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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Jun 1915, p. 6

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~4~wirsgCourt EouueWhitbY L CHWBSTI,, suiftdU' hIltoe, Nth lie t 81Lo~.Bt, OPP. StO&dard Money te Loan. 0. vOINêSIITi L.B Jsuier of MÂ&RRtIGE LXC-UNSM>. court 'Houoe, Whitby, or,,resîdence. P.A i. eWANBoN laarrister, Solicitor, 'Not8.Vy Publié, Conveyancer, etc., etc. Oshawa,- - Ontario. oiflco-No. 2 King St. E,,Mackle BL. Resdence-52 Prew St. Phones--ffce. 821; Residence, 326. Barristors, Sollcitors, Etc. Dundas St., 'Whltby, Ont. (Firet door weut of Pott Office) MDENTAL W.-I"AMS, Dentist, Office, DundaSi Street, Residence No. 4.- the TermCe- --yronStreet, Whitby. Phono No.. 128. JAS. BISHOF Os5hawa, Licensed Auctionee r. Success- or to U . airbanks. For terras and dates apply to self or G. Robb, Whitby. Wm. HAW LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR. AiU kinds of sales proxnptly attended te. Arrangýmeflts for salei eau be madle at the Gazette Office. Termna reasmable. Bell and independent phonos. WIiITBY, ONT. CONTRÂCTORS J. HOWELL JAMES * Carpenter, Duilder atd Cqntractor. -Planes drawhi and estimates' furnished. ý,Eaah, doors and' frameu. dA p deiaifrein Lndco &Y: se-oion f .&.trak ite susa listin neot< quite three weeks, hope- lessly-,bstiieve&by the powieoef ni r'ý 1 f-e! t1.AUdto-.OoXn15' the xRumune bave evaati8te*d the patyo Itb Waa not a forbUalsurredOr, a& 'was tii. cm amnh 22, wuben i e -Austrian Ua.r2î4aen after i mentha' diefence, ho* t 1ii.b'ite fiag. Thie gréater part o!faeRa Sian garrIsOn manage4to slip Vaay cier the railroad toenLmb«rg I-ic le m itue 2O-Mile ares tu the. est, wiiere thie Teuton foxo. have not consolidated- their lines. Theo were abie te taketgeme liea.'vy guzue, many machine &uns, and onier- ahi. aunitiens o! war. What booty ths Austre-Geaxians huave captured i wtu tue fortrees e.he-re la no eWstnste, but it le fair- ly cert&ina tiia Russai*. h&vý ixig lots o! tî am4 -an mexi and as-n'-meerxtâ pas- sible; a&nd t n ammunitian thtremaast MiliVary experts in Lôndpxi have fareseen the fal of PeSr eys ever since iV waa apparent tliat the Ger- man and Austriaxi hrust Varougli Galicia'. was go,'ing Vo stnike heie.. Peremyal la noV a sale salient iu a defence line, howeve-r srnÉ it unay be as an isolated fertresa. . Mei tactios o! the. new bcsgegeirs KIN'S BJRTHBÀY Lieuîtenîant.( oîernor IHendrie and 5 Other Proluilîent eanndians Entitled' to Préfix ot Sir. A ý4th f rom 'London. says:l A list of the,.King'e birthday hon- ors is issued in th~e Lendon Gazette. It includes many naval and mili- t.ary decorations for war eerviSes. Earl Kitehener heads tihe listi -lie reoeiving tVhéýknighthood cf the Garter. The folldwing Cam"~ia naines. appear in the lit: Lt.