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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 May 1915, p. 1

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Canîpaign Now, On in W.E. VA for Pr iceson s ofOol PûLt in your Wlnter Supply nov, whie the price -ie down. Orders, may beleft at P. J. Joues' harnoes hop, Dundas, st, orat 'Mr.'Vanstone'o' residene, Kent, St. Sheds atup-town O. T. R. Wu En Vami-tons PhoNo 106. WUUe, O0t A. H. ALLIN. aIssuer of Marriage Licenes Corner drugstore, Whitby. No Witneues required. TIN Orste? enaa 0mrovement Laid 00i Llmltod Régi PHtate Dosions, Estates Managed, 'Bonté Oollited, -Fiâat Loan# Arranged, Propçrtie*, bonght sud sold. For terme appl Head Office, Brook St. Bell phôbe 19 . ld. Phono 70. Sales Managers, IIOAROM- RCNADUWhby. Wl. COURT, Plastoror 44 symlsgton Av., TOMITO Wiil be pleaaed to give.estimates on ai -k]nds of Ilastering, Lathing, etc. Charges modderato. Write for terme., ,Càpcater, BoUlder and Contracter Pians drawti"and estintates furnished. RqpaiTs, Alterations and Jobbîng._ BROONfLUNt - ONTARIO Property Wanlted House and about an acre of land with some fruit treeib preferred. If you have a property to seliwrite FON ISHER & eo. country Reai estate and Parm Brokers Lumsden BuU'ding 6 Adelaide St. Eaut TORONTO Jose Iero I on LIVERTI SALE AND BROOK STOWHITBV9 Ail kinds of single snd double ~rigs for hire. Bus to ail the trains and bagg' ge transfer. Horses bought and sold où commission. Some good Sound drivera and 1i eavy teams for.ssbà; also 'aled bayand straw in anyqu, tity delivereLd. For--prices, etc., spply at ofleor phone 89, 14 or 74. Stables and ojfflo RUGI~~~~. éLIf ilt (AL The' T'~E Aptil 10 BAflf -, Xanapv. of ithe CadItian, Patriotic Fond- Ortbaie Ila the latter part of April a Citizen IPatrJotic League was formed Iu Whitt fol- Uie purpose 'of stlmulattag intere i'every wertllypatriotic cause, Sevei M eetings and ene largely atter ed Meeting were held and a good dei of Interest aroused. Ou ThilÏsUay tat Mr. Walter' Resu, of Woodstçck, 'Western Oiîtar rePresetatlve of th,e Canadien Pi*'1 itic FUnd, came to Whitby, eiud ý» Friday tnterviewlnpg the ul -m aud other promInent citiz na, dgi lng thent an Inyitlaitio«a. ngi the Council Chaiubert 9v . Th resuit was that nome fort r tym< met, snd conferred ttier. F irat of ail there came a ew shol addfssses after M~ayor NW * nhi opened the meeting. -Meus; CA Goodfeliew, J. M DXowney, X ,M. ý-RS Dr. McGllivray, J. MIntyre,and 'W DOwuie each, speke briely, - heMi Reau gave a most iucidh toef th, establishment of the, ufl Patric tic Fund, under a Goveru àMt Ch»srte: aud uudor. the patronage of His, Rpyi Highuesa the Duke of Conuaugbt Towns and', ities all ove the Domintoi havetformeu branches of thia fnud, azi have subscribed lar*e sumo te the Nat tonal Fund. This abeiug-distributeo te the-ta4illes o! soldiers who have en listed, At the conclusion- of Mr. Rea'.a a dresa >It ,was uioved by J. H. Downey seconded' by Geo. A.. Rous , that ti Whitby-Citizeus' Fatrietic Loeague, t dtsibauded, sud that a Whitby .brânct of the. Canadiau Patriotie Émd 1, formed . Thia motion was unanimoût ly carried. pesntal nri The gentemen peetalerle their naines as fnembers of the branci, and the foliowing were appolnted of. ficers: Hon. ProsMdent-Col. J. E. Farewell. Preident-Dr. F;' Warren. Vice.Prs.