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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 May 1915, p. 10

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,- "Whlicbs'as very Instructive. loctcor hopes le speak furtber on mbstgn aI the next meeting. aid ires. Kennedy,- ef Fort e, 'l.C., are ber. on a visit s'ith ad Mrs. Jas.- Boyce. Mr. Ken- sý lu very poor healtb. Willng. W -es S.Thomasl ù s'lll meef t' the' keoeftMrsà. ,Spencer on Thursday aflernoon -. Tonlinson, ot Toroatc.-bas mre- i te BrooklIn for the summer. aghter, Mrs. Jas. Cicyne, la g s'lth ber for a lime. Russell White, who bas been aI- g Guelph, Colieg 'e, ja home for îmmer vacation. Thcs, Coaks'ell, Mr.E. Tluk and LKetcen -W have ah recovered their receut accidents aud are :o be arouni again. *AC.Elliot sasw u nToronto 'eek attendlng the s'edding cf a Mmr. McGregor, of Regina, s'as a Mrs. S. E. GrIgg, cf Toronto, vislted ber father, Dr.. Starr, last week, pior 8 te ber leaviug for Detroit, s'bere the E farnily will resîde.b Mr. J. E. Disney bas had bis resi- I dence painted.a Mr. aud Mvs. Bur.cof Alberta, for- t znerly residents of-Myrtle, have been visiting s'ith Mm. Jas. Broad. . Mr. sud Mrs. W. M. Lawrence se'ev ln Toronto on Fnlday asot.0 Mr. H. Welbéukis, Veterinary Sur- J geon, bas opened an offIce lu the e-f perance House. Rev. Mr. Johuston, efthle Dominion Alliance, preached Meut lnterestlng and Instructive sermons la the Melh- odist ChurchI lu he morniug, and lu 1 thc Baptist Church ln the aftennoon a on Smnday last. Mfr. and Mm .Abert Chiiun, of To- ronto, spent, Sunday ln the village. Mr. Cbinn's mother 'retunned home s'lth lhern te'remain a week.t Mfr., Nicholson. our produce buyer,f -s'as, ujited ln marriage on Saturday( lasIte a Brockville young lady. . Mr.E and Mrs. Nicholson wiil resîde ln Dun- 1 bartou.t M&r.- Ruben H9rtop, of Oshas'a, s'as home over Sunday.1 Mn. Kelth La-wrence s'as lu Toronto1 on Tucsday on a business trip. Mr. aid Mrs. A. C. Elliott and Mr. - 'Chas. Elliott spent Smnday ln Wbitby. Mrs. Glbert sud Miss Moore, of To-1 mente, visitcd relatives in the village1 Ibis s'eek. 1- lu St.Thomas' ChuvchBrookl$n, Sun- day eveulug, May 16, aI 7 o'clock, ag memovial service te 1h. Canadians: wbe have fallen lu the s'ar. s'lll be1 Mr. Sornberger, cf the Standard1 B ank, la holldaylng at bis home lu Scagrave. Mr. -Cormack, eft1he Whttby Brancb, Is taklag bis place. lu the British Roll et Houer there ~~pavared cctly the name of Lieu- tenant 'lUnch, af tie Bedfordsifre Regiment. The father of Ibis Young -- fficer la a cousin te Mr. H. KNici, cf Brooklin, audIlike hlmn came te Loi- don, Englaud ln 1872, marnled an Englisbwolian,- aud, aised a .famlly of British bora oilîdren. oeeof s'hom lbasjust fallen ln defence et bIs fath- crsù adopted country. Mn. Kirci lu lbe first esideut lu Bvookflu te loue a relative: ilghtlng for tie Allies. The prize listuet the big Spring Fair te be beMd on May 24ti. are nos' ready. Tic 1151 shows that a splendid rang etfanimales-bas been provided for, and that, If aIl tic clauses are ex- bibited, the Pair s'lll be eue of the -blggest events that even took place lu Ibis section, Ia addition te tic exhib- Ils there s'ill be a fintelass program of' sports, - Including races, jumping, -etc.. and a football tournameut. lu tbe evening a patriotic concert s'111 be beld aIts'blci a splendid program wvllî be reudered. On lbe wbole May 241h promises to bc the day of a lite- lime.