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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Jun 1915, p. 3

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yxv o. t lpe 'T. ,*a-&,,U-b# uti? mine 'Olhnek g* u-ýI* réýUy- r1ghteed.'ý,and i U.b,-whieç ,tle -ë , bU& f lfýhe h seebeoge ay», $&', l eG1IWParty was gaing on, lie oebu ôsdIàay, . "'*- in , ui 4 ùdtliîiuadwaldered Bway 0mIi the -rwdintoaalittle boudoir "If YOPnS.-let them 'uWh~ Ugout of a larger salon. It pleaseti ,many .dlsmends To h avi e O I dtrè W fttuaffect belng. quit'. at home luin man tati *aweê hm, thoefare, 0 this boue, as If slle tat pessesseti ber.' fue18, those h-,toi t they 'IlL taun 'peU eoftthe Afrlcan contingent . 8h. them all o 0tbe'n a r f nlaortier to rda- ' ý,at, flot ge mauy ernetions now but lize a ig, f.ortune, -and ý tey willl that Ohe hati tomnàkè'tiiêmost of them,' the damod tfltie. ý You.,haveinouÈ ad' ah. was ýInteI41gent enough tu dianuondes now to- OU for thre Àen 1.aow' that white everyone seoffed c..t erations, anti by'that Urne you wlll ter new eathùstiem, everyone envieti have founti other mfies."1 tier, for Africar mlîlouigîres are not te Andi the old i '>uad been right lu te founti everY day' every uflnpof bis p gostications, at ut every turn al et, Adophe Lieb Upsitrs, mroifufyLaWdy Qlaucourt hati bai reamon te ejoice ut the tact tati forgotten that -she wasn't at home, tîxat-*Itîi the otie mines -Golling, fa- aniwas reéeling ber own. friends ther ani son, tati othlug to do. As soru howofcortiiaiity, WhllO lho had pereçIved b eho iehad stayed * .equalntan=estading near, wbenever ther buleslkeor icrupulouui, anti ýàhe saw anyone approaéhng, whom the the very cilsi'g of ' leb's power lay In lGollngs hati inistedi on astlug,, andi the faet of the narné for honesty borne whommesle, dit! not WIsh «to knOW, more by the'Lleb's. i "than' that,, whose" presence iste- wauted ,I' rather see Lieb himselt," was to,'Pknore; for, in ber quietý way, ýmro.tho-rpaer 'Ooling bati insisteti on ut Tast-hia th a .re atd rmark when any tiozen-'acquaIntaces,, anti une or two business transaction was on -foot, anti -et the ilrm anti their wlves. The Once or twice Liel hedti tiedtu t buy t>cbes, was tbere, anti Lord BEutace Guolliug out. He cIdn't like the asso- -and appareutly the party was a sue tulation ut the name, anti because Qol- «Ces,' andi Judiith hati corne to look for' liig recognîzeti thrt It was a source of the'milliialre. aunoyance, even more than because 'Lady Jùdtaislttie conspiracy wit~h 'be recognizeti the prestige the iinking Mrs. Goliing hati succeetiet anti c' was ut the naines gave hlm, Goling.bati bere to.nght, -but -it hati neetie& sorne cluug to the original contract anti re- inanoeuvtlng- te get b1m to promise tu tfused the most ailuring ýoffers tu be cOmO. H. was not offendeti at flot dlsplaced. At une Urne Adolphe bati having been asheti sooner, but lie hati founti himacif, after bis tatber's'tieath, an idea that hoie asn't wanted. It hati witli the two Gollinge arraIgnedi Ibeen Lady Judlth's mission to persuade againft-ýh1m, anti without -his fatber's hltn t ie-was. lairvoyànt intelligence to; guide him.