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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 May 1915, p. 2

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Realth-Givlnf Blood ,lath sri t i. sy.soi needa a LTIbee&ltby you Milet bave 11wýjo;just s tlu tre"s muet new a toeia w ihir4wi u ~st tIuis uow hlood 1 on w1illfoel . *$ak £d hlà d. 1 ou mab twisges of ,xeuna.tdernor the ~arpi atabbing pains o!ci uralgia. Often1 t.here are d{afiguring puniples or-1 sruptio'us en the. kin, In otheri caes libere i. merely a feeling o! Utredne"~ and a. variable appetite Any «of tOse. are signa tibat- the 1bIood ia ont o! order-thst Vhe in- ct-or ilife of s4nter haý lemiene.d ~frr it.Aiy.What ,.yôou need in 0prunK la &tonie inedicirie Vo put1 you rig thndL s ie world of muedcine 4hie. La no tonie eau equsêl Dr. William&' Pink Pis. Thees pila ts-u'ail-y uaicenew ricli, ed- blood -your grealest ueed ini aOpring. Ihaie new bîood drives ont t he seeds o! disee.ee and muakes I-easily tired men-, vcmenand chul- dreu brigbt, active and strong. Misa. Edith Brouasen, Savoua, B. Io.. , ay.:-"I was es pale as a ghoat, auffered f rom hadac.hes,, se- ver. palpitation cf the Qeart at the ebrgiteat exertion. I had itVle or riu appetite and semed to be dri!ft- ing 'into- a décline. I waaê attend- ing Higrh Sohood lu Vancouve'r air tule time, and the doctor advised me Vostdp. I did se and toc>k hs4 treatiýen-t for acme time, but it1 did net heip ne in thi et Ieasir. IJpon0 the adviee o! a friend h be-gain talc-1 - ing4)ýr. Wiliamîs' Pink Pilla, aud in4 a ver.y Lshort time tirey gave' nie1 boack comaplete liealtb, and euabledi rue te resurnre uy studies. I bave enjoyed the be6t of! hea.lVb rince, and cwo iV- ail to Dr. Wiiliarnms' Pinka Pi-ls." These Pil are sold by &Il medi- cine deaiers or can be ha&d by mail at 50 ce-nts- a box or sîix boxes for $2.50 frcm-T-e Dr. 'Wiliams' Medi- ciue C'o., Brockviirle, Ont. KNJTTING, NEURITîS. W*riter's Cramrp. Ma.ny womexg sine- t--e war have tisken to knitting with a vigorthat knows ne bo-undp. Unf,îtun&tely, t.eir zeal bas prod-uced' a definite rnalady whiedr xny bho empared -- wit.h tennis elbow or writer'a In one- single country villa3e -whe-re ths kniitting faver. ran very h'1tig~L-ree' women are ouffering lu - -'arieous degrees frein WhLt.L ,-knctôwn as "knuitting neuriti.." It 1 gff c'ct s t ia. ippe-j ara-. and aboulder rterthan the fi-nge-rs, and seérna tosecr<sny tosewbo kuit wit>h i7' ' teulty , baviing note fi h '**it,ir- yuth. It ilsaid bt he Engmeh cüf- knittîig, whi;ch îè equM~Iy popu- 'bar i,'E ngbjand as th?' Gery2au nieth6cd, has s. greater .tsndency te produçe t&tls affe.tiou. r" "Whenu sny untrained set of mus dles is suddenly caJied upon te re-1 peat iudc.initeiyý a complex and un- a<ccutmed-" sequenes o! move- a fLondon -physician- said reetl,"a spasmedic paralysis La îery i hkty t4 eieelcp. In krittimg isnt-is the trouble begins wit-h ilw' worker feeling tibat ih-e usual Wri9t and inger movernent6 can- I.iet be followed out wth tbeir eus- tonsye-are. Lat-er the musciles X-et 's4tff,, sutd ftaly, -in the laer tredeve-p a epasinodic cramp s -oonas tbe knitting needi-es are tiaken into the fingers. A pectiliar - characteriatie of Vhe ailmeut lilitat "*t %vzs nev'er aà cofîce drinker," m r 1" ;Id'. but a tea drinker. - - I" - ry ,i'vous, Iad frequeut- t4pýH' <")f