JId WILLIAM, SMITH AGAIN -CHILDREN' AID SOCIETY, Sêê fis IswNAMED FOR Se-ONT ARJO BAC NWIB At Large. and Enibuasiastic Coove ntiono Last Saturday. Mr. J. J.'- KelsoGVsIialtdAdes NO Convention of the Liboral-Con- Mr. Whi te thon proceeded to a ro- -A comnUfee f rtby cItizen.,ý to at an y -rn t tepronh seratve e Sut Ona.ioha benview. Of publie affaire. ThIe Naval 1Aid vork as 'uiiff fteCoit h ld e tgro, tgh - mre oprsonati e donthusiatio, Bill -corne ln for a gooa deal Of dis- Children's Aid, Society, ras orga iz "In Ontarie the iaws conce- fgte W-Ithin recent years at-least,,than that cutsio., Ho explained that the Gov- on PrIday evéning pft. lat Weeo. The aee eîet< n epnetcu W. E. VANSTONE hoid,,on SaturdaY, iMay Sth, -ln the Mu. ernment had nmade their proposai on ofcrcpone er sfle, rare O f tne t ii teerld. Eache sic hity~,Ote apossible the advice of the British Admiralty, Hnfrsdn-~ .E aeeî eny iOntlnh. a oCiet for for prices on 111 kin d of 0Coal. total- 0f 265 Idelegate,credentiale for- and that It wa. to meet anemeny NoPres-Ident- E 1J.. Wil .r-e. on nOtherio0f hiirn any -281 were presented to the .Credential 8uçh -a. has now materialized htergenceyar féhlre.Maypepe * ~Cornmittee, Messre. W., L., Parish, Port the Bill was designed, only to be kIlld Vmen.-Prosidet Telclceg.tikto a ring up.. their e wn Put in your PèrrY; J. P. :Owens, Oshawa; and A. by the Liberals and a hostile Senatee. H e.-children a. they please. But thîs l18 y T. Lawler, Whftby. In addition te The TrffléontinentaI Railway was STreayPR.A eo tg.Cilrnrenttd thebnet se. wChiadren areisentitldo cor. Wilithese theryo ere a largo number of aIee discussed, partioularly as regards oa.PacsWtkingshaw. tain Drivilege anan vnaeýsc Whmter Svz' prsentwho were fot the financial ideo f the dea. I a eiedt' PIt u xc-asfocOhng, education,, anitary wie heo but wr greatly Interested Mr. White showed how the- Départ. tive committeeo0f foutrmon and four conditions, moral, environment, etc., lir-te prceedngsment et Agriculture had instftutod women te asuiet the Offilcers in the andUliless Parents prevîde these, the. Orders may be fOn .'. . the platform> with President E. spocial werk ln connection with the werk; the cheesing, 0! the cOmrnittee QeýVOrMmiet bas the rlght'to stop,.In eýl't t F-ýJ H.Purdy, ef Port Perry, and Secre. encouragement and- direction of lîvo being left with the Ã"mors..' and gsethatthey are previded. Jones' arnese @hop, Dundas 1,trY J. J. Moore, ef Breokîin, woro: stock breeding, and'-the dissémination Mr. J. J3. Kelo. Slperintendent of Pc onyScit uthv or a Mr Vanton 'W£. Smith, M. P., '.Chas. Calder, M;.lef valualeoInformation regarding the 1Neglected and bDopendont'Children for rs o uns o cietyormaet tevrépe 8t. P, m.Ro!,Arthur Johnston, Dr.1 agricultural probleme of the fermer. the Province, w WU reeent, gave sent it, and it le désirable that there É esidenco, Kent St. C. P. McGtIlivray,1 Dr. T. B. Kaiser, Hoe aid that had, It not beon fer -cer: Ja mont IntèestIng addeeos upen the ehal W auxiarycmîtesneer F..L. Maseon, Peter -Christie, ex.M.P., tain geographical conditions, It weuld work ln which he ilollgaied on 5 ht hôniteeuny shah 81heds at u>-town 0. T. R. D. A. J. Swanson, J. H., Downey, FP. have been the Hon.,Wrn. Smith, Min-J. Klesi h hlrnsAid be Irei! leekod after. Children are' W. Cewan,.J. L. Smith, Peter White, Inter of Agricultue, nstead et the SocletY had stood the test et time. in, créatures ef environnient. .It ilaîrn station.