ý 'The lunclieon had' pand off very More than once lie lad just escapeti piesaniyennncd b te pesecesome uasty 'situations Inventeti by 1>leaoaÊily,énhanced by the pesn f0emt entangie bis credit,. or sully uft Jobanua anti 'Mndnmd Dufour, who bis financial reputation, anti always, It W>huie she lad been fe lcwtuesa of Ju.- seemeti to hlm, ift tad been Azuma who 'tiitb's most.agonizeti moments, >'et had savet i hm. Anti Golliug, havlug the a peroouaillty whicb smoothe4 anti atvantage of beiug Engliali, anti mur- .brltigee tflie over, rather than brouglit ries! to an'English ~wfe, has! establiali- thei to 'th 8nlemory Gollilng under cd hirnacif lu Lonidon three years be. tlue. mpre a ur lef t lu bis mid by fore Lieb,' lu order to spreati abroati Lady Giau oir's wortis, was a gotdiebi propagantia of ate. Tben a year 'Giaucourt's wortis, was a' got dtilafter ol i LIeb's deth, the eider Goil- dcal mure coriai than usual f0 bhis part- Ing ant iei scheres tati vanishedti t- ner, and7V Adolphe Lleb himseif was ehrIntenfligamofdt,1 uawed Into admiration of Judlth'sangethl he cuth@ nong arm a ebi ýbeauty. -Probaýbly-,because he was aantir lte dfrluni he nbausag .Jewo, the -Madonna prebentinent picaseti littie easler tu deaI with, at teoat 80 hlm, anti because he was an artlstic be- It seernet to hlm, Ing ber beauty satisllet i hm. Most ut -ail, ber simpliclty In a clty o! complca- Anti i4 lad plea0cti the youngcr fions su far asulhe was concerued, put Gôlllng to go about London proclalin. hlm at bis case,' for Loudon bad not Ing thua*he sciierne iad been bis, and yet proveti the Mscca uf his dreama. that If It lad not been for a iow Jcw. 1-low much f hîs was due te Goiling, fnlck It would bo Gollng anti Goiling, how much' f0 the atonies set ailoat lusteati o! Gollilug antiLieb, anti thaf about blm by bis Iuslsteuce f0 pieuse he wouid have bec» flue icher -man. himacîflf te mat ter ofthfe Kallir wu-,Tîcu one day LAob lad lis eyeg, man, bow mucl because heobinseit openýet by flic weran who seemedti t bas! talles! f0 pieuse, bu bati nôt jt reside over lis desflny, the wile ho .aIlsýed. Ail bu knew wals that fer4 a lite lu whicb ulie lad go arnali a 'bis huge fortune, le.wus n«t - hfhngla t tnuch ot a tîme. Thus was thW t r I l tu I i 'year lie bai spent aa eason in j' -d. ' wpuit iacefi ancsouraid Eng- HIthent o, bis 'visite aillad ' - -îy il would be graf ful, tîn thflicgov. -ou -business, anti he Jâattl,'4ot 0nmef'wouitireco gnizè 'bis services, flie mon wif h whorn-be dis! busIness, the »ervices which, 'whoever set tIen - 'and thfluaof thfe great who wero dilrect.'Ou foot, anti 'fhe trîth,'wlil' nover be ly or Iutiirectly concerneti witl South known tfti1tf1. grave gtves up Ifsticati, Atnica, with concemslons, wlfh' dom. wus thec mat berald outhfe Boer war. tpanies, wlth mines. Wlfl floue holias! Goiliug lad come 011 flic way tron matie a favorable 1i"presun MoeLnof0fuinfsutbsuvy 4bnu eue hati suggeated te tia wîtu Villa noar Joianne Iburg, and ti fséee- 'that Lieb shous!luI êaskedti t dinner, cd to hlm utter reZting letters tram but aiways the kuestion -aroae: people wiese naine lie titi 'nut know, Isn't. thcre, somcfbîng odit, îso't that' if muetlue f nie. fliere a black v,ýoman living wti lui?" That nigit remaînet Iindelibly Im- anti enlyý the bravcst, or fliose wbo' presacti on Adolplie's mmnd, fthc niglif needes! tube trientis wîfî lin for