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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Jun 1915, p. 5

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I THURBIDÂT, JtYZ8, is 1 W. S- Parka, ormnerlY 0ô Myrle,- podCet go to Geo. M. Rice.; h ulc fTrno 5ýWib n ~ SIDB ad FoButIdirs' Hardw vaeofnToronro, 'vas IÙ WhiLZv o Whon ho Brde lejour TWO WHITBY BOY ENuS- L.3A 81frorw gheoo Wltby enllisted for ciaBlVoeWt id fMr.-:4 w fer uesta or eut tIUfto on Ménda .'Youngmendayo theu jhrirOdMo d o, t veun se rni i arn prepared to do ail â . . ROHer;iament and 'LBv i a Mototh wdiâbrethidContingent. They are and Mn0n.lle wRe usoye Udyw lfor Sortly.adthfh S L y : on n fier fuueb m .w t h t n u nd L wo E m ne arriage nepa i-r k ; aritr C ut rown ttorna,y md ~t usve ber s uture orne rWhv nt ' hort oticlatrandna e unty Soletrry ou c n ma e as um e' 514Derby -'boots -son shMrsceiceaneoreaHots; gi1ve berasjeth frh er sgoem ln the'lateast yles. Peel'8s ro.rie.npaj.uonr thMa eradceiie Y Soe.n'q Is S o at..O Co nrgau1ela em Adverts. Office, outir wingCourt os, lîb ht m th tisýya' o tshe cnwa ndceifor al HOEu~i __10e? .blackg4mi SAhpLDc't. Or, If you are tUic 'hcky Ha,'or , e a u n g 1 Bfrt e S t el onl. J. R Id w trmH ouse , 1 tpeti. HR ST Ha ,,so eslcigaOfoan euti! P»eJore traelw rn oe ace rioe îh. tOp taarDak.Wt ifBocllSepeso,,igeâ oliîtrNota ulc t. Wa i'l- aepofcoo htwJ o i un-Wtce n éérpiplece bath, fra ,electrie lï' whenl for , te id an er ur 0 est. Office. Choce et ail Raiways, ]Boat Pl, . H.J ME .Office, Brook tO P tn a d B nk yenwii son b seecîa a iii 'Une ys pte n ticketUnes, îegr plr 1 -fone yoneyH.. LoMES avne e way, round Ïrnp or prepaid. Aise buy, esia eto.Mnyt on adazdone orYO 'b ea 'eC ths~ u e eo o ,~ersonal Mantion.- .wANTED. . OIN SWTH L.BA Haveshoreew you iî be n ail cred local ticketS aof Stephen. mi sLgaotIgesli ra ee lgeadotrw-rbreddîin How týo APiy-Wt rs ucl n vn fo hsproe aa o4 egr.Trno 0Lgn fIgrol a enFeg#od ea str or beddng.G- brushsuppled iiieach pckage ha d or e je e ry g u s w b v Ét n ale tc. y re l e nse. T oro ntu R iv er, v s t n g w ith l 0 4 f ien ds i nlu to w f. W-tt. o foribs uros. -daeet. e rdemairs ses wiren Dr. E.W. son wu, lu Betirany on Issuer e Lavallleogm ad POudanti, ln KeId- PrevcrÎted ufiIng; ani piatinuni; et with diani. XREIG IES onARR.ÂpearLICENSES. inThe Colora0-Are theàmost fashionable shadea. Wednrfrerrsi-hesday ttendintire wedding et FOR SERVICE, - Court WhHo'Tm, ira neaà ,et.o e n r V i s R er. 7 .Registered Durham ,i Bull une, W it Y, or esidenze. . B t i - s he a g st n t e m a k . Th r aqu10.0. araices,.0 asPssMeIntyre cu edte eadRgi.T e B t d o t s , n r e r a l e , e t c P n i c e 8 4 . 