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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 May 1915, p. 2

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the pis»- oh& la ro wnter to spirimg Thesë' prove thst the. long indoor iifs of winter fias haýd its effect upon the blood, -and thatt a,_tonic medi- cie là ueedied te put it right. In- deed tiera arée'few peopdle -ire do net 4 need ,a toie et tissewa.. Bad' blood does not merely «,how iteelf in disfigurin -éruptions. -TO this saine Condition ia due ttaWks -of rheumati«m and lumnbago;- the isharp sta.bbing paine ýof scatica and neuralgia; pc>cr appetàt a and a desaire te avoid exaetioù. You çauuet cure thes troubles by thie use of purgative .m"dcie--you ueed a, ton-e,. and a, tonie only-and eug a&1l mediclimes theure iu none cnequai Dr. Williams' Pink Pille for 'their tonie, lifetgvig nerve- tibis ruedicine*make. ,ew, rieli blod-whicb drives eut impurities, stiTuulates .every ergana and brings a feeling of new health and energy te weak, tire,ailing men, women and ci-idren. ,If yeu; are' out of uc>rvs, give this l'medicine a, trial and use hou' quickly it will restoeathe a.ppe.tite, revive dreoping spirits, aud fill yeur veiue with riaw, hesith-givLng blood. Yeu eau'-geL Vices Pille f rom any suedicina deaàI;,r or by mail at 50 cents a box or six -boxes for 82.50 f rom Thre Dr. WiIlianis' Medicine Lùo., Brocirvilile, Ont. "81.N1< EVERYTIN.". IVilhelus IL. N 'w' à. I CRIMES 0f C UNNINGLY- Mýurder by Post Tu iris dark minions undersea J Diabelici Flasired the I-xliperiai decres: 8ink verytiing! Adiabolicai G Spare naughti. Sink -everything- strey passengar tirat floais u' as recently rai Merchantmnen, 1iners, fishing bots; oi,,three lHurre l- Sink ships ou Mercyê' errand sped, Ain infernal m Dye Christ'ff rai cross a deeper luntheir possessi( red : -fifty-peund boxej -Sink, Everytiring! and otier cires» u'osrk cenuectioni 6ink houer, faitir, forbearauce. One et -the Gar ritis; confessed that th Sink virtue, chival-ry, und truth, seud tis and ett "in , SeIn8k Everythin-g! tire mail anil pa Sik everytinig tirat mn u old packages u'are tc dear, fictitious addres ilu evils h-ts, that cc>wards fear, beau timed toen Ail that lifts Man -ebovo tire ape, tie re heravass rhat marks hlm cast in Ged's own Experts whoex shape-: dcSk &sidthat, i Sink Everytiring!- andi expleoded -as4 +_ havýe been inpS Extraeted Bullet@ Ou'aer. 'to have escaped,î Tire question regarding the omu- cnship et an cîtracted builet at pre- sent lu being deîbatad wiLhireonsidar_ - ~ able veirensnce in Garman. news- RaP r,,andin ha sealau'periedi- s--siI.' As a rula, a tIernt> Ufte ~te retain tire bulIat-axJwe is u - m usa uthi»b-b i.o tire 4xhier baud, tire surgeon - -.i keep ît as anilutaune cessfaii eperation, especislly in lew- turing before medîcal students. 'or W ' ting te bis medical journil -ý4p tie Subjeet.