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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Feb 1915, p. 2

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NOTES »4DUcoOM3NW& Wheu a M an devises a jplutia k. wants -te "=&de & cofk*IWstot dottait,. Reforoes poan s de- fects apd< difficulties aud tries .t . provide againa»t taseu. lE s resdy, vitii pructical arguments to meet pruoêifflobieetione. in PSrtion lm, b. r.coaliia tha t&e.vital *woé and exatgy how it vil vwork. Rie knows very îveil that ifl c qdosn't go about, Ui» jjthat V.ay bis hesring viii 1>. inefectual. He inovaia t"1the capitaliat la not go-, i.g to b. inupressed by merely gen- tral lde*a tliat s.cm te hé prokmis-« ing.TIlie 'eapitaliat, mante tacts. JUfortunstely -6 nmajority of pub- 'lie men do not fellM t$siaprocedure when oooking up plans"thtey W&aut h. public te .pend mq ney on. No %oner deoes a hâli-bsled sug- - I~4~U ~ of a gwoposal Tiesan>c standard oe!tisorougli- nesm shouid chemin lu ,préparation o! Pans for disposaing o! public money in amy w-,ayi as'is generaiiy nequîr- ccl ln plans for get.ing ç>ivte capital te invest lu pnivate enter- pri.se.. -Wben it does8 ve shahl have fewer 'plans,)>but more plans t-bat w1J1 b, -*ortis considering, Fresis air is airwaye betten air whidislanet fs-euh. Tise winter air is ouitdorsq...Thse besti ight-air is -the air whieh is mo9t nearly as natuire madle it. Cold, clean air is better tha.n warm, air, wvhich is net-to pure, alwe~e provid- ed that there shail be suifficient dcothing and- Io od 'te inaintain the heat. and ttrength o! the body. Tl'he se facit. are so well under- Istood by ph.ysicianh and students 01 health proiblems Vthat tihere 18 bard- ISr Ileed oi ptublishing sciaxiomst 4, pe rsonal hy'giene-or there rou!d b. -none ij! human nature vere -not so pro.ne to forget t' e tiruths which are nosti necessary wo keep in niincl. Arnd because frebh ir in. wnter o'ften means more or le-ms moment- ary diseomflort the temptation to avoid it, or fait wo seek it, iu cape- ciaïllY stroni at this season. th 0 mot s inceoielt Scasons among -men mceh posedte tise.elemeuts Cousider tise umberuen o! norths- tcriaforeste, t-he.fwuhermnuncu cfi»t-en seau. It i4stated- bycaseal cd- @envers that tus Erench troopa lun the highlanda o! Lorralss sud AI- tact, living. eut .lu tis e- nw sud uharp, cold midlinter, k.vosined, en t-b. average, five pounda apicce incetheir bard lite luntise treuciies began, «4- tisey are pictured as ruddy sud .tnndylunthse iigisestide- * Siuci s spls e! foutdoen living iu mintms eau :e> feuud in <st nunibert. lisir toeson i. plai. WitIs dry feet, 'vas'. clotiug sud jeod f ood, tise humnas body <sot qsislv dea w intes. cId but, thisa.dlpon Umwollla te TeD. ise couutry .cboo t-cacher 'ha d boss tellling lier sebolara e«bout tise. S-msions and tier peculiarities, sud te tsaspres tise faits ipoo - t-hein* msids-tsse question.d tise'A upon <ise point-s "ah.had given. Sevenal - <ueries isad beois put, and 'use fs ally restkied theatutpd4boyià theo *orun. "WeU., Jobnny,» ths said,' 'lsav, yeufnpos gaying at-.t-iou1, "'Y.., mua," hse taswered promàpt- V y."l'un lad te boas it. KNew, eau you tell1 me *Ih4t tiser. ia in -tise lerigî""Y e', I cam' bt a frg, a' alirard. au' a douai est lu it; but 1 dsdu't put 'su tJsere. It as uetiser boy, &Wis I se film do -Versacth la Love.