-J. H. ýôwney.= Secretary-C. A. Geodfellow. Treasurer-A. A. Atkinson. Comlmittee-J . B; Laidlaw, J. E.WiI- Ils, Geo. A. Rosa, S. LU Trees, Jos. King, Fred Hatch, J. MeIntyre, W. Downie, G. W. P. Every. It was decided to- hold a meeting 0 f the 'Executive .Comnittee dû Tuesdmi evening at 8.30- !cloclc. Wheu the Committee met on Tues- day eveaing.it was 4eeided toécoduci the canvsa for funda on Thuridayand Friday, June 3 andi 4. -The sunof $6,000 wau set as the oh- 4.4af the iàrànate.'. jMerman A.M. 5ý A. H. Alinu ~Teu TompouCol.Faewell, F'ather Rysu,, Dr. Warren, Peter, Mathieon. List Comnittee- A. W. Jackson, Chaîmman: A. T. Lawlor, Geo. Rosa, J. B. Mitchell. F. W. Frencb. R. J. Goldriug. PubTicity Coipmitteo-C. A. Goodfel- low." Chaîrman; F. H. Aunes, R. N. Bassett, Rev. M. E. Sexantlth. W. M. Prînglo. Teant Captains-A. W. Jackson, R. N. Bassett, W. J. H. Richardson, Fred Hatcii, T. G, Whltfield, A. T. Lnwler, Wm. Maw. WH-ITBY'S CONTRIBUTIONS TO THZE COUNTRY'S NEED. Wbitby bas net as yet doue anytingt 11k. ber share ln contrlbuting men sud meana te fbo Empire'. nced; yot shej bas doue sontethlng. It will be inter- - estlng te enumorate ber. Just wbat basd been doue. - 1i Elgbteeu mou .ulisted lu the firatt contingent called for, o! whom six fail-1 ed te pas the medical. examinaf Ion,e ,much to their disappointmeut. Tii. rtwelve wbo were acceptedlwr W. Little, aged 86, single. G. H. Reeves, aged 36, ntarrbed. H. C. Stuart, aged 34, ntarried. E. Gardiner, aged 33, single. Fred. Charlton, ageil 18, single. f Arthur Rosa. aged 20, single. Geo. Gotta, aged 21, single. Chas. Reeves, aged 33, ntarrled. r Herbert Peggs, aged 21, single. f A. Leduk, aged 24, single. Mark Davies, -aged 43, ntarrled. 2 John F. Abbott, agod 21, singl. Tue second sud thîfrd calla met wltii ne regponse lu Wbltby. Tuirteen. otiier Whltby lads have jolueil the colore, moat o! thoni dolug se lu Toronto. Culen Perry, John Perry; Chas. Mewat, J. Harris, 'S. Harris, Harry James, Arthur Kean, Adamn Resu, Mark Norman, Clarence Paxton, Herbert El-- liett,"Chas. Neill, Clarence Hodgo. One Whitby docter 1s now lu Eng- land ou service lu hie profession. - Tuer. may be otuer mon front the tewn o! wbom wo have ne record. iu the matter ef- funde, Wbitby bas1 doue something. The Womon's War4 Relie! Socleity bas raised for war relie! $1,200,, sud fer Belgifan relie! $1,150.1 O! theso sumo the Belgian funt WUa1 sent lu toto, sud tii. war relief !und1 $150 was coutributed te -tue Hospifal1 Ship, $200 te the Red Cross, $120 te the Base Hospifal. Considerablo sunts4 wore oxpended lu purchasing mater- lais for aocks, mite, boîte, nighf robes, bandages, etc. Se fer uothiug has been coufrlbuted te tue national patriotte fund; but ItIs *proposed te remedy thus sborfly.- WH1AT ONTARIO COUNTY HAB DONE. *Ontario Couuity bas suppliei ail the meu sud ai the. officers- calied for by itue militia autuorîties. For tue Firef iContingent 125 men yvero aa»et for; the County supplied 145 mm, tadtbey were ail takeèn. lu tue second sud third contingents 100 men were tfur. utahed toeaech by thla eoaty-411 that were asked for. In addifion te fhosd socpted, there are =9me fiirty mon ,Whio o0ered themseivea, but tuer. bas been ne VaUcy as yet for tue=t -They are SfUW waltiug su opportuliltY to serve theïr country af tue front. In ail, th@, Connty supplied 846 mon sud officers A'isNovembel! sesion fthe uar Coascil Vowte sumo! 1,000 for - t Canvàss Next Week.