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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Feb 1915, p. 3

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~AT DUSIIS- kIII*ýan Pal=~ and Other LoOdOn ROSesieo Covered D I3yWrc Nettln despatcb f rom London maya £hevy raework trestIe wbich rivate,&paartments of the Royal tandssi feet or- more f rom the y ini Buckinghamn Palace are roof proper. Amoug other Plaoes Sprotected againit possible lin London protected by asjzuil&r ian air raids. Ever inée the screen are the. lonses o! the. Duc1- ein raid o! a, few weeks ago,1 ssi o! Marlborough, one o! the. bomba were dropped Rothachilde and Sm Ofte o I Ic.pb ringham, -oneOo! the Royal resi- Institutiofn. ý, there have been reports in .tboulgh many o! the. frest worhu lation here- that protCetiye of! art %ad already been rêmov-ed tires Wouild be adopted for it f ro~m galIleries here -before the, air part of Buckingham Palace. 1raid, the attack was, a signal for a th attention was attracted on môre thorough paring down of col- nesray when workmen began lections. - Not _oaly- art muSeliM -ing heavy wire netting over heve taken- the prNecautiofla; an&fly part of the ýplae ocupied as o! the pricelesa ol5joets in the Veic- WnVial quarte" 's ythie Royal toria a.nd Albert and -British Mu- y. This petting was plaeedon seums have been, stored away. - "MIN"SUPPLIES. EXIIAUSt. ope Clo &ed and Whole 'RespntIbiIitY,,ol îdt the Poople Is. Thrown on MkIItary QGovç'rnor A despateisf rom Copenbiagen~ says: "The German peolea are mocre ternified by the. posaiility o! istq starved ont by Englndtban ---by te thouglito!f Maldîsaser ov.rtakiug their forces ln tise 8.14. Von Bet-hmann-Hollweg%5 recent utterance that Eugland is, using] barbarie guet-ieds in attempting tel starve .eVenty millionl meù, womnenl -sndd-cblidren bas liad an effecton thbe Âdmfralty Makes Report on Mine Sweeping. A despatcisfrein' Lopdou 1mays: eratioris frein Dec. 19 to Jan. 31: "Iu clearing thse mine fields laid -by tise eiieiy off Scarbqýrougi there wam net-ing -sat t-le eut-stt-o idi- c-te t-he position of tise mines ai- --thougli thie - looes. to mercantile alipa slicwed thlicpresence o! thie danger. "Tii. uecesity o! ascrtaîiùg thse position o! thle ïminee cornpeiied -e W t work at ail t-in.., t-bus largely iuereaing the. danger. A large numnier o! mines were awept- up and --detroyed, enabliuýg shipping te pa-sa iu dayligiit. One trawler -was sunk and t-wo damaged on Decein- ber 1QI oee asu being killed. Ou January 8 a trawler- waa blown up. 'Three explosions under»tue, steru ci! -a trawIer du Deeember >19 inade a Isole t-bat waa stoppedup and -the Boaet was saveti by pumping her un- tii land Iware-aebed.- ohowed great courage and devotion. Severai decelrations wiil be awand. PRINCE REVIEWS UAVALRBY. -Tbree Brltitih Regiments sad Six A dempat-ch- freun' Nortieru France sas: Tii. Prince o! Wales, azecmpanîed by t-be Genera&i-cous- manding t-be eavalry corps, sud es- cetted býi Staff effceens, -ou Wednea- day revîewed nine eavsiry regi- meintsi, turc. <ôf tien Brit-Lgh aud th. remainlng ix Indisu. Tii. wîntry air seema te have tanned t-b ecoi- plexion o! t-be Pt-nue. vis nov looka reinarkably «veil. Re la being se- eemaued by the. eldeat son o! t-be Mrusde Breteuil, whcq was hie host lu Paris t-vo.years,àagn sd *~ho lia. been given t-le rsnk o! effcer-intet-preter., nation tbe. Chunolior did net fore-I mee. H.elia$ f r#kteed thse people, bas foeijssed -thse uatîon'S tiought oun the. food pet-il, and by repeatedyI accentuat-ing.