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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 21 Jan 1915, p. 7

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- on. om mand of. f Thur River A d*spatoh f rom the Voage», sa.ys-: the. <nrease. Thiere is nO o btý The ULt&t snd last operations of the that the. enemy ismakiixg adeteni' Fre.poh trooôpei» Alsace bave given ined, effort agaunat *the positions of them command o<ultheU i heigbts on Lii. Vosges -eonquèrea',,by,-the the. Jlefba* kof LbtheflbThur River, Fnenoli, but the. Fren id i e~ot onlYý f rom Thann to Gebweiler ahud 8ulz., holding what tiiey oonqueftOi-tSYý Muelhiausen2 'with its fsctory c<iim- are adva=*ng A very important -;--Ys ny uit iesauyi L. ý iorecentlytook plae in whieh in the. hands of tihe troope of Geîner- cavalry and,heavy and Iicht àrtil- ai Deimihg~ the fanious <onmeixer lery in-considerable nu__ eà v ere of Strassbuýrg.,, T4i Germans hisve engagd, and showed theumiele been nking energetie efforts to rëL fuallyequal to the- forces opposed to pe tth. French,1;5vanoe -iii Alsace,,t T. Ihe entire action lasted and along thé fOtot Vie Vosges fronu9 &,,m. t. long after drk. 'The, théré- is a-growing suspicion- thât rensd Germn,,p loues .wOeý severâJ army -.oortps h*ve boesu J1 out' equal lt tIIOSadYSDuge ,Wu# brotht f roM oter parts of thé'J w1th -the. rene a& tey-ocoùpied fighting line,, pîob..bly frônlRus- J a village, i hW.Velobciy siain PoltM-. to Tiffol'oee the,Get'- J sud lo Lb.,,woodslor a cousider-. iou trmops lun Alsa4e. Their nunu- able distance around, whiclh com- be rs, ut auy rate, are 'csteuntly en mand the. German positionus. DIES TO RESCUE'COMRADEý .Lieut. Lawrence Ilad Transferred to Regulars Fromn First' Conti ngent aFew. Weeks Ago- 1A despntc fmfrom London says: Second Lie-ut. M. E. Lawrence, who appea rs amokg Lie kiiied li Lhe. lIateet casuait> list, was tise oniy surviving sou efthtie late Hôn. H. A. Lawrence sud graudscn cf Bar-on Lawrence, cf t.Pun'ab. For tiie last four y.srs he hadbtee.n living lu Britâhais Columibia. He enlistèd in the- 88tis Victoria'!F-usiliers on Lie -day, war was declared, sud camne te England witis tie firet Cainadiaus contingent.- Ou lauding h. beard thsat hie youqu brother, wiso had a commis- mion l isheKinq'a Royal Rifle - Corps, isid been kiled in action on tise- Aisne. H. was offared and accepted s commission lu hUe bro- tber's regimèut, sud jcined the. Sixtis Battalion at Siseemueuu early lu Novemnber, and was sent -te Frirance. After-a few weeks h. waa, kiled in Flanders wiue ieading a st6rm- iug psrty wlicii was ordered to, take an important position. Hi. Coan- mm'iuing officer -wnrites: "On eaoingt th. position lie tound that â brother officer, wiso isad* led ans>otier sterming - party, was in need et assistance," ssii. isd lest more tissu hatof his men. Lawreuce daubed cvem tise interven- ing 70 yards witis soute cf bis mens, and was ne doubt - responsible for getting baek his brothen-officer, wiso lad beeu l.ft aliensd wenld have been cuL off." REFUSED TOINSURE CARGO First Tfme on RecordWhere Washington UGovern- jment Would Not Instre an American Vessel A despatis fi-cm Washington gas: The auciden tumoiil overtise 1>5431 ansd Vthe request o ' 1thse BLaSe Depart- nenst that..Great Biau eriiit thse -veasel t6e disohargehem cargo st Rtottendam insteadof Bremen were dué Vt* s. reissai o! tise Goveru-_ ment wam nisk bus-conte lueurs tise Dadia andisèr cargo. Tlsiu refusai completeay' upset tise plans cf Vthe - wners ot the cotVon about te be rehipped, for baviug obtained cou- sent of!