MeW q lv »W w '* 4B»MSUIMý aUU s a S a »MnIIpeUZSU pwage ifasvear, aigreeable ourpriUseto aIl, *ponsderiug bthe total signature. hein6 1,010' that lbheday was cold, an rvig The receipts of the Asoitina Ille perfect.,,toilet noue; pe as n. . nited tb 814U.5. Ascatn a soap-made froM The coiiventln opened at 2.30 o'- Alter the new Èresident took the' Faimand live *g~ 'lock, i'v'tli Rev. Rog'er Allen, con- chair Rev. C.P. Mulrliead, of Port Pamad(ieok ductèingý devottens. Perry, gave an addiren,,-,,"Miofion- Mines Margaret E. Sleep-, lt.e efl- ýary Instruction ln Sunday -Scbool." For delicate, beauti. dlent Secretary, read the minutes,?ef Mr, . S.Frier, o! th. -Port Perry- the tant anpual meeting, whiicl con- j S%.tar, gai;e a' most excellent addreos fui' complexions. iiisted of a very ample and excellent-, upon the. subjeet, "IWhere ta IBegin, ]y werded, report et the proceedtings, ;a st>udy of tb. Sunday Sehool Ideal." For every mremnber lncludlng 'a digest 0f lhe more lm- iMiss Laine concluded the addresies of the faily; and portant addireses, iin the adoption witlb a hielpful taik on 'Il eealo paid ta Miss Seii !or the excellence Thé churcli choir,. aosssted by. the For every toilet use. -o! her work1t as 8eeretary. Brooklin male quartette, rendered The President, Mr. H.F. Werry, o! very acceptable mnusic during tue Kodren, ap'pointed, commi ts on evenlng. k'al olivNomination, Finance aud Resolu- Palm liC tien. _ 1 For hi J L WLLISDUgglït A mnt interesting report cf lb.he lIthy Tou iC otncil -oie y_ LWILIPrvicil Convention boetd laet Oc- tober, *as' preorented by Mr. Berti It iseggy going for the Municipal Pirofessiona Car& ~ Gay, a! OShawa, who represented lhe, Ceurcil lu these esorly days' of the. Asgocatin. year. The serfousi busineesa! the "l heOgaie Bbe ls year bas not yet developed, and there __________ LIEGÂL M-à aking Good V' wam lhe subject o! was it' ulidfg-a l.metn ~,. E F4REEL~ IC.~~ an addres given by Mr. S.T. Chapin, o Monday nig t h e m ine ge c! ehaa, i.amlwer was a niostb fore the Board dld flot'-ocoupy bal Barrister, County Crown Attorney and eniphalia yen. iaoki. ng )Up bis ownanbulogincm tîesdu Couty olcitr.personal' o unons and ebservations, Council the members speut anether 0111 south iing.Court Houa., Whitby. Mr. Chapin read extracts from rle- heur aud a quarter la informail dis suits cf num erous organized, classes cussion. A. Ee CHRISTIAN ,asbowin cnùevely. sucea- tui A petition was preSented from 13rrotr.lifiltr Ntay éà li. t heenaecheeldi b1, Messrs.. W. J. Luke e& Son, d. Mcmn- Ofie BanItrckSII<it, tandgar d Bnk. 'Pleea uabv 8 lyre and W.M. Pringle, protestiug a- Ofce Brck t.,Opp Stndad Bnk.lite, isaid Rev. G.A. McLean, of Wlït.- gainst thie special ,icerise tée,'o! $10 Money to Loan., byj ln hie 7addreus on "The Boy ln lmpoaed by Counci ao b.uee the -Sunday .School." From 10 bO 20 street gasolîne tanks, aad a.king - û. YOUJNGSMTH, LL.U. a boy was r'eally thrèe Soys, the per- Iliat the fee be remltted or reduced. - Issuer- f dodo of his devïel0puient beliner di- Petîtiouers suiyniittcdthat as, tloey MARRIAGE LICENSES lible , 1-2inThe, .. atges-10-13, bar, tbey sbouid net» 1316 5-0.'li unday Echool be taxe<l 50 liavily- for 1he pr4vilege ' Court Houie, Whitby, or residenee. encW,e muet adaut his teaohiug and of piaelng'taie tank on bhc streel, an b leadershjipe suit the diverse sand il was of more cotiventence, b thef -00 A@ Je SWAIWSON - changlng diernsitlons o! lb.eboy. pbictath1.owes e b r Bvrite, Slicte, Ntar Pbli, undav-.gehoel Evangelism," was tank.'te Caoenveyanicer, et., tar uc. ably handled bv Rev. S&. Môôreý O!, The Couuicil were agreed Ihel lb. Coivean, ec.,ntc, O9hawae. qa. f tbe great objecta, if tax wgaexcesslive,,andM. adI, o, KngS~ E McJe Block ôls bject, o!f una, gventice -of a by-law tb amend lb.e Reeldence-52 DrewSt. - ~ W!ki wul.,Itanc a preset by-law, wbereby the. te will T one-Office, 3-2 1; Residence. 