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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 May 1915, p. 5

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THURSDAZ MÂT 1j915. LIST 0F NEW BOOKS IN PUBLIC LIBRARY. Hlgh Ohool Debate Eeok. (Robins).- Germany and England -(Cramb). Prusutanlsm (Augeli) 1 -l Modem nsoline Automnobile (Page), Modein Steami Engineering (Hiox). Canada's SeaPower, (Wet). Scranto n--Col Ail kinde of Coal- Pea Ceai, per tSn........ .......6 At Hlarbor Ceai Sheds 60 cents Der tless. "SORANTN COAL" The name guaranlees the hlghest Puallty. g. Re BLOWO Whitby* Bel Tel. 9. Home Tel 14. Kitchener-,(Begble). Practical Hlstory tute HudonBay Ce., (Bryce). productive Vegtable adein Productltvê O'rchardlng (Sears). Bllly Sunday (u) Janet at Oddé, (A. C. RaT).- Sidney, Her Senior -Year (A. C. Ray).- Sidney, at College. (A. C. Ray). Day,. her Winter i NewYoek (A. C. Five LittiePepper at School (Sid- ney). Pive Little Pepn0rs Abroad (Sidneyv). Adventures letofJohnny, Chuck (Bur. gess>. Adventures e Danny Meadow Mou»e (Burgess). Adveutures dcfReddy Fo% (Burgess). Adventures eft Uncle Bllly _Posum (Burgess). Falry Taies- (Grimm). St DUnstan BOY BSuts (Eidred), -Jullsanmd 1. luiCanada. Boye Bok otf 'amous Regiments. John, and Betty'u lilsir Vioit (WilliaM- - son). Yenmy Rival inventems (HUuntng). Mlddy ef Blunderbore (Gig), Detective Barney .(O1Blglfl). Martha snd Cupl& (Lippmann). Trail ot the Wavlng Palm (Philipe). Della« Blanchflower (Ward). Sauna (M:.10. Waller). A ýYear Out eft-Lite (M. E. Waller). Cordella Biossem (Chester). Innocent (Corelli), Fertunate Youth (Locke). Wallo etpartition (Barclay) My Hearts Right There (Barclay). *Way of the Eagle (Deli), Eyes ef the World (Wright).' TwentyFourth'ot June (Richmond). Prince et Graustark (McCutcheon). secret ef the Relef (Bindieus). Vanlshed Meusenger (Oppeiiheini). Mr. Grex et Monte Carie (Olipenhclm) Tarzan of the Apes (Burroughs). Sergeant of Fort Torqnto (MilIner). Ashton Klrke (Mclntyre). Patrol ef the Sw% Dunce Trail (Con- .uer). Behlnd the Beyond (Leacock). Sunuhine Sketches (Leacock). lean Heart (Hutclxlnson). Valley Otf ear (Doyle) - Turmoil (Tarkington). Ainarilly of Ciothesline Alley <Man- lates)¶, Plame oet-Frost (Jenes), Howit Happened (Roer). Letter e1 ColitrBct (.Kn For -LiIII" (Cor«),. uncle MXdi<Carey). Scrlt iimpei (Orczy). Book of Xnewledge, 20 vols. (MUA>r thur). In thé* aieve lât atte9tlon 1l a led, 3espOiSy te the books ln gadenig and - rchardiig WAR REIEF SOCIETY D0NATI0NS, 'Thé Whltby ,var Relief Society held a meeting on Tuesday at *which $26 wvas voted te be ont te Mrs. 1Ïum- trç, Secretàiy et the Red CrçWsi S. clety, ter the purehase et respirators, wlth whlch ail soldiers are nov .belngi equlpped te ceéntend against, the pol- senous, gages used by the Germans, $10 yl be devoted te the purchase et -tovelllng ior thé use 0e surseons' la the Red Cross worIL The tovelling lu at- C. 'Todn store, -viiene: it may be caled for byany ldes Who wilU aslist In Iiemmlflg-anti Jaunder- f ng. A letter .o acknowledgemnent was recelved trom the 'UnlverltY Basel Hospital, thanking the Society for the contribution of 26-pairs et shoots and 2 pillow cases; also for -$120, contrilb uted for the tumnlshlng et 6 bedu. 0f this sum, Miss Stewart donated- $20 te the Society. AUl contributions will b. gratetully received for assistance in the work. Mrs. G eo. A. Rosa has receiyed a letter front-Misa Mary Plummerot the Canadian Fieid Comtort Mission, Ash. tord, Kent, England,couveylng thanks for a shipmeut et 63 scarves, 95 pairs ot wrlstlets, 62 pairs ef bed socks, 126 shirts, 9 pyJamas, 12 beits, and 1 jack- et for the Bine, Cross work. Thts shlpment vas thought te have gene astray, as ne word was received for several menthu regardlng it, but Miss Piummer's- ackuowledgemfeflt clears up the doubt about the arrivai. HORSE ROUTES. RING SAUL [9588] .(14945),, Pure^ Bred Imported Clydesdale -talllon, the property et Chas. Groat, Oshawa, Monday, May 10, baVes hie ovn stable, lot 17, con, 5, Whltby, aîid Pro- ceeds te Temperýance Hotel, Brooklih, for- nlght. Tuesday proceads te Victor Parkin's, con. 6, Kinsale, for nlght. Wednesday te ,,Win. Middletones, Greéliveed, fer mnm; McLes'sHo-ý tel, Brougham, for ËIight. Thursdy at Brougham tif after- noon 5.Dianeys, lot 3. irÀby. .7i Pick- --P-ridae CI.-wC. Whlte's, lot 23. 