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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Jun 1915, p. 3

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~iattentive te> er werk or VI w o w'.a uuao a c>cm We.. te."neiede, Dr. W!Ii'isl' forth by Berýnha.di 1 Pillets, tonie uwhih direwfflv -OfGwzat avail!is 14 te> complenboti opffcifiea&i4'correctse ci. Ilthe breaiehea of interniational l.w frm h .1» àafkris which have beeca committed by bo4ih enzicml nalyo? ofthe'blood of 0inhe i.European confljeti The. a giwl would e"w t tc, b. ef fittt Amenicaaa liv.9 weSo" s u aut the eieieits that Dr. On a V"esseaUiinig Under the eri -am Pink PiUlla uppyti.h hig'iter thbe Germiez Gàvern-~ liicb recor brightu o teb lditbs sneiik f u.r and .ooor tte éheeke. Mimt es i~ m runein. l2àimeteiriai; ha Aienault, UnrbeinýLi, GBýzày frInI lis£iiiiid:proo? t 1., i. eue o the tbôumne, ilier wera,reec" neflag, not ,ic girl. rs'stored to beslti b euethe &ae'and S! tnpe.The use ci Dr.-Williamu' Pink Plles. war e» Geuma.uy'a parti $ we soye " ias attaeked with agaanst hone natel1. but aJDt ail. mai, eandwas Lin aucla aaisr- notione. It le &a-nar bu- cendition tuat 1 bas! tg>consuit "anty.. ictol', and!wae under 'his oeé le t not lear that, uaf"ts pre- severat' moulis, - but without Sent adeoee. ýP- 'ois in better. l was growing whca contre! ts Kultur, the _. er- ner every day, bs!dark cir- nen' nation Wa. perilte civilka,- arouazd mne yes. -I couls! lard. tîon ammd uuç'tt to survive?1ýWhat ep t iht, but toS" est- wii t)ie-IiTvýýrtie--o! theworld ha [y and gtup inu-thiemornlng w<erffi if Germany esuerges victor LbI*tok anticipatin of the. lay' mif rom is confiet ,becauee, through niéî before me. [ w .-w ay. .owe.raiy and! dreamay lo"eef iered with heeadîhc and! peins péaoe, »atien' whieh have, ben he boesk and! imbe. My eappe- neutralýý4iiherto -refuse to do flueir asa pe ns Ifruety art * 'com»bating lthe penil of e. [tes what I dis! et. My fuilndepax Germnmea with wiiidh -iviliza- ed taet I would not recover. I tien là threatened?Î often sec» Dr, WilHiams' Pink Uinless 4the United' Stgttes am e- e 5 adirertises!, and finelly, de- corne e. country ci! Chiniain-en it will dl te try tbhem.. I used alto- not taise this affront.,iying down. ir nine boxreg, aud they made Indees, ft4ie Chiiiese, with ail heir as well a' ever I wase Iu my weakneis, woudd make ae- leat a AH! the patoi ans! aches dis-. show of fijght ege-4nsto hideoue a eare!; my e.ppetibe returmeci. wren-gands dre£(dful a danger. uid eleep sou-ndly at uigbt, and!___ coler retenes! te my çlheeke. E WRT $830A INH e gai-nos! eventeen pounde in E WOT $850A INH Lt.Iamn n 0w a.ways -well, and Pnslal rlmnadMePe tbis ha-ppy condition I have t-o - Bîn.s Suta Aanat ad-,tlre ils Dr. Wiliams' Pink Pille." rg utAaitRtrod, au cm» get these Pille f rom any "For two luches of. tUe left ieg, at en in medieiDe or by mail et $8,350 per InchU, $16,7010,"1 la the 1>11 entsa e box or six boxe.