Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 Jan 1915, p. 4

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Free Publicity. , i~ It le not 1fai. Al sortse 0 ______propaganit. are foodin "the .41- go many requeos aare mteo rsfll.1ai ale1 nt 1e mowspapors for the. freç ItisrtWaonf, olo WI l ~ raei h .motoes Iba anexplnatoi~ o ~ new0papers cainot affott te pri4t It. pubic l is l'o an mol anti et în-eAnti, again, I1tu lnfot news. We bave eres. ~îmct evry eo~~ àdopted a otlier metboti lu New ouaroqu -et aevme rep-DUmiityYork., ThIyear we wilpriaI 118. outroqtearei oadenforne hcfý all-page newapaper ativertilsements. lieu. reques must necesaarily be We w.111 get Into the. news colunes passetl by. Thie newspaper meou Ïre only.when we do sornething that la not lackg M >"uresT ad e l popuos, lar ideae! a aewspaper thei teir.le e a geeroe ~ la that It Io generaliy leoking for possible. somethilng , b 1111 up Its columnse On thie oeir band .newapapersTh - wrould like thie pabl!<O to ecopJ hecM 18 .IÎthie tru Nor.4 more than the publie do«,< that eV- newepe la publ-abedti anywhoro ery liaset newspaper $Pace r whsecpeprrlaea otbsé~ cent acuaicas te h&nwsppOfspace. Net a week In -the year pasu- In, cet tRiat every freè nol4ce ef a1 ce buit good news has to lie held charitable or religieus undertalting lu ukfrle fcihrsaeo ye set ing. .J'-.very lineofo free notice slmpiy a straight subseription equiv- inot--trictly ncws or teîling commaent 810111t t money from thie noepaPet. upon or Illustration of news Io "a Il Io gratif>ying, thorefere, te find à loisVo a newspaper. Caîl on your plain statenfient of the case from -a ewperiyoli frhp;bu Pource not aMl.lated wltll anyjews- nwser il ydou plike forelp ut paper'. Mr. IE.AÀ. Moore, an offIeer i c o o les olieta 0 thie St ate Charities Aid Associa- hyou are sixnply asking for a etraight bld Chaitis ubscription in aid o! your purpose. ticuiof -New York, '.tl hrte'WRen.your "Ifree notice" des net Cenference at PhAadelpala recently,, appear ln thie co'¶urns of thie news -thal the newspapers deserve more 1ppr rdtieeiontwt crd than ey coumnun o tziy mean, grouchy tezuper, but with hav- #Wot lali Mr. Moore, speakling of îng withlueld tReie tem sinaply because those engageinlathie various branch- for lack cf space, goodi news, whlch os of organizeti charlty in New Yen. sbeuld have the preference, even over -.8ttee"donotask heSatinerto.yeur notice, lias-to lie emitteti. contribute theo paper we use. Wé do Very of ton when favors are asked ans gok thie owners of the buildings tRiat a "gooti newe Item"l be pubi- we oOhfly7to conliribuite our Yquar- h.uenywtwlc t- ters. But wo do ntk the newsPapers quet loe preseot, andtihRe "kean" de- to do lthe equivalent by giving us sire te have the '"news"' inserteti, la- apace wbicb- fa money te lhem. " He dicates - tiat there lo gooti avertiaF went on -Ing- value la the. notice, but tat an "Buy sate. Adverlise yeur werk attmpt là;'nmadeti o pull the wool au belm bosesdo, nd ou illover tRie editor's eye, anti make hlm 1 1>winss ouss d, ad YU ~ belteve Il (s oniy nowu., get > lie beet publicty Inthie woild. Next tine. your froe notice la [n- 111 bave seon cit.y editors receivo .ertei,' don't take il as a malter ol endi mornlng high stacice of &-Pub- course, but credit tRie newapaper Moiy .mater whch contlssorgn-with a contribution of a, certain a- IicIy altr' bih