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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 18 Feb 1915, p. 3

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filyêper centa. preterential, yîith c00Treceipts an4 bills of elÉcfafl, x :Si&i ,XCiPV3OflI, sud as tes, sugar,- press, and, post-office endors. '<toba«co, wheat, fleur and agricul- one cent on_ postal notes. turai inif'lenelts. one cent -(wan stamp) on ec]'let- SPeia ar taxes including: ter suid pcstea.rd. OÜeper eput. on bank- note ciren- T"o cénts on bils ef leding. Oua ar ent.oewtAie s.~i. ive cents-per:plut I.on-nsP&Tk.j Onepercen. o te gou nSmiing wines s nCanadaa <CaTJadian) cf trust aud ban coin- Vwty-flve cents per, pint on chah'- .Panies. pagnes ed p vkin'ies, One One par cent. on the net,prom- cent-on each te- entsf' cot cf -Pro-~ luni of insunance companies.except prietary medlcines. life f raternal and _mkrinie These are the, provisions Iaflhoulc- 011e cent ou teiegra-pii ad caMb"e ed by the Jitinister cf Finance ou Messages. Thursday for retoingthe revenues Ten conta for eveny- five dollars ý I tei minimum amount J'egarded -OU 'raiiroàd and steaimboat ticketst I as necessary." qhe, àpecial taxes Ten cents on alepingar and fivel are expected, on a roug -estiznite, Otne te three'dollars par, passen-i The inereased Custoifl duties vill ge ri tamboist ceàpanàias çai- add te th'. revenue.frein twnt-o rying te ports other thah iîn Cap- tweutyflve million' dollar&. BkIfI~IVESSEL FOILS SUI -MARINE. GCerman U-2 Tries ln Vain to Destroy the Laertes -Latter Uses Dutch FIag A despatch f nom Ymuiden, Neth- -,erlands, sàaya: The Genman sub- marines.U-2 atteanpted Vbo torpedo ;the British steamer Laertes, which arrived, f om Java. The vessel es- céawk by adroit manoeuvres and faseý& tamiug. _When attacked the steamer vas OÏ4nug. the Dutch -fia-g. Captai'n'Prophet vas ;n conmmand. - The 'attack en the Leentes vas -made while the vessel was steamiîng between the Meuse iightship and Schou-wien Ieank. The submarine th4 âteamer'a tunnel, cémpass and upper deck. As 'this did net induce tAxe captain te stop, the subnmrine mnade anuuixsuccessful attenipt t-o terpede the steamship. The Lerts-,when challeiged by e'ut ýshowing hon natienality. When SLk1JG1TER IN asked to stop the vessel flew the Dutch flag. -A despatch from Uotterdam says there is reason'to believe that the submarine sank. S5he was last seen in a cloud of steam. The Laertes is one of thxe emaller liners cf the Ocean Company, a Bi-ý tish- corporation, plyin-& between Llarwich and Dutch. ports, It -1s supp - sed that _the sUbmanne en- cuntered the liner off the Hock of, Rllland and prevented lier enteritig Dutch waters. The 4ýaptain at once headed north, and fiually managed to elude the submariue and regcli a 7 afe port. The Dutch authorities 'will make an inquiry into thxe attempt cf the German submar;ne U-2 te torpedo a British steamer inside Dutch ter- ritorial waters:ý Rtisslan Expendituree Nearly $2z,oco,ooo,ooo D1ihA11iiffl~ I~UUi A despateli frein Petrogrades'ys: Tise Budget vas on Wedueoda-yI voteil by the Dune and Vie Council ,àâçruauie Lose Ilenvily in Tnyiug Vo of Vie Empire. Tii. Budget Çom- ,K take Freach Fortifications at -mttee cf Vise Dume lu its estinfietes for 1915 placed Vie revenues at A, dospateii frein London - says:, oee,ooo ; - cxtreorilina-ny -expend.1- Tremnedons s'taugiter inenkail the t!urea, 8$67',000,000. Atten