0 0 ra i D a a s e d ho t r e R v e r l u t i e D e r - p u lP $ t , i n S t . J o h n 's - ( B a y ) C h u r c i r o n s e d I m pa t r e d t a r e i o a r , f o r D . J W N O s e o g o c i r t e l to ~ sn et n. oetRudel, Saskr rr onn. fnsrlee rv i W.e . D-LDTWirtby Cove ANceet. e *ralet Wthss-.Spl-DOW dtln'f Mn. Miss Jae1, mes nua tetri o keepers 81- lendid tie. Orm -49 . J. EUIlàBarrîster, Slctr oay ule k e e a nsd very dainty orna. M A llan, daug iter o ttie ,lte Capt rby, now f inBle o rm e rl of WVîr inla TRM FO,, E Os aw , O ta l ments.Expanson brceletsof McAlan, f Whity. ý is& MeSoaùicitor, 01NBtaryiePubWeie, Thiia Prlce-anereets, etr 7bottie.« fil 10 00 d 840ol, 60ilu god agd cro o , heebfrebW8faest M ns. W m. Nicholson and' ildren, et 60 acres of god lsyoainiail au e Office-No. 2 King St. E., Mackle Bih. and n meval te ti e -We t 8h 1à veB C oldw ate , are on a , v isit W ità M . and cdtv t o . 8 ro m d b i b uer R es d n e- 52 D rew St. l Z fi h d 1.0 O 840.00. ith er ubad ad ive eld n,. our M s. Ja&lias. H. Nicholson.brick Wbuge Prns.-fie 22; Rsdne 2.I Br o h s m a' P n - e i h dau gh te s and on e on .- arn an d or ebrd clos a to e W "Pon B - fâ e'3 1 es d n e, 8 6 uie co binationa of precona spnt .Snd> ih hon boter M.#O a dsm prc nason rcsMise Do etirT Magnar, of Toronto, W itby. Box 10 GSette Office. V V K- froni an2.50 te 875.0 . seThos. Magnan, lu 1town. FOR SALE litr s é x i. r e î o s t o n s r i e aN a e s n g e.e t e e L O I M r S . . T . K e m p t h o n e a n d b a b y , C ro i c e b u i l d i n g ' lo ý 0 a l ea ri nl o k & a l k ln g s 'h a wD r g a d S t i ny S o e lu tireV' O. N. cOmPietltion are akdJack, et Saskatoon, are vliing at Jue, Bariatof 8oIoIt Eto te be iranded l e iei.On. oe tM..ia. ephorne. hniesa maken. Di R . N . B a s sett nuss ooeu~ th,* aise a marked R v A. P. Menzieo leton Wedne- BaerWrty. A py .J Clna gndf.'tire compettora' dymrigfrKnsowrene ireARM FOR SALE NAR ~DundaaS.,Wlby nt el oe3.Idpedn ioei ,lselr mdl'dmt.Opiema pa~thsè Invitations wilI ire Issued te wIlll attend tire General Assembli' '100 acres, goed sol on fIstelas. (ias t.dorwest of Po ntc) RT tie ilde n aet ttrs o~Ma ibnMye and daugirten, et noad.- Bank barn, SifO; straw baruo pot ffce Whltb", Ontario pig,'fo a gardon part>', at wbicirtire Nortir.West, are vlslting wîti tire 36x50, wlti r divIng ho'"0undrnh j'tire j ZeS viii ie awarded. former'a faf hon, Mr. Jan. Hallett. anEthen baru 36150;ue Dn; chieken - . ~Murra's Tirapeutie Casirion lu tewn for a tirne ut tiheet r igoatd i brick veneer dwell.S.W Mrs. (Dr.) Austin Evans la utore.îng b8~y turuée; 5 acresf et Soid héa.at ee'sSioe tee. Ware. Mrs. Evans recelved a cable enchard; tappls pusDuà,crr WA 1K ER W.e.Ir 't rom Dr. Evaus last week anneancîng nies. e tear prum. es, Pmp ________e ..-. . W C.T U.METHODIST TABERNACLE, iisarrivai at Portsmouthr. Box132 Wbtbrm. P k.' Jo9es, u i m u ctu 'e ThendayJaneetingtfitheRev. BE. A. aud Mns. MeIntyne, whe _____________-49ccso e~.w vn IIII Tierglrmeige ieW.C.T. %.Botb services will be taken lby a bave been iu Minidian, Georgia, during s~* uuds ret W, lv RlW U. WEIii e held at the. homeofetMns, E. mémbor of tire Contenance now belug tire winten mentira, bave retanned te DNÂ b.e osveie1iityHus 9Haper3on WeduesdAyflattenane )4orning anthom: "o0 CorneLot us willibe pleased te knew iisiealtir la-7- Tr osWetfWh 9tir ut3.3 o'ioc. Atat atendnce Wo irl."'m ch Imprved.: W. ADAMS, Dentist, fie, D ndas e aepeae t ntl edo o T H Mb e s e o p d o r E e n n g a n h e : P r i s Y e t re M . a n d M r s . s a a c W a r e , o f L e a s k - S t r e e t , R s i d n c e N o . 