326. deflnite sud ýconscibiis-,pa ne Of be placed at $1, on and aller May 1, __________________________.Jesus Christ as Saviour. Tac many next. puplis enter and pasIbrougli. lb. Reeve Downey, wbo occupled the' il ýJfiandMge 'Liens. Stnday Sclioot witbotit becoming chairMyrWre big~cqe . . Cl1rristians. Mr. Moore said that rMyrW re bin e9d #.rtrNaway, reportedl as to an amendment e intser ofnitr riage M tcna - fronithe earlitist day. llb. esehool t h 94 Cut sesetP coTUC.druwstore. wih h hl hudb taughb ht i proposed at the meeting of County Y No________________ belongs to God, and il should be Ihe Council h.ld lasI -we.k. (Reference ti --endeav»ror f parent~ and teacher tO ote.ilbfun nterpr fg ThueBroator Cnada Improvoment perpetuate this conscicus relation- C te hi îl ou d l u herpote - Land Co., Llmlted ship of 1he chuld to the Savlour. nCou t oncofL). da-Btmn "lEye Gate Teaching" ise th. bestthn Moior nd Ce Lidwereateman pAal Utate DealerA, Estates Managed, posiiible kind otinsîrti ýthe M aiyoranud Cerk sr atorze Rente Oellected, Firet LonseArranged, opuconni01 MitheBtthratainean agreement wiîui thet - Properties boifght and sold. oionoMss erlaa ine C o rand Trunk Railway Co. as bô the l For terine apply llead Office, Brook St.rno b ae clpatis crossing of their tracks at the Brcck h Bell Phone 193. Imd. Phbone 70. address, showing what use% dan ro street bridge wilt bbtheIown sewer. ac Sales Managers, made of Pictures and ohilects and The agreement ls for three veairs, the g-r RO afSO RICHAROSON, Whtby. blackboard drawings in ehig nto o-py yar eft f$3 t e vi-:nING Sc I*o. T'lhe FPire Brigade- made auplicationise WM& COURT, Plasteror Alter supper, which wa&~an ample will Je paltforthwith. $50,w ij - 44Syulngan A..,~0RNT0 repast ofttheb.bst that couId bc pro- 44 SMIngon Ae.,.ORONO %ided, Mis-tainc, and Mr. Benson, cf idio laed tive estinates on ail the Oshawa Y.-M. C.-A., led conterences Plaserîg, athig, tc. for Elezùentary sud Sccondary Grade Okargee Mioderate. - Write-for Ternis. Workers. ________________________ Rev. W.M. Ilaig, Colunîbus, opened 7ffI ! I J TY FRED W. CBRUEN. the evening meeting. w r FRE W NBREN, heCoemmitee on Resolutions pre- W IRLW I ND1. - Carpautort Boulder andi Contractor sented their report. O, resolution recommended that th. Ontario Gev- Plane drawn and estimates furnisbed. ernmnt be memoraqized to extend E RWrnrs, Alterations and jobbing. the unit cf local option te Include A c'ne-day campaign of Wh maiUOK[UN, -ONTARIO ÇCeuntes,,sud le reduce lb.ernajority ______________________percentage tq 55. 'Plis carried by au ship fecs toward the carry ing < enthuélastlc standing vote. ilb hedo Il t Ne W ntl ud 'The uew-officers aupeointed are : ilehed n S Presidet-F.H.B. Patten,Osa . lot Viee-Prçsldet-Wm. Dyer, Col- o d y P e W. vasi a ban of two-thousaud umbut. Av. humclred, tiret mortgage se- and- Vfce-Presideut--A. Sou hwell, ourity on impreved fat, Wiii t by OsecrearyTesue-i agrt The cdock will be located tQwuship. If'-you have mouey ta E. Sîeep, Port Wilby, reports of progress will be.marke [osa prite Euperintenidenls ,of Departments. 