ment inthe a- ls&:Dm-iUW oevsa Sstrong fuurOe in th- direon.u,,méauwmIle in real lasding forc-e e,&uy accen-ý pIiheditpuaoe mre distance up thteCOVA. L Te regirent <d -don keyé, uthieli were deerepit an- mals Purdhamer in -thé isfniu for la - meaIe sonsg, was a&niiuated. -rTe -Prlsonera talcen by the. 'tLer and~iiing ,.rady number Sevorat titesait, miucudg mnyý Oermn 0iIoerswhè 'h'vebee- fept to Mial,. AT DARDANE4LLES 1111ne Thrown Acroas Southera -Extremity of Gallipoli - Penlat. Aà detoh from lontion saya 1 luIe,.allieshave madte rapit pr-- îgPou thbe Dardanoiles-,tuhe gâte way to ConstantunoPle. Alread thei British ttsoo1p hv trwu a lin. acre.. -tube soutthern ext-remit-of' the GaIlbi Peninsuba frei thbe Aegea.u vost te a point nortai-stu -01 Eski HimoarikI, a atrongly fortî- fefPomition faeing the-straits, tus Ãsolating .the Turkieh ats-o.uhold-at- ,,zedd,'et Bahr, atctube very ip ot tube Tbi. uhas Jben done. - ay&tube Ad- -ziraity, -lu thueface oft - a strenueus '!reauistà uce by tii. Tarkinii fores who uhmve cSn*gtede ve-ry .-foot-c 4rotantiwou wlth furions obstin&cy.ý _Furtiter nortul on tubeo Aegeaul - saide -et ttie peninsula, at (Isba Te-ý ubhb anti ata point opposite to the lu-t-a i lfge of Saribair, atidi- tionSl lautiing forces have made -goot ileir tootuboit on Tu-rkish soil, -oud h»v-e- drivec tube oppctsing forces bacit f rom tilt. coastu despits a vigor- eus- artibdery fire. (Isba 'Tebehii f -about ten miles t rom the. end teb Gtowl.lipoli Peninsula; Saribair ià -a-but- ive mile, fart-ber. Tiie troops wlio -tre-ie a. fle acrestuhe penin- -sida& te tube vicinity of! Eski Hisà r- lik linded -ou a levea shae.soins Itree mniles fron thbe en.trance Vo tube atraits. -*kiHisiarlik las oins m e8 A eut atrit Iufomabn rcêrd Iau&teeI M ea." It6i tted thia,tthe Turihgr M ions be-teen Kii.Bà alltr nd1 Cape oas are eut off by &-*"?0on fof etBritui, wmiuaiemeca, lijeed aoross the narrowest part-of, tuhepnipula Ozce lihis 12-mile ditr'ip otfhore bet-ween Cap)e Hella. and i Kid Bahr - lu ine possession <if tube Britishi, the. completes ilette- in< of 1th. battçuies on theÂitic ae, anti the. Inal 'earn-g of the- mines, from thie -dunel ifiouid be Only 125 Survivors From Leon Gambetta A deopai-" front Paris says: An offiaiai statnnt issueti by thbe Minist-r ct Marine a:"Qean dreti- ndtea urvivor. of! the~ French aermor4,d oruier Leoü - Gain- bebt, whiehh waus ôunk by the. Aus- t-nl subuxarine V-5i, have been taken te Syracuse, and 25 others are at Igrindisi. The. bodies of Ad- mnirai Seneanti ot 52 sailors bve 'eean-buriieat- Oap». Loues. "'The circumn.tsunoe ofttube lots o! the cruiser bam'.n-t ye-t ematby be-en matie known. Thi'uie is noc confirmation tJt t,-- he- previously h-ïd be-en haiiied by a ahip, andi ne credit ahoubti be attaobed to, reporta andi comment-arisbaseti ou infor- mation f rotinforeign Sà ources."p SENTENCES -LJNSALETO MiB Penalty -ou ;British,.Soldier. The Supueme , MiLita.ry Cou-rt .ha. ceufii*ed ths sentence of deuath in-- poset Deemher .29 on Wifiiam Lonstiale, et Lees, Eng., a private in tiie British army, for attaldng a German non-coîmissioned office-r at t-be iii-r prisn camp at Doeberitz. Tii, verdict of tuhe court iasabjeet toe ut approval ef Emperor Wilam, andtihue sen- tence pessibly will be commitud. Ronald B. Hearvey, Second Ssci-e- tary efthtue Unuiteti Statues Enthausy, attsn&dd-tiie session eftht-e court.