% for that Earl Parsons o! Mount Bethel la rom The Dr. WiJ-e-nia' Medi- trying to collect fromi the LehigU and ý Co, Drckvi!L-,OntNew England Rallroad in a 'suit for Go. Br.ckil'ej nt.damages Juat brougbt. Employed: on tUe noad as a trainanan, bis train Net Unaninieus. crashed into some smpty cars, and, li ix- WoMn3ýn are suFplicus was caught between two. o! themi. ktarps! Among his inJuriess a double frac. titrs! . tuno o! tUe left Ieg. When ho left 'ix-My expeeience is to the the hospital, four montbs later, the i.iîi-v F'or instance. -there'sleg was two inches ehorter tira» the ny vife; vh' a. woma-n ans! truste ne, whil my grmcr, whéo.Le a me-» Ncinazdage lfit a onoe the re«imea-nt abeth Pansons, bis mothen, e.lae been deprlved o! b er M -aiso filed au action pýany and detnds ;rophiel apoleuu dl intentios* In produces! at the- tii, ; t pas5-; tqxe buainese we<t, iia ;thue Western emýapioyees bcm e quaintes! wltih the. new tuime st&»d- sir!, ans! a<ceptes! it a-a a ni&tt f e course; but tii. sLght eoociihe cld dialplates, w,,h,*A everybody wa eshowing as a u.rioeity in 1886, az somethîng which waa gelng te revolutionize the comme» lite e! tb2o peepie, .reomila tube eageneec4 the compafly te> arreet tii atten-" tion, t1K>uei, o! oouTee' the change was ad-vanU&geou5 ii teif. liwasick Woman 7 READ THIS VERV CGAREFULLV. "For years I was thin and delicate. 1 loat color and was easily tired; a yellow pallor, pimples and blotches onJ my, face were not only mortifying toe my feelings, but because 1 thought inyt skia would nover look nice again I grew despondent. Then my appetite falled. I grew very weak. Varions remedies, pilla, tonies and tablets I tried wlthout peBrmanent benefit. À visit to my sIster put Into xny bands a box of Dr. Hamllton's Pille. She placed rellanco upon them-and now that they bave made me a well woman I would flot be without thean whatever they mlght cost. I found Dr. Hamil- tonla Pilla by their mild yet searching action very sultablo to tUe delicato character of a woman's nature. They neyer once griped me, yet they estab- Ished regularity . My appetite grew keen-my blood red and pure-heavy rings under my eyes dIsappeared and to-day my akin la as clear and un- wrinkied as when, 1 was a girl. Dr.J Hamiiton's Pilla did It al." . The above stralghtforward letter, frean Mn. J. Y. Todd, wlfe of a rwell- known millier la Rogeravilie, le proof sufliclent tbat Dr. Hamilton's PUis ard a wonderfui woman's medicine. Use no other plI but Dr. Hamllton's, 25c. per box. ,Ail dealers or TUe Catarrh- ozone Ce., Kingstoà, Ontario, What'is the Use? A de.rkeyr running a ferry aerom t.he Ilabs.ma river- was accostas! by a, poor white stranger who tanted »o cross, l>t hadn't the wherewith- Pete sacratched bis wooiiy poil, perplexedly,.thon qudnies!;"toan yoe got nonm&ley at aèIl? " Né,"' was thé dejectes! reply. "But, t dean' cost ';o' but thrce dente ter. croés," el nistcd IPete. 111 know, but, I hain't got tihree cents.'" Af ter a finia, inward itihink. I'ete remiarked - "I done tell yo' what; a m4b what's not geLt three cents am»' jes -as well off on dis ide ob de rnb- be r as on de odder 1 At tUe Yarmoutb Y.M.C.Â. nove' Cauip. beld at, TuulueiFalla ln uuet,1 I found MINARDS LINiMENT most boeneficial for sun burn. an immedls&te relief fer collc and toothacho. AIJFRED STOKES. Goueral eCuY. PUreIce Crear ITIS GENERALL Y iCONCEDED tha çubrcuIoýU sta~»ited by unpasteurlzed ITe Oream.- Çfy. i,'y [ce ~eMisP- terLAzed_âand "'therefore 'safe for even the youngest' chhld. TePuritj and, iiathunO of- A n in evry vAiy. ~hematerof iaor~ig~IsanImportant on- --CIlty Dafry - uses - no ldaks snht f ie ~ jYor.