le ~ Sber aomethià g jfor her very ltov. W. M.UaS, f tiq rokana wn-.Jeoî~~*,em*hu and Columbus PresbYterian Churches,. - m o t Oar nd hefà hforal] wlll eccupy the. pulpit eofflhc Baptist e o cm la .heds fer Church on Sunday cvening neit, in Or, if ycusrae.-, luekyman,, the.absence of the pastor__Mr gaK f ra tc . s 161wllso b sucig#à g nbieet ,wîlic J 'nreaîzcgj Aim M Pl." Il s nsdd nd nefor ypur'béat -Dr. Murra>"s, Therapcutic Cuihici .1 =ý1 . _ < bled Shoe at iPccl's shoesStore. Have nesShoOD u b. mauy handacine jeweirj gifl. we lia,. It ls a Deasure te lie able, teart- for tbis purpose. nunec that Mr. John Cooper, Who forF ode nmynw moe ha apatnuss uPedt s, Lu d&& galnhng, strength every d nwilln ve, i oudiplain;setthda'- it s hoped, soon lie able fo be aou en dSte*prhwa -hs f d' à dpPcrhn- qurnTle:.00ri. again. -'" einsth ucaeaduse of h ef d : * te 9100.o0. arln"tsumrhe articles- of, known high' quality and absolute et k4eer d mver tm. ben MLrne tawbs purity and, healthfulness. verrdaiuty orna. eýre-openred -fer tic season, some of ments. Expansion bracelets of< the Oebrse Mr. McLarenls familir 10k and, 14k gold, end -iu geld' having. alrpady arrlvcd. Bi'@hss and bDmpPin"s-.-S ith - Sèeour Une et ladies' cloth teppcd' âins comuinstiens ef preelone bots, oxfords and pumpe. Pccl's Shoýe su 'miereeieus atones Priceo_ toe *rU 25t 7500 -o The'annual meeting of'the Womùen s Ur r a o a tr IlÃstitute wlll be held ln tfli Agrieul tiral rooms on Friday atternoon, My ~ sa P r .Cra fT ra R. N. Bassett cre will take.place. It lis requested ~ ~ i N Jewelep ad nduite gtlcs I08 that aU the-inember. bé* 'Présent. BJ?()1V J)FW DR Whitb, Onarlo Mns. G. A.- Rose, Président; Miess P. aena, -Sêcretary <Co tan _ _ __ * - o ..Nso-- ____________________ 3'Bysand Girls' echool boots at dit rate nîces M. W. Colas'-Red-Shoe Perfectly 1evn and maksth food W.- C. Tr. 1. 0-ôntttit tedUi rcpbi more delicious and wholesome. lcueon 4 The War," lanUct msi DRINK AND WAR hall, to-nlght (Tluursday), under the______________________________ auspices 0f ,the- Speakers' PatriotieL wanted to kaow-how niany,men League., Rey.- A. L. Gegglc, Mr. N.F. MiscejIaneous Adverts. FOR SALX OR TO LET. bad been killed la ýWars since the Ma. Daldsonand Mr. Ames,'et Toronte, ume cotg cedonian warns, and found -the f0 îi oratord et splenîdid -reputation, will be Park, furnse and ready for occupa. with ltsa O0Yikilled goo was 2,800,00'1kil aad woundd present and-deliver addresses. A flo ton. Apply theA. W. Richardson, box ^wlh lssthaiý00,00killed. More programme of music will be provided. MXald for gencnu-gioumcwork. Apply 604, Whitby, or Mns. Gold, 50 Ver- are killed every year la America by Chair taken at 8 o'clock te Ml'u. A.A.tkumWib -6motveTrn. Iiquor than ln al Uic wars for 2,300, FOA. Akino~Wltb.-5 otAv.orno 3years. In the great war now ln prog., Edgar-. L. Scxsmlth, this week rceîv . FR A1 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. rese net More than 1,000 are kllled. ed tnom the Department of Educa±îoa Fine milch Cowý'-ÀIly te P. Howau-d -Tneswl erci tteofc ,eacb day, and that la only hait' the ln',Teronto hls prize la thlaconteet for À.ll of e W. Grayseni-Brown, Architeet, 204 number klled each day by Iiquor;, atc Xcoar. ,wu atfyer NOIC.n Clyrd! Building, Eam1ltoý, for two know what war li, and yet, I .say-, », y.