- tITE li-,OMUtnCROWNED 1QU 151S9mg We roezé of familles of sentiers. , Ths ,býsu IoAoý b âréa -qve aperodo'VICTRIA. DA .15ING8 AT O .C ut three years, 45,000 a yoar, If se, much I- ml be eeded.misa Marper1011omuth enjoys the id beuoe.- honor of havlng b0e chesen Queen o! mi tue » St OuIar3ýLadiea' lloge vie- STo Citizeas of Whithv. l DyEçci',me&n ùl branfoo!t-e- 1 8 the ti.teachlng t4t' e-Quee's home ,t Yf ias a deldsd -te makean leain Wlngbjmrn, t where she la as ip l tgt ýIizn uoi.thls a ,nfor muboîl oyeds Oho laat the Colage, fi te facta ilu odr tiiatyour enthasise-fr4ee.-coc en W arePar - o a'Dominion-wlde Tue weatb5erl»05I~ miled upon the W. arientao t - 0f 5 )nholiday, and tWu.4udents sud faculty Movement a toitOrgafnizatixu.hail wt-Its ebject là te se. fiat uo ee u ontelihhilththesapclous idCanada, la th' familleofe!our seldiers OPeuing O! the 6"Y, Whch iflaut-0 who, àave en p~dfor A -ti ve service, mucb te some etfIlent. shall suifer wkit, sud t the provld A t-110.30 a.m. the Ifudents sud facul. Ar. go i. eeh, u'î~frtspu-t.Wt goodlY nimber o! towuspe>. r. Poe shill not reat witi-, but that ple, assembled lni-tho conlcert bail for ho PIV¶RY CA.NADIÂiA'sh i n ti the thennual lecture lu the series ou ehoor $ho . PAco dés the eho15<te~YQen FRGHT'OR Mr. R. A.IHuP- S., pro- elded, making a51 mouelOficient chair. )n HOW THE FUND 19 ADMIN.- mnu., lu lii Intioductery remarke d ' ISTERED. D. Mr. lHutehinson refoired, te the tosa tii. Lt- The Wardens o! the Canadian p Colloge Waal sustiliig 1n the retire. rl, ottc Fundb-ave decidd h F a ru mrent o! Dr. Haie, -after s ogsp n- Ballbe amInsteed o th folowig -o! service. H.neflgrtulated'tue b-saW.amusfrdo h foiw n oie- , uOw.ver. on the selection that d-asiye uetOz bvsiatdn ailbeen made-as, bis sucussor. Y, Eerly acateb.noigafed sPar- The.lecturer o! ýtii. day was Rev. r, foy y aloalcopmite and the ex- Dr. Johnstn ! itria nvriy le set .requirementsbof the famly ace-T ton, Of choias niversit )e tainéd. higiie T rnodcaonhai on o wm h With thus information before them Ho rier dt on iewd tii. pr ogre o le the Local Cemmlttee determine what eucaion i rv1wo te roean f g- eacb fsmliY shah recoive, uslng the fol.édcatios, sud tome n So Ed ho mu lowlng as a basin: - ester progress hid beenracidl d A wife or widowod mother, déeod. u ntdSae u aaa 1, ent upon the soldier, $1 Per. day or $30 -thgitereduStates andhoCanada.idte por c il mo ntb. - . ro, 0c p r thinga: t broadened, deepened sd 1 dachiold8.under ive ess,10e pr weetened life. L day or 8.00 er motb.1 Al education broadens 1fe. A5 chid btenlve p e yas'ech O!-culture changes the chojce o! 1epoday, or 8,450 por -pictares on the walls, alters the char.1 A child botween- ton andr ~yrs.,' acter o! the muesc unthe. music rack. 25e pr ay r 7.0 pr ouu. changos, tho books on the shelves-the1 1.Tiiui a famiiy o! a wlCe sud flirse beaf thoughts o! theesrpaecep rchildreu o! three, seveh snd thirteen r ifrlue;itcages rPtc he ren.1 of $e4r roscfmiy ou dreh. v ships o! life; the horizons o! s womaugs fagtg t!h4 er nd. thers accord- lifo are fSang out by education; tue Y iug. ftunumber