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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Jun 1915, p. 1

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îoc LEAF- SECTS ursE £RY equired. to use a Mtonl is 10 for 25C 'ru»ooist sud VOICIsu MZDICAL HALL nfo~ t. a Wkltby. W, E. VANSTONE for pricea on ail kiud of Ceai. put in your Wlnter Suapply: now, while the pnice is down. Orders maybe left st E- J. joues, harness sliop, Dunda,. ..,or at Mr. Vansoi1" -,, residezice, Kent St. 'r, bol! Phone 60 î - iendsmei,1 bavec* b ing, clil hlgb ut the pul t hàt tbg *beiug E sud tbt them. o! the. lune cr r bccause ortue undouozea ard of the performance o! al - TILe.eo1ution 5cciii5te be aching staff' of- the. College 1e ataincd -at a high standaàrd, mutl Id bebig mianifcstcd lui o! those 'who study under view q! ibis pleaslng feature cy of Uic Directors, tue tu. taile Ladies' College la ggnnr- Long the iftrst Institutions o! the Dominion. THtTRSDAT PVENING. AÀ pianoforte recital by the pupils of Miss Kate A. Wright was given lu the colncrt hall on Thursday evening. In- terest lu the concert was especially. keén, since It was known that évery oe e of Miss Wright's pupils had been àuccesotful ln the examinations of -he Ontario Conscrvatory -of Music, a re- cord that eiss Wright has maintaIned every year during her term, of servi ce ~e College. The musical program prorided was a inost delight- fui one, ed was expressive of Miss- Wright's abllity as a teacher, and of the aptitude of her pupfils to grasp her tcaching. The prog ram was partiel- îfated in.by thec followingyoung ladies- Misses Mary Pearce, Freda Pennal, Edna Wakefield, 1tdith Rccdy, Hazel Colline, Helen *McCrimmon,. Carnie Howard, Georgina Smnith, GladYs Hart, Evelyn White, Margaret McCrim- mon, Frances Campbell. DRAMATIC ART CLUB' CONCERT. The students of Dramatie Art contributcdl to the closing exercises ot the, College, three short plays, on Fr1- day evenlng. The range of character portrayal offered by these pîsys was such as to give an opportunlty te every member of the. ciass to display ber talents lu a role to whieh she was par- tlcularly adapted. The evcning's enter- taiument was thought by many to be the best given by the Dramatic Art Club lu many years. The succcss.-of the plays was la no mean degree attributable te the ability et the teacher, Miss Florence -O'Brien, 14the selection of the characters suit- ' :t te Individual players, and ý,~tlie xMellent Interpretation of A, iSheds at op-town G - xrt pli,' waa a farce entitledo e Bjry Grew' sud Illustrated station. - iLtfbr -rw ~ mcht nuder-the speculations sud discussions ef the village gesslp. The play pro- -- vided much amusement, and was a ~IE ~II~m.flh*flB goed Introduction for the heavier plnys W g L IUUU IUUIU whicb foilowed. - W u E Vti ston félolly Tnee Inn,'" an adaptation by Christmas story, "~The Holly Tiee" .1 was an iùieresting litIle love steîy be- r, tweeu a boy oftiwelve and a gIrl of ten who "eloped." Under the skilîtul peu et the - greai auther, the stery was M6. WELBANI', 8 9 . made te, assume aferm that holds erery neader with a fiim grasp, and the graduate of Ontario Velcinary College; pieseutation et the sioiy lu dramatic Tempe, Broolce toin lceuld net but ho lnlerestiug. Add- Ail cae, Housl at e,.Brkld t e ipon bdio hs wns