heuadu(,Ieand heart trçÏtt),ù'. -and whmé ksubjeet at tLme a No-eld of' aie-plesa nigts- .o't1iy -els ut iiglit when mny rîiimt Sir.e w-id -goet un-adn- litke a . t-lou:"a-n 4[ r'ýed te s ' w âs~ a r lestI-h. A t tirnles- I coul - ar-dl' put my tongue qit -o! My 111(it y rigbt eye -àand ear We re tïrected. ïo'. dy)l's tbld me .to , qgit U i ii buit I tblolghlt' Icoub<j Dot l p> ii -t 1a t it was nMy'-01îy I abs iait>Pf aI-cdî'inkey for tu~ itrt, i'- : asunder tse - iUnîl-agc., Ifni t'ù() dtii nc thla ' ve r hado-ne speli cf 'a'uc'î' r~r'eand ony c-ne Ixglîtt,tiaekof bbu -Hhave quîit havfng tIiose numb ap cils at ni'mlit gleep well Sand zMy ho at l arî«-t-rnger ail ths time.' aive-n by (3ana.dIau Postuzu 0*. , Wisr, Ont. Bad "TiMe b. -weltl îbobed. ibo oud 2îç, otijaat Poetum-. solu-ble - pow. ho 1Watier &, wbhxsmand su- rsssks. a dsl.Louâsbemzeage Lb o anud 500 tins. -, ineost aout the .same per cup. "There ý' o" 'fr- Po>sVrm. Rablimg 1W00Pullets a4 a cosoM- $25. Writing, in the AmericaxF4ioultry. JouîrnuI', Mr. F. S. Smith o! Hamil- possiýble but it can bedcoue &W ' evea at'Iea' cot, if'a<1l 6üiiý'rýIba've good luck. The writer .hai,1>*W Single, Oomb Buil iLeghorna for the paeV -sixteen years and hatohed tbme<' r bdy the thonu4d and- neyer rsda Ohiikk 1nôt but bas cone itlIy ithe farinera usar 1dim on the halves.. It hai-been m plan for the Iaat'tenyears to hach out thousands o! ohioks ii Dieodmn ber,, January and. ruary, eind by doing this for years, I have de- veloped a wonderflul winter iayùiig strain, or ia otherwords, I ha~ve ,birds that produce eàp uhé year a round. If you raies riksiby the thousands in the thrée ooldsa# months, Von, have got to 1get winte f egs and lots o! th,h inud 'qike b . gets lie." If the pullt'. uùobVhsf her gra.ndinother, and hor great grandniotber, and ao on, have ail, been good winter layera,, yod, ean readly es that this pullet has -thse blood badk of ber t;o produce ,oggsj in cold weat'her. The same thing awqliess o aho* birds. I neyer bree'd f rom birds unles they are good color, ty1Pe, etc. I sinuply mnentiuon ths blood Uns sof nuy birde and their egg qualties as an illustration &iow to produce 500 eullete forý $26. Yoen eau do this with most any breed of birda, but remembler you muet give the fariners good stock snd prove, to them that they il get aome-, thing that will be a .ptoÊt th, thezu or they will net go in iwitb yen, for meat al0cf thein have a buinch of mongrels of their own. 1The first thing te do,- la to pur- ohase an ineu'hator or ineirbatfors, that will hold 1,000 eggs. This should noV 'be 0lsarged agant yoflr 500 pullets, for you'have it.to u9e in yoars te corne. Any good'breed- er wiil seil yeu 3,000 eÉs for $225. This is $75 for 1,000. iSay, for jfl-r stance-, that you have had bad luck and only hatched 2,M00 olickeaos- ing 8M0 eggs. Noir you give the chicks as theyý are hateled, Voý good farInions o raise on the halves, you takv your lhaI!the first o!OCktober. Rememiber you gave them, 2,200 Cobicika.Supposing-the farinero have' scms bad' euk and lose 40ol te- chicks, fully developed, ready to -ky when you brîn.g thean bone. Out? cl! tihe 1,800 you get,900 youug birds. N! 400 of theni are côdkerels, fbey can be sold at rnarket price, Afty centï,'éoh, which -wîllbring. you- $200. At lea.t fty ol the'c9vker- él5 ehould !brin-g; $2 eachs ias reed-z ers, but