- A judge in Berlin iras decidsdt4irsi -a wouudad solier lias a perfectj rîglt to tire bullet tirai idged i hie bo-dy, because, wireu it reached iis, iL u'm legally subjecitte no-' body's owuership. Tire enemy re- linquisired its ewnersirip lu sandiug tire hullet forth. Tiris question-'et noeo ,-nersirip deesho t give hie sur- geo.ni who extradetshie builet any riglîýto teaven if tire uounded sol- dis-r a t tire ime siroulil be' uncon- sciaus and 'unable *te assert his - dailm. Sioulil the surgeon neyer- -theless retain the bulle t extraoted by hlm tire sollier iras a good cause '9>or dama-ge agaiust him. Other juriîts, however, assertt tirat tire enemy dees ýsot loue ifi e'unersip alLer Lira fîring of a bul- let -that ammunition belougs te tire State and net te individual sol- dýers. Whoever coules out victer- igus -in a battIs bas a, right te al tirs-- ammunitien that iras been fired auî-d whicir n eauhareeevered from the wc>unded or dead. At ary rate, no nvitter wire-Lier t-ie bulletcan be con2ider2cl ou'nerless or Sýtate pro- -perty wr) individual iras any rigirt te iay edai-m te iL. -Th2 deibatei' hbein-g cazried one with tire greatest a-molint -of seri- ousness Iby niedîcal andllegal -i thorrties. wiro have even go-ne io thre tr-iioble of lokirg up interna- t-i-,nid marv n tir, subj et. -- FI ÃŽ1 0UT' ThlIi kmil of Fiiod That ilI Hep -rTetruie way ilite finI eut u'iat Sl' -dt t- eut nd driànk, sud Lien cultivatir ;ttaPt-e fur tirese tib,-mga unueal-f eoning ounselves witir improper, i-digetihle food, etc. A ûCntl- 'vative Eustarn wùozn i rtes: "I have llGrape-Nîit8s 5years fuor th? yeu-ng ail for thbe aged; in *;îicknrFs-sand in heirutir ; ut firet fol- lia inq directions carefulIy. Inter in a a i-ity c-f wayu us nuy taste and jrdignsjzzt siuggeste<I. "Bt its ziiL.;tstpecial, pers6nwa1 seii e fit lias been aq a sîltstitute for menat, anulserval dry witi r ceami -whessnleunsaLlo troubles niade lt' imrnportam(b for me te cirang dit 'Servel iu tua way withls tie addition et a, up ct bot Postuni and a. littie fruit I it as bien. used aL my mor.niug meai fe six mentis, duriug-.w!ih-time 1Y myieltU lii unucir lijprovedi, serves have growu e teâdier,..suad, a duai 4deoreselu M sY excewsve wagirt a0digriatuly Naïn*given by Canadiain Podtum Ce., Winudor, Ont. BiaI,' "Mie Bkad te WelIvuie," iupkga. e u ai ïue a fuiS t à Probabjy nev-î I- again. - Tis recals tire U~ F .dian.,and &e.tliand Yard managsd to oecurI..a samptie ofthe notepapar C EvRINSThre P.SI.B. waantfid n CONCEIVED DE- letters were stopped that mae found to bs wrltlten on Canadian- F RILNLS - madea paper. On being opena' d, some oi thtem, -mare eud to have been writtem by Neili C-reman to ýt a Favored Method varicus Public mnudamanding ýg Siùe f Ireir money. Thus was the poisgonerand g Som et heir blaolSmailer tracked and arre-s±ed, ai Sehemes.-+ 1 Disappointlng thre Gloaters.- German plot teo de- "I wa-nter 'ave a too4di drawu," sirips in mid-ocean aid the ycungster witb -tire pugua- veaed y ireareutclous face, "and I -want gas." ,ving lu New York. "Tut! tut!" nsurmu-red the dept- ciacina discovered ist. "You're net eld enougi tf, on consisted etftiwc a.AdIseye'entari s ouf nitro-glycerine 'Dia. Alesn. Be mn!"aia 5.cls uith elocir- l"'Tisn't that," runs a Britishr is. - weslly's version et the story, "bilt raus, flans Halle, I ecpect just att ie sud l'Il give a hey h-ad intended to little bit oft a 3queal." irer deatr-£LScis by "O0h, that won't matter," the asegerboaa. hadentist ýrapiied. "I shan't mind/' e h.b conmlgned te "No," ratortad tire boy, "but I1 Ses, afttr they ir&i shall Just you lokoto h pioe six days from wd. oket ftr ýSd et hap dt. - The denit turned te ilok eut, xamnédthe4eah-and saw a group cf grinning lads if iL iad beau sent standing close by hie.wind.r arranged, t woould "WelI 1" fie asked J1is yeutbful ussible îqr auyene ,Patient. "Wbat doas that