the tact that some et the Ailcaîs pomp1>'aitude 10 1'euefinesi blstrinlelcabilit>' was displayod 17 r 2. Iudcpeiideilt TekePhono 30. -lu the plna'. There ivas netlîing et the novice lu the impersonation et the bharacteis. every member et the caste sbowlng the îesult et hard werk and The roter Canada ImProvOinft à strict attention te the uitile details thal LandGo.,Limied' muke tbe fiuished artîsi. Notbing toc Lani o., Lmltsdflattering onu' ho said oethie yeuuî Rea s ase DeaIci., Estates Managed, ladies who teok part lu ibis and ln the Benta".olecced,' Fisst Loans Arrangcd, other pinys. The leading characteni Preperties bought and soid. were Rani>y Wlmers. inken by liiss * For tens aialy Head office, Brook St. Edua Wakefield, and Norah, Rarry's Bell Phoneo 193,' md. Phone 7b, sweeîlieart, by Miss Majorie Moore. Sales Managera, Altheugh cbild character Is more dii- RCRDNWhtby. cuit te portîay probably Iban any eib- àRIC HARIDSON, a r, these young ladies carried thelr parts with a lboîeughuess that gave evideuce of thein owu abillty, and Ihal p roperty W anted.of eir t euathamtontte u lHlly Troc." _______The lasi aci was a scene tîem Victi Roue ndabutan acre of land wth Rugo's nordl, "Les Miscrablos," th( Houseand boutslory o! Jean-Vaîjean, aud was outilleÉ gome fruit irees ps-ferred.. If Y' "The Bisbop's Caudlcsticks." Thneg a properitte su, write chanacters occupled practically the en tino attention: The Bishop (Miss Edni Grant>; thc Convict (Miss Caberiri M rick); the Bishop's sistor (Mis licCr aeet.The other pînys hig brought betone the mInd bumonous ami Country Real estate andI Paras rokers happy sccues, but ibis play showo -» the seamy side o et ihe tragedyc Lumsden BulIUng man who, once a ýourict, le nlways - 6 Aelalo St.Esitconviit, ngt because o! bis owu fauf 6 Adèlide S 1 "tbut by0 the decee o! social laws ai TORONTO customs. Miss McCormick, as the coi vccudnet bave heen better. Rer l -------_______terprelatlou et the man's bale et a -~ --- -that Is good, bis distrusi et everythin *04>0, 40sud evcryoue, was se reai that or could forget ail about lime sud plan and lire hi' the day et Hugo, and si SOIS the scenes and suffering hie saw.b liuer dlspiay eft the dramnallo art 'w jus.@ Ilois &seen durng the evenlng than thati Miss licConmick.. Coupled wih hi name, mention must be made et Mi Grant, as thleBisbop. Rer manuer ai style were paniicularly suitcd for t] LIVERY. SALE AND part o! tbe EBisýop, 'rand -the gent] kindly wnys et the salntly man iWe BOARWINS STABLES porira.yed Ideally. Duriug the progress o! the ententei 1bRoeK ST@WHITB3Y, mnent, bouquets otf fowers wre prosez r - Miss O'Brien, the teachen, sud McCormick. ÂII kînds of single and do' Aurelin Mcaih, as planîsi. pi ni~aforhr~ ---y pieasiug program of mul iters lu the varions pla follows: -ry Grew"ý-lins. Brom -mick; lins. Green,1 'Ico, Melva Hethenii - ~le, Haltie Broui ~'awcett*,,lins. 'M ns- White,- EB - 'ez Cobbs, lai - - MoreIs a di Wu"d mi, sts1ýeU lielva Xi -§, 0h17 t -i.Wakefft y, Chant id n-I ne c:e, ee as O! er [lss Lnd he dec, ire Lin- unt- te ro- sie aya wn, Et- Iug- se; ray- lui mm 'eth. lbiir .14d Lnef doue ibis yýelarubythe graduatiug clases, Day. At 4 o'cieck class'exercises were and dinoctly nefiecis the painstaklng held on tbe lawn, consistIng ef the endeavers and lheughtfulness efthie class oration, poeem, etc. Later an Art Cellege teachers. The Young ladies exhibit was beld, whe0- tbe werk ot Iail displayod a finesse o! execullon sel, the studeuts was iuspected. At six o'ý Idom surpassed excepi by the protes- dlock, tho Junior Class tendered a ban- Isional antist. and where possible an on- quoi fe the Seniors. followed by toasts. 