-the Depaittuent et Com- mercee to thse admission o! the- Dacia te Ainenican regiatry, they haci -- -taken it for granted tisat consistent action wouid b. obtained f romt the - Ooernment war risk burdan sud insunance writteiu as désined. Tise IN CREA SE IN CRIME. -But Large Pereentage of Cases Are Net ef Serions Nature. A dcspatcis -trous Toronto sys: Au increase lu tise numbes- of cases- isaudled la ehownu bytise an-unal e- portoethtie Provincial Poliée, just ussued. 0f s total ef 1,599 cases handlled convictions wes-e seeus-cd lu 1,172 cases. Of tise 754 were met witis fines, Tie total ameunt of fines imposed was 854,471, part of whicli rçpreseuts fines disputed- in Lbe courts b>. Lis. udou's Bs>. Couspany. During tise year tise po- -lice picked up 1,138 "hobees" and haudcd tise-m oves t. tise Dominion antiorities for depostation. -For breaehes cf thie license la.ws 232 pen- squs were prosecuted, - 200 -ver. fiued, and 32 given jail termu. Tise -- fin~es ausounted te $20,165. A large quantit>. et liquor et vas-lous kinds wai sei-zed. Under tise Game and Fisiscries Act 120 prosecutions wes-e secured, sud ise fiuxe-s ausounted te $26-740. W]IALE STEALS HUGE BUOY. Penishes, iffowevcr, Carr-ylug Away 5,000.pouud Load. A deîpa-tis fs-cm St. ýJeiis, N.B., - ays .Ro&ring Bull- u-ey, -viicis wtitis anchor weig-iss 5,000 pounds, waý cars-led awvay by a'visai.,"ac- ces-ding te offices-oe tise Canadian Govermuent steamer La-nsdowne, in --port on Tuesday. fso-esa se-a-sch for - thse miusing guide te marinera. Tise o Lnsdowne founJ a dead whaIe 50 teet Ion-g entangled lu tise ohain ot tise buey, wisicisbaud been dragged a long distance. Plie, whsale appar-- cuti>. dicd frous exisaustion. MAY BIE TR.ttNSFERRE!). Hlindenuburg May Go te Western - Thteatre of IVar. S A despatcis trous London says: An Amstes-dam despate tote-seEx- change Teîegrapb Censpan>. say-s Liatraveliers arriving tises-e fs-eu Gos-maux> reporttisat iu response te a popular desnand- Fie-Id Ms-shal von Hiudeubu-g, -commander et tise -German campiaigu againet Russi£, i. likel>. ob'e trnusfes-ned Vo tise western frout i-n the upring. insurance -vas retnsed on thie gound tisat inasmncbaS theserBitlis X]ovenueut b.d indicated objec- tios te tiie Dadia eugaging iu trade with Germsny, bier arreat ou thse bigi se-as*as prâeticaîl>. a certain- t>. sud se was net, themefore, a goocd risk. Tise tact that tise de- pbrtment 'had seen fit te " OK"'ihe t iastion Vo Lbe extent, et grant- ix g American registmy did net lu- fiùence tise war isk bu-resu sud the -Pacia was denied Iser risk. Mesubers et Congres. who were informed et-tise refusal i o!the.war risk bureau expressed great inter- est. IL was eaid tobe tha finLcase wbere the bureau bsas refused to give ipsurance te au Ameican vea- sel. LUMBEIt CUT DECREASED. Revivàl of 'l'ide ln the, Cheaper Grades Is Expected. A deupitci f rom Ottaswa s>..: Reviewing tise lumber trade cf the Ottawa Valley, John Aird, assistantb general manager ofthtIe Canadian Bank cf Commerce, says tise eut lu estimated at 375,000,000 feet, or 100,000,000 feet les. Lban for 1913,- eowi yg p rincipal!