cuntsesorgn-mount towards ýthefunde of the or- Lotibons wanh them.te priaI for noth- gariizatIon banefiteti. *'SMA. IN CANADA" la it 3 houre to town in a buckboard -Or îhirty minutes in a sturdy Ford ? Mie. tRan sevotiteeii tlîousarid Ciiiîadiatî fariners drive Fords because tla.ry make the u.ecessary trip-e- te tewn duririg the bus>' setmisoîtinu thes sortest possible limae-at the sîcallest possible expetise- aund they doa't eat whien tlaey arera'î workiag.e Forud Touriaug Car $:59). Ford iuraabolît $540. Ford Couplet $850. Ford Seuaru $150. Ford Town Car 88410. ( Ail cars molaifaaly eqîipped f.o.b.For#t, Ont.> Bnyern nf thseepracticai cars ailshare In profits, If we oeili80,0 neIw Peril cars betwcen Aagust 1, 1914, and Auguit 1, 1916, lpora £Moor Companiy ni Canida, Limilteil W. J. LUKE & SON, - WIIITBY, DEALERS OUTIODOWN EXPENSES P i SURE VOLJ CAN 'Did you ever try the nice kinds of Fish we are se1ling., Try ils, we have the goods. Salmon, sliced, per lb. Halibut Steaks, per lb. *Manitoba White Fish, per lb. Sea _Herring, 4 lbs. for Salmnon Snacks, per lb.,- Fillets of Haddie, per IL *Finnan Haddie, per lb. Ciscoe Herring, 2 lb .for Our phone is Il. Isec 1 5c Isec 25c i5c 1 5C I 2lc 25e Ring us Up. Jno. B.WATI2RHOUSE WFHiITB Y SPhone Il Prompt leicy O THE Es&aBuSHýED TORONTO *WHITBY BRANCH C. A. McClollan, Manager. baé. ime a BowmauviDi., Brooklilu(C. A. McCeian "âne gereleAstie. Orl.Oiaws (J. Pr Ovebo, Manager). PickeringadFtP-. ara, bonu wu Twet and hej nerv 1 M. F.B. ,nti puriiy te-b The' x crt a genera tonie effect and inme ood helth and stregth, so that ail the boduy rgnado tirstral work wlthout auuilg sufferingre Ev. woman of the thousandu who %ave trled them, knows tat Beecham>a PINl act Tro Certain Advantague Worth a Guim saBo Mmdlmam.uZS cai. HOCKEY' PICTON DEFEATS WHITBY jack- loy 55, 'M.' Buckiey 54,, A. Goldtlng 53, B. Meeker 49, A. Rfcliartison 46; D. BeIT 45, C. Plaekett 44, P. Warti f42, H.N. Arksey 41, H. Ross 40, A. Kennedy 38, W. .Joluiston 37, G. A. MoGilUi'rray $4, M. Tarves 34, F. 1Iarlock 20. Form 1. Orammar.- C'. Qui nton 78, M. Smith 70,- El. El Idge 70,,.1). Brad- bury 70, M. Walters 68, K. Lavery 67, 11. Ravin 61, D. Thornon 57, 1E. Fisher 57, .1. I.Long .54, E. Kemp 53, M. Molntvre 53, E. Stephiensoni 52, L. luibeil 51, .1. Toms 48, A. Rice 45, M. Ailaway -44, C. Blryant 42, W. O'Connor 42, M. Beatty 40, fC. Neil 35, A. Goldring 32, N. Neil 82, H. -Johastoe n 3, M. Kime 29, W. Wfiis 24, W. Smith 21, G. Mertyre 16. a wi~.A USEFUL LIFE- COMES TO AN Defeateti but not diagraced isutae.ND reauit o! Whlhby'e Intermetitate -ED gaines wit.h Picton lust woek. on TRie death of Mis. Mary C. John- Wedneetiay aigRit t.he Picton beys stou, aged 79 years, oeeO! Brati- came le Whitby, anld thie game thnt focd's (lPa.) moèt hlghly respecheti resuitati as the bonI sean tis ses- rauldents, occurred ti h .3o0,oclok on son. J anuary 9, a htRe lBradford hospÊtal For theRia rst two porfotis both where sbea md beea a patient for tRie teams utruggled up anti dowu tac ice past fivo tinys. Mrs. .Johnshon bati witbout sucizcodiag iu gettiug a 1 been la feebie healtRi for-sevral score. Thle play was mnsct evenly iVeeke, anti about ten da#s ago a tilvitieti, antiý durnag vie forty Min- rapiti decline, set in, whicli, ewing te utes' play 1h looketi like a toua for bor ad-vaaeti age, it was Impossible either leam. for the bout medical skiil o! tRie city -TRie thinti perioti was fauter tRia.ute chieck. Thie serf ousnes- o! Mns. ever, but thie Fleton betys, hy thair .Jolmston'u condition was apparent great comb1aniowrk, succeedtinlate ber famiiy, andi ler deati was net tall>iiug hwice, while Wiftby, aI- unexpected.