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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 18 Feb 1915, p. 6

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-,etrys »a in z h-e omnslativ üd' JÙk i luîa rdLiu o ry Achii 0 t f ac . éà ýit foznthc 4 .v er k I S E 1 C ENGLAN O. id '-ieitn- na is Ldor4ü c qu j 1h g ets pu~e , ' T Âfi e IL IN D iDL ie t ant or fte and i a g S~.J JT RU S O N O L O TIM E N ER Vf r po t o ya t ~ i~ e RIu6fl~~ YI8ea~~ -o! the seenth Duùv4 of Màribor- LVI.."P- poiu, ho it<4je Je i. u u ate faë4 thae'ninê - ough, who wils <rom 1876 to 1880 es NtflC r t rgInie I nrvdmtids bu ~VX l~t~44~ ~-Wofrkrs eotd> gis s fof the,, 'hest ILord-LieutÇnànt bat Titi t a'wfui st4ffness that niakes yau- 000 pouu4sofiu!&sl VOIJ morewa rir Yelp wose thaa a kieked (loi wl~l be' duced "nnu àebio lo4léo'ea oiefdm Lbresvltdguieti Lu -', hi-s ure -for. i l 4 I T h e siu i e i, ýL a o -s v n g D V Se " L y i t . 3 A R K F O UN D . W mbae @ . quickly, toc, , f o r us ce rt Bflty . r vi c anda . i an s f c ~zu her té.n QUICX RELIE 1W DODD'S PPOUtment tOsidiflg i PJatmio Nr ravine#it& Factorles. KDEYDuboite lfoftelnh ias -tpodued benvperaervi.C o iddle or Irish sDplisionm oofome produ- s W Spotnr To ~~~ j ,.nto a world where industry was w ~ IihDvso o !êFrb ~ -u Nervilline r1ghit Into the si. the *fie ae rm aroae rtd acw Brteffk ady WI-àîmfeed Arny. But -the m> t *rson< blots Of t Ger tiose t rue Sm , n -bue it u py fle rV~n h a o e ii h e d e usced hs n x an hig. h rtfh d il o an h uît w*U~ 4sÀ~k1~xslitiiui '-and haýndlabor, the introduc- -fot ruswix ck TLy owSu' d he a»- ta -as, d hei' teami ih hofoeIts a tpn wtratgo. er ogn. M e b eat il ot 3- n 0f m a eoh in r a d the b eginu'ng Eo nd a Sp ecdy YUü rt-. won back the Poloer tl rou h ii.t as ue i, it pgo to 1 l t J4tlheYou fer w sysiem came. àasme- iiýgh heHissebrte presëd à I d ay Ott hâcJc, urely, no. other ,re- Mis'Coâ 1r iGloucester C. ca~ if. - Ç'tpfrm Ar th B' tlff, s»Ore muscles aùd T îeLicyMan.WH whaf,liftleyou do taice.- #0 üiàzn was as fai-reiliphi fg as fhioës ' Speeal)- ocialH e s e wat t eie t lerves tbat Inake you dance wlth paI.ý Recentai nUpsn nto m hc. soterpat f;tevegt-or s9x yearw I -was trou- oilpetg fDublin Castie you'x- get aimnt instant rle rn lydanwd-nai ae o barkoh.,an ude-cenmi - oahelate prto!th0e-gb-l~ed with'backache. 'I1trieci «any Whidh a f , rnee h br-msl om~s i lief t aching r a 'coe c!ateno, le . -" - ilserable. If yousleep at night te nn centy a--,"Te fist eag . c ubt kept goin tadl eens. He and'-bis wife, a. Grosve.-Joints, lamenese or rheumatiom byst- do not feel refreshed(in the morn~ m et. hindustrrdecdddto try Dcdd'es nor O! th6,Fbbury braneh, useci fre-rbfg RNrVIaIS a Bsuh-rab in, -t ehÃ"pÂg evn and are 1utterlY. un*t for th diy'srevolution," i-s the manner ia which ]xid~itféyls l e aei ,&M uetly;to. entetai Inb . il5llinimentad'esntb er dutië. If egleted, nanajk , l_ hitorins reer t thisperildoimsniaeb'rlaé, Part enta n te Liéralchasmg bue-fr -th saihouhes. iney Pilla. They gav me almeet qheLmemlunt oriesn ue k luN.i,"si!te osrsa h