- bi, - û, hichumeinunts e tesuietbrick echelS for the teWo etWity ,79u, the -work 0fIliquer,,I.,infintteÃ'; $100" Thé -diotÃŽibutio'n oetthese prizes - - :' ferget tM bring rour lawn OtWi.uni 2 'loknon f hthe -Wrs;I know,, what ,calamity It lautafh è t4rdy, but Was ne> doubt duý mowcre. earl'yvfor repahýirsmd sharp- e woud b tohave Bore geat ared' te 'thê-fact fliat It was tflfist year foegr.Prcs--. -resab1,ab sd-,-a*i a a'etJre 95 - ntin ecgrç War' ýgaIn8t -AMerjcg t-peetaîn adte uI tcu ùrner A mh e- '~PluanidIedifications may be seen lutIvould râther se zny counitry had nef accrued- iteresLthed--ct' $, np atnin.Lw owr fUi bYO nariceora. N at' race orl etthese ccunties 'than 'face ,ilcleucy 'ton.the fret .yean -was made ùaloIÃ-alid ' delivered. W.J. Beach OcWhitb-o;y, tner ô ncs "the glictIternat *à t :théà t',wôi*s its up by, the Depar-tme#4.. * blý-'S2liifh, c- - * LWS o;an edrntacs -1deadly 'ravae. Look -atthe recor4s.,, 0-. . - - -- - saily accepted. ad lee what aicehol does te thé hirth POU SALEÉ Tmi4Di1. -aad dcath record-aine' out of ten A 200-acrc farm. The .estgte et Jao. chlldeen bora et alcobolic parents are'A eogsiutdnemlws t wnong:- The liquor. traiRe fight meâmas A. Dlongt, sitatdon.e m iecske 1hc sunvival or the extermination etfBrokîe;large Ont.,sain.;eellbrickt the.race. If both parents- are moder- oer; lagebak a; eellsy en a- -ate dnInkens,' it wlll quadruple the ders ton 200 acres or for ech 100 se-_ e niumben et miscarniages. Isn't It a ateywlb relé*utoJn terriilc slaugliter? ,Tliank God- there fatly ilho nceenerup te nes anc tew alceholic mothers. _To themr l. Higested or ny ter nefatc- ,WeWew e liîîty of our race. Isaf l Aicred FrYurheHprtcu One:utfseven~flbe4»,.~e jlars apply f0 Cora Delong or F. Dob---. A TH E bS h aensar uea f alohlo e son, Uxbnidge, O t -47. Onot arentsarwttl bs efre4. f Oh for Victoria Day! Tickets good' bothparets ae toal'astaner 1egoing and rne n a.2, tsnl out et ten et their children w Il be.e; n tuafr n d ay2a sigleW AT ES ' S perfect, thcy wlll be easy te brn ongM are u2d2t a2anand ar, go led and wil risc one degrec hlger -l o a 2 3ad2,go îi en4 ef 26th. te return, te and from alsta. ___________________ it aecSsary for mne te dw?_ nger onteln Canada. Secure those muid al - this slaughtcr et Innocent- n.R. ~l p. b.on. -- rcqulred tickets,. local muidfoeigu, af yeur- lohsrea -HESNoo'S ofice kNible#Iet agent),. No _ g enk É mcon's tickets CoMMeno4ing. tur oir najn di - ack et par If l W Cholce of railwayýs, o ty we are feig E ep n LOCAL H-P ecein 9Unes. Office heurs 7 luss -e8.30 p.m.- Horne seekers' tick- B o ss Tapestry, Plush, Union and Al -ýWoQl te Manitoba, Saskatchewan, AI. braeeyTuenday. Choice of ail anad Boys' Rfeady-to-wear Suits. and manv bu STILL MORE AUTOS. The, automobile fever has seized upen sf111 othen Wbifbyifee, as welI as upoti persons la neanby- villages. Mes- ers. W. -J. Luke & Son have seld F'ords te tue foliewing, la addition f0 the names published a short tume aga: P. -Mathîson, WhTfby; C. M. Willcox, Whitby; Mr. Marston, Port Whifby; John Quinlan, Pickering; W. B. Powell, Pickering; Rev. Mn. Bcd- ford, Pickering; H. W. Mc'Brien, Kin- sale, Alfred Haninani, Brookla. CALLED FOR MEDICAL SERVICE. Dr. Austin Evans, the announce- ment ot whosc offer tod serve-witli the' Royal Army Medical Lorps, was made a short time ago, received notification on FrIday evenlng lait te report at once at headquarters lu Toronto. Wlfh this short notice, Dr. Evans-had te quiickly make arrangements règardIng bis personal affairs, mund on -Baturday afternooie he lett Whitby fon Toronto. HIe wqs not Infonuaed as te biseul-I mate lestlaatien; Indecd, It may be only on arrivaila England thaf the- doctors wlll receive definIf e Instruc- tiens. Dr. Evans' many tniends la Wbifby wiii eageniy follow bis move- mente, and anxIously awalt news troni or about hlm from tme f0 fIie. Mrs. Evans la at present la Breckvllle. Dr. Evans' practice la being attended te by Dr. Warren. PRESENTATION TO DR. EVANS. Previous te bis depa.ture te report for service for the Empire, Dr. Evans