0Elementary Grade-- Miss A., W. Collectors will meet at' 9.3o CJOHN, ReIESHE sdFRm rk vsefouar Di.- ie .Tbm receive their reports and books. 'ÂAU kiade of single and double rige for hire. Buis tlO al1he *rinan d baggage transfer. lomnis bought and sold on oomamisebon. Some 'good' aomad '&vers sud heavy, teais for sali; uale baled hay-au , dstraw ini any quantity oe 0C price.., etc., apply ut îr phone 89,14 or 74. kablee.and Ofice: Roc.Sm.-iseA. W. Olver, Broolk- lin. Superiteudents - Eiementary Dlvision-Mrs. E. W. îWillson, Brougbam.- Sec. Dv.-FJB.B. Patten, Oshawa. A ... Dept.-S.F. -ýbapiu, Osai- jHome Dep.-W. J. Turner, Clare- mont. Tesober Tralnlg-Rey. G. A. Me- Lean, Whltby. Mlsienary- 11ev. C.P. Mufmbead, Port Ferry. Rspreseutative - J. M. Micaieli, ~Claremont. Taiestalistieal report showed that lier. were 28 seahools repomtiug Vo the sehahars. There are M 9(rad.e RMis,- wla400 otan enrolment; 7 Home Oartan CanieronÇ',wa 1s inated aube at the Session '01 Jast wee& In hie regimental, unifoîi, le being sta- ,iud V Oslïawa,"where lie -ba s chà rge 'ci-the voluziteers'fer the third Canadian CdiitingOnt$ (Japt. Camer- on ,himsoli expeots t tSzcnpasly the Tilird Contingent t, thte front. On Saturday aIteà noonthe Ce>uncil was.hurryiug to oinplere the busi- ness Oô that the nÃýnibe9 ro rm the no.miglit get 4hpme the saine eefj whon Mr, eon'ant rose, and stated ehat an Itemu of buaînesa mult, corne before the, Co"ui prevkyus Vo adjourmount. Re aùked Capt. camn- eron to Corne te ýt1ie- front of the room. Now (2aptaiü C(arneron was 'taken tatally by surprise, 50 muclï zo that lie almost. turned pale.,flow- ever, ho was asslsted, by Mr. BlanclI- ard,, and Mr. Gonanît proceeded to present te film on beliali o! the mem- bers of the écuzivil à purse of mon- ey, representfnig a pair of field glass- es, fIn token of the,. steem and ap- preciation o'! lb. County Couneil- of Ontarto Oounty. Mr. Carneren was, quit. unprepared for,any proceediugs of this nature. le wae deeply nioved by the expres-. sion of bis fellow meinbers, and his mnjner showedi. e expressed his îeart-felt thlika saylng that, lie lad- alwayo greatly enjoyed lii'associa- Mous around Abe -Beard, -and thé theugit- af a partig beltre the. next, sesdion teuclied hi* ?, eeply. Ca ptain Camcron *uhsbecu one of the niat use! ul snd lateligent meni- bes of tht ComiW R[l hà ibeen a favorite wIth.a11niamboeg, and De etbtoe tributecI4l&sve- beeu pald bc his worth- Vlin the prmcedings o! at Saturday. The address Preoîented to- Capta1nu 'ameron, follows: ro Captain,1., S. C1,meron, Reeve of thb. Villà ge. of Beaverton. Il is the decire, -t.-your feIlow nefabers eof'h. atario -Uouuty, 3o4meil and -the Cowity officiais tb spreea, b you the satisfact4on and )ride we experience In reaiizing that rou have velunteered your services in 1e army et eur King- to serve fn the, eat cause that sc keenly Iiiteroeta 'ery true British subjeot. - V Having been a mezuber o! Ibis t ouncil for a number of years we feel b hat you are In faet one of us, andh bat we are In a mieasure, but moétV inoraMy, represontedby .you in the p etive service of the Mi!4tia In ithe reat war that is bel g waged.C 'Ne appreliend ere we are ail as- embled together again, you wil Ilf Sobably *b. Manvi miles -si-narated'h roi us, serving at the front ini your ti CAMPAIni itby, for supporting membtr- tnl of the work for 1915-16 bruary' 8th in a prominent place, and nd during the da%. D'a.m. at ýhe Tea Rooin to IT WILL IIELP YOU. )f -Rebecca Concert kRYJiOTHO loi15 DON'T FAIL TO jHAR [IU.