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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Feb 1915, p. 8

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DISTOIJ -NEWS I I nb Rer. Mr. Cu rrie pgeae Ivnuytioam hurch on I BROOKUIN. > W14l beii.Uihg gaisedI bl doingf MYRTLE STÂTIONq Pdv h.LauWford occupied the damnage attts ,pdnt. Rena Rocs or wiuiy, han pulitla heMetbodfstchuwch <ast Ilie rcmt a bas boe. a b"d :bemi ltbeguest oflMi. , Tbos. Pzice. Sw&My while 11ev. Mr. Folcy, con- l"ig for the wbmt, au the fields 1tln 1The. danceId the Amlcaioù Rgfl dwold church anaiyvry -services at maRy oam aurearly ban. ion. Friday eve nà aIst yas Veil at- Wbtuue.$Cattle are a good price, dairy 'ted-d rive or six of our boys- czpeqt t6, stock bekg espeeial a great de, 1 ,The- Rev. Mr. Toile,, of princesAI- attend thé Older Boys' Mmd Young mand, thcoroughbved- cattle slRing as bert, gave a fine* Semon ia thes 11db- UMousConference in Oshawa Ibis bigh-a% n$130, wvile.a'eommon grade odist, UhAurch troit, àS'maday ee@- Week-end,00W OUisefor from $85 tb $100. Rom- lftg. -lbctouche& on lias iem4etane At th. e &tiiodit Cburcb the choir ses ame duli, theve belng UIt>. de- question a good dcal, mandbis rm vw8 lead thé. co.gire<ation lu a gong innd, for theni, renicnts for the war marks vexe -greatly appreel1aiei. seriee xt Suday.ibeing about lthe oo1y berm called IMm. Riciaxtt1B4 Passed- away on. Beveral Brooki en ciare attend- bornella W $1751r. A goo dx aam . Thusdsymolng thes e bg th. Laymen's Mlssionary -boan-, i o 17,vde a ea.aaHoptlatii geofo! Miy-fft. p1t at Affburn tusÈ Thuraday evcn-prce a fine driver for S150.- f Sus Lhad been RIl formre ture and Thc Fehrufry. meeting o! -b.e'Wco- !b. - smo.rlCpt.io ho si me'slhtiut 1wMbe *isud by ail whokcwb. 0n A . Lawrence, dry goi0 Inttusvi . eThl~ re Ilimrai vas bcldou oda a- _ M90 'cNeilIy'm 'on Thihnmday eello ody f merciment, of' Cleveland Ohîo" is vis- Fa-992th t 'c!c. Ti.teriioon, Itff~tbbpaeI b itlag hlm brother, W. M. 'Lawrence, Imeeting will taire tua form o! a 80-1 Pneebyberian cemetery at- Asbbn. adf iens n hi vicinit>' for a fewcw eeixg. 1 Te famil>' have tesmah of ail] il -2#t n.o-& I ----- --AI1Meurs. Wehher Bron M of Br1b.l-î liv,.'>1 lhhey .di ?OuKht but gt W, MIu :them. A generlbi ea *od seemed te, me to be ited 10 o men-OU ,mild Mdgeintlieaction, at more .be vuimen g "ruf~4les amo Chkurcia of!1'Egiand,, wîl bo gi__ 1- WU"IwiI 001<1 a sale of normes, . est- x. and' 1%M " ý» ' asia. -- 1 ý- . _1 ý Mi Toifl'CurhBooli, tlv 1ebuggies and cutters, at i he 1cm- Mxi. N. J.LWW.tX. >F myonMTuse.- ~ 'borna' (1hurh, Brookls, thi Hooee. shburngave a couple o!fmewtIons iW. *u M.lO. (Thursday) evening, Feirueny î5th, al.MioiiChrl atvaa "-a mi eices wii be hem4 SUR- st a o'clock, îy lhe Rev.. 'C P., Mudx-Thcexêmm -MM by iite O tI eanlg de ~Februarv 28, ah 2 p.na, c t "Dfi4 - 1 6iro U s twcu lty'%We n y Ib., 1;kng tain- , d,, m o kitngl We are gladti o report that ut. D.,,~ vl> brother, A. G. Lawrence, from Cl1e-- and ewing is belng doue. An1YOne 'McClennaa Is aile. ho be. out' again. IThO La4Mss'Aid 1 e, Il5Y id110W evthousx*egto'lc A land, witli the gatliering. wtshung ho do knttting (andti lere, l__a_________________411ily een NOTICE. sew teb lisa greal denmmifor it>,si clubig iate hi u ocil ib otis l yoegooti prograni will j>. given bir local ,mg hieCmxci Do t i o ah-- talti ý_ Miss Mtore, eWb.nist, o Mfoney te, lenti ongood ecurlty on 1 h vill cal! o on Miss uti i.