fboir on whici, ambition lad fiaunteti ler-( uowu purpeses asket i hm f0 their soif lu lis face, toilowlng on fhe belsE homes. So, tan l adnearly always ot wealtl, anti whigp eredt fatIflie dis! becu eufertaluetd by the "lie" outhefie s thlng lie woul~ be Ilke a king. bouse ut a~ club. F'or fhlas( two years On just sucli a ni~tu la zm he hlilvet i t an hetel. Now at last lias! awakeuiied hiui fron sloop anti -ho bas! bis magnIficent bouse lu Park-foIs! hlm te tolluw lier, andile bus! Lune wblch tlrew ail flic ofler bouses foiioWed lier tu flic very foutotei Ittuthe shade. if was a palace, a pal. ralnbow, if seenues! te hlm, wlere le ac f0 whlCheticglaringly white atone 'tas! founti 'tic pot-et gels!. work aànti fIe îany porches andti er- Gellng lif t lii but an leurt races gave an Oriental aspect, uttolast ugo'in entier f0 sloop ut Johannesburg whcn the, sua alune mpon if. Wliat jf anti catch a inurnlnk train. - iteétiedt o pletc ftheIlilusien was un The vcry tact fiat lielias! come ail 'ýani' desert stretdhleti bchlnd If. If Io thîs wuy merely fo spendtheficdaylias! 'the" want"lot"space for fs buildings Impreaseti Lîcl, Lieli who cures! uofi- *wich mukes London go lîdeous. But Ing for London, whoe las! been cauglit th'e bouse luccuseof ifs sîze depresseti by fie speli offie Velt.t Lm,'i.slnc -iaîot yIf- "Wh dlin'tyoucabe- me I- eul - Ippô4oi frein etyone, inu f utail tlenfiy, lic was enýcsed lu theugif,I 'peliaa 'ra Gulin, f'oi tc to Inpervioua fo ail otuer Inmpressions. i Goliings, Whio hecause lie lad treateti j"Engianti auk eO f0do flls," lie fliem o 0 ho rabiy, uistok, over-' murmures!, glinoaf loud, antilier darkf "uo ,'hena asfie meekucas, fie ac- cyca sougit luisface. quleseence. c>t fie Jew. BSue pointedti te icmuon.U "Youu «must lut ficin," lis fafier "Juat like that If was fie nigit bail saIt!.- Azuina took you up flore." f C 'Yes, yeîîr father lo nîglit." Ilis par- Sic pointes! la flic direction u thfe1a ,,Cilta' worti lad clincleci fle 'maffer. mine, wîîcî îay mgles away, a differ-'g 'Thcy tus! let le Gelliugu' lu, but wltli i nt place now, wifhfifs mudlilneny, ant i reaervufioua, andthfe resorvaflons lad ifs crowd-ot minero'lbutes, to wlaf if conilfuteti a grievance, matidenes! fIe lad been feu yegrs ugo, anti yet be- Gollingu. ,' le, Adolphe, ewed Ifte ocause If bas! been lis firgf, Adolphe 0 tIen, flicy sais!, tint le lips!feunciy-l"ut bulît lia bouse beneufi fite ala- 'mine, anti aId Lieb wti il rmnf, ofuthflicmounfain wllcl abolfered~ calin las!ss! dta fhem- "iy 5son owpq r"' urew uway lis cigur, walked f0 yeur h t et the punch, foîded iebIs lut is back antibouket Inl- la,, fiat ivus a woenu~l diIt.ýL.>Iud thon speéch ."jtM« thfébenight sen- wifklifry upon hlm,- ed a fumuît of fon ufferanue, fhe whife ma?" anti Adophe 'nqufisfflveuela vs'asket i hm couiti trust' ryôoein fth lad' passeti in- order to get whaýtyou:want L. SOS ghe drew fr'on ber boit a îitf le bug' anti kucît ou the verantial. Anti iaughing, 'Adolphe soutes! hlm- self on tbeý parapet of the verantiah anti iatchoti bon. Howuffen sho lad doue fIs andi lelas! laugieti, yet al- waysa aie 'iad been nlgît. Anti sbs tirewtrum the bag a quan- tif y ut lltfle white pelubles, fiat gieum- cd lu fie tianesa like inarbîci, boues she balt fuIs!hlm ficy iere