4 , t re T e r r a c e , b o n p m p a o n - o t n o t i c e , a I s e a t - Lord."LAND datle, metened dowu to Wbitby lu tiroir Byron Street Witby. Phono No. 128. tedt k indi et ropaling. * ' T H E M O T H E R L A N D*S olo by X ra A . W . Jack son, new F o d car o u S aturda ', and spe tmi e g oî u en l s.* a r a M MI a : otry, ewi t thn poition Sr est nated R CEIV ED '1'EIR CER TIFICA TES. A. E. Luire. On Sunda >' te >'m otored 4130ON E E S Ph ne s-egil 5 , . 2 .- out to eai wlt ti e i qae qu sti n u This w eek crtifI ates ave be cn e. t e O rono, w h oe te >' pent the day - - - -~~~~~~~~~~~ tce opnn ttr aadl iefe oved b>' Mosuns. J. T. Hornsby, Frank witir relatives. wan osesion ee ' tr flrst mre aurs JcGrotty, E. Baysanad G. O. MeFirn-JAS. BISHOF b i ppes by r Lo yd ha G e o rfeth a a 1 sou," qaliYin g tih em f r tie ran ic e s a w , L e n ed Acon en u c b i h e n Pu t t i u g I t o t h o r n t e ti r e . ,S e n g ea n a t i e m il i t ia . 'r i x s e c e r t . N o t i c e t o C r e d i t o r s . W esh a vej u s t r e c e i v e d a a r g e s h i p m e n t o faReo f i n g o fe s a l e . - T i e h eu r e e t s a l e h a v e b e n a i n t i n t u t w r e t n e ' y a m I H M T E R 0 F T E S TTsd teap p y e s e f n G . R e b W i b y a d wefn e d i v n o r u t o e r h e b e e i t o raaterialiy' sirortoned lu mont of tire lu- ber Of WiitbY mon utter a six weeka' BILYLTE__________________ dustriai "contres aud ln districts virercusearedobrdigtre i-J" FTONSI FPCE tcors ,aredo er urnOhew F.PPB LYWEATHERILL, _____________ hTbran sold iers are en cam p ed ; b u t th at hire t n, A l r ug r. a u m en et ot en I G, N H E C O N T 0 O T A . R . H A mt ben suient. tviraete di ciiil ht.ireeaiainths orae1YEOMAN, DECEASED.LIESD1ardRofgN. ,rgla lsir ation, and to-day w a e tir n p n ae . ff A WI NE~ boutcementaire dat tie a d vGo r u ent . a .ostatut, that ail Pesons iavig aim s il k AD t alspoU iat te ed r boution te aswihtewaud vigooas m Tire anualmeetingoet-tire Soutir On. against -tire iîid estate et Balle>' Wea. y d __ Thon lu eal ing witr tie repre arie Friera' and Women's institutes theriîliwbo died on on about the. 25lth te. Arrangements for sales eube Tir paensbnlg cbie reort saingwill be ireld lu tire Agicaltunal rooms day 0f APril, 1915, are required te send md ttr aet fie that~~~~~~~O tiebnas0 oi-oiîa at uThamdays, Jane lti, ut 2 o'loekte tire ndonsigned oxecutor ut Breok- e li teaanbo OGersuae wie fIa les-net unanimoasi>- bat some ef tirher tr lcin fiorsmn tclii, Otne .R "e ,o rbtr leadiug oufisetthreConservutive trandactIon ot business. Protr J.tiriR.et.JN. ,neitoPrtîb Ts ellmui e