>.te iow water con- ditions. - lu other sectionc cf tise province Lise decrease is prepor- tiouateiy greater. Dealuzsg with tise market conditions, b. predicts a revival- of trade nexti spsing in tise ciseaper grades, but* foresees even lover prices -tissu in 1914 for bigiser grade lumber. ON iIUSSIAN NEW YEAR. Kinîg George flouons Fb-c Russian- Genemals. A,'despateis fnom London asys: King George bas commeusorated tise adve-nt o! tise Russiair Ne-v Yesr b>. sppcintiug Grand Duke Nicheilas au honorar>. Grand Commander cf tise Bath. The King ha. aise con- fered tise onds-et ofKuiglit Cous- usauddr of St. M.Uchsel sud St. George on Generar Yanoucbkvitch, chie! of tise Rus-ilan general staff ; Gen. D)auilof, directes- cf militar>. operations; Gen. Ruzsky, cous- mandiug tise nortisern as-ies, and Gen. , Ivanoff cousnandiuxg tise soutiseru as-mies, BRITISII FARMIER PROSPERS. liglîest- Pieecs Ai-e Obtiteml for 'rop,s and for i- (atte. A despatci f s'eusL.on<lon ays: Atter many years et depressioh tLie Britisistas-mer is enjoying prospes-- ity. Every-tiing ise raises is quickl>. salabl at prices wisic-it are gradu- aliy climbing iigiser sud higisen. Wheat and oats, wiih are tise sta-- bic e-petmost Englistas-mers, "rph>isùif excellent prices, wiile tise live stock'whiih tise>. fattened for tise holiday msarket was taken at figures wb-ich have not iseen touched lu man>. ycars. Canadiau Infaiitry' Transterred A epatch f rom Saibury Plain lence Of crbrO-spinal meuigt, uss i.SliugPanaion camp _f Th. Fou,rh InfantrBrgd bs the C-ganaU*us ontingent h«.been removed tio Edot arek n .bdsened on acocount of the preva- that accunt.. Ws- ltoi No. & f8iý.î14; Xo. S as 8141,- sud No. àZnt 1 'de'~f wbaeat, No. $, 1.27 o $1.30, ait oud oio -On"tario. 52 te 3,otidsd5 »4o4 Me on SakTmet.Westera Osn- à4as;No., at 631-20, sand No. 3 &t 60 1-2c. Bad4- b -, outale., , R7!ý6'o81.07 outulde. Peso-No qe.ý-UOi.c<-11i,75 ta $1.85.,o»ý ida - oaN.Znev Ameicanl, 70 te 7811-2e, ut1 ri.ennefrelght.- Bucweas-N. ESs78 te 8Me, outolde. ]Br ansd ehore-]Bran, M25te 8$26 5a1ton. sud 4>0 8~ 27 te #311. -ollsd ost-Ar lots; Ver bsg o! .90 Ibo, to, te3.20. coeuntry piedu.. Bu't5.r-Pntâ.s -nie fi=, Choie. daim>', 24 ltO.'ltu6rlore 0 to 211.:ereur> 31 ok uore,9teu 140 00 Nd 1k-uto o r lb. for strsiuedý4No. <peul7-Cbi' ca.dresued,, 13. t40 150- ' odýi.14 te 16è; fo*w1. 10 t., 110; gtese 14 *oe 16c; turkeyi. drcei, le cheefe-New I"p 1 6 14c;t-vina, 16,3.4c. Beana-Prime. fuauei. 2 .60 ta $2.10., htud-Plcked., 82.75> t. $2.05. Potatoeo-Ontamîoo, 65 t. 70e par hag, eus Of etorsl; 56 ta 60e iu car loto. Ne-v B]runswick.. car 'êa, 60 t0 65o per bag. Bacon-Long cle&r. 13 1-2 te 14 14c Ver lb.,J.ou Ics ota. Rama-iredium, 16 taIlie; do., heur>'. 14 1.2 te 150; rals. 14 ta 14 1.2c, breakfaes bacon, 1l 1-2 te 18r. bicea 20 te Sie; baneles a bcka; 22 t. 23. -Lard-Manket quiet a4 11 1-4 te Il 1-20 for tierces. and et 13-4 t. 12o for tubs snd Dasls. Casupounds, 9 1-4 te 9 1-2c. 18Usd May' and Straw. DesSers arc paying «s followa fer car lot delivenlas on track. here; 1trsw fa cuoted &t $750 te $85a ton. in Car lots..ou traok bore. Ray-No. 1 nov iuay ia quoted at 016.60 ta $17, on track bere; No, 2 et $15 te $15.60, and No. 3 at $13 te$l.O Winnpeg Crain.\~ Wluu;)eg. Jan.. 19.-cash -Wheat--41a. INortbern,-01.34 14; No. 2 Northern, 2$111-4; No, 3 Nenthemu, 81.28; No. 4 81.24; No . $1 8.20; No. 6. 81.15; <ced. 81.11. Ote- No. 2 C.W., 661-4e'; No. 3 C.W 5312-e,- ex. tra No:r 1 -feed, 63 1-2ae- No. 1 'food - 53e; Na. 2 teed, 52U. Barley-No. 3, là 1-&e;NO. 4, 66 1-1c; <eed, .li-N. 1 N.W.C., 81.53; Nu. 2C .8.0 Montréal, -Markets. àMon4ieal, Jan, I9.-Corn-Amrloan No. 2 Yellov, Il to 820. Oat-Osunadian Wes-. fru, No. 2, 63c; Canadian Western,.-No. 3. 620i extra No. 1 fesO, 6Z 1-Be- No 2 local -w-te, 66 12c; No. 3 local 'white' 55 1-00; 11o. 4 local white.,54e. BrleA4fsnltoba' <ced, 70; maltins, 77 te 7ft. our-Mani- tobe Orin% wb eat Patente, fOmets.187.20; Ieende. 