o! great AfrIcan chIots, ans! the bouesof fhe dout couit speak o!fIe future. Always wien aie dis! fIls, aie ne- mhindet i hm o et lcwuy al bus!piles! up lis tew coins un 1er lap flut nigît andi sald, "pieufy, picnfy, very inuci."1 Andi because aIe lias! beon' ight flaf fIne, because aie bati estubuliet ber powver uf brnng luck once, alie hati olufuluctian ascens!uucy aven bis su- persftluiusncss, su fliaf le lad Inter- vovea ber Image itîfialh is dreans ok wealth anipuwer. Thon sic step- pes! acrosa fhe verundal 'descuntilng flic stupu wifh ion bure foot, witi caf- like, rapît trous!, andi began scraping fhe sans! tron flic front pufhway over wlcl-the-laf os!' Goling lad trotiden. He lias!seen fIe performance 50 ut- ton, fiat ho nover pnid any attention. tu lier tf111-sic waa ready, Insfeati, itîf a sceptical suille, le lit a cigar. iNuw sic ruturneti, und laid fie lit fie white, balse lu patterns on flic veran- dI di fluor Juaf ivierehfe mounlueuma lay acroasIf, andi pourodth fe sans! upen 'tien, a Iliffle atter fteeaion of tic sans!routiers o!fie tiesert. Now bout fle-flour close f0 fI. poblies anti the 'sunti toi! nto queer ahapea, Intu numbers, as If fiey hati been cunuIug- iy put fugehber ly dcvlatng flugers. (To bu cenfinueti). IEw,,AkýII-TYPHOIO VACCINE PROF. VINCENT 0F PARIS IS USING IT WITH 8UCCESS. Vaici erpured wth Ether 01vn No Painful Distuinbing R.- - actions Affer Use. Prgt. Vincentfbi% been experi- Menfing with an aMti-choiera, vac- cine, pnepared lunf-le same man- uer as bis anf-i-typheid vaccine, which ha. stuod f-le test et practical' us. iu taie nmy -sud during cpi- demies in certan places ivith most sufistsctuny resulta. The mef.hed ut proparation for etaien vaccine ulay be, briefly des- cnibed. Microbe cultures ace made infe auncinulsion itiflietier, which kilsé fheei. Fatfy poisonous sub- stances rise, te tthe surface eftheli emulisien and are thrown away, sud thé -ste-rilized layer loftt belew cou- tutes f-le anti-typhoid on anti-' choiera vaccine, nccording ta wh&t kiud -of microbes bave been used. Ef-her ivus seiected by Prof. Vin- cent as f-he best agent for formiug vaccines -altter lue had matIe exhaus- tive testa wiiaei proved tluat vac- cines prepared wifluh etaier gave nu disfurbiug, pa.iutul reactions atten use, Ethen kilîs aI microbes, sanie imnuediuteiy, cf-hors in fut teen, tweuty or tbir-y minutes, but f-bey retain f-hein immuuiziug pruperties, Prof. Vincent appiied f-lis metiod i? preparng an anti-typhoid vac- cine wluiclu 'pnoved efficacieus enougl ta take ifs place beside Wriglut's vaccine obtaineci h uat- iug microbes. Ho f-heu iuvestigatetI wby ef-ler vaccine is se efficacious. HIe found fIat Microbes Are Exfncmeiy Faf. They are stuffed itfa t sud espe- cialr I yiif fa-fy matters which play an important rau., sf-li a mysteny, ini cellular pluyaiology sud in puth- ology, and are 'lipoids. Tluey are ted reserves otfinienebes. The"e ipoida cause f-ho local reuctions ôbb- senved &tter f-le use et -yaceines pre- pared of-berivis. tha-n witÀh ef-her, aund cf-ber 'diseolves f-hem, cannres f-hem awuy sud sepanates f-lemr tram 'f-le nemainder oethles. min- ut. arganisme. Wluen ef-ler ie atIdedtI - a culture of virulent microbes atten ahakixug a -layer oet-lut eau -be -een un -fthe s;urface. This i. torimed by f-be lipoida. Beow la anucunulsion matIe o! h fluIiquid wit taie dead bodies ofth flemicrobes tre-ed tram f-lie ata. Th'. latter part le usetI ýas' a- vu- cine. Tii. former, confaining flue ilujunlous elcinents, la thnawu away. Atten prepang a vaccine sgainsf typboid 'antI eue against chalena in tbis nuiner Prof. Vincent bas pre- piareti vaccines aghiiust pare- bypheld',andI Maltes. foyer, At Dultar, lauýaàti-pegue vaccine being sbaet on f-hoe'saine lines. 