- tbough raiuing tna eliot after ghot, Death was duc ho complication of couid net gel past Picvon's net ailments peculiinr t olti age, andth te guardiazi. He lu, a Wonder, andi cen- caticarne peacefully andi Painlessiy. talnly savet iReton frorn piaying Mary C. .Johnston was a native o! evertime, if neh froma defoat. Bath, England, and durfug lier vouth -TRie Whitby beys put up tRie bout spent a pernd o! tliree years lu kinti o! a game, -anti notblng but tRia France. Fellowiug lber return te best can lie saldfti e!tlr playîag. Noin Bàth, she marniedth Re late James excuse anu lic cheee, however. Thie .Joliston, St., wlio pracedeti ler fa botter teamn won.- TRie finuai score 'dealli about ten years ago, and with waa 2-0. him carne to A mMrio locatilng in PICTON 6, WIIITBY 4, Whitby, Ont. Twenty-thrc.e years ago, Mr. anti Mjs. Jolinston anti Picton on Friday aigRit.TRie homo been their home since. Freinthe VRey got a surprise, instead. TRie rotiring disposition, began te accu- score was ouly two goals o! an adi- mulate fniendsiiipso! a lasting na- vautage, witl tRie resuit tRial their turc, anti ne one, wlio came lu pet- supporters lost a gooti deai o! mou- sonai toucl iî"th lier could resist e>' thoy lad taken home -fromn Whit,-'t-lie, kiadly clieerfinrss o! hien dis- liy on Wednesday niglit. posit1 or the practical Chlristian Thie standing lu Croup 1, Inhtermieti- -cuaractèçof lier daily 111e. Mrs. fate O.ILA., now gives Picton anti Jollnstoj was net eniv thie mother Peterbeo an equai chance for tRie but tRie coafidant o! lier cldtren. clamplonship of the group. To date! Mrs. Johnston is survtived lby thres Peterbeo bas playeti aine games, îdaugliters, Sister Christina, Sister wiuafng ai01 but eue. Thle final garne, Matieline and SIster Josephine, all o! Whitby ah Peterboro, calleti for last St. .Joqeph's Convient, lu Toronto, niglit, was defaulteti by WRitby, se and four sens, Atrthut, o! Chicage. that Peterboro's games are concluti-1 anti Dr. .Jàmes, Fred anti Norbert eti witlî 9 wou anti 1 lest. Pieton iTolimsten, of tbf s city, aIl of whoni biai playeti eight garnes anti but bave thie sincere symîathy of this onl>' one. 'Ple hwo remaiuiag gaines rommnunlhy In tRie Rheut of their Sad are ah l3owmauville andi with Oshi- bereavement.-1Bradforti paper. awnaI Picton. As thie lattoer have Mrs. Toehnqtnln was well knciwn 9ni aitend>' defeateti botti these toams, Whitby ut the tinie o! lier residence il looes blute a tie in thie group for - bore. final honore. 1I- If such resuf Vs, a sutiden dcathR gaine wili have te be playeti oun New Telephones. neutrai ice, possibl>' Whitby. TRie Peterboro- enin are anxious to play Following le a lust of Bell tele- Rera, but Picton wisi te have thie phones latoely installeti. Subscrib- gine at Belleville, ne Il te noarar crs shoulti cultRis eut anti place il homoe andtihRe size o! tRie rink suits luintlir ýdirectonfe tbenm betten. 'Pie Wiitby Arena, 206 Balmer, 'Plis., nesideace, By'- beweven, us thie bout place for th: ton St. gaine, as fit affortis such a large 105r2 Ilratley, Frank, i resideuce, Ice surface. Duntias St. If thie two ttais cannot agnea, thie 152 Evans Dr. Austin, office anti O.H.A. Executive wil ie calleti up* nesidenoe, Byron St. on ho dacitie where thie gaine shal 90Finfgaa, M., tesidence, Centre be playei. Local fans are anzius Street. 