86 7 0- trcn@ bakero'. 86.50; Wiu- er oa±,tiii, 1che., 6.50; etrailut rollero, 6.9te 86; strairlit mlei. bags, 82.15 ta 12.85. -BaIllaioato. barrea, 864 te 86.50; rolled as*eb f,90 Ibo., 8U ta 83.10, Bran s5. Shrt. a.'8.Mo-Ue te Ra- Bo, No. 2, per ton, car lots, soiË 'Chee-Ff uet westerns, 16 7.1 te, 160; finaeseutes-us, 15 5&a ta 15 34c. Butter--Choloesî oreamery, 30 te 302-Se;, seconds, 29 to 29 1.2c. Bgys-rroelu. 46 t. Me; aeleeted. 31 te 32c; Na. 1 *tock, 28 te M9; No. 2 stock. 25 w U2n. Petatoca, Ver bag, car lots. 60c. Unftsd Statès Markets. Minneapolis, Jan. 19.-Wbet-No. 1 bard. 8l.39M-4;Na. I Nomthra, 81.34 1-4 i<o 81.39 1-4; Na. 2 Ncu't.lern, 81.31 3-4 le $ 1.39 1-4 ; Ma , 131-4. Cemnh 9 &.<yi ew, 6 Ute . Ã"a4Ostoa.2 ph 0 te 60 1-2e., Fleur ansd bran =utcbBgL.î 1Dulutb, han. Jan. 1.-WbeM.--Na. 1 bard. 81'.37 1-4; No. 1 Nortbemu, 81.36 14: NO. Ï Nootiurn. 01.33 1-4 ta 81.34 1-4; M&y, 81.38 1-4. Linseed. 81.30 1-4, May', 81.81 1-4. Live Stock Mar-kets. Torautp, Jan. 19-OU cheoicesbutohes- caws brougbht $6.25 te $6.75, bug hi bulk eold bstween 85.50 snd 86.25, witu lenmu at 85 te 85.50 Cutten. bronght $4.36 ta 85 sud cannera 803.75 te $4.35, witftb Vhsaven. age s lit-I. o-wer. ,BesS cLocheres old bc- tiveen 86.50 sud $7, muedium te good bc- tivoon 85.75 and 86.50 aud comnuon $5,25 [0 85.75. al're s old at $85tO 810 frrveu. Bet tlancu tai89.30 snd* others st 89.15. SeS.p, $6.25. Large lota of boue want a-S 87.50 ted and wa.tered and at 07.90 te $8 ou the off car bail&. Montreal. Jan. 19.-Prime beeves. 7 1-4 to 7 1-2e; mediun. 5 1-2 to 7c; common, 4 1-2 t0 51-4e; cava, $35 ta $85 euhi, oe finea su-lger lechinir $100; calves, 5 te Se; sIueep, 5c; Iambo, 7 1-2 te 8c; uboe,-8 teo "l'us 91 te-day, and l'us good for anotiier thirt>y years." "And I Ilave a -birtliday present for you, gandpa. " "I know wbat il is, another muffier. I gel twenty- seven of tiseus 1st hirtbday." "No. It's a rocking chair." "Wby didn't y9u get me a 'bicycle ?" - . war he was çivesupreme «mmand, 0! theEnglish feesain the North -d hi I$ty Sdén~ eiet«redtb.-navy in'1872, wheii 0 gt1. o v n the . llgblandelie îwa&thirt.een years of age. Teii' &Bd Lowvlards of Aide ye&r 1àter, b. carried Off the. £80 A deuateh trous RoMe" .sy. The, K i peie for guuneoy at the, Royal N&7Twnt houmand iv«s 10M, thirty' £utor1nobulq ~4etl, alCollege at Greenwich. S5hortuly QIoui eos nze~smIlo ni h Corporal Geary, son o! Sergeanât afei that test, 9vhieh is the. mQr ore jssândiù nea- 4refief, 7s 'IuRu.. Geary, janitor of -Alv&a Academy-, nt*rhbo.sJu s enl-twn nivue i.yo.prly1 pȔ bas eenkiled t te font strumeustul in imprûviig the marks- esryd tTIitory 0 ule ai 1Iwo patrols et Boy Sco uts, uum- maushîpof -the- flee6 by nesrly thitty long sud exteudinly f rom -the Adria- tu ic h b.rug 8 i al, avelet Geenckper cent., lie was appointed a Junior tit, i.T"hçon Sms deatat. Vties -d ir te inkeIUp p a ve l ty on Ve Moray istaff officer'of'a Yesse. .undercomi! ,irreplaciabl e works of art rmin- Firthmu f atî-nwLr-Fas.ed-tslath.meaure off ii.eatas- At ie Belgian Flag Day receutly Mer7. udi 8, ws srvg n b trophe caused by*,the eartbqus,e umeroua., observed lu Aberdeen, ibs treet Mxaci ewas awardi& theb.whiohld ICentral,Lsyis.mr~ kle L. d collections alonesh iowed a tteïf o rif Tead ýînes1 fer z,80 W, - in MYiî,ý - Pt lait r Sctland in Ï0 raine. a ew kle stl u11-is 5n'orsg Sègiment, ap ou. of the -four na- rcdit elte.nar'i'aiô il tri te i. tionsi. regimemtï. to ii.be kà.vm -iab t .'l~ rwcI met bad reotored, azpeaId1,r