- Thc Women'u Inistitute s'ill bold tbelr animal meeting on -Tbursday, May 201h, la lb. Mascnic Hall, Brook- lin. As Ibis le au Important meeting ail members are urgeîtly requeuted te be bc present. Dr. James Moore will address lhe meetjng, aller the regu- lan- business, on Emergency- Treat- Ment. All ladies s'elcome. .The W.M.. f lb. Methodist Church May 25~, AJ.Lv nounced, don Convention a on the 17th.' y 0 fi ti m 0 1 9 IR ti il u MYRTLE. Mrs. Singer, et Oshawa, s'as the guest et ber aunt, Mra. C. Glover, last s'eek. l Mr. Robent Duf bas prcbased a fine MLaugin tourng car. Thisla. the third car liaI has corne inte Ibis viclîity luit recently. Wio wlvll be the nent te caut od Dobbiu aside for a apeeder but leas reltable mesîs of traveling? Tic stork, lu its migvator.y flight, pANTPAiNTI PAIN TIl Now 18 the ime la renew and 'protect your buildings. We have the right paint for ahy job you wanl. For covering capacity~ and, durability we have the best. Cali and gel our priées and estimates on any îhing you have to paint. Wa11 Laper Wait Piper 1Our stock ia complele and prices right. Sce aur samples and you will be convinced. Get aur coupons on Silver- ware Given Away AbsoIltely Pree. The famous Rogers' silver- ware, guaranteed for A.5 ys.1 Yours absolutely free. ]KINSALE. Rcv. E. W. TrInk officiated here last eunday,-dlrectlflg bis discoùrse t. the- Young people, It belng Decision Dayin .ur $. S. Mucii good abould resuit froni sucli meet1n5s. The rules cf the liethodiat Church, were aiso read. Mr. ThIùk bas Élven us* bis besl service for three yearo, and we understand be wlll be severiiig bis connectlon ii tli our circuit tbis Conference terniWc wlsh the best for bum., .1 1 The lecture and picture -display, gîven by Mr.Osbonl last Frîday even-- Ing, was thoroughly enjoyed, ,butlos'- Ing te the thircatening state'0f Ibe iveatber, the cro'd s'as, not. large., Rev.* Mvr 'fnk presldcd. H. McBnien's nes' auto seenisto do the trick. It certainly leave the horse and buggy la the shade. Mr. Crummer bas been vlsitung ln Llxbridge. The fanmersarae Jubilant over the beautlfml nain faîl a fes' days ago. Tic ma1 i an f rom Brooklhn nos' sports an auto, and consequently bis mail delivery is frein ts'o 10tb re bomns carîlen. We wonder If this de- partmre wlll be disagneeable te bis cIi stand-by of a horse, s'ho s'as ce fa.ith- fui. C. J.