- pete «tas a colored -gentleman, and "ery muchinlu ¶ve. -But;,<seat- iy « bec"red, Mis& ob! or ê -hie iwsae, ne vas so0 'darcd sot "afortes-h ho i " t 4 toeOê 7OmCQ I - Yosupq F~s~ --'j A *VIteFr.m yaIrylbad. To 'asvikMgdova- the. gar- donn one day ulhen lIe met a h.iry. Tiiere vas nu uiataking lber.- o r..oisied er t eue.. W"e as ~very daiuty i.e oeàaur, ot more 4issua foot lu it.iguhber liai was golden; her eyes blue aMfor- get-me-nota. Me van. dsessed* lu green. -suWd aried slittie 'waud o! gold lu ber hand. - "SeBotitere are fainies, alter 03I 1" &,,id Tom, aftcr a mDomenît's bea- tien. Thée!ary lauglsed. and ltwas liii. a -little isilver bell rnng.g "î Wt a funny- question, to amk," tàe sai&d, "vien you &TedIoekiug at me ail tise tins.." "!Wel I, aid Tom, s"fatiher Sss t*ere sarenst, sund he ouSitte know." The fanry lsuWhed again. "Gb, <of course, grovn-iup people aay there, are't wny fainies, but you kuow the. reasonrwby tliev ony no, -don'ê y"Ut "Wlsyit's bee&use. o! ti*. Magie BHaze," said tise lairy. "Thte magle visat?"- said Tom. "Thse Magio flaze. [It bauge ust four feet above -the grou nd every- "IýBut 1 cant isee it,"' sai.d Tom, iooking Up. ("Xo, o! course yn eu',t" aid thse fairy. "You can't-see tise air, çan you 1" "Ne," said Tom. - 'ýBUt it'a tibereiahi the t-lue, isn't it 1" said thse fainy. "'Yes, I suppose it.is," said Tom. "Well,.lu tle saune vay,"con- tinued thbe fairy, "you oan't see thle Magie-Haze ; but it's thene fo ur feet above the gr*und; you who are un- derucatititt eau sec une and eau sec any fairy; you are lun airyasnd &il ise_ ti-me, sud, in fact, beieng te i.Nov the grovn-up people who are "aiove thbe' haze can look devis througlhi t., oi course,,but it hm st-bis effect ou tiheir-aiglit; they neyer isee fainies again ;--naveumoreeau &ntiey look irfte Finyland." "Ail o! t-hem " siaid Tom, vith% hlm éyes -ide vith intenest, ."Weli, ne,"I' aaid thte !airy. " Some of îthem -viii so-metinfssplay with câhuldinerslike you; they wiii geï dowu a4on.g withi yeu, sud',frolie abrout; sud then, o-f ours,-e, thbey are under te laze, and are -in Fairyiaud once more." "And vwhen,;peopie axre only just four ifeet. hi-gh, '- 1k. Jadk,"'Isaid TOIÙ, "mhat 'ha.ppens to thens "Why, said thse fairy, "lthey be- lieveiniii ainies oeeminute, sud.they [haie Wh&ê te leo ~ ,ya. de-s't tisé soyas-up <cpIe ever kigk- ageimt yen suad hurt* you Tisey cý>ùldn't lselp it- if tiey did, ie - C*use lu.7 oeu't ses yeno." Tihe !airy laugbed mcrrily. "Have youx ever tniedto ca-tèis iigb!tuîg, Tom 1'" 04N'o," ssiTom;- "I slouldn't lite. te try." 