r n ev.ry d ~Lor4~ ~berts' ~been,.tranded on u a babsk,'aud pcîusepu into llàsse, ndi ACLug and a ufis aeprsnig&miîdl soswr' untn s uily arc -bel àùowerë&' inétautly bhy' t er uhig sA l i'silU towa epidemio o!, soarmet fever. Thirty that iL Iooked as utf the ehitpwreckeddi oemumeutl, tiiepeopile ud the- Rome. Tht patients are under. treatant in the'arnrasigi b aee waY e cergy. T"se King, Lthé PPpeLsuad 'zd hosp"i at Greenbrae. a.ny usoment.' Youug Jellice, de- Lb,. Premier -S&iandrî& area.moug "Lou, of Damage estimatded t *1,256 was . tI .1 SPutprl vlner i.laers in,- great work of Chieti s"d çiaused by a fir. that broke out at ed o in i u e u vsts relief, sud trains ire being sent s 'vinef-L the farin of Dykeflelud, Manebline, railg wters te se. if hf 'ernld! fàt -as possible witii doctors, nurses lieved that occupied by James Richmond. effeet a rescue. and supplies te every part cf the. great , s 41 Members of Bannockburn Higis-. But thstormn was toc great. The. abaken ares. Tiie open land Cyclist Cèmplauy bave been boat could mot live in the seething Tise greateat damage don. was at eatiouthra posted iu tbe fisiing-village of mn- ses, and soon capsized. Fortnuate Avezzano, 50 miles east cf Rouie, Fermaranq vergordon, in tiie Cromarty Firths. ly, the. crew Were_ aIl provided- witis whiîh was totally destroyéd; wstuh pIes, brnn At ameeingo! is.Hswck owncork jackets, aud, ibuoyed. up by a total les, of lite of more "tisusua sgni Council, Lise- Provost's Committee. Lise, Lisey mansged Vo keei2 alive, 8,000. Inu Li district the scenis formation d.,cided -to give- $100 for tb. Indian until they were wauised ashnre. That pa;rallel those of Messinasin- 19oe, qua.ke waBa Treops' Comforts' Fund. is how Jellicoe won hia silvir modal.. when 76,000 persons perished. lieved. To the appeal for men, tiser.lias t. s awas ne les& exditing. beeus a splendid response lu the par- Iu June, 1891, he was- prometed ish cf Spott. Iu the. village itself "ommander, and appointea toteb A M NINRM ne a single man of miîitary age e- Victoria, fla.gship o-f Si-r George ~ i i mtain.Euain atet Tryc, lu tihe Mediterranean, aud F M N E TisEuaio ate ciof îe was iiLb-st esip wlen ase ian-k ____ Rose and Cromamty iias decided t O ff'Triix>li, baving been rammed by include Gaelic as a higier grade tlie Ciinuperdowu. T eGvriln ' bu o P subWet on, theb next leaviug certifi- Wisen tise fatal manoeuvre T he (ocr et sA ou o P cate- examnstion. place, be was ou tthe sick liLt owiu Private Ilouses Tbe Aberdeen University bas beeu to an attaok cf Malta tever, sud hi. made the. recipient of two vainable first intimation cf the catastrophe. gitts, one of wisich i. Lb. seven- came wisen ho e fItheissips come epthfo ai as h h o teenth century library known as tise into collision. Tise Victoria et once A ea tc ro rsamins:n Teii. IenCthe "Kirkwall Bibliotisek." 1 took s decided îis. .b.dfmn LGrmany appears iDgl tht TheEar ofOrkey s-.ivlg hs-He leaped out of hi-a bent'h sud Vo be growiug in in'te-nsity, accord- military a services t se. army. Hi. appoint- iiurried ou deck i-n bisi.paams. ing to reports reaiig lier.. TiSe for war pu ment te tise Remount Departmneut er. le mettwo Junior'officers, whe u~ssse fDrmnl et i.C with the temporary rank of major were hastening belcw in order to pisaba, declared at a meeting QI the of the Ter bas been gazetted. siecu-ne some eftLheir belouginga. city officiais: e n nigbt iu Aman namod Charles Rleddit cf But -itis hait au eye Jellicoe. a "Extreme economy in tiie cou- proved to Cisarl.st w, wag instantly