- Dr. He-nry Vian ])yke, tbe Unituet Statès MinietWr st The Hague, anti James W. Gerardtire ,Unitçd States Ambassaor te, GerMall, botui ý-toek A. anntuseét .hýIt Wl1<e u bbt hVbus r-VIIp k - -iresetence te 20 years' £aeq1tring a ftoothiold Lhm b - ,_ 1- ., ' d W1 _', tur a despat-eh frem Berlin el Bâhur il taIre -0ts tatedtithat Loýnâdale hati obtaitiet bae uf ppý li-,a c anotuber appeaïl andti hat the. case cessity fali before- uyday. ; woalti be heard bef-ore t-Ae 5-uipreme KUMJÇaIe lepractÀa .ýirnShJeiands Military Court April 27. c-,f tho Frencht,endi forth, at the ______ ont-rance to e, boNarrows, Kiliti Bahr, -a poéition upc>n wiih the Poli-ah PetgautGi-. 'Trspia<,ogat re-ihance, is-the oshw enha bn on ý,b tv -o gRsi"Mbarmy whicii Plsho-nhv es nw i. rviug thee u«my -apidly before t-O fight. on thbe batutlefielti anti- is TedeVch.mdt.ata t both 4ê.btseemneti-hardert-o soins, -they. tue- Frentch-,and- Brifth,,fx>m rce .have Igivuen upa&U tueir worly - -ntrel ln-dddespit. mcsýt el- ~goiods ui theube n-cauae. boaepreestions ta.keni by 'the Mîn ,ti#-v been exil-et, bu-t neyer Tu-rks, z-u"r tube-geuiealsiiîpcf ba» them be-e a mai-mur hîearti Germa-n com a or, -suie ld wo- fron t hee b-iav. wosen, wbo are yen a n.tuwe-.k-of-- wire entangle- capable of a-nyaaorifice. Indeeti Mente juat qoff tube, stre aunder tubsthse intene patriotulo feeling uhich -sea .;welan&i ha-ciduig great rit% exista lu Poed te-day. ladue far wbkic&wore tee*tied with spikes. more t- tii-e womeun-efthtue country Thse ebo-e as weLll ad be-eu tort-ifed tubaitt-o tée-oppoute sex. wiiuii barliet i re. T he Poliah wonlen ha-ve ever been neteti for their pêtysicai chai-un,, thelir bande an-Mfet-beitig, frein an Girl Promoted Vo Lieutenant. arthatic peint ot vew, absol-uiteiy - perfect-. A despatela frein Petirograd eays: In tube flelti at har-vest-tiime far Amy ci-der. contain notice cf tuhe more woien are t-o liesen tuban Promotion o! a yoang weman, Alex_- iec, andthue effect -o!t-heur differ- audt-a Lage-rev, Vo lieutenant. Wltul ent--colored ti r4" *mhakes an at-ra-c- sixteen otuber girl. beklnging Vo tisre picture. ii-eski-ta e! t-heur famnilles o! Ceoaack, s-b, bas been dre e nsgeue-ral]J' pinu-et uîp- figbting alongaide hier maie reda- l('eaving býrigbht-petticoats exposeti tivsa since tilts beginniug o!f bI 1t-o viesW.- wur. Ei-git o! tube girls have bten --- killed.- ea Lieut. Lagerey was madie a pri- Ne Publie Menoortal. setier, but à ho itillet ber guard, A despat-ci frein London says. -Oscalpeci andtI -d a reeoiîueitring The Act-ing HiglirCommissioner, thle part-y %hichb captoreti eight.eet Uit- Ageuts-General, and ot-bers'be-ida ":n i-n Suwa.lii witb important confereunce te consitier tube adv-sa-. j 'Atie-spatch f rom London ay eau be -made an effectiv0 reorîsit-ing- expedieutu. At a re-cemt- -sueauiiin g.ralY a girl hl-d up lier homd and snnutunosti tbat phuebas s9entV fivé-ycOuing-znen o thAe f ront. At the-end A te meeting sire indu- oetied t-le ,,younS.5i an tu e-r aide mni dWotswsd: "Hee'. thsesixti I' Idiscase heopà krto-sa-y: "Plitineôf hai ind s ue xrisib ort- of purfulm." Anti hé ad- vsed the vounf girls o! thbe sutil- ecete uts fbe-rwilee- iiibe-it lfof Kinig antiý counitry. - w. oi rranin u errortai se- vive in London for faileti tana- t-ian-s. It was resolvedti -at tube time ast presemnw as inopportune. It-lus likeiy tbolighu sueuh services will lie arraugeti by trie-uds o! ndlvi- dtai me-uners. "I -iosit suty t-lise are fine b)is- cuits !" exelaiued t-ho yotng htt-;- -bandi. '"How couilt yoo say , t-oss are fin.e biscuit-q?' inquiredth -le «yotîng .Wife'ô iiitter, in a private iter- -view. ', ddn t -y.tey wereine. I CANMDLANS SLAIN IN AMBULANCE' ýWcïé', Qlib@ratoly Sought Out ind FoIIowed by a Ocriwan !3attery Unti AUl Had ýBçen KilIed ~ oeo~h rom LSon s C:lw£ou iIambuipne w de er Th euiei~ of the 00 htiout and followed byp .WJ'B He&.d Ir-ô"ontia feIn A h -~IIp .