[BOY SOPRANO1 <>ym1l(ASSISTE» BY MWISS O* HOLLUDAY GRADUATE 0F 0. LC. -AND- OTHER LOCAL TALENT Plan at Willis' Drug Store Mnon. :ý,dayj February Stb.7'j -yWUUA IMLV Yu a15 V vIUuItreU] te perferni, w. fle hat W.Canuel. separate at tue end of thIs session o! 1h. Council without lunserre tangible thaugl - iadequate way expresaing sud showfng. b oyeu -the uxeas ure et our -appreclablon. We the 'rtfore ask you te accept 1h18 'expresion, o! geod feeling sud' ;w'cll wimhes tawards yu sund -lu sinceret hoe.that ycu will bd returned'safeîy teo your famuly sud ta our dssccl'a- lion, sud that yau wlN accept lb. leld glasses repreaenlOd by Ibis purse of mouey as a sincere tokeui a! our very best wislies fer your wel- taresud' approciatiou of youn. Dated ýat 'Whitby Ibis 3Oth day of .January, 1915. The Members of the Council sud lIi. Officiais of the. Couinty o! Ontario. was snobher lntereeting evenî lu lbe Couucil's preceedings. A deputaticu froni Oshawa, ceusisting of Mayorj Sinclair, Solicitor .F.. Grierson anA Dr; Kaiser, presented blîtenselves,and ladd before '1the Councl s complaint that an error had been coimitled fixing lji. Counly rate, wbereby many municipailies suffered s wreng, Oshawa lu particular being overtaxed 1 $3,000 lnu eeyear. Thle case as argued byý Osh-awa fIo tbis :ýl*In 1904 the CoUinty rate fer -the T-own of Oshawa was lixed - at 6.31 pier. cent. o! tue tobaI 'c<=uny' taxes','to run fer five ^years. In 1909 ,the sanie rate was cxtended for au- other five years. Iu 1914 -the rate was lncreased Vo 9.75 per cent., aud in addition, e Oshawas large busines sud i1icemezW assesment was -aise iucluded, mkiag- lhe ratc 2 1110 p01 cent. 'Oehswa palé ViLs ,alp, '0 over $3.000 Increase over the previons- -e cntenos were, llrst*, Ilaît lbe eld rate had eue year -1 longer ta, rqn,aa the new rate sbould net have, been,-put f to fdrce until eue year a!- ter il badl been tlxed; second, ualt tie business sud _incarneassessineni - shonld nol have been added'lu with tb. real properby assessmeul. The speakers substantiated their argurnents, and established prebty satitactorlly Ihat they bad a good In the. discussion which follewed, Il was hrough-t out that Oshawa is net thie only nunleipaHity that mai- bave been wrongly lm1xed. The Townships bave been 1eV off lihtly,, aud the villages sud towni have been paying perhaps more than tbey should be- called upon toeoceuribut. Ex-Warden Donald B3rown, who was one of the i-shunters, said he had tom' Oshawa's >as5essmnt mucb ligher thuan anni unicipality 'in the Counti-:VIle bad fîgîîred lb eut sud ad tound that aIl lte bowns aved vil- ages lu »'the ('ovnly were paying tee « îucb, sud the rutral municipailism- ceo litle unuler the new rate, witb lie exention of Rama. The malter wam referred le the Fi- iace (Cmmittee, ail the members of 'ou.ncil expressing themselves as being anxieus te recbify the errer, 1sucli there was. THURSDAY. A by-law was iulroduced b Sap-- poït lwo Counly Auditors. Another by1tlaw was Iubrcduced te aplu 1a-1gcSosinTuetees for snd received it ls nrea.ding. TIie finrcadiug was given b a& bY-Iaw le appoinit a Board of Audit. Altefnoon. 