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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 May 1915, p. 4

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olicy witboqnternmîuîons. -rpmiume 'Col siedfr Iected wcro $389,oo, tnatead of $44i- end. voo. Fourtecu other- Canadiau ce.- Dr. E., paniesreceived $18,499,695 ii thek: s couple rott a years mainly for I$th.profits am a t1 policies, and paid la -profits to policy Ré < hoidera 9xo Their combiaed a,. lff& curnulated. surplus- o#er shareboideWs'tr nlvu *contributions wa.s $79,707 at the end Of mina m *their first ton yoars. Which looks bout î3eon vis to you ? Coffey, fo The Equity Lifelts die-total abstala. turnod hc ers Company- If Interested wrte fer Mrn, à further particulars. Wvho han 1.The -man wlio atudie bisi OWD 1htea'esta wilI patronie The Uquity Llfo- A»urnoe Company when lie Iante Llfe InsuuranC. - L. W. DUDLIBV. H.AUFTUERLANO. Aiet Preident & General Manager MRS. WALKER Organiet of Ail Saints' Chiirch, Wbit by, and teacher of piano and elnging, will teachl n Whitby on Saturdays.j Pupils prepared for'examinatlon. P. O. Box 176. Zscimates Given - P. R. 'Bradbury PAINTER and DE CORATOR Pap.rhanglng a specialty. Mary Street, - WHITBY1 ARTHUR -LYN DE -TENOR- TEACHER 0F SINGING. Member of The Mendelssohin Choir, of Toronto, and Aeolian Maie Quartet, Toronto. Director of Knox and, AI] Sainte'- Choira, of Cannl ngton. Soloist and Leader of -St. Andrew'o Choir,Whitby. Volce trials free by appointin ont. For ternis Phone Bell 118, or address borSOS, WHITBY * Toronto, Ont. la Atrictiy fret.ciaai.! Nou@ btter l0 Canada. Enter now no au to taka a posil- tion ln the. eariy falI. On. graduate wrteuIl"MDonw position pays thioe.timon wbat 1 got E teaching is'hool loeu than four yeari a4o, uot revious to antering iour Colloge. 1 eeplaced this young man In a position aftsir araduatlng and have Dow placed hlm again. Catalogue fre Cor.Yoait and 1 W. J. EBilltt. ~ Chaleîii. i Principal F. Ez. LU X. Corner1 Carpenter, Plane drawr Repairs, -A Aoent fer Box 467 C. OONTRA9 PLANS CR Reuidence, ph -THREA GARPI - Aitera -YIET OU laLinr, m cent Ilne Mr. Ai the winte to Winnli secureti i Manitoba with his neli, who Jas. Ro' R. N. Bai years, hai ness ln 1 assumeti frIends w ln his nel Tho HO*#, . Latic Sgr: in _h maramur, orL LdURUUeWbo bu'E iting her aister, Mm. H..J for, thelest three. weeke, re. orne lest Tuesday. lohuto or0fWellwoodo Man.# 1been in attendauice spcn. ber gr., JohnCooper, during bIe re' ess, bas returned to ber borne. ,nbrose D 'Ieanont, Who - spent .r at bis home here, retnrned 1peg last weelk, wbere ho bas a-position -on the staff of the 3, Government- Telephone Co., brotber-In-law,- Mr. W. Brow- ale Supetintendent. obertson, iwho bas been In Mr. Meett'u jewelry store-for sme u purchased . a jewelry bual. Fort Ferry, and -bas already. barge of It. Ris:rnany. iish 4,Jimmie" uucli success ew enterprIse.1 State of Ohio, City ofToiedo, e tueai County.