killed thtsc cus iit prove fatal sunuption of bmead, aud particulanly hcusewivee at Crombie orduance works, wheu a for tisem. tise limitation te wbat is culy stocke of-fl Jigiter weigbiug 200 pounds 1.11 sud "Come to the. upper deck W.ith strictly necessiary, as regards both theusselves struck him ou tihe d.m, he adise;ned te officers, bread sud ail oether bakery wares. ment is, t. Cargo salsuon 'fishe ries M th~e Iâzig that .Lisey -were beaide a tii. condition cf German victory." bit baki-nÈ meuitiicf ise Tweed, have been le is 'ioknew iiow to keep iei te Mr. McQueeu, Pool of tise Coi- isendinstautly obeyed. vend Fitbieries, Pomtliug, for five Oui> just iii ime isowever. A few yvans at,a ental of $2,200. moments liter the. Victoria began 'W ILL NOT GO TO FrRONT Tise draftorder cf Glasgow Cor- te iscel over, and aIl tire. were poration relating te tth. River Tuek pitched into tise ses. On.et of i. - water sciseme, -tise estimatedecost of two was killed by the propeller, Cncin eet ae Be ceo!tinrTowi mander! Jellicoe p ithC Week, But a Change Nlad Beeji Mm. George S. Yuill, cf Australia,. Twenty-oue officers aLnd nearly isas made a gift of $20.000 te Aber- 350 men iunaiI wçre clrowued iu tisat deen University, cf wbiis h. is s collision. A deipateis from London enys :-1-est navy li eraduate, the interest Leo be applied, When tlhe Victoria went down, Atu tise intention of tihe au-! Ad-miraI in eucouraging tise practicai appli- "J. J.'." Board o! Tracte ilver me-- Aliogis cation ot cisemistry. dsprvu entdl went dw ihi; uulk thorities was te 5665d the Canadian befingone Tbe Glasgow City Iirveetits recipient, it did net' couse up troops Le Lise front this week, a satian bai Cornmittec have decided to reconu- again. As soon as possible -ie neti- change bas been mnade lu the plans, ber thse a-pi mcnd Lise acceptance et plans for fiedFise Board icf Tri" of lii. los, sud s dels>. of at least a usontb is and eanin, Liie reconstruction cf the corner o! snd asked tis.m if lie could -have au- now probable. An exceptional ho- "tise cruis rrougate sud iligii Streete at ou other m.da-l te ueplaceLs eeb-urh.thln eLseAln ilrperd estimated cc-st cf $142,560. badlet; o h request -tise Alsation, whicls appears luthse lat- now applit Tii. death h&s eccurred st hi. Board pole]>. replied that h. could________________ ____ residence, Jordanili, of Wm,. Johsn certainly, have another-if lie cared Stewart, at thse age cf 72 years. H. to psy for iL: A MOTHER'S 1NFLIUE-LCE. TYPE was oeeof tise oldest sud rnost re- spected msemberq of tise Lîmber HO«NET FOR GERM)A.NY. Causeil Johnu Bright te Becoe0 a 8Ari.ty Xed trade in tise west of Scotlaud. G reat Orator. strnti'4 T* "Yes," sa.id tise wes-Id traveller, "bise Chines, ma-k. it an invariable s-ule to settle adl tiseir delbts on New Ye-as's Day." "Se, I uuderstaud," ssid tise Amesican ist, "but then thse C'hinese do't have a C'hsistîuas tise week before. " WLRELESS STATION IN PANAMA Canal Zone Police Got Tip From British Minister and Acted on It1 A despa-tei trous Panama Sa>..: Tise canal zone police hsave discov- ered a iireless elegrapli plant on tise top cf a taliIbuilding iu tise beart etc Panama. Tise plant was destroyed b>.tise autisosities, -vis deciared Lb-t IL belonged Vo a Dan- lis West Indian negro, 'who tise>. believed wau a student linviseles telegraps.., Cousphaint -vas m-a-de receuti>. b>.tise BriLlis Ministes-,- Sis- Chas-les Maîletti, of tise exis- tence et a wiseiess station lu Pana- ma, aud be gave LIse police iLs ap- preximate location. Atter