-it ho has draWii the p eopl-e'a attention f rom thle milit-ary aspect. The terrible 4criss0o star- vation, laugised- st a !,w meut-lis ago, is now net far f rom beiing a real thing lu omie o! tise countrY districts in Germany."- GIBL'S PAIR OF MlTTENS.- $tory That- Mdany Another Rlght Equallyi Teil. Otta.wa, Feb. 17.-Tise tale o! a pain o! mittens knitted bv a pair o! amalilbut eager banda la told lu a letter r.ceived bere frein the battue- f ront in France. Tii. mittClls were knitted by Elalue Forcadc,' a littIe French-Cana-diaflgirl. lu Montreal. wlio senttiseinte te Major-Genenll Sain Hughem, wi tiste requtest*tliat tliey b. msent t-o sorue oeeWho ueed- ed then ut-ho trenvies st thc front. Tise addresi o! the mais.' Was, lowever, net given. General Hlughses ýgave the mit-t-ena ste Captair Dumout, wlio in,- turn sent tIýern t-c General Legranne et thbe French ay-. A letter receivedbi Gnr Hughes states Viat the mitt-ens were givente a French soldier, and tisai tisey have _probably saved hi. lsand;- on ntp.ny occasions f rom thbe. col-c and dshiwof tisetrenches. Itis hard 1te say througli what advent-ureý&aüau scenea o! horror, the mittens 'madet by-t. liteFnendhi-'Cauadiaii gir have Pa»". I The Fren eh Rave Dieoyerci ai - Sharp, Explosire'WeIIpOl. Tise Frenchi Wai Offie. le nov lu operation au invention which semes te effet- an éxceletmethod o! couubating Zeipp4ins. - 1)iTe inven - ter is M. Antony Jacques e! Gren- The new wespo-nconsiàsa<o!a long peedile carryiug a m. al l sel. Theme needies at-e very ligit-, sud se 'a tue aheli they -carry. Wheu thlie needle piercea clotuliort- ày igt- -subatnce-and net tili then-it ex- Pdiodes't-tie aboli. FIred gaist-a brickwallit-lu sarules. .. -Thse u.edles &y,* se amali that a good quantit-y van be carnied ou au- aereplane. They cau be fired f nom à -venrIghit gun, sud viien once theýrst.rilce a Zeppelin âud explode tbey wii aIse explede - jhe gasei con- INFORMATION BUREAU READY s3troy tue visole'machine. - -, Tise inventîon came t-o thbe* Frendis. Frieuda of Canndais.Woanded VWIII War Office , fter careful sud ex- Be Rellably Imformed. hiausive eoperimnenbs deby -bise Chie!eo! tise Fit-e Brigade art- Grn- A dezpat-eli frosu Lndon aya: Tii. Information Bureau coucemning Canadian wouuded is uow rtady fer ~ ~ l w.onk at 14 Cockuput- St-teet. B" i eotdi Yiiends e! Cainadian - oumded viii the French Gable. by ise ageucy b. reliably inifommed A despateli froin Paris saye: Thse o! tbeir conditions. Beven mot-or French Cable Conpany ssid Wed- ambulaces aud a ulotor kitchen nesday tt its>cable hues bet-weeu are ausoaug t-be Ca&nadian B.d Cross Fraâce -aud thé - Uui>Sd St-at-es vere equipnt- now .8 Cliveden. ont o! use, but deuied a npoit t-bat- ___________t-bey bad bée'u ct. Interrïq* nuo KEEPBRAMv, ~t-be senvice vas laid to a bueka#e -~ - - ~ -- uoli éM somet-iies occura-,wh lte &uul*uv exuoer mp&4sW ce, juar. JIreO% warne the iisexxiug <lthing te iaonera ini Germa.ny ail pecially bruis ou.spenuat ()rders have been iasued h.wr &11 àolti...eliFeanea ve haf a litre of wins zThs or*, i ollova the enttta thre is doubl ty of wiue on band thatI din atorage. ",A despatch frein London says: A llifrbot beIonginDg te6tbe Spai steamer