only figure ~fycn- e aoh fLnall. , 3,OOeggs and seUJint- Your suMplus cookerels È,at-o hutl'il aurelon, phav-ts lageh esp kind g'rug ndver th ealies.Gi e sm50,ar.Io ihnek ape, gofuiL fdedstck show irdsandbids thatere re bt a theeyear aroun.Sy e fa.ige500haihes 500 heka ah hawn, chat wîal i ammhilonge 'aril havge to es lad uase veyhe forel liopeseGgsudever im 0,affl0, ite wâlgae, ber tfIbrlyeweksto, sha-o tihe cndhick ads ihaty ae to ro aethe ycbirokd -e &heay -t fnne.y ayps 5Wlier mat oaluab eggs t, hat wl ie plco l undeR e when on my staff bhat are wel-to-do, that have raised t-hem fer me on the halvesq for years. and they inake money bv' it, or they 'wolild noticee.p it iup. Se ma.ny people go into tbiý jpoultry business and pay eut moey ail year and do not--'get any.thing in return. Folbcrw this plan and you can not ]ose htis rnet exaggerated and eau be done on a muoh larger scale. A famer b.v the name e! Na-. than Bryant, Hamilton, Ohio, rais. ed over 500 àiugle Com[b Buf! Le-g- horns for me *last year and al b is kcctsit 'hin for:the entire flook *6~L $9.' Thinla tbis over a.nU get i in t-be business. Hold ye.ur job in tlbe citY and batdfu yeur ehicka eut in March, April and May aud usit f&eU YOu will have 500 piillets. The fistcfnectJanuary purohas more ino4ýbitors and brooderm and the followiugs BUsMer O eCa,,haye .Ld aio!5,000 hirds, a.nd if yen Étart with Vhe bat bred-to j'ay stock- ýyou shoid olear at least $2.00 on every heu that you bave. P~Reember the motto:- Yu poeitAen until you have thae art, and -tlien 'wade in by this rntD and yocn cannot-lose in the poultry business." Neyer Caught. Waiter-Ob, vas sir-the fie isl quite fresh. ttwas cauglt this Mionin-g. odirGoon---lnhat iwa.sneyer c.ugit-lt gave itsetlf 'up F bel1 pilles -sua, r> -thss heU ia bemnfittied1 thom 'Vo a fi jibem a bon DockPa. Kkf --I am, alI akiug] Pil.I would noV In' pew oo.ntries - bd acwsteoe j 0n» o! thre di&wk4Ve e etVIieuis 4ao to fight end bad watesr makes,ïits farst attaok on thre kiduffl., To eeriLst as ttaok tie Kidmyeimuet -b. ani~need d sirr.n Vhems-s lu ,otheT. word. thre Kiduoys uneed Dodd's Kidney -Pille.IBly giving the Kiues i. .litheyneeds-d peuëple geV uele5ir u odds Kidàsy Pill î! t tlerpopazla4ty. A GUIDE TO PUhICHASERS. lan Expert ýOpiniono' the Use of --Newopapers. IUSoums. iý libre n mnug am, an- îiserOgr-s the u.zwruw<m, ie wia. ~# g outi Wbml-àrvow»e- - b htl~VIis emaoyerr bad asen. Aua-, abtt tî b fis period woe nking - axie-trees lof seîaonod rock maplej ,pl'ak a&,haSes houm. Tihen came i t'ho firat i hsae$on proper, an en5- gýe'o. o!detruction byr no ureana a« f-rsnidhle le ss thefamunoquiek- fi rer'! Tcb. f %Ù, , v was a mt>up- trap, and mightily ingeulous.- The ttocubLtliw thtie ordinary trop *W»e tha.t, w-hem, iii ad -oauWht 0110 - mOi t coq1ld not eatch anoterr ufftll tire firat lraed b65CMake 'outi. YOUn M"*irn'sdev4ce wod ' i U'i e -aC"&, esud set itsel!a great number o! tirnea. Fivo iice fornied tiie firet <çaidh. TIle trap wmO. expeneiv, how evei, e t yîeid- ed ýplace te sorn.tling"Chm-per and -Sir ýHiram,,tel-la lhie aýutobioqr&- "Phy, ý"tt rqure o re -SPrung, the uee hkiaIIf doing ali 'the, worlc.Hie-znmQueeMip-we.lkedý ïu, and 'touchimÏg hue bai , luit iiii u;Jthis -frightwee"ii; ho woubd asttem-pt toeêocape, sud did e%ÇeaPe liroe aniail cage, but rin doinpg, eo le uae, iets-p.!or thoexti .Cuaomer,.,anud se ýon." little- Wheov.r:business bas calWed me wlire, eud lie,<adis thes-first *151- Vo> a city -or tcswn whrs I cou-Id get cated blaeboard, prwsn a iA in toucir with booel autombile cou- -for, ,tw6nu-Vy-los-r ~iLlig sdre, ditiones in the lest ýiar or. itwo I ITinlv.i' - have been etmuek by tie iutereast Varlous -netoe of the. prospeo ebuy.eir Luinte meo- Frein Wood Sir HRïa«uu turned te daniam of lthecar lie I nspectung, mot&l..Ho begain byçu'fiug- rraï saya a repreaentâVive o! a J&rge castings; Vhs-n hie wae 'p'romoted Wc autombile e cnceru. -This, con- a latuhe on rough oaie-rou wo'rk. tiory toe the, pre#by VmeuiaIelief And 4o Vo brass-maiciig vaives ensd tirait camsaraes- bougM Voni i an sd bbc-,w-off oouks for boibera. NexV ire loche ouriy. ,IV i5 .>4..- or d.Esre wae put tedisrnantbiugs automa- for exact knowls wi& hdthre tic gais-madhino and turuing cuir lavet îftei.% ~ ust<) worbasng -dmawîngs o! ý it. At the preomin e hIe' ias a -coppe ramitJ dehi~glas wfn necessar -Aise, hopaiuted tures oIî , "qtripe.s on lathes, wbici was ta. good U"e ths. nws- desal sasier, if le8saexciting,. liban paperaimas painuting landacapsou thbe deai- tise'medsum 'itsl re- boards o! slegbs-'one of! ii-earli- sposie.est t.aake. 'libe followed suolu Thre trme fias -goes >ywhen an _____________ au>ouobile i. puréha.ed meroly be- "«eet,"l good lôoking. Once un mtndts rn about to buy au au ne io book ed oaly at the hues of tshohood, to-day he isvitaUy and iutellgeuïtly nte-rotecl ina wbhs ile under -thre 'ood. Since ths work o! tire ad-vsrii m*ig departmentir s ,te fUtll&e publ.i ub&iat iV ai66 know a.nd wiat it ulronid know about autosiioilea in id thilerea-vo re-sons'E >eaues of local «>r i-l part o! -thle cpuutrylI mr advertisement.s we. ofteeswhen Vbhey Il-I corne in sni '--urwou By puttiug thre - wers ïn tVhs forin of uew u- lu the sm e tim e t1hmst ' e, r - eau talk Vo one or two or tlhree. TlSe edacational:- advertisang ie have alre-ady wued bas srhown t-bat the main irho- intenda tc buy a car noV only reads it and st-dosev-e-r kt, but lie baya lt aside and ce-.mes back te it. Iu tbee mechanicai acvertise- ments we bave a eornpreben-sitée guide to the mac-bine. Witli tileir dra-winga Vhey give the cirner 'an underatanding o!flb-e detilis 'of ecustruotion nsud ope rat-ion. Ends Stili Neck, Liiiiibtigo Any Curable Muscular or Joint Pain in Inatantly Rellsved by Nerviline. GET TRIAL BOTTLE TO-DAY You don't have te watt a.il day Vo get the kilk ont cf a atif uneck If yen' rut on Nervîline. And yen don't need Vo go around cornplainlng about Inum,, bago any more. Yen eau rub suci thtngs awsy very quickly wlth Nervi- Ulns. It's hs graudest,-linint, -hs qutekeat te penetrate, hseédffiest to sase muscular pain of-any'lcIud. ýM One Vwenty-flve cent trial bottie of Nexvline mil cure a.ry attack ocf Inn- bago or lame back. T4 -bas ,bsen proved a thousaad limes 1-st as It was In hs case oe! Mrs;- E. J. Grayden, of Caledonla, who irrtes:- "I weuldn' thlnk o! golug te bed wlth- eut knowling me had -NerVllnitn, ti hs houae. I have used iV fer Vwerty odd years sud appreclato Its T alus as s famlly remedy more.,and more overy day. If any of the .chlîdrêW-,gets aa athif ueck, Nerviline, cuires qulckly. If IV Ia sarache, toothaclis, cold ou hs cheat, orseblroat, Nerviline la always my atandby. My hnsbarid once,- cured litinself of!