'àWetll,"y> aid tise fary, t"it vouid b. juýat, aimnpossible fon any-f yen te oa'écba!alry, orn suy vay su- jure eue. Why, 'e<an trsavel best- es tIars you eau tisiuk. -Sons. o! yens <revu-up -peiole-corne et-iding' inx smong us »ounetinsesv*heu. ve are ,daaqg uagwud eus-gretu-oelngs Iigl ton s . Wbeu tl1ey âare lu t1be *t O! pnttiug aeloot ovuvs re en " Il . a h é , a s d 'v ie n t b e y b a v e Pasmaiaxe isai ,* i fkq a 1huis Just t thi; mnomaent- bm'. fat-ber saunter'pd.de-vu tise st-In. "1Hullo, sonrsy' lieaai, 'vlio's t-bat. you are -tlkÃŽiug t-o thene 7"', .Tom t-ook lii. fa-tacs-by tise cOat,. sud, poiutiug to the <airy, saai-, ",Wisy, it'ssllrfa-er aCn- -yen-aee e" -- Hîs.fat-boisthWwrew u i&ii.head 'and -angked londly. "ýTisat, Tus! Ha,! Iha! TliaV's a.a biage -tmp, lTefairy smiled at Tom. wavcd 4bar l41d, and diuppoar-d.' NIW EARI At#Ub4 IiAEnt. Dr. Jaof tte Huhes, eat-o more spots Of feeb" slow, »lsofmiles away, T-ou armgruet smile, 1insu. Peft lare auI TY yn. Maker « «M M sd skyo- Wlaeî -1 esueee aright WIttS emp>elsemjng eyo bashtn1 ibt ho Nev eart-lsand, heaven usay meau er îin perto, se -Silu#ly a ciSuglu sue. [Ouse et lier ecm- 1, Ide4ypn, - e aa,;W«sthse jo on lne A velt-h7 and rat-ler autoé;-rsti. ,t question te csty xman vent te o oisuit a leading t" - OU aIpçhpr, wnaéed ia g s < t mauy to " o quest-ions. -~Te sppoions a e9,Wvis a;wo îIe -.~iS 501 fl t ceoDed to be evosa-ex- smiued, set luppatient, and ad ia "I qAert t e -.cuxeai. aut ste,- ~~tko dpot-or tary nat-ion in tBe wrd~'~ she bas devele-pe governuncut as au inst îîment o of.ia.l 4velfare vit-b masheai succesa».ýWbhee -t-ber count-ries bave been punishlng ig- ~norance- sud vagabondage, sud have fallenu devis -before tise'siekeuz ing problem o! tise unpleyed, sud hsaveackuewyle4&pd lusbihty te deal vit-h ft, Geérusauy bus saiut-bat t-les. tiigs eau- aud aqust- 6e.prevented, aud- by préee$-i' 'hm c a ereateai &acollective'.efAcieucyv hich tise rent of. tise vos-id migist, vdl envy suad re#pect. Observe, ;or ecx- ample, boy Germany- manages lien wÈ sch<. yeux, -ler utate ovucai rail - souabe t-u, b«- tradip. 1u14- ligenice orjFasiszatspu. - 8hé dîînemt t-ny t-o dovu tise trusts," sudvaste useful ënerg'y -onthé"se lisses, but utiisidt-hemn, asd at tbhesaunetime shé bêeleai Isepall imercllmat spd dealer' to gdevlop t-rade s-,èad" f bamipeslug it. 1Witis hér-ugual. euergy mise .at-, te-ked thse problen o! t-he. uneul- -ploye, nsot euly by *tise ipr tgoverumeut, but by municipal.!sid lclgoverumenta, su conteî amplas organiztsss, wýth thie se- sult tiat vison t-be w,& broke ont ,>r marginal' lesti-gppuation o! uueïmpieyed vas tees tian. -baàt 'o! any ethler- counitry. -se occons- pliahed al li Ws by purely scient-uce sutied. Ger-masy -vasted ne sen- t-ku-about tise mat-tes ,he gugc îit as juset anotisr ps'oble m 'o! 'na- tional, eMmuy. Thé culai as needed by tise mii- tiany .power o! ht,-lebcuntry_ as su effective flgisting machine, suds sicb must « b- -vel fè'd, amply cloVb lsc ud eurely bhouaed.-- Prosbl os -o tie ea en.o! týiIr a -o6e'onc--i he*y -ui,- 9wait sporEýýt .Par. excllnce f!-the, navyl, botth "Gun-layers' Teat" and, 4" Battie 7PractiW " cîeatlng' an as 1touning amount ëf ,enthusiaem *nd ema tion-suqbd also betting!-7and Sir Perpy Sçott is the. man, "bove &IL othersl, h s pO8b1foit Twolv. years %,84 nney. was a dead letter, aid target.7'.piractié a numaflce,. On lFebrary 2nd, 1902, Capt'in, Perc-y $kott, G. dlvr eýd alecture at the United Servie InstitutiiDofo! ongkong, On "éThe, FightngEfficiqicy of a Fleet which is Dependent oi the Straight Shoot- ing o! the. Gui». ." Out of. that lec- ture arome a hmt e usin ru WIIT'" .h uUMiI. 