Horacio lia been found off t-he Geodviu Sauds. Theii. rtéci lias neot been t-e-poted ince abs le!t- Bilbao a' veek ago 'for Ha-tIepool. Il la !eated mii. has st-ruek a müne or beeu torpedoed. ishe'cart-ied a, ctev o! 30 men. Four Mombers of ZeppetlIn's Crew Wwere Drowned and Eleven Rescued ! t el n L3 uriea. In *Il, tire, os'eers sumen ewpd,-Ceunt- Pis- m" o hàIçpbroke. n e Wifted to ma. --f ryrvionmuy t-balt-bey ver. 1 4iutV over the Noth lSes > eihtf snov on the en- buad te arabp t-o sunk te we hew*.t- - 'IBIISBI A II ACW¶IE fUERBRUISII P RIS(ONERS ILL Us, N U R L II1SWMAT-18 -GOING ONiOVES INFood of Poor -Quaity and Their -Clôth*nin TUÉ rATES. -DLifferent Treatmentto heFec &iai T Iuk Dstruction oft-e French_ A.uir "V W fRg LtntBpenusi.BgIlP C A despatch f rom c>dosays -hI ers thought thia was the réa: War Wl- - Cwdeusedfor BUSY enrbig har.val at .otterdimjtheir rougis treatrmain th A "dceth f rC'n London SaYB:ofSBrtý h e e.map- nePsOenn7ma - ~ Enland'snavalexperts feue mines e3r.l!1( rdi iohdb~ naa nucms n o-cm eubmýdsna a ead~ti cited. and arieon, their 10aY homle oeir sa-id far mpr- Y~ Lynn.: Mass., lias the first -e froni Gerinan camnpe. the correspan- tjI umaieý ndi.î We were treated i.lrg -. I ~believed that <e1ia .e->r.lsslr lai sstem aàt w >'J. dent icf t-le -DaIiy Mail tsa- hsia eem. yts flin zeura fag nd - -d 1ue u~wk age islfa-j"hes~irswr eComed* bY -but t-befelk>sin 1- e cOnril fishing vsas& telgiiiS the weddi-ng o! hiâ sister jth6i Dutèh fial and th utehcm a nailjie o .ihubter sn bolute con- Bat- Buesffale.i teyWe lirmaton fore .i9<1,o, Bbffaofghorn is 'eba- iiuffed ýeivilians <c-ieeréd thern and loaded slightest cnplait h~ Geran s o mercasù ha ony he aks et- its ben e -m with- 1gifis -of pps oaco eWhile for a serions bn thmay' ep.y-.Thtt:oul, iarchooolate ahd other luxuries, discipline they Nwere tied t heiglitelis Msor een 'ey o-aIili ail, of which were wrappe:d- in the for th )ib sour, em jlt ýàèor.,. Thse $ot4, whi between te O Cuftries is lhkely, > i t lsehtlbarsdaily-,atODUt-eh colors. Many f -esodiers chiefiy -beans, was of pouir ~ ithough it is adnitted t1at thse se- -id ý al- dstucof 1o- a iercnp.m. wept at the.kinnees nnthem. saud rsalt inquantlityv.The~ / ahi maybe ne~4 t brin Ame -A boy bank robber, at Ho0ustol, AUlwr eeey:onei and thse were ra-s. When thé, men Si a o te ïpointo bad<~tiep o-A er as- u - fleeing ýjwi inurieso0Wrany ere terrible.> ed that t't-boy Were nta.rvil ia oePit - Ofbooty. -IMm !ti o eeo rtbes. were toi4 - '-Your f riends - i etcoadee V., G '-Penny. lunches were served to 3%- "AIL of thse pisorswere meut -land have -eut off. ut fiod s Rumiu iane matrwo B any'sit à on s~ a ire tp 88Nerw York uchool children. last aious to knew boy thbe many (c- "u nu ofreAe thatû Flin areta aWr cloe&YS ansrte$Aserilas deninnét fùr we*ek. -man prisoners were trcated in -Eng- reports tiat thie FreucisP, Oerat y Iklormever arasuranmer jArdii*nthse,salety o! New* Yjofk city c- il -servie coin- land, as their guards haid telM thee were tre-ated i'n the mest - sria lve. hesti- îsionrsar tebw f e orTreg- t-bat thei.iÏnrs -iad -been aboini- usaimer, in striking ora -- ;'&y rn îicuedfo.ulriis.nai-teaet iiridis pio-treatusent -of tiieBritishi pri, er Oermany Chicago Higli achool teaehers are - i>Or ips eau eh- proiiibifed f rom flirting in the imati- ta simtj , mines!-or btutions. Wezof aa - à.)