~w flvor our_ , e, 1Walpt btipure, -maeiugar-mwe- use Pure Fut iOur ",l -Je. (reamWs" a'i-LOrur- "Vagnli"with lthe ipure eacm aVntilaBeau. Thii nite speeka 111CIt DarYVanufla lee Cream are pleces of the groun be-"ýýthe specks miake the liavor." So faaswe know- w."rethe,-only- .manuftaturers I Canada usîig the Pure vanilia beau, and Do other make eu colý pareiwlth .te delicate .favor of, City,. Dairy Va-nuls Içe Crean-the ., qt la about double but the'selllng pice le tihe sane. ~i'Ji 6c" ksmake tefao"- sleDy WHERE THE1 SPARK IGNITED i Serajevo, Capital of Boonla, Loslng Oriental Character. 1 13erajevo, tUe unknown Bosulan town where the spark lgnlted tUat flam ed forth..into tUe greatest war of tUe ages, le descrlbed by the National GeëographIlo Society as one o! the beanty spots o! the Bakans. It was the scene of the assaseination of the Arclidake Francis Ferdinand, heir- apparent- to the thrones of Austria and Ilungaryî, and hii wlfe the Duchess of Iiohenberg. 15erajevo là bulIt upon the river Mil- jacka, a &mail trlbutary of the flasntà, and-spreade over both siopen of the narrow' valley te the ruuged huIlo Partly oriental and whoUly'set'la the green and emnerald of Its gardene and neighboning wel-wooded his, Sera- jevo le frequently called "The Damas- cus o! the North." TUecity lies '122 miles southwest o! U'3elgrade. Wlth a grolipug population of 50,000 and a thiyiu commerce and Industry, Sersý jev6 has bec»'fast losing its easten 4lfaracter, reconstrnctlng the old -Turk- IsWcity toconformi to the purposés of Western progress. Itï large bazaar ls a favorite mai- ket place foiethe peasants of the whole province, Whiie Its comInssion bouse86 ço4duet t1xe, archange of Boanlau ag- nichîtural'anid,,î mineraI produots with the lpauufacto,àles of other parts o! tbe emipire. It.s )ottenieff, siik miliii atobacco fjoryand a large individc ual,'or Iliese industuy, whlch producee flue embrolderies, rugs, embossed and fàirEe work.- e r- o 12 a 'is aibc "Bsorne tAine go8" . HAcn tiene!,"Ili-i &v«y nmrebak. It atartes f-rom &a e>ld'amis! I iii- fe.res!for siximut"u wl-thli t., I aise bas! gta«,»em i y joints aeld cframpe la fmy mllt.Ies-asudI feit h'me.y ands! l aiter nîeals M e.ppetîte Wàs fifful and -Myiambe w0' e &Vr. 1mm55I deoudes!te try Dodd'a Xde1 Pla.Iteok four leaeans! neeosmv'è" geatbeaiefit fentLhean. Thae's why I r'Sem- mens! Do&I' K:5 e Pll. Every e1e-o » 1 aHL e yxp- -toin. hoedctu"et -bietroubae wae c1,f the. Kid'neys. Thbt La wby hou got Pu& hbeaefit f nom - DodeeKfldeyr pille. Tbey are no e> e f& eIbut ,tube-y do. cure -siclklndeya - - nd thie Kidneys arethe e e0ne of hse-h FACT AN»ý COMMENT. Even at a bauls a nian's best col- LaeralisLacharacter. Many youn Ameiii" have en- listes! iu the regimeite t-bat Canada haà recruited fer tube war. How rnany pensons nemember that sixty- eight thuosans! Canaâdiane se-rves! in the Union Anîny dlÙinng the Civil Waxr7 A Boston wemnaI who findé the somibre-clothes'o! ne-n very de-press- ing. wantu t-hem té wea.r Hollans! blues, snuff brownm, enud shades of plui color. Men uses!- te wean sucli colons in the days of Watteau ans! Fragonard!, wben they lias! littie to do except te walk tubrough a min- uet; but I-n thisae-a man feels fooliali ifting ashes in a plumi-col- ores! coat. Cattlisien on the Western rangea wouid kilI every bear, but tAie sheep Sherders proteat that, the benne keep the wolves. ans! coyotes in check. Truck armnera se-y that the welvea ans! the coyotes mae their <trops f rom jacok rabbits., No one ha. yet acceptes! a retainer for the ' jack rabbit, but pc-nhaps hie, too, h» a caee. Qu Oe of the miner resultý o! the. war in Europe lia.sbeen -19 ch-ange the nationaiity o! tube dachahuns!. At any -rate, Ehgiand is muedune- lieues! te learu f nom a French se- va-ut that thbe dachshuns! La net o! German onigin, butle e- descendantl o!, -thieFreucli -hreob~-a&,-ti authoruty of!