- 1 Frank J. cbeney make oatli Unit h. la amnor partuer of the firn of F-. Ohmnay à Ou. doing, uilne.a la the Cty of Toledo,County mSS itateý aforeaidand tnid B willlpa -henumio! ONX HUNDRED DOLLARS for eadi and every' case of Catarrh tlimt cannot bc cureti by the Une Hall'& O 'tarnli Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn tobefore nié ands ubscribied ian -r ence, thla 6th day of Decembt, .D. M56.- (seal) A. W. oLEtASON, NoTAiT PUBLIC. Nml'o'Catarb Cure lataken intérualiy,andacti dlrectly on the blood and mucouoamu:laoes of 1 he ayatem. senS for teztîmoniaî.,free -' P.J1. CHICNST a CO.,.,Tolede, o. Sold b y aIl 4ruggIutts sc Trake Mall'i l1amlly P4Ju pi onstipatlon. Brick cottage, Byron 'St..' near Lib- rary. Possession June, lot. Apply at Gazette office. -46ï TO RENT.- -- Gooti garden for summer. Apply to- Win. Calverley, 58, Hamptoji. Court,- Avenue Rond. Toron to. ---- FOR SALE A1ý ONCE. A number o! bred-to-lay Barreti Rock liens, 2 years old. -Apply'te- Mrs. .LBrown, Whitby. - FOR SALE. Choice corner lot, Byron andi On- tario streetis, (near Preebyterlan Churcli). I.ârge shade trees on two fronts; fruit trees; gooti barn. Will, make price rigbt for party intending' tei ereet gooti houe. Chas. M. wiu.j cor. -t!. DEAT OFMISS ETHEL SOUTH- DEAT 0FWELL Aftr a lingering Ilineso, - Mis Ethel a E, BIRÂOTII4G iVetoria Soutluwell passed awey n 110home 0f ber mother. on green Street.ý IHer death w» fot unexpeteti, but ber OOAT ALvL, 1N'S -1088 bas ceuBed e d eeD brrow among 'DRUQ STORE the mly andber tte, J the ly md er a hedUhe WHITBY Souhwll; and was tWmaty ý UESD Y; -m- à t m e a, hot, f fiene iUý tilabout four yeans ego she'hed been l-trn 70 YONGE TU~T. f0,but et, that finie ahe carehorne ow- 70 014G-BSTI T. ng t<o III ealth. Bince then she lied King' St., T ~t- been stead -- owlngweàker,, ai- though she m ' C fgt bagàinst -.-a tboroughly unde _ 1, itution. >NRATO~She was admrably -Pa ugli b ~ ler yearu Of lness, anti WEL-L JAMIES heard te utter e word of ooP over ber sugfe ng.- Builder anti Ccntractor. 8h. was a ember ofSt oh: a andi estimates urnulai. Anglican Cliurtjl. - Utertion andJobbng. The funerail was helti on, Tueedey idteatlns nti obbng. atternoon te Uýlen Cemetery.- Service r B.rantford R*oollnlg at the bouse wvas cenducteti by'1Mr. WIIITIIY Poo Scott, student pastor of St. John's, andi poe.i w as attendeti b>' a large number of aFOLLEST~~ sympatizing frientis. aelf ýOTR AD UIL R t o moumn ler 1pss: Alfredi, of Winni- OTORANDBUIDER peg; iMn. Geoige Waiters, Toronto; 0' ALL DESCRIPTION, George, Arthur, BEnery and Q c4,-ôf FURNISHED. Oehawa; Mre. R. Wigglne, Oshewa; Reginalti, o! Toronto; Mrs. Thomes- * Tbornten's Corners Sturgess andti 1~ra. Artbur Holliday, àone 41, Oshawa. Wbltby, Mrs. F. IBradley. Brooklin, and Miss-Florence t borne; six brothers mDoLD B.fose ant I sisters n al. Thepall bear. ENTERS and DILDERU Weltere, nèphes* ations and Repaira.