meau," n and the ahlp wouid "Tiose are &Il tire kids I'vak iava 'beanu isard oetitouiand lidked," axplained the C sa Parcelo. by, "and thy'e al ollowed âme "posta" mur erhae jat to'hesar ie holler. Gim- er uanecufllSrïy Kivou th, he '-iisd twie ye ",a-saO'tAiro leW~v ceived4'tt, x ' OMIdl r- Juit 'befor, h.e xeired, Klotz confessed thit it .sha *ho mle and. seuiL i4, post t& mewhlch killed miss Grace Taydor *-f ru. Madeline Here-rra, withîn the i-oui8 two years. Rie aise«ïth-' ed'tte, lbomb!bhat injured the polict- mian in the house of a fiu.nious judgés Ïn 1912, being evidently intendad L) kili the judge, to whom it ha.d been Last year tira t-ial toe-k place lu Berlin et Wii-helzm' Hep, wire was cirarged wit-ir aviug poisonel ii father, iris firmot .jife,und iris tu'o cilen by «neans et arsenic, aud with iravinig attemptel te poison -his mteLbaund iissecond und tirrd wives. The attention efthtie police was first- attraoLaI by Hopf's numereus purchAsea et poison microbeis. Oua of thie ciea wituesses agiust thre maun wase ristrc! ite, wire sail tha:t sire -b" d a narre-w escape from deathr and tirat sire- w.. only savel irecause sire lait Iiaisliuse. ler husband used Ite injeot viru lent -disease germ into fruit a-ni other eddb4es that lie pogted te 'her Hoq«'S firgt Wife died three year after their miarriage.- She was in sured for £i,OOo. is second- wif, was insured for £1,50; his t.hird fo, £4,000. lu order to iprevenit pout mortemn examjna.iôia, theinurder er petsuaded bis victime to expres awish in tlieir w'ilg that thei should he eremated, a, wieh, which needicas to say, he .himself carriac out #promptly. . A similar case, in .w.hich a î'ia-Y sent poison to bis .wifetbrouqij thi post, camne before the MunicS, au thorities some time ago. This mnan married a young w').rnan possessiniga, lot of money and Feome, valuable property. The, couple re- slved te go to Amn'ric'a, and b1>. fore they star.ted a pareel came through ithe poet a4dresed to the youn-g wife. ýIt 1purported te heaa remedy fur eeasickneses senvt by a ftiend. On thte voyage the poor wemnan was taken seriously iii after ýdrink- ng the ûontents of the Ibott.le. The poison1 did flot kiti hier, however; but she arrived ini New York penni- less, for ber huaband fad dIsap- peared, rfeturned ho me, andcJ sold his wife's ýproperty. Trae-ed by the- p.S4.. Alithougb these wilY criminals Wve coxnmitted niurder and &,t- rmpted murder-4hrough tire eot, efere now the Pest-Office hasten la means of traein.g murderers. The Poet Office hias its secretý ierv'"ice, afledi the- Po"alaSecret lIn- iuiiy Brauoh, wbere - iyletter or 'aioel arousing, suspicion ilecars- Ully opened. 4 sabarp look-ouit l :ept for Ieïie ÃŽ,addremsed to a ;wanted', person ty his friands, ;Neill i esm, lthe noterions Pois- u»er,' wat -dijSovered àdiçûi àrough Idie id given b the inolio.e )e ti ePostal 8ecret Eunq ui r -t 3 z f i I 1: r Is h t b -t) ai q p fi £4 4 Il hi IIw att James Watt«, thre, giota en ur dutîi ls pprmtcehp in Laulu founci it difiujt. For iris work n Lire mOdiel Of the Newcomen angine i - ire ws padd £b la., suad 'for thre q re auOfse~e theSoustructien 'et £L -effer being 9lesm thon- tht, it - to o$4cffred te do tAie G work for Lie. Foar huaýw*rk.as su-G o perintendent et tire Mesiiàdau -Caeout the stlug Ov ail lie reoeived L2Ã"0 per annumi, sud -beaves'no scar. for iris surv'ey et the propeïed' Putnam's