451D5S <fly la tslrrns.,Offore., Tiiey tsado- lues- tb 4 ensable,mitaies i diplomacy, ,to ue"-ie-i st*rt vitis,sud eunbseiled Buglaa u d 4t-b. n in -thle confilot nneceasanil. >etm&t et t-h. thiu .t$swp ipo4 d*tlrely oe Maid veére e. àf essemnce o! setupïýinl at ity Itvasailregt &Md eveaf eoun eil mînd4ie -er oýffp xtep ne"I'n t-rade an"d ev-lcsp lier iniustries, hé efirst, eh but ais. earrîed- btï il~isnt-o '"~-it the ppçuintoauatieiszc4 w-mii&se troduc* t- tisat fe. Scua It-o 1* int-rçswei -ci- uu plie w ~ watioa~go, «linthei la-W 4ýllec4ua]l la!, imusie5i, kàarta" l"e' 1 mu phj1o.ophy. Sh. produ'ee no81 nx am or Wagners, no5 m4sae -m- sldi.' àotsa,, !>moe e- Getiss;s buthé ber- hlaejsergies. bve ssuoun 0 dev'oted t-ocseiiug tldiga that des-, bl4 i t-ney. It,-Al 4tçs f ffçm thep-France- a11 Pru-seiiisd yr .*nd tihe blod-*id- Wheii> p iron poliolemoýf ler ~Bisuassni. lZ made Ilrie- tild -i WiJI wo Inpeo powçetneqtrc4lg lound geors. Ie'9.-5 kuâb of cu'1res iss day, b" ehii uklng ihua- .d 'tala.Denves, c7ýi %lady vlsic s n tinations aof4"Wbcu 1I lets' ," 1a is éertain. s-li - BICE. -thse *ii*b rinsg- "Mni ut-tic bais, bayai )u 'Archi- A] 1 l Isu *auzit-t-o gsue;y; ve -o ugist "sud: t-cre*Itt'- -uogoui*- O0&0"& asp existea inl tauysav bis ide%! n -befone lie- setired, ýt vit-bout a conuaider- bille 0~, h. vas je- ~ v1y createdp'a> ti a nd rc, li igaoul id hé Pros- uleSport," qùte. uDliglY, sud vacS.-w keeùIy enthlu- tiro&- List t-o-tenda >pffeneui an. atiegiole - 1, 37 Cha . I àe, Deu.Ver, 'Col. 1 ofteui Wonder -if the. Cu&alian, peple fidl7 iea2i4e vwhat the pr«e.t terrible var aneýs il the. alied Ger- Mm for«»m.bould Witt. = ag ethe ilain fBe-lgian ue trhy, aud <Mies discusins about the Cause of the war, the i~ portant question fer j4a i, ÊHow 15 tfii. v&rgoing to aftoe Can- ada in, case- of an adve rse esl 0Of cours e, if the alles vin, and w,'tbinak they vill, there viii hé a settlement..by negetiation, a.nd the. resuit upon Canada cannot hé otherwise- than favorable; but sup-- pose thé alliance sbouid vin, tiien if thé -dreams of :miitary Ger- many -cosue true, if the* doctrines o! Treitschke and 'Bernhar&i prevail, there- vill be no, negotiations or çoorprooeis. eofany sort. Th»eR Oil1 Ouly be servile muhawssion o! the incet lumiliafing kind, and. _e ould not blae a <erznanp £<wgr-l y pgivn uer oretaste o ls te îpOtý,,iD1ertreatanent o! ga', laxnt 1littie Belgiur. n. lu su _an event the. vend vill 'becomue Prus- asm wStt1d4p ei The spirit of demoôcracy, t h )ia.ýba ,much .hea dway in EuVopr, s In Anerica, 'w ould hb-quénch dfor ages to corne ; frse thinixg ioul< hé uttcrly crushcd, and a. vorld power, stich as has neyer' beeni known in history, would be wielded by a wasrdr se autorai d dominecring, steeped lu the teach- ingiofi such hair-brained aparchiss as ÃŽ-etzschc send his followers, that constitutional ýgovernmxoet would lie annihilated aud the -mental and moral a-arkness of the "mniddle ages" would again settie down upon a world o! slaves. What would sjich an outeome of thie vas have in store .foT free Amesica? I wOuld drive uis to nuli- tariîm in self defense, lor we would -have no other choiçé.