bitoradesretftoktus eitd, imdit eief"pat e a-s tWmoreHuthtste uothan-eoscr l removet! her w so brrtm m o t u ely l ad s o n , to ce a c y c o n - w i h n a e g e t f t u e s f r t r s h ia t e sta te m e n t ,o f M r& .' A ' Iisi fa mo u a A rlin g to n S rn e et n -In o u b a o a x S r l th re e h u . la e , " e t er a nH 1 *, W O i numpti-on. Renewed heait cnonyw-ho -were able t'O seize the oppor- Mar~k wel knownandhgly re: Si-on, whiclh i-s notet! fer its inagnifl- Sciatlca. it takesayteaceacler hlI-w uf""Y, 1>. 0btained througho4e use >o! Dr. tntato teohrhn! sstdhr.Aket!to gi-vo more cent - paintedi ceilingg, -.bas a series once and enlds YOUr nilsery cuckly. !na'arni," wai teqitrjideo "~ AT WViliiams' Pink, Pils-the aneet re.- causet! eudh -misery among- the particfl-ars i-n regard te lber case, of reception rooms on the grrount!c Now quit -OmPIlnldng-...don't suifer N-orah. <1r Csiy ald"WieKW liable bloodenti-cher ever duucover-; wa.ge-earners and muclîi strifé be- Mrs. Mark sait!:- Iloor leadin pi one eut cf the q-the r. another day-Nervîilie, tliat go,"Ms C.sd~ e. on t.Trao ed~ hes p -li aeually ma~e nw, wee th tw. I coit!notbe uil- 1"Y.tou, eatrtet! with a voiciAt big Pr« :tiea.î receptions Lord anud sootling old-time liniment will limbe ateiterif-~,I&sn o-i.W ASN rioh, reci blooci;,t-hey bring hrighf- et!,, as i-S one mzovement wbich rid and'graduaily.g.rew wru 1 Lady w:uu,'i{.crne would take up their You u1P xiglîtY quick.(ltby tO' ex t 4ness to, the -eyos and. the glow of! Englant! o! a king, a "bl-oodiese me- et 1 ees in nîy joints and! crampe in stand i-i t li room furthest from the ayti-lrg c. intyze l>ttle cpy I dnmuotivhedlf boaltb te pâle cheeks., They bhaýe -vlutioin." - my 1nitcles and i uffere4 froiji neu. entrance hall, andtiliîere receive i e the f1 mon-t econOmlcal, Of course, t he Wh I'ÃŽPPko £yMa.Cs NRE Mtrlysaret! th usant!. of wonn lven to-day theme are many econ- mulgia. - 1 ha.d beat IîRterings andi earliest arrivals. As this oom ialwiize coste but 25c. Aqy deale"QoreIiklzaax,"S~~a~8 l*~-.1y 9 on1gae, orists who headaches, tyeaieep was roIcn and ced ttey would move on t-6 tbe ext tral . sd l bal m e-pne iN: Cl adwg hybv oefor others tion o f "labor-saving machinery" unrefresbing and. I wa% always tiret! eeiandi &0 Progressively onward. rab.e "Ol' cla utrueve ten they can do for you if giv'en- a fa ige~ not Iig1hfened the dai-ly toi-i o! andi nervoue. Ibat! Aark circies un- un-tii t-bey arri-ret close to ite en 'tia. qr i teprof Ms.Wn.a inle4wrkr ý Mchiia' e-der m>y eyes, I was irritable anti of-trance bail to wcîcome thte iategt BITAIN STAUTS WAIRSSBÂDLY FRS PRO AN RE Kierman, Watrous, Sask., sys: 'I ficiençy they point ôut, bas in- ton dizzy anti bat! a bitter faste i-n corners. P RS P have usned Dr. William"' Pin-k Pilis creased 9 ft.e production o good motlh i-n the niomnings. I also The Guets are a eemiparafiveîy Eventualiy They T,îrned Inio Over.TOC S ROI OkeUrdoc uuaaoq«b"'W attai cio! euma,.xsm. nw fami-ly. Their founder was a wheluing Victory. ftoreok tbree boxes ! humble in&nie-ualwho settled i n Military experts lhave aîways adl- Baby's Ownqalesreheb-tTot. tedr f iigt uhapoint Dodd's idney Pila te fix me up.", Southt Wales and,- acquiret! grea.t vctt!ttMpledo Gtfn itti nes.