- and otheie. Hon. Martin Bué~w-- Ontario theSocietY-?ha# been In oper- Portant that the envlronment ofch In cage ef a posfible vote, scrutin. Hoaleo explained the Highways lm- ation fer twentyitwoeard1,00 rn'al oge. htee il- a eers were appol.ntod: Messrs. Dob> Provoment Bill, outtined by the Gov- children had been careTd for by the familY ln the community, rdcn son, McFaddena ad-Brown. ornment; > jProvince lIn* that Urne. It ýpays t-a mmrapuvremnt uc aily M.Purdy exptained that the pur- Ia- hie réference We the gratinves.. help the children. Niarty aIl the'chil. should be w .IPed eut'for the protection Clio OSO et the meeting, was te nome a tigations carried on at, Ottawa,'Mr. dren, that have palilfi through the Se. 0f the e mnunitY. The Children's Aid candidate te ropresent tho Conserva. White said that the Goverament had clety'ohbande are dolng wetl. VerY, SeciétY la doing * this hn Ontari o- phonse 1669 whfttyomn t@ ive PartyAnlu eth Ontario, in tho boon calod upen to de go flueh 1In suci fefw chldren are remit> bad,. - W r a.TeScet ae hlrnfom event t an election, which, however, a short tUme, that It wa. Impossible apt te exaigerate the faults o-ci4 bad homes and Put. thom Into goed was by ne menus a certainty. Nemi- te prevent some et thie wrengdoing. heoa. 'Sometimes -c hild Irbewtt! homes.'The resuIteef this work have nation. were caiied fer. same to ho lu Ta thîs >.onnection -he read a. letter not do weHln t one Montfe or-under cor- lieon m gratifYIng. In thug be-e writng,:-wth he esut tat ve from Roy Bright, a young mon Irei- tain conditions, wilt do e r!! n a. ting the eilidren, thé 8,ociety le ben- names WerM ptaced . I nomination, 1knewn1lati district, now with -the other home. We ,shôuld net attrîbute elittng the whole commýunîîy. Many Ltoennamely: F. LU Mazon, Oshawa, "D1r. Canadians lu the tronches, la Whhthe ordJnAry faultB Of eidren te bad. PersOlle are lu asytuma ody oas arriage SS. bb, TewIet Pickering;, John Nesbitt, Pick. te young man su1d that-sorno,at toast'noes.. 50111e chldrmthave flot suffi. thvigbenngetdau chldhoo é. . LYIN ein; -. . nlia, hubyan e te oos upplled the fandan etent lfil tiatire or -rlslnallty te be A4 neglocted chitd otten becomee tee- TeseretMarigeI~cenes* ~n~mtJ, olumnbus. Several ýnom- soldifer reé g ood. > tc~ owaamu schiev'p or "b40" as it le some- hieminded, Coerer drugstore,' made, each mtntia ,am eewaIng a pair of thomà t, the time h.Unsele. 'lown v ossitoutr mae ahrending .belag greoted bywrote. *~Mu opeaentbilapt.7iuét reznarkewhcteabvusmrl Wln ss s re u re . - hth .Aftter meco rnIng pe ce, C na a ill ordinary m o ta oi fil ig 'a ' h umble i m p rfect synopsis, about iftY ic. - -PXKERTN MN 110 OVR HEhave a place lu the 'Coxunils oet the ,place. RHOor- she W44 fille a; humble tures Were thrown upen-a shoot by Il. r~str Gada lpVoV,é,i Pro TRACES., iEpr.Whoe>do you.,,*ant te reprýe--niche-. crodltably l- l t othY eOfMr. -E.. CQ Hall, agent ef tho County lm erdingrtheanadctlen, the ra- esnt Yonthore?, . ho nègked. Surety the respect a. those in htgh Place, and Po- Society.AsteePpadM.K- ng te éectinedhefors1entman IWho ha. led thé Gevernent'la sition. A hs perd i.Kl L a d o o'$ L l 't " a l e f r' à t a ds e~8 b r ie fly te td th e s te r y f e a c h c a s e . I.udOs, Imhdstndngvote,.vf the Con. thlà te meetonglea. - - *Z The wards et the Province are-weiroî The transformnation offocted ln maay Ronil ats Deater, Etateo Manà god vention, Pledging support' te the an- Mr. White cenctude4. hie addrese Iooked 'atter. At thi time of year children apeared almeet miraculous, Bot oletd FntLon