- Democracy must arm -to de!end, against auitocracy and preserve bu- -man !reectom. The fact we have to lacet if uxer- many wins, rightly or wrongly, viii be: Prepare and figbt, or, suifer national extinction. While this would undoubtedly make the United States the greatest military nation on the face d! the earth, it would not be because any on e ler-e vanta it, but because it would be-our only salvation. Gerznany, long ago, got nid of' the amateurish idea that ."that govera-. ment is best whichi governs least,"' snd bas developed government as an> instrument of overpowering auto- cracy on a scale sud with a measure o! success hitherto itnpiecedented. Iu nxany respects Germauy's -so- cial olicy and organization is cern. mendable, if it stopped thee, but evewything bas been done with the -sole ,pirpose ,,and e'Mia-view , cf ,Li ,uere -bs usSsa, sue aî théli atà,r o! t-e-Lord. WtsitewMII ais the. iipest,. e1ai! paint. for lampsoessd a 3.b uaed eitiser -em4erior osrin- ,WÉloe,#uampe. It-oabe uiade by slaing aisout ten-pouisai-of qulck- vater, coveriuig tise pail 'vit-j clots -or bgrlao, and- &Uoiiing itW toalke for eue heuir., Wate r is t-heu addéd ~obiing thse 'vistevasis t-a con- sistency wvich, t. aýy- t apid t-eers urlaoes a a emadas 1o1- kos -(1)gliak.eue -busise l.!quici- lps. li velve gallons e -f vstàr; (9.) dIesel-e tw-o pous A e ommon às Impid one peund d iulçIte of zinc- lu-t-vo gallon, o! toiliug a- $t;'pour (2) iste- (1),, then sai t-v gailons o! aiun milk sad ix t-ber- obily. White-wand sspread liglit- lyoves tise suriape vit-ba- bread UniversaI Ne "I viii reveal unto them-thse the. g abundanc. o! peate."e-4èreaniah sneli WQIL, 6.derfa To those ýOf us who regard thse cv establishment of permanent and a un univeral peace as a. "*oasummaa- gc 'ton devoutty to lewsb e, -e pe c wbo pray tlhat titis may lie the.co is xx> pensating oüstcome o!f te prespnt The var, it.la dïscencer'ting to discover the ai tibat-tiere a re serious ad high- to-da, vinded persous vwho beli:tre fitàG(rien sucèh a peao. wouldÏbe mostufor- hS i Lunate. War sss certain faztors hn witich are higitly esseniai te tht-bd best developunent o! humaas garae- Icontii ter, 4ad must, hé prezerve-d tlsere- fore-éven at tse coat o! biood and. tesT. WSIT la horiible; but it -i 05o pece"he ay h.n'eyer yet "ci héen - Wt1ed, noV ecue t> ids s unabie, 'but, becs-use -be-la uu-williug scnf te chivei~.. . u anmati bas ~~ a :z e pcs~ix ovaluesabv netiev ligicrn, aoeiudust-ry, aboie socialmae coeiort.s; lu var ho values thse poveir ,h-ic i la fforda te 111e o! ris- ing -aboive life,".tise poiver ~whiè~h thbe1 spirit of min poasesses to-o pursueton- - - men tiltsideai" -.David Thse bigese Roat Plg.> It às evideui t tbýt what mon value iu van is t-emart-ial osud hereo vis- tues vbicb â iofess'With tis veý c'au syu --z.But witereiu la- it- posIsible- te -aooept; t-lie conclusion, ba-sed pos titis premise, tbat van sliouid lbee-.ncouraked, sud peace discouragedi- Te argue t-bus is t-o imitai te,'i ainous,'Ciinese-la Ci '"a.le Lan 's "Dissertatin-n -a f-Roast Pig."