7, W. Whitby, forMnon; to. Wm. Dry-, den's west barn, lot 21, con. 6, Whltby. fer night. Saturday,. te bis own stable 'wU4 Monday attemneen. ~STAND FAST [14709] (15436)? Ima Pýrted Clydesdale Stailion, iprlz-erty et Wm. Ormiston. & Sons. Brooklin. Monday, May lUth. leaves hua own stable, Brooklu, and preceeds te Jas. White's, lot .6, con. 7, Whltby. for noon; John Cemner's, Kinsale, fer night. Tu esday, te Wmi. Middietonys, Green- woea, fer noon; Temperance lieuse, Brougham, fer uight. Wednesday, te Thos. Kuex's fer noon; T. Annan's, Liverpeol, for night. Tbursday, te Wm. Mller's, King- ston, Road, fer noon; Bandei's Hotel, Whitby, for uight. Base Liie. fer noon; A. Rebiusen's, Con. 3, Whitby, fer nlght. Saturday, te his own stable till fol- Ieowing Menday morning. WOOD)LÂND'S CHARMINd, [13229] fashienably bred Clydesdale Stallion, property ef J. M. Lynde & Son, Ash-. hurn. Ont. Monday, will leave bis own stable, lot 6, con. 2, Reach, and Pro- ceedti t E. Appleby's,- lot 36, con. 8, Whitby, for noen; John Corner's, Kin- sale, fer nlght. Tuesday, Audley for neon and nlght. Wednesday, to Wm. Parrinder's, lot 29, con. 7, Whitby, for neen; Temper- auce Hoctel, Auhburn, for nlght. Thursday, te bis own stable fer neen; Eruest Iieltby's, Manchester, for nlgbt. l"-rldây atterneen, te E. Kendali'n, lUtica, fer ulght. & L.urday te o evu nstable tUli foi- loiing Mon"ay morning. WANT LATE G. T. R. TRAIN, TO STOP>. An agitation Io atoot un town, espe- clally ameng the men empleyed at the Hospital fer the. Insane, te *Induce the Grand Trunk Railway Company te stop the midnight train whlch Passes through Whitby Junctipn on its way te Mentreal. Â large number et the men spend ech week-end lu Toronto, and, et course, they like te beave the city at as late an hour as possible. Last week a large number ef themn made use et the C. P. R. atternoon train on Saturday, retumning te Whit- by late Suuday night, ou the train which lbaves Toronto at 11.40, despite the tact that the C. P. R. Is such a long distance frora the Hospital. These men, and others, are 'nov pressing the Distlict Passeuger Agent to brlng bis Influence tebear teas- commodate thora. The G. T. R. Mon- treal train leaves Teronte at Il pm., arriving at Whitby Junction at about 11.4 5. If tiis train were to stop 'it w ,O~l iord twsépest"Iianothor, aeommo~tln, M wuld be very ýmucJa. more convenient for the Hospi- tal ým. At th esnt time a great many people are=uln the late C. P. -IL train and - the- Grand Trunk would netý make a mlstake, ln placlng Whltby JunctIon anleng the stops for the lats' train; A flmber ofpotr have been placed lu Ipromiient--petlffl about, town advertlslng a 'circus, whlch la to be ln Oshawa la theý near future. Word wus paase around town mliat the proprietors are (lermans, wlth tiie reslt, that several local men toreý down the bise lntheir Places of busi- w J Y Standard of he Manufactirers-the application of Scientific Principles te IndutrialProductivity. And ino one product is "bi better exemplified dmanin Brndram's B.B. enineWh#%te lad Itîi te Snd forall white leads in the Bish- Empire--whcrever die Union Jack Ilie-4n fact, the Stadad of the WoeId Brandras ]B. B. G e ste Fnest Whitest and mms Durble White Ladtve produced by any proceas MàyurDaeraâbout di lcad «e wite us Direct Eatabliehed over Forty-one YOMa 'THE STANDARD BANK 0F CANMA DA "The,6jC of Bandn.g D y"tYour Saving i'S * Every Dollar aras atmsrot FrmDate of Deposk m Wesolicit your mSoubt mour * SAVINGS D]IPA1RTMDt< M WHITBY ýBRANCH C. klà. C a 5 Mua sY.e~l %loueMgr ,koigad _ ____ * G- C ShiPtS, 11111 te. ýhltby, ~N i ARCHIVES 0F, nie dstR y For Ml Ages endroveii so by thousado uponthUsandeof tests the whle worid o15the famous family Dm ele- Beeeham's Pilla."Te ailments, of the. digestive orans to, which al1 are subjei -rm uhe so nmY anselous sicknessesq, aue crreotedoe revented by Try a few dose now, ma yen wfll KNOW what It moin ta ave botter digestiosunder usleep, brigliter eyes and g re heeflesatro ystem bas been eleared t14 posnnaipriis F eldrenparents, grand- parnts Beehm'sPlU ae niatchiesa as a remedy Worth -a Guinea a Box VrP=n oi7by ia.Eé U plaine., I %ul"..lgaI Soiavo~whe. a imaa .d I.8. A.oean»'là boue, à i*i. I :1 Why Not, Telephone? -If you telephone hlm first you m'aY not have to go at al! If you would just rememnber to observe this rule of first using the Long Distance Telephone, you would save yourself and your staff many tiresome trips, unnecessary disappolntments -med much expense. Many progressve business bouses have ¶found. that by, a systematic and persistent * use of the Long Distance Telephone traveil- mng expense can be reduced anywhere from 20 to 80 per cent. Why not- adopt- this principle in your business? Telephonci firsti Try to figure out where the Long Distance Telephone can save you precious, timef1 "Bw Ea Fu Telephefleduea.Loni Diamce StaUen."e The Bell Telephene Co. of Canada.

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