- se wnn UA1ATE~,. OW FAT FOý,KS MAY BECOMIE Las TOR hIN.Mý -myzy uuva oT w s r .u. box 403 - By Ellizabeth Thomas. Telephone NO. 132, Perbape yen Oýre euddenly becoming stout, or it May e that'yeu have been putting on weig t for years. In either niacase the ceuse là the sanie -lack o! Oam'ék,& WakIn8haw oxyen-crryn tpower 0f the blooti. Oarrêk &wallngsaw Thise.ctrlng hi lnadulte o! bth' eaI'lutOI'8 Solltorsi Eta. sexes andi ail age s, -but It mey be ever- corne very eausiW anti wltbout a.uy of Dundas st, whltby, ont the privations t4 tmeut people Imag: Ie neeessary tao redue- their weigbf. (Fini door weat of Fout Office) Simply go te iyour druggisf andi get ________________________ seme 011 e!of ilîtie capsules. Take eue after ech' lhea1Send one beforo - tENTÂL - going to beti. Weigbl yourseu sw as - - to know mest ho* u~ t~ you are-ioslng W. ADAMS, Dentiet, Office, Dudtaweight. WonderfpIl -rosuits bave been Stree, Resden 'aecomplisîed by-I1tbis, Inepensive ne. Street, R elten. o. 4, thle TelTees, cipe, but be surel to get the genuie Byron Igtieet, Wbitby. Pbone No. 128. o11 o! orilene in !capsule fonr=. It ln - - solti enly la oriinel seeleti packages. Any large druggiet can aupply you, or ATICIONERSa large- sîze box iwlll besent on ne- ce.pt ef $1.00. Atidrese D. J. Little - JAS. EI8HROP Drug Co., Box 1940, Montreal, Cen. Oshanwe, Licenseti Auctioneer. Sueceas RGSTR or to L. airbanks. For ternms anti Tueetiay, MI(e 1.Sberif's sae e dates apDîy to self or G. Rob hty lumber, fanm machlnery, wagbni, bey, .~., Witb. ouseholti furnltur '"etc., et lot 19, 2nti range, B.F., Pick ï. leett' W M. H]AW o'clOck. Ternmseah. J. F. Paxton, - Si f, C. O. '. LICIENSp«D AUCTIONBERT AND VALUATOR. DEÂTHS8. AU kinde o! sales prompfljy ttentieti PERRY....t POrtWlbMy9h te. Arrangeme'nt for sales eu be 1915, Diana MatýIde Brown, widow mateie t the Gazette o)fnee oLtbe late mhos.IFerry. ' Ternis reasinable. SOUTHIWELL.-I..ni WhItby, on -SBun. W~ Bell anti Independent -Dhones. day, May 9th,- 1915, Ethel Victoria, r dearly beloveti daughter of Mary-A. WIIITBN, Or-4I. anti the late Geoige T, Soutbwell, , egeti 27 'years. W W ERA SONq oFYPunFi Se W ue VIII i R The followlng Dpeenib>' X.GI>',,Prys Joncs, ln the 4Lonclon Daily Mait, Pump -auufaturei' partlcularl> lIpDreeelve ast fils file ____ wben Canada's sono are eccupying a ~4 ~. , ____ foremost place on the flgbting lin. Unesor o 3 U om ltbougb it vas wrlttea before the Ce Slip Dandas Street, WRMoj. U"Miens hadti oughlt et Ypres, if nia. Thm sdoors vent of Wblfb7 gouas. ll be edaptedti tetheir ca, ant ili 1 tOueb an eeheing eberd ln tthe bearts W. are Prepareti to InstaU l t or of ail tiiose Who follow wlithanxlety lrm pumpS on e-off notice, aiso et- the news receiveti dell' from tas front, ten ai l knda cWf repaining& relating te the brave stand beingrnade Agents for ta. Ontario ibid Mn by Canadien froope.1 aie gaelie eglus, Soîdier, 81de over the sea, phono-Bei! 50Zut, 20. Pray eu yen ing al oug tô met world. a WC -I i m - -In TIMnew Rtirygies le Canad Mt~ros up-todate .SugaârReneyI' ttContfInent After a. year and a half's work, we have completed aind',are"now operating. the-Most sanitary, up-to-date. siugar refinery ever ' c'onstructed., Every new and mproved, ,method -of ý,refilning has bee istalled. .No, expense has bée»*-spred coiitttJ Every -s In the process ofm of care and patience for quality. i hesanitary The, resuit is that no hand touches the product frôm, the time the. raw sugar reaches the refinery until tle perfectly, refimcd sugar enters the- home in theý OÏïinal';Packages. Only cane sugar, used in the refinery -no beets - no sub- stitutés. Tea your grocer to send you Lantic Sii original pacgs. 