____ aUttfRis è A b. imperîilled, foegner ne creula- 'îi&ed 81 S-. Sr.adstfs. stacould thbeGrmans furniaii Tes Thosand lu .W eeling WWst Discase Not Takent rgadb aa a Tornt, h,.L3-liurNsitO'.liai uiesthrough the.mi]! d area&,- Virgini-, were t-hrown out of work LotI~. I.laLu se~ conid pD4iw. (je inay i teua crylng On her by tuie fios. -- DuectoEnviron ment for - e cn.patente. 86.U5i,8.. threàteëned uîockide y Lv biû uInNew-York City laut Year ,8 Wh.t-Iant~a >e.I Nrtern ~Zéppelluad u b me ction. persons were flned for crueit-y to _______- NO Zet 51.84. '.dNe.. 13 .ter» $.67:1o Great airsip aetîity continues in anÜmais. - No.eat" $o.64, ndS. 3 4 $1.&L. ar ulide-to, t 54.~lvln stmtsti a is A. despateh f rom London sams t-be dread diseu as ,nôt woints . S o$ies utemp eor iilisti. rothhe7,000 actriehs The. statement in the Housefô!Coi-to the Ganadian contingcnt OssOtrie,. 63 to 65c. outeide. and a'.î te lt-somens. by Dr. McNaknara that 15 bury'Plausj It *bas been a 67 to 6Me. on tjraok. Torôuto. Western Os -thêr,AdiaPrceHuyofrmEro. cases o! meningit-is,. with 'eigist. poinit b.er whet-ber the dit "da. No. t, quotad ai7Z 1-c, snd NO. 3 lrussia, and A4kira. Von Tirpitz, Thé. net revenue per mile on 147 th eutig curdin-tebogt eEgadb 'Bati#y-oeod n=,&.king ara" es .5te Sic.,thtei.Minister o! u '&y idtsi .S-riwasl eebrd-Crsa aae heéehere were dians or was induced -by outsd, jrespective staffsj left Benia ft>r creased $41. - - Ry-$.8to $1.22. outacde. ad Rpentiv Pos-N. a:81s0t ~ usi. jWilhelmshaven~, Heligoland, sd RpesnaieAdair o! -Indiana ,7ofcrsadm, owth-me. Por-N. '90w meteun, 84c,. iail, other naval station, te direct tue wants a secretary. o! ýpeace in'tise --__________ EukhatN.2att 8e uede. arra . ne MeL for buickadng Eig- U.S. CabInet-.: - EMPEROIR is GBISLY SIGIIT. ti YT fllG Breîè2as su85bo ta-Erac, to8-ai ou. land. Tihe new series o! counterfeit $5 - and ghoiflast $30. It la reported. "it the termns bilas ffo"cli-gthe. U. S. aerobably- - $34 o $3.5a0. t.pa aso 9 bs.have bujît 120 bg mine-iaying sub- o! Buff alo oiin repGeaied, anFep e Sowe 8345' *.5.marines durng the. lazt six monti, Michael Falion, o! Boston, got. 18 BEAUhandDUNese1 Couantry Pruduce. - eah with a carryiug. caPacity O! mnontim for'smuggling. lis niece frcin 'A-des-pateli frin London aya:- A Bute-hoesdlr. 5te26;inferior; ove neiundred mines. reanilgay.-. correspondenit.-o! the Daîly Teie- -SU ta 2ik; creamy prints, 32 t-o 33 1-2e;h ______cetlvha e do.. soUda. 30 ta 3ic; fariners' eepara.tor. Walter J. Keating, o! Brooklyni, grPbwi a e.tybdecp emî rou~'eF ai obsaion vO! trieclsewerues Ris ppicl pparncisioke 6 26 tiçu- Tm S 00 to Vonn abiuBritisho **ieoti. 28 te 2%;e; torege. 26 te 27e. I Beans-fZ.9Q te 83, for prime, sud $3 te I iow the President of the C.P.R. $3.10 for hand-picked. '- Hene.y-6,0--lb. tins mail at 12-1-U. andi 10- Lool&'at I. lb. itius au14e. Ne. i coant., 83 per dosen. and No, 2t $2.40. ~ ; Tiie readiness o! ail te go deep lun Pouitry--Chickeno. desd 3t " h okt ota a.nd ol duekse.'dressad. 14 te 16e; fowi, 10 teoî1e; tii pces htCnd o geee. 14 te 15c; turkeys. dresseti .19 to act- wort-hily.ber'part in helping the Cheeeli1 34 to 18o for large, sud at 18 Br'itisb Empire sud berAlelute te 18 1-e for twins. - - present wam, waý expressed by Sir Potatoes-Ontarivs.ete76v bag. "nt Thomas Shaugisnessy te a news- of store. 60e in car lots. New Bt-unswick@.