10 ueothe gaine coeie ere. 195r12 Hollfday, M.J., Jr., fariner, Atiditional gaines durtug tRie pas-t BasaeLUne, week have been - 183 Jeflney. HugRi,- testdenco, Duni- Jan. 20.-BowinBille nI Oshawa. das Street. Oshawa won "-6in ovettirne. 8r:13 Kempthonne, Chas, teeldeuce, 1 Jan. 22-Oshawa ah Petenliero. Pet- Kingstion Reati. erboro won, 114. 204 Maple Lent Tea Roin sd Jan. 25.- Paeterbono ah Oshawa. Cale, Brock St. Poterboro won, 101 10r2 Mclntvre, J., hardware ad Belleville, o! courue, lias de! aultet tînsmîlli, Brock St. aIl ramainlng g5inO5. 1 73 Rowe, TRios. L., tesîdenco, :JUNIOR HOCKEY. C'Atne St. VWtby Juniors have a chance ho 17 Royal Rotl, 'Thos. Cuusien, »% .ka ."_ -AI-- no l. rkSt iniaea ite-orneuedea me in the greup. TRiein final gaine wns calleti for- lait aigRit aht Oshawa, the resuit not being known a h le lire of go'lng te press. Ilthe boys coulti Rent Oshawa, hhey woult have a re- cord o! wiauiag two anti lostng two, andti hvree-ornered hic woulti ne- sult, the tlinee teamu., Oslawa, Bow- manville anti Wlitby bef'ug ne f urtlier ahendti Van at tRie beginfng of tRie season. The beys have been vrac- icug liard, anti woulad gve a gooti account o! therngelves. On .Ianuary 21, Oshiawa playeti ah B3owranvýille, tRie homie team winning by 6-4. A hhriiiing game o!fRhockey tec'k place ah Burns' Anena on Moaday eveaing wlien the Suadav Schooi and the Baraca Class o! the BaphIst Church mot lu deadly conflIit. 'PRe contest was vcny keeniy feugbt, anti ah full hi-me tRie tennis were bled, tRie score Ring one aIl. Ten minutes ovortîme was brdered, but tbis fail- et tô break tRie teadlock, anti the oame hati to ho atijoeutuetiila Inter date. MARRIAGES. PUIVrES-NWAL'PERSC- At hile bonie of tRohe ide's parents, Baltimore, Northumb-,erlanti (ount>', Onlarlo, on Wotinesday, January'20, Mis WOtets, ho Mn. Wm. Pu»ves, o! Columabus. 178 178 205 132 157J Rvan, lbev. - W. J., r esidence, -Johni St. Stewart, R. B., residence, Tundas E. Thoimson, .Tnhn. resitietce., Dundas St. 3TRireadzold, S., carpeater- anti iltIdr. Dundai St. 7Vietnrian Order Nurses, rosfi- dpace Centre St. APPLICATION TO PARLIAMENT Noti e la horeb>' given tRiat an ap- plication will Rie matie by the Toron- Vo anti York Radial Railway Coin- pan>' Vo tRie LegislatIve--Assernbly o! thie Province ef Outario atItIs next session lot an Act (a) pernittdng thie Company' te Iay out, coustnuct, complete, equlp, madtaal anti operate double trackn upon Yonge Street, lnhe City o! Tomante from tRie compa.ny's South- arn terminus tote ianorti limiti of tRie sait cihy, subjechte sucih agree- nient wiVlihe Ck>'feToPonoe as thie Ontario Rniiway anti Municipal Boardi mny approvo. (b) Te extendti tRiime fthe Riscon- struct4on o! extensions anti branches of tRie sait nahlway. AYLESWORTH, WRIGHIT, MORIS & 'PHOMPSON, Solicitors for Ap- plicants. Datod t hTorontotie I 111day of January, 1915.-8. asi i e*fL hogti could get àln *dt hlp- The. saine olt Stomch ,Troule sd . dustreminf Ileadaches nu.rly, drove me wili séetime ag' 1l t abox,0f 'Fru a-tives" and7the grstboxzdid me- gooti. My' huoband- was delgted and 'advi. Rd a Continuation of tér use. Troday, 1 amn feeling âne, and a physiclan meeting me on the street, sioticed my Improved £ppearance and saketi the rçsson. 