Corn E] SLrathizora Canal ire receivad tirhe SUin L80-net inu-eh, wireu tire na- ix. ture of tire- work, a survely oft ferty INP days, is consilderel. Macedeniap Bàà SAVED BABY'S LIFE fonryfer R id r. rs is Datihouse. ore - - . - . .. . aa>' cern b - a gaiaI eteiet"iYooîtirugir tir8 leh ferk, u'lth MINARD'g LINIMZINT. OreY i 91tr t. Petern C. B. EDW. LINLIEW. ým kidnappng andl holding for a large AI1 cured, -a herse ef a baS, sweillng by cransen tMisEle .Stoa n ARDS-LINIMENT. >A issElenM. St nean 3ahurtN.B. THOS. W PAYNE. n American missionary, lis beau b- slain. id Sandaub~ky wss killed in Lire di3- npret between the mountain or Pen [P und Lhe Lown-uf Nevrem-kop by ssme I-parson sirese name lu net knowu. Tire period drei n e full moeu te e Miss Stone ad Mr-s. -Tsilka, thre anotien lu 29 _days, 12 heurs, aud !y uite of au Aibanian preaciien, wers 44.4 minutes., 'y capturad and earled off îby 'brig- lateou. te anIs ou SePtenjber 3, 1901, while re qml 4l-ti h oe thay w ene on tijeir u'ay u'iti a cens- Tiers a - ra Lys ,tirousaul miles oft -pany e-f fiends'Irons Bansko tunaibl WtrysnNo1nd Djumaa. Tire e wene mure thannainbe atrys11HInd ti-LY-fivebrga>cltire uttucking Party, Exbeept, W*. Tuslika, the,> friands et Mbss Stoee v-re- allou'ed - - to'proceel on tireir way., Later a Sdemaiil nas ma-de for $11Ï,90nazi- so- s efr Lhe release <>f Lia two u'o- r Tire kidnappin'1g et Miss Stouneire- W> -.Came- a. matter ut international irl- Portante, and liér nelease 'was work-- - d for hy the goveament a-t Wash - - zugtun -with energv. M-r. Spenc 4- - - rEddy, Fi rut Sscretary of tire Uniteel 1States Legation ut, ',tonstantin,>ple u'bo badc!hargeoif tise negotiations te sacune lier releuse, déelared 'on Faîbruary 23, 1902, tint tire capture et Miss S1t-ee as a politLical, mat. ter und tiret alil hepýeoplof ~ace ~ ~~~ e tr doula!were ii s.mpaLiy-with jt, ter Lhey beliaeed tlint IL -as n step .te- unI freeung Macedunia frein Turk- IT' &FSE isi rule. ,,- -Ef FSTR NegOtiati,is l'or Miss Stou'ne- lease ivitirout tire paysuuent -Ail raiom were f utile. , he and T - eTO A Tikwefinally, on Feibnuary 23, lu 0 IM 1902, reieaseci af ter the brigand liadAI TfU received $65,000 rangeas monoy. BG1 1 * L -Lit, l oere - g . uste Ford oamers.,write for us. It bringas e manDy ôo tus'd--urctlge Lisetf eeovery, e00 117 of iscape-. But if W» cenis rijelet thm tiey ineviLabiy - rBER. 08 -net t6s elntn tyui0- * Speedomet«e Station bit wold uéhyoen ait t1ham ais 179 -Queen Street We"tp iifé aiww -ou. 1Tiit teinnuy le TOOTO resau)ment tihaf baj4 t O.retselie-TO pg tien, th ira <IliSPoen "et eumfty l 'i- ' -' IMr. Ohurehili eshoùld have been lnthse PotU Osmt oye, %,e,- tranches et Âutwerp ferget that In bis Go. qv., ay o0ir (SpeeÀal). tîne bas done at' least liVe yearlT éTrfect1y re l thetir. . of d activesoldlerftig and haà no e r Doxd'5 Kiciuey N ils, Dame lReno Âdmirai Beatty, the pa7yes»entartUuts EBouehard;, w~llkcvsd~&b deolare, le thelebst dréW'for thke1rur.' reeeéed eïe-,isadvwig li er pose. Ithe firet tbree mouths of friend. ie so uffer frosii ldi,l- the war Lord KItchener was theli eues t use Dodds' Àtin6Y'Pis. "star" pictuÏ?.; lu +'-a second ths»ae 1W-hen -I omen d tic taire montha Sir John French took bis D<odud's Ki"rey Pille, I -wa.eoý> ruas place; how lt lealal the admirai Who doeWn - i onqy -* w d , -- Qig4hby-,.made tie GIermaiu battleshlps turn