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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 May 1915, p. 11

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jJThoze Whie1i WêaIl12 eId MevU.--M~ito. hea'-N. 5. q61î-o3.ro 1e eextra Ito.'l teed, - *r*uv 1.0 1.> N. tNor 67on, o ;1-0 ; o .' 2 local -white, 66 12to 67c; Tie 1,64t1-4;No. 2 o* lca *ite.'66 te 66 1-ie, No. 4.,s.î Theshipa oûwnediu G.rmaund V.W.. 6414c.70ra o, îrop g 1: ean parteaudwodk iedn 64 14c, .50. Winteur patenta, cio!ce, $7.;case of war-are. v&1ud-ýt$100,000,- 1feors63 1-2c, e oSrts. 835trlhtle .S0.ol os.5 d.,baa.000. These-shipa include tic flower - Oanadin cocra-No. 2 yelow 70,- r -; a,90Ib., $3.35. Bun o!6,fGeruiy'a tran»-Aitlantic liners' Toronto. lie, $36 t Il sa , veton,4. car-Vi foaig 90 tia ea g Ontario oata-No 2 White,, 60 t0ý Sic; Na loti 019 ýO W.5. CeeelatWet.were carryiug tie crçam of Euro- iv hite. 5914> ok,Outide, - &,l 34 t' 9 1.4finest eauterne, 18 1.4 Ipe-alit bffic. A -doenotiiar Outterlo wbett-No. 2l.c. CSlOry, -cia8pa zen of..liersareai lot, 01-45 to $1,46, outulde. 311.2 o lus;second, 303.r4.0and. Bgg to 1 S. ,uti. Iul Pt cr 81+e.601 Frh. 22 to 23c. eeieeted, 24 to 26c; No. 21 afu ftos !Asra fedbaley.66 o aatlnj > rley, 73 t *75c; 5c Deed" Guog-Abttoir r lots 1 h'ýgoudby the expi 7c u«e420e oac.e acakl., traeilccnParativrely gôod Cratrsmadl Ve gon oof rjcieso ni BSwhutNýM". ar1os, 7 t, .75t,$1.'<rknayCa-n aa, ort, çonditon. vesai1ae 0Led 6ussizea luia mning district of Nortlhen -Fran p rtes ofke car hfl.. bl.. l>,4 ÃŽ 6 2. h"are ued a~s gr"lvt.and' a. s fr b-raio ffrs, an ~y.N.,nomnIl. 4 1.15 te $1.17, ont. ad-(3m îoud.t 1e; çure3.5 terces th po!o ,NwYrr-da isfrosr&inolcn n todple 0ika ece-, 3 W tiL.9et e Yrk sd atsometimes thisy are lin'kecj tGgPtlertô torm, parts c!« tren., - bl<nitoba -icu-pîrut patente, in jute 275 l1i. .Il 1-u0; pure' wOed ýeI., 2W lb.TeVtrnd bai, 8,1; i0d PteBte, iu jute- baga, net, 12c«.Th aeud $7.60; atrongb*s.jieêu Jute ,baeu. 87.40. of!.-thie Haml4nrg-Ausericau Lin.,D'làIT, Ongi Our 1.bOStor, 0 u ot arifledSae Mres.vm n & LLcEMY1IS CAMP-AiGN IN A I I - blOrt. Per ton, S2U. ml inga. Per' ton, 81-54 34; Ju17.' 01.44. i orn-No. 3 yslklow. only two and a hlai!trupa3CI709sthe - 821 OOd teed Sour, per iag. 82!05 d.lly: 69 3.4 te 70e,1- 19e+fý.,Z site, 501-4- 1te AtIajnt She,-wa6,ý-e bort. oomd as fNo) KeseSves to Suppr e.EconsA _eéred. Mon treas.l ri0tg. 603*-cFou."d bran uuehanged.' vstt h e-t~ iuté S i xrm ot t isoeluie Country Pr.du,. bard, S$1.66 14; Northero, $4.54 12; interre ,i her -career. Th& i- t I . seNOtI H sB 'Iit4or-ýIlbrO l18a a MriY 'good anrket. $1.49 Lindeed. $1.94-.-2 the 1.. !liseu. huats tii. lk, of, mý&Yno -t*26iofrulnresin. hlc dt -war przes te wihiéh Unce S$az» PrIit.. 2 <o33e; do., solid&, 2 e o30e n I* a-g.ight fadd,,heir. Shei. .960 feet Ad'pth!o ergai5y:tt h itlni !EueuHn Erg.s-nPe msrket ta fairty acelng registers -500,000 tous, a edmany'athehflet'landsicuEasyernck easY. Witb sales aS21 tw 2&3e pr r co ,a25e_-Buie5;ra' catîle, e 15 a he dfiult e ak 'ofgry. ~ quet I dzen eblce 08.0 t 0LO~ o..ýod$7,40î<mluteb er1we'san*2ûOY andti tusnow threateus f ailure Moreover, Diuitrlef!',9Sarmüy, maretladoetut.310 to do 0(0. o hand.p.ckod. 8' ff 3.20 to $3.is~ cmoT8.6~8~5 uce~ l hoices, 6.60 te17.0;do. , bulle.