-s frightfui attack of lum- bago by Nervillue, and for a huudred à1lments thaftura up I a large- ftam;- tly Nervîline la by fan the beat tlîlng te have about yen."- War andUlIteraeure. iu Englaud -llevoral well-knowai ,nove"uitahave agsparently abandon-* the t.Writing o!foauss eesrenorarily, for tire- to pial 41w-ar articles, 4-Baye îhie unown vtiins Th aetiug le ocouiulg in .ns-m. Mauries Béàwes Write. 5l3noet eveiry day in Vie Etihp de P,,nla, aud ave t glewing &tiles linftdInirsato11 o! thre British Tommy. Sir IHirami Maxi. - - - -» as iapatmnt-automac egas chuiei a stemu trap, a loceomu- tvWe rbeadfight for gâus mate-ad o! oùb, arc $Xipe,, ynamo-ele.ntrical mai- àhn~ld, 1very ueanly anW by sav cidet, '~a~o b -Thus 'lis pro- greas u"Iwi' - a-t,1881, ho Very ,o,14fjýr Îer' ý- dra-win-g.-f an au tomât4 , thaïte %veapon whieis ias Vo - eveiop into t-be wor'bd-farrn>îîs Maxirn. Man-y were scepticai. To begin w!L-, Ire found lie coul-d ire ratîher murer than ten c-artrid-ge-sa second, usingý" a beît feed, the gun 1cIading and, fining itself by ener'g-.Nderived frein thle recoil1. Stili Viiere were un be- lseî-ers. Ttey were spe-edily ai- ene-ed, for the weapo-rî was, pîoved te fire 666 shot-s a m-inute! Tise gun wliieh was ils s.uccepfflor was iiicis smaller, ciseaper, and âighter, sud becanst-be standard for the world. Everyv expe-riment added te itrI val- ue. Dermonstratiens were given iu varions coiu.irîes. There wires t-her g-unis, teeoo p diu the Poru-poin o-f SOUt)iAifjýài.rw&r memçury. Iu ýSwiVzelaundtà W -u inl action sga'in-sea 4ùmmý' 'bettery at a 'range o!ft elve bufdred nietres,- "Veclrn-icalJy lilîed tliree-qu-arters of Vire mnin and herses" lu nigbtly ls tir-an o-ne minute.! LaVer, thle German Eniporor said o! ths Max- im, whidh 'bad put ita eveny -shot lu t-be bull's eys of a target-: "That la tube gu-there is ne et-lier." Tie Pom-pom, by hs iray, iutererted vastriy Li-Hug-Cbhaug, irise rade a nemarl w-hic-h 's o! considerabie in- terest to-day, tihen irar is costiug9 so ma-ny il-Ilions. "This guis."lho Raid, referiing te Vhs expenditure on carbridges, '-fires altegether toc fast for China" (650 per urlnute). E'x!Perjusents with Pewder. Neantirne, Sir Hirauin -ad-tu-rned is knewiledge and bis cemuion 11455 to powd-ers, andi invented, for-example. , asmnkelespowder, teO Bay nothi-ng o! re-disc 'overng in Engl-aud thst urew and Powerful explosive liret discovesd ln France &ud called Relinite. Next, -he Pas- tente4 a Vorpedo te be propel-led t4Z4du4r iefair, iu-venting a gum Vo thri'o!Vhe oMredo so that 1V would %tlke tise water oisly a fsw- w -t tr<>m'iW-tors.tt. Other invbn.tiona Inehlded,àkoÊSe -roastier, a wtat - sd-coffee, sud, of cour-ise, a flyirg Man proepses.-4Ùût, elU-the samet, thé world L nI !borbn. If tiie W'.orid cires us a. iving, wiy- noV pull off- -curooaVs sud proceed a mieurranaesuon, Praeult. I>srr, "skonlerir de 'verre, vair," vair" bes- -emybe amire, ta'CiLudeqreUla s-boeswit ulrr nn-n had neyer iraad' Itowa ,tr rings und. to-day ru wrlnkled Hainliton knowu ý,l aufficlent a wonder no other per box. ozone Co. ftory of' JusVa Siek IVOMa ,O nRgainIIeaIthý TfhtS-V ERY CAREFULLY.- lares W * ,~and delicate. À1#~ esoýei1y tred-; a a lMis aud.blotclëS onf ~only. mortlylutg to becaute- I thought my ver lIook nice again 1 ent. 