ingd iAt ethe d, weer o egh - with a 'review of the h istory et the visitors are eut al ever the Province but Mr. Kelso asured hie hearers that, Properties bought aud, sold. Ihedigtes rose, wth the ex. tIre poîlticat tenders, and urgod those loektug up the eobildren lu tester It was Ironderful what an effeet ctean- Fer terms apply Head Office', Brook& ception of a couple et detegates troni resent te pln their faith te Sir Robt.hoead ndgeuho teyrelns.nddctcehighd po Bell hono 93. d. Phon 70 hvtig0fPceng Borden, the- m'an' upon whom the pre- gettlng ntong. AnY' complainte are eidren. SlsMages Secretary Moore said that ho hait sent burden et respoasibîîîity resté. Iuqulrod Into, ond-new homes Ob. At the concluston et the picturee, a Sales anîgorsobserved that these delegates had net Thie meeting 'concluded -with three tained for_. these whom It [sn deemedhatveo tthnswsedrd RIC AED OU £ R CU RN O I, W hlby vI on- o h oi f ot, on a. ed th a t eY ch eers f r th e K in g, th re 'for W illiam ex p ed i en e c a g . A ch ld m ay M . K el o for is n terestin g an d n - ___________________________give gond and suificleat. reaOens3 for Smith, and three more for Mv, White. We returned te thecire et the, Society srcieades - their cOnduct,, or else withdrnw trom srcieades Wl.COUORT,- Plastoror ix metng J S'N. Piaip l o O C. seIro eiodtaceehatn ' IyiuImems flvesTOMIT-support WM m.!Ith, the t 4 ogv sià e nalPrésent member,. If ho wore At - the Mthedtst Tabernacle ýSun- ri1ng, Latlxlng, ee ~1 rm, Pole, .-- ~~"y-'~ z.u~w~ UCEDN R .--HR day eM4oo1, the entire service vas de. .1tegio sîmte o it'rteP cr ed peoaté . - Y ýËW ' EGE UI o eMothers Day. The reom vas Write or tere, rafi ~ #qw ON fter hlding'tho i faetPini iWth 5chelars- and friende, and, FRIED W. MeBRIE:N" Carpeuter, Blilder -and Contractor Plans drawn and estirnates furnished. Repairs, Alterations and jobblng. URONLI, - ONTARIO0 Agents Wanted We wM~t a land agent who ha. a good knowledge-of value of country properties in thls locality. If you wish te Increase your icorne write JOHN FISHER &eo Country -Real estate and Farm Brokern Lumsden Building 8 Âdelaide St. Eat TORONTO LIVER!, SALE 'AND BROCK &T., WHITBY ~&lkinds of ingle and douible ri go for hire. Bus to ail the trains andbaggage transfer. li orsieiibought and sold on com misuion. Seme' good sound drivers and. beavy tomme for sali ; aise bled haynand etnaIr in any qumnity delivered.' For prices,, etc., apply at office or phono 89, 14 or 74., Stable. and Office:- p's....gin TrH EATIR E IE 0F PEOOIAMME m NIglL v0' harts le f. a& - maauger dO ~~ Conservatîve m neteva , arrangements tip 1O e e n ver -would t e peulaj.ýoethfie léague. do uýIYM nig else, but that h ,* ~ r s fo u h t n ar > e ~ t Pick& erghd-foheon squarelyOe Youug mon bail slguitled th.-r d t-ae.and he oOutld net stand fer un- si1re te Play baseballtu the league by tai- play. s.tlgulug their names. This opened up Mr. Purdy. said that fixe matter'vo- ixe question ef starfiug six teanisin ferred ta had net been ln Mr. Smltb'e the lenguge, but fixe POSIilit>' Af soe bauds, The Executîve Commlffoo TAlayevs dropptug eut, and fthe need of vould miake a report, aind Mv. Smith a number et reserves oq encix team woutd abide by that recommendatien J led the exécutive te adixere tae ie r- Colderable oljecttou was still rate- laInai proffsitleu fer four teame., ed, but ftnally Dr-. Shirley consentod i It was decided that tue Jeague vIll tpledge hie support ou condition that coPen on 'rbursday, May 2fâ, but'the the candidate would acf