--o Cstannh Caumt be C ned Itend, aüd get a tie. A, good prograna Columbus ç a &rma,"ot'a, 'fan in eamy termn. Realtte s old. David ti pplied wfth atria1. Let no> one with LocAL'ApLICATIONS, as th"c cnnot ami da aiy frechnents. rea hl f it.rahthe aat oi the diseuse. Ctrh aAthe H0use,"by -the Y.L.Bý,r. of - Burn,Brooklil., àt¶gioroenîîutola immME R A<,J. jolly,, load of young people an, o Idl Amisoi2.ani1: A >box contalning a quantlIty o! Word vas received.liere of' the cure itioumnnt tak iinternai remedies. Balla nma otheri, spent Friday evenmngja six 5ý,ad liasbec !ouid uhit dsthlu Trooo o Mrs RoerbCatart ,Cure is laken iuternally, -and-acta dif. WuMu>, ai ie homne of MIt. Fre! dynamite -bsbe on ecotdahI ornoo r.R' the Ocblond and mucous smuface,. IHall"q dIxtance fromn the Caradian Noticri Walker' mster-lnav !Mx.Wax CatarnCue ta not a quack aedlue. -It was lSOeyNi rprLaslnddlm oro r.Wle rorbdby one of the best physicians ini i oi, SOrportLEY{-..iPURVES. Rm.liway depot aI Brooklun. -Ilvas Of tls ~lace. cutyfo eça n a rgukrpnmacdptigu. and _a returti' l the w esma' hours. ý-Tic hIome .o! 1Ir. aud- Mr. Wrn. feund hlddenin.la'clumP ofo! etars a -Tic publicviib leasti iow blu oed fthe bm taien knowncoxu- Several teauni passed liexe on Mou- ,PurvesClmu ntvsi. 1e vyards north of the bridge acrosi .that thc C. N. railvmy station Lhan ctyou the mucouasurfacea.. Thé paerfeu6g cpm- dylddw posis, en route fxom sone of a pxettieding o cne tebinationcf the two lugredieuts là what pro.- oki o fêMc(±illivray farm. ýday, Febxuary 1,ve hl aga legrave> rnad' fleeenBrookllice. -to'peneti agmind, dthat. trins mduces sncb ouderful reait, iu curlîg C&tarrb. 10ret .Cnuhntsvct-. eAaelu, i,' n _teirlugma- aud Wbltby. Rismors arc ihat hi vaf stop- regular>-. t vaSdiSappointing Seud for teatimïoutals free..Orfin .GnPo m'ai-,tr ,ni ea à rie nnu place. th . J. cHENRY aCo, PotW..'roweo. o ed i h pae-iers iv pro-Germans, but ho' many W ho travelîed onwI-lut lii> Sold by air i>rugclat% rice 73é. 5 acre lreehold, aid zmovedte to nage ho Mx. R& -j.. souIèv,à! Whit_- IbIs seems iard'lycredhble, as tieesth t h . sngrsrvc UtO.Take iiali' 'aa1y 1i lfoir couattldou. the olti Taylor !arm, on hisKinguton- -by. The oeremony . which hook place ____________________ ~Rond, viiere lis wil engage lu farin-. uudex an mxci o! t vOgrens *Was .pex- GLN.wsea ilt success. ' preseuce of a feW relatives an nti i-' Miss Amie Hannah ib visitng -'v thhAt, tieanlai neet4ng o! tie Sun- 'matefrîends. Tic- bride, attendei by M me ro G lirmolo.day. -Sohool, tlie varly reports wvbe r xcotidi, MimRetta Puxte, o! ~.n ie o n u i n a .a Me . Kclng t on o md d aughe, e u«-ot gn. Aftex ticelecion' O non, O at., as VnaWay by er butecham'a Piof, nnm f M Of*-theMoffatt anti uh?,,cidedte ho oert oprizes for each tbte sIxainrs- owed-n 00 e0m=oa-.and OBhOllOttheebaxe vohsar iigg oodvood. ot o ers, iglrananimoii«Ssly de- ar mmdier hdafgro liutDro vmtig u clmaIegla t1ndnov rser- -_dng Mari laeiby Miss Gxace Iast orgMr.cClarenced general pxoulciency ho te bRaig-- Tie bridéanti* br.idesmaid soeIo1s s cknua soof te u ts f lng r o r ef ctveo r f Mx Caruie ot nn le viVi siderd. .Thefollowing are lhe of- werei go veti aii, l r a s Irrgulr ct5g~of ho toacl, ive orbo<e<s. hisparents 'fora 1ev daysu. ficors for the vear: xee-rimt w idow-ce aid i Lague vas veli attcîtisti onSuni- !Snpeintendent.