1 replied 1"1 arn taklngl'ralta-tlvea".Head wiî If Pruat-a-tivea are maldng yon look se wel, g ahead andi take thern. flic nre dolng mor for yen than I can". Mia. H. a WILLIA&M6.1 "Vruit-à-tives " aresolti 1y ail deaies a s oc. a bo= 6 for $2.50, triai site 2sc. or sent poptpaid on recelpt of price by Frult-a-tlves Llmited, Ottawu. Train Time 1hbles G.T.R. WHITBY JUNCTION. ouing W est... A.2a .GoingIFat .... q.2oa.1 .9 55a m .i..m. 11:3 oggpm .. 740 P.tIi. ....6.53 p.n * ..9.30,>.ml ýunday trains leave for Toronto 4.52 a.rn. and 7.40 p.m.' Froms Tor- onto-trains stop at Whitby Junetion at 8.15 and 9.55 a.m., anti 9.80 p.m. 1UP-TOWN STATION GoingrNOrth - -8-30 a.m. oing south-.7. tg a.'m C.P. R. Goi ng West -9 42 a m. oing vast-.w1% a m 5.42P. n 6 32P-M STAGES. Leaves Whitby for Oshawa at 10 a.m. sud 4 p.m. W. Martin, pro- prietor. Leaves 1er Brougham at 10 a.m., Mr. Zdwards, proprietor. For W et- e 6.3 MAILS CLOSE .0 a.,n. For Port1 .30p aM. -30 01.10. 3p.m - }or<)shai o0 a.ni. ,a,:m iFor *J,., whithy- 6.30 a:.il 6.30,p.in wa-2.3o pan TH,-IRTY DAYS lSpocial Sale. WHI'I MARKETS Wih, flu........11 o 1.20 Woal, gooseo........... 1.1Otel1.10 Barley.,..... ........... . 0.65 ho 0.65 Peano ....00 î 1.00 Buckwhea ................ 0.70 ho 0.75 ....... ........... 0.50 10 0.55 lie Clover .............. 9.00 10-9.50' -FLOUR AND FEED. Fleur, por cwh.,........ 8.25. to 8.60 Chopped feeti, set......1.50 te 1.50 Cornmeal.. .......... 2.00 te 2.50 Bran;, par hou ....«......28.00 ho 28.00 SRiorta, per ton-.8.0to 80.00 Duckë. per l0.... .124G Gems, treseedi par lb. ... 0.5 iq 0 Tunkeys, tireset, perli. @.20 to #Aa Butter, per lb,........... 28 heoi Eggs nv,- Per doz.... 0.82 tko'0.80 Lard, per lb . ...........f18 ho 0.20 PoItau, per bag - 0475 te Oý00 Apples, per 'barrai. 1.50 ho 8.0a 'Oùions, per bag.- ....1.00 tb 1.28 Hlay, per hon ........1 .. 4.00 te 15«00 HIDES.- Weol, uewaaheti «-... ..... 614 hto 0.17 CaIf,- ikins, pet lb.Z 0.15 ho 0.10 Lamb oaUna, each ,....0.70 tCâ0.75 Hidea, per ewt. 18.00ho 1.00 Sfeouln. .......... 0.71t0 là Denons.........0.25 to0.70 Horse Hitios*:. . . 2.50 10 8.00 Tallow, rend., par lb.... 006 to e 0 Aisike clover, pet bus.. 8.00 te 9.00 qu x Recç 1'. iakes-anc CONTRA CT0RO [De EQuIj Lito eSS-uîaqce Co. - J. HOWELL* JAMES 0OF CANADA ICarventp, I. uil .deandra Cqrt saved its5& policy bolders $ ,oo,ooo in its, firut ton yeats of business by sciiing them without.profito policies, and having A.1 premiums paid direct te head office without commissions. Premiums col- lected were $389,ooo, insteati of $489,. ooo. F'ourteen other Canadian cern- panies received $18,499,695 in their first len years inainiy for with-profits policies, and paid in profits le policy hoiders $<)î,55o Their combined ac- cumulated surplus over uliarehcîtiors' contributions was $79,707 at theo cutiof their firut tan years. Which looks boit te you ? The Equiîy Lfe- is the total abstain. ors Company. If interesteti write for further particulars. The nsain who atudIes bis own lntereita wiii patronize The Xqulty tif- Aissirance CompnPiy when he wants Life Insurance. L. W. DUJDLEY, 'iM. SIJTtIIRLAND, A gent, Preeldent a General Managmr Whi tby. Ont. Toronto. MONUMENTS of al] Dealgus and Matorlal Kept in Stock It wlll pay you te eau ah ou worke and Inspeot fer Iyeurself. Don't lie misieti by