31meV report et bbe Finance0Com- mimle.was prcaentcd, aIsà reports cf C.ommttees on PducatjOn aud» Coun- y Property. L 'Phe several by-laws previously lu- troduced were given f urther readinga. Miner matters 01 importance wcrs brouglit up, sud au - allesupt wa@ made bo bold au cvcntug session, but PC FRIDAY. Dr. MeOillivray presented bis me. Port as Surgeon of lb. Houas ef Rel- uge. A slatement ef accounts due by Pickering and ether townships ws presenled by the Counby Treasurer. Taismeupon !oliawed à discussion sta wliat committe s aould deal wtlh tiem socounte. 'PIce amcuîts -a- mountsý due ou bridges bulît by the, County, but fix the case 'o! Rlcker. lag Township ialz.Mcularly, 4here was a dlgPdte as to - V hes amouat due. Bôoftoheb.members wiubed lb. malter rsfemred totahlb Readis ad Bridges Comnîttee, others -b lbth Finance Committe., sud .111 lliers ta joint eornnnttee. Mesugra. Mow- busy sud Hoover, PAekering's epre- uenlatives,I.tavomed taie Committee on Roadeansd Bridges,1ý but tlie Financej Comnîlîles was the ounefInsally'chos- en to desi wlth lb. question. The Coutroilera -o! lb. County o! Ontatlo PatrIeo ýFund, ;reparted lhia ge far' 't"..ehad beau ne cigls fer th, fungd establshed. Mr., R.MW. TIpper,_Rpresentatlve at Witby o! the Agricultural Depart- ment, addmesscd tbe Council, giving a full 'saïýtmet-o! reesi'ptu sud or- Penditures o! moneys gra<nted by lais rauneil, ineluding lb. expenses o' sIx Acbool Pairs, th. short courses for stock Ilideinc and'other subjecta ne- ('Continusd'ou paie 4) lots. Rents and -accoi for a moderate fee. Estates carefully, ýnage to yieldA re aso .able i*ý i The above Company is et Patent" to lindertake- the aiiý ASSESSIIIENT 'AND VALUATIING We are nowý prepare'd ti- undertake-all kinds of açsessing and vautn or. municipaIitieà and of the- propettiescifPri'vatè firms and persons. for terms apply Hea- Oefce, Brok, Whitby. W. D. BDYKES, General Manager $Salese' Managers Ribad so & Ricbadson Js will becdllec,%,I and conducted so as profit to the owners. of ýaccounts- Bell Phone. lad. PEE'SSfO!STOP The finest î e f Boots and Shoes on the matl Ve have the Jatest ln ladies' and mnise'fn o Cildren's -chool'Boots always. on' hand. Sec Our Men's and.Boy' Fine Boots. Men's; Wodcring -Boots Our specialtyr A full stock of Rubbers and 0vershoes- always hand. No troub le-to show goods.. JOHN PEEL, Wise,,G-uys The people Who give their hens Royal PurpIè Poultry Sp'eciflc are the WISE GUYS.- who are WIIITBY Royal Purpie MAKES their hen s lay. It wiIl MAKE -your hens Iay, also. Royal Purpie Poultry Speelfié Put up in 25C and 50c packages and large tins ai $x.5o Au-Tu, LAWLER WHITBYv. ONT. Phones.-. Bell, No. 47; Independent No.ý 47 LOWEJ{ PRR3CES! Bee!, a staple food produet iu diis couatry, has materially reccded li pris. W. keep a good supply of tho choiccat Young stock.1 Park aIsoelse mu-ca lover, and nov that cold veather ylswan be he tim wlll beas large consumptlon o! tais popuier faod, Patate., censtitute. a large, share .of, table supplies, sud -tlieyms eli about, ifty per cent, lover than lest year.- Sugar ali bas shown wealmness ta taie éxtent of 30C per hundred. HNom.s keepers may be encouraged sud are invited ta eupply thlr nedsEmhm W. ».- Pringle & Ce'. store. They have chaice new Raisins, extra value In Currants, snd Tas tait indue repeat ardus. Wls B.' PRI1N GLE & 00*. WRITBY 0NT2~RJO ARCHIVES 0F ONTARIO