upon the Cern- eciedule of games was Ieft until a mittee's report. In erder tant there later meeting this week. Full an- mnight ho -ne toepheleu, anethor 'neuncernent will be made next week. standing vote 'ias called for, when Rules ef the longue ave yet te he every delegate i-eupouded, mnkîng the fovnzplated dcfiultely, but a!! these ai-- voe unanimous. rangements witI ho comploted before CHOICE UNANIMOUS FOR WM -teopenlug, SMTT. - - -The toame were chouen witb a view, SMIT-1.tearnaktng them aseovenly niafched as' 'rhe names et DrTowîe and Mr. Nos- Possible, and yot greup the players oc bîft were witbdrawu, fellewîng whicb that n maximum etfx-lvlry would vo- Mr-. J. B. Laldlaw epeke biiefly, ex. eult. if auy persans have pressing hie confidence lu the prseonf been eomîtted, or If etîli others wlsh member, and askiug te ho nllowed te te play, their names eheuld ho handed withdi-aw lu favor of Mn. Smitb. lu at once teauy oethfie managers, and P. L. Mason, ef Ouhawa, ateo wifb- they wlll bo assigued to a toam by 'the dvew and moved, oconded b>' Mv. oxecutive, Laidlaw, thaf the candidacy be offered The tennis are f0 ho as feltows: te Mv. Smitb by fixe unanirnous choie A.-A. Butler (manager), G. Brown, of the Convention, This motion Iras Gimbîett, Thorudyke, Walter Smith-, carrlod witt groat gueto. -McLeod, Harlock, WIllte, Fi-y, -Me- -Mr. Smith thoreupon was called' te Donald, Southwetl, John Plu'dai-, ipoak. Ho said that If Wa. nef defi- Vie. Pindar, S. Watson, W. Watson, J. ntely certain that n generat electuon Waftson, H. Watson, Convoi! and A. lveutd cerne, but If Iras Irise f0 ho pro- Goldriug. pared. Ho cousidered If wouîd bW ln B.-J. S. Lifftle (manager), R. B. the public lutereet, but theve w*ere aIse Colline, W. Bai-feu, C. Rice, A. Mowat, objections, aud thxe Goveî-nment was Roy Smith, MeDeïmott, Wavd, S. Cet- not yet lun a position te make an an- fey, ]King, W. -johueton, Joues, Altie nouucernent. t Gates, Young, J. Gaies, Mateey. Mr. Smith salA txa.t fixereclprocity 0.--F. Mathison, (manager), Blan- question Ie nef dend yet, and that fixe chard,, D. MoIrat, Pellow, Meazies, M. LIherals are sure te revive it. ]Kerr, Meeker, W. MeCulleugix, Auguet- Ho made n leugthy refonence teafthe Iun, Cliue, Neill, Nicholson, Brookes, ession of Partiameuf la Whiîh fixeI Stace>', Ruttan, Terne, S. Wilkinson; Naval Bil1 vas deait with' *He- 1de- I .Di--F. Mclntyrre <manager), F. RIcE, ende4 and oxplaiued the Pnoposal Pof'[ay, -Geo. Rice, J. Couuoru,-Doen, C. Mr. Bondon, and saîd tat 'tho Litiir- Sarfn,, W. Fatlou, L. Cormack, W. 'Ie "ixad detroyed more dreadnaugixts Brown, à . Watker, J. MoCultougli, Art. than fixe Germaus" -(cixeers).- Gae, Geo. 'OConnor, Glenn, MacCarl. ance, and was slnd that be vas te havi fthe sellA support oethfie pà rty la fixe ridIng. He nccopted fixe nomina- tion Iritix iearfy thauki, and asked that unstinted, tîreless efforts ho put forth lu support ofthfie Goverament In Southx Ontario. Mesers. Chas. Calder and Dr. T. E. Kaiser oacix spoke briefi>'. A REVIErW 0FpAFAIRS. The speaker efthfie day was Mv. Peter White, et Pombroke, a promîn- ont woerlunfixe Conservaf ivo ranki, snd n man kuowu ail over fixe Domin- Ion fer bis connoction Iritix live stock breedlng. - Mn White w4a ln- troduced by tixe chaîrman as 4the 1-il ilustrieus son of on Illusfrleus fafixer,"f Re Io a poverful plafform eraforj, th=n vixon a btter ha. seldem, If -over, been heard lu Whifby. linfr White opened his remavixe ly paying a greaf tribute te hie fIMend, Wm. Smith, wltix wiom. hh