-Steveflson sold a valuabîe horse :0 MeMillan Brou., of Port Ferry#, for war purposes. We do not doubt ,ho secured a good vemuneratîve figure,. Harry Ducket vilted. Kunsale' friends last Sabbatb. R. W. Mowbvay contifiues 10 gros' weaker as the days go by, and -nos' Iles lu a very belplcas condition., Mumps have got la Borne vcry Irn- Partill sork among the young. using all very much alîke. The sldlng for stop- 27,- Khnsale, is nos' rcady for laying the steel. Soon Lt s'ill' b. completed. Election of ofilcers lI ,the S. . s'Uîj Lake place.sème evening ln thc near future. Mr. Redman s'il no doubt CccUPY the Position of superintend- eut and descrvingly se. H. bas donc he beat te advance the luilereuts cof the younl in our commualty .Jes' pedlarsseeni te be get,.ting 1more prevalent of late. smre thvee or four golng tivomgh s'eekly. Theirgeods, Mnay be cbeap, but compare tbem vitb good goods aid you wlll change your mind about price and posslbly about, quall'ty. Divine service s'as couducted ini the hall-last Sabbath, os'ing te tue tact tiat tie Sabbath Scho. was more partlcularly cousiderci. Mr. Gllroy, of Brookllu, bas becs, dolng Borne blâsting for Mfr. John Rodd, on lb. favi adjounuig the vil- lage. Thc reportses'ere scepronoufle- cd oie s'omld almoit tbusk 1he Ger- mais had corne to daim our 11111e, vil- lage. NOW 18 THE TIME TO GET. RID-QWr THESE UGLY SPOTS. Tbere's nllnger the sligbteut neci of feeling 'aïbamed of your frccklcs, as tue Dresîçvlption cthue,- double, strengtb-'- laguaranteei te remo#e thene iomely spots.- SiMPly gel an ounce cf othIne - double strength -from any drugglst, and apply a little of il nlght, and monnlng and you should soon se. that even the s'orst freckies have begun te disappear, s'hlle the lighter oues..lave vanisbed eullrely. Il Is seldomithat more Ihan an ounce la needed 10 cern- pletely clear the skln and gain a beau- tîful clear complexion. Be sure 10 aak for the double atrengli othine, as this la sold under guarantee of money back If il falsu 1 remove freckîes. meuced bere lu lhe Methodust Churci, led by Miss K. Morton, et Toronto, s'o luos'idely kiown ail oven Ibis Do- minion. Services cvery nigbt but Sal- urday, for tines'eeks, commeaciag aI 7.45 o'chock, s'ith a îively song service. At 8 o'clock regular meeting s'il be- gin. On Fniday eveaiag nent, May 141h, Miss Morton s'lhl peak on "Cboice," aud aise give an acocunt et ber caîl to thc cvaugellitl somk. On Sunday- services s'ilI be held by Miess Morton at 10.30 a. m. aid-7 p.m. Silver collection. Several from bere attcided thc I. 0. O. F. service lu Asiburnaon Suuday af- ternnon hast. Bora-To Mr. aid Mrs. Oscar Des'- uey, on Satmrday, May 8, 1915; a soi. Mnu. H. Bals'as in Toronto on l- day last. Messrs. F. Dicksoi aid AIt. LAng- fend netmmned home from lie Nerth- wst on Saturday last. Several girl& tu Ibis community aie taklng hessons lu favmiug, suci as 'IPloughing, etc. Il wouîd be a goed itye* l'O t. LOO Bièkbet... .......0.7510tO 0.10 'Biï'ékËhea* ..0760'to 0.80 Red'lve -9,00 to 9.50 AJlke clovCir, per bu'hel 8.00 to 9.00 ÀLU NDI FEED. Pluper ecwt _.$3.75 to, $4.@0 Chopped fced, «,ii . ..2,00 10 2.00 Corn11eal....... ..2.00 10 2.50 Brae, per ton :-.. .28.00 to 28,00 Shorts, per ton . .3 0to 30.00 2MEÂT, POULTRY AND PeODUCK. Beef, cwt., dressed . -.- 412-26 te $13-00 Cattie, live welght ..'7.50 10o 8.00 - Ljambaie, e 0.......... 50 -te M 113g9z dressed.....11.00 to- 12.21 Hegp, mélet.....8.25 te 8.0 Chiekens, per lb....018 W 0.20 Ducks, per lb ...... . ..