~ ds The Last Effort of a Dying Manl. A Gormua. scout fin&ng an' outpost, who had beetn wounded al witii his Iaa.ttrength craw'led to the streamn to quenih h!s _thirs Nbocto takekn ini Polend. STRAJUHTEN OUT THEIR -LINES Allies hlave lPut a Stop to Deoper- ate Gernîsu Attacks it A despatehI from London sayat- Tbe Frenchi War OMie reports re- lative-calm- along -thie *batutle front ýin -Bebgiam -andthe i.rotue-tion by tiie jalliez oethtue graînd---wuicii tiey re- gaineti -since, he inauguration o! thie -Germait ferward -movent-. - This toliows . the .-British officiai stateunent wbicb declares thattube -ope.-stuonsf -tfbe allies Iltve dedt- uitely steppedth ue ÇGerman att-soi, wbicib lias net be-en renewed. Cou-nter-at-taks apparentiy are stl1 being delivereti by -bot-h F-rendit anti Britisit, but tubese are ef minor- importance as coni-pareti withi t-be gene-rai en-gage-meut arounti Ypres anti the Yser Caaal, whtch isetet i ve d4s. OnIy at eue place, Steenst-raatc, have tube Gernians managedtto kee-p thefir footing on tire western batiks c! t-be canal.whils te tube ur-tiroe« Ypre« tube -remain, maci .Ã, a- the Gemmati ir reinforce- ,of troope. - Tii. Figbt-ingaise Continues in Chain- aieaotbacon. 8M1c bce 0t pagne, wbere tube Gernima- make i-, b oudelesa baoe, 2,16. Lard-Pure lard, tuý-3.34 t-o 12. do.. claim t-o tube capture et a .turong paia. 12 te 121i-le. - Compound, tubs. 95-4 French position, andtihile allies ad4 te 10e; do.. ielle. 10 t-o 10 14c. mit tube bas of tome trencbes lu tube Saied Hay and Straw. Argonne andtihue Woevre, whe-re- 8traw la quoted et *7.50 -t-e $8 a t-on in t-be Fi-snch say tubey are progretls- car lot delifertea o uck i ei-e. iîg, anti in tube Vosges, w4ere both $1.6; Io.2 t 1450t $150etand17O.-e aides ciaim t-o blinutpossession o! et $12 te 813.N.3 Hartmanns-Weilerkepf.- It is pi-obh- Bsns nMoté abiff-tii-etuis mouint-ain wbicli coin-BuissnMota. , , 0 ý -1, Mont-eail. May 4.--Cora-Âmericam No. ýjg[a4s tuhe-plain.' tif Aitavé, h1a. g yetiow,.-83 te 84e. oat.-'reta et ebengeti hands several tine;this arn. No. 3. 67 1-2e; do., extra No. 1 fsed, --W4,uidaccount for tube con-m6ic--2c; do.. No. 2 local -whita, 66 1-2e; do». Ne365 1-e; de.. No. 4, 64 1-2e. Bai-iey- tory reports. iiiâMttig. 86 -to 88c. Flour-Man. Sprlag wheat pet-ents. rsi.. $8.20. do.,sconda. Hfolti a New Line. 8$7.70; do., eti-ong baikera. 87.50; do., Wiu- Tiie Tinss correspondent in ter patente, choice, $7.90; 'de., at-aîglit Nortuherti Francs, reports Vhat- tube 4.é .ý5 i 7; Ge-rmanî hbave tt-aeked car lunes de., barw, 9&-lt.P, 0tI.35. B rau.,826. casu o tue Yer ana wiuh .-Shorts. $5.Mi.,ft ~3 Io $34. Ilouil- çastof he ser Ca-aà wit re-1 i, U to $M liyk,2, uer ton. car doîitb eti violence n a lastu desper- lots, $18 t4419.3. 3u ae-i et W e- at-e at-tempt t-o gain a footing on ern,u16 1-2 t-o 16 34c, do., estai-na, 16 t-o tuhe ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 wetr1aisbttbye -. Butter-CÛboleevt ereaery, 3k,; the esten baksbut hey x- d..eonds, 32e. Eggo-Frepb, 22 te 23c.. -peutiedti ueir force in vain. The do., selectd, 25e; do, No. Z stoctk, tic. Po- tatos-Pe - ag, arlota, 47 1-2 te' 50c. allies stilI hoId finn on -tube western Dresaed hopti'- Abattoir. klIled, $13 t-o $ie 13. 