the vote «progres 1ofthfe terrifie-battis aient in Vie Counçii, oeeoe the meiers, BagatelIle on Friilay. Atter four P. M. De Ka-etmann, declarcd lu - -daye et desperate figiting Vie Ang- hs, naine ot al the groupe Fiat -- onne b attIs reacid its climýax when an %eever sacrifices vee.domended -the Genmans ch.argedl down upon Vie vs-n shouicVbe carniie ut Vo the the French for.tifications eat-Marie, bitter end.' This vaineceived viti Thenesa la soiid columne foni<.a- cries et approbgtion.., brea-t, and celumu abreasit etcol- a uman aCross a front more flan 500ReotB ak Ou yards vide. RVI rasO t Th Ti.gnseofthftort ponreil a In Tratisylvani a -deadiy eehifineinto Vie soli d ranke ,as soon,- as th-ey vers va-il vithin A despetcis fron Renie snye: range. The uine etf colunne avan- Nova ha-s beau receiveil heeVo Vie -ail undar thé vithingfino, but sti-li affect tint a revoit lins broken ont hey' came on. When vithin easy in Tran-sylva-nia, -via-ne provisiens t ifle"range Vhe quick-flrcrs a-nil mus- have been requisitieneil fer fie ketry of Vie Frouai sent in a shover ar~my vile tho - inînîlteuts are -of uets tint vas n venitaile hurni- eavn.Tegnamscagi c f ç'cideati. trig Thgedmscagd Thie carnage vas more flan hu- theocitizens, nnd ma-ny vere klled -men courage conid vitistanil, and o gt-inbreigo u-n cohimu afttr celunn oka,-crunli - Aaittionnus e resdeingSenisHur- ll and tnrnod, les-ving lange naini-gry.Riot"î ng ia-SutheHusne bans f ilail an Ve feil. niy tirough bioodsied..- .Serious, .hortage -. of SlhIec Workers OIL SJIOtAý4GE IN ORAY A dsec frein London ss-ysi: Prîce Clînrged l Double What I It 'f,M î af s,±lillgeI warkprs in lu France. '~5,.- .- -- enginering a-nil sip-inilding asý- 'A dèspatois fren Ps-ris- swys: An taSlishaienta, cving Vo Vie i ng ficial account-of thxe situation at numbene ot tise men vho haveDoaaFec iyûdremn gene Vo tiae front, is se serions Vtha Docupania nc cinty o Ge rmtan au. ouquiry va-s epeneil by rapre ccpto u otrl eot i- sentatives oetVhe Goverument andi petrol vliici -is b rougit in troni traes nios or ie uroseet e-Germa-ny ia eacied the - uniprece- trîn iontiforlhe aurpoaeVhsf dnil ented price ot-$.40 a cen. This prvsmtity-f tuhse nd]ute fullis regardeilaTs ot interesting ia mulitay ofrtons adTuectsedes France, as t shovs thnV Germnany unonyil oa.ske heVo aives elready ha-s begun Vo fao] tie scarc- of thein reguistions iuringVthe per- iyo limntnud niotor cils ied. et tise ver cruels. -upon viaih se inucis depenies in tig, _____* DEI>. wnr.The prive et petrol in Paris ~ CANAIANS o-day je 70 cents a eau, onehalf Vhe p ie. exacted in Gemman ternitory. - T hie is an increase oft o-ny six cents Twenty-four Cases ef Mernugitla I te eca-n ine. Vie vanbegan, ;qyped Fa-Val et Sallebr._ __ À despatda frein bondon eBys --lI ref4rsnco te reports of bes.vy'losses trou, dieaee-,amoug VtheCanadian -- ý peoned 4îýon Salisbury P2 the War Off"c on We4neulday Is e< tatemàent tel the effect that only_65,,4nadians have die4 in this -cand ths.t the total loass trom meningitis ha.