renenio Vanty lu Great Bnîtain, as weli as tire B.Reynoldse ieOtneA-etn tti am, dlvntida ell andIdvnetBON. t10o0urn f e bn art ae h up aig o î Ire, w l r ' b o present t e ddress tic o Io urtirorgiv n t iat a ter tie lat _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 9 0 peN Tq a r tired onGverUrnet au tilthemate 'go tire meeting. A large uttendance et namned date tire oxecuter wiiî proceed afilàAd ntnsekbus ie natlon tremembens Of botir Institates la ne- te ditribute the mid esitate baving ne- 411. l u athe. . uested, ILunch wlillbe' Previded ir>'gar& OnlY,,te tire daimsetfwhich h. &IN - Ho B ao u r l n o e l a d i e s'l t Hpp a 1 1 . ' l m i g avv. aoieio vil'rlOtrirrenirUetn-sya o fi. land 8enohýf 96 tFtlg2 b d yo d , D d a dl td il p 1 c 4tira.r ep a ti , Tir ()uut e Onani 01 jTak Jm rov meits uiov ir agnt' coma.dG ner l R par W rkIV H I B YE X G H À N G M AL metig u eueadayStoANe. W.sienBetN0,por cet., wbiclyou vii ô . E P JER E. Bu.l t ir Fi u t R E L M u n i Ip a e i nw i > ' a v e y u a r ea ir a ti n g r o m u L0 0% ^ A Get tiretOeeBMlnutehWasire -on'Hali insiweek tw euagengtsaireeo lu streots, vîz. stir T hRîce. t Of OntrrieOld eecea' off' lsue' o r. Ne S nortir aide et St. Joh St., 4 ft w ae -oabt Mn. Hutirolds tire recordnamonu n anda do co tl$145;etowna ahane, $58 T irm ee oti o n tae n es a ri n e r g ,' u aIn i s n o s n o a e v n o b f i i mnaks wair uyeay. eo. . e a n HeIraît bo rg, takin 1 n rtice t re t ett e K i on Of10 Ier ent e Dh ou WB ej. r yadE F ýtai 4. ilt hoid. anMexHaursioniteingelpirimu (2).i Ou wheuC rrt in O th To nG e alR p r r o n T i u e d > , a e 7 i r e s ne0u l n yi e y u n g ce r m o n e a u e f o aM .n d .i o f r o n i t , J o h t n d e t o l S t r e e ta sO f f c e a . u l td r k D n d s t . W h l t b y , n t , t e. * Paw i cuioldaneus io oG ep l'elus n eaevrydu tu E tmten. t .5;te Tshre $St . Etou@psîe ews Brtien, Wiity 200 Bags of Potatoes 42' Bushels of Buckwheat. 1 Fresh Cow. 1. Good Geiding,- 5 years. 1 Cream Separator, goo>d. Mixed JMay. 1 Pump, nearlyy new. 1 Set J-eavy Harness. kuowu througirut Pickering and Wh t< ).Oneastaide et Byron Street, b>' Townshrips, as a firat-clasaiiearcr, Srm Grand Trunk Station te Keitir and iris work -jutire admiration et aiStret. Eatimated doit $900; tewn's tirat chance to ss it.siare, $360, 0 (4).,On weat aide et Brook Street GOOD WATER PRESSURE, frein Tment Street te ist Street. E s_ timated coît, $1,500;, iowu'a ahane $600. Tire water pressure hi -tire towu wut- (5). Brook Street east frein Ontario enworks systoin was especlalip goo*1 on Street te St. Peter Street. Estimuted Sanda>' daning tire tine lu tire Disne>' deat, $700; tewn's siÊtare $200. Block.' During tire progresefthtie fire (6). On Chostuat Street, uorth sae an 8 Inch main bursi ut tire He8Itai frein Brock e~reet te Centre Street. item tire Insane, tirai caaaing a neduc- Eaîimated ceat, $132; towu'asahane, $58. tienn lutire pressure up-town.. Iu spite (7). On Wulnut