sda go o!fthe chIuld. home Io but the centre o! s broad ansud Frein tus aMount le deducteil what coiPhn g eeistence. Tue time Io 1« he anaian. Gyt.eaY th wiescoming when woman shaîl share wîtb t of theCanadi an o t. edpa tionlvemnluthe big tuings., 1 o!wc 1he 20eider tomotSea»ation Ai- Education deepous 1fe..One beglus or loSuSc>0er mth lsany üèàofhte dig ferthIngô fondamental, te get r assince ucnh asetaeo!at -the foundations o! things. fEdue- ro,7 cotirnuao etio !wagset.ion nablo. ne to se..Two -persos Tkdfoutncof he Catwç '0 mounltal1a0]kat auu"esa Mshore, To Wbon the soldiers are roporte th e 'Pw pi ns o , have -bees killeil Orto be mlssling aftor years. note- that ,a- batfle; the ýGovernmeuf psy ,ceass ,forthwtth. C............ In such cases the Patriotie Fund will- rprolýide the nece8sary funda to look af- CR M S IN ii F tee the ja-milie' wlare until -such fi,,,. as fthe - Government coiwinences P(tpment to thc, o!f thc regular pen- Onitario Ladies, Coliege la to0bacan- otiier of Its long-tinte teachers lu the WHY A DOMINION FUND? This la net juat a Whitby moventent. It ls National ln scope. Sonte amali muuicipalitles snd rural distrflts ln Canada have sent a largo number o! soidiers to the front. Some larger municîpalities have sent few. Some poorer districts have contrib- uted many soldiers, aud some richer ntuniclpaiitiea few lu proportion to their population sud wealth. If It remalned with local municipal- Mies to provide for the familles of the soidiers tint had gone forward tfle bur- don wouid fali tbe beaviest 'upbn thr muuicipality that bad aiready made the greateat sacrifice luninen, and tbe iigiitest upon the ones tbat contrîbut- ed the feweet. la it not fair, therefore, that thet stroug should bear the burden of tbe3 weak?t Tii. soidiers wbo have eullsted are fighting for Canada and the Empire. flot pzimarily for the municipaiity front wbicb tbey went. The soldier who eulisted from an- other part o! Uhe Dominion lu as truly nty represeutatIve as ho wbo went front Whitby. Therefore, why should not the P-if zens o! Wbitby feel themuelves respon- sible for the welfare o! hie famlly? The Canadian Patriotic FlLnd has been establisbed for the purpose o! pro- vidlng adequately, on the 8ame ba8is, assistance te the family o! everui sol!- ier /rom Canada, who bias eulisted for Active Service. This Fund bas been lu operation for over seven montha, It le now carlng for approximately Twclvc Tliousand Famili e at s MontMly expendîture o! $225,000. Tbe demanda are continuai- ly lncreaslng. The cost o! operatbon ls vory low. The batik intereat wbich the money provlded by the aubseribers bas oarn- ed, hLas been ample to ce-ver every ex-9 pense lu confection- witiith adminis- tration o! the fund up-to-d&te. Lot if be borne ln mind that eeri, dollar- wliich hlas been eubgcribed tf0 f ile fund Me available for flhc soldier8' familles. Yot oe ecent Fias been u ed .or capen. ses. THE DOMINION ORGANIZATION.4 Tue Canadisu Pafriofle Fund waes lncorporated af the lust Auguaf ses- Sion o! the Dominion Parliament. 