à beau 24 ment out of 40 oasirepçoted, I it d býeau re- p etdthat an'entre Canadian bat- a5Lionw4 suffcring lrom meuizigi- tis, 'iaïd' the luifo ronce' had -beon dra "> ht thé epide mi< waa due teO hd camp,ýnditiotus.' Acceor4ing to the;W&r Office, howev, the disease wu. bz'ouglit wit~h the' contingent ýý.,om Oguada. .In referenço e the ~'èp-éort hat-7lO par cent o e i an- "l' ve! k.Wàr Offiçe dwlers tint ?11W.1e.r %ontA the >niano portion o s ha mu oer. 80o German Deserters Have Fied to HlolIanld A âlesp ateh f rom A'msterdam Bays: The. Te legraaf hais reoexved a mes- sagefrom n twenp eayiug that 800 German deserters, who had, beén ordered te the Ys'e r have fled- into Eô'llaud. The. despat-dh aise alieges that large numberà et soldiens are deserting fromn the Antworp forts. 35 Kilied by Bomb In An Antwerp Fort Adespatch f romn London says: The-Da.ily Mail'. Rotterdam corres- pendent saye ho leu u tiat 35 Ger- uzian soldiere were l01Wdiu onae o the. ntwerp fo ts lest ?1AUY by a boot~ dropped by Britilh airmen. Fire Secret Storehouse ln Dusse1dorf~ d ieepateiV hs-t0-teLondon Daily reul buî -scet sterehouse rp rt ema iitaucql iiaw&y ronntarse- Tolegnap i ren Rotteýrdin rpr-gso;i allies ho na-i Ixte vlxch vannattnial a-nd 6 $su<ices8ful ahr r e y h xjýlosiveà f roua ie Arsenal wore rvrDussek4oif, "The Geninans," nieoveil. Thériesdeovrd Iî awoodiug V>tocroi>iiet,5OB---a icjc bmb lpon îV, $ifeartng soucb a raMU-tDusseldor!i,&Ad jet i afire. Womeu's Volauteer,Reser ve Ilareh Thrýlig 1 Members oet t]'Women's-Volunteer Ree niarch'-through'ILôndon. Tha objeet c hë - cUjis ute womeu skilled in flret-aid, .cookinug,, inlinn ma.aoemet f h.6os aad rarkamn n ..Whben-the REPORTS PROU vue LEADIO TUc'ADE CENTRES OP AnguEiCA Toronto Feb. 1.-Plour-Mganltoba f51¶5 tet,*,in jute bagi; second patenta, ~5;e gb&kers', $*.20. Ontario whest tour, 90 per cent. pa4tat, quetd'at $7 te $7.U, gabard. Wheat-Maxitob e iIo er 16 te $1.67 12; Ne. 2 &t $1.64 4té $1.64 11; ,nd No. .3,at $1.61 te *1.61 12; Ontarto, wbeat. Ne. 2, $1.60 t $1 65, t eutade 1na Oats-ntarlo. 63 te 65c, eut.a, and 6t 67 te 68e, :on truck, Toronto. Western Can- ada,1o 2, quoted Lt 74c, and No. 3 at 71 1-2e. Bsrler-AS te SIC, Outalide. - Itye-81.18 te 81.22, ontside. Pea-No. 2 queted ait *1.90 te *1.22, out- aide. Cer-No. 2 new American, 84c, ail rail, Toron-oto relght. Buekwheat-No. 2 at 85 IAe"ce utîde. Braad 'ebrta-Bfan ai, $26 te $27 a ton, and ahorta st *28 te *29.- Bolied oatos-CLr lote, ver bag of 90 lb.., 82.45 te *$3.50. .Country Produwe. Bnttr--Choice doiry, 24 te 26c, inferlor. 20 te 21c; creamery prinme 31 1-2 te3ce; de., solide, »0 te 31v; tarÏuens' saparaton, 26£te 27e. gg-ew-laid, in cartons- 34 te 3Mc, telob:e, 28 te 3SU; qtenage, 26 to, 27c. Hloney-12,t-w 13e per lb. for stralned;, No. 1 hepeycol'h. 2.71Ver dozen; No. 2 2.25. Poultry-Cbickel., drsed, 13 te 15c; ducks, dreased, 14 te 16c; fowl, 10 te 15e; geese. 14 te 15c; turkeya, drsed. 19 te 20C. Chee.e-17 3-4 te 18e for large. andS ut 18 te 18 14e for twfus. Potatoee-Onte rios, 65 te 75e per bag, eut- o etore, 60o lu car lots. New Bruns- 'wxeke, car lcots, 65e per bas. Baled Hay and Straw. Dealemaxean paying as folloe for car lot deiverieu on track liere:- Straw, $88 <o 88.50 a ton, in car lots on trak ber. 1 new han in queted aMt$17.50 t*1;N.2 et $15.60 te $16, and No. 3 at *12.50 to 013.50. Provisions. Bacon-Long elear, 13 1-2 te 14e per lb. Iu caae lote. Hass-ýMedii'm, 16 to 17c; do.. heavy, 14 1-2 to 15e; rellia, 14 te 14 1-2c-, breakfast bacon, 17 1-2 to 18e; backa. 20 te 25e; boneleon backs. 22 te 23c. Lard-Me-rket quiet; pure, -tub, Il 3.4 to 12é;- compound, 9 34 to 10e In tube, and 10 te 10 1-4c in pulls. . Wnnipeg Crain. WI-uulpeg, Feb. 16.