1core was domauded iffeach case. The Today <ThursdaY) ls Commencement called for tee mucb physIcal exertion lield until next weok. 1 ide SANITARY -J. McINTYRE n. F. Remember you Cam The exercises of Saturdayý werc pri- order that S5117 : the ctrbu. W. vate, and ineluded lu the atternoon a, tion carda -ma1 __ ")JIorrected. Er srles of athietiee*cntest, held on the G. . Fothl$U ' . 25.00 nie lawn,. and ln, the evening swimming Wma. Anderoi . p.. . ...25,00DL! contes, and-' exlllbltlonh >of aquatle Mrs. JAa, wecdie ~....00 Jai sPorts. The lite-saving exhâibitionà.s creA. M.FRoua 20.00, JO ,partlcularly -nue, and4 were- oufflclnt to J. B; Mitchell 20,.00 W. prove tbat the- Installation ëf-thei tank MissA. Hiekie .. ........ 20.00 _W, 'at the, College has been of odcflHùgh Jeffrey........20.00 Lao benefit te the pup>ils. Oco. AndersOn ..... ....20.00 Tàa jas. F.ý,,PrIe ....... ....20.00 J. HEGIFT 0F THE MORNING STAR. C. A. McClellM ... 20.00" W. 41 . wll give hlm thc morulng star," T. G. Devercili- - - ......20.00' Lu Rev. 2 -.28, was the text ehosen by Rev, D. Wilon ... 20.00Jai Prof, Michael, oft'Victoria UnîvertY,JO h ht .200le from which te preach Uic baccalauréatsJ"- flg ......20.00, etc sermon ln counection wlth Uic College Géo- Woodcock ...- ....20.00 Ly commencement exercIses on Sunday Ms .Annes .. . . 20.00 fai evenlng, -R.,M. Tipper....... .. 20.00 Jei 'The Church was crowded. The A- T. LAlr............20.00-lT. large lasi o! graduates teck seats In Mis fe ibe .Vl 42.0 the front oft'the church,- to the lett o! j. 1X. James ............ no0 1 the centre. 1w. J. Luke.........20.00 M The choir o! the church was aug. Mrs. J. E'FtWll... 20.00 Ja mcntcdl by a number ef vocalists from G. W. P. EverY....... .... .... 20.00 JO' other churebes.- Mrs. J. H. Downcy......20.00 qc Beautiful flowers adorncd the pulpît jas. H. DowfleY *. * .. 20.00 Cii ptfr.C. W. Smith . r... .....20.00 at, Before the sermon, the retlrIng prin. Rev. Father Ryan;- . 1500B cipal, the Rev. Dr. J. J. Hare, address- T. CuBgsQn..... 15.00 st cd a few words to the congrégation, W. L. Elyidge . .......... 15.00 mi and made the necessary announcements R. J. Goldriiig...... ......... 1500 M regardlng the week's programa at the Major Harper &Si. . .15.00 T, Oollege. E. R. Blow.... 15.00 se Prof. Michael is .a native of Wales, G. M. Riëe...... ... ....50V and posseâses a'sUft snd mellow vàlca. R. m. Devereli...... ........ 15.00 s'o but one..diffiçult to hear ai- the distance J. He Nicholson .. s.~ ... 15.00 1H of the iegh of thechurcb He spolie C. 5014011 .-. 2~.m-ý 15.00 m for an hôur or more, thé entire service miss Eiiily.McEÇay......15.00 JI lustlng the fuil two hours. - J. T. HprIsby ..........12.00 SI The speaker said that thç Mornhig E. B. Smith ........ 1.00 tEl Star ipokea, of In thic text: was Jesus C. Todd .............. 10.00 0 Christ. To.-Dossess the- Morning Star L. W. DulY.......1000 waâsto possess Christ.. -,Mrs. Gee. Cormack -.. . 