1 en he i urty andclains of the sugar used in your home. ILook« for the Redil oùn e., package. Atlantie Suar Refinerles- Lirnited- umONTRELw QUL One thousan sic on sale Thi --- urday at WhIt 1,y, fér 5- centi Men~s Regal sheesla the la etore. -In aechet t eunday at th( - east once by Dominion Allia ln the -laterest Large stock 4 'cd. Priceiil Sergt.-,A. E..- ' Base-,Hospital, -spent th-week- et -bis homne he pects te leýýave f( the aboie iunit 1 Ail the tatest ýanti window sel Everythinig la 1 Messrs. Jes. Purcliased - the corner of!Byre owned by 'Mr,.FE deritodt that t -erected. ,- -Our xiew Stec garden toola Ju please t te avi -Geo. M. Rice. ST, JOHN9 N. n. ___________________ ___ - - w~ ~w-~ Thbe bot tears blinti anti 1 cannot sa", -IProm Buat -anti West et thy bebest The graves lie tbiek muid'ta. bloo i Tbey came-but net fer bine. flows free, Their names shahi ring Wbere tby ban- Ad the crosses Sfab the heart e0-nie- ners swing,- eall-your niotar-&pglgdlî" Thougb their bodies choke the mire, Antieaeb lea agem, lnta>' diedeni, The nien Who sleep et Ypres In the landi o! thein long desire. lTere not- afraidt itede; mte,- bhose bero-men, wbose sfréaigtb as"MUi, other, ever the sez ten, ehis I the song I bring te thee, 'heugi emitten blp andtiîgb, Tbougb tbe graves lie thiek andtihea bhey paiti the worfIh 0f thul,.Britiub blooti ilows free, blrth The creuses ar for'the love o' fbee-- ýnd the gleani of their Isadây Their gifi -te 'Ipy, children-lbert',. ati taey aleep a'sleep fliat Io estMothen, -myFmbtber-wEngland." anti deep '11h the gue for their lullaby. OSHAWA VISITOR W&S 1K BREL,-1 B D TOWN. - Nie men Wbo fougbt et Ypres Miss Ferreil, alece'o! 1Mr. T, Ru",or oliebI their grii lgbt atone; fond, Naseau, B., bas nreentlY, 8i'ivd beY troti tas shade of a bitter zlatie froni West Hertpool, Eiig., anti tells Of bat yée migitý ses thie Sun, ber excltng experience turing tas btéi MM'lu sn that set for taii, German raid on tbet pUMa1 lo0f b1er net their IM te ge or begun, expenienewhte cresing the ocean ut be~ bul4~ t. fani o fh u onp the Grampian, 'whichb bIoUlbt ber iu'ogb t. alit of tas RuI. ebeseti by subrnalne. Thie operator t. monreeived, a vineleis from tae Mongolla #e enIbo died fer Englant for eslafane. The Ufeébeefs vers ýre ie pllre 1lowered, but happfly ver, flot neseti,# Ti Ti Ti T the dimebleti boat earrying troops anti growig greater as the war Pues 05.la inie to talnk o! the boys et the nures te France, belng able to return The prieo! pregresa tovertis lstlng front anti-te esud tae Redi Cross S- te port unaldeti.