wus made Uic recipient et a gitt froni the memberu of Composite Lo«ge A.F. & A.M. Aithougli the notice ef hie cal wam so sudden, and the Intei-vening trne before hie leavlng se short, a numben et the membens of Uic lodge gathened on Saturday merning, and pnesenfed the Doctor with seven $5 geld pieces,-as a token et estcem and appreciatIon of hie loyalty. The a. Mount prcsented was for the Durchase eto a sword and belt upon his arrivaila England, Had fle ictme allowcd been longer, there would have been a great many more citizens who wonld have been glad f0 jln la this expression te vile - InUU ms.viu <>1 IJpulLSr mué, ic on sale ThursdaT; '* riday and Sat-* ltrdaY at Whitfteld'e drug store, Whit. ty, for 5 cents; regular prices 15C. to SOc0 Men's Rega1V and -Derby boots and Ohoes ln the Idteit styles. Peel's Shoe :S£tore. Ina cdiof the churches ln town ôii 'Sunday last the pulpit waa occupied at leant once by a representative of the. Dominion Alliance, it'being F'ield Day Jn the Interent of temperance work. Léarge stock ef 011 stoves Just grriv- ced. Prices r1ght. Pringle's hardware. Sergt. A. B. Brough-ton, of No. 4 MDase Hospital, University of Torontoi sepent the week-end luaà , farewell visIt at. hiè home here. Mr. Broughton ex- pecte te leave for overseas service with the 4aboye unit this week. MIl the latest styles ln screen doors and window soreens'at Geo. . Rice's. -Everythlng ln hardware. * Meurs. Jos. --nd D. E. Hleard have purohased the lot on the south-east -corner of Byron and Mary streets, oWVncd by Mr. B. Stephenson. It ls un- terstood that two residences will be *reced, Gm' ýncw stock ef lawn mowers and -sarden tools Just bere. We would be pleaaed to have. you look them ever. GSt IL. Rice. G ROOERY VALUES Dutch Sett Oniolis,. 5ca quart. Granuiated Suffar, 14 Jbs. for $l.OO. - One Broom, 19c. Your Business Friend, MEEKER TORONTO MEN EREOT HOUSES In tlic past twe weeke the erection* ef seven bouses bas been commenced b>' Toronto gentlemen, wbe have be- come intenested la Whltby. On Brock street south, opposite thc soufh end ef the vark, Mn. Jas. Tnay. ers lias commeaced a $3.000 selid brick bouse, which lias a briçk cellar, aund will be furaisbcd wlthe licmeut up-te-. date coinvenfenêes. Mr. Travers will build twe othens acar-by. -on Park Place, iust eastof this, -Mn. C.'E. Seaman- ls erectiag - two brick veneer bouseu, wlth cernent founda- fions.- On Plaza Royal Suli-division, Juut nerth. of the C. P. R. station, Mn. John Lucas bas commenced eperaflons on four semi-detaclicd solid brick bouses, value 18,00 to 18,200 each, These lieuses are- alrea up toe i t et tese ady AU 'f tesegentlemen have great faith In thc future ef Whifby, and In- tend te bluld a aumber, etfreuideaes. The Greater Canada Ce. succeeded1Ila finit drawing their attention te Whit. b>, mand gcttlng them intercsted-hoec. Covering§e- UNION RueS-- Patterns on hoth aIdes Sizes 3 X 2 31, special -83.90 Size 3 x 3, special Size 3 x jj-, special Size 3 x 4, speéial Size 4 x 4, speciai Size S1ze Size ALL WOOL RUCS x 3, special x 31, -peciai x 4, specialV' Tapostry and Plush Rugs direct froni the makers in Glasgow, Scotlatid, at reduced prices. 3 x 2j, regular value $6.oo, Sale P-ice $4.90 4.50 3 4.95 3 7.901 1 6.95 6.95. c UY u CcLeIt ,and pure, as, Illa' dr Ali Sorts Of lnsectIeides o. 1H41lý L *1 Wl hoTFI37M Orug and Satientr ore 'W Hot Water Heating, Hiot AirHeatig, Plumbing, Roofing, Eavetroughing, Stoves and Furnaces 1Repaired, Genieral Repair Work, Estimates. Civen.,, Dundas St. Whltby,,Ont. erlofà Orm 7'RE unng balanceof tfiéê Reduceè d ' me l 1Fl oor RUg89,-Men;s g savings in Flooti Tapesti'y and, Plomb Rugs W aterproof and Warrantod Mot1 3, regular 8.5o, 'for .o Fade WOOD FIBRE M*11110 x 31, regular lo.5o, for 8.9o One yard wide, in brown a x 4, regular'm2.0, for 9.9o green shades, x 3,q, reg. i.5, for 14 90 regular 6oc,,' Sale Price 4. x 4, reg. i 7.50, for 1490 ALL WOOL CARPET x 4, reg. 16,5 o, for 49 One yd. wide, r 1 . 