-Cagmh--No. 1 Northeru, 81.54 1-. No. 2 Norihern, 81.52 1-2; No. 3 INerthern. $1.49 3-4; No. 4, $1.45 1-2; No. b, $ 1.41 14; No. 6, $1-.37 1-2; feed, $1.33 14. Oats-No. 2 C.W., 66 14cv. Bartey, No. 3, 83k; No. 4, 77c. FIa%, No. 1 N.W.C., $1.61 1-2, INo. 2 C.W., $1.58 1-2. Montréal Markets. Montreal. Pb. 16.-Corn, Ameican No. 2 yellow, 86 te 87C. Oate, Canadian West- er,;o. 2, 74c; Canadiain Wetern, No.3 71c; extra No.-1 teed. 71c; Ne. 2 local*white. 65 1-2 te 66c; No. 3 local whl-te, -64 1-2 te 665e; No. 4 local wite, 63 1-2 toe 4e. -ar- le,. Man. teed, 78 14ce; cmaltin'g, 93c. Buck- whest. No.' 2.$1. Fleur, Mal. t$jxnng -wbeat patents, firets, 88.10, secondd, 87.60, etnong bakers, e7.40; Winter patents, choIce, $8,30; eltra;ght reliera, $7.80 te 88; etralîbt rollAns, bffl. 83.170 tO 83.80. Bel- ed ca-ta.barras, 87,25; bats, 90 b.~U. Bran, $27. 8bortis, $29. 19Mhn Mouillie, $34 Ie $37. Ray, No.2,prtn eurloto. *18 teo 819. Chee, finest West- orne, 16 3-4 Io 17e; Sueet Eastei'ne, 16 1-Be. Butter eboccot oreaniery, 31 te 311I-2e; seonds, 30 te 30 1-2c. Eggo, I*cb, 3Me, se- levtud, 31v; No. 1 stock. 28oe; No. 2 etock, 25v. Poateel per bag. va-r lots, 50 tei . United State Markets. minnoavols, Feb. 16- -Wba-t -No. 1 bard. $1.68- No, 1 Nonthern. 81.63 1-4 te $1.57 1-2; No. 2 Notheru, 81.50 1.4 to 81.55; Ma-y. $1.53 1.2. Corn-No. 3 yellow, 72 1 2 te 72 34c. Oas-ýNo. 3 'white, 57 1-2 te 57 3.4c. Fleur andS bran unvbanged. Duluthl, Mina. ,Feb, 16.-Ltnseed, $1,86 1-2 te *1.871-2. Ma,,$1.87 1-2. lose-Whoa-t, No. 1 bard. 81.56; No. 1 Northeru, 81.55;, NO. 2 Netherru. $1.62 te $1.63; May, 81.55, Live Stock Markets. Toronto, Feb. 16.-Butchere' ehanged baudsetm $6.50 te 87.50. Butoher cew.s andS buill, 85.26 te 86.25 for the ano5t part anîd bulle st 85.50 te $6.76. Millkers sold -l eteady rives. Stookerse t $5.60 te $6.25 for lanl3 good eiock. For Iambe $7.50 te $9 vas palS. and fer ebeep ewen 85.25 ta $6.25. Berlue, $8.15 te $8.20. They brouCht $7,90, ted and wa1tered. Montreal, Feb. 16-Prima 'beovee, 7 1.34 te noar 7 3-4c; n-edlnm, 6 te 7 1-4; cern- mon, 4 34<o 5 3-4c, cewe, $40,te 880 each; sheep, 5te 6 1-2c; Iambe, 7 1-2* toe-,e hoge, ALLIES ARE MASTERS. Geniien Offensive Moves Cease in Belgian Dunes. A deepetai troua Boulogne, France, snys:. Frein a very relia-bic source I an in a position te etete that the. allies an. nov abselute masters of thxe dunes, says a corres- pondent. Little by' little tise Ger- man offensive -moyennants chenged, s-ni after a short - defemaive Viey gave vay befome Viea alilei troops. Witi regard Vo Vie district about Oatend, Vie Gerians hava become gnently elenned at their position. Largoe-eiuforcanionts arrive daiiy et Ostefnd frein Brugas.- The hoalti efthVe German treope is becoming cxbra'mely grave. At Meus ever 50 per cent. efthtie garnisons -are in Vie hespital suffering froni typlaoid fevor. At Atverp 12,000, seldiers are in Vhs hospitalesusffering frein foyer. -Sembla i. Rea-dy. A despatoi f rom Soias-maya: The Sonbiin army ha-s a strengtis et 220,000 mien, *eil snîîpli-ei with wvs- uate riais a-nclfeod. Omnseoft fie dp- iemates-at Xîsh, during Vie courue et an interview, sail; "A now Ans- pre-German -offensive campaign le b elieveil Vo bo 1'. .inent, and every- Liing possible is being donc Vo put bise country iute a.good state of de- f once. The vomen anilohii4qre nare s-iiug in igglng troncheis.' I. IDJ.ILJ.J2L P~ A LA £ Latter WilllNot Tolerate the Losn of. Lite or Prope¶ty on the Hlgh Seas. A despato] f roenv Washington