tafi. pourdas" Danme Bouohard 'd t, s.Or reat men ail seam te have a "I nly te k f uir bo es ui l1but, weakness for a. particular word'or. uly rut me au le beti n tI.p'rae-Mr. Asquith, tfor instance, le n o w I w ei~ b e n s u n d oe ~ 4~ a p a tia t th e w o rd "se ttle d ," a n d ' is zo a -I we4,h - one - b oddÏ'sndcotinualy spnofe akjng.uled w â a t 1 & Y f y u w a l 4 r o d d 6 'o u n try . air J e lu u "I re n li : k e s th e , PîIils bauen.wonderM for phrsa",make good"'-usad notably ln, ce." the- historie order "maire. good tisa Dodd's Kidney P111. deo'onder& AMune." fer run-4deà peopis bncause they, Rew te age graoefuily Io well lîlu-, cure thie Kidcee. 'sOum~d -Kiseys strated-In the case o! Lord St. Aldwynj atraiâ u althie impurities, . 5 hewho hafe just bean elevated te tise ank pei.on <>Ut th bl* 1>d &nd-th and dignity ofen. auerlF'or ail -bis. pucre new nouriâi- seventy.aight yae a srlh I~ n ~ h aL ab ,n li e, e s , a s a i l i sa walk',& and c a k epr t, ei>o.and . That'. 1t pa--rts,> paoe.wlth m, n, lfty yeare ibis junior.-l îpie eaey, "Dodd'a ldnyPlla Michael,", thcugi tise Jeblack, beard gave me a, new beau.l- oftl&t." t-at earaed hlm ils sobriquet le' te- -day whlte as m Dno*. * Why Grass Io Green'*_ __ why he Vlpta oftire nartis i. WIIQuiokly Cure, Ifae tgreen ,but -whyltitra tht Coler '-ustad et blue, or rec! or pur- pie. Moisture, it fira e asi fnd, wÃŽIl be c<leobete.bï thegreen ftciisg lu Prepsr quantitie. while tollage cf oth,àr coloris ilI net, be properly neurigied hy tihecLows çud moistura f rom eartir and, Va" hir. A ratAi. cèurîous expeniment, proves thua. Paint a -pineecf glass yellew, a-n-* otirer green and ene red and, bine b.ac, asic! place altirese plainted ,Places et glass eut in tire oensuair ovar nigirt duriug a sumrner or autumuninght. Wlheu exaeinec! early tire tolicu'- ing merning it u'ill bô tound tlbat the-Yellsw pie will be very wet aud' the gren piece onIly meist, suile the, redmsd black pieuse wlU, T is sproof thiat yiellow teliago *0oud collentSte much d-ampueýsa, and thse nec aud black -WOUd gatlher gene. Green, affilai olcth Ie me ,dium, emouint ot moisture, eeems te btira coler hast adapted te tirs - ConditlUt fexisting tireugieut tii. i Yelk ~ sg'ha/beau ýknowrï 4 -v under thé A .lewy. Ïav- pý r A feu'zy r n-ieaedi lant r rown xnljodsterbcoditiouns. Ab9olutely Paiesa NO cuttiug, ne pias- tors or pada te. prass tire soea up Ot. Putnam's Extractor makas the corn go wltiout paji. Takas- ver-nlgbt Neyer fatîs r.GeL a 25C. bottie cf Extractor to-day. PER MILLED. âilt- Who eMis- tansin, is Killed. algaria) correspond- Je.Desrosiers, Sb. A] pQue., writes:- "I canmb say tee muoh lu taver et Baby' Ou'n Tablets, as Vhey savel ný little ene's. life. Befere.giving hiu tire Tablets irew-as greatly trouble4 witb u'erme and was like a ukeletoi and cried day and night. Tire Tai lets socu expelled the u'orins, -an< nou' baby is tire pictureetfirea-Itr.' Baby's Own Tablese aise break ul colds aud simple fevers, cure con. stipation anud indigestion andl m-ai tire tastiiu-,g period puinles. Tire are sod. by medicine dealers or b3 miail- at 25 S-iLs a box freinn Tir Dr. Wl-liums' Medicine Ce., Brockt ville, Ont. GR-A Esenornical Methods or Purehlasing - Supliles. Notiring- lu municiae lt, x citaI nmore - ipal irisontheryex adeptiocu by t-be Cit-y et Neu' Yen -of tire C.P.R. unetirol el purcu .9 3,u? plies. New' York