~>e r bôu mi f .eeeforme, anti was dec- thaf life coitains.juat as mudh i]t te tueh Y -li o - - -têrj~g. ail~lîo time witb n benefat. asveve ym3'spwt<= n . Mark 'men- weiith a i niron-master, -.-----the biow ..fst"~ amîg.. e-vpesn otkadnvr Itra n tans-piskdnydses.Tatvfmiyme, frenngode iteen fut y'scnryin af fintoSct fal ue stoabntboedi-OI5t beub Iwas eweak' I.cour scamcel3»,walk. It was natural af that day tbat t sse. founeuch ies eliea'fin iugit te jGfesrofnomili ow cfthoste s a'§ ontrwinn th flrs-fe s tO. 1e - iuff.red from se ere 'headachess, why 4eondscq wkrle n hu*htelj iig lore rCenerxgter suA C. Lat.,Cll tad> inies freini bacicaches th eel woba!moethi lv Dodd's Kit!ney Pi-lis. eY - lropres-entedi in the flght- batfle at thte expense o! an unpre- Sue hewy u. rts I * :o we;.ealiosfuitbarable. The trou-J i4igby -spinning oton on a band!- ,ing lune. prdfeS h as !GetB' aveuSe ay' w Tbeto -bc fecedm dgston xiitiisnc t -home ebouit! regard tue tain, bowever, the value o- W-t-m have e cxi4mnani-vnaru cuued ddiion à lcomfort. Final- coig o! Machinery which -would SAW- MIS GRAVE AT HAVRE. -fstat dos notyppearte appy, sa >, titaeugb. the. persuasio6qn o! a 1dotho saine work in'1cm turne as -- nUaînIfor fm es aantaetontry, as rnen th qai t ei hyacfr0 P.i Ute~Mcs thbeuse of Dr. Wil- A Menlace to TJir Existensce. "Dead" British Soldier Han Welrd cai ckýw ile o a ca n i in aiconit asgen ueror eastr01adI~ol IR lIL8 Pi Isand I !bal ever The invnti-no!f the spinning Jenny Adventureu. ~IILsuffered defeat in th niilstge unnot o Ctoaten.>TeTb sm t e #rfu ha* I diti so, as ster by argreaves in'1770 was one o! "If 1 ami able to tel y own story,- to e erge vitoricus. Most people lets are sod by e ii e d aes r _ _ _ _ _ _ g n -ne boxes I was fuliy rester- tite nuinerous improvem ený5s Wbicb sald Privai>. D. Lightfcço ,nwstliiw enM ber the lon-g run o! dis- b ala ~cnsabxfo h bt o ealth, I wo ld earnestly culmfinaterd with the suOdxssfuil'p -uIie-1 o m-e pownee t a . No at e1 wR A EF L Y as r luo te Vit i nashce- vle O t fl4teh-hmewon dai ts -a iie EAmTISVEYCAEFLL. strtotie riisttrcVpB, whicýb Di-, Willi-amrs' Md1 n C îc urgeailan~r-ie wonin -nd grlste licaion o! te W tt sean en i as b een knocked ab ot by lhen &0 "For Yee-s I was t in and delicate. of the troops in the Sou titAfrcar i lle, Ondt.cou f t u f- d. W iii a m e' Pi- n xPs f r I- e toC&an f ct reu 1 a Ibave been. A t the pres ent I l s t colo r and w as eas11Y tlr d ; a W ar, and i in sin ilar fa io thTA flinFt re i i nw er Thb pri asinrke!,t me,î cffn'f ay w-h-lher I arn alive or yel'low palier, Ptpi-es and blotches on Grisf<'t'edthe 1 -îi Weî-e vcu ilingteblsri ru tactr agrcat deal ef ardsitip aaneng dead, with ithie regîment or mîs-sng. rnY face woientoiymrlynïtitetwafrtte - met iit< ea- akdtewje - h uhmr BAK laTit, -ila re the -working classe-s. The incosure L4at iontix my wlfe was advised that nlY feellngg, but because t tho0ught