1The action o!' ethern uçrobes is very lutenesting. IIf ifluf-hem a£l, mcfre or lees napidly, sud f-Lis proves iteif sunsftisep-iw.. Sur- eonirêcbteded 'ebei tor Oubaing- wcsudw, asIc lthua beon 1ed'againe4t gueout' Wguige dur- iug the war.- ombtem my, i. A. J. Dropped by Ze'p8ntSojtiend. ýn 'Of the F ort -Garry Hors., torwarded The. Dve picture o! One o! the.' bombe dropped by thê Obt-raid on Sôu thend-on-Sea, attie mouth of the' Quik (innamOn Btun-Sdtt a quart of fleur iiftu tour teasjpoou- fuIe oitý baking powden and a halt tea&peonful sait; 'I"b iu tivo table- spoutuis suhrtening; add nuilk f-o just meistein. Mirnel i a sheet, spreaci wifjh butter, duat Vhickly wif-h sugar, lighf-ly wituh cinnumon, and sprinlkie wifh'* dry, Cleau our- rauts. Malte intb a roll, eut ie' tivo-inchlu engths,'stand f-lese, cut,- aide up, ini grease'd pan, aud balte in nuôderate oven'about 4o minutes, Serve ivarnu. SFrieuspeetfOflIoJfl-After peeling. the enious, etew f-hem slowiy in boi'Iing salted w4ber;' when tender, add une-hait plut ci miik a.nd a fable-spoon o!f foui' (level), wiio ha been rubbed urnooth in a hf-fle milk, and a heaping tablespeontul et butter. Cok five minutes and serve with m'ashed or boiled pota- tees. Ginger Ceukies,-One-halt oup- fui mol.asses, twu cuptuls et fleur, one-teunth cupftl et butter, oe t.ablespoonful ginger, one-4>aif tes.- spouuiful oiunamon, oee-tuai! tea- spoonful ut saIt, -on. teaspeontfui et bakin'g soda. Boll out on a board eut aud baIce. Cabhage.-Oýabbage wiii be more digeetîble if, whe ieu - a laItCook- ed, thie waten la peured off aud fresh boiiing ivuter added. Substitut. for Lenuon PIer.- Smoofh a -tablespoonful ot '-cern- gtarul inl a little,'eod water, peur f into a eupful ot beiiing- wa.ten, 'utirnung canif-a y until t f-belle 'elOn Theff IW"?*tI nn sud' juice et une', lenon, 'te wb"c lias ben sdded à. cuipful of sugar and a ivelil-beaten egg. Stir sud Cook une miuute. Have. ready six sbre'dded wheaf bicuits, sjpit in tivo, pour tue' leanon cream aven tiiem, sud aerve hot or "dk. -Sand wiches.-Onc pouud seeded raisins, anc peund WaLnufe, tio apoôns et sweiet onean, wbites ut f iv eggs wek1 boston. - Mix and &pread ou suices of bre'ad ivei but- tered. - Peanut Brittie.-Shell aud ne- meve f-lubrownu aline tnom twe quanta ut peanuts.- Put a pouzud et sugar in a saucepan over tiie fine; sf-jr until the ougar meits; -tilt frein fire and af-jr the. peanuts lu quickly. Turn the 'mixture eut, and rail inumediat'ely inte a f-un sheet, mark infe squares, and let coul. Wh'cu if-la cold break it into pieces. Date Sandwiches.-These a~ delielous fer the seo!o luncih-b'!ix o r ftic pienuic-box. Stonu dates aud chuop fine. To <:ue cuptul ut pulp add one tabieapoeufui ut orange juice. - Mix ivsl sud apninkie witiu a littie cinuainon. Sprcad ou thin uices etfiviole w hest br'ead. Coilee. Cake.