orders fer muii% purchasas total$2,à , 000 Iworthir-ef goedel aclyeran d tound tisat tireawis muci dupli- '2at n ndwaste, tome et tie le- partmints puying netail pnices fer týhe M1112 geode as ware- pundsass< -wiole-ualebY Oit-bers. -Under-tire C.P.u. system everytdsiug is cen- tu-ilizel so us to eut eut .tire pousi- bility et lu-plicéation ait-ber lupur ch a s o r ia ym en t et g o d, a fp u e tira tennis ar-a nétunally altire uxeelutavr e Vie railway. New York City salut a speciai ir4vestiga.. tor round tire Centinent td study zetiods et purciraiug supplies, and lie dîcidel tua-t tire C.P.U., sys- tami 'a-s "tire, mat forefflciencyanul 'Saviug." luis n'es uaturaliy Lhe source ef much rgratifieaLion te Sir Tiromas ShaugirniasZ,, bwwau im- self et oue time pumehaun'ig agent ;for tie C.P.U., asic! .talheed tire present systemýIl.Tii e*- yoîuk e- peu-t investigator hmasbesu bus' 'lver ince ansu'erissg letters f non eOt'her American municipalitice,, They peur lu abthLe rata of about a' h-undre.< a week, a11,u'antiu-g te knw about-tir. C.P. . sud . 1 modal Purchasing depurtinant, witi a vlan' te ,tire- adi>jmng of asi Jar zù6tlwl -l ierote.I ou .PU met" eby.Ae. ia alisias savel Unc e Sam waste cf over a - , &m olars The &Sfia (Bu "ent oft Ieuters Tregan W&mpn states taL an :ijzn .Îéj« Any Sour 8tomacIh -Relleves Fuineau Alter Meals. "1WhenI wae wofrking arouh tire fam last winter, 1 had au attack of In- flammation," writes Mr. . P. Dawklns, Of Port Richmond. 41 uas weak for a, long tim, but well enougir te work -u-ii prIng. But something weut wroug witb my bowela for I bad te use sasts or physie Éi, the tima, My stomach, kept gour, sud always atter eating tisere wau pain sud fulsiesu, and il the syMmesfetIntestinal Indi- igeston. Nothng helped me until I ued Dr. Hamlton's Pila. ustead of hurtlng, like oetrrpilla, they acted verY mldly, and - eemed te eal the bowels. 1 did nt, raquIreý large doses te gt, reeuta wth Dr. Hamltonos Pi, and feai go glad thi,t have found a mild yet certainremedy. To-day 1 arn wal-no Pain, no sor stmadi, a good appetite, able te digest anythlng. Thgs là a wbole lot of good for one inedicinuete do, s'ad 1 eau say Dr.' i-am1ltOn's Pille are the beut Pilla, and my letteri'- arn sure, proves t."i .. Refuse substitute oi Dr. Hamil- ton's Plllsbf Maudrakeand ]ButteMjiut, sold lu yiellow boxes, 25c. -AU dele or Tise .Catarrhozezo C.,Kluge Tkr Iob"tar.ey.- Irot up and -let thiabe beauje Sgme ne toid a story lire didn't ap '8he-' Oh, hou' noble o&t hlm! Whi, was tire st<>ry 1" leHPStuttered.' "Heu' do you i-ke my ucu' "I'dli.ke it baLLer iftire pickats wera an'équal distance &part. Wliy did you build itL ike Lihat?" "Tire oly inu.-I could get te iruild it tutt-rel." I- eured a herseof the mange with INARDLS LINIMENT. "a 511 NuumSW tu~e seatm.1 y' - -ing kit, and I u'1lnee b wtbu The. large 50c. family- siza botile là' thse-mfft economicai, or you, eau eas- ý lly get thse 25c. triailaize fromauy.I -Auother Peser,- "Oh, ýTommy,-don't asic00o oany foolsb uesions" 54idhiseftuher. "I1f lt wsre so vary leoish 'you Leost Ris Equibrlas. "Ohelly seÏ'e;mote 'Ibe" unrai- anced."1 "Yes. is valet failed to, part iris hair ex.aotly in the middle." Sore ranfl EIc yclis. Ye inUimed'by eý*!- 0mt t suE, DO UIw ad Ey eS jCkly reisveidhrNuriu Torlr uit Rre COmfrt.