-Thos. PuckrJln. c pe, îLride veadowgane->a- baves Bibe pass-W he cbrde mui a Idpa r-s, .sUre Udsc 5asim aOq..j~O m5.,ay£ even in SALE. N o r. B y- BoS i Nn gs. PÏ an> Purves, ro*ie? o! h e rb d o diî.mMcooperateti vi i ed g pet'r. o. 2 Gns.-m .Bl O. -jggeMx. Sth y e ! ti !. .r o'ant Ib ., .1 17 0 D I W W B h iI tI c m m m d s sb S o e t y h glo n a s o a n h u e li de.Sc o l m et t 1 3 ? ~ p i t , M x s a n e r a v e n g day venng anthi mii ! l. Pl- O'cikst-iss L.ay 9teit. - - i. thaloe suitdaior an Pa.st. i bA" u luvalBbe lsW H uabe A d t .lt et ie a pn S{ r. - H&on, cheaui ai an.a.i.'a erei aniad3f.Wlie>ou ole - xc iciti. r. m m ioblâ l KNSLEN._-B>yve viing l iasno- - - -- mo&.l'? e*.. Ipomm of , t Pn.Wf i t M NEEIPerATedwlth the Young - PeoB 'N. 0- . >ug fUrsa oitiei -__ 114and Fm t 1 tëW»* oommdo* ARitY AnD Mifg>aRcial0o Thu- he armnaiuday roo et on Tues- > hpoiv-ien e r-a S 'oo Ma veb ATstiai&CofteRED ý'ay svc- eô,,emdgtr onma felieg M .-Pr iaitkvisteiD.nruhI..g l a utr d $opilf$iu T> 91, batauTh- AnNv - 1oA .f 1tov u hic himAe otiews peil ntiurda lsf.t i eauifuc -l',nainc r he! li elig hieresi oler hic h eax r. i ld <n B JrN' . c oeTus- Hni -ats et.i ail , w u b hln ln e elsiel fr ir ( Iý7 AÃŽi" bs a e reod. h l a aMI s m e n i s -b a mu le ur ela in o-H«S w't h ie---hou l-rs i - 3 ud 4 S a a "UT'S LONG LONGWAV T TUPPRARV"tfl»~Nov 1 tie ime .oi~!dofevig, at -' wniicl th- Dx. - lng nitn hx a r 'Yan-dul attnml. ?.l rsdetsavla ltteei atTiti mrne-valon LordKitchenl. Wedïpe ho so .. - cfleoke va N PBRT9 fJs wiiub poi oag'cod -- 1n Wty o! trm ap»cVos Chut lOV anERfu lae.ai1ed1d a inoxal la D.ug Kliadcnia waniêg t93,in al it- - P 25 W îi tic iritimi iret in ction, of Helig lanti.S thro en ti sme o! hhe smýaI ro on Mnday la i .- "~ p o li gn" - 8~c Landi g o! ic B itîsi Troop b Fr nce.fre e ove vaiteungenrc .A un ruber o reut is td tt1j- u d <i*g e o e a-the e dffl o fiChe fa.r-eveil parîy aI me.MnS aqi;te's onantiCo. Faeil1r-V.'Covç look elArrhe aI offhTic BriThiîsh TroopniBriii.ÙhFrance.,T-r-;-efr er. - - c Wo ot DAVI c DSP - Peamri-anti 2. - MYRTLE. -ébrar avea .day e-ening. étir 5 sae htKbn1hd1 i w-e n bingin" stFor e ie y e supp ou.x viielivslveek&-p efrîoingmeetiegisil e! 1Mr. J htôke d lfofva -hoeb H xlsiy-ors h elar $ j. asrecord for tiOfc bei xagloaanlitF9da thu bame urn t OAibithe -h fili cm ersdfx i Vie above hay mes Tey Leve Beunti.- veir. mie dinandei tin udui, ifpou- onia lie" f ou tghavate orespndediv alôg wth64 HE WOGREADIRS-T-iorprscrç«ý fr o Lodaisfeeln ne. - - 'Dunient-course !notee l lietim tedo t. te riepusvi hpeteS aniot uus I ae'u ReodWa69x 0 ffrcstapo i lS ou oe x .icj isLvsat iss -of- - -emo. 8R E> CL ?4masei ' u tiaittù Y r om alaservi chrso n d ay 1 it __________ce_ MarIas, o!bé - ODt ___ pprlho uciaadi sa es, MissCr o icrVl#ed'wh*s Saeo Thé atei Pati'ate Reordsnow n stck, ncluin cffful hat t issoldby duggM MararetMjshr cveÈ 'qunaYe tat,9 biMii rai r*fule,, an _thNtoa tho eko mi ot !a enm x adaa tcîet ett 0f of Bitan, nnce Rusia nd B. lium,ý o ý.5c rcors--d'bl di lye gor ~a miaub'te , 4h. tither-tn MmL.n* Want i rotemd gho 1 p te ug .