-Itwill b. ,remej-aber.- edý tha t:h-i -Mongol vas 80 unfbr- t.uate as tý bave 'bis h'ose'deStrôyý ed by fine,'-but found partial - cens- pensa--lon ~tise discovery fisat bis -pig, viis bad 'been -tbutue d te deathï,--provided, s dehichous reas- Ho-ius-le sooes sÉhàred bis dis- cove ry vitis*h;- -neiios0 vs eï'ittway ý* iput thein pigs lu their kitdsens-ad burned t:'heî-r bouses te WHITE FLAG I'N FRANCE. 0 acc;uu Christianr an&dcowe bat-tlefilà, We ond mee nI" u< icu.ious 1N wa r mas. of martia it us true eumily forci there i5- - bbiuga vi provideà preoduce ,t'ask is ni rede em p t-o makeý dit-ion et is tise aibi Hlaynes]- Il . - 23. 16 -ve -fiud' David pourtug e ut vater e itise olird-; altisougishýe:vas' flsig b. vould not -drink-tise vae.-<astiug vas enjQined on- liii. ay o! atenement, a-ccording tu tse la-w-oÃ" Moses. Thé day o!atOne- ment -vas on tise t-cutisofe!the-usmontli otTisri. That Samuel abould have obsced -these tvo f..eats as pre- panatony to-o is intercesionvîit-h Jekovah is indicative--o! sde conce ru over thse renieôusuesa -o! tise situation. - 17.* Tise'lords o!, the. IPhilistines veut up against Israei.-_ýThàs means that ýthe iviiole strexsgth of tise Phil- istines *as cailed upn -4ust as kingisud eueosto-ay vili go to, the fron t. lu ondes te encourage their soldiers, se tise lords eft th-h Philistines- theuaght itneeceMsary te b. li tise mid.tfth ie bat-tlin luondes thath ie fuir flgbtiug trength sud determijiation cf thé-soldiers-elld be sccused. , !Inc adt 8. ' Tise, cidren flre-,sd.t igSamuel, Cesse not te cry unto ýJç- Isevais eus God f or us,,tisat-le. vil1 Bave us Out ýof the baud o!-t-be Pil- istiues.-Tse Israeiites-, fear'o! t-he Pisilistines vas increased visen .tbey sav tisat-'t-use-lords o!tise Philis- tines.vere taking part in -tise bt-t-le. 9. Samùel took s. sucking,]Iamb.-, Tise very-be;it offering.vas for-tise iuterces-sory prayer. As te tise mwd f burut-oifensngs, sec ev.I1-3 10. But Jebovais thsundercd 1vwith a grest thunder outisat dxy.ý-Iu-_ stances -eoftisunder, -nain, ..hall, tblck foi- sud otiser, natuiai-plie- nomena are frequeutly recordMd lu Iistory. Recause o! -sucis au évent,- victhiry' basrested -vit-h eue os ti bil clse Qý hePhilistmn- viicli ould sudicate that tise PWis- istqnes vwere driven back into theïrn ovisland.- 12.. Samuel. toek _&7 tone, 'aud set it betWeen ýMizpais and Sisen.-Mij- pahit Isthé, modern Neby-Sam'. Jenusalèm s l oniy five miles furt-ber beyoud t-o'tise soutiiest. - Shen mneans "teeti" on sharp rock <sec' i ians. 14. ) .. 13. ise Pilistines vers subdued, and they came ne. more within.tise border o!, Iiïaci-As Canaan Wa" subdued by' larsel (mcc Judg.-4. 23, 24:. --- - th Tis-band -o! Jeisovais vaâ agaiust tise Plitsaltise daya. e!Sans- uel.-,AII -tise days" meansalal the. daygo! bis goverument, as Saxnuel's powier ceased whenus Saul becamie 14:-h-ct« k tise - Pul-s- thies bad takes Iteom Israël vese restoned t-o Isnal.