a seas-ci cf severai days IL 'as finally-locait- ed. For some ime lb bas been suis- pected tisat tise-me -vis auctiser bld- den iirelesa plant lu tise Darie'n regicu, but Britlis sud Japanea. lauding parties have failed te Sund IL. Siwedimh Asîthonit>' Says She Gmows More Formidable. A despateis frein Stockbclmsys: Germafty, instead et suff.ning ex- baustion atter meontis et war, bas becoesemore formidable Lisais ever, aecosding to Lieut.Col. Bcouveug, Cisief efthtie, Swedisis Miiita.ry Aca- dem>., wiospent twc sud s ball mouLus et tise theats-. Cf war with tise Gerusan asrn>.. 1I deem Ger- many's militas-y rescurces Vo li in- exhaustibie," says Lieut.-Col.-Bo- veng in Tise Attenbladet. "IL la im- possible te deuiL that tise German arnmy ceuld pertes-u taaks stilli more diffiçit than thse which are cou- frouting iLt to-day." Edwards-Will you dine witis us Luis evening 7 We are going te bave a pheasant. Eaton-Aud bow many guests 1 Wiid-eyed Customer-I want a quarter's -ortii oftcarbelie aeid. CIe rk-Tis is la ahard war-e store. But we isave-ec-a fine lin. - ot nopes, revolvers and razors. Train Wréek ln Germany Rilii. >auy Seliers on Their Way' te Frtinch Battlefleldii. Au express train runuiug at bigli spe.d s"d carrmilngmany soldiers who bac recovered f mcm tisein wounds te ucli-su extent tii-t Vii.> wem-e returningtte French ýbattlefleids9 wvas wrecked near Stendal wheu iL rau mbt the rear enud df a freigist trààn. IMé'cars 6! tise pa8senger train telescoped sud weve tota.ly sveeked. Mais>.o! the. etumning- seidiers wm ekilecI or ses'iousry aud niortalîy injured. The tameus Enlishs os-aLe, John Brighst, was asked hbo- h. came Le be eucl a master c tise art o! pub- lic qpeaking, . eus'.veredt-bat tiie ouiy hisep h. everb.d, in that direc- tien h. eLb>. listeniuug tebis s-o- tiser nead -Lie Bible. she waa acu-stomed to read tise Bible aloud ta-tise child-s-en, and he wasso seasci-nated, h. ýsaid, b>. ber way et eadiug tisa-t le had îtried ever since te imitate it. John Bs-ighst became a grcat statesusan, wiso cars-led eout tise teachivsgs of the Bible in a noble sud heîptui lite. -Sncb vas tise power et uis eloqîtence tisat bce s-ou lit about great and beneficent changes iu tise iaws of England. RHis mutises's Bib-le ceading duc- clu g t-be yeassof his mrsaî ch¶dhood influenced his-swhoie lite; tise caretul, unlsuru-ied, ueverent aud exprsesive - ma>.in -viicluase te-ad was tise cisief influence lu pr- . îciug eue of Bugiand's greatest sud noblicoraLes-s. Tises-e are uvaux> ways lu which a, mothen usa>.influence legislation . even lu commuultieSs lies-ease nsay net yet casaI a vote. THE ISSUE 0F TUE WII. lflopee of Vletory Are Sliglittiu -Germias'. Adespatcis trousPars-la ays Thîe Copenhagen; correspondent ot tise Temps wsites thuat a person lu close relations v4Lb isigis persouxages ot tise cous-t o! Prussia wlso bas justi arrived lu Deuusask assures hi-m that .higis Ges-man ci-s-des cisesis-li n-o illusions as Letise issue of tIse wac. It is recognized lunLisese circles, isc says, tisat tise Ges-man offensive Isaz been broken aud tisat altiseugis Ger- mauy's cesous-ces as-e enabling hec tocontinue tise detensive, tise>. are net sutficient te ensile Germans to hope tfs- s vict>oious mas-disfor- was-d. Tise cour s-th erefore ps-e- paring the people for thse ides tisat a trinumpiso! tise German as-mies is net certa.in anxd Visat tise situation usa>. at an>. moment becouse grave. -"Do.you tisink mars-led people are happy, Unele Jake 7" "Dat an' 'pends sltegether hon' de>. euxjoy theuselves." Dr. BlousSeid, s former Bishop o! London -vas s widower witb chul- dren. RH. asmied a 'widow witb- cildmen, sudlie had a famil> b>. 