-. M. 0.C1M1G. L.Cl'the Hon . John Stra.th- earn Rend-rie,-Lieuten&nt-Governor ci, Ont&rio. rneplWiIJIm Paterson, vice- Ihavcelkr f IdMGili Unie'rsity, thelor. DUrsui 5ie VIé~a, ene1rd FreaxysI]. at 3,3Q e dlock thia niorning f rx>m-taie 2ncrh after tlelutofF >ftbêforta on bhat front cdi the deténé»n had beeâ- ~ Inoed. The Auutlrian tenta armY thn came up f r6m ,tii. weit and eoutli, reéaehi.ng the- centre of the tewc-' ahbrMlqy iuter isix o'clock. Meutla f.the forts had been coin- ltIyduetroyed by the-Au.trîane beoethey surreudered a! er the prervious auege, ami . tus ln oonsid- exed in ml!Uwy ciroles here to ac- Sunt for the e w t ha the fortreus ,bad to e oabandoned;50 quivokly in' thet ýùe of thie Austro-Germi a. t- It:ý re tha.t there wae -ne fi'ter the ring offortibwaa pen~ which leadis tc the be- lief that th~e town was practically equpty o! Russian miltary f orme ,w3ien the Austriana tock pses- SURPRIsE VISI T TO OROWN PRINCE Twenty.ni 'ne Freneh Airmuesu Boinbs .on Ris Head- Drop1 A despateh f rom PariasaSYs: A isquadren o! 29 French aeroplanes flew ove-r the Gerinan Unes and raided the. headquarte-rs cf thie Ge-2rman Crown Prince. Thf».nmen d'ropped 178 bomba in aIl, many o which reacbed their mark. Thons- andé o! arroVs were alse scattereli through thie ai-r. Ii. raide-ne were under a furloius fire during their attack, but none o! thie aeroplaaies were damaged. The War'Off-ice statemeint whidh announced the. raid did net men- tion the iecali-ty o! the Orewn Pri-nce's headquartera;. Fighting continues linVthe district called tii. "labyvriath,"'soutlh-east of Neuville Saint Vaast,' and some Éraina 'a.iriacrded, Since Mayv 31 -é jy RÈV. 1l1nélp51a eur.n "*-* - - S Gordon, vice-chanéelkyr Of An eye-witness, deslribing the 43Queen's University, Kingston. oeaiosnrhffAra aathes Xo.13, Com=ander Richard M. T. Ste. figlit ranks, in the mincis of u ph-eàs,ýkhief o! staff of the Canadian French miilitary authorities as the0 Nava'--ericeOttwa.greatest bat'tle of tue war ini the ~ . AIK ER ~wetern theatre of operations, since ta-pt. Richard Burton D)ean, late The batt.le ia stilil raging, al-t Pu l anufacturer superintendent o! the Royal North- thaugh its firat tages have bent W~est Mou,înte.d PolceJ)Ottawa. definitely,!settled in favor of thie Successac to-E, W. Eraits Francis Hernian Gisborne, Par- French, who are continuing their Shop Dundau Street, Whitby. liamentary counsel, Ottawa. progress wiùh leas and leess opposi - Sir Gilbert Parker, th" writer, is tien. So far, the battie-bas re- Three doors-west of Wliltby Rouge. made a baronet. Hon. Ed-gar Bow- ceived no naine. Thie French of- Wo are prepared te instal wood or ring, a miember of t1i'ý Lcgislative ficial communiques laeoni-ally re- Irou pumips ýon s-ort notice, aiso at- Council o! Newfoundland, îs fer te it as '"operations in the sec- louaù te ail lunds ef reeairing. knigbted. tor north of Arras." Agents for the Ontario wind mil!1 mtise çàsoline engînes. Bait