond cf candy sud you fear bad recuits, do not alIo's (hem t<o bave it just beifore a meal, but be libemal vitb Vh. sweet-s rigit aI er t-iey lave eaten a hearty meal. They vil-Inet est so muai, non viii it do t-hem ,iamm, if t-bis met-hod la lollowetI. 'TEDAY. ET HIENRY CHAPPELL. Bath. Eneland. (M r. H euryCla.ppel. a& maiiway porter nt Bath. la kuvu e to icommette.ai eh **Bsthi Rail'way Peet." A poeiu suri OaS this lifta liim t10ie rmml et e national Poetl Yeu boasas the . and .,.A om,.ast hes t 'I the bouefor a. lme.' andit' lea.e-tiwCofetber malo. "Pcuou ogisi.tc go aray" 1f r 'oi,"'ynu ot o-and i toy "el'ldtelf, çaid Lady- Fitle'sas JJke a, ditd. asager te j leuce. "I'ufi1c ýo! toffu. I tel ta 'slte odo -auything -foi" s Ma'. PleudelI asaxled. "I MuEt go iito fixe qura-tion'- veMluîatiLady M be,"hoSaisI think 1 lad 1bitter ee 'sisal 1 c Iliat hougepreperîy inu Fuiamt 'co beaviiy mioxtgaged by yocum Thle value -et Vihe propurrty blis-v IY iucreaîied, you 'kne's, duning iVwo or tbree yeuîrrs'.1 tîinkil u prob>able ilat if Z-'searemo -abclld'gel ual onty eçougl (o (lie Mortgagze, lut iie a ujltie baud," Lady Elqen icI. otereli»vesI learted afîar Mm. Pibsyd t l ad g -- Firit cd al. .l i e hd thé ic-ntxiat lng -rieteaied fnom's ktud of!bo Tenderteu's mauuen ic helasit lad mnet hast rivais 1er a uarmy di in.saraeiou. SMixeld'ne deaire -airain. anîd aile reproerled- t.b osshî lad bien ratier tee liautv tin« him tb hem !rieudmihip., Tlxn étheli st dwn. and erribhl Vo ber conclu, the Dtiêuê et£o sud propcAed beraelf aâ a gueat 'k di'llute period -, 'Plie durit sud lier taznily w 80otlaud. jusut- t thls moment, Ellen- kiew biat tbéee 'lould bli uzoomÃœ for bier lu the luge nid c had ben in tise poemeto f shimeafer geueraîtouc., She ai san aser livtefigrsm noce61u, sud at-once hegan tea) plana for- les-ring, It waohow lut. laletembea, beIoz, î.hîeo -Hlier aaIe. AOting on 31r. PIeldeli's cdv', -Otff vse nf ber servants. andI thi r - b left lu the ebarge et the "No 'seIly bil*." Lady ltiei lercti. "tom Lvmotlior tva. BY e-aehitt 'th ad 're>me .booked for s, lîtter trous C-(! .but uothiug reatrud,he.br, Ou mornink o!f(lie day loyever, -thée haut tixeu to 0tray-î1 t'î lic sudde»nlyappeared. in ber ' Wdm- otnig away to-nigiat," 1EIe = i i-m ot fcure *tIi-t 1 come brick.' -' 'Plai sounda bd' tierriblî.-." W hase hleld iber littié baurd it 's-ammly, "Look liee,1I. trome and hlavee some lurich v .day," 0ti ûlpped ber h-,tn&,~ "01, loy lovurlyli- mw,.. j,uet wmiait I fcloUlýt -MY c'elta kîmean sd VI'm sie'id o! b'i 0'Cmealong iisth.vve ou. a -' ~ h skippc-d upsirciýÉ. put o'n1 et14t, sud ÃŽ'sdînagn "PYou are ibe.nicet, tîssumai & ;6c1e ais 1;6h1m; andJ li îugbed "I thouil I 's'atitven-y IaaaslT. wliat voon lait letton auL*d."1 "oh! penIape '4t it t.ovIrfite] 'svrote. Are -wat'e oillg 10lun Admîsu ?"-, Ble ncdided'hio litad,. 4 "Yeia I kn-,'s o! a ,itiîle old-a .staUlaj.nt lere tliey gîte toryg -aund ste cen .11 quie'tly, I 'sail yen te do iomotbiing fer ame" "Do yvon?'-saisI Lady îe uOni Iam gladl 1 do so 'an ' rdng a fo r p eo p le . a d I1 oa m a Itnpid." 'Plie luncheon 'sac 2#fhî trov- xei'4lo!f'shici cbha idett-£r'part, iLady Ellen dactarai. - W-leu île ; roffirw,'Iste c.rçei, sweyPro 'ced -liecigarettec àie hIsuedut I' le ber She lookee %, hlm and sisoul 1, "No-, Vve ru oui up 9okiorg. .r.aily ca-reaabout it. 1 dîd I. be 'aany otler 'sornudo if, but Pal aayehale, me tOe anki', and 1 X r .dtammdo't vou?" - "He satid "ar"uittly "N&rw, Adi--ti," earid Lady EIten, lier ëlbois wou tie tibl', 2aud prop 1cr chiri 'itI lber Ian b:îds. "N do yen 'sant sue 10de for 'n" I an e ô eki Thc ragea'mneuat id thi'e lit ,flata o! Lady Eltîn',s ac.ý "~Oh! aitotiier 'sonan." ria ai she'aei,4* .s'tbhen irrelevantL, ' ro Im e tilt? ,la'caia't ,s-îy, 'le euua'ih:nre ehave rio .t§u î'r Ila, crn'e?" - "'t's" id ('d>ont-il ) 'î', ' %y-a-lyaiwl. Ja lilt",ý "Iyn 1 knirr".w Irer?"* Il- 'nok 1.44a lnî.aId. - "o tiougi Vou mire met "Iurndî'rotand," csaid Lady vit-en, ulxca;i tînat a-nlly pra'tty gWni, ' liavintela 'ith s'on th,;ftnîo- * - "Yr, imm'an lier."- "Te!lint(e-.r 'iS g IauîI 't .d4es4y Iul 11cr, las"id atanl dmi." lt'?- 'Ara' you grr'rst r'n arhh' "o l sut am >i- -Yo t " ri fui . ! î e r e h ' ' >iîa 'O r .t - )e140 bt lier."iu 1 1

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