60; do.. count-y, $11.75 tao 812. Park- Heavy Canada ahort mae, bbe., 35 -t-o 45 pieca., $2; de'. ehorit t -baec. bUlu., -45 40 PFer (es-t Profits. tw55 rom $a. 27,50. Lard-Co;mpound, A despatcl f rom Amaterdain Ibis.. n'et. 10e; do., pitre, tierces, 375 Ibo., sayuu: Tiie Gemman arms anti il 1-le; do.. wood paisa 20 11m. net. t2c. ammunition tact-cries, Most e!f-Winniphg Crain. w elëh tieubleti their Capital Winnipeui, Ils'4--{la-.iuictu, asu year, are declaring a Whtet Nu. 41 uoi-hiisi.$1.63 i-4; No. 2 -dividetitio! t-weuty per cent., as 81.58 3-4. Oato-N-'- 2 (.W., 64 1-8<'; No. 3 compareti witb 32per cen-t, for t-le C'%., l61 3-&; extra No.1dfed 61 1-4e; No. 3'ieiar 1913. Ths is equivalentt-o a Na. 1N-.W. *1.77 1-2. No. 2 4:1W. dividenti of 40 ps-r cent-. on tube <id $.74 t-le. ad UARE1S -OfTJE 'WOR10 REPORTS FilOU TUE LEADINO TRAiE CENTRES 0P AME~J~ Tornto M 4.--Plour kanftObz âft at $810, t bam ec- o 0 w ete 760; aront bakem~*.0 Ont l beà ouz. 90 ver cent patente, aut.d $ 6.50 te $6.60, eaaloazd, and at *6.60 $*.60, Toronto freigbt. Wheat - Mfanfloba No. 1 Nortbrn tquoted &t *1.68. No. 2 ait $1.66 1-2. andi No. 3 et $1.64 1-2. Ontar1*i-wbheat lu nomi1nal et. 1.60 foi, Ne. 2, at otttalde pointe.' Oata--Ontari<, -quot'ed ait 60e- outiadda, anti a-t 63e. Torc.n"to. *Wetern Carpada, No. -2,-quot.d ast 69c;- and No. 3 ait 67c. cL. Bay porto. - -Bar1ey-Tjte market la nominal. z ood mgating grades. 75c, outoïde. -Be--The. market la duli at $1.05 to * Peaa-'The- market la quiet. wth No. 1 quotod et $1,75, out*,Ide. CorL.-No; Z new American qucted ait M2, e.f f. Bay porte. and No. 3 at 81 1-2e, Bat porte. Buckwheat-No. 2 quofed et 80 to 82e, outoide. Brit and shorte-Bran la cuotod ait 827 a ton. andi ehorto ait $29 te *30. 1tolfd oat.-Car lois. per hag of 90 Ibo., Country Produc. î Butter-Choice tiry, 27 to ?&2 e; uriloi-, 2t to 23c; creusmery pijta, 35 to 36e. do., solida, 31 1-2 t-o 32 1-2e. 1 Eggo-'Jjhe niarket îe-mteady with sales at 21 to 22e per dozen tn caeIota. - ]BeaÃna-1he.mai-et-ii quiet ait 03.25 for prime, anti 83.35 10' $3.40 for hamd-'pieked. POuit'r-Chickeua. dresed, 18 t<)20e; ducke. dresoed, '15' te 17c; fowl, 13 t-o 1e; t-urkeyg' <fred, 20 I- 1ic. Cheee-'rn market ja quiet, with new qatedait 17 1-2e for large, end ait 17 3-fo fou t-wlns. OSi Quetedi-at 19 t-o 19 14e. - .Pot-e-Outarto, 60 -t-o 65e ver buac, out of- atore-, and *SOc iuca lots. New Brune- lots, 6We.-gb- BaonLog 14IÇI 4 t l er capitalization. Mauy et-ler German concerus working for t-be army ' anti navy have-eit-e-r raipe£d t-beir dividentis or s-t asitie a* large som lute un- divideti profits. A laukigTtbher.fac- trwiicir las for severail years be-en- in finaucial, stiaits, shcws a pet profit ýfor tuhe past twoivs -montbs, amfotuting te more t-lait hlI its total capital. A uew ial! million dol-la- coi-por- at-ion, orge-nizeti in Bei-lin by doQt-- iug men. will devote ,ail Ãts eergies t-o ut-izing '-eraps, o!, dotbforci-nai- ing army antimas-y utuiforms. Fable tetht-e [Uwiuse. Thte follow in-g fable, wbilit is pro- ba-biy o! Turkitb origin, is mot- with- ouit a toocli o! t-iut-b: As a wo>man was walkimg, a main louked at- anti !ollowed ber. .6'Why?" sait s 'oiît folloov "Because," lie repiieti, "I have fallen in love witit yui." "Wby sol -My gister, who is coro- ing ait-er me, is mach banudsomer than I &n. Go anti malte love te Thle niait fuamieti iauek anti »w- a woman rw't-h an ugly face, anti hein-g grely -4!4peaftd, ret-arnetiand said: "WhysehoulIdyo tell me a lauheod-V' Thie woMn an uwered @ "Neltiier iti yen tel-iltubstratb; for il! .you. were in lovse'wt-nE, wlzy.du Yeuu teokak for a4evt-ber woienan- p Young man, iue-ware of lthbe ldbr uSsos layiig - u.S. Mar-kets. Minneapolis. iMay 4.