my II at 50,cents a box oxr six boxes for ha ge ite agricuturai sytemn W"s buried there. My gave ray e grew despndent. Then my appetite lit s tho Germans- who are retiring. fte mi te. "1 ngn tEg ssan frmTh r.Wllas'Mdi whc to pae trh a-e si'e-enwltrh that o! otiiors. fa-lied. 1 grew ver>' wenk. Varieus- In thte Zulu War Great Brifai-n man i" eehoed teCsoie." $~5O rom Tite Dr. illi ms- e n li to pae at thde ps in e ume Two day , later s&lie was- lnfcrm e<I re mied es, pins, tontes and tablets 1 m a ce'a disastrous st rt. A t Isan t- have been tolling if -ll o» Brockvilie, seOntge, m-n spseeti that I bad reoovered and was back tried without Permanent benefit. A hlwana ftbe army nas overwhelmed wei-e deatitodh o - farm laborers fkocking te fit. cities with ni>'compan>', but fixere was no vis-lt te my sister put into my biands anti defeatet! wi hi a lose cf six Ixun- Y~ C7NNTBRN TEanti luwereti wagcs, at finies, te tite explanatien o! how a deed ms-n ceuld g box cf -Dr. Hamltons ;Puiis. She tiret! men axnt fify, offleers, and the LOW F E NI C-ANO BRNGTHM DOWN. starvatien level. recover. I expeot thats c ifth placed re-l'aiice upon ithern- and now Afghan campnign *began i-n a simîlar VisChcag eî etr y Se itecare about -t-bat teliant!- secrets- tlat the cens-or *won't let out.lta-t th-ey have mnade me n weii wonxnn disbieartenîng fasition hv the aillînîbi- Fouir e pienadid daiiytan rr h -Uccicto ta BheII Acroplanes of iHostile workers ina the cities, depriveti o! B> thi-0saine-pos-tseegot a letter f(rom i would n-et he withîout ltent wlatever I Ition (if a Briti-sh army. lnbotia Pat>su-,îger Teraxana. hcg - Army. titeir 'en !lvh-totognzt me anneun ci ng my arrivai at Liver- they maiglit ces-t. I fiotnd Dr. liamil- ersolilhodogazeFacft.L A Thé eLondon TMmes publshies- the fol. for thte destruction o! the machines Pog"t hme 1atlI is-t I onda; lWetaonver>' Slth il e t iedcaigte )4vrhligvcoy uG!-t (-a-es defeat j 1,ec nu- auj turar-us-ivie ui « Dnie ii p ot ol, m-re Ita laispI-tonda Weaton's PI-ils beir Iioytenrecîatiemneiea lwgie-rrfroi.s- captala la the wbich seemedt th ire-aten their vr rr -eWroffice celing me Vhs-t I ciaracter or n w-enian's nature. Te> eiîtîtLord Kitchlener euc t1ed l thiP wIy. Rc->-i. lnginers-: - I-vs. - was- -1la nNe. 12 aeneral Hospit-al, nf neyer onîce grlped me, ),et the>' estab- hi ifamous uapaign againust tfeic-rc4 and full t>art--uau> gcntI Vr a, Bandssof! noters, cahot! Lutdiîtes, Havre. tls-hed reg-ulartty. AMy nppeî-te grew Ma-hdj iilaCi- leffoat-t,,î iiuxs-<d 1-ifle àL S-aai,(a.A' 46Vge't- Iw Weo 'Ple xei'plaey a xlre ol ell eijj n2ade their 11meV appearance in N-eit- .I -hudder" Ïo tuik iat wIi bs-p. keen-my b lood 'ed sad pure--heavy 8ilsîgîsof suceess. 