-Three cuptuis ot fleur, one coflecuptul ut grenu- lated sugar, tiiree4iou*rtha o! acup- f ui et butter, une beaping tes- apoonful baking powder, one-haîf fea.spcootul sait, one cuptul ot unr- rauf a, two t-eaipo-onfuils et flavor- ings, rol about eue inch lunf-hiek- nvei.~and balte in uiod'rateîy bf ae hot Scaliopeti Eggsi.-Six hard-cook- ed eggu, thnee-quurter cup choup- ped ham, threquau-fr cup butter- ed 'cracker cruuubs, hall teaspooin sat, Vive tabiespoons butter,, eue and a haîftfabieaspden fleur, oe cup écaided rniik, few grains pep- per. -Meuttéfle buffer, add the. fleur mixed wif h thi. egeonings, anâ wben mixed uinoof-luat 'gradua-1ly f-ho scalded miik. Cock until smooth sud 'gloesy; C'hop the.lbard- et a o buf ned bi-ngda h w Roue inète. a sallai bowi et whiite fleur bouide you and ta dip taie fingera lu itc- caasioual'ly. If assiste iu kee'ping flue banda dry and tiie worlt clea. 'Tii. us.etimuserd n ucleaning, utensils in whivih fish hais been kept will remove taie fihfast. and ahl thie cor. Au old ruinceait msy, b. trans- formed into an aprn f on wagh day. Soiled naincuats (mackinfoeiie) eau be nieiy cleaned at home, thua: epr.ad the. ganineut on a table aud nub if wifh ivanin iater aud good white. soap in wbh ha been dis- Éelved a ýlump of carbonate et am- monda fthe siz. of a p.sj1 nine la cuid ivater; hab"g eut in the.air, and upon nu aucount put if near ~the fine. Put ivet bruihes te dry ith-l bnisf-les doivu; f-hieleugf-hens f luir peniod of usetulueus; utlerwise the. ivater soaka into tii back, oausihg warpiug and cracking. lI eggs anc plaeed lu botw-af-en for a, tew seconda benebresking, tue whites' wiil separ'ate fron fthe yes very eaèiiy. TIi.y nust be cooled bofore whlipping up thie Temafoca fil.d with nuin.ced pin.- appleis, celeny sud elopped nuits mixed with mayonnaise make a de- licious saiad.- Creamed cadiflower se-rved inu green shella maake. a dialu as tàsty as if- le safisfyiug te thie oye. The cook wig 1' find it a conveni- euce tfo have a beIt faef-oued aeund the. wiat. To eacii %ide front et f-Lia beltit z 'aîtened a sf-rip taiat reachles t-te h.knees.Ouef-h. '*o& ot eael sf-rip la fastened a qullted 'lolder. When eggs are broken sud eau- net be, ueed af- once, f-beyiil keep mach botter if tue she-ia are ne- moved and a quarter ut a teaspuon- fu o e ait beaten in for each egg., Whe'n cokliag fart apples or ether souu' fruit, add a pineli of sait infth.e cokiu4process; f-his doue, les. sweetening wiil be ne-' quired. Meh.heat cf f-h. uven should b. a faeten iu detenmiuing ivinaf- nediuin should b. usêd, for gnesaig pans. Butter buimus mucli more quickiy tiian lard, Thoughts fer--th.e Day. Our greeat gloýry la 'nef-ini neyer tailing, 'but in risiug eveny time w.' fail.--Conucius.0 It la not onougu te passess a fruth; if la essentiai f laf- f-le frufsh Aulud porsea us.-Maeterlinckt. When you heur an il] repent &bout any one, halve andi quarter if, and f-heu say uotluing about tahe rest.-Spurgeon. Neve'r loue au opporttnity ot se'. iug anything beautitul; bea.uty, is Qed'. buu'diwork, a warside sacra- ment .-Kingaluey. The f-nue test ot civiiization je nef f-le ceusus, not the size ot cities, non f-ho cropi, but f-he kind 6f man. f-bat fle uecuntny t urne aut.