- $6 origt eeo Ai rw ti !the entrcaipingaut s-Whli5cosf, hdstcwt ]?0 tt17Ohtekenudued,2e Win $t6.75; de., rough bulle, $5 tei *5.75, Vaterlanti has beôn,-burniug 50 tons Sla,.'She .has no reserves t<>sup- sutwarôt-ti.wod,.aPere o! ckens Uc 50;U<wi,131 15; turkers, btlir'cos oc, $6.0 to87.5; de., fcaexr~ d= te w -- -tO'«ewa, co-du, 0.50Zte o- 0 f5W I a day duridgth»iie uthe ort Gen. Eichorn's armniluthe.the, Dnieeranih.Guan Ohee-oeuma.rket iu firm, eig 576;do., ocason,$4.765 10$5.25; feeders. 1ha. lico-iterued, -ant inlufiue naridati t h. bcu her no -tud at 1419 S34c for Large, and aut2me for go,8.0t 75;stcea 0 0100condition, notwltiubadiug heu- long habent-e c h PoateaOnaeos t )buer .,.,0.2 $6 0.5;.anea ndcutea,84pritir e-Tatnk stadcydruetbteutrsw hee$4tihi he nIroe I*aoo-npo 6tns 14 Pt0 .>siùî«* ,dce, eauh,.860.1o -8100 ; 1pe oL f lew: I. L. as; uf2-ll f rom Opak ntl nw hevl10 to eXèlu hslr nti okn.e Out 01 store,. und 45eolu car ots. o.-,commoq and médium, eaeh, $35 te estim-Ld the Vaterl-and -Ruissans -are fLghti-ng -near tiheK 'roniatolu inEaSoutGalicia. B rutewîeo, arlo. 5 t e r $>g 4; ua n juv, 5te $75; light awes, $7 -fete tto ! Wru ca lte 5 t 60 erbu.to 88; Pr ey.$5 <e 06.30; do., buceu. Lo 1 îldl(7rry 10,000,Troopqe. Mater saieon orse rl l. X a. oablyn 35 Glcr ,!-wit 1 ~~. ~~ 03.50te .;7eatJ.ing lamba. 85 te 810;,Konpinessu Cciiewiee tii Autran tteptlin. tic ené'ê'y Prvica. lvoa,- 84.50 to, $10; bogu, ted aud wster- B4"ildes the. Vaterlanti, tiere le at treme ,south, exr-Bkow uar Grban w35c reop at uumMueaeute sflos? d, $9.40:10 0$9,45; do.. off cars, $9'65 te ostnthee eri ea u t-ia reGra, hwi -.nco.logOla 133-4 te 14eo-par I1h n89.75; 4.. $.85. here lua ronalare eae~tii S lts HniaMeiu 1 ~ 71fr Motral My 25.-Thera werc ne cbo-ce queeu of the Northi Germu-an Lloyd flank tAie RuSsiaus anti &pproach faileti anti1,0at large nuni. yo doheav7 14 1.2 te 15e; rollu. 14 te 14 1i2c;atour. on the market, but thie deauand :"Is leet. Her cciii.! seas isot isbrspeeti. Lember.teg ;rocn tA21ie cent hathe been tAie Sannd alesile atteuiptiug thete esha.b- 0br kfafec 7bacn.18t2&, mca.21~ odefo ut hst$f8r.25ud alsera - elrethe outbreak of war itseli utflanked. Tiihe .oaslil flrslvso Verg tbk i44--hemqfS'kct Iaquiet, wsh hprliragrades pl on J4asllh hmevso ieýih ~oId down $6 te 86. 50, while she establisheti a new trans-Atian- are pureuing 4he ene-my, who k5Le aebegîhav r ii Pa-ls.1210 2 -fr Cnspunl, u~9 .p4 nd huils freni $6 10 $&.z5 parcwt. T-betc record for Gernuan ahips. She making a disorderly.retreat acrlà hby moavr trton ga.în-s tee- 10; o, alu 1 1 0 ~*-they have oeu of la-te, 'for rg1 hthereofrnuo uA ui wrl rta i cap abl f oNgkottra. c hewoeo!th owrCrptha c -etor gurus c! Peremysl. , a Eeed demznd. ana an active t rade edugtoa1rV era>Lloyd____________________ - Baled May and 8traw. wu@<dope- Ln Bpring îau>ba at $4 te se officiai the Ceci-lie- la in excellent f4triL a lu oead aI $7.50bte$83.50 a ton aach. 'Yearlings coud ut$83.75 10 $9.25 prcondition andi could ble put lu ser-runraa iu car lots deivereti on truck haro. 1ewt., and ewe sbeap et 87 le $7.50. calv- lirwnSOE . ut $5-6- ad 0 3 a $1 to$1350. rancing rm$.at I ah ste aire ers valu-e tic siip abV more thaniSN S and quativ. T-he toeuof t he markt for îr,000ýW Businesin Mantrsai. - hop a Vs ftrm, with a goodt duuind (rom , 00. iSt!if ine drsigPsa Nontreat, -May 2.