From Germanfy Dernburg at Liberty -Phones---13el 60,. d. 20. . Thrown Out to Jews To Go When He Likes M ONUMEN-TS Acrding t4>freain L fnonParis, :-s h Aiih Fe adRs Gernany is hrowing out a hait t4o alan Embassie-s have amsured the iî all Doini and Materlal P'Dt IR Stock the Jews by pronising to re-estab- State l)epartinent tiiey will give Ii-sqi the Kîngdom uof Palestine after safe conduct tu Dr. Bernh-ard Demr- It wilI Pay you te cal! at eur works the war. A schemie ouit1ine~d and burg,. ormer Colonial Secretary of snd inspectýfor yourself.- signed by 25 Germean and' Anstrian Gerinany, when lie ]caves the Unit- -Don't be misled by agents. We de rabbis, and also by Herr Ballfin, cf ed States. It bias heen known that nt employ tlem. Cosequently we the Hamburg-Ameýrican bine, un- Dr. Dernhurg is about Vo leave heý can and de aliow. the agent's dommia- dertakes to re-establilish, by an country, and it is reported -le will sie 0f10 ercen.. hih yu wîîagreetuent wit'h the Sultan, a Jew- go te Norway some timc, this nionth. sio. o - 0 er cen'..whch ou "'i kingdom, witih guarantees of A few weeks ago, when Dr. zertainly suve by purchasing (rom us. neutrality. Dernburg, as a, climax Wo a serieds ÇaIISoilIted '1.of - speeches which aroused the re- Not W'orrying. sentment of thie Washington Gev- IF'ffIIl O Newedd:- "They- say that flou r ernent, justified the sinking of wfiifii gouptw o tbe olar the Lusitania in a public âidress, UU. illgo U t~o orthre dolar a here were broad intimations tat Ofieand Works lare. tht-ougai the Gernian Embassy lie OfficeMrs. Newedd: "Thank geodnes- miglit be invited te lepare thie cun- Opposite HeWnis Brethers, WhItbY. cear, we get ours by the bag."; try.; j8. 01091111 confi[s CANADIAN SOLDIERS REWARDUDI 5, COUNTY 0P ONTARIO. 1H11¶ÙY-ýMie Z. tL. Macdcvell, rk, Wýhilby-.iTOli, 7f Feb. 2, Mar, April 6, May 4, June 1, JudIy 6, pt. Io' Oct, 4, Nov. 2, Dec. 2, Jan. 4, L6. JL'HAWA-Misa E. L. Macdexiell, itby' Clerk-Jatl. 8, Feb. 3, Mar. ej.r 'l 7, May 5, June 2,' July 7, 2, Oct. 5, Nov. 3, Dec. .3, Jan. ROUGHAM- M. Gleeson, .Clerk.' eetwod- Jan. 11, Ma rch 4, 'Mit> Jul1y8, Sept. 3, Nov. 4, Jan. -6,, 56 '0W!' FERRY-J. W. Burnlilam,' îrkc; 2ort Ferry-Jan. 12, Mar. 5,, iy ?a'9, Sept. 6, Nov. 5, Jan. -LJ. Moore, Clerl, - dMar12, May 11, -\ 20, Jan.if,, ;el;Pester, <K'marsil- May-PLy Jaun, 12, 1916, ?.UPTEGR']4 a C1,rk, Ath1erley--Ju -May 14, July i16, -t Jan. 11,196 - Dated et Whltb, o, .28. . - - (By Order) J, E, FAUEWFJI ~. - c f tu Th The- Dstingui'shed 'Conduct Meclal Bestowed lNerbers of'Patricias and th-- *4th Battalion A despntcb frein Loadon gay$s:tihe -leading platoon in an attack on The award o! the -Distiaû"hed a Gemman trench witli gme-at ability Conduet Med&L,,to a nualer,' > ! sud ,.daslt" membrs f te 'ènaàindi<visiaon - Pte. J.