'lue ai-mies tiride-srort.O>: pîÏlTp et white a moie, u unliii and! the. neigb-bring M id- Pen to me rext. I had enôugix ad- rings- under my eyes d1sappeared and lt o m ni o i k n a e s'!fhitly iower leveIî-h" tu a-rpln a districts o! Engiant! about thte ventun>oresOult ere without thes" to-day my sklxx lfiaissClear sad un-.weecmr doute Hicbu ksfacend Ba f k.r Andi man-algan-sruiii uo fc Ils-oIt, Each put! represent ~the burtotpaanhe yar,111. renh-estwle, anbuapuredb>' he amulon'sPill d4dif.a-i. fWl.Ec ufrpeet h us io h er1i.stirs-f n «g ee. I .was buried l inhewrln-kled as when I Mas a girl. Dr. cf K" sooz ttuec lte tide and lias a -slipnous-e a n nic -.Cmlt pr osh lrapnel ebeli. Aithough 1 have Thefr narne, cuniousîy eouht ermans onl&ce,bt aln-s-gtued t epe liaov s Pladltmthrarj blter securet the triumph of tireBritisih. MisdeLlne:CrsIphea.ndilat.( Been lit beasf a dczen pertormno.s î, was taken froin a hai!-wittet ma afie'r releasing tiirteen corurades." fromn Mrs. J. Y. Todd, wlfe or a weil. ~--i ietahowi ela e cu it f e r ii o g itn a er o p- l eV b ! t h l e b o y s o-! a h ol a e i-nt o-e s-- n w m l i r i n g r v l e , l r dosA-n & PParentiy ît 1,s awlu-îly d i fth OSc avlaeinL -s-ufficent fixat Dr. Hamiion's PuIs are hit<'llenerî-(il(, S(rittegist. - amin gla d .t e be ne-frert-ea ner'oplett an og,.le t! NhiedLuit!,one wa<.FOMtRii. butt 4 O, I k)1.1*'a wndmerin Rogers-v-uic, le pef -.t e tbt aeplt otp Ofa-ObJect In tue air ad I aniy case frbr.O u eoasi-oxlLut!pur- FRE M>ESo'IDU Medru oatsmdcn.Use Oneorgfunnngest prs-e sued one of h ~~n thir pi-i-i but Dr. lianitiiîoîs. 2;)c. One cf t "1111taofe thiat abject lae rng-ve7r4 set ee ! is tormentors into at s î e o. i el-o aarrît- re ofLrienot cineer i- ti eornugiefer yxr is-e f There la an--ai ~ .~~tOlfbueweewr w ae se llNow Conipie e>' .,uiped lmtoriesPo!bx.ord KealerserrThe i-s tioitf oag xsL Ys~, -i .F KWL th sttllr, mndIiolee.W bous Iiste whing manufae N e b-pdi hî.ooe aKnso1 aal. - lus campaig i-n lte Sidari. If ap-Ger; '-setose gte 7Aoadct.. a! pm>.p~* wh h tre iua1i t cmafatcthe. ot, . e! No pasege tea mer on th pars tixat s-nihrs hait been 9110ot- be poli-te and faketelti n." ______ i n g i s e - -n g e r t . a n d i ie o r d e r o t r a u a c F c l eil an p aes on.Th'hw grd, - he ra ree,. After-Pcfin bte n than tbe l'îE LAST SIIOTi. ttf elopitone wire siou I-tibe car-e Ecsnlmdb>ex- & aux0i u o h io a t , b acf a z c o e b ~ e~ " E m p re s a o ! In d u s," o f t hé C .P .I. u r ied rsac esuren a Silo, Co fstna, W IÃ"d - é 71 - s nids, h lcb i w as a co GmIiO sàyîn g, tit t Lu ti P acifie feet, but i-n. the liant six M lien te aiéo p rs'l j . r i eset c o s a crti-osr fut o t ~tli Ife oth ' h d d n e -j - V tilia s s u ff e re d oA s K t c e er- --d e e i , o -. - id lide. many changes ttat s-be woutit!not -AsKtenrlmdodrtiif ýh -he < be rftognized b. eroit!frienis. -There was 4probaily ne incident wse. Muuine igofsi'udesYurDugio' eý toolrL---nu.ofoni c . Wheft the BritishiAdmjmalty tirs-t infx rnoPus-n a !171o fMa- e--o-îln f or thehranjoPrusain War f b-e0forecegnizet!ieve rhat ite Salve nTubes25c. ForDoulh[ere5 me e Geiin srËuo.Tohequ o c e; wa aneimore drauxafie ts-n flot w hi-eh eneuay Ilîd git avertiera-foDugis rrnfeRmdcchcg - - friiesin~-:a duli gmey and! hem fairy-Iike char- mre!fsco-,titis newcntrvaOflewoi e ' f olL'wing ce iSarot etintt-rs 0Hn eceleè,peiin !st- ecrt -ewie -T rv ;afasr ln'iu mes-ut utaf tbee o-.