-Corn-mePan o aea 97 e$0pretwihdofteLoddcsiHbkn , kere, andisales ofeelected lote vere The Kaiser Wilhelin Il. now iatt ABL I O ltIIAOMatr ing posta I y ll w , 2 e 3 e .O a u-g n a ia w - ut c a ..- i te r hip -of th e K ronprinze ssi u FIIE 11170 4,1 R t 'S. . L etters ( ltters sho u ld be left - an-d la one o! Lie fa-meus Gierma-n O)leci), Posteards anti postal par- U 001 P 0~RE S - France WilI Sett g0blDe express steamers. While sic la net cels shoulti be a<kiressed as fol- For Croô a l quite a-s fast as the Cecilie, the Coinnianders of Alfrd Forci-s Live u,: - Kaiser was averaging botter than IN IJAHIJANELLES A de-patchi !rom -Paris says: A 22 kuots for the trans-AtIJantie voy- Sirjl n r xr-:-yI tniiiI, na-me; law ha. beeu prounulgated, accord- age just 'béfore ah. -was laid up. 3eloiîu.- 2. lient rlii nt -SrogPoiton 511 Br iles frthe .;aymsent o! the crg0ofe!tVe menthe that sic wa,-prcparihig 'Le A correspondent senda a firat 1Jielgian or lussian) prisonier sîeashipDaci, f rery o! the certsPort anti ,co ea tbn impression (d Gen. Joffre a id - <!vr WaY bto th Narroiv., Hamburg-Ame'ricanLine, but later rauder. Sir John French andtihiccoditions 4. Place o! internint;1 ilowever. - unter -Amerucan registèer, whicî Thie Hamburg-Ainerican Lino baas ne hchîcFe cir-n5.itCe any. - vu.eized by a Frenchi warship on Tlulrteen Vessels lTied Up, commnandors o! tic allicti ines are, Place o! interrument *houlti be A detupatei froan Lotndon says: Fobrua-ry e7. The ;cargo o! cc-ttou,,. eue eing tBso'Sdwee&t okn, 6t'eatiy pregress by the allie4 troop> jlower, - fcofsotti Wd a os* at <eve'wokng laei l -yif possible,aud par- #O # the ieGallipoli' PeuinSUISla i. - re- nug <o au ut exasting New Yorkc. Next toe iVatetla-ud en. Joffre hashli» J~ arers, ýeu. annot b. accpt-ec Uf-less -- p o r t e d , a t i u ug i t i i y ' a p p a r e n t by < e a th e F f î y i ow a n t i B r it i s l Ç r a - t e A e r c , oton , . I o t h e h o - ' b ô d n s s ~ - i ~ l l l c ! i t r n n n s u a t d i . 1 -" ' .- 1 b valuablethe reut,o!eflet el kuowu Vo English te riaIs. H.? atdre4sos inuit be in ink. hbave net yet gapturedthe<i.Turkisi val authýbritÂm thét arud secondd p>ositions vhich - bar their vay to - "Tie IWW- -proposes," says the gbel_ rýfilrse c ia- éas pa'.en- r thieti correspondent punctu- 2. Communications Should be im- - the NarroWs o! the Dartnelles. Tempis,-l"t the value of.tAie car- ge ttrrer anti freigiters. Ameng- alIy in a tiny reom vith a long, itedtit private and family netesund 1 t Auunoficia desatcireports go b. - reim-bursed te the Ameic _t-ef reighters are wmce o! thie uarrov table-ms ioypr !bnceaybsns communica- banin o fe~i roops on the ovuers." greateât cargocares l ti the eervants' quarters vhen the tiens, anti eboulti netas en - Amatic aide o! tiie',tra-ite-ai move venid. hotel vas uaed for its regular pur- !requuontiy. No references to the ',d-sine, dubtea,, o pevnt heThe. North German Lloyd lias six pose. naval, Tflilitary or political ut-ua-i desgntidobteos t pevet he GERMAN PUBLICATIONS. liners in Anrn preaI bt-"lc arrives ln this ro&mu aI 6.30 tien or lenava-I or military nmove- - Turks f rom.sending auy more rein- --u- !Vo rhang bert ty 'iok&Me boung"the rr-ments anti erganizationa r-a- woes et s ri u pern tsie ut m Ofcrs h v reid set a-s firet cla;se pasacger ships. spondent says, "~and at 7 o'clock lo et. L tters or p stecards con- t wetr Ide. The despatch rends: vlaed to Exerelse Vigilance.