says: A very pointed warning te Qenanany againit, causing lo*s ef American life or prèperty -iu ber efforts te enfonce a -biockadeetf tha British Isles2 and a friendly nots-Vo. Great Brîtain intianig disappro- val of au cfficiaily eanctioned gen- eral use of the Ainerican flag by belligereut vessels, were sent by the United States te tii, German and. British Governmente, and the f ull texte ot hoth communications are made publie. The. note to ercneyj- whidh is stiffer in tone than was anticipated, vens ber that th» destructio f Amenican neutral vessaIs and lives by Qermanywould be hard te re- concile witii friendly relatiens, and the United States weuid hold Ger- ma-ny te strict accountability aud take any steps necessany te guard Ainerican lives and property. Death List 2z5,000 in the Earthquake. A despateh from Roeieaya: The Gieruale d'Italia oh Wednesday published se-mi-official statisties of the. fatalities in the recaut eerth- quake, f rom which it, appears that, about 25,000 pensons perialhed. Of these, 23,407 were in'tii. Province et Aquila, 422 in the Province of Caserta, nost ot thern in the towu cf' Abora, sud P4 i 4 Irovince et 1t-ore. Thie tewn o! Avezzano, in the Province ef Aquila., hd the ieaviest ]osaof any individuai. town, 10,819 et its inhalbitauts, whic]' is equa! te 98 par cent. oethtAe population, ha-ving been killed. U..;o Supply,,Wardens FFor Brltls-h 'Prisoners A despatch frotn , a a,1- The British Goveruz4ent, ha. e-- raaged vith the, Governinent et the United States to appoint quarter- masters and pay-masters in tie American army te a-cVa3 neutre! wardenste oBritish ,nioners of var lu Gerzniay. The initiation eft tus plan,' however, hasheeéx dciayed, as Germany etillhlas tul&iàiter unden consideration., Announcement Vo this effect vas ma-de lù tbe-House of- Commons on Wednesaey atan- noon by H. J. Tannanît, 2Panliemeu- tary Secretany oet he War Office. (irandfathers CliIed to Fighit for Austria A depatch f rom Genova, Switzer- land, seys: Austnia je experieueing great difficulty, especial:ly in Hun- gairy, it is rçported at Innsbruck, in mobiliziu-g the Landsturni ef the 1classes froni the years 1878 to 1890, 1 which were recently ca-led te the icolore. Women are said te be pre- 5venting the men, many otf whou are grnndfathers, froni leaving thein thomes. 32 Spanish .SoIdiers A ilespntch frein Ma-drud says: Thirty-oaae soldiers afd n~dee cern- rniesiented officer, a lieutenant, vae dnov-nod in Via Bay et Arzila, Mon- occe, vhen a barque vitla 100 sol- dions on board stmandeil. FRENCHI TOWNS IN D1STRESS. Âiîerlenn Reief liusp Wlres Thal 589,000 Are ln Need. The va-r relief rlearlng house for France and her aII-iesc wiich has an office in hs City, on Wadneday me- ceiveà as-cabiegran froua tibeaAineni- van Relief Clearinq Hoe -o f Pari., anneunnciug that mu 3W0 villages, toxins a-nidcommuntier, et France t-hers are 589,000 refugees lu gnont nee& .Oft tus numbor, 81,000 are lu neoil of meney, 31,000 neolfood, 240,000 usai clothing a-ni 219,000 are in need of general assistance. It vas setateil in Vhe cablegrmn Vat pure vocslaen yarus of good quality and clotiig, oli or nov, fo rmon, iýesncn, olilren andilbabies vBe tIhe articles xniet urgently needed. -Many a,-man rwho vouidu't take auything chiïe that doesî't heieng tc hlm is quic te take effenc. A temperauce lemcture in a, prdii bd-tion tetwn isn'V îalwa-ys a case 0c carriy ing coals-t-o