-cerI i-Bogilh deg: fanciens têbet ,lue is neilly e-n eléng- at-ad ter-rier. - T4e Boy Scout moveant bas travelies! round the word, thnough Europe, Afnica, India, China, ans! Ja-pan; but the finit menSa.l n- dien Boy Scout troop wu. organizes! oniy a few weelos age. I1$ membene are pÙPils M t 4e Carlisle Indian Sehool in Penylvania. The leader La a young Blackfoot, wbo recentiy rode his ca-yuse from Montana te Washington with a nme -age for Presidenlt Wilson. The work on t-lie new Wellanud Canal, the successon o! the water. way bstween Laike Eris ans! Lakea Onta-rio, téat bas been in use iune 1833, will net suifer, on account of the financial, ibunden that thse-ia bas im.oses! on Canada. It L& ex. pectes! that the can.ai wiil be open [es! for treiin Lu1918, &ithough il 1*wiii not be finished for a-t le-si Vbnee, years after that. lt w-iil be 25 miles long, 310 feet widle, ans! foi tbe preecut, 25 feet d-?ep. ThenE wiil be sv-en locks, each 80 feea long, the gates e! w-hich will vieigi, 1,100 tons--more Ilian the gaVes e1 the Panama Canai iecks wel;h, .The coet wIll b. 850,000. Beu.nî free te all ahipping, t-he canal wil. benefit the United! States am vel, ae CanaLda, especiaiiy in thie eat, wand nuoveuuent ef grain, GET POWElR The Suppiy Cornes Prom Foodl. If we get Poere fret» focs!, w-by noetitnve te get e-Ilthe power wcl ce-n. Tue-t ila uy posible by se- iecting focs! that. exaciiy fits thbeI requincment e>! t-be body. "Not knwinghow t-o seIeet the. right feoodt fiMiy needa, I suf- feras! gni4veuly fer a long t-lie f rom gtoiumch trouble," qrite8s , lady f nom ahittl'e Western town. iit seemes! a. if I would nevexg b-e aible teý fins! out tAie so rt o!f f00 t-bat vie-s beet fer me. Hardly amy- thing that I ýceuls! e-at would stay onI mny etc-matha. Eveny at-tempt ge-ve mue hert-burnndoisfillcl My ste- naeiu with gas.1 got thimuer ans! thinnen uuut.ilI Ïliteralily - bece 'ca Living ekletona nus L t-ue isa . oanpelledto em -eptomy bas!. " A few muonthoe-go i waa pr- suades tc try Grape-Nus food, ans! it hba u0U gees!effect ineni tube very-beginning that I kept Uap ie- use. T was surprises! e-t tee a witih vhicli I digestes! La. Itpuoe t-o b. just WIuftt I needes!. "Ail =y unipl5ua=aaat syniptçomë, the ieartm-buil', theifl-ted feeing wwclaga u i dis-- appe .re XysW weight = ally tweaaty mil«è tley ivill gin.eoff au intemise lglt ovier a. wide circle of the. surundinig country. fléfore One boub d"esout «simthe La eot in toitbeair. Alkizd< o! itou'bmb-, shoit Luto the sky>' lie an ordcne'y ruceket la uses! b ot&, eoeiet6- fer - She Wasn't Sure A LamOee baebaoIl layer liesa. youugrasea iola verey Prous! o? hl, altou~iae is. net ey faiie ith the. game. Havdng spase» of hlm -one day'te a& viiter- se. w"a aies!- by the. latter' what position ber brother pae! "Why'," ah. ataxnmene, "- not au re, but I thuuak be'. abat- te-."1 Sore Absolut1elyaIes No cutting, ne plas- Co rn s ers or pade to pres th. sons spot. G o Putnam'a Extractor G --. -makes SUe eorngo S witbout pain Takes eut the sting ovornigh 44r' fins -beaves no scar. Get a 25e. 1bôtle of Putnam'a Corn Extracter to-day. liner-I't there not-ber'vfge- table tbat gees wituh thue bec!, be- sides pote-to? Wniter-Yec, er-taere's borse- radg&iah.Eelàs ~~or e ye. in liedby7 P~ & ~uicklyrelevebyud vw e jisE ye'comnfrô~ I Drug*g'ss oc per-Botte. Nis. m s seivinT*uie25c. FonIsoteIthOEyfééSuk Druits 09 nuduIZOamdCS.