-pprrpeetivwosoet est-lots, 6k ic ag par -bu;.n4iewo >ket hlm about te -taxes imposed ou Baéd Hay and Straw. railways, steabfthipe, *cabiem and Dlot oue ayn a9 folloiu for car telegramas. lo deluvrie o track hots-:- a . "Tii. iudividu4l, the omuity Btra&ff ia<unted t *ai 5te1$8.50 a -.-tatin, uIn cxderm-ud t-ba l car lote oan travit bers. te ain u'Iybdrtn hti Ray-No. 1 uer hiy la quoteti au $17-50 war tîme sacrifit'ea have te be te $le; No, 2 a t $15. 50 te $16;. ant No. 3 autm e"sadSTons. The $12.SOto $13.50.mae"-adSrTo s. The - t-bey are wiligm ýt-eundertake,as A - proviiIon&. t-ley are nece suawfer the. integnityi Baoon---Lon« cleair.13 1-8 to 14e pr* li., O! tise.Empire. 3tthse mre ti,ç lu case lot. Kama-Meduut. 17 te 7.-kItish l à tJ xta brd ià;-Lilr, ub1 34 te>u-ompeunti. 'wcatit-iOn 9.1;-4 toe-in tuba, anci à10 te 101 -te uansd econcmy s.-e execcsed lu t-le1 pal. . ,iburs ement o! t-be extra -ta xer, sud - - t-be administration o! affaira whicli Wlnnpsg raln - IaccompýanY such is ibursement. Winnipeg, Feb. 23.-Oaeh-Whoat.--No. il "Que canuet gauge the amo'untcf« Nett-ers, 1.5 -.4Na. 2 NotLiter $1.4534-; No. 5, $1.42; Na. 6.- 51.37 1-4. 00.18 realiziKig these tpecta*l taxea by -No.1 2CW ý65-14,No. 3C.W.,_62.1.4e x. tra, No. 1lfe,e&6Z 14c;Batrley-No. 3, Mo- at-amps or et-erie, but ail are Na. 4, 75e; relddtèd. 79c; fed 7k. PI-,-wlling in sucli a lime as tise pre- No 1 N.W.C.. $1.61; Ne. 2 C.W., $1.58. et, t-o do t-heu5,f tiI dut-y; te put - - - al-Maku p wit>h ajr troublee; and te -endure Moatreal. Fai. 23.-Cana, Âmerican No.Écies, ey il 2 pelle-w. 87 t-6okU. Osto, Canadifb Voct readiy consent te ail t-bis if t-bey nr. No. 2t lie:, No. 3, 70,1-2 to 71c, sat-ab have t-le atisfied feeling that. ail N.1 feed. 70 1-2 to 71c; oa 2 local iih-uta 66 1-2 VE é67;, No. 3 lac' l lte. -651-2 t6 6, :piper caution aud economy have No. 4,icai te, 64 1-2 te 65c. Barliay been einPioved hytliie iu autbority Man. ftd. 78 1k. msi-ting. %lé té 81. Buck. lu tise admýinistration_ o! publie a!- 'wheai.>,To, , ne tô si. l'ions'> Man. Spmuu g faims, and epcàl ftoése -wheat patenlu. fiti t465.10; seconds, 87.0;epcSiyo boese mIoSbakas - 81.40W ilt - patents. cipublic aff aira reiating te eut- <,eicee. 88.30; tmaighit routs. 57.80 ta $8; sbatir ai Mot-ber Cou*ty bava, $3.70 ta 53.60. Rolsti oaso.barrt-e. -ii-adijng'tj* t 87.25, baffl. 90«lb. 83.50. Bran. $27. Shorts. Wîéh -h de te -cato u i». lêiddines. 32. MeniillSu e. 37 î .deccc-ba ~ ubeutiiugnte Ray. li.. t pet- tontcar lois. 518 te Ï19. rd e -thillol entigt Ch es. et 'weetermi, 17 t-o 17 1-2e. Bt-reré t--rwar4 uer. obiat creamerSZ32te 32 1-c. sec. I'Ltl is e -dutymo! aie! us, iùdi-Vi- onde,3 te 311-le. Ege, fresb,35 te uassu oroatos,-o en u seloctea. 28e; No. 1 stock, 27c; No. 2 stock.d. àlaniorotos*,.ber:u 24 te 25c. Petatoes. vet. bac,. car lots, 50 share cf tise extra biirdeus, whicb te 62 14v. uiuý1st neceQesarily b. upeei a-t-i Uniad -timé Cf strcs If t-lieue are wisely UniedStates Mankots. sud -prudeu«tlyiy duned,. -se as te Minnaeiollu, Feb. 2.WestN.1 bard os-i -i etaI ua flaiu $1.54 34; No. 1' Northezu, $1.50 1-4 t banth.bs5Ot<fiaiu 51.54 1-4,1 Ne. 2 ,Nert-lirn. $L.46 1-4 to resùits, as resecat-i public sen- 15134* Si M . 81.50 14. CorisN. 3& 'eUow.vice tlehe. iii I4e nû-eoccasion te il to 71 1-4e. Oas-No. 3 rhk4e, 56, te 56 1-4c. - ar anti bran uncha.nged. con-*plàin -uind ail >thâs& ïpecia.l hum- Duuth. Feb. 2Z3.