- M. Robert-aon -Prineess memerso! tae CnadanPatricia's, fer conspicuin gal- bas bte-n annouwxced in connectioir lantry M' St."'Elei', 28th Fehruîary, witb thie King's 'birthilay honore. "iunaeis ting-to rescue a wouînded -Pt-e. R. H. Drake, e!f the i4th coinrade uind-r m-st difficult anc battalien, is de-corate4d'fer con- dangerouts circu-m stanxces.,- Épicueus ga!-antry 'and devotien te Corp. J. L;. - WoI-tenhhlme, dut> near the Rue. du Bois' on Princesa Pratricia'a,. for ponspicu- Marc-b 2a, wben ho went eut under ous gallaatry aV St. -EIôi, 15th heavy fire Vo Vhe assistance e! -Marcl., when hie carried messages wolmded cemmades. He wâs6 u- on two occasions under damgerouis mnediactei-y weuaded hiniseîf, but, circumst.inces whiile ex"s ed V o neverthele-ss, succeedekl in 1dr'ag- very beavy' ire. Subsequexitly coe mali in 10e oafpt.y and then Corp. Wolsten{holm. conducted . 0, stetc - -b)e.rers' in t.e dark to Haceking, PrincesFatml- resc" ewounoeuc. vos esii medal feýr.cen-, Ceù J. L. WoUsteniliodme isaa ldntry' at St. Eloi on Tocro»tii mani, rtkidng at 245 ï- for &aaýsstiag la the Vaugha.n -Read- H. wu bohem in eyunded coinrade under Scotlaud and l.ft Toronto as a pri-_- eM auddangerosc--vate.- -le.S. Uaclcixig ancVte, ,afersôn, Fr111008 Robertacin are residints et wored or cn-bon - adi - ýergt. l3ateraon St. Eli w..nab Winnipeg. -Thie bridge- - Ve h'Y- r in the ghborhood -of' Dixud-e- ehwn ii abructed the r reeeiy during tue cou-rse o! one niglýt by -*1k. British, -PCrary sl.ackening ia- theieneensaiit fightiexg that le eve-r oontinuing in fleats utilized. te s"erve as eupperting ponitoone wure ~repared on th-i 'wter, &nd finally ineoreci seeurely in' position;. thoen t e roadway ela; o! sufficient widfhth Volw o! infantry ln fornion ta-rigthieb' !pxte "o! the darknem. . The. openation, it waujld appear, waîsnot doe borhood, Who, ta prevent such w ork being carried ýot, conitinu'l 190000,000 P0UNDSOF, GUNCOTTON'. Canada lias Wmmencecl Manufacture of iiglhes t EiCplo5sive Known to Science A despatch 1rom Obtawa say8 ' A plant for the. manufacture o! large quantities cf triait VolUOlu, one ef thie hîglie-a explosives kcnown te nxodern science, bas been erected in Canada and is new in operation. Its location is being kept a secret at present, -but Gen. Sain Hughes, MinisVer o! 'Militia, inspected the werks' and exprèssed himsellfaas hi-guIhlyratified with the pregress which bas been mnade. Work was atarted co'm the factory seven weeks ffl, and it hadnot beem expected REMARRABIJY , STRONG POSI- TIO'N 0F TUE MERCHANTS., BANK OF CANADA SHOWN BY AN-N'Ali REPORT te ho, ready for four months, but opet-ations were ru.shed wiph the reaudt that tue plant la now run- ni.ng. The new plant la urning out taie immense quantity ef 800,000 pounds of'trinirtolucel per, mentîx and constitutes a record hobli as regards eection an d production. -t i l announced that Canada wiîi -thortly b., in a position te Vurn -out one million pounda of guncot- ton pe-r înontmh. She has for some ine past heen praducing large quaintiti-es o! cordite. - PRICES 0F FARM PRGOMIS AOqEeRTB rpem THs LEADISN TO CENTRES OF AMERICA. 