- 0.18 tei-, .2 , Geeme, dresmcd, per lb.. 0:15 te .1 Turkeys, dremsedter lb. 0l20i te 0.2e Butteér, Der lb......033te 0135 299s, lbw', per, dozen ..0.198 10 0&20 IÀrd, per lb........ 0.18 t. 0.20 ,PotatosDer bag . 0.75 teo0.90 Ales, per barrl ..1.50 te 3.00 Onlons,,per bag..... .1.00 t. 1.25 Hay, per ton .... ..... 0061,00 RIDES. Wool, unahd......$0.14 t10-017 Caif akins, iper lb ...0.15 te 0.18ý Lamb akins, each..0.70 to 0.75 Hide,per cwt. .. ..13,00 te 12.00 Sheepskins .. . _0.75 10 1.15 Deacons ..... ..... ... 0.25. te 0170 Horse Hides .... .....250 te 3 .00' Tallow, rend, per lb.. 0.06 t*- 0.06 The services in Asbburn Presbyter- Ian. Church on Sunday atteriiofl, MaY 9tb, under the auspices of Beethoven Lodge, 165, 1I. O. O. p., were a gecine treat. Rev.> Mr. Johnstofl, who con- ducted tbem, la an Oddfellow of fl2nY years' standing. The brethren met la tb. hall and mardhed lni a bodY te the churcb. The space -rcserved was eni- tiroly lilede, miii Lb. large. congregi' tiontaxed the capaclty of the building. Mr. Johuston choie as bis ltext tIe Parable' cf the *Good Samaritan, Luùke' ,i0: É547. The lesson enphasÏisciwaM. lune-. Compassion, 61 lbe Oood Sania>r- itan," 'who, whea ho sas' the MDi i -need,: came tohis assistance. The neci., of humanity bas beca crealci by Go4 for the outflow o f sympathy and co-OP- cration and devclopmient; and, wherc- ever seen or met must be usci bY lhe real followers of Jesus. In -,ce ýdoing Io manlfcsted true :nelgbborligem The music by-the: maIe choir s'as splenidid. Mrs. R. Heron Presidcd ai 1Ihe organ with her nouai acceptanCe and abllity. A. fter retu rning te the -baIl, a very hearty vote of tbanks s'as p4ausd tl the Rev. Mr. Johnston for the Most ex- cellant sermon. Col. J. &. Farewell, K. C., of Whltby;, Mr. James, of C>sh- aa, aMi 1r. Holîiday, of Brooklia, spoke 4i ppreclative terns is the,,ser- trem daetue péU.llowms WaS tàties, romtheilloi awa, whitby, PortiFerr, Uxbridge, Brooklihi, andiClarasnoflt." Atbmafor a'jo ISte e eçooý-4tisse) 1 begas the su» et diPrult-a-thve".: These wosderfu tablIs liuaiieLIndigustion, and, amné solongerilaîtreasad wIL ha terribledAanaem Ast -ethmuks te 'luit.s-tvees" lhame weth 1UN& la gt n oi ite soyons afférisg as tcm, th il, ufarrero whicla I buelieidcauara~ by IndlgetioO'. ». a w iL or Couatlptlo, tsk zuta4v 6o00Baboz,6 fo$82.qtrial diu,25c0. At & ule rs eo ram Prult.s-tfre Limitai, Ottawda. deposl'da boy at Mv. Oscar Ds'ney %, home on Saturday, May 8. CoigraýtulW tion o. Miss L. EBarclay, of the Bell Tele- phpneé staff, Port Ferry, s'as lb gucat of Mrs., Robt. BrIttea on- Sunday..--- Oshaw'a,lveries -are very much i evdn~avoundour-rburq. Ourne o moadls are no -doubt the dras'ing cair. Mr. Elmer Glovr,yot Columbus, sports a âine nes' McL&u:ghlin buggy. Miss R. Asbton, of Ashburn, spent the s'eek end with ber aunt, Mrs. E. Mowles, JackProst retunned during 6te ar- lier part, of the s'cek wlth ffl force, and nipped the. early vegetables. Messrs Bert'and Lorng* DuEf met, s'lth an accident -on Saturday Ibatý mlght bave proved fatal, h94 .11 flot