aibeax vorking af varleus finies for Yoar, ~exeplalned tixaf loverai circumofan- eqmlght bave, made if reaoonabte:for Mv., Butta teidolne fthe onai, akng. that a younger moan h, amd but thaf ho vas'nof a -man vixo gives up assît>, snd fixat hi.flghifng -qual. Ities maie hlm lsayi&lathie game. The speker Ifrs f l iwth fthe auestimon"Wby fixere, siouli ho au eloctbon .4 0 HoEésafi taI ft asnef sure. à >' t fiaIfie.veub b. one, but If su&ixa 1ours ver.deeieupon, fixera@'Wù leu oul>' oua xplaain "Tixe Liberalsbigak ie(oeu met toîtIV WATErR MAIN EDXTE;NSIoON The Wafer. and Llght Commission bas antixorized fixe Iaying of a four inch Inter main- on -Walnut streef, troni Centre te Euciid if Mv. Cenlin's Corner, This Irifix fie extension on Euclid ufreof fromfixesaie corner nortix te Chestnuf ustreot, and on -Plue twe ixundl-ed foot norfix froni Mary te nu Irrigation dovelepment Mn. J. B. Laidtlaw IS maklng on fixe euot d1de eo- thxe latter street, viii aggregate a car tond et this size ef main. The two lat- ter extelielous vero autixovized seme finie ago. 'rie Tlxrendgold Brou. are building a nov bouse ou Walnuu St., anA R.* J.. n4erwood Io efavtiug ai second nov bouse lunfixe sanie bloctx extensions and alue providing botter lire profeton luntixat vegien treni the ceupiing up ef twe presenti>' doad onde »ptit Charcixes viiib. bal thée ciUrci-at Wiitovale on Tm Ai Welneslay, l ume8 and9, a. A. Geelello w, Moderator e* Amsolsflon for 19150 wu la 8 vile on Monftny atternoon me wifh otiier mambeofethfixerQ committee, Thxe program- as, om promim s fo laya eof.preltable1 Ie L n lls'oi e0' () 1aV'?1-on tering, eccnJperspll Ià ras le les' Colege-4r 1e h a whi1teromp or oermut ir te Co ege Board, t . effot a i ?i&o resa t >the close et thepree >Iûl. Rev. 1l ed ad mont Itr..t*g ser L. arew e1tý A, b , h a k SPPOI n e M ay et th e classé es ý r pvqi Y.Principal f0 fin the vac ntix' , Rev. . by a schetlar Who gave a'reaiu e- Farewell a. been for the ast six lothers -sang; ee clas prvide ý, yars Field Secretary of the- Methdist chorus;. the -LâM4en' Bible Clan- P, Sundy Shool ýnd Epwortf League trbuted a duét b>' Mrs. -, Jackon n Departient. Miss C. Powell, and Mr B. E. iý e Athougix reinquihing is duties at gave aýbre tatnk on behaf of. of the College, Dr. Hr- will rmain a Me'e Bible Cla. Inl additio -. ,-esidet et Witby, and wilt occupy Majory Rsa sang a Iol-Al bis esidece, on Dunda. Street East. Irthut exception, , te. serectfons Onta i-Lad ic' Co lege Irth ut Dr. t e d e ' Iitix m oth r; som e w ord of Haro wilt We a very dîfferent ptace Iu preciation for ber uueelfieh auddun emany ways te those wo have lved Ing careofe her cildren, nome eue( for yenru ln close tucb with the Col- agement for er, and admonition tge , Dr. Ha e bas d v ted fis e o those w o ave n m ther te lt energies and unttnng service to- the kow that elle la lved for erc advacement--et the Interets of the sake nd for what ee bus doe. Cllege, and the present ' hlgh reputa. Ias-tie ddère, a. expressed by tion If oJoye le- In large m asure due superintedent, that th e choare to ie Irrk. the adulte, te, m ght be led to thi r Itle ithgenui1ne regret that Dr. more of their mother, and thai Hut, 1wtbi migbt beceme a. natural a. brentht Haro departure frem the Collego le tbat al ebould recognize the debi anuounced, but hie continuance au a gratitude that ebould ho repnld resident Iu Whttby us a redeemîng ton- mother wbile shle on stili appreci turc. No doubt the College. staff wl I The wbete service wa. me.t: aise ho plea.ed Iu tlile respect, t bat l g t u , a d m e a e d e l Dr. Haro wilt alwnye bc close at baud pre ud ue have mideepalyt tu lend the welght of his experience toe ftee ld mids, . I when requined. Mr. L. P. Richardson made a ni In Mv. Fa-rewell the College Board capable chairman. b a . se c u rod a m a n W h o la w e l l tte d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for the task before hlm. Whtby ctizens wUll oin Iu biddng CONCERT. hm welcome. Ou Monda>, May 7th, at 8.15 eboi a concert wilîl - be given la St.