ý'kf ggxstles SOC petl.y*ldul Ris Old Mare. "Heorses!" said -th'e Yankee. "Guese you can't talk te me about hess d ied en eild mare, Mazy- pop, çwhd onee licked cur beut ex- press bly a, couple et miles on -a tbirLy-mile run teo bCicago" "Tirat's nothiîug," .said Vire Cana- dian. "I wais eut -on my farm oe day, &bout fifly m-les f rom the. Lieuse, when a frightful -sterm came up. I turned tire pony's bead for hoe, anud, do you kuew, hre'raced aire stors sece fer thbe aet ten is t-bat I di4n't iteel a drop, s'bile my ayId deg, ouly tain ye'rds behin4, had tismnp ibbè woe- SOYLTPOL I 4~EW HAKBICCE andHui Case rk 'ouu Lt Wandsw'ti lathe largebt-ber., oughinluLondon. HoLborn- lu tire M&embers ouf tire Alilied Coun tries have carried off Nuirai prizes on twenty-to -occasions; inembers -ef tire coun-tries opposed te them have carSied off.Nobel iprizes on tweniby occasions. THE PicT TE- If any Cano@ eau glvéeu-ensatis Always and ever tis ,a sme -eoft li. Over, MY ty stlasand mises. V'P le tira Petarborough ceavascevereu, - -..ii-ute zolder. Skiffs for the popular Outiroard Motors. Pese Launches,-ail sizes sud pou'- Freght Prepidtesny Railway Staitio n lu W Ontario.La~i 15 Pt, enaFt9li, y Dapth i FL. 6 Iu. ANY MOTOR FIT&. .Speclfitýion-Ne.ý 2B lviug englua pricea on roquent. G'eL oun quotations ton-",eThe Panetang Lina" Commercial. sud Pliaure Lauaches, Ren' ,THj3 GIDLgy BOAT CO., LIMITED# PENETANG, CAN..J ,14OW SERVJNG r ,o . - eifirunmil-kb, ývith care-. I caIf rsbeuli n Pounds daily u'2!ks. onily ai four peunds 1bi are (Ïestcyed' skimni-k. W, large a siuppi13 and irregular and &our, unc] tuhe causes of troubles. The youing « te be with tacd or two s.Lays. - I te have tire fire at atsy rata, a for clearin-thI iug tire digee teed given sires NOtine- llTm+m and theiflêeed e *-make Cha&u flxed ruiles'as te *sCalveis difibi vigor. -fHlsinz oun isiout six. po -ý- I - Thre 3edieine By Dr. A. T. Bornay, i Ever -sinca tise -worl the Medicine- Man has . ln u mnuecencmy a8m .4 cete-calldoýn w-bsn a feu' ueedtul.tiings mig ad Mesa tmilY Many' ledu amked te su-ggesta lisi ties fer a falily mediel », ieans etl keep'n g 1ir tire follewing. 11fanuv. tiat tire areý*but fe. - -metionel, 1I -i-ratoz Itint very feu' peopie u heu' te use thint if ti-r migbt do v&stlv mre s geol ware they Le trv: Tire firot thinilg i S toira receptacelè -fer such-Iiitu have on hand. and thiriS-s .put à tire reacirc4 thtie saheul h. kepË klekel, teuud that'a case wiLti " aOut as haýnd 'nv auyt anay bc auy size. but àl 4alf long, a fo)t %vide «w 4eep.-WxlI hiol aU that iV is nota mecirauxe, a s'nal may b. fitted up) withÇ work and ukîll. Oanada's PF -"Whil, e fie first cýouvi snêsts ever laid in Cain aPcSorin-ç te tire bhst imkogoitien, tirose laid i -pràà ey ckim tlîe lest bejui tA2initrt p!ace tOise- ef cepetructiozi t-qi-ny gru At threbegliuning et 190 bald Over -20,000 squarm coucretePe puiits, and t-ity lias heen inereas-et eince the-- n. uf nt; -praw other kind o! paveznint Ip"SJ in ilat cîtiy,- s - I 60 DUi TORONTO MEALS 'ARE- NEVER LAYE W HEN ýyen ,hava a NEW-PERMY CTION Oul CeeOk«ôutoe e lpyen with the Co6okine. It lighirtaattire touciref a snagié#-lIike ga", vdjusts ju stautlyhigir or low, byfmerely raisiug or Iewennti wic; -t iensagas steve com-fort With kerosene il'"- NEWIPPEETION 011 Cookstovan ara maie lu ,2, 3, sncl4 busizar osi if yoýr deaier cannot supply you, write us direct , M, 1 Li , bt re 8

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