been for timely assistance s'blch vas rendered Iheni. As lhey ver. drlvhng Inte tbe village lhey met sa moter tvuckload of houseblieffecté, and, the horse became unniaageable, caus- Ing 1h. 1buggy te turil turle, lbtherse r eoogmre distance before Il vas caugbt. Tortunately tb.boys 'ecaeed s'asbaly dimaged. ,1tI tàaconsi- érable strainon the cquùeest'herse.,to meet a modern car, but wbcn they corne i contact vlth a "youug boUme' on s'beels, la Il any vonder they be- Mns. Baleman bas bad ber sal toM dos'n. s'bich adds rnucèh IDthe appearance of ber residence. No one can afford te miss: hearing Miss Morton, -sbo les holinhg. Ban-, gelisllc meetings In -the Methodiil Church cvery nlght for lhre weekm. A number from here attended the speclal service whlch s'as held In Ash- burn on Sunday aflernoon. Tent caterpillars are *gain makhng their annmal raids on the orchards. Oliver le talkIng of lnvesting Ia car, s'hich s'1ll be of grcat benefit te hlm on hlm long trips. MYRTLE STATION. FOR2 SALE Ts'o uolid brick bouses, semi-delached, contaiiig $11; lange roonis, Iirce-plce bath, open grate, eîectric ws'lng, and. large cellar, f uruacc, etc. On. six roorned solid brick bouse, detacied, containlig tirce- plece bath, turnace, electric'grate. etc. The above propemies a'tc nos' uer consruction, aud eaU be vieved qt muy lime. The speclficattiui for thèse propemîles caîl for firetul.3l5MDa-- letial aid s'orkMnuip throughoul. Infinite cme. fo sec Ibis camici ouI ls beiug t.akefl by the architect lu charge. - Theeprice for tle mcri-ietached bouses la $2.700 ech, s'ith a cash paymcnt -of ,500; balance arraugcd te suit purclaser. Price for the detaced bouse la $3,200, s'Iti a caih payinent O! FOR' REN T Suit teamoter, or manket gardmer: 1gSeves d rik bouse, nine acres .1 laid, about 80 apple trem, jusl bseguDlS te boat ,nice. si patch of raspberry ca, geci ba=, PigI9 etc. ReSI, $20 perar mnlb; pýoseuslosat Ose., For turtbar particulars et the &abIeapply 10o Phones:-BoU,- Ne.-188.; lin, No. 70. TOGmtor Canada Improvomne Land'00o. Umlted Rilardson & lm>chardsoll Bonl plWii. 198 SalesManagers lsd. phç!n70. 4eRd Io How Store lU. W. COLLINS 18 andSh oos Ail new spring gQods' of t the best makeral, Bell'.4, Siater' Regal, $4.0o and $5.00 boots c 200 pairs ladies' finepatent', ta julit'y t10be offered* at cut rate prices. 'Ail - press shoesg'at 'cul 'rate prices.- oo and $4.oo d gun metal leather button and lace boots, 5" ',65 tOReg&2.6 so.cial Int ladies' and Misses, bor, shoes an'd alipers,'ail good grades, price $a.oop $2.5o, and %3 00, reduced tb 8g cents. W. E. r p#iea 'you travel? DIRECT or,'&ROUNDBOUT?" through _ to-save dîne and money?ý Or would, you buy aeticket to Detroit, anotherý_ fromi Detroit -ta Chatham, and then a third from Chatham to Toronto-paylng extra on every stop? -When ynu buy PAGE FENCE DIRECT-FREIGHT PAID-your meney travels DIRECT- goes farthe 1r - buys BE TTER Fence at LOWEST cost.