Street, north aide et thia handicap, howeven, tire was a frein Brocok Street te Palace Street. ES. splendid pressure, and tire water was timated coat, $320; town'a ahane, $260. driven witir aufficieut terce for, afilne- (8). On Palace Street, west aide, quiremeuis. Tire Supenînteudent atates trom Dundas Street te Mary Street. tirat tire pressure regiatered oven 100 Eatlmated cea-t, $320; tewn'asahane, $80. peanda. to tire square oI. Wlth tris (9). On Eadcild Street, east aide, frein state ot affaira, tbrn need b. ne werry Çirestuut Street te John Ncwporî's ln Whiîby negarding water service. heuse. Estimated coat, $220; town'a _--o- ahane, $88., ST NIE' RSYEIN (10). On Mary Street, soutir aide, cHUuCî{. from Bl3ock Street te Byron Street. 1'astor: ltev. A. P. Meuziùa, M. A., Ehiimaîed cost, $150: tewn's shane, $60. B. D.(11). On Brocok Street, west aide, Suppiy Il ey"t to b1)C tgd on ln C. P. il>., a distance et 1,200 feot nontir, 1 absence ofIbie pastor. * iiiated Cost. $65o; tovrna ahane, $260. Il arn.: Anthe-m --"Jesus, Savieur, $240. Pilot Me."' (12). On St. Peter Street north aid Soie: "Pray For Us," Mr. Wiliam frein Grc'en Street te Bnock Street te: Tiromas. 113rock Street. Estimated ceet, $150; 7 p.ni.: Anthem-"I-ave Mercy Upen town's ahane, $60. Me." And te assesa 60 per cent. ofet fna Duett: Misa E. Tiromas and Mr. Wm.r cost tirereof ettire. prepent>' abuttîug Thoma.- thoreon, and te ire bonefited tirereby. Tire estimated côof th ie work la THE TABERNACLI4 W.M.S. ENTER- $5.600, ef wirici $2240 la te ire prevlded TAINED. ton b>'tire Munîcipalit>', and tire esti. On Wdneday ftenoon Ma 26,henated apocial rate Der foot froutago O. M.edno teab ternacn, a>' 6tre la0.9 cets W. M S.et tre aberacl gatere ut Thre pecial, assesament le te be paid tire home et Mns. W.J.H. Richardson, lu 'twenty aunual luataîmeuts. about fort>' lu namber, toe cube> a social A petition against tire werk wlll net heur lu houer oet Mrs. Sexomîtir and availt rvn t osrcin Mrs. Greenwood, whe wli airerti>' ie lt eeJ t OStrucWHTion leavlng towun. Mns. Sonsmîtir, tire be- _-oJSP H ioved and officient Presideut, et tire -TOWn lr Don't forget Airnond's gardoni part>' eu Weduesay, Jane 9tb., on tire lawn ot Mn. Wm. Oke. Tire regulur menthl>' meeting efthtie Ladies' Committee and Advisony Board otftlLeWhitby branci et tire V.O.N. 'will uleet lu tire Institute noit on Meonday cveniug, Jane 7tir.- ÂIÎ 1tire latent styles lu ucrecu doors and window sermens ut Geo. M. Rlce's. .Everythiug lu burdwure. Tire JudgeW'- Court et Revision la helng held tis 'moruIug (Tharada>'), Sbéture' Judge McIntyre, regarding ap- Deals for the Votens' List, as printed for 19%.- Botir political parties are active lIniraving-man>' naines added. Orde~r your engraved vitlug carda frein CA. Geedfellow & Son. We eau aiso saipplylug engraved weddlug Invi- -tattions, anneuncoments, etc. 0 o Tire Wemen's Bible Clasa et Si, An- d rew's Chancir have been making bau- duged for tire soldions. 