1V i sinifianttha after oreBreadatuffa. thne igtnat ai e-fte semre tToronto, June 8&-Maniltoba wheat---NO. ýtha eiht mntiis ü ble seèretI1Northero. *1.43; No. 2. $1,41. No. 3 financial strain Can ada lias ever $1.38, an track Lake porte. experienced, the Merchante B-ank bafitb (JsN . tW. 6k; NO. 3 o! Canada comnes iorward with a track Lakce porte; No. 1 feed, none offer- report slhow-ing net only' tii.great- nierca est strength, in its hist.ory compar- track La-ke ports.2ylow7734.n ing Iav-orably with the stroiigeSV Canadian corn-No. 2 yellow, 77c, on commercial hba-rk tbrîxugheut thie traclt Tomonto. wojd Ontario oats-No. 2 -white. Sge; Ne. 3 grrhh featthe Ontario wlleat-Nao. 2 -wintem, Per es-r - h. An3ua meut ~ ~, 1lot. *1.35, outaide. .rcrot.i., ,gebher the iinmediately meiisable te:' te-t-s amount to $33,421,571, or in h ver-46% o! the Ba-nk's liability to mi, fe public. What this ineans ivilI )e appreciated when 'it is rermi- jered that la-st year these items -jtallc<l euver $8,'000,000 le-s, or erî ýss tb;în 371%',of. t-be liabiliticestu off ,he publie-and ticis %va- iaver -ceùd slîowing for :;ýn-aI tues., TPhe total aisets of t-he Bank are pr $86,190,464.51, an increase of over in- -hmee mnillions frein- Last year. It SI is wor-thy o! note that there are ne mortgages, whilce verdue debits and to -eal e-atae, outmîer t-han Ba-iik pren- 13 îses tegethet' arn:unt to conly $263,- 539.40. or lest-ban one-tlîird o!f011)li per cent. 4 i.)flt ota-I assets. The actual eash. e,irand1 notes, -on Nd hand were- ouer .$21,000,Oi)O, or b twice îvha-î tlîev îîe-îe a ye-ar age. Thue; tue Mercliantài Bank o! Can- ada, is in a psi. ofo great I< ,trength. wlîwb ecables it tWa-faoce N any postble d-evelo.pnent o! tue $1 wax sitiation i u-it-b perfect confi- de nc-e. During the ypar Vhe Bank's de- posit husi-neý,s ex[al(l-e( very conI- eiderably. Its ciepo.s-its be-a-ring in- treredst inereased ovet fouir millions, te $50,037,101.80, and its total pubi lic liabilitieis grew three millionis Vo $71,769,613.81. The capital paid up nd te reserve fund 'tn t $7,000,000 e;î,--h.# P'-ofit' '..îtc--aîYaffected by ta e ft'c-i-t u rinutainqse hjI1 à a mntii AfqLcjm<lre,£erve cor&aEsets - tha-w. coild bue-o'vnverteCdi nto 'Cash Ïimediate ly. Current commerci'al boans 11in aa, t-liemain1 sourcë o! a Ca-nadian ba-nk's profitis, were redued by $6,200,000, and the nei' profits for the year were $995,431J against $1,218,694 for 1914. T.heS8I were atll further r2duced hy ap-J propriations for patriotte pumposes, hy ti-e war taxes and b v $250,010;1 written off -fur depredio -n in -the5 m-amketi-alie o! îe,-uîriît-ea-There is every prohability that taie latter ame-unt will be in considderable part mecovered in