ï-th ilt tthe parpose of wards. Cleared vtrentIe ce dcks"e- Buxt, Japt. Hawle-, n-,ýaid tî e positIons, oresuits inprv- uth :iUt Jeadrs wer utt teoi f everytbing utneecessri te ai 5 i srck twelvclieM-ba!-înum isPtcqnett4ýibqy tden of scalo, colesox lug11 V The conspirato rs bat! cedddc i el ut for this- lovese grudol OUILIXi piarpoe,'*-' ed '-iy 7" - .v2myes- -is- itte" 'a greaf savIng o one .MtanCn -wot!,wbee lheystaftoedor if gives two wid-e stips o! eps-em i n.aus-d ategve acmmda NFlilf"del' and-N'o nswre! u cpti- gnactcomamodda-n-yss twste 1t am«-eNtct W ~ 4 hnselves i-n a lino aleng a roadti ion for a large, aurber of betis in n-oaemngrs> ieuuf>ouwilovtimdr-in o atb ~j, b-ü&bÀ, w d su!wien Horefs-li came George ma isa-f oiintnte e-ia ieon ien&DvS, aie1go- 1igher." Anti ie won- saI sczt--,p >$~ixe elir w-s t ti'. fret ani ucase asteamner- Flre rews of beis havepatent soli-citors-, Monfx-eal, report dereti wbY Ibeir frien-dIslti-p ceas-et!-bre rcnAs deL11edîW1èéeffofc!bi-s missing hies aim, fwo otiters been ftfe-J anti ai-]te require- that 137 Canadian patents wero se1 sîxdtenlv. a'i.arepcagin Pô;f.à-ïhanti were te ire as ho passed tiienx. Titis mente o!fs- hospital are inetaliet!. issuet! for the week entiing Janîtar>'-yHtEOGMFc wa0t i,»I0'oýbli !was l inte t!sys-whon s- pistol hait!Tie-work o! neoonstructing tfinl- 26tli, 1915, 110 of whicib were gmaxît- (aarxSue >ýevç Q for mes-la I oniy*eue charge, and s miss wa Voior offte vesse-i wns put i-n banc] edt! Ameuicans, 15 Vo (axtadjanis- Iebic.Ca to. The oittim csg a s-cri-eus-fting. Hors-fs-Il, s-con after ber anrivai, andt hi s anti 12 to erstentsof foreigîx coun-C ES B O G 11s"hY ýd.h vîemy jus-tabeu-t dus-k, rode on bis ~W-y work complet-et, thens tting up ffmi-es-. F-xrviite, Sept. 30, t902. CIOUitl ja.thobëen greatlyr benefitet!, home affer ps-rrsking o! a- biofo!he w-rtis, etc., ha-s been carrnet!on .Mnri Lamn-ca unt~,.-i ~, ~ Z ~ e - e v reater ruin anti w ater as- thefl ic o in nd t hte supervision f M j r J. A lot -ef m on are xîrîable t e - -.. i e,- e i à h o i f r y i , a ne-ighb Wing atso MaJ.R.Jo'Trel iegodlé n te mec ag- Doear s,- e-tht ae- 'r ia bêetflf. weri*der your MINAILD8 gLIN-IMIE*Nr - "lVhen-I began to drink Postuniin .Waan0sji- .;à.Trl io ot tet-wanrby efa. aveay sueror articleas-and e i-se if, jçaflai-a isba'dvrMros llors s-lot wounaied hlm, anti anti Major C. W. E. Kerr, o!fteaLir ee fo@retlctancht. a-wa -au n ls ndvr nros môme ~ st t-i-me anti he a:ssistace came hitlay'des-c! Inirn ,Medicai Service. B:tween Minard'a Liniment Cures Cargea in Cows. lvhon 1 tell you i-et ut1e-aiet - la LI ire prt -wsould oii - s lo t I 1N M morVe tanI id, pbys-it Éîiv andyer attemptedt! teprove an alibi, but roorn lissbeen ecastructet! anti bas IWant fYeu 1-ountierstaxat, " sa:d meaa Crt .F. 