-Emerr- l sou. Each man lias hie apectial duty ta penlorin, bis apecial work ta do. If ho dees if- meftle hinueelf suifers and af-bers sufffr ith if-u'. 'His idienedis infects Ct.hers, sud propu- gates a bad exampi'e.-Sinilea., Hon-g Kong je an ilaautofetabout 32 square miles, 'antI ias finitc- cuipied 'by Gi-eut Britn.in lu 1841. SWitb f-be-except-ion of Jewish marnuageui, aIl murniages lu Eug- land -muet ho celebraited betiveeu f-h. bours ot eighf in tf-letrenoan and fhree in f-le sffenuo. When Paris seegned in dan. i being b.si..ed many of tii.trea- fl sures cf thie museumsa ad pà1*aces 01 the City w.n$ ipto hi'dd'g Oný man earriect the 'crown' ,.oedfo FràfiSo away in a ésabby viii., - ,Not a vehiolews to b. Lsad ini tiie. etreets ol .Parie Mtthat imne, AU taxis and auto, iuses we-r-r udh-1 ing soldiers Î6, the. bafte of thie1 Marne. Tii. 'man t'ook the. shbby valise to a modeat flat. -The dir.ctor of Nation-al.Muteunis handed it to a Sub-Secratary -uofStaUe for ;tii.O Beaux-Arts and took a reoeipt. Three 4" thii.e éhby vaIie tayed in the modest lat-until taie Beaux-. Arts fàan oould get a traip for X_ (tb. railroads beinzr . ed withi a.rrvin 4r~ps 0e44gpari- u t. . ho - ietook a r.çipt lrom an obscureë Frenchi bank. Itr4 burg1ar.proof sale 8helters the Crown Jcwcls, beaidea f arm, mortgages and o- i«ory notes of tradein, The crown jewels have ad many strange -adventures aince1the-. tlm of Francis 1. Among them is the farnous dianiond know.n as thi Be- ge«t or the, Pitt, It wais worn by Louis XV., Marie Le.azozin,&ka, 4MMe, de- Pompadour &bd Marie An- toinette. Tiiey iiwaye put it baCk aniongtii cr'ownjeweis. T1hen on. day Louis XVI. took a paltry 875,000 wvorth of diemonds and rubies frein the. junk, o!1the. collection to niake a litti. bro*,h for Mari. Antoinette, aand later' $100;O0() worth more te pay a çer- tain debt of liera. The. National AsembJy- called it stea&.ling, and ord,red ail îtbe . <wn jewels te b.- 4eposited in tii. national strong- room frosn wiMoh tiey were stoleai li a lump by tii. Biette band. In the. greetest polioe inquiry ot the tin. anotý of the. atoneis were r.cover.d.- Only tiie Reonýt dia. mond eluded ..arcii. Finly it was founde in the hands oft a wine ehop proprietor,' wiio had ibought it- f rom an uuknowù for, $20. Late.' Napo- leon wocre it lu the. pommel of a sword. Soin. would ahnostr rather own th. Mazarin, or peaohb1ow dia- mond. The. tamous Cardinai- Prime Minister 1..aid tà have- we.pt over tii. peacublow: ",muet i le lb ought not te b. mixed wlthe ii ffaaey, which z. bluieh and was sold l'rom -th.ecollection ini 188w TQ tmwaa found on the bodyycet C A the. Bold as he- lay dei atter taie Lattie'of Gra.naon by the. saie Swis. soldier wiio sed the. Florentine - Uilliant, - Dow in possession of f-h. Euipereu et Auotnia, te a priesf- for eue- floin. Tii. Ring ot Portugal bought it. A huudned yeans laitons F reuceh baron eecured h. ton bis king, f-le nomentio Henry IV. Sent by f-l banc! et s'aithtui servant, 'tue -lat- ter, being aff-aclted, swallowod the diamuud; sud "ater hi& dea-luif- wiva und lu is ibody." Later sf-i if belensed te Chanles I. cf Eug- land, who, just bote.ho w-s talten pnîsoner, paued if te luisson, If- la on.eofthfe Ia.ngesf rubles in f-be world. If- cMe