-Wfueat--N-t i1lberd, 1.64 i-9u No. I Nortiieru $1.59 5-8 to 1.63 5-8; No. 2 Nortbern, $1,65 5-8 t-o $1.60 5-8;.-Ifay *.?'-.Cent-Nef 3 yellew. 73 1-4 t-o 73 34c. Oute-No. 3 whiit-e. 53 1-4 tu, 53 1-2c. Fleur arnd brait unchangeti. Durluth,, Maiy 4.-Wtieat--No. 1 bard. $1.64 7-8; Noe. 1 Nertrii.. $1.63 7-8; Meay. $1.62 7-8. Linsed. caili and Miay-.$1.96 1-4. tivs Stock Markets. Toroento. >Iay 4.-Biutcihere' cet-t-le. ebolce, $7.60 ho $8; do.. good. 87.10 t-o 87.40; du.. mesdium, *6.75 te $7; do., cemmunt,$6.10 te $6.50;butuc'hera' ibulla. eholce,*6.à 6 te *7; do.. ond btte. *5.40 t-o *6; do.. ronigh bull. * 4.60 te $5.75; but-cherse ows, choie. $6.25 te $6.85; du., minstumt, 85.25 t-o *6; do.. comn. *n, 4.60 to $5; feedere. good, 86.40 t-o $7.25-, do., rougi bulle. $5 te $5.50-, atoekers. 700 10 1,600-l $. 6 t-o $7; caîters anS cutiters,. $3.75 te $4.65; muSker4. eboie. sac-lt $60 te $85; do.. commun sud medium,. snch. $35 te $45; sprlngei'a.$50 -ho $75. light ewes, 87 t-o$*8; do., heaVi'. 85-le 86.30, do., -bueke. *3.50 t-o *4,50; lambe. $6 t-o 810.50;, oalysi, $5.50 ta $9.50; boga. Cfed and weter- ed. $8.55; do, off caro, $8.901 te $9. Mfontreel. 3May 4.-'lhe triad, fin cattis waa fairly a-otive. with sates etffuîl teaida of chat-e atearsaet- $8. go>d et 67.50, ant the lavwer gradeo f rom thait dowm to *6. -wht-te butcheim' coa brouigtt from $4 te $7, a-ndbulla frem $4 te 87 pet. cwt. The featuraet Uthe emel meat'ta-ada waet-ha active demanit foi- <2ftves, and as Iho aup- ply -was jar .ge, a brieSI ra-de -was domse t iLee rengi f roui *2.60 te -*10 eacb, as te aeise ant qualili-. Aitother feature et t-be t-rade Waa t-hea ear 1eIl tsI thj jAirket fer boge, owing t-O la tnsm"U reseiptu. wbtch vere I l e5os 't-h - lre ta-d rices deol-naS s"-te &r cwt..-ilhOesS 62 e1o- 1.25 te '$9.60 per ewt., wekgith ~ e.was a fairM arâerd or Br o t e 9..0 - a ew anim 1 ï0ali Ui to4 #89.50 -id $9,75 per - "Darlintg, I*think et ybuae-vory momnent in iee luty. " "Gooti ga- -Cloue, Olà uretc5ia ltto gI-irGe a- tentiou to your 'wcrk or yoa'i1t get UÂ,IRA10g W]qJK 1IN1 TORON4I-O k WELLADVAI)CED. Three lmou'~ mit, ,ti oneof'. CW oecks euopIeted, - Wstirte Land RecIaIjned-, Weet A £epti romJi f fctlk, sayat A -.hiiot~~t'c~ ;CI eu Wf ýýllaII s hlp chan. ad p wie rew Ir net PxrgreoWsng RapiodIy. g. I * of clrp~t&l On. tick à a-heuu 'The harbor coofsbtir ]B se i1pm< t.weu tcn TIoonto are proteding--,m-th V4he diary' bomb anid it piereedthe. Pe3pent o.f the Imrbo00 and t,- -'n4d jd1-intiv bie bedroom of alitef provmentu f ti. iarboran4 git. -Some' of tii. furniture a cretion of &new waterfrcmn'al. et d eý^'bli lated e uee tue ntea e ehp-by lier father, Harry. Gcodwi.T4 pinfti~ a ougperuo <f eam 'sto'fianes spread to two adjoiuinS come While also ke;eping in'view bile ide& of tue ity'a at-trac- - mile. In eOflstructing bezwater- Work began i.the spring -of 1914 front boulevard 986 acres oif adje.. and at -the end of that yetar c0ent lands are be-img recJaimed, and con,1cret, do"k6w( feet, by, '176 f e.d devoted to pa)rk purTolyee. 