10.00 "lYou will neyer understand Christ Mrs. W. S. Gold.......10.00 e so long as'you compromise witfl evil F. E. Joncs..... .... ........ 1000 c lui your own heart" - D. H. McKaY.. ..... 10.00 ve "To faitlin the moral strugglc makes1 John Gimblett. ---r.... ......10.00 bi lite a failure, no matter what eue may W. J. Greeiwood....... .... 10.00 do or be; to wIn Iip the moral struggIe 1'E. Harlock ...... ..f.<........ 10.00 makes lite a success, whatevcr may be 1 J. W. Bateman..... ........ 10.00 M our position." 1 IF1 . Rie....... ........ .... 1000 oc 11You Wittl nover ünderstand Christ A. E. Luka ..... o........10.00 là until you conquer your own lite."l F. Richardson'....... ........ 1000 G -"The phraseology et the tcxt spcaks M. S., Sutherland....... ...... 10.00 n of the eternal freshness -o! the moru- E. M. Devercl........ ...... 10.00 Ing. He who conquens Sin always Wm. D. Dykes... ...........10.00 lives lu' the morning freshncss." A. W. SjIrrett ......... 1000 "dIf you conquer on.,the batttlefield o! Greater Canada 1. & U. Co... 10:00 your owri heart you wlll always be Jos. Baker ........... .. 10.00 young."r ; Miss Mary Ray....... ...... 1000 >'"Some people fear getting old. The J. E. Willis....... ...... .... 10.00 ai text tells me 1 nced neyer get old. Age John-Waugh..... ........ ..1000 t( la not a matter ot years but ot spirit." Ian Ar mour..... ...... ..... 10.00Y "The saddest thing'on earth Is-to sec Russell B. COllIns ... ......10.00 e a Youug msz' or à Young woman who Gco. W.- DrYden........1000,~ 11God eau make us young'again." J. F. PhiiP....... ........ .. 10.00 IIAll the wrong things. I have ever F. N. Burns........... ...... 10.00F donc are lu me now, but when God putes Miss I. M. Daîrymple ........ 1000 Ris hand upon me He regenerates me! J. J. Fitzpatrick...... .. .... 10.00 und removes ail my sin." Mrs. C. Taylor ....... ....10.00 "You must possess the Mornlng Star D. Galbraithb...i. .......... 1000 if you would be fit fer service. The Mns. Jos. Kean....... ...... 10.00 present war bas taugbt us that lite Robt. Bannes....... ........ 10.00 menus service." The Misses Mitchell,....... ..1000 'There are scores et people round S. MePhaden..... ...... .... 10.00 about us lu sin and lu ueed, and bew Mrs. Wm. Downle.......10.00 can be h1p hem unleas we posseas the Miss'K. E. Arkland ........1000 Morning Star?" A. T. Harrison........ .... .100 "We must couquer the cvii et our Miss Janet McKay....... .... 15.00 own hearts te help other people'F".Harsn.......10.00a By the concuerIng we weave a gar- H. W. Wllicox....... ........ 1000 ment that fits us fer service. If you rW. W. Ward...... ....... .. 10.00 want to be really and truly helptul lu J. T. Mathison ... ........10.00 ? the service -of God you must have a R. Goidring....... .. ........ 10.00 dlean heart." A. E. Bell........ ...... .. 10.00 "We must pay the price te get the E. Stephenson....... ........ 10.00 1blessiug." F. A. Walkingshaw..... ...... 1000- t The above are a few et the leading F. F. Fry......... .... .... 10.00 theughts from the able sermon. Chanlie War ............ 10.00 g Prof. Michael addressed to the grad- h ilieSoo........10.00 euatiug class some good adrice upon Geo.rWhitelaw............. 10.00 sreadiug, strongly recommending thelE . ison......... 10.00 Sstudy ef Charlotte Broute and other W.Mtion........ 