- At Hobokenu Piers vith tie Kaiser he has a confenence vith-he ù ta-:ning isuch references vili nel b. "The alliée diseuubarke-d f nes'h tA de-spivoe tropenerKun aie o tI. uJA C e-muatch !romïïp Ottawa says: ifihelm II. are the follcwing Lloyd lcading c;fficers of the Go-nerul Ofirti -ro tac coat c the&Dardanelhe sa cuýtinsficers at -al ports o! en- chips; Friedrich de-r Grosse, Kouig Staff. ---Ail the reporta anti des- 3 Fruentis o p.risonena of wa-r are uo - -i-o las ee bernoi ier 1ha- 'try in Canada have been notifieti Wilhelm IL., thie Prinze.p4 rerue anti paîches of Ihe nigil arc e atise tO l senti posîcartis in prýe-c Turs u icGaýilpoli Peninaulaeb, i eatnn e-eorieL.Gos- ufrt ' through anti discusseod, anti ordeîs 9 rece te letters, as post-cards are whoforwees-h'yelaced rtiar greater vigilance tovaýd the exclu- Thore are aise four AueVro- are given for the dky. - Lunch is legs l-koiy to bc delayed If letIersa who forrveeka havehlacked artilleeryeedoin amnnitieu, have' ebtaineti an so o erman publièâtions. le Amerioan hue veisoela un tue port, served t iixio'ecuk, anti nîways arsent, tloie falieulti lot nxetluc ab sa uPpy e! sî-eîîs in Vis cntry o! these publications bas beau lwOocf thcm having bec-n engageti consista of the anme articles o .o!bd-JeutiIoad-ao he fnt pastfew aysprohibitet under the proclamations in passenger traffie betweeu New --e-ggs anti cutîcîs-arter whici, a-t Pilper anti shoulti contam rîothing g, past Lev day.. ~relative te tradinug vitb Vie onerny, York anti Trieste befere hostiliîuea ivelve o'clOok, hr saohracuteîul i ntn ua T.lhe fotlowiug bas been receivetibtsmeaefndbuitrvn n eau oneec. t- tho- -h o-c esacti o atuppe O n - (rm Le Mditrraeanfôre: y mail anti express. Special refer- The total number (>f nternetv s oralgues Out tli 4. He rither "G-urlCo's riae epleonce is madie te a bock - entitleti selsglunLb-eport <ifNev York in- vaîks or drives, eirnlyluthe b 4 aLelters cannal tfur the preFent ini with hea lois an attack ou bhis "Fur Valarlanti Und Ebrc" Q clu-de four Austrian an t enty-uxdje ooa. A0lueoi . ifrrgitain position lccLtefor prcegstratiiene. l POi!nÏd- aNy1, obe"FrFtgl n tci Houer," Germnan- -stamrxaniarudGr acethrd onfiernAt. len)tie>oToiyo Ptaeetietopii.1-r a....lywqv. 1i. 11V vnnuy criea lia lady, in del'iefh, "lhow trenehesSato y ti and a new gun eruplacé>- reall saee y t -a How par- ment wcedefnolished by howitzer fect and how fresh! Sure, I do fire., belave that there's t littie dew on ,,ývery day se" an ixuproveiuent thbei yet!" Murphy flushed slight- i the Angld-French position. The ly. "Begorra, 1 know th-i~e is," euemy are reported as- having lost h. re1uctant1y confessed; bt'ii Veryiieavily." be paid to -morrew." bt tl L E F1 AUJOS A >Ik TIE LE 100 SO Iiegvy Sheil Burst Amflng the tlach-Ines, KillIing Kalser's Chauffeur! and Destroyingr Motôrs A4 ýdçpatoh from Geneva »aý-i; destrcying several machines, in-i The Gem B mperor &nd, his-,,staff1 cluding the Einperor's, and kiliingr ha<l~ ~TQW ecapewhul ach is chauffeur, The. Erperor hadà hadeý arrqw scape hil ' atc.