4x~d eeknv plted,754ru O<f T-he ShiÉ Chain 24wiIllbe 7,800 feet land reclaimed iu- the industril dis- long, 400 fuet wide and 24 leet deep, ti4t - sud seived- bye rihlrod s -id.. through thbe c9Vtre of the inuubrjal irg,40W0tee-t of thVip -foUnd,- distrit. -The. îîft bridges toe ccn- tions fo tii. watern .e jà l ntct thbe iglad wijtutue maiqland pleted in readinewe for tube «>- e-edéznotinated as harbor ex- crete super-tetructutre anmd over tension and, harbor protection wo-k x,000 feet of -tii. foundations for tuhe, end the1)omnion Goverum-ent was ret-ainxug walls lu thbe ouhip chmannel asked to &ppropriate $6,123,2m .66 mande read for tube, onicrete super- for tibent.1 structure, .5,600 feet -of Dredging operations undertaken Permitet Cncree Dck by tube: Toronto Harbor Comm- PermnentCote-ree Doks ouera conastitute tVhc htrgest hy- buit &long botit aides of tiie cban- draulic dredgimg work ever unleir-, nel -intc the harbor. ii. entire taken ini the würld, The new docks cost o<f tuhe -works coepletedi to w-hi aillb. cof permanent concrete date, inelhding tube new dock re- construction with- at leaat 24 feet ferrd to, amounts. to &bout $1,- of water along5ide, and wi-U b. 653,000, of wbîii roem *900,000 baz eved by raulrbad sidings conne-et- been %peut by t-he liarbor c-ommi- ing with bIbItube raiwiay- li-noten sioners ean-d the bila-ce by thbe Io- t-ering Toronto. minion Gov-emmeut. Agref-mnté with tihe Grand TukRailway and the Cnhnadýin ATLE L N LPacifie, Railway ha-ve freed Vii. west-AI f rom tueur control anti mnk-e-si4 av-ailable for developinent. ilhhe work undertaken by tuhis lake port, &, City of 500,000 population, for -o! io~i ~ But for Canadians, Gernians IVotild - maritime tracte-and eflrcur-aing RavTe Ieen WeIl Beloind the tube eeaIii1eto-n~-isfur- nielies an oybjet îçsison in the. way Blritish fLins. of courageoue "*bîilding foir the; fu- A despatoîj f rom Lond'on says: Lture, In 1910 -au, ocean tnanP The British official "eye-witiiel§." sailed from- Scotlau'd with a cargo in a narraitive o! tube battie of Ypreis, o! acrab-locks, for Toronto. The says tube.Germane bati prepared Vo qteamer reaehied it .s destination, att-ack tuhe allied lime on tube 2OtJh, bunt foumnd upon arrivai thbat tuber. but tube wind, inot being favorable rwas no public dock where tube cargo "for their -use of, asphyxiating couuld be lantird, tubat for eoomrno- gaseis," thbey.postuponed i t until thbe dation at prii-ately-.owned docks 2tind. . Ifeavy Charges were Mtade, , The. gas, tube narrative siays, was t-bat alter paying tihbes. chargea distiributed along!bbc Ge-rian front tube-re was flot isufficient water line inu. ront of tub e Frendh position, ailongz-id t-b e dock to, aoecmodate aud the wiud beingf rom-the north t-he -es3,el, a-nd a big p-art cf b-r it was blown directly on thbe cargo had to le li.ghtered-to the Firench. 'rie German plan., accord- sb4-re at a great, additioxxal ex- ing to tuhe "eye-witness,> wa's to peu-se. -make a.-suddueu ou-slaugbt tout- The captain laid tuhe case biefore' westward, -ýwhich, if successf ni, tbe Board cf Trade, whoae proui- would enable tuhe .Germansto gaini de-nt was, Lionel H. Clark-. The c rossinga <of the canal ýsouth o! Bix- result w-as public agitation for the. OCiiote andi Place *bbern well bebind iniprovement of the .Britie iUne a¶xd in a position const-rutà onof 'ad-equt-e doeking to-tbrea-ten Ypres. faciltiestiuis i-enîtecl l ~ -Aulow-iug time for thbe vapcà rs to tube.formation of a uew board of take full, effe.t ou tube troops facing harbor commisiners, endowe thein," Says the "eye-witnuissY witi 1 à beoà proopir$o- "the Gernians .,charged forwardj railways, -t-o con-str-uct and operate euenxy iu their immédiate front," docks and te issupe diabenturesorand, penetr4ting througli tbh g tube purpose of rai sing, fihe ecesiýrytus s fietl, -pressed on silently money. -end -1ewýftily t-otuhe \outh and west. Toronto bwned abouvt 83 par cent: By tieir suddien irruption they o! tie waterfront, wbicit extends were able te o-vepf!un