1 Hi. Royal Higunes., tue Duke e! Counaught, Govornor-Geueral o! Cana- da, la tue Prosidout. Mr. «Herbert B. Ames, O! Moufroal, ls H.onorary Secrefary. Tue 11ou. W. T. White, Minister o! Finance, ls Eonorary Treasurer. . Mr. J. Fraser, Andîfor4 ah of ýC 1aaa stue AUditoro -ý An eecutive ommît o! represeutative men front ail p e! thb Dominion, determne tue-lcy fie fUnd, wlfinthesS ep p e" the. Acf o! Incorporation. (ceutlnued on paga'> - »EATHEL McBRIEN- ýAtAErobklin, o rdy May s214, 1915, Gormge meErmil hie 88rd year. bumable bees are later sprlug arrivais than the heney bees, The- kuowledge of, oeettsthere; ,the other mmnd diga down sud discoverls that-ouly tho bum-. ble bee cau pelenize. red, clover, and that it la oniy -the. second cropof 'clover. -that, le useful for 1seud, because the bumble bees -have .notbatched outtUll alter the first crop la liarvested. "_ Education sweetens 11f. by removlng the amIansd petty asudtrivialthings and putting -lu their- places the larger and fluer and more 41deglled exper- louées which are sweeter sud more permanent lu, their pleasuresand Joys. The Ideal -woman cariles wlth, her all that gees wlth higiier edugaton-the power of vision, 'the glft of Insight, the. heart of aympýthy. The lecturer admonahed the stud- enta te put ito pracfico lu thelir daily vocations thi. accemplisimeuta attalu. ed at the Celiege, etherwiae tbese pow- ors and- gltso would shrivei up sud die. It was euiy as -the studeuts carefuily guardèd the seeda sowu at Colloge that lîfe could, be made mont useful. .Rev. M. B. Sexsmith sud Mr. R. F. Dowuoy, Principal . f the Teacher Training Sciiool at Peterbero, moved a voeo of thanka to the lecturer. Dr. Hare spoke a few wordis on be- hal! o! hie succossor. 1ýý .Tho chooslng o! the quêen and Coun- sellors foliowed immedlately. Mise Myrtie Patrick, o! Victoria, B. C., sud Miss Gertrude Ianson, o! Toronto,, were the choice as counseilors. While the Queen was beiug prepar- ed for the crowuing, 60 young ladies went through numerous elirlutions up. on the iawn. When Hep MaJesty appeared the ladies tormed two lines leading up te the stops o! the. throne. The. Queens train was carriod by Miss Judith Somn- ers-Cox sud MiesaEvelyn Cook, wiue Miss Lilisu Bell carried the crown. Thi Queen paused at the foot o! the linos o! white-rebed young ladies, sud, kneeiing, was crowued by - Mrs. Dr. Johnston. Arislng, the procession peau- ed up to tho loggia, where the throne was ot, the young ladies knooling lu bornage as the Queeu passed, by. Furtiier marchingsansd May Polo dances followcd. The whole perform- ance was csrried ont'-wlth precision and ordor, and proved very, Interoat- Ing sud pretty. Iu thie afterueon the customary hay- rack ride to thé lake front took Place, Lorbett's Point havlng beeit chosea as - iuosbqtu7 beore -dual&'the tbree loada reurned- f0 lths Ceoliege, t1red but bappy.> 0F O L Cet WIBY. Mtri and Mrs. Greenwood will reside at-itchell, Ont. Derson of Mr. W. J.- Gréeen-wod, -B. A, Asucsorhsfot 'yet been ap- wbose term of service in the College pointed, but as Mr. Greenwood's resig- la shorter only than that of Dr. Haro, nation does flot take effect until mid- who has been at the Coilege forty-one summer', ample time is afforded the yearc, Mr. Greenwood's resignation Board for maklng a choice. was handed in to the Board about In"addition to the departure of Mr. three months ago, and was very reiuct- Greenwood from the College, there wIl antiy accepted, after every effort had be other changes on the staff. been made to induce hlm to alter his Miss A.