-Re;ormer. peace le very, ver>' dear. If eeft lives, ciet>' a gift te be'apent for ta. sick bomnes, bealtb antimucli besides. Cen. andi voundeti. ade's part hi fie procees of peymenf Fermera are--generous- ln sentiment Mrs. E. Magner, o! Toronto, la vis- tbrougb giving for Redi Cross work, là anti generous, ln glvlng wben their iting ber son, Thos. Magnar, for a meretfiilîy liglit anti easy, even wbe ea crfe anti beeds point the way. This few deys. -aIl hâve given te. the extent o! neelly la a case when taey do- se point cleai' feeling It. ly, Pereuaslvely anti urgent-ly. la tais The ecîtilers ant ilers aypathe cnlierln, the 11,-euof nations, antinh A RED CROSÉ APPEAL TO THE prie exacteti by the tieeolatlng strug. the livea of stricken soldion, on FARMERS> gle froni week te week. Wbet tbey cen prey tôe muci, do to omu,hnor, Our country, witb Ifs aUliea, lswag- paiti ln bloo« -ant id it isacrifte. a give tee mucli. month ago wus net enougli for theun. I appeal te farmera te senti me sumo ing a great ver for Justice, for the Shal ve se>' h was enougli for lu? of Il te $60, turing the second week lni rotection 'of amaîl nations i the ea- Wbat the>' are doing anti auffering anti May. Eavery g50 - provlies one auid- joymeat o!f teir rigbfs, for coafinueti achlevlag bave put asitie, for taefinie, tional bospifal be. vith tae giW' ant grvhi fredniant fo ~ ail their flouglits anti plana for- indu. name oven If, Bysending -me -about and gro in fr Mo , a d or h.vidual welfare, cornfort anti safety. $10,000 you voulti $ere your coilftTY mpaintenance o! f Is Pistgeti Word of They doa't besifafe te establili pree wellbning eredIt .te, youruelves', anti bonor. .Muoli destruction andi desola.dents. But taey are procedea f c e.mk I !u er rn tyD o flon are being causeti. Livea are bein.g oie, sacrifice-for our eountry: anti ifs fie-sake e! tas veunded boys. maRis îoit by the flousaut, CanaUart- cause, for our prnncpleo andi idealâ tas glftsUbstantiai. It will be an. III. contingent Ioe nov he tatick et.' .that fbey niay be upheli. >- 2,Vesfment towartu, tas recOvenY e1 Some vii fall slc19 rnanY May b. Fearmera, individually, as vel -si e Canadien soldier vbo stooti- ln woundeti; ame viii psy thes-lutstfui tarougli fleir Institutes, Clubs - andtni steti fat our cause MlIgbt be 'uP. measurs -of devotion te their eountry Cheese andi Butter factorise, are- lauabeli.ý andi ifs cause.se. position- te belp 'very gtiseflyý, Their ffltafully your frienti, Thie Redi Cross Boolsty e ste fu-business do e flot sifer fros i he-JSW.var.SOi cor tha ok alve nde lm a., Tic PneiceefsalyaUJAS, W. R0BebRTS0nofW useti ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~A e!Lt rs svs agetat oe Wielbrl cr hi , licio swalty *et Otta& ..vYi Dutch Granu on IYour B w'. 9 Inl TI ýj she cal - Or, i for h - ban.' Have bands0 for this Lavail * anîd Pli Onde, P, dots, en te gIOO, Bracel keepers 10l1- ant - iiied. finle cor -alid seni Jewele Whit DR I wanied -had be(-n -ki *cedonian s'a are-lçdlied eu *liquor than1 Years. -In tlî reÉss flot rnom .,ecd day, an( nurnber, killr-î know 1ýhat ý 'you, thp wor 'Worse. 1I* h-i wouild bc- te naiion declar, -but J' would -.fa.ce al ucf deadîy ravagE andi se what aind death r children born wihrong.- The fli sUrýyivaI the race.- If. ate drinkers, number 'e!fn terrifie sIauýIi are few altot we ewie the N both parentsi echild out of e One eut of se, both parents2 out of ten of ferfect, they i 'and -will rise -It necesary fi thbi -siaughter b;

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