Newcastle. INafrriage isn't a failuire if the cor tnitctilig arties lhave bwolic-ads fou sbande eîîd oee eartL. A £A&i A àI LI"AV I&r5.d Adadb 1 %Jd £7]Al&VZ A Ib.n Ada Ready to Go Anywherc 'Any',TimeU h vn crune, Iaid cel a Gem~n nvaso~iA ni l av A depato frc Loneu s.ys:s Vh quetionet iecu A -te toh day Lfden te, du*in wich twn nysmoftte n ectuint wih the war wer iscussectha' 1 wiHuse wcf Cemons" Wedeedy uhtof 4jomVout en Wed>u tiiy army estimates- for 3,000,000 menf,1 exclusive cf India, and aiso by a "token'-* vote,- provided ' for the pay of the officers and men. By thue vote-the Oocvernment.YfI1I receilve. a blank ichequofor this purpose. -Repiying to points irïisid by mcm- bers ef tbo- Route, Harold J. Ton- nant, .PaIigànntàry Under-Secre- tary for'Wir, siid, that in case cf a raid on Engiand, Gen. Sir Ian Hailiton vas in commiaud cf a mo- bile force,, whieh was ready to go anyw'here at any tirne.. There was considerable disculs- COMFOBTS. 0P MODEFRN LIFE. inventions* -and- Dîse>ëoverica I i I diséase, in rpy-t muat dclaedthe'senti lie,- P.Oyntypael Wall ired -when theixorse ha -threw hi vieleutly ne 'wali. r cf Garron Tower in, nrecently ftted up SBritigh seldiers, bas ed by fire. hertord, £armer, IBally- posed wiiila driving te ket, land died bafore itummoned. M. Via,4n vdfngpeo kh ;,ton. onnaeted with tba Eirkpatriek Brog., re, lias been iom- bai fine,. rmwen..aa cýnszdenug adptm-g , :-JT edes a s uoccurre ,A - tea gV it. Lord Kitehener, Sec retany. for, et75 et M. Charles BradleY, 8ta4- Wan, feit se strougiyabout the Int- ley's Welk, Derry, wlq w» iiIl ter, Mr. Tennant sa dtiath alkena.ÏCa lýe Poee4," .- about te issue aut order euspending T1l~e locaj o enu n o r l;' grants, of, kle».tethosé -per4ons. '6ààoacf ho deciiedte. ha inovulatod. Élkenmy -Countv -Couneil for t]'- The Under-Secretary àdded tiat puese et purchsiugVetm rlig .te uggestion that the WM Offwe. machinery.:- ehould cousent Vo the enlistmcuto!f -Ennis DistrictCo elbsreiv "bantain battilions" vwas being,é'c- <j sidere. In hên~" en 4 trica, 1o mant- aaid, thérw verenSataiy- mon1, un.'Qi I 00 the regulatýon heiglit,w Jh~e ie~ for the wPlU'0P r 4 ep g'l serve in-the rmiindt et sem ag aes ini the ]loan. the-m already vr i rining. EtriigGla I - - -ofe timber, the. stgapxer Noraiy& -ý -before the dayn-noet history,. andi->ran ashoré abt-MÙtWon' Island and Cor-tas found -the Méxioans- clothed becanie ye4ded ina the rocks. in cotton; but it, vas mnetnanaxfe- I-A men«or41ls bd'ObOe ieted in There le probaubly as mue]' dis- vien Abderrahnx-an MlI., the. gIëat- meiy ef theitOD.-Mlah- v<- eoifitort in theo vend as there ever est etCfMo *nrisii princes, .vas reigx- for uPvards -, eof!or.tY7wo yeas wa&s, butthere neyer was a period ing; over Vthe faine»t art, of 8ipain.. worked anmoug. the peoplaetftniit in its histery viien se ma-ny peoplea-The -naine "cettebn'.' comaes toe us distriot.., weecomfortabiy honaad and ted -frein t}ie Arabic. otn Te» rdi üýeWosile as now. la evitonzdan anufaetured, indeed, tl i.r6fused ae ban--!