@ cfl The officiai reporter in Heu-se cf Lordsiareceivffe 82,500 yee-r. Ngls Z'a bdmsut unS ubYUO~ vice Leaguie, !eupdedl i» 1902, La tel soy-militany servace Lu Great in S'evon -Daysl rFg* Mizin rCnr t t tUf1915 Model RAND IXER aaves you lItme, abou sud me7i. Yen, get a better mlx wth l'ai icemni. Write for catalcruei4. - WETTLAUFER 8008-, lmprovsd Coe ahiey ttept. W. padina v. Tooito. OtîO, Ford owners write for eTur catalogue- a ONT. hlgU up that 11111wmicn 15a0 naail TH-JE BEST MEDICINE FOR LITTLE ONBS' 1'Louanda-ef mether samy Baby'le 0w» Tablette are -the,«enuiymedaciue ty wond v -ied-r Odttlides tablets aemMdihn uha.ti.bt *eine L, inthe, worid for, littie qIs. Once ea mothberh»a.uses LAieTabl-e e .wil-i Use ne otixer medicine be-ceu te- feels ut-h.Tab - lots are e-hoôlutdy &eeaskos -tieheever 'ba lte bami'ule-lbtii sinpie ii sWO!f' te nes. T-bey are eold, by med!iledeeleus or by nmail t m- 25cent. a bo>x Iroi The. Dr. Wiliauns'Medticne OCý>., Broekvile, Ot At Any Vaudeville. ing up a.nd down whi'ie thcy are playing?"' "Becem t makes theiu harder to hit." ar Ajk for Isrd!s andt akesDo otiier. Among the new oununer are -as a. cotton maticrial known &s5 "J'o>ffre," while the new «dlors in- élude "&bttleabp grey" nand i"Pet, rognas! Muie." 1UiNGOT01 AM SEDUCi STUDY ArTsCurs.ny~ SUMM BR SC HOOL !4IVERSITY ýN, ONTARIO , OFMINING IdECrAMICAL -Enlih à" m. howingplàSa of inter.t)..1t ~z fisyez'y roozhý or, t>hab.Weil.Qingtom neoeivd his Lrot commission!"' AÂinoian, Toucrie: "' indeed 1 And how miich did fe e e A1aska~ was. bouqht by the tlaited Sta.tes from Rus&m& for. $7,L£200,O *peclafly _ ected, sen- Governni.8 lnspected for ge ,0117 Imto qatt. prie One nouIy"ll pur bushet f.01b, Brai,' Uàn. Âio ConnoiIBOIu " P'te rl . and N w 1 w no Ularu pir bnâab el. S otl 'pr'ced forlarg quail t . Cadh iu accom. Pyal ordrwt. R. W. DIawon. Bamp- NEWOAPER8S FOR SALE, p noiT.AKIqalNZWB ý AND JOB 01O. Thé Moot mefWul and, jte t f01-l biunese.. Pull, tuforiatll on appiès tion 50 Wils-on ,publthng CmpaRui. West Âda1s-Aa t.~oOi0 oôd sandin, n lase1.T nelhbor. hood of Ontario and Québec, Provincea, 50 obtain Baet of roll pbe eogpie wiio are ID- terested ln ainir iony duriut thése ïwar times, on urchaes o!, stavle mor' eandi@e. elcted froen illustrted--cata- logue of eeta,hbliâbed 16ontrea4 DepAit mental Store, To thé ugbL persins we offer attractive remuneratiof. Write i- mediatelv -gvingnamze. resdelisee eper lnce. wth, reernee. Caracter la, et more importance tan eser>ëeCO.Ad- dres P. 0. Box44,>nte1 MISCELLANEOIIS. NGLIR VIOLET CRAM.1ÀQ .E Beautifler. Price 25ô. Viodore com- Dsfly, Orilila. oeovàw eoen V 15 e.a S 't 1» D.1 aih t.II S; ÂNWY OtE. lu *pecdotNOUN. SB divins uigine prie«. on relqueit Get Our guotationit ouT e Peetaixg e"Oommeroial h.d PlestiÙ M e14UM~ Ro boats and Caneo.. -THE GIDLEy BOAT CO.. LIMiTED, PENETANG,, CA'. THENEW PERFECTION iihtsle stv keo -and cooke lke gas. It is £=s stove CoIoiM with kerosene . NEW pERFECTION$~S tooi'n 1,2yS and4bhumrcsies bY dealeus evÏrywherC. if your dealer cannot supply you, write us direct. lEsT iRESULTS HOMES"' THE IERIAL 01L-COMPANY ___ LimiSedc MLL CniW ý1% 't- i bladeTir Canado~ Ou arny~ws-e~ a &eujc y -b #om y- ARCHIVES,0F -C TODRONTr duneU Hi rea Wcn figy ce,, ocf to$x 40C 20C -$1,50 ONTe '/1 -.àý 'ýi8lED POTATOES- p 1

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