'Fien uiy appotite w- very - Weak. Varions Ilis,-tontes sud- tabiets, 1 ount permanent benefit. A, my asaer- put Into my bande fDr. Hamliton's Pilla. 8h. lilance upea thein and now rhave made me a well womÉa iot be wlVhsuqt tirem whateveSr 'ht csat. - ' fouud Dr. HaÏIl- - ao by ýtheir unlld yet s.aOhtag ery aultable Vo the do1caýe - r >of a woman'. .lature. -1 They ýce grlpýed -e, yet» thoy estab- mWui rty. -, MY apWeito 1gr,&w y- bbom&-msuad.pure-heavy' der me; dispî red, and y a lmSand un- s Whlu'xs'rl.Dr Lbotie at. n etter tiller lu- Ié-1- llê,lproq! that Dr - le I'%Pllaare rful 0-muup~lIe use pill but D~X~ltna 25c. AUil m olsj.erfhhè fatarrh- Victor a W014 Father and Lia, ses t he for eightý_-eght days-n dmo're' than- tirs famous siege cf Lucknow. 1 The place was sbndoned oaly ou Vhs newa of Na-poleon'a down- fal. sund waa reoccupied sud heid fer him once -r-crs duning the Hun- dred Days o! his returu. Thiors' ville, w'hich wSs rsuamed Diede-i hofen by -the Germans after t-be France-Prussian wsr, may se-me time find irs-If again iu Vhs war zone, aince it is only a few miles frein the great fortresa eo! Me-tz, sud thaV is only a !ew miles- f romn ths border cf French- Lorraine. Tiie faine o! Gen. Hugo lsa ueo- ciated, however, chiefly with wair- lare of a more picturesque and da&hing nature than siege opera- tiona usually permit. He served brilliantly in botb IVaiy and Spain,ý àbdespialIy distiuguished himsel! iý_,putting down bandits aud guer- èa.Tsai he was a man a-asnag- uaJno-us as he was bave is &tt-est- g-jya littie incident o! 'bis career *,I*ris son narrated. Gen-. Huîgo, >jé0anied rby a aingl?, trust-ed- ausa oirsny, ha.d ocmoaen. at thse -im eO-a day of flgbtiugteo ride acresw-, portion o-f Vhsbattis field a-s ,d'uk wais beginniug t-Qg faîL. '91igheard a feeble -sound lunbthe shadi e a" wrote Vietor Hugo. "it was,* sol0dier o! -the;Spanisli amy, who drogged hizuseif aloug tise roaidway ps-be, ibleeding, gaaiping, tn'i w'vho cried. 'A drink! A drink, in the naine o! pity.' "My father, touched, handed is eantesu te ha faitbf-uihuasar, - sud_- said, 'Here, give a drink te -tbat,- poor, wounded feliow.' iSuddeuly,, i as the hussar, 8teoping,'leaned overhi-rn, the mn, a Mourcof sOquý sort, snatched Vhs pistolho carried aud fired at :my fstirer'iï head, cry- ing, 'Çaramba " The thullet pasged se close ti-t tihebat fell, aud -the charger '-reared wildly baecwerd. "'Give hLm the drink ail the sanie.' said my fathe r."- -aines-iXurped by Wornesn Mary La no-t -by any me&ns thfle on'ly n-sns tbat lias bsec-' borne by meMn sud womeu alike, writesà cor- respobndent o! the: London Gliron- icle wiso bas dipped inte out old paris anid- o-t-ber regieVeins. Sir Patience Wa.rd was Lord Mayor cf Loudon in 1680, Eve 1iffltun i& meunti<-ned iLaa will <e! th.six- teent~h century.and Grace Hardwi-n was an o-Id Lando->wue-r in Anrica. Ast-o maIe names usurped by the ladies, instance& cceui o-f fénminine PrbillipsansdOs-orges, and iiione case& a d-augiter wae duly* baptized Niaah. A goddaugltr o! tire Du-ko of WelliugtuS waa niamed Artihur in -1i houor,' aud Lu Effiugiiam Oburch tIser.le &a uo1eut te T'imotby, waife of Rioliard blabauke. C rawfo rd,--ik thot bbeok of the -war wribten by dii ye-witrisa pondent., E». ".ISSUE 19-'n5 WAR .