à dvews Churci b>' the choir, assist byeher-.local talent, 'rhe followil Mother Remembered. b o Tw ubr bytechoir, ag MOTHERS' DAY HONORED IN THE cal solos by Mrs, Jackon, Miseso -TABERNACLE 8. SCHOOL. Barn, L. Evans, M. Rose, E. De Mre. Rowe, Messrs. Heekîn, Row Sunday, May 9th), wns "Mothere' Thémas, Hiodgeu; roadinge, Mises I Day," celebvated the Wovtd over lu Cormîcix and Dr. ]Ba.com; con, commemoratîen. ýôf -tue, avent debt solo, Mr. Evans; organsoMv mou and. womën, OWO te 'a mOther. A Nicholson.soMr1 [rbite Iliever wIrr In tixe buttoubole A hearty invitation lis extended or lu some prominent Place Iras'the the public. A ivèr colte<ton_ll mark ef trtihute te mother woru by takon at tue doore. PRINGLE0 ARDAR SAVINGS FoRt FRIDAY AID SATURDAy ON HÉAMMOCES - CREEN DOOÙS AHN RgulSr 3.76fr825 for $2.0 Regulir 3.50 fr2,Rglr2.0fr17 E.ua275for 2.7" g r1.75 for 1.50 Reg. $10,0 or0 85 .Roglar .75fr 2.0 Rgulîr 1.50 for 1.25 oua-q Regular 2.25 for 1.75 Re; 5fr .0750,.for, .0 eular, 1.75 for 1.45 galar 12 o -0 1.00 AO;for -850 Regular. .0.4r6( New Pari ocflou- See ourebtves and get- our prices before you -buy. W.M.PRI N'IGLE Imm.' 'WEEK RDSTR NW 100Packages Dyes,-,veg, 10fO5. 'Liquild Veneer, aeg. 2Z~ for î8c O.ýone, regular $1- o7c Liquid Veneer, reg, Soc * for 15C Can, 0. Wax, fer tnundnyo,70 W .&* R Butter C o r 5, 190regular 5c for oc -P ù ' i l W & B u t r C e re g ,.1 5 C I- 1 2 C P u re P o w d t r B o ra x , re g. 1 5 , o - ikPu, reg- Soc, for 350C ai B1tisr g. 50 for 0 Dodd's Kidney Pilla, ircg. , 30 air Busiep e-g. 5c er 750 CagrsPis, reg. 25C fer 200 - giBÈrush--, reg., S.9 o Eclectrlc 011, reg# 25C for 20C Atemizer, 70,$1,01.25 Emulsiaon Ced Liver Oit, !lot Water Betties, extra $1.5 0 reg. Si for 65c Fo0untalu Syringes, $.2 Emuluien Ced Liver Oilj, Garden Seede, Se~ and i oc reg-.SOC., 35C Flower Sedas, Sc sud*xoc - Moi-b Cure, regular 25c for i Sc Razors, 1-25, 1,5e; $1- 75 Water GIass-the Only reliable Egg Preservatie. -regular 15c. tini for Toc, 3 for 25c, on Friday and Saturday, May 14th and s 5th., Ou r Druga and Medicines are -the Finest Quality. MWEDICAL. HALL, Brocc STOWPTB Boding- -ants- '4 111e I We have. in stock ail kinds of - Floer r, VeCble PIEt, ANYTHNG CêhLgeN , WEtc.A OR CAN GET. Jno. E~. WATERHOUSE WFHI ITB Y de< dm- The Gra ndge-Farm Whltby, Ontarlo .- FOR SALE-NOW -2,000o plante, comprising Tomatoes Lng (Jabbage, Celery, Peppers,, and Egg Plants. ls# LATEIU-Cauliflower, Brussels Sprouts, etc. ~E. Flowers in Variety. ell, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. get A rders prornptly atne to. Toleph-one- 127. ate R.l Your There is nothing more tasty for your Breakfast than- We have extra choice, MiId Cured- Harns, any size, * and cut any way you want them. Also a fui! uine of Breakfast and Bacfr Ba-con, the -Famous Rose Brpand. Lu/Ta LA WLER WHITBV,-ONT@ Phones -Bell, No. 47; JndePendentNo. 47 RCHIVES ,0F Qt d ti --i --j -j 4 ............. ............... l' 1 Phone 11 Prompt Delivriry, Je Ee 7 WILLIS DRUICIST and ., OPTICIAN Your -Breakfast