aud surprise for 10 miles along tube mort h shoro ag rpîtuo !teFee of Lakte (5ntrib, but the gztest treops bille-ted beibind the front portionof't-is owimerNbip flyto thelime in tii area and to bring tome eastand eat-of he ay ; wiho! tbe, French gu ns, as weIl as oîr ,,Wendit*for t-wo and a- haslf -miies own,- under a bot rifle fire at close along tlie centre of. tube city, t-b. -range, haïrbor bcing p.rotected t roin tube -Our flank beimg tuhus exposed, watrs ! te liteby maura ~ tbe tr--cps were orde-red to retire prapers thewmed by eca nt ini -b e 1 . .--setop te aain- 'ortid t'lie snto e e ft-eaine- m lrt -be- trutb," ag-ed 'Utiof tIlsLSa-n t- ceate -n -jMrs. Moran. -*But Maggîe ain»Lt lustria- ittit. cntucin<i aine, ault--buugb -mna3ilie sllp a lit- Seawall a-long tbe waterfî-,ont. -Paçit- te t-ou asy di.wc<uraged. I-ve seer f1 tbe -barbor lu-r more t-han tirer î1liert-ryirn'.- Iast winter 1 says to e niles t ýpr-ateet-t- hp alà oî-e o! tIslier. Magei says, 'every iflt ind-tist-rial dstzlrict,-a-nd const rutijn ytifind iieuntbing t-do t-o helil min- of a. weawall alomg tuie %wePtern citytuber round t-le bouse, 1>-i- giî-e ye a front mure t--han four i-miles to pro- ceit- ' Tbat st-artrd ber bard at it-,. teet t-li-e western waterfront ant M-es. Regan, and 'tuwas a -foulltw" rest Prtee aewweeks before site got discou-,tiaged i i - APrtebedWacray a-md give it up." i oa eonneet tlbe iin-er barbor witb '"And fhow initci did she iinake ' Ite Hmber River-, wibiolb bouind-s asked Mrs. - Regan. , lie city on tube west. Tii. work .'Nime cents," said 3Irs. M1oi-an, h ),Iw i-el-uidest-be det-p-i-ngof t-ie "but I called it, a dime.b ti fl IC of 35 eet' T Ulieh@wýrd!- of tule cunsint'3 ief e-nýgineer, E. L. Cousins, "There wi11 lie Oný,Iy two conditiens in. Toronto'sliar- htyr, eit'he-r land. or deep- 1tater, io tuhat a vessed of ame drafCcan rafe- Iy entew tbelba.rbor, anohor in. any part of it or tie u tay( t w-harves. " upaan fts Toono wn.the isiandan S great prino it is used for pub- lic p&rk pttrpofes. The ýcfflmis- sioners have kept in view a city beautiful ak&nd Pl"n te o fltruct a boulev.d "divew&y m00 I.t widé m"io~ thseiintii,&waterlront >t he i3, 7L su fro mn the main- to Jèw ialn ndfrSumte lý1amn4 tote muLi.WIIafd e'an, ove r eiâbce to'thihm hrborfrom the lakje, MIS. bonlevaiwxl'be 13mie long and the. oity-parka departruantha. prepared plani to carry the bouile- 'Completell Around the City, ailor&nig s, drivteway along thie wet.rfrot and thro'uèLtAhe ravines 'waiiè h 1« ', ur6t fr401 Aniieeii-J'.- -ifol f h- a -.-m-tacetc lze.tiun icnewn? i - sa, -arecemu traveer lu Turkestan. nM Exploratio s show t-at- t-sm a, liveti sout-beast ef t-be Caspian Sea, - Boy hu1018-S (-n irfis. 'about 120 mil *es from t-be sea, wbo bat h-idi bu8es, deociat-eti pot- Adeaoi!o j uaolaui tsiy, con senient an ti ingeni us says: Ja c pme-s G uo uu, se etc n -e bhouaeho itiarticles, and, tom e tie ears old, bbs lcoucitedin um iitab animial&; t-ey i-ise 4i an ti grou ti orders tid gis-n a m ilitaiy M _ dZ . w le a, an ti c-e he i b r fo ed. un T ie" yýuth killedt wo G rm an senti- Bo fr aecaui e toi, tey bad n nels, biw up withb tue ad e bombas weap'nm ani l-ure lupeae wt-w io quie-frers efthVe eunemy, uwaa bei m neghbors-a trait that may c pu ec,-b t a oe-e d l e v p ~etaik. as e-vdetieitM eivi- &t 01Poui, m or Its absence, accoied ig t t e b Ji' re ctlce, urin g point .et visi. a un e rao k, 0%oa - A nother A troelty. u ia t o f le -a- S bopkeeper-Canidesare p la I< jGOUJeW o-oIl& cyha ev p r ie . to -d a y , G ctiw , M