-Ovor itegîous Affected. -"Seiren mou'bb. iftert he begi ning o! thé retrreat o! Vhs Ger-f mari," sysDr. D)oizy, detputy for' Vie deartanent of! Vie Ardennes, " untburîed dead are beiug 4iscovex- ed on th itie,befild of thbe Marne. Iu thbe <entre eofa&vlilage -on the' -bank -o!f the.;Marne, where the,- awa~y the- doerie, lhey Ibooughtr to 'light a body tbt rwà b4croudIde-uti- fl.ea.taion eitber as ',4esrna. or Freuoh - 1 'EuâreL,- if -ohu.ads f bodies- are - upposed to e 9yn more or lea ràtbmÛerged l inle Saint Gond- merp>s- were tePusa Gus.rd w" thrown b-aok';,hey had save those'w.hof s'il4 Iu orer toa avoid îthe ,fstrleusial -effs4Va o!warm weatber -on tisse enti re ewamp region with 'tise id o! Bodisaré aIse 'being found cou- stantly'underý-bruesin luditches anad ibiaudoned trencbes. They are found noV, oniy in -di.the-s, trenchs-s, sud eeaeavatiorm ade by siela, burt in wellIs, aprings. Ïu-aRi thie liffle ,sireaun cof!the -rogln. -n ,-msy paces wbe sit w-as possible for thse=n tobury their dead thoy were insufficiently oovered with ear.th, and iwere £requently -buiied lunlice cloua proximity Vo sou.ree-o! water Those condclitions exigt' ever a zone M5 mibes long, and froni 10 to 40 miles rwids, wit-b a tobal -cf fr«mi 5,M00 o 6,000 square miles o! ground, a ouaidera.ble part, cf whloh uequired horough dcliàlf ec- tionite preveut thse outbreak o! epi- demnies. Besides ffie bodles e! men there were in irbis zone thousauds of bodies o!f animais, part o! theffn lcilled by. usl lire sud many of dtetà-dtfro'm strvation, -having re'n--abanidoned -b~y thse fieeing &i1n5eVij n 88.. t - pqï Respectable Parents. Those whokuow -ths Prince o! Wales inti.z. ately say that le is as fond o! e » ke now as b. rwaa wilen. lie ra-s a. li ttî'bey, sud iu bisnur- sery d*,ys hie quaint sayiu-ge were proyenbis&Il lu the,- syvel-!amily. Thre laVe King Edirard, sya Pea.rsen's Week-ly, u-aed to tell witb greatgis- te t-he fodllotwing stery. The King ààked littîs Prince Eddie what Part cf 'buste-ny le was -studying. "Al a&bout Pendu Warbeck," ne- plied-Hia Royal Uîgbr.as. "And wlio ia-s -el" inquired HÀ Majstv anxouVo test his grand- "Oh," anawered V-be prince, "he preteuded he iraa s son e!f a king, but lis wasn't. He 'ias the son o! respectable,parents.' MKn«aI daIsaat useS lybyuýYicla& "'Libtie Briggs cerainly dos bave aful ludk." "What ha-s ha.p- ,peued Vo him, no-wl" "Wehv, lie eioped lu a taxica~b witi t-be Van Spender houres, -wlo 'had ýfor§o tien te talcsau-y moniey with lier. Se Vhs taxi man .brought "em boirli hock Vo ber ttathr'." A Name for Every Letter. The lkmgest -name ever infficed on an Englis. dild must au.reli ho "jt oA an unfortunate born at Derby in 1882, upon whom her paýr- nets bestowed a naine for every letter of the a4phabeb, sa3wr the London Chronicle, Anna Bertha èeiliia Diana Emily Fanny Ger- trude Hyp&tia tntz 'Jan-, Kate Louise Mja.ude Nom.; 'I will peeff the imfliâct i 11itcorne s toZeusI 1 '1q" Resv. IlRalph Lyeonel Tojie,- madwe was amodier, witih & cramze o long narnes, ancibapbize'd, is e.deit amn Lyuipii Yderalo 0din Nest4)r Egbert Lyonel Toedmag Hugh gEi*- henwyse Saxone. sOrmÀe CrznwelA Nevil Dysart PIantagen'et, Mýinards Liniment Co.. limtedJO - Dear,_ irs,-,Your 'LMiNdIV LýI - IMFNT Îta our remedy for aer l"Ont, colds.and ail ordinary alimenit.' it neyer tala to relleve and -cure CHAS. WHOOTEN. For MlIa;;.3 iH Or, un do MYv m y wur.yvïW . m'ss -oUrzug e a e x-, ample ; rsnd I $Peaik correctbly Vhe. kida libinIsI' - bactk urumber. Whioh would you do?1" TOUIR OWL' O, JOOIST WILL TYEU TOP Try Xuutne BjeE.meulytoRieS. Wesk. Waeery 19ues Zy su r te fO";.okNeS Ibe by miaiSl Pr". Mute lieRmWLY Ce., cwla Large Vegotabies Au cEa.etemrr .wlse ]aid. 4xug1rt- IM'.