$~0 e~ Stenîn eoltonzdthe poor inventionet1 the spinnin jen'fly-Maye Asiylum Oàrnniittee foi tise mean'e table. Te&-, ceffee, apies(1769), taxe ca-ding engine - (1-760), purpese o-f instlling eiietrie lig]î truits are vithin hie reacis, and for h taneniei att, '1766) i- e Castît iît-c uatic $5 hle eau buy a caou steve, by and tis power -leoi (1787). Ayuni. ,which Axe on do a maximum àj Bleaching, -by nieanni cf chienne The Ancien Lina Newv Yen coeling t a inim.m of cot. as' diseovered, thon clotihe vene eotea-aférihaviien eumedoii»ciiiBgs Poor, indeed, is t-hoénman who lives printed frein ylinders, and you- nud a-t fevili. and flair. loma*a'zd in ai housethat ha-e no glass _vin- Il dear r«edr, havé in ceneequance steamers also-s50 tàp à iii port, dows; <iutin tise days et Queen an abundiineof- ~ap, e iy an-jhere Iris 'and,,Englisii passengeni IElizabeth anki the Grant-Ciaries V. denodunuder-g le~nts , and gevus, cani no¶N aei*and land. glass vas very -aparingly used, avenutia-t queens vuld -have beau pneud,-A gov-rn tlavitd in 'the nxoet splendid estgbli3limants. te vear 200 yaars 'ago.- - thesicone et the old silver and lead. When a fsaniiy .1posaaesiug glassa The manufacture et nuben hâs.naines- at Cornumnhie, noir, ally- caants 1.1-t hIOmie tlie liedtheinLinti-oduced anoth'er chea f- sethiy, where antinxony is fouud in Venotand pcadpfreapetactn ' tua ey leelarge quantitiès. IV is ex7peeted that et -aMoident, > and fer a long penied are pleny cf graindiathens living tise -Minés vilI be naoipeneýd vindea e eamcivakble property,,vs a eiyne ie mtmsr er4-O like cia-ire,- and tables. But glasse shoèa, and the -nov universel- nul;, - A freimeiidoui vas kuovu ta Tù,ù e an bar cloas and coats date back but iy lire -whicb - aven befre Vhs. xodus t s ea- yL. ara.- atd-- reelites, se saime sdhools' sa- Bits The nièôlr--wlio eau ride, et blne ..lass 'xve 1beau'ffend in the viose .puraeS ean 4-4ffordt muin-s oetThebes, 'sud ýàasa utensils facw garnments -novanCi t unearthed at Harculenenm. neceiva éome benefit, Waving is balieved Vo ha an eider freinthèese over-ganmer, art tien apinning. Rude loons are are an ietmbe-c pictured on ths Voie at-Tiie os, men - vho nust face- and it is believad thnt.taxe ten cur- Ruiber net enly pret, tains, cf fine- tviued iiuàn1bine and but ît le a mens-cf relîi-,. purpie and sonnlet, vith > cherubini in air cughions and-. hot-vatai- ef ouuning verk, mnade for the ta- tles. IV lias ailse given Vhse1»>' bernacle, were tapeetrias, Vie work aie an". urgeo, 1 a.Î long lust, o. ef the oni, net thxe neadie. plieneos and instruments usafui The old story et Panelope and lier praserving lilfe by promnotiug ne-- 1oft uuraveied vais is famliar te all. Covery froni-disease. ~ o During the middle ega-s, while metso.~ 1France and Englend vaee'baco-ming - - TIie gene- nations, thousande et patient fin- "hîru"ei taie -eappaed te gestie tta-pestriea, picturing pu-pijl ,4 aou ehenidt ors and. traders. gai-ssthled at b.able to, de. nflthegeneral effor, tise stories of tVie Bible in many anything equnlly wveli wti - aither mie aet.tvity. in lbis- tinteil hrends of vool and -su-k, for ha--nd. W ibi a little practice yoen : -hi-Iman o(bserve- sonne grant catied rai, or weaviu-g viii flnd àt, just as easy teo do anyv- troispre tedeso alnkit nvafleilamonî thedeas u geînt kigi teouthing wi-toee 'hanil as iti vitis thtore nt et ngage-tI in hanginge for a castie. Noble ladiesI other."' "Ise l?, inp-uimed- ani un- needs et lb-n anmy aud In wcrked a-t these -tapestnias, and Fia-.i.fote Lecaes Lt grette d that officIais anc *greatantisb-a made cdesigus for thioni, t our lai-t he nd du "Lthe 1er,. m . b8 eefthte COmif and ne douibt they ehiel1ded innny ight-isanil pokets of yur trou- -rductng ibeir- purchese tt itled hende frei n plensent drafts. sers'-' munila