-left his car only 15 minutes before.1 ing tlé-,opoýI tions in a village near As more Ilusuian sheila were fail-a the River Sn,. in Galicia. Accord- ing- in the neighbdnhood, the Em- inQ ý ~ toi frein Budapest, a peror and hlus t4aff left hastily'ina burst 500 yards away, machines which they coinman-h It f ~ o isome automobiles, deered. - BRING UP RESERVESa Ouns of the, Eneniy on the Belgian, et Transtirrled to'the Canal a, London says: g ay$th te i iehg, guns eo!"'ti. éorreao d«ie t Ge'ans on, tii. B*l coie ex-, 4haV Vie Ger- ce-pt ticir aircmaft pièces have lie-n té 4 les in, cipoçitauerdt ti er hla w:tl; Itlx -fflue-<. A d-o-sîlli f nm London -says: lufe' Home Office la enforcing ruew ne'gulat ions noga-r-din-g paseports, lieret-ofere il lias offly been noces- sany for a man. tebave bis cvn por- trait on is Pa-sspont. The nev ne- qu ircmentt cal] for tb. portraits o! wuvos anti chi-itren over 14 yea-'s o! The ncw reqluiremenf5 va-ne fi-sI enforoc at Liverpool, vbere sev- Mra paffle-gers hat i dfficulty lu se-c-uring the neceçsary photographs anti bavng.them uficially allaChet to thie p-asp-rtnd -st-ampe<l by tic Unted States Consul, seLiat thoy might be Pe-riitted te sal. Tii. Embaesy bhs investigaLti anti fotîndti aI in th. future Vie nev requiremnents must be -etriclly adiieredti l. Through.Vhe-pre-sà the Americun Embassy h-as caIled the attention o! a-Il Acuericans in he Uuibod Kiagdom te Lb, new rules, anti urgea lieu, if the regulatujous have 'net been complied -cv-tA, te ha-ha the neces;a-ry stepa vitheut dela>, by calling at the Embassy or aI Lb. neareet Consulat. vith th nietoguaphs. Goverument ,Enquh-y Int. Crucifixion Storv A despalci bu-cmLondon -Sa»,: in the leuse o! Coniunons &Ha-mit J. -Tannant, Parîlamentar>, Under-; Secretary for War, auouneti VIiat, Vie- Goverument vas,-etiquir- ke - -Oro"s,. -"...mney entierte pnisoners o! w-a-r were already tira-vu up-n- August Inetructions as te how te procee<l 27 for lie afion vwhl;c begait on eau be obînineti froni potinastere Septe-nber 5. "He ponclenct themui o! acceuuting post offices. Tbe aIl over, anti thon piecedtheti wholm transmission o! coin, either in l-et- battle togetier, bit lby -bit, like aitenu or parceîs, ia expre*:-sly pro- tielicate -bit o! mechanism, vhici hi-biteti. Pestal notes anti ha-ni vhen the lime came na-n like clock- notes sheulti net ho e-rut. .work," the correspondent nc4ds. 8. kt must be undratont that no Joffre wears a- pale blue tunic, guarantee o! tie delivery of eituliet vilh no decorgtiena except tluree parcela; or ltVrs ca-n ' ho given Rgoid stars on tie sîceve anti cuffsa, and hti th r ePosV Office accepte neo a-nd tie ced treusens viii a- bla-ck re&ponsibilijtv. I- nycae con- stripo. The impression ma-de on spiderable delay -ma-y ta-k, Place, andi the interviewer vas eue of massive- -faibure te rece-ive au ackuowletige- nessw-a- great, grany hoati on ment shouldi not nece-s-saii-y be ohin. kind andi rallier sa-c eyus. ta-heu as an indicati>n i-t iet>temi, Tic dsiiy round of duties pursuied lanti parcee sent bave net be-en de- b. Sir John.-rencli is verY simllar lvered. le 1-bat o! Geru.,Jeffre. Tic British, 9. Seo fa-r as i% kuevu, pnisener5 commander, like Joiffne, la extreme. cof wa-r in Germa-ny arec allowedto t ly metlhodicftl. Hoocculyieltheben- writée letters or po-stca-rda from limeDé pretertions dvelling o! the leati- to ime; but tiièy ma-y not aIwmay un-g la-vycr e! a Éal-l French îovn have facilities for doing sanithe anti lives th i 11fofe!a- simple Eag- fa6t lithâne communicýation ý la mc- lisli country heuse. There la break.