'IL"O IIamtow I hs alyad nMyte uypou ny wntisVh oam.pison-sbeen compietely equppe-i ThnxYourng 'PnI tht1gof i-1i5'- CHs-a.uF.d eelusuv twen-fy minutadisfeefoMhread ileevO're sae Spd no e ndr atlor iraty he lies-n-fIni ne- perfum 'Wce--,have; les-mec! our littie les- A Verdiot of Gulîty, - b. ta-ken amMl wart!s have been titouglît i-twas loft- to you by yo-ur- Çson abouit coffee ânud we know soins- lwodays iifter the mea we e nu-nibe o! rivae wnts eoffce ara h uwne ge" t ifasy fobut he 50 NCS IE tiîxg abolit Postia, teeo, for we brough~te the place of execut-l have beexi preparet!. Altogetiter lawyems." ilp i»', Huy Daym.sxaben-efrt.n have taisd-P sturaî xow steat!ily for Evomy preca gfi-ou ws-s taken to e n some 500 b6à a re a-rails-bic on thle -_-i reg aia e eýt the las t ht-e3-cari. and we shall der a rescue inipracticable, T vîes-se].pa"i.send'stnt. Continue Vo do s-e. troups, o! cavrs--> were drs-wa up Pa*......-'eor o a!t a-'c us othtet "lNe bave no mûre tas- eof tiro t th pau frin, sat! -tiie drus drink-. We pee os ià nue'sto the cas-fewee'rc -son.letavl b e t u x~ i a u t! ~ 1 e s 1 * ,r'* 0 5 - g x r e t! b y I - f n t r y , - L i V fl u e B o ib b y B e a t e in w e p e t W -t IiM u . eal a i n - a v r Nauie g4vea bm oanadisn Pos-turn Th.015 ar4 di-milIsr frIgls saou re- lita mteto bliv pi fkul-ker- -Johin',îi father kepf s- caady stcore1'a i"- (J,,Wldo, Ont. IleSA"Tite. cue 1 iedes ~ ~11bockera -% Ienelie(4 ~tiedat s-il- sat!the littU e1J0low o! te-n breuglif ell is bu t e . ii v 1 l~ , i n p k gth e o ti a v s s e s u re , t e b g h th e v a rie -ie s i n a b s s to re , h o w ur a4 dy t e s h o o l t e d rv i te i th h e " i . f . ~ l o s t e j M-cls n w_1rneJl - h ,,lug "i ar ti-tai iiie wi-n-:1-otlner chiltiren, -Oaseîora-ing tish ni clé ons two stb wl the faruldepros-sion' Vs-rb !follow- sf113 dri at, plmcix Ilscd-asrog mllo b oI-' 15o antis 25e packcage. e leN ene wsrs agrsvtedT its-hrnoiet atshegs iw'fiim r4xecaIst egi n Pstmmutý t ,, .spoenl -eas-e c "ier eptmi.andtibega -to- Invest- 0 -i:T n-ieee7 usfsn Ps-u-1 sîuse~~ by nlmog tc.al ci-op lallume. AI- (11"1"heP -re for e p' tIr Oteaaeulis asole ic-lytîuhieceir !at-u-t a a "These ar-o iist exacf 1 like g ein c ooî -er s o atngdr 'nt o te w cntre g o f -s- y ad tenkmo e yen ')asus-t the, clerk;1 "bu-t 1if -ted r i ina cup ol bot wntem aa .with mi sprend over aimes-tfleiabe ee-nie-ao o r e m a m , c-sa d i l i o s t -i s- e i n o-n. ua- r e y o ' t! ie fo r y o u . - -l'il C u l ni-t, si-m s b e n t e v e r s-m a l d J o -lin 1 ~everage . iuistantrly. 3oattcdece th le character cf trgai- z (e oryu' adwiqpre ile,, ae -1 is s 1 0 n.Me0-A- aProducedti -lera, -inueli Vo Iany ieandy "uNo uns'asun," lie aci4noer -ohv eni cnt per cup o! beth kintis is ltVVtn i5 C1yi u t!jaf- d>5 t-ton. Titey -bore a TErplet!. <lIa any of thie -fie s as gn,£av.. xv.ah it TheneistaefoaPo8.1m1M-boirors catinoss.se g fin ý, oi t th e , s -m e , m e n t o e, la h of r & i s n ew tra ces an a g gu w ifcâ re a4 " >Iese k u nik er- tuE n e i-amny " lie lam i er a ncs-s. T. <aýsl bY Grocera flice spî,-ati he inl a se-cm and is-ai"I bring îyeU uosue at NNRA -sot!byGrcea. ore roglt tbei-alpeceWhh!Q * lnaroes LUniment Cures colas, g:.. E D. 5. ISSUE 8-Iaon' Ë1OR SALE. inY Colborne Stras9, 0 UT OR BELL ࣠mini or Dobwry Vam. n, Brampton. or 9le0C& iIlb6rniï- St.. Trno RV STOCK.