-Wheat->o. 1 liard. dýèua viii be borný- t1 h àve nedoubt-, $1.5 14: No. .1 Nortteru, 81.5214; No. 2 cierueskb"et pope 5oth 14914 te 8.01;May ith he'.ns- yo epe ~52.~Lise~lCasi M0.844 te *ho, are ready te o t-hein utm ostt 1.534iMay, 5 1.85 &4. - - usain hhe defeuee otieenpe. -Livo Stock Mânkt. - - tï- Toronto, Pcb. 23. -Fin - bulle.weijh2 -No F005 About -li a iiI~i l1,0: e20011b., brozà-t85.75 tet.rit.- 1oeechoicesut 86.M5 Butcberu >'éors of -Il<Oi'îady tInjlgt ia<>.V ér'> <w'Chomunon to mèdium - peénS e1 oge i-A fg.tebà we beeen14.75sud $5-50- Ca usiera and eut- she ýWas sutit Menb? Il toa uas muid betweu 84 sud 85; jý-_stockeraIrtms'e er Wid *5 fergh 46.î5O tFe loAfe c ama ,d eb 89.25, with eue lt ut =2-a 88 to $40 and r9ug#xo uàedum ai 55 seý $7e50. -eos sold leu of ars, ' 1 7 fedi&aud,w»ere-S4nad at $7 40feb.cr nr Sl Fais 23.-'Pt-re lie-es, 114-te 7 1-2 --medium. 5 1te7Ile; comnon 4141 61e C.OMaM 50 te 80 each.Clvs 5 te eSI-le Sbeip abot 66.Luist.etofe Ho". 8 te 8 14. FATAL SHROfflNIGAFÉFRAY. MsW.R. -Stan, !Çlenly Wi w Dea; Son W.nded. flIÛMslf. A desatcis fri Winuîpeg says: Mm z W. R. St-at-k, au eidrly vi- doris'dea, ué ber , iýGeorge Stasrk. igesi 30 years, le&luth.Gen- eral Hospitai aas a-resait-o! a shoot-- iug if s'a-yat- tieir home, 814- Wil- liam -Avenue. It is hbeiieved t-bat- George Stark, 'after eoriutg -hoe- early Wedasesday evepiug, be-cane iuvoived iu a quart-el wtt-h bis me tiser, mht LheïrNMwtb&arevolver, sud t-bsn turued the weapon oun "S18ff., ne' myrecover. -trivédte gte ia~I e~ fully. luinthe mdkbe àughiéors_» v*oe.bimaifed Wt6-'wbt hàdbhp- pe4ied ,%0 - dthol, -Why- 6à,.elLtb ah. >iaLd nte1 wt *ikfr. mmd ti'pY ,wold bave - sum*S h otr J gWUen .-thouglit whsi-Our Mes. chl*id1Iw'oe !lotMlike- a fui&. about midi a àsmafl t-hing." N4orse Steamaer. Sunk The. NreantemrNordcppi, aocoring to the E-xehange" Tele.- grephCompaiy'6 openh geucr- -mine in the Rai B" a md-foun- .dere&.. A,11 ber crew perisiïd. The. No~p wae steamer o! 322 tonsý &ud.,,*" owmed by, Wràângéff an&d Co 1pay, ! augesend. YNl SUI -TO8111CITONUS, WAY A. -despatlifrisCepenhagen Igible for, iflitary aya: -The repýort àa-iLu ireulation G0Iny ur e-tr hon., ow.wg t-o tisenee.sait-y to e eit hpase, aeti strict foodcOn9unmýtion, t-bat- - t-be J~o' -a-30000 Geiman Governient- inteiidm eder- BhsiaRl go to tlt-e Scail n f-mai mi amnn. ..MI%" vu i i..ui... i nnm ite o leave, rsud la over. > the t-e- ashi-rkngo taeSent a Wetstionton mae ue ate o!uLi-a pothiin tse W e a nw taeo - Toldashing Mormon wom> . co, rtd'shi86 BMroolnite h9oeirt Wats-- Jauroyni. st Pherof. irvinng Fshro!ya esi Pre.. I-Bostng tihero ae rsonsca fie easiBoyton $17a Ae e. - ca Wiees irgonia$-baa e. b- 'e re- noW oest iga hay à;eill *t-bat îring bay feveroig manws :h Jose hayfindura, a levand gro- cet-, 'shot a 16-year-oki boy te death for stealing a bs! cof bread,. Over 6,00 unlwfulabsences front sebo ol ln 1914 are reported againat Philadelphia pupi a. Lester. Wiila.rd,- a Troutuale, Ore., Sheepînn, wsfud 10fi Experts4ýýln-at AItbany aid systema- tic food disitribut.lin*in New: York woui eve $2000,000 a year,. United -States authorities ýha ve bought $635,00 w orth o f.beet sugar seed in Germany- as a precautio:ti; A. pet chicken peeked thi.e ee1of Mrs *He-len -McKeever,i o! 9uéen s, N.Y., and tise eyeo wil1 ýe b 1n e.d. Xew York City lias sent enoug tet-anus ant-itoxin