agents. W. do not employ hhem. CeneequlelitlY w oaa anti do shlow thie agant's 'com- mission, 10 per cent., which yàu vil) certainly save liv purchasiagf rom us. A Cail 3oicltOd. WeIngriht o Offce .and-Works Opposite Standard Bank, Whitby. S&EIa 1at 1a3 Double Track Ail The Way A Rare Opportunity ta Pffréhase 1Taronta-Chicago - Toronta-mantreat 'Ladies' & Geits'R-ubbers Iiavung punch used 2500 paire of Rubbers, 1 wiil seil thein while thcy last at follewing prices: Pair Ladies' Rubbers, reg. 6o ato $1.00, 29o Gents' Rubbers, Reg. 850 ta Il1,25, SOi 'rake ativartage of liais chance lefore tiaey are allgouue. ABOVE ARE TH.E BEST QtJALOTY. 08argKsaDola L bt NEW TRAIN SERVICE TrORONTO-IONTREAI. OTTAWA- Via " Lake Ontario Shore Lune" Fast time le Oshawa, Port Hope, Cobourg, Belleville, Trenton, etc. Particular. frein c.P.. Agent., or write M. G. Murphy, District Passenger Agent, Corner Klng and -Yonge ms., Toronto. E. R. BLOW, Agent Whitby ONE SCHOOL THAT, MERITS the confidence of -thie public because of il. HigRi Grade work fià the Toronto, Ont. W@ train ronng insu and wome to bo. com f àk!1ful and expert mseno raphers, tpi.,book keepers, commercia e.h ers,,elerk,, cai-hiern, or general office assistants ln froni four te M i nrtias and asaiet thon. tu geL pomitions. Open Al year. Enter now. Catalogue fre. cor. Vonge asud i W.J3. Eilott, Chari.. St.. I Principal F. -E. LU-KE,- B IiFRACTIN«, 0 PTICGIAN AT ALUIN'bl DRUG STOR W)-i]TBY TUESDAY, FEB. ]70 YONGE STREET. ZE Corner King St., Teronto. ROYAL THEATRE ENTIRE CHANGE 0F PROGRAMME Each Nlght. Now Rnnning 6 KATH LYN Every Second Moaaday. Saturday night, ioè te ail. BAIN PERAIN, Manager Unexcelled Train Service Mighest Cins et1 quipment Winter Tours to California FLORIDA AND SUNNY SOUTH Fast Trains-Choice ef Routes Low Forenew ln effect For full particuinrs consuit G. T. R.ý Ticket Agents or write C. E. Horning,' Dist. Pais. Agent, Toronto. 9. 'teuh..nann Agent, phone se. Whltby Scranton Ceai Ail klnds of Coal except peu ceaI -$8.00 per ton Pea Coal, per ton 6.501 At Hlarbor Coali eheds 50 centsi per ton less. Ceai". The ame highest quality. E. R.'1BLOW, Bell Tel. 9. IlSCDRANTON guarantecestic Whilby Home Tel. z4.. imprêgnable Strength, Maimums Bmnofit, Incomparable Olvidonds, Minimum Net Casi. For rate.t and fulil Information apply to FV. J. DUFF, MR. A. E. DONOV AN, Special lisp. Qneen & Victoria Ste., Myrtli. Toronto, Mgr. M il u'r urinas Ca. The M utal 0 f' o New York Plans drawn and estimates furnishedi. Repaira, Aiteralions.and'jebbing. Rgenîfoýr 1Brantfori Roollna Box 467 - WtIITDY PhOno 149 =JOHfNT. H OORNSBV=- D UILDIR sud CONTIAC8TII Plans Madie and Eu'tinmtes Given. Ail Kintis-of Brick and Concrete Work. Repairs to -Chimney Stacka andi Boilers -.a specia' ty. Whltbyvf, -,(Box.qq) Ontaaioi Bell Phone 138. C. FOLLEST CONTrRACOlR AND BÙILDERt PLANS 0F ALL DESCRIPTION FURNISHED. Reuidence, - Thoratom's Corners -Phone 41, Oshawie. THREADGOLD BROSO CARPENTERS aid BUILEI Alterations anti Repafrs. MUS8T CLASS WORI GWARAM'rEED. Apply Dundas St. WestOr P-0. box 403 DENTAL W. ADAMS, Dentist, CiSse, Dimisa Stroot, Rouîdence No. 4, laie Toeras Byron St., Whitby. Phon Né. -128. JAS. BISHOP, Osbawai Licenseti AuctinOO. Se cessor to L. Fairbanks. F11et terI andi dates apply te self or G. 110,11, Whiltby. 