-a ec euc vuli h vmyso1cebl ilitfiil.Ge Cmiy uintt*hp-a au i-e f ohie .te-l.«A Tasnns f t ases 1 igA mm iA p UjJe ýWl vas w" uajoyedl 1w a i l . H n. W. MeRien has been tna-. i>ag turniPa troua Mr. Dunn's into the village. Mr. Redma s letIcithe eoialraet It nstal a fumâace in hMs new -house. J Several ftrommn here attended nr. N.,î L. tevnso'saudios sale ait Brougham'laset ek. We regret -teher ifmr . Jaies Wites' S'cident,- breaking bis leg ville unloadfng . pile o! -logs. Mr. JameS L.dgt .purchased ah lthe sale'the bouse, ho now orcuples. me Peil A Savîng ls onductd at every Brnch, and up'wads are reçeiyed ar It is a safe and convenleni WNITBy BRANCH.- OSHIAWA W. have just receivcd a [4 la.The-meali is fresh snd itiuigb prie of oats, for hor* r 100 lb. bag. Terms cash, AU. VIE~ . at* Ci for yc A.AT MOL-ASSINE M~ hipment of10 MBADE IN CANA' Ford Tôuring Ca Price'$590 Pnices of other Ford cars are: T p.asseng:er Ranabou t 5 4'tTwo -pa. enger CoupeIet$85 o. Fi ve p sseng Sedan i$r 5,o.'-Ail cars fùlly equi ppt including electric headlights. Pric FO.B. Fond, Ont. Buyers of Ford cars wili share in our profits we. sel 3000-cars between A -gt 1, 1914,,ànd, August 11- î .-, Ford cars are. on.exhibiti-on a-t- W. J. LUKE &-SONO- - Wl1ITBYS FarmsFor Upvards cf forty farine roin 25, acrem $3S5 an acre, guananteed ho, show matiefaci investinent, loeated--'lu Whitby and PickE - Ekvery conceivable réquàrment of soit bi and nther improv'ements can be met in the N J. E. WINN9, Residenc, Dundas St. East. as our..samples.- sEdi ahE Wehave The Quiestion of »oioting the Faaniiy is one of great. importance at this séason of ihe year. Wet Roads mean Wet- Feet 'and- et mean a Dectorls ve a fuil -Une of 8 for Men, the entire Jog man, bas it ee qurt>~al~h liYmtai yow r lng and, o thek y 'Qarlerli n Td yu Imibe"dTo! apmadln hom precieus. spare moments Toi01W-, 0d"efà iig,> vilti Il m ot lic promohlngaàes, utéveté goot -cause o . organise a Hobetj,, r Muad - - Mr. ink asle l.aniMxi. W. TordiSf, <f Brook- lin, %Met ç4um&iy aI la thfomS7s f brolâmr'. - Dilvine- servieS Mxi. D; G. Rois la vlulilag Osbawa 'eÊk on Sala 1xiend3. --tort Rev; , .W- DoS'I -fiôrget limaI Suaday . Sécol - 'w cl DVemn LI t tueaPli erWemd t o ail àck andi Ile som, Boxk- the ai, pet 'thésWeek-end -vill forer's Parents. lfr anti Mxi. W. Brigll, Jr, faily, of! Raglan, visité ieth W P. Brown, on.,Skamy AUDLEY. The. mssR Bach, -of Cuerry am. apuadlng a te,-""syswIN% vaoii many mte more tw year. im oreti faithfully vila . s, and ius depar by ain.ib as enductdinth nlnk.. Rh semo1 nwon's h a li ter 7pikati 1 Masn, accoômpan- to e an id. atISiaded MsevieS 1iisy1 STicy are on their the Pi .- after niiting thefr'eulox ë wiîîf permuaently f (a) f *on. 1)ims. Mm*n -oul, - t he lte Nathan' mainte 1 Fur -Coilar Ceai,-. repglar 28.-&Ã" 1 Far -Lined Ooat, rogular 85-.00g 1 New FleMr Hors. Power, regt AI' BearSkia Fur-'Robe, 'regulax 1 1- Extra .Quality Ièjw 8kin Robe, A- few .Rubber Conta, regular 3. Bes! Scrp for poy~lry, 0 c ýPO'ultry'8heli for poultry, 80 ehu aRt lu. ta - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - P. 0. ÃŽRAIN

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