-eivet f rom them -needi fot give fa-st witieut formality; buru.heon, risc le auxiety. olIeu sandicihes esten lu a nbotor ca-r near Vhe trencbeu, a-nda- good -Plrisnr'Ecag dinner quickly' disposeti of, vithii ies Ecf ýed aI, ton o'cîeok, after &aAay -of Revokéd J Y' Germany incessant work. Sir Joli ,,Frencli i8 idolized b>, tie Brit*6i""hrzFla-. À d.ae h'1; uxLondion says dens, as Gen. Jf~'iid-olized by -orespoudence bl-veeui.tVite n- the Freneh. -ti.hMui'ter st V&ë,-Vatican. sud the _____ Foreign Offce dWsloses the fa-t i4t ~ulte Qere:xany hmiasrevoked tii, agre.- - lte Reme. etnauea- irequeit d!-Vie > 'Oiùre, tien, you are relaWtVo "Pep for iexhge ! Briti.i 'Éarne-y O'B rien 1" anti Germnan civilian aud incanl "Very tiistantly. Banne>, vas me Lateti prlaonera- itide-peudeàt1y»- o! -uohier's firet <ihildi - 1 P205tVe Lthe question o! militar>,y e aiventeenti.>'luiePoussian Miniater at Lie - ,~lesvib dopar lie mgie Vatican i.. explainedtiVa-t tic ac- ,,ýMtla wll epat lke agi jLtion "as taken beca-u»e Gieat B!r- 'âà7dýborax mixeti viti bmovusu- tain vas nôt trteatàug German sub- id about the lea#rîii or f marnie >8oà r- ais- " D4arv p a- uit, onLere ar, A dcsptoh from Roem. "sya Qaonti 1. !.t WB It îyo k the firs~t dein V, scentez1 a to ta e~ full ou à d &. ward lier .entry jute tii. ;Europen rh 1700o,OOo. oldiers wW war on thè, aie of iî allieBl Thurs- fortli.1n X R. Peei~ r t S dywhen, bte 74e oon thrailkads leadingte the AuiI- day y a ote f'407 t 4 ftria'n *rontir.Ta b ernlcd i e dPuti-s reseiÀ at the 'e t' a mi im m F fy e pre os a n ~opening of Prlisment, full power slow trauine have been suppreseed was granted- tà the Goveitnjent to in, ,he Suth, wàile in Centaaand de ai w.ilh a"il 'ublic matters afteTr 1orthern ItalY. fot- even f reiçht the. declaration -9wat against Aus- trainsa e,r.rnning, the lines ein6 tria, and uhOrizig the îne- devoted exoiusivuly te military sary extraordinary expe.nditure. ,traspr" It wau Teq»rtec fromn Milan that Re. rïjn refugee. f rom Po1l. report ffii Aust-riaai. fleet, at Pois., the Aus- that tthe Austrian police bro4ke into trian naval' base in ùheAdria.tic, is thbeïr louee. and eei7;6d their furni- Under stesm and waating ondIY the ture. Practically the entire maal. sct#uai oùtbrîeàk of txotiltie& te populat,ï6n'o! the port, the,~reugeï- prooeecl -to - Veioe -and bombard said, i«e. ea presfed into military' that -àneient city. In anticipation sevicnd te womnénasd chIl- o whan action teesuthorities dr i ItoiS.n-nationàility fear t&iey for evertal weeks uhaveé been n- wil.l bhaiced in, detention camps ga.ged in removing thee art trea- o r pisonýý M riè wha. been eures !rom. thie gaillrie . aud -proc1a n2d<aJ I ai lao g thee lttral. cllurchee o! Yenice, 1 li dtznewoleft Fiume. for TMe incve<men of Italian troopa Veuice on May il wre &B~en.. off by toward -the no4beru sand eatern alarge ercwd, wJio houted, "Goe froitiers proceeds 8apace. Gen baek soon."1 YIELDS BIG RETUIRN. Recelpts Since War ,Tax, Beesue Effetive re 171,00. A despatoli frein Ottiva aya:- A furtier indication of tie succeseful vorki-ng o! Lie v&r meaauree us fouuti iu Le a-ready bea-vy ollec- tions under -Vie War Revenue Act 441 - I ec'p t &Icu e e wr ua A de-spa-toi from Loutien aays: became effective lu Mrh Vo- May Fightiug cf Vie gre-atet' lnlenity 18 have been .