1WM. MAW LICENSED ALJCTIONBER AND VALUATOR.' Ail kintis of sales promptly eatn&i eti te. Arrangementp for sales cms Rie made at the Gazette OMs. Terms reasonabla. Bell and Independent phones. WIIITBY, ONT. James & Walker Pump Manufacturïers Stice.r, tA m. W. »Wae Sior Dundas- Street, Whitby. Three doors. wesh ef Whitby Mous. We are prepared to iriali wood or iron p m )nps hort notice, aloe attend to all kinds o f repairing. Agents for the Ontarie wind mli, alto ganoline engines. Phones-7,Bell 50, lad. 26. Phone 35WITY APE)5IT1IEN FOR FALL AND WINTER. We bave a oand busInac.#pteln for a reliabi.eeergetic .akezas -Mr this district tf. sel] fruit troc., sasrntf ew.grub, etc. Pay weekly, cutat fret, cacludys bitoery. OVER 600AORES ct fruit and ortninental stock rt'Wueamation W, oeil tbrongh or sale ismuc btti. s suner and guarantee delivryosifrïbJ&b igpade seviewegvuad lb. volume ai bak. dore. Esa 7mbd 6yars. writ4 Pclhaa Nuuasry Ce., Inst.,O. P.S-B& udsme Catalogne o qes ç" eber 10 app licasot or iliese wWaiIsg ?*seu stock. Sixth Annual course in Agriculture Jan. 1 Sth to Feb., 26th-9 1915 A Free Course, comprising a thofrough and practical study of-Live Stock, Feed and Feeding. Dairying, Soit Cultivatioti- Drainage, Fertilizers. Field Crops, Bactérlology, Fruit Growing, Poultry, Agricultural, Botany, Insects an& Fungus Diseases, Spraying, Arithmetic, Book Keeping, Co- operation and Marketing, and Public Speaking. Somne ot the best agricultural authorities in the Province haveq been secured to instruct the class in the more important subjects. This course will be complete, practical and- profit- able-six weeks well spent. Arrange to attend. . Now 18 yor opportunity. You may -regret .it il you Miss iltbtis- yeàr. For f ull particulars write or phone R. M. Tippier, Dept. cf Agrieulture, Whltby MADE IN, Eyes R TFiRE' busÎIîes+ i f OUI -d W deour -oftica! 'We appreeate tUe c(ý put ll us whiel VOU ci regard to yiour ey <ei. -W. will 'uîe-t -aulado i -case. .W'e g-v tour 4o0.0ofOUr knowiedigea aud depeaid uporu it we - - rigit Comm to the righv R.NBac -Jeweler anti Opt WC. T. slait week Wrote Vo follews: "In View O! thi dzinkkeg, to whib ateý ready been drawn, migl te tRie QG9vernrnent, iu- v albue legislatlon, that la cewuraglug Men and wDme * !tag Publie bouses, ,the more. attractie and clu' hitherto ln other wavs V a9g thVie drifîkingof 1&P Puble-houses ant hotrl-ke plovîde -for sale soup, ce anddDthv ~-iightiý.and h frooimeut. - $&Efforts have been mati Jellieoe,. Lad y Freneli. ai prerIde Tipperarir roomne M«. purpeses and for soli * Ulertunately, turne Ps foi ralicient cefforts toi) Pwroide these roomu. Ibn IRe public bonzes a5 rom, proridi g g ganes, newspapprs, etc. thte Wl wll le nece'ssarv or sleetintoxricani3 _Wur, andi se dolng away SVII of 'treatrxn' voung * LLocal RD-pg mie Stone Inq-uee, a!t adJori et,.wili Rie - r * Tm5day alternooniit. Division court ,wilI Tuetiay next February gi.la the Court 1lb~use.' A good, cbance to>- sto * -kttelien wîth graixitoni Pringie's, hardware soe A large numher f ronM * tlhe- Sunday Scliool As liet*ioxhel-d .d (o!11.. bu as tompanion, -or as -hou. etafden Lmdr. Pieat o!rmo ply box 405, Whîtbv. .Aayone havlng o!d lirien f XARCHIVES 0F ONTARIC TORONTO s EcuRiTy for bolh pincipal andi interest iathe firit euential cfla, iveutment -.the. abdity ta realize qickly ithe second. Judged by tl"s itandards, a depeià in the savip depantuutofthisBauk u an ideal -ois

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