100 s good books, and te use the rulture ac- Geo. Iion....... ........ 1000 quIred lu the College ln the service of Jas. C. Hyde......... ...... 10.00 their tellows. Rev. Geo.A. MeLjeafl..... 10.00 UNDERGRADUATES' CONCERT. J.E aeihouse ........ 10.00 Ir Robin Nicholson..... .... .... 9.00 ýe Tbe undengraduates et the Collego'Ms N. McCann..... ........ 8.00 t took their part lu the week's exercise.1; Miss Waring .... .... ...... 8.00 a. on Mouday evcnlug, June l4tb, wheni F. G. Eîsklne .. .... ........ 8.00 s, a concert of more thau usual menltvas F. T. Mathison ........ .... .. 8.00 given. Fitteen et the young ladirs Wm. Ayres ....... .... .... .. 8.00 r participated lu the pregraun, which was _______________ e varled enough at ahll imes te leave the d audience wishlng for more. Some Or te admit et an encore being given, but eo the most premisiug talent was heard, the other uumbers, ail had te be re- n. bespeaklng for these graduates high sponded te with an encore. Misses a rank ln thelr chosen arts. Mîeath, Sharpe, Heathi and Armitage ond. Phsone 64 mlot only supreme Peel'a Complete stock. but also the newest lfashion effects, aill at the same price that you usually pay for ordi nar shoes. PEE'SSHOE'STORE.1 WHITB3Y, CNT. Get Ready Now o PI'N'E.APPLF3S ýThi isis the week to buy go iejlf tte ýe -price. Large-slze 15,18 -and 21k. .w. Martini M»s. E. Bogart, A.L Bus-s,' te. Nicholson, V.M. Smith ,-W.J. Coule,' s. Kean, H.'R. Peel, W. H. Baladon, Campbell, . Wthls, I 0. Sisbury' .Âugustus, Margaret Balmer, Jlanet gan, Allai' ButlerlA, . . mul, Thos, aker.J Pearson, J. J. O'Connor, J. i . H. Quinteni, Thos. Mecanu, ,Harrls, W..Btevensom, Mrs.-Alberta - itou, John BSlihthelui, Eeobt. Sleep, s. Iaac, J. B. Scbiller,' John T. Schil; Tr, M s. . T . S" I " er, F errP . Jo bn- àn, Ed., ýurncy,,W. M. Ellis, J. J. rude, A rlug G. Cormack sud Lmily. M. S.DeHart, M. Grnti,'W.M. ermyn, Mrs.- Smith and Misaça Wilson, 1Conlin, Miss I. orumck, . la. .Wy- mn, lins. B. Mcwbray, 8. snd M 'E. 'Ott" A. D. Fa Kr is .Donaldion, Ls. Ross Johusten -and"bouseheld,- aines Smith, Jas. Gray, G. Y.. Smith, ahn Vickery, Robt. Hemâteck, Robt. ,oains, -B. Bryau, -Oco. -Wright G. ,nliffe, Donald A. Cameron, G. Mow- tT. Sieightholm, J. P. Dales, S. L. irowu,' James M. Wiliis, W. Bunu, Jas. LwdOn,: E. O. Shannon, W. A. Fraser-, lise B. Anderson, M. Campbéll, James foore, lins. A. W. Beall, A. W.-Bea1l, ,Conlin, E. Goldnlng, lira. A.W;,Jack- on, lins. T. G. Whitfleld, Gee. Kerr, 'in. Meîntyre, Wm .-irves, W:, D. Wai- àn, John Watson, Ber i-t lan1w, Th9s., aàrris, S. HRmis, A.* Hartrlck, John laëdai, E. E. Newm1n,» Chas. Battou, lcelghthelm, R. -Malcolm; lira. Staun- on, Mns. E. W. Evans, E. W. Evans, F. ;oldrlng, A. C.- King, Mises E. Bell. ,$4.00- o-riaxnToxsf. - T. Balmer, G. W. Stephens, C. C. Pat- ýrson, lins. Rebi. Cerrell, J. H. Gulli- ren. Alex. licCachen, W. M. Vanvaîken- )urg, W. E. Rice, W. B. Pringle. $3.00 CONRIBUTIONS. John Halicti, W. Huston, C. Lac, W. deeker, W. H. Smith, Isaac Elîlson and ns, lins. L. Yule, S. Walken, Jos. Val- ant, W. Bain" C. Blanchard, E. J. ran1awood, C. J. Greenilcld, John Pal- in, J. Shaw. - ' $2.50 CONTRIDUTIONq. W. George, Geo. Simone. $2.00 CONTRIUTONS. L. Shepherd, Wm. Stone, A. Webster, H. Graham, lins., W.J. Tbompseu, lMrs. and Elsie Ard, R. Plaskctt, Cee. Brt-, to. Anonymous (House et Refuge), mnB. Davies, R. Mowat, lins. T. Cam- nron, Wm. Maw, Edwin Casey, J. T. t4ewp0rt,-1E. ýAffsll. - 'or. Pînde .jas. a1ctcod, ILole Mbore, (leu Alli', 1.W. 3onnell, 'T. Sawdon, S. Watson, R. F. Ralsey, R. Conrell. Wm. Bays, Miss ±.liza MeKay, R-. J. Gimbiett. W. J. Powers, L. J. Vaselesky, T. Crouch, F.