àtm nOaiforiûia had heard of i neigIbbor'e. talent for 'rai4ang large potate sa Siùent hie f15rnrad omer te.-get &a lunrdr opcunds. - .-1 "YOru go hboni," anstered -he taiented farmer te tire aessenger, "suad tell yens' boss tubat I1.woa'b eut a ipotalo (or aIiyouE t" xKp muanrd'a Lunimenlt a., s oula, Roofiter or Pullet? ",willie, sv'iat part'cf speech iii au egg,? y " , A moun, mis." "Yes; no-w wlstrgeudes?" -"6Csnr't say III i's liatched." Ask for Min»&,'. ma t -ts.mo otSer. A train od Vhoughtitl -teu wreùk ed in a brain gbQrm- If.fteasêoa gvêou-..sfatlaIt is &a"E1'RBOROUGH."' kIwasMAê.vf ti. am. !'.s~rvoemodl, trengstb and fln- lu ~ié-terorug -envaeo'ved.ÂsI for-illustrat.d folder. Skiffs93 lofthe puDlar outbàard IotGru. PoweSrLaunchies1 il fzei and'pow. eri'. Gët fôldeiistellingwal'aboUt thes,e PETEItBOROIJW4, ONT. -J '1- il 'e! iueasor arrffl 1110, -wiZ besutc mas uire -in keep luanner. Once 'abat tlsey -- thé gaiden iu thbe svening, - ha lad stood asnddenly7att l -1 sometlma- Wonder. .1u yen reîslly cane for zmes 5Iý willlaver cars ton snyoue..-- be oeSnere with me. f14 YOI -- cars for Greshami Her-heart tod stil. Iled GreshamI Lt eemed te lier cared ao mmii, tbat, she - that iL-'wtïocaring, it liad ed part of hem litea tate, and. becaiusse e1wanted t tnuih 'aben s'e could. net te meprorsch in- litl blueasea.] but 'to have cnly o-ne dungl storei a-wayj-p the backyar ahe told w'aîbat hbehieved ta 'abat -ae the ta-ulh as a, -a *"l think I carad for blm v one time-but-but 'ahen lis .,~me, I mean-l fuîet that 1 inarry him--nover." -And you dont leed the me?" It ia wonderful how peopI us ,when thsy dont know w. mliii! 'N.dear, -I 'anstte mai joui." $lie laid bier band r yer3'- ,itly. This aS leasi iras true, an returtied. rtnd there mers tiue -wý zîtandiiîg tiie tasit rceuve blierand dalighter. both we te à gnawing ýaniiety neatAi - iskiiowaýledgsd, t.heanxicty - u Stntelaemoment ho siiotri Sii the, momen wi5lied t, ding cculd haee raken place ieîd.y- ti -thse night even, .bi GÙ-fyçourt, befors lio could jpeak iv aiiyous. Inetaad, acîngrhhone fora meek. to--se cf ruillta Paris for a for alit get a tcuile cf mentha' Iiîcyon.andtt w ho b. p thcS.iiithe erts cf both-wom die- witliii n om. If lie 'ami --evgr mretrni?Bath w'aes awa 'acre living ou tiie <dgt> of a' Aýnd ettien ciithos - bat nig aijabis toteep. 'aouid - get -a w hed. and. go and kneei by the tia-rdlnee[ for riauvîet3or aai thouegê*t.-inspiring thé p1hysil cool breezei'-. And holdng b, hem twv lanide. - h. e nd' - wahat vaggoing te apps-'n itg to 'Ilappen, for I eusnuIed --ilthSa coul! not go an, ai i muet bapeu, as !1 if ib-. A - cUi.(- roui lme- bluer.1ili'n 't :bpcauss-ýie îi'uld 95 inad at -Soietitit2h,3 tt-Tu, a'-;!t hc i - ÂdtL.en!n thii iîurnifiz i'a BCG x of et abr,'gi lier. her ase b--. -o raored lier, L:i(d toci,- it - ~ rbasty ila tIi, gli, Srurg al b cr graee, liez ai to am 8- h. 9pýIn., Dith T ~8si~ ! Nêlo.,Z g àpjqsb, rqiq~n Peii*t.i~ Lta' -'<Oo. met. Sud PIà5 q Q op eau Lh ~RE 4ULIIY BAT ria:L MIT 1hETÀ%Q cw CIN Ice tii g -Fw tonte TORflIdTfl

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