te o pan bât tiefieids te immunize ?50,=0 men. A Pottsiile, Pa., negro wvauts tc wed a white woman, b~Iýt cannoêt, get an oneteperforra t-lieceremony, -Thirteen cousins are flghitng fez Vi. 9,000,000 estate o! tishé t -William L. Guick of. Springfild, .Mo. John Y-oung, convicted o! Pitts. burg bauik f rauda, died lu -the Peu. mentisý before, the. da-te of bis s. Prominent educatoris _will enlis 20,000,000 ehildren, lu an army p iselp t-o eufferlng i l .S. and Eu. A. gold nugget of- ten poundi wortb $3,500,, was,-fouùin - lu R Rock: Canyon, MôjaWe, by Day4 Bowma-n. Baltimore wants 1.0 nane it, sciools for coiored.chikiren.a te: fa m-ous'-negrees, andjis 'short. ' tities eaily. _etier was su céessfuly* usedà* disclose th e ,identity o!,ayounl Engish actresai who lest ber-mem ory lu Žý'ew York. Josnetowiî, .Ps1., -telprranc forces pubhshedtis -aies o!-i 1signera liquor liceuse -ppplic-atlon, It it- sefctive. rushluit baèk t-e ,gand, tée ultl gratitude- It- er ýcô- nito It * l~iry th' utiit b tain t-he lads 'fOo maiptoan,.principai t - b o .i ou à h t a .r -s - b y - o l e t x t t o 'fro0i t-ho se ûstngthem.,-Pikes et- gates vero- sët j;t-oas t-eho roadas.by tise' ko-eýer -or tolh. collecter. To prevet. e who traveýllèd bis ro0Ad fIr-cm -paasxng 'itI;outpaysnýgi theý tel-I l1w, wssÈarme vwit-h a plis., a -loug.-hUndîed, stick i- a sharp rOÙ lieïd. Tus was put acras s a birer,-and vin tis til vaS paid il a. turned aside. te permit, tis crnagie îor w1 o epasa crinlt-s w5>' Hoe. ethn'ise ns.tut-apike,, vbscl moat a read on1lihish tbil A.- "horuy-liauded sit n'o! toi,"' vise bat been mat-IId s - a-a year, vwas cum lii -a fniend. of usq wlfJ'o trvae . -M"Hw ls ansu goiugte avy anytinng -for 014 ffsge1',lie ssaü n o-soon- -ge-home t-han W '~T<nsàgEe ia dollar,*- give m'e -y cntgîve mne fifteen cents;-1 iv. -for t-ithat- and taie 4et-lithluj. .Ir just- csn'-t, stand-lt." "Wly, Tdoe, Wiat in.thsÎ -world dees your wU ~do vitisose -mach tnueYl" "I dn'aet iskue--i ain't gave ler noue vet"' e sud &Jmo"t f riglitened rme. -,lie- .has- aged terrubly. Ris-hai sgesd- - e.-liasau air o!flfxed depression. ne. spesks littIe, and lus articula-. tien is abnormaily slow. ï,I was Con-: vinced that e at- last recognizes wbat t-be future lias Ii store. for hlm aud- bis peeple and tbat hli ees IitVIe brigutnema lu thse prospect. Tii. offiors o! the.generàl staff share hlm down--ast mi1n aud- arel apparently filled with aéimlar'- mis- giviruga. -- Foodetuifs' From Bulaina - Stopped.by the Allies. A despatei freom Re ln a *y: Bnltish su d - F reÜciçtrships ane blgc&a4ins& tlie lg.ian port o! I ~Dedaate t - reeli~-the. impor- -tation througl i t cf foodstuiffs des- thi-ed fôr (ermhany u Austia,' aceordiug-te . Contantinople des- -path, made-. public by the. Overseas NewaAgeucy ou ýWeduesdayr. & A pý déptcsfrem in lgsten maya:. Bugler ,William - Pepp tt, son icf Sergt.-Mjor Peppiatt R.... wl.u%-be tii.ycuugest Iingsten'boy te go ovet-aea.. He il'Attaclîed te t-be 22nd *Batt-et-y, aud hiliy fou r- teen-yesrs o! age. 2,900 Recommeided 1by - Sr Jhn Frenth. A esEpat-clif rom Lonpdo pays: A despýatch frein Field. Matsl Sir' John Frenèh recommanda2,906 men o! ail ra.nkis for prefe rene because o! gallaut. mmd dst-iuguisiîad set-- vices.- -NO o'. - --e t-le. boat la siukinig! l tuer. amY one hiere wvie kuôwa iî?