$171,063. -Iîis by ne Ï-s cen-tiuuing at atmLma every point means represents ail Vieertew reve- o i 0-iescnal teRs nefrom Vhe slamp taxe,aslu A-ian-battie front in South Pol-and mauy cases postage stampu have a-nd Mitddle Galicia. Te regien o! been anti' are being useti. Tii. va'r Jaroaiau, ou lieSan te the nerthi st a m 1p r e v e n u e l u t h e i nla n ti R e v e - o ! e n m s , c n n e , h v - e r nu Doarment a-loue v-au$46,570 te b. Lthe principalb storm, centre,. iu March anti $45,692 lu Apnîl- Tii. AI Vie point, atrong fonces of Ger- tota;l inlanti revenue in Martch va-s nss have -aivarmed, acress the ,01,828,794, ant inr April $1,438,598, river and eestbab.lished them»Acve. - a. dc-he o abot 820,00. a-long Vie formetr Ruszian fortifled lino. Pereanyel has been bi ad -You May Not hinow. ed f-rom Vhe air. A obting of a flasiiigiiî comnposi- The coniimunictions o! Peremysi tien ou Vhe face o! a target v-ili vithI Lemberg sud Vie main Rus- ignite on being struck 'and sioeG-a-fl amy appear Vo>lie stilil intVact, where a bullct ha. entereci. - aoriute!el-et fIiIi The Tqkialu Empire ia compseci formation irom Petrogradthéii Ge- of ma-y mixe-c races. It inludies m nas not liaviug succeedet oc far GIÈeek-s, S'-avis, Aibanians, Amen- lu caryng th. apex.o! e-r etge- Lana, Je"tiàudCirc'aag"'1ns. acroest-he San inte Vie territoqy te Portua1's iiavy consista o!' hifîlthceasît of, Vie fertres. South o!i a dozen mialb pëtectecF cruisrs, Jaroslau, ac-ording bte eussiàu iu conjuncîion adeeVrp-cmimunication, Lie forces o! Grand docraft antidIV -ubtmaninues. Due Ncol "have pre*meti - Lie A ree-tly pa - -1. mer-ry-go- enemy amovbat on hicti banka of, round'nevel vea antTnavels lateraîîy the Sa-n," showinà iathLe Ru%-. as it fiats o u a sualil body el-wia- sinus a-V leaîs -are holding te-m ow u t-er, controlleti by an ove-rie-ad ca- lin-ViLssection. - Before Peremysi ble. - - lf, an1d, furtiher scfu1-h, incestiant Rice fleur le uÀet inluFrance as a attacksa-lve be-n nade bindr *lunthe manufacture o! fueil emY, who -su cçzaded in akiug e»ev- briquettels by a nev proos froun oral advarucelItuysian Irencee at- a-I dust, lignite, pea! on 'â4duut. one-point in tic norherru focpthils' R e e t ub li ug n p l a I d a n ti c o ug j W I - o ! t iie C a r p a t h ia n . led hy a trigger me- a new- pneumaîle Ilcycut the Centab Ga-lician bat- ool for cle-aning dm1 fnrom ina-cee- tle region, ou tih- Bukovina- frot, sible parla o! machinerv. - tie Austnians have maieas stries of The ciy foie-e-I o! Zurich, Switzer- atînks, a-ilof! hich haveè been- e-1 lanti, adtis te tic tov's ne-venues pulseti viti g! e-at bass, anteitRusý- $7, 20-per acre a year, rei-uiug thesdsns appar t-ô -hc continuu-ig tltir - ~Mount DnPeedtito ho raiseti Ibrougi 'offensive witbenaitierable speces*k. taxation by inmore thann $32,000.> O! 1-hoto-taI vorld production uof TIleSepe e lllel Followe~ oimmercial cottn in 1913 16e x- United States contuibu1es 60.9 per "&mewhere lu Swtland"ti' (eu »u- oit encîoul i may flot ho more precise) a sou -er ucal valuable rop grovu tere, na-me, say, 11oinsc, dieti i - a Lnd ut la 1-le largest single item. o! military hospital. Nova of his de th sport. -va-s virt i te bhis vife ailti .bro-ther On a pouce- footing- the Portu- iii the South- of Euglnd,, anti îril- t-Nee army c<,neists e! 32 000 mnen. way passges sent for >1-eni tej ato-ad Vb-en fully mobilizedtile arui tbe ;funeral in Sc.etîancl; -thbe Nar hotlti bave 105,000-first-line troops Office or-dora on -suci oc-casions ane, d 145,000 of Lb. second t c put liber l. T he ile an ti b nLeVkh r du-y bit tAe