- You cul out aIl the -"local " stops-Sales-monatzer, Organizer aid Dealer. lnstead .1 PaYing 25% te 5o% for "s9elling-expenie ",'ycu put ALL the moncy inte PENCE.! Buying through the "meidlemen" ise like taking>the 11zoundaboutl' reute. Every stop adds-to te PRICE of your fence-but not one bit to Uic QUAL[TY. - * THEE PRICES OOOD TO JULY lot,,l191. other fepce at P AG E or less tban PAGE prices ". ~ IT -rLbmomReATHIS:EN!S "8.lineur 1911iiu a b. tale.. oi i ofuait or tdded .'nlo jWci, ]Deal DI5ECT WiLh PA- GE-and eut out the "uaiddlauîsu's" sxpsume. tlet AIL uFONCE for your money -th -brio fixer at tbe ou'ît colt. Mait r>omp ad.er tathe ,'jar- h.p PAGE Bra,,oh. Encios, cash, echq..i, my or oxorest oWir, ator kank drafi. Gel immidiate si0menti -/rzigk _Iwid o foor ove,'. Write te PAGE Generai Mercha'niiseCataicg. -PAýGE- WJRE 6 40 22 64Zudv' 7 40 22 àb4j. , 7 48 22 5, 6>,' ,ia.'9 ,.10 8 42 22 6 6, 6, 6, . ....... a 42 166, 66 6,6,6,6 8 47 22 4, 5: 5 l71 8 , 9, .0 5 47 6 4. 5, shl.78, , 9 ... S48 2 6, 6.6.6,6, 66.6. ........ de4 16 6,6,6,6 6,6,6,6..... 9 52 22"4 4, 'i, sh, 7,3et,9, g.... a 52 1~4,4, 5 5367,5a.9 9 le '82 16 3 3 ,34,53.4, 7 i 55 161 543jM,,3, New Omisie Prcmsou lequeL 'A UL FULL N.o set*toc 25 Ibo. ON ORDUis OR OVEA FENCE C05, Ltd. -ýio Ct r Hfandy lHelps.fo spi'and Sian Renie tus spring. Thus the bcdroooe, ymioe S dling -droom wmil to b. ze-e4isbcd. There are Flom ors e b.psited4, hê ymi-ishd or wuxed TherVs tduOq Ch- or Lunlm tbe ma Spu gd1qsn. Therc's theFuraitr. sd Woodwwte b. brightened., Here are'di Spic ADSPM tor tlus work s/ i ,EU-WFia Tinte for dsuwa1w iweom ucw v smi prfndy madd.d wlth duenloi wh.u you U» MW$ or Î%ai o( m. nos',1 iljJeB i.arLu St., or .At residence, I Sheds at ~station. Marrial I oue fId Nqo Witncssesi Théaolt 4Rentai Bell Pl Propert) Heuse and about some fruit trees Pr, a propemty te mdll, JCOHN PIS Countny Reai estal Lumsdem 6 Adelal TOR( BROOK a Ail kinds of s rigs fer hire. trains and bi florses bon8 Commission. sutnd drive tearns fer si hay and striý delivemed. For pricai Soffice or al~ h> £aaq ~giV~Ur ~ un TORONTO Th'Is. sale, to last 10 days only Many, Specla011ailmae this week. LAWRENCE - - ontarlol . 1 TO rati Imt"u- irai e theÇL6 "ki esly saer mie Mmd ria itl and haalthy bt demndat. uoey daY itfe aMc4 utailiving qulcly ap9i their tubena&i beauty. 8 neee, m7la biscire Iat 8n o m cas af"Moto me it T.lhe oif OMIZI04l vda = mcmlstaMOi ailntoeatingIntcrmuatlcm on o io mme fSLt mcom r-plexion la mua a yibat lIa beauty &Bd rbaen wlflbe ?rere& ort mnemr. It ot masage.- n'e constant use eofcern = modptq-xtdo, aah as Nya lacea th knreamliy ean sud healthy.'ý a nourimblng oygenated, gremi akin-food whlcb leaves no ahinel Oct a So jr m uv u b it entlyite du B ki.S bow qulickly fl in abaorbed, leaving te akin plessantly retrcmh0à and délicatelyfragrmnt. - 212M AUil Nymiprepaations are juatly tMin- ons, ain one Mmosthon NyaVlaceN Cram, s'hlch s'a ubeaitatingly recomg- meii. Ccii ot talep eue us for yoar t e b hchcontalpi gàa T. O. Whitfiold, Orugglst, Whtby, Ont. MVRTLE LIVERY First Clnss PRigs for hire. Special attention given to commercial travelefs. Bus meets ail trains. THOS. SMITH. Prop. Reg'ular =iii 11-1 ý M4 rt4 ý-.

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