-Samue]- cou- quered -thse Pisilistines sot ouly lu. ,dnivingthen f nom tise bordera of jarsel, but -by carrying.tlse"as-lut'o t-hein ovuw couutry suid taking fre-in tlt&Pbilisines .tise-cities whichb iad heesi t-aiea by tissus from Issael. Tisene'w as peace hétweeu Imraeli sund tise. Amones.-Tie -Israelitis sud,-tise Amont-es madée. common cau-se - gainst tise Phlistines,.- 15 Xdged 1Israel -ail tft days o! his hie-issmnu ia viewas a ciïvil' udge. ne vas sot slïpreme-as a jùd ,eAsItes Saul beÇams k-à -16.' %elvent frem'I yer.t yer l ciruitt- Bek-i, udGilgal, sud sp Mut e aMn,-id )Mizpah vam- lv. ými1ès porthvest-fxe«n Grat iian soe i siayajuieces-1.l ýMary. frtb.question ini ev8ry e6sc'{ us is-visel3ier th-hoitiug. of tise wiitejconta4 flag w,%asautisorizedisy t-h. sessior . offices..- fi 'tp ti lu In nse4uesee, vsen thse fiag la dipvel isqlstreaitie l-euemy xiecd net n ece s- ' d4or i Sarily oease, -fine, tiugxigis a 51>6- ceai d iirtely ineuiesit ou tise- part-y wicb noise.- hoiststhaefla.g ti'4:o. I o. For lnstauce'- alaig t-he. iege O!in t-he. Po»t Arthsur iu 1904r, vhen sa partie- Xeep ular -fort lIsisteai "a flag, thse Japan- ese genper4 Baron No-gi, did'noV t'p iumedïatel> 1 ecase -fring -Ou t-hat - and lIt- lelkdupon-itàas nserely c1'aag Carrylug thbe Joke Tea Fars. ,an9 A man 'vas -tridfor aMtcaJiug, ahir pair ýü boots lrom a ehop-door, -vit-, proms wlicis le ras away~. Judge (te aise.- -makçr t'vise aapuruedai aialseized{ tise pisioer-"Wh id h<iAle mari Iv-8ern Parent (to yÃ"ulsg af -for. bIs daugbter's. basai)-- mm, cs, auyopu vspporê a fa Mou an (ineekiy)-'e« 2,1 Umm' An iutesenting Pair o! bouse slip-] per.s le amd8e vlth patent leather vam*m and- heeIuch, Ise6l-aàd -1ng, poipted - ud wit the tie esto!d hesvY, cs eilk. TIene-is a wide, male a oves the iuutép and ech Jittie sMi'5p iormed bi the .l&sabn~g ta mrksd W"t a anali rinestoiie i"Mon ou- the. erest -of tuinep- ,lise strp buttos on ti-auoitideoi each slip per çwt &a l'bl* buton. Ramsian inldessce bas been mark- and a m m - en ls&ve .oVualy ven Rusianboos.Now dhey can be lsad iu some cf theabolkp. On. pair ébo" r cenlýinAhe windov o green suedè%amiatentjlcather. ne heelarp alif renchlmp, ue-W lu sto*i' sé-great is1titellr varletY. But une pain ths.t s strik- ïng ie o! lbIadk, WIk, slseer sudfi:-s macle witb a.lizard o! grefiu sud brovu bead. lildeseent and epark- ing, atrèeed hall-idength 'on thse aukie. Niew Haadkerehiéfm. -Re about ena re-vide, of violet tulle, as an dig becnr o! veny iheer iiiin,- an d thse rufl-e la very soit aud 14,i, sud th ise lde haudkemrhie! is'decidedly flu-iy and dainty. Blaek a ad White Fabries Thse ,prevalence, o!fuourning iu E-urope haa. .brosgb.t f rom thlie m-anùu7 frarers -a&l1 Uge asortmeut ,e< mingled black *-sumd iiste materials. Tise, nev lm hbveiargeand vide- IV separated Ilack, floyers oun a whiite grouud. Th sra tripig o! the. Dinecteire-isas returned sud bIat&'k oat suîts-ire <stade vit l ong.,~ ,pointedwaisteoàase! lit. Thiere are aise separate coats o! it abo>e skirts o! piain biawck-ziIk or c]oth. CAPTAIN PERCY SCOTT, C.B. Madle Kanlcsanship the Chie! Sport of! Britiiss 'Nay.e Tise great. usvai victory o!fun day, January 121 vien one! 0c Gr- iuauy's8 fiuest %lt-essips, tise lu- cher', vas susikè, âsd tw-oet-ler but-i tie-cruisers-dsaaed,-vag*due- neti -ouly t-oAt-lisuprior guns, but aise tise Britïsgu4ersý. Wei b çnj imalaâmsmidfer Lemeslx.saàuel the Yle.ri. ]Lee. .'1 Sam. 7.. 