ýw te*piray r Joues (eagery)-" do!:"" Brewu-Ail.righÎ! IYost pray,ànd the test of us vil1 put ou-i!e belita'! Te«'rêoe uObisV" A despatecb frein Paris -officiaýi co mmuniquves give whicb baàve crowned thé a duilîng tbe- past- few daya- notable. '! whicb. is unqu t-h. recapture of the. villa noy* in Lorraine; whlicli tb teck on ,FebruarY 13. Ir necètion t-le. War Office th-b German general sts nuunced that Norroy- waRS àand-t-bat t-e French did a n attack there. To th Iphatie denial lu made la statement, it declanîfig wai. lit-erallY driven out tiens at thi.t point. , ' - , 1 bave replied. The -enem>,'ia show tiiat t-ho receut progr 1 en allies Inas been ins~t -dec idE t-he Gertians have iaunched abter a,'sault. in a,-yvain eff ë-t i5orer tegiound t-bey liavî1 -- Tii. fighting las beanuniu violent,,particularly i l Chlu aliug-zth-befront -of Souait-, an-Beausejour. - There th( mous n~detreindous ff I recapture t-be trenciies take tisein, sud- were net repuLe, t-he Frencli infautyswat-ieý sanguiuary .bayenet attack Germian reghn'ents engaged s is-from eue-bal! te oriec cftieir Cemplemeint-. -The capture of -a posiition s tse. Sudelkopf lu Aisace, L FrenciluOise engugement tu t-o ha ,ve be-au a most valuaaý le plishusn t. Tbe Gerinuansjw( ien f rom au importantdiu in lu vici - tise- allies f4iiind ameunt cf war materiâl, lai j ob, bonîb-throwiug r rifles, br'eas-t plates sud ot he .t-ins: toetîîer m itb thois; cart ridge-s. I-Tii. chisiclo-borroiver, UER N LIETINU FOO ROM RUSS despatch froin P 9r Flayr, cFr .The Ministry of -Çamný:erc'e, td in- qt ihe 0 -quai,- ý-yli f th4 - -lias --t-ev a n d S w e d ë ,. - T h é a gt e n t o n p t f l [h r o u l ée n ' ý officiis li sbeen ealléd te iinusuaJ Iden sad- Denma sýhipments-whclLhave beiýmnWdefor jpriceà offered 'fý sdmie tinie paMI 1pand !hich ihave-re- lin an inquiËy b1 euted in Finland :béing floodeél with. Ministry, which frozen meats,'ftour, ýgrain, butter Seeking a, metho .and"eggs.' Humdidr of, trîtuk, it portions o! the 1 is ýSad, dailv baùl tuàs produce to lggitimate' trade thé: Finnish railw&y stàtiýn- in Petro- Vian countrien, grdtakinig r oundaboût routes in plies reaching tI Statistco Préve, Ninty-Seven Per part of t-b, nse, th Cent.o, oCnada'. -Population le carrylng health-glvlu4 Infested With t-heGerme vr pttsit of aarh - Yeu dou't- take Os( This disagis. i. inde dangenOus ov- Iug vapor st t-be mou teg -to it-s teudeneyt «-, etend t-o the. 5iithrilgil thef b Bronchai tubes, sud fla, eoi ig and cuiug Caus"e ConssnutpttoL U!erftaatoly eiss.Ths a at t-he people have fa.in i sprays, oint- pIying t-l itchest-.b& meula ,and- enlus, l.fl cant QDos- aitleptics oifl Wit-< lb1wy ure, sud, - lu ceelequoncoAe uezn-coid Il catarnba dIse ie s ecome saun& mimt-e. A -harsh 0 t-louai curse. Science ls advNzuing aunito-hr, t-be Motcil oet-y day, su tr-u"itoy a remedy tisoroughi1y drawn- fn bau becs dtsoered ihat not- olly Fr Ast-lma and cures - but- preveuts Caant-L Titis tion'nothuing eau et nov -r estaent- "Catou-rbozone" bas -evesry plipulian ai sinMeilent power t-p kËM1 thé. germs of so, - ald w. ativiso a Bronoiiti, Cataan andi Asmina. - t-lis t-reatmet- if ufl coekJs pure pin. esseces sud beal- t-et-Il. The. complett :ugý balsazs t-bt- go ko thoet rexliotea t fmedinn sze 50C., ilt 1 iq zo le litc.- - -- - - . i-- " %y-ILtL Illylrj -O.&VE'&JLE &viu#io 1 ýlong'-wi ndedý_ev-en ulen

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