field. - went ruor(th anti accompanie tîhe - .promnains to iho cemèeterý. A4 they Btihb-e N.11ies o falît embh;s. stoodlby -tice ide o!f1-ho grav tht. The ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~wl cut-io ivn il -ams-U lappened b eat bon oy 's8-U Theousom f'gvig Bblenieqthe mourners3 on the- chieriside,, men-of-nar at ne lime preva-il- and le! tbere vas hon huaba'id! 1 ex ens iveîy i-lu the B i ish N a vy . h c n h -f l o e e b here la cnly cmnc vo-5 J, tcbattle- Teceevli[obvt ~h ip Golith, no skýe, eti 11-euasilv itnagiieti. Lt seerna 1-ble-ne i1pGolath n-w snkwit a Ili-vere .1-v-o mni-Uft!he sanie une ai appelîmaliun. The nanios anrc t h.iniainc tedahh iiefly pagan, like Hi-ucules, or ad-anteitmtonfth ahhd etivai, like - Auiaeieusi. In 1-le -L'i-trt'- ti rn nii~~- Lh. centurýy, -h ever, the Britis4h- avalI Fleet iuiclutiet vessels namîied Iîîi incl braham, Benjamin, F.phrain, W-ilIi2 vas stinîggling îhrough 1-ho bun tlue Baptiat, Jon-atianl, King Stony lunluis rai-i-s-."'No,' iviti, Ruth,,antiSo Inn u aidi 1-e c--an"lie read, "it was l-son's lime 1-he vas -both an nuit n eloop. It vas n langer ve,ý- ai anti Bye, antian'Etien, buit sel. Bty t-hor-,g I judged lier -o lié thon 1-li use cf Biblical na-mes a-a-n--a-a' "--- The vend vas rengines (J destruction began tio nos' to hIan. 'Ba.rquae," s4u:ppliati u1: cffavor. At a-a si-I eanlicr e eIte te--ce. 51111 Willlioe eitatei. té the pracice was vry much "B9arqutýe 1'rmrepeated lie e 1-ccher, re cofmmun. One varsbip, com- thislime alharply. Wiilie lc6oked as sionot inl -the ime o! Henry thougho ha-c net heard aright. -I, bore '1-be name o! -Christ,.sudna-Tien, with an apprebce-sive,-glauze [ng Vie flghting fleet of Heîn-ry ariound 'the ' elas. . -he shoîteti, 'sime vere-ehiîps named JJosus, "Bow-wow!"- y Ohiost, Peter, Pau. aundIPater- - UPON PERHII8Iîk Great Battie lt the Eat lu Cea- lbe laid in cold water for an. hour. When transferred to vases they el A& by for dat, moc misi V-IL V.'t Over 4-00,000 unaddre-ssed bettene, posteards&, a-nd pa,,7kella-are posled PUblic Appeas to Board of Education to -Eiiminate It From Chic'ago Scloolý Books A despatch from hicago gays : the sibject, and the flard of Edu- Mm. meeting. and public e a (aPP VSion will b. e d to i -undo ti t<> the Board of Educatin o elimi- wrong that a- beau do>n," said nit th euogyDi he ermn Ki'-Vladimir geriger, editor o! th,@ natetue ulog o!tii.Gernan ai Y SvÃ"inotîet. "It is not a fo,- ser from the Publie Sohool spolier eign language queqtion. [t' lm are being planned. With 'the ex- Purey en Aierican proposition.. cetion o! the German ue!îwsPser's'Mm, BEla Flagg You.ng, in the in.- hevarions other foreign anguage terview, points ut>fhat the'Board uewspape.rs o! the -citya,e uniting o! Educàtion la the place to appeal i h a d euand that the - Board o!f Ecto- to, and that is -where 'we wil9g). cation either cause thie page in the W. will also &k Mr. Young to ex- spOlIer containing the, eulpgistic plain -why ne qther'ruier îl e elo- teto i.Kie cth-uL, Or gze.- Furt>her, in the next few tebave the enire eixti»on of tAe dayé we will issue the. faots regard- spolier 'destiroyeýd. ing the gymna iuniadshollE "'T h e re w ill le M e e tin g s, re O - o ! th e K i er w h li w !l 5 1 w U Jutions and oenmuuications "Pil »QMOmthîD6 znçr.." ARCHIVES 0F ONT k t-

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