17. Golden Text, 1VSam.- 7. .- Vers. 3. - SaiaeI spa.-Samuel has not been meistioned sauce chap- ter 43,' verne - I. The burden o!# bis Message vas repentance. 4. Baalim and Ashtarotit,-Baal- ia mentioned ln a prenions les- son In thse plural for Ixal aI,"&sh- taroth in the. plural for tIk'-hrIseý divissity Astarte. à. Samuel- sad,.. wiii prAY for yeý-For -ot&ser, inr-tanoes o!f- tecea i vith Jehovais -ee Exod. 17. 11, 12; Num. 1M .I3'1.Kings 8 36,3. 6.- Drew *atér,..ansd !atcd At- thii. f 'tOfthe twbernclet4s bigh priait used to drsw vate r f rom tii.fountain-o! Siloamsina,.goldeis Yessel and pour it oveÏ the-sacxi. ficco Tiseleait o! tise tabernacle Signal By n1 Anaued Forte te Coin- muaen-e iti -ney.HEA - oagrezi maiypeopletise mer-e ýmention oe! , visite flag l n a:1 -once auggeÉt. some connection -vith eue oft -ose tunpqeasant episodes d *tould ovcd eue ,!Miste %lg inîterna oal, & ise nci, i gssesa siguificance qjuite differçut lu. chsaraoteý1. -Eaei s ut uSIDI For- an. officer o'r sei-dier te dis- As it doeae t a !play a visite flag on et-ber token ci . 'S d~e5tb suùrrerder;i ntisepr-eseincLe.,o! tise«.Tisegreat I euensy.la a disgrae equiv aient teOsetisodu o! -caý'1 gitoýwiug t-b whi-te lest-ler; and- Ve' At sncis times wve B.ritièhis régul ations -mýa-ike ii- ilî we could cHi dakbiee a it tiseoffeuder Y;11 ursse wtixose quie héie4y geiâcsad urt Martial.-asmugde~ Tise au eur by an - ,offices e<lge o4 vlrat i»d ea cbrged 'vih! ta defeusei, dl asiy ceuniet, seemn o garnion, pst, giard er positon, tis. pain aud Sufi, visetben fes-ifmed oes-net, viicli ve5 - Te questionifïo a detaeismeicit May b. ordered t-o- theuntrainc<l s' hota n o nd y t~.- - üèidd O heloving augge on -Un-leés '.tis n ecessiiy b.clearly vle iivthbe aurrende.-becomes -an, coratiossnsud hu se of!&sine an&didsgrac e, pussisis- rooeu, but do si s.blebly deatbiî;onrif teevdcncehs t kwt h e tisa inaufficicutio 0support sncb a charge 2 Iwvmi cr tise offnder, if au offices-, is liab1e atlould lie bu# te-'be eaetiç-red', or-!ifa oldies- t-o.traigist. Never 1 suifer, impn.riéenuent. --- u.,cos Wiat requiires: te lieclear1 nly m» apecrm denetoed - la tbat tsehoiitisig o! ,a thmsol i vilite flag neaus, lu itsell, -nothing ~ 5 f cis tss ts~tth ee arty whILb iite counterp:an usg wisetlhise .it 'wiid'receive s ceux- t-tIeihousa freî iunileation frosi thbeetier. - used -as ~a top 6ve In ýpretiee, lio*ever,- t-be'-isite 4. evresv 114ag inseenSeqsen)Ce o01 being ilm- inthe Bick rooi4; propesîy ' boisted la tise CouTe o-f aun ýn a:tmy eac action.,'by. îniildnal sIdiers or steps f'tseus- sBinai partiea, bas come te indicate 5. Never let,a suirrender. whlat pesriods-týbç ToWwhte flag is tAhee ùniverm1I v iven It bis sia4sratood h ig of truce, and ne the1 cio&Stno es m4r, Since tinvs '.nïm> ralox it Medicinse tine.~, - - - - - . - = «ý ýý -...- ..à= lâ . - - ý.à 'T 'l' .1 ,à Hi 1

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