lte future, w-In se- curitire.s resun-e their nei'tvaI va-lue.' TaIe appropriation fer patrtlC- purpeiss in-dieate th-e S&erifieq_ý that the 13111k is malcing for the gene-raI to4od in thesieexaeting1 timaes, an;d îPie thaveboId-er,. ae arnplIy com'pensated i-n taie fact that the, Bank's imnmensýe strcength and censtantly widcening connectionts , enable it te o okieýr*wr4to. greatbY enhanced prosperity as - ,eooIi as bu.sines in Canada resllfl$O:i usuial aetivi:ty. Meanwhile *>- ancesbeet.such as tihul, *>Xtel' Iy nine niontus <df'-war, 1 '35 e,,, evidence o! aojtlld. ite. 895.60-: eaboard or Torontou cigia i Sgi aga.t hfillfeed-Bran. pe loir.$26., shorts, *28, 8iiiîs 29.. oeo-od Iced flcur. pier bug, IUti [0. deliverecl Mantreal freighta. Country Produce. ii Butter-The receipts are large and ln- lii raeinsj. witl a good deai of grues-butter l -cering. Choie dairy, 2 te 24c; Inferior, )ta 22c; creamemy. prints, 28c; do.. sol- s,. 27 te 28C. - Eggeo-Tlic markmet iswcll enpplied, ivith -ices fln mad sales at 22c per <Lezen, -l icase lots.- neaics-The marke-t le riuiet ut $3 10 te I .15 for brime. and $3.20 ta 83.25 for and-piclccd. oultry--Cii'ickeno, yeacrlings, dressed. 18A o20c; 4pring chickeis, 45 te o 5;-,fowi, Cheecr'-Thenmarket is frm being quoi- i at 20e for large~, uad ,ct 20 1-4t. for:2 Potatoffl-Otar'io, 55 ta 60c per ba«, >t o! é4tore, and 45 t, 50c tli car lots. 9ù-w Brnswicks. cr1t, 6 5 tae per Baled Hay and Straw. i St-raw fis quoted at $7 te $8 c ton i n car -'14 delivered on track here. l Ilay-Na. 1i liay luqoled cît $16 la $17; I qo. 2 at $14 te $15, anîd No. 3 at $12 tae~ Business ln Montreal I î Corn, Anierie-S'n, Ne. 2 Ye4low, 80 ta 81c. Who' teok 6-v ata* Vhat quarter. -The élb*rk, guided iâlto pc nksng ,aorci&s taies W£ ridge-.a-l - under covE > ted, by the . eneui sent up tarehëýp snpty-cask ion in the. Slaid dwn - A! and. im the nei.gt- -seamer s.neqmr,af, ouutons, Pj-Z me'rly c-f the Garmml EBut,-Afri0Q, Coian or- taie Cèôrovada, of 4,I90 tu, whicb waa ewned by tais, Hamburg. -Amlerican Stieam9hip Line. - Th General lied V_ o CensVnti- nople ut the sama tkme oa did the Go rman eruisere Gociben and Bres- lau'. Thie croàvada-wae used by the Hamburg-Amerlcan ,Lin. te>ý inauwgura, a pamexger serviceve h- tween the. United States ,and Tur- key Iaat year. - Ewh. -wàs -in the Blaek Sea when- the war started Oata, Canadian We*tern. No. 6?;eitra and took refuge in thxe Iosphorus, No. feed. 65e; . No. 2 local W1té, 64 1-2e; i aer heing transferreci Vo the Turk- No. 3 local White, -63 1-2e; iio;isýA localig ag whie, 62 12. Barey, M an. fedé 731'2 .j t0 74c. Flour, Man. apring 'wheat pa-1 tente, Ome3t@, $7.70; -seconde, $7.20; utrenlg bakera'. $7; Winteir atents, choice. *$7.50 etraiglit voler. $7 ta 7.10; do.. bagi.' *3.30 teo $3.40. -Rolie a ot, barrele, $7 too. Irarn iMine TibIe-0 7.15; do., bacs. 90 Ibo, $3.60 to $3.60. Branl 