- RASPEIESPq logue free. mocolIneu' Il. Ont. *P WANTED. >TRÂDE - ALWAYS nt 94 good wages, few coD?]eto -course write an ctlogue toda.y. 4M. 212 Queen Eant LANEOIJS. Iz-'LUMP& ETO.. Sr tretmont. Writ Dyr. Belimau 1104"o. ENTA INVENTION$ PIENADAVIS mes St*Mgatreni -hand, for hoatnu >urpoolm. Watur SAND SMOKE d Shipbuffdems TNE SALE. :k 18 X42 ng conditio n, beit, cylHaderh it time. is0 thaï, haif SO{-I & SON& West, Toronto y ian.1 errevait ~ATED ve auth.a.ptir arses, huils, )f xiii kiiids Soali iv>' and od for corîs. iiars c,ase.'a,- riai-"tll mine, Chcsoan ad MPG'Cco, MONTREÂL- e, made ,ta- >y by Ild. ia Prima id sewll Le verfuré ae. deecrtp. tided by- Dame th- Q eacb su, Lacateer ai The Con. folloWa le -s-x- WERS r gz 12 rlw lie pré a re dU the reýad .thrTee wi-rae~ eake tinsiwxidr vd <Y-Soîne -Fis,îurles-i ecul ln tics-e da'ysrWlr xi fleur &ataifpl;i hi t Viteaker>'Ili ft int>ýd cf fluariusiill ,-tant t l'liuTe -r ouit., Take tf'va> cuyr-sflou coix alnt.[ clips iat ~irii- iciri I i l - TORONTO0 child2ren should hayý Cbutter -or preserves. and BatterllCake Baled Apples, Makes the b -I#II<Y WHIIT1V' is a p i flavor as "Crowu Bra :n2,5,laand 2o poun The Casida Sta Hints- for the lie M inter Breakfasit 1Foo Hfot breads- for breakfast -Most a necessity "in- winti icast.thiey are thighiy desirak morning ajppetite in -cld dèniands stnething substant, it giadiy. takès this substarn in the form cfa muffin, a tomne other tempt>ng bit d i Ilere are sorne ree1pPs; .n but, neverthceess,- g<oçd. perhaps. because.vhey bai tried-and -found-satiifying 'l habl1e. Pliiîi Ililnu.- One el beaten; a tabiespoo>nful o!) and a tabl.e-&pooinfi o1 suga tcaspoonful of sait,,aIl bei til very, iight. ,One cup- 4 three of sifted fký_ur and thr spoonfuis of -baking powde htâif grabam axîd -onie-haif i inetv be ivied instead of wli ýIr twio eups cf .crnmeal aan flour. JDrop. on weii-greas pans aid Ibake twentv ,min' r ; tier quick ',ven or ba' gi4.jle in miuffin ri ngs. rter cupfui 4)f butter. cuptul -of sugar, oe t&1;th ure e-qa rcup tMeu'lp fuis flour. two tèa. býing poivder. Cream th add gradualIy th sugar.- cgg.q. Sift. the fleur and powder îh<oroughIy and &C first mixture alternately milk.. Bake in -hot bptte pans 25. minutes. _Sour Creaui icts- fus flour, -o-n teas-poonfulj onù, teaspoonful sait sifted i one pint -tour cr eam2. RollI floured board, ha-ring thi one inch iblek. Cut with creaerd*and put the biscia oter. dpan -jgst touchii nithe Bk:fromatweI-e t niintes-inahot<iýn. whbite flour,_three&quarter 4 cornmeal, four -tëaspooinfiil powder, one-halif taspoýon one toblespoonfuil x-.gar, tN -spoonfuls o:f butter, one eg quarter cupful ofnui1k su rements level. Mix .n * ingredients itoéb.i ter in witb knife, beat egg, andia taloù)dry, ingrec ~Amake a soft d4ough tliat a dled; add more xnilk if ne < turn qnto -a loure-d'boai iightly- and roll- -oùt onie-b with r<liing pin. eit wîth mr ter-, put, a piece o<f biîttcrî! pea>in centre cfeacii roi: round in centre se o;ppo-si, meet,. put onto w nbuttereC bake inia quicken -j'eitwel, tenmîn'tes. - CulTel-Illuns. --Sift toge

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