'DunIng tire - -Pat mentirtire>' have 'sent 38 dozen triangulie bandages and 76 roller han- doges to the Red Cross Societ>' lu Te- l'on to. Sce tire néw 011 steve ai Geo. -M. lllce's. Works just as good as tire c-t>' gns. Gee. 'M. ]llce., A -Public Ouy Ta duCy ef evryhbouge- ..wife te' buy the beet geoda as clicaply as possible. Our Ploasuro t'a our -pleasare te snpply ,with -the best in grecen- zlt lewet prices. High lass Pekoe Tes, per lb.v LI' uÈtpwdor Tes, pernIL 1 5 NQ 1 iegs for 4bic 4.5e ef addlflg man>' new mombens aud'ý sotreugtirenlug tire Societ>' In man> otir- en ways net known betore, and Mrs. Gneenweod, frein hon nicirstore et mis- sionar>' knewledge, iras helped ver>' mach te muke tire Aaxillary meetings lnteresting and Instructive. Both ir ii ire ver>' mach mlssed freintire Society', and It vas a thoagittal and fttting tnl- bute freintire gracieus bostesa te tiras entontuin tire Societ>'. Tire gathoning dlspersed atter biulng bauds lu sing- 'ing "Auld Lang S>'ne."11 -o- PASBING 0F DR. P. G. MELDRUM. Tire follevlng la tuken freintire Ayr weekly pupor et lait veek, rcterrlng te tire death et Dr. F. G. Meéldnum, wiro vas ton scver'al,.yeans lu practîce lu Wirltby* "Tre deatir eccurod saddenly on Tufsau'mdrnlngý etfireart tui'are, et Dr. P. G. Meldr-ai,. brother et' Or. N.J IVW, MeIdruin, et Ayr. Deceased had 4m- cd lu Ayr dunlng tire past, nIMber-,et moqtirs, tuRting change, efbIs broche!ioi pructice duriuig bis illnes. ,- - iug bis, resaence hireons ire frionda vire -wiil iti regret b42 d'en d emis.. ,~.ntuêIn THE SEMI m REA DY STORE We are now showing a complet e lne of Waterproof Coats for Mon and Vomon Also a 'special line for boys and girls from the age of 6 year *s and upwards. Over 75 samples of material to choose from. Ail the new Single and Double Texture Rubberized Cloth, Cantons, Paramattas, Rubberized Silks and the Pure Wool Waterproof Garbarcilies, light ini weight without containing a'ny rubber. 25 styl1e plates to select from, Stock coats- men's breast 34 tô 44, ladies hst 34 t- 44 inches. Boy's and girl's coats according IM to proper size. Stock coats, any material, procured in two days. Coats made to measure for men, women and children in 7 claysL Made in Canada From British Materials, Guaranteed Waterproof. MAUJRICE MURPHY fldoor south Hotel Royal, - WHITBY, ONT. PATRIO+TiS is soniethinc r e thani a wavinY port to home induistry. So Buy adau Al th offlagsif 15 a loyal sup- Shoea Made 10 Can- L, lassiç shoes, fl.mpress t-shoes give ail the rnost cx- [uire in style, comfort, wear Ils WATD-on Windmil EXCANED-YAnGRgs WM. M- NAW The Groater Canada Improvemeot_& Land Go. LlmFted Bell Phone 193 Ind. Phone 70 AT THE NOw Monswo.ar Store WINDOW DISPLAY'TIIIS WEEK 0F oc toc /50 Work Pants, 'I -a 'I. Work Shirts, The Newest Straw liat Styles in Stocke Suit Çases H arryThoinp ARCHIVES 0F 0NTJ b-&- 1.9,doop south HOtel- Royalo 1 WH ilrBy, ONir. a nd Ov-oralls, '

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