1016.' -Shorts. $28. Middlings, $33 toa Z$34. Mouillie, 835 to 838. Haxe. No. 2. ver ,,'ton, - car lote. $19 to $20.50. Cheese. fineat weet- - frs.2 *o2e eetd 3t ;7eeste, 19 ta 19 1-4c; fineet eauterne, 1-8 1;2to~ 18 3.4c. Butter, chaicest creamery, 27-4.2 te 28c; seconds, 26 1-4 --te 26 1-2e. Egiga. stock, 19; te 200. Fetatoe, ver ba-g, car G.ToR. lota, 42 1-2 to 46c. Dreeed hote, abattoir killc'd. 913.75 ta $14. ork. be.vy Canada- WHITBY JVJNCTION. short mess,- bbls, 35 ta 45 vtece, $29; in W est ... .4.52a.m1. oingg8t .... 9.205Pn Canada,- short euf' back. bble, 45 toe5 oS g 9 55 a-la piece a, 28.0 Lard. coniiiu id, tierces, î l 376 Ibo, 10c. wood paile, 20-l-be net, 10 1-2c; .... .07Pi.m. ..61P.M pure, tierces, 375 Ibs, 12e. pure', Wooed .. . -40 p.m. I53 - pulls. 20 Ibo net, 12 1-2e.19Iopt Liv -Sunday- trinùs. leaVo fer Teronto e 0'k Markesa.452a .am 7.0 .m PomT - Toronta. June S.-The quotatione were. .2; .ad740PM -oiTr Butchers catile, ebojice, $8.10 ta $8.40; do., ente-trains sto)p at Witby Junctien -d'. $7.6O 0 7.90. do.. nmedimn. $7.25 ~a .5ad95 .iand 9.90 p.m. 97.50; do., conmobn, $6.75 ta $7.25. But- chere' buis. choeiee. 86.75 Le $.0: i<h., ~ood hule. $623 ta $6.60; do., ra-usrh bu-la. UF-TOWNi STATI(O% 95.25 tô 06, Butehera' cows, choice,$6,76 Ging NOI th ... 8-30 ani. jGoing South ... 7.18 a-in te $7.50: do..,aod, $6.25 ta 86.50; do. me- 1..4.15 P4.» j- ..1 1.5 P dtuni *5.25 ta $6; do.. commoýn. 15 ..6.ta..S.A.5P '5.75. Feedeme, ood, 6.50 ta $725 . -..64SpIt .i.0 p1 ers. 700 to 1.000 Ibo.. $6.Z5 t-o $7.70. Can- C. P. R. nero and cuttera, $4 ta $55..Rilkcers. i West-6 32 s. t Going Eeat-10.20 a M1 cho.ce. caeh. $60 te *956- do., commnon and ) 09 a.tu. 6 29 P-in1 I~ ~ 4 me1ar.scl,35 to $45. 5pringere. $50 -- 12.51 à,= Ite $95. Liglt ewes, $6,80 te 87; de,, beavy, 5, to 7; do.. bock . 3.50 to 4.0 . Y ea r - S T A G E S- linx îambî $7 to 89.50. Spring ianibs $5; ta $9.50. Calves. $4.10 te 810. Hoirsfed Leaves Whttby for Ohllewa ISt 10 and -watered, $9.50 ta *9.60; do., off cars. $9.80 to $9.55. a.m. and 4 p.m. W. Martin, pro- -Montroal, June 8-ales of choies teere - net« - w e re m a d e t 8 .50 , g o o d a t $8 t o $8 2 5 . : r o r.B o u h a apoc te ,cwer graue at rosti :b .o .- i Leqv sfrBoga t10 a.m., $7.50. Butchera' cows seld ut $4. 0Oto 87;~ ~ I oe and bulis at f rei $5 te $7 ver ewt'ý" ,,>r. Viw8L.-, propo. Sales of sheep were made at $ ver cwt.. and Sprinwir ambe -W A~ : 3AILS CLOSE te 88 eac4 as te 5155 lan trdeincaIrs a at st a.m. -For Port whiLby- ranaine from $2 te $9, qie ri30e,spp. .- 6.30 81.1n The .hoz situation Wjie u 639n ~ 53p sales of eelected lots weme -5For.r. - Ita 10.25; striht, cars -with rOanw-.çP1l Pots and pans quickly shed their- grime and grease, and - hielike new when you use' GVOLD D UST Cleans eýverything, and Ieaves purity behind it.