* L. Taylor, who has been the decIsion. Lady Principal for three years, suc- Mr. Greenwood bas been teacher o! ceeding Miss Burkholder, has also Classica and Higher Matbematics ln the1 tendered ber resignation. Miss Taylor O. L. C. for twenty-three years, pre- i lias gi-von most efficient servIce, and vious to wbicb ime he was on the-staffj the good wisbes of the College and ber of the Whitby Coilegiate Insti tute forl friends will accompany ber wberever six years, succeeding Dr. Potbering- ber lot may be cast ln future. Her aam. Mr. Greenwood bas thus labor-'place bas been well 1134 by the aq- 2d ln Wbitby ever since his grad uation. Roin tment of Miss Annie Allison Max- His summer vacations have been epent jIýveil, a native of New Brunswick, an M. nartly at bis home ln Mitchell, but very;A. Prom Corneil University, and a iargely ln working ln the Interests 0f lady of successful experience In the the Coliege. it is a great many best ladies' scbools botn as teacber and years since be has had a real Vaca- as Lady Principal. ion, and It is this that bas led hlm to Mips Kate Wright, wbo bas been a seek a protracted rest ln traveling,1 successful teacher ln music, and ailoy- etc. 1 al friend of the College for many Mr. Greenwood bas been a very use- years, le another whose face will flot fui member of the communîty, and his be seen at the College noxt term. Miss departure will be deeply regretted. He Wrlgbt's residence ln Wlitby, bas been bas been on the offciaI Board of the l a perlod of usefuinesa, both to the Col- Metbodlst Tabernacle for twenty-eigbt lege and to the town, especlally to the years and bas been r(ecording steward Methodiet Tabernacle, In wbich she for a very considerable time. He bas bas been an active worker and church also lnterested himseîf ln everytblng organist. Her many friends will re- that bas meant an Upward move, and gret ber decision to retire from thte bis place wIll flot soon be filled. College. Sons of EniiidHear InspiriaigSem . At their annual churcb service, heldf on Suuday afternoon lat, te Ail Saints' Churcii, the Sons o! Englaud1 were addreased by the Rev. F. Glover,e o! Toronto, fornierly o! St. Johin's An- glIcan Church af Port Wh-Itby, deliv-i r0erod s splendid sermon front the toit1 1 Peter, 2: l7-Eateem all mou; loe the bmthorhood; fear God; honor thef Kiug.1 Mm. Glever le himeel! a member o! the lOcal lodge S.O.E.B.$,, sud as a1 momber, ho dlscuseed iiow tie princi-i pies o! fie order toacli tue fourfoid pre- cept, deallng with each lu furn. Loyalfy, he sald, waseujoîued; loy- alty to mon, hoyalty te the brotuer- hood, loyalfY to the church, sud loyal-1 fy te one's King sud country. Tue text teaches, firet e! ail, human- lfy-Respect oll mou. Mr. Glover1 showed how Euglaud hail oudesvered1 te Carry OnI;t tus rinciple, by emanci- patîng the slaves, by her factory sudi labor Ias, by hem celonlzaflon. Eng-1 landl respects q& ,mon, and tuereforo bias been the, ' kr of free nations., Love t '&brotherhoet saeelm =111d anpCfcapplcation Of tue AI-s Prisile.ad su taeedeepiy reoted lu ujw-onso! ugland ordor. The fape -urgeil Cht thla preeept b. ýbldl lii ly love sund lMpathy mget b. more s"Fear ffd" la tue mont important sud vital o! hits quartette cf the. apoat- les admonitions. It enjoIns loyalty to Cirist