0regular i.o , Sale Price 81 3P lU8 HR5OS 3 x 3, reg 100,o X3, reg. -20.50, 3x34, reg. 2-250, JAPANESE RUGi 3 x 3, reg. 2 25, 2 X 2, reg. i. oo, 3 x 4p,.reg. 3 00, for i2.90 for 1790 for 19.90 -, SCOTCH LINOLEUMS for 1.79 in ail wiciths that are made in for 79e block and floral designs. Qne 5141K l'105 at 7 cents each. 011 Cloth and Linoleum 1 Size F6loo18,att2sad35 4C ;9c Mr. Book, of. the House of Hobberli,, wiiI be at our store SflURDAY, MAY IStb, te take measurements for T .ot, and guarantee a fit. r. Book Wilu bave full sett sAnpIes of newest clotbs., also models of newest styles of garmnets woro'tbis season., Prices $ 15.00 ta $35.00. MENS SOFT MATS Spri ng shapes in blues,'browns, g reens and greys, best Euglish fur feits. Regular value 2.5o to.$3.OO. Sale price $1.89 i10 doz. Men's White and black Siik Socks, reg. 45 and 5oc. - Sale price 25c LADIES' BLACK Ià iD LOVE SI'ECIAL Regular value 85c. - Sale price 59e WA8H GOODS SPECIAL On our firat table as y ou enter the store we will place Muslus and prints, iard' wide, values 15 tQ 25 C'yd - Sale price' i Oc ,w. OYERALLS and COTTONEADE PANTS 10 doz. Meri's Black Bibb Overalis, aise double knee and seat Cottonade Pants, regular value $1.25. - Sale price 95e Boys'-Radyto.wear Suîts at Loue? r Poe Boys' Knee Paut Tweed Suifs,. value 6.oo to $6.50. Sale price $4.90 W. were fortunate in secur- ing aniother lot of sampl-e1 ui, muade by McAlpine ichard. son Co. af a very Io, price regular value $20 Wo, for 9,90) 22.00 f0 $25oo suifÃs $14@90 G ~ .-W ters, LAIE'BOS Uo.Ldies' BlotSEsal deoz. Lais'tyles, uail 5hi value 1.25 to $1,85., Sale price 98c, MNSCAMBRiO1 SHIRTS 5 doz. Men's Cambric Shirts, coat style, hard cuùffs, in black, tan and blue -stripes, al uew gooda, regular value 75c Sale price 43c, 819 Values for Balance of Month, Covnmenolng' May l5th Whitby Bell Phone 37. LORING Fr8S SEMIREAY, -TAI] -f suEMT We are neow sho in a special- lnofsuitînga 81 $15-00, made te your order in any sack suit style you prefer.. No extra charge for D. B. sack coat, etc. The Semni-Ready Tailoring Co. are able te niake (at their ehops in Montreal) 1000 Suiti eveny.week, without eventime, se0-we are able te absolutely guarante Your suit te arrive in 7 days.- Semi- Rcady clothes are Ibld In' -over 600 cities and towns, fronm Halifax te Vancouven. - W'e 4eil and guaranteea the cern- picte uine in Whitby. Moneyback if net satiafied CLEAIOINOT RESINAO KEPAIIN A C - MAIRICE -t---'--h otl oy l 1~daor souath Hotel Royal, - WHITBV, MIJRPHYvi BEMPRES. li TI'DOMINION-8 AI> ee EMAPNDILELR, 5hm, O PRgNr.- W. MATTHw, vicI-PngEîogNv, - - 0A. BOGR-BT. caerzamanager. Truist' Pirnds Should Be Deposited rIs Salngs Arcoult In The. Doinion Bak Suchfundu are s.y prot.te mainre aihes nrrent rates. W h e n p a y m e n ar e u d , p a c u l r s c f e a c h t r n s c to ni m a> ' h a n o te d o n WHTYBRANCH: A.A OIIR' STOCK IS COMPLETE IN ALL STYL ES. We seil Open Hearth Steelt Galvanized. The highest grade. ST-EEL-WIRE GATES Examine our stock. PLANET JR. eULTIVATORS- BINDER TWINE is advancing._ Place- your order now. and ge tereuedpice.- AT THE New' Menswoar Store WE ARE SHOWING Afhlefic Sioovleu COM-s.,$.0 A new stock of Khaki Work Shirts, full fitters, 80 cents. Harry Th-ompson fiýock st, south, Whltby, Ont. ARCHIVES 0F ONT TORONTO- OMM DISNEY9 9 1 - Ik 1 A. ATKINSON, Maný H. BLACK, ,Ser a 13 1 1 bptcîal -Order Suifs. WC give, sbine pricCs as Guoied ai IhÉir -%fnrp in 90-