- -â nd langer akgs =TEÎNK rAIKcoANY= 1-~ k~V sv CANADA'S NATIONAL NEWSPAPER 0V "T'Ihe' War Sum mary"e ,Alîuom ont t i te very j1ay the itreat Eiîi'opetn war begaixln Apuiît Intouthei oiitsttIliilg iit tne lu Canadien jc,îrtialigsncoverisir the confitet filns ben * The IVr Suminary" dclly On 19P;Icits incol2 of TISGLOBE. licth le onscimeKt poiasiile torai the wniter lise givei is areuders s' lie-îî eitître af Oeccctaiici$lit aIl pirts of the wold. Whtle the cleticcs of the mnieîets aloligth1e extezîded fiontiera baye nç?t een- ,im-criooiced, ttlîe readers af TISE GLOBE lhaves teen eîsibied tao' -follow ! otolllgeutJy ad wllScaleo je limte generai outStltes af tic stpendoila ,',itlict.*'The War Sunmary" 'of THE GLOBE ia reorodueed daiiy 55 scvea'il palers tliroiighotthetDminioni. The Editorial Page -- T l Til.,*LOBE on' ts-edilorial page bas sltriven ta place before, the pub:ic ln lroper tpete the ltcsirco ac ctkgro'oi f -aite ltai stîtîggie. 'I'is eries ofaitrtieles bas attracteul the attention ual ou ly -ai ti Ctiinijitttpeople, but of ectdiig aien andl journals lu al parts cif te world. The caties em cPdl itgi ta tbe-war, th)é>eiemetita enterinot mbt its cottdUct, -andtielit eàsîilticiielvir a flow train the cessation af hast tilties IhmaVe been detilt o-i *In l lt ÏbolY ud elear-elit tortu, charac- Ocristie ai TILE GLOBES eclioritci page. -- News Service The gcbove features. lu adîdition ta a cable and.lettersrete-h fropi t nunitceuLta Canada,,ha-e plac dTitE GLBE fa 1ùtle- Ctonadiotl papers, and pîîcrtle cxii)aifl11e pheuouc ie Of3 e r, cent.. D.TISSI GLO BE ,$ ire itio i ng tfl >-a~-~ j 1,,'s 4 éè safe way to -use P oison )rse ap plicationi sufficitcnt. for toc ro for 2 J, E.WILLIS Dragglst and Optiela MEDICAt HALL Ss the INew W. E. VANSTON E for prices-on ail kind of Coq IFut in your 4fWlnter Supplyý nolw, while the price is dow Orders May, be left at F.1 Jones, Iîarness àshop, Dundi -.,or at Mr. Vanstone rosidence, Kent St. Sheds at up.town G. T, ý - station. Wu En Vanstonu Phond 166, Whltby, Oui K. -WELBAN KS92 V. S, graduaté,og OntErlo veterlniary Co ffice, TemperaflCe an .Bro( &Il catis prom ptly atndLd ta. 17 r 2; Independent Telephene 313ý The creator Canada'Iniprovemée Land Go.,,Limitel -eal Fstate Dealer.î, Estateq Mai Rent Colliected', -First Loans irrati FrPropertieP..buglit and moli. Frternis aîîply Hlead Office, Broek Bell Phone 193. mnd. 1>hon Sales Manag11er-s, RICIIARDSON à RICHARDSON, Whitby~ Property Want som;e fruit trees preferrcd.- if )-ou- a property ta sell, Write 2 JOHN FISHER & Country Real estate iand Farm BFc - Lumsden Building -6 Adelaide-St. East TORONTO Jose srl ~ on -LIVERVI ýSALE MD SOARDINO STABLES- , h~O(S.HT for burie nv-mc rservata -tL!U IL grievance, maddtii 1g6.' He, 'Adolphie, owe, ,Ihey- said, tîxatlie hp d fou aud old Lieb wlth fiinne' lied saidte thein : F son-awegs rx.4t. ' - - .Mýa à às 9 0 à%- 1 whitlli

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