snd O'tytdiehr.To basts of!oWcUVa l!.sbould, b. ralIgion Religion IlanauEnglÏsb princile; the Sous o! England stand for EnglIsh principles, and therefore for religion, and loyalty f0 Christ. Mr. Glever de- -plored the Iack o! loyaity te Christ and te thie Cburcb lu many o! oùr homes,, front whicb the members- seldomn go te church or te any religious service. He pieaded wifh hie audience net te f<'r-- get God, but te seek Hlm at ail fîmes. Lastly, loyalty te the Ring ivas urged. Mr. Glover made thia an op- pertunity for a streng patriotie appeai. Tue procession which took place front the lodge rooin f0 the church, wap headed by the. WhltbY Baud, and war participated ln by e-ver eue hundred, Including a number o! the juvenîle_ members. OPINING DATE OF TOWN LEAGUE - POSTPONED. Monday, May 31sf, wIll b. the date on which the Wblfby Town League will open: St Diamond - Park.' Owlng te tiie facf t thOM grouudS Were net ready ln time te afford practi[ce, If was derldéd by the exe ctiveto move 0on th. sehedale, sud calthe lirei; gane for next,.Monday, whon Mclutyre'e ironsidrniùsd Little'e Never-Quit WUIl do tue, opouIug stunit 1 The- Commlttee will iiold a special moeettng thue w..k te complote arrnge- ments, sud te assigu te thevarions teamme sevralDames e! players Who bave not-yet bon slette o te emina- Tis -postponeuient buinscessitated a me-arrangement.,o! thi ebedule. butý fhe firait fo gamesi i ,be : e-' Mday - âI.-MntYre'sIrousides v lune sw.-Bute lueet v. Math- Liqui.d Veneer, seg. »I~ fo r 18c Liquid Veneer, rçeg.450c, fer 35 W &, R Butter Colorreg. 25c, 19C W & R Butter Colorreg.uic, RSc Pink Pis, reg. w$c for '35c Dodd'à Kidney Pis, reg. 5oc, 35C Cfairter', Pilla, reg. 25C for :soc E-clectric Oul, reg. a 50 - for 2oC Emulalon Ceýd Liver On1, - reg. Si for 65c Emulston Cod Liver O011, reg, $OC, 35C Herb Cure, regular 2ic for i Sc Oione, regular $i- for 7oc Can. O. Wax, for iaundry, -reguan ijc for zoo Pure Powder: Borax, reg. i 5c,-NoS Hair Brashes, reg. 25c for 'aoc Hair Erushies, reg. Sr.oo fbr 75c' Atomilzer's, 75c, $1-00, $1,25 Hot Water Botties, eta.. $150 Fountain Syringes, $12 Garden Seeds, Sc sud roc Fiowcr Secdo, 5c snd roc Rotors, 1.25,350 .7 Water Glass-the only reliable Egg Preservative- regular i 5c tin for îoc, 3 for 25C, on Friday and Saturday, May I4th. and i5tb. Our Drugs and Medi(-ine& are the Finest Quality. J. fEWILLIS BRUO018T aind OPTIICIAMI MEDICAL HALL- Brmoýù STO, Bodding We have in stock - WHITBY Plants Y ail kinds of Flower nd Vegetêble-1Plants. ANYTIftNQ ,YOU "WANT, WE HAVE ORCAN GET. Jno. E. WATERHOUS[I' WFIITBY' Phone 11, Prompt Dfle-'y Theé Grange Farm, Whftby, Ontario- FOR SALE NOW-2,000» plants, comprising Tomatoes (Jabbagè, Celery, Peppers, and Egg Plants. LATER-Cauliflower, Brussels Sprouts, etc. Flowers in Variety. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Ail orders promptly 1 tteuded to. Your Tolephone 127. Breakfast There is nothing more tasty for your Breakf ast thari Harn and Eggs We have extra choice, Mild Cured Hams, any size, and cut any. way you want them. ý 'so a füU i ne of Breakfast and Back Bacon, the Famous Rosel Brand. Au Tu LAWLE WHITýBY, ONT.- Phoites;Bell, Nb@ 411 Independent No.' 47 r N ARtCHIVES 0F C -4 - I - 4 - t - 4 e- t

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