rs . (Y F J & n C - e o e h a i tt . m li a r --on ecou ttof -the ar. dty en a Itl*lo 1e, 1 ~Mrs, O'Fly un- O4ch 1 ]Bad cS to went te Part, wtse'o xi*goi a s-~ tuben Germait1I Why a' t-e o eptustei b.ue etf-Id» 01Ue net c- f g l x t in g b y d a y l h t u I- ti t i o l - Towil of bot.,which rithin au hour b i Crioe ieo e. Qbher Io! dui r.i e IEdnzuud Suffçik Côuà ty, whore it dr~pdb1~*aul et Buvyrat* il e: ARCHIVES 0F ONTAF 1 ,NEW GERIAM DMRI 4MOUNTED FORtE V;V 1. WilI'II3.4 INCH (.NS. -Krupp Enginers Design Wt'spon 'l'at Drops Bak Into Ilul Wliuu k the ('raft Is Suisierged. The aew Geî'm-an -submarines ib. lis anu-ouncet, are cýarryià 'g twn, rapidtiire gun. o! 3.4-incb cýaîvbre, wbicb are l-wresdwitbi- thbe' 11111 ofg te vessel.jst prior- t-ù su-o-iuugý iint-be natture o!' a droP ibacYk on a piv-oting arin, soinet-iig ýavr. thbe principbo cmployed fî i w('i- app)earing gîta in land f-,ti-i- t-ions. A. cour as the -guitis-ru" down luto t-eie pit in t-le u, swung b-oi, as it werc, a *',~- tight batch cu(:vpr is avl-dLr it ai-d t-be gun lis prutucted a-î but-eh' from c-intact witb Se. -wat- Tbegupit ca-t-i e ent-irud, it- is learnedt, froîn -wit-bin -the Ili a i tbe gîta cleaned at-c at-teïnded - to tube same as nte'>,n The pî-o-ding o!fsutkbrnarî,- n-uv Wii p.owers o! tiis --ne nf craft - n iy fold, and tue idea -of t-e sibmerg- e-d gûn i,3 credited t-,>tht-e ertgineers Wf tuhe K-rutp> wriks at E3seni. tt is kceeping wit thbe weli knowîî l-a8t- at Es-sen t-bat Kruîpp is ul-waYs ma:týi- - monuhs abead o! every-other'- giet- anaîke i.. - 0, . The Britishi Admiraity lias- hen plannin-g 12-pounder- guns-for t-ha- submarines, but these weapcns are- inucl ligbter than tlhe»Gerinan .9,'- incii peces. The1 latter g uns t.-ew - shela weighing about- tweiity-sve;î p o u n tis, w b cre a , t-be î 2 p î u 4 t-brow t-welve poîîad r1bi. 'l'iu range o! the 3.4-i-iv-h gstni i: tp- proximatel- tbree anid a hi.0i and 'thle projectiles ua-ecl j L 'h'u ordinary steel type and eaioa-' ,-e a- normai ranges, o! perel g. plate ùbree anti a ball binz' z hn In addition t-buse giîris.-. î;ul sbrapnei andi case -thu . Th o n el abeIl co n ta in s a o u Y u - '- Experiments lia-s-e -bEuj%- r with, 1-poutnder gu.ns fixed -on or- dinarv mouints on tbi deckr, if Soi>- -marines, and it -has bee-n f oli-un- z -r -the--ight pieces sîtffer no de tc-rj- .1- tien as t-be resîtît.o,! suhm1c-;g-g. Xo sueli atemptlas ber: in-iaé, ,bowever, t-> carry gpins as h a îr 3.4 calibre onfixE< et e-k îtuuisu >îjlbmtaiues. Tlhe afu-Ppiying (f gîtas of as lwuas-y -catibre as -3.4-inch Nwilb -iake h it c5-iel » ;fo sibmar-ines te hî - u t-li surface torpedo boat deitruy- ers-' Nowa-day-s t-e tendenc- sic -r give teo destroyers quns as beav,ý ac --inch. TIis is t-e Aiîc--icasî piactice, andi nearly al- t--e îew - American destroyers. curry.,-1-inich 50-calibre rapid fire gîtas. J1lrcc.L British itbot ilesticuvei-s for t--lin Chilien navy are providei 'wit-h aset 4 - i n cfl i g l în s , î î k n - e C i i s t l e stroyets tulteeira-est arnied de-- stroyers afloat t-c-dai. The English iu a !ew instances Jtave altted onie 4.7-incb gîta to a deâtruyer and ili addition a 'n iniber o !f 2 jî u d - g îns, bu t t-le g eileral t-tutti 'n y is to - p rwov id e, g tiîis 4of o n e ciiib - lire uglioet-t Againt- destroyeurs avimel witk 4-mit-ciigîtas t-ic. suitnari ne - belîi > help1Ae s's oiithtle stirface. AU ti is l ub-nged 1),-ie G rîaust-}irunîIgb -le isting o! 3.-t mne-b pieces, anti tlie ,iii)-tnni-iie it nîiittut ubh ovc- 1ukecI, lt-1-4z . à ih...ieni-ag t 1 1