- <To be Coutinued) &:nieral Sesalois Of Peace Iu ibis action. Mis. McRae, the own- er et a fanifl near Uxbnidge, oued oe Bacon, fer anrears - of rent, $50 a. year. runniug over a period et eigbt yoars, ln ail $400. Bacon had sigued a lease efthei faîm for $450 a year. He pald tbe ment lu full for the year 1904. Thon betorp paying his next Instaiment et rent, he asked Mis. McRae 10 roduce ht by $60 a year, and te build a silo, glviug as bis reason ton se askiug, ihat bis crep had been poeî. owiug te wild ents ou the faim. He claimed tiai lra. McRao (and lu this be was coînoborated by Mis. Bncon's evidence) sald she would reduce the rnt $50, but said she would net build a silo. Ho could do that If ho wanted te. For the succeedii'g eighi years Ba- coôn paid $400 a year reut, and iheu, having bought n tarm, of his own, va- cated that of lins. McRae. Thereupon Mis. McRae ei'têt1e action for $400 an- rears lu reut. The tact was broughi oui that Mis. MeRae bad nover-ii'timated, dunlng the entire eigbt- years, that she did not cousider tbe $400 was ln full o! roui, and it was ouly on leaving the farm thai Bacon heard et IL W. S. Ormisten. of Uxbridge, con- tended that ihis tact sbowed ibhat Mrs. MeRae was acceptiug $400 as full Pay- ment eacb year. - Mis. McRae deuied having cousented te~~~~~ ~~~ îeueiereta1i, i.M Phoneli1. 1-1 ITBY Moto elwr THE-DOMUINION BANK, soN EDMUNOOCILINMP* S 8ON1 .O IA1ES.VO-ASIK? C. A. EOGERT. Cerneri Manger. Trust Funds Should Be Deposited ln a SafingaAcout ln The Dominion Bank, Sucb funda are safoiy protect.d, and san nreei :hihoat currmnt rat«a When paymerna are Made. particularg of «aCh tranSaCtlo a .ntio th.choque, isued. which, ln turn becomea-a rael.pt orv u1rwhn cancelled bA. H.eBLACK, 'wIrrBYA BRANON: A. A. ATKINSON, Manager OSHAW A. . BL K, i - Your Breakfast> There is nothing more tisty for your Breakfast than Ham and Eggs We have' extra choice, Mild -Cured Hams,, a-ny size, anid cut any way you want them. Also a fll line of Breakfast and Back Bacon, the Famous Rose Brand. Au Tu LAW-LE.R WH ITBY, ONT- Phones: Bell, No. 47;1 ndependent. No. 47 J! sp~ LuE Garden Seed Flower Seedc. .,.,Dutch Sets, Seed Corn',ý goemiment teRr Sed Po ds in Isfr S! bulk. New and good. he'beautifuL ug quallity, and bearlng ÏIENGINEER ARCHIVES 0f. C W. lookaflor our Custo-mors O ur intqrest with you does not cease after you have IlSettled Up." WE ARE HERE TO' STAV We try to avoid making M'istakes. but neyer to avoid righting them. The interests of the customier are our interesta. These are a few reasons why you should let us instal your H1EATING and PLLJMDUNG LET S S1VE OIJAN ESTMATE Yon want something nice 'and dainty, to serve you *friends. Try Peck Freans Englisb Biscuits, with filling, and also plain. Bedding, Plants_ Bedding plants will soow- be- doné. Buy them, now, they are at their best. Also Tomato, and Celery plants.- Jno. E. WATE-RHiOUSII, 1 ry., it iý

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