'bis seond wife. One day ii.lady rusiied i-te tise librar>."and uaid lu au excited toise; "Do coin. t. the nursery.; your chidren sud My childjé reisase ,deavoring te -kili our ebuîdren.". onJ - lu bat e-tensive At uad many me n - te, province 1o! a vill&g« M ofra 0h"4 been f life bas been feared et 1other-'town in the pro- he M'iruzzi, but Ili. èbe- tdiUbter'wiil notbeso bfir~J -preiheuded." niu'gjf partial communi- oug outhe idistrict;from irlof Boloýgna, to Na- go somewbatmore reas-: 's, but alio gives thé, in- Lut -the Lraok of Lb. igreater than at firet be- IN CIllES- rohIl.ît- Baking il :gne Gazette; ,commient- ieý situation, caals on the autuhoritieg, tô forbid the. rc cf allbread, except urposes. )penhagen correspondent npts says tii.e prohibition work-by Berlin bakers ha. have no effect, as tii. sare buying enornious four and are baking bread' S. -ie sayqý.the Gover- therefore, about W pirohi- in private, bouses-. ' FOR MONII Trarîsferred Next 1Made mn Plans ist as the flagship of 11eare Dudley de Chair. BeFides Sof the, ne'west andha- iPs on the Mersey, the Al- ,a eruiÈêer ite rn, giving ýpeara-mce of a war vesqel, ýg for ber the nickname of mer" 'when ah. first a-p- The word.tittered in jest ýs in realit.y. -I Vametufe lTreitiiemt. A despateis fs-m Paris tiays: TPh. war lias demonstrated beyond a&Il question, acces-ding te niembers o! tise Medical Commission, tise efflea- ciousnesa of anti-Lypisoid vaccina- tion . Most. of tise meinbers of tis. active arnuy - iad been vaccuiated b'efere tise, wr, bu t tise reservisa and territos-ials drafted, and sent Vo tihe front la-t-er hîad' net, and as a reaimit, to-wards tise evd of Oetoben a large number of -cases Of typho-d developed. Tise Medicai oius sion sent doctors td t-be firisg Une, and Vhey s-acci-rnated. a wîijle ;'uiny corps of 40,000 mxen. 13y t-liecndl of December tise g£ood restits cf this treatuient became apparent, as ty- plioid isad ps-actically disa.ppe.ýu-d, tise only cases renuainîng Iueýisîg amnng flic usen of two, i-ginse,ts, wlicli îhç doctrs îîere uiibI17to Voit F;lketltayn',SS Sonit h imdini ut Aitr PRi'. A d>-spatrb- frein Parits says:Up tai-n von Falikenhayn. Fois of t-hc art- ing chie! of generai, staff of the (33r- manx army. was shot ta deatis by a Frenchs aviator while making an a-criaI reconnaissance ? over Anrj:-nIs on Sunday, iccioud(ing to a despItcis fro t tia-t city PiI-SID1>ENI'- EAS I>IACE SOI Askis 'I'ios '.0Shoiy F,,er'tit-For A desýpateis troParisa' President icae ckrsiga .gathering of marines at a fI;sg li-e-, enta-tion un Wednesday, turged them. to show "'for a tew inontlhspa- tience, steadiness ansd energy, t-he dispiay ef whieh at this tinse l determine tise destin* cf ce-atir- To Censuit Dominions Aucut Pe;îce. A despatch f meus London says: Discussiug tise advisability et hold- ing tu Ixuperial ceusteresice, tise Wankard of Empire saya that iser. (eed be ne tees that an>.conference sitting at euci a timne wouid sttempt Vo grapple witis-tise final settient ,of -great qUestiois 'o! Imperial goy- emusuce. IL aska-wieiethie advis- Sbilit>. of holding a cois!erence aiouid usot be eousidered because- of, rather -tbasu La apite O!, tise ri- eas nw exm l vie-v of thse de- 'sireo! Vii. overseaedmsou-it. tise>.b.e oissulted on tii.te usmcf, &ny peso. settlemeist. A'à -uJiic fno*ld nT&RlOJ i 1- i Q 1 6-ý'

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