n eu-as 55refri-anlng - But tapestnies -wene net for the -tlng work in aibad. poor; neither vere the curtains ot , nmbroidered leathler, which fie -Crusaders ibrougltit atterne o-f. frein Ge rm a-n Bomb Throweu r Captutred .Vie os-st. _______ Sktne et the bear and the volt .probnbly protectedtie footet c A dospatch froua Paris sa«sm An ha Lieut. von' .delin. Ho wiii ho .Qneen Elizabeth frem in ie coid appeudad note te tie official steVe- reeniecd"a the audlacicuii-avia- fleor of lhem buven, It 16 dou-it.ult meut oethtie F-ranch War Office t-or vho last September 1ev ever if se-f trug.sfromni8Siyrna acforne<l [aires&lian neunconient vhiehis laPsrià,dropping bombe w-ich cn'used it, Rushîes streved tVie lIers o-fhan ee v it'h ihe livellaut satisac- the' death ot sevonai - non-combitt- -banquet halls aud audience cha- in by Parisiens. It says that in auts, and edded te this a- note invit- -dito bes ov- ii invx ol o destroyinig a Germa-n ing Parisians Vo surnender :"te Vie afford f nesi rushes every day. signal ba-loon in Vie viciuity et victorieus German amulies tlen. It jes sr elY 150 yaars incthete1xrigdwn at edu Ili ne- 1 try ougt dwn QoGrman a-oe- stated Uel-rteleutenant.lIand- rmanufacture ofcerpets begai1 plane, tise pilot et vhieh pnoved te ed snfeîy or was kil-led. -Engla-ni. - Harboring, as it dus, - duet and 4eeae gas, the. carpat -- - mae'v not blian uuieed good, 'but- it CA R E E T P ~ S M L C 1,protecte s t eat et ofinvalidé; and R HI R lU agad perdgons, sad croeeping infants-ý- efi-ouicoldý sud -su must adil soe-tBS--EIt? GNO PIO bt thing toý,the ave rage ier;gîh et hs- RHACHES -lTt [N EElps-9C M 18 1 Au t 0 ersPr.an lite.ou- To Stop A Cold Qulckly And Right te were tlii. living gerni et 0 Frenchnian traced a pattai-n wlblî Prevent Catarrh, Use, fumeh s tCatrniozngo In -toi bngc -t varnisi on cttn clth, and sifting "Catarrhozone."1 onde Spty)ij<jred floVi <of diffenent colore No lquiI medicine van penetrate te yupon it produceda pleasiug and (te deep recases tbat Cats-utuhzone chasp -vil-cvenug. oV lng a- -Notliug mOre serions tian the com- batlmes w"it Re oolltng vapor--4hat' O trvrda-otonFrachmn ivet-mon cold. - Just why ib proves se vondertully.et- ferar aoterFrncma ivet- if lt gVs ba-vY yen oan't Stop t tetiço ail a ma-chine for making continu- frein rU-nntng tS uto CataTthx, deafues, The 'heulth -la . den aper cf Catarrhe- e us paper. Hand-priîîted v alipapni' or soeus Ühi-cat trouble. izone1O cures thie vont of coughe aet ýowag soon Made, but wvallpa-per vas Caa- srusvoxry <met, l hoarseneez. The utteruiot parts et notpritedbv achner unil184, Foinnos tothrat gooÏ Ina ie bronclial tubes are reched. Bron- Paper was inven Led (by tAxe 6ara- day. Soon the 1iruelhia1 tubes are ehittsIs h ufd-every oeIlIla ile bond, i-cens s-mei tinie ini the ýseventix cen. affeted-and before yen lvuow Lb, un, tlhrcat anti nns e'ê treated by Caban-h- )f tiry ibtt, ike gflass and l tue art of less riy healthy thie lun-ge ai-e hlt, I zoles wornlem-ul turnes. f-ir: but asa'e'aidiVt' o labo. Yen -ca-nb beat -Cata-ozohie ton u-avfl, -twas , on lme 1Il W-bIte you -have i<be -dianoe, drive huski-ess., weak tirent, suren-ostaili5 biinging ci-udent andicheer to tale coltis andi Catai-rh îght eut ecitue oye- -catarr-hain-ad ln-onchlai trouble et 1ns poor. -tam1_1id.-(àot- e on plots$M.1M otlltfit w- co~~- ~ -- ~- -î Rave 1 Al,

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