te Europe it-l f-le Moons et Granada. Peter f-le Cruel murdened one,oet fhein princes toensateu tIf rm hi& bosoj, as is toltI ii Durns' "Batard de Maul- con. " ', By -'way oet fhe reigning houise et Foix, utfiviien ias Gaston Phoebuî, jit came te Aune -of Brit- tany. If- suw aul fle romance of f-ho Valais Rings, sud Fraucis I,, matIe if- fhe foundation atone efthfle Groivu jewels wluen ho started f-ho 'collection lu 1530. Tise.croivu jeivels une -regularly sluowu-in the'.gallery et Apolo af f-h. Louvre. 'At night f-le intenior case is- lut dawn lufe s burgiar-ý preet steel case Bieîcafhe flFoorhig. ne u'norning if- comup.Th 1 sn as sf-iking tey-s ino oftegulleny, wliere Sie , s le»e Cuarles'IX. uacd f-opro>mo nde at tIaybréult, The zf-cet case ro-se---e sunlight la Vingirougii th i.wIds gMit'?on 'topa;zes, aappnoe,1 emeraidi, ýdiamouds rube. <o"a adoie geinSM itlanaa-extra- oniaygoldez edifice that 'rôn between two onownsà. Thie lait glorY eftb é olc reigime it, was e amiemon ial of t4 .Peuce ut Tembien ini 1779. Il is a iii.! d'oàuvre oi Germma gold' uaniéui-jewlUer!'ý art, e'stimated -tq Xbeei of its principal jeweLulj te fiiè left of the mn ofetapo1eoni who copied îW exsaetly from: tht o Ciiarlemagn'r- at 'Aix. . Blow thon lu ordi'nany tinega aî. e*iiibited a jeweiied wMbcii' Ven by 'teBe t nis ,ta oui8 XIV and- 4, a. jewlIed Order et tithe El ep10ianà ut Denmark (kept fer ne une kuow what reason), a& reliquary br=cl worth $800,000,, aud anound it -tfW miodern peari' necklauoe bequeaii.d1 by Mme. Tb.iere,, ;and valued af -$350,000. Then, a ple et gongoous fire,- a blindlng mas et pnlsmatic' colora,' #;'toluiVain -ot ' dancing rays--is the' aivord uit et Napoleon. H. saoked; tii. old croivu jewý1sa ci France te make thia set:-of perfect dijamonde,ý valued fifty years aigu st $2,000,. 000, bit -'imposeible f-o replace tco- day. I -'i Canada In Dependent on Ferestry. The proper'interpretation'o! tor- estry, and iviatit aetiualy means te Canada,. canuot b.' ststed tue !requeutly. Tii. future of tuet country dejpeuds upon cuir nuking evr.acre, productive. Broadly speuki'ng, 'tue eurfii's surface qan be- made. productive ilu twe wayae 'only, by producing agnicultural, os timber croçe., Southiofet the-eotf- ,parallel, about 69 per îeut. et thW ares ot Canada ïs ,Unsùit-.d teiv u.grieultunul crupe.ý A ývery*,lange' proportion o! this non-ugriculfutral- baud lu suitable for flue production uf inercluanfable fimben, 'Tii. pro- duction et turest preducts 1bas been sud will alwuys bce ueet uirchief industries., At fthe preseut tins tonst industries supply 12' p.: cent. of our tereign trade, 16 per -cont, cf our railroud truffic, and equal in, value aur annual, whcat cnop'. We bave, a cboice fa malte/ Shah ive lott fles. vuluable indus- tries penish ton want cil raw mater- il an salal we perpetuate- tien by protection -ot oun -present mature-, tinuben fr-in fine, lby protection of- the ycung terets of aur non-agni- cultural. lands, and y tfloggiug utf aur fones in sua'h a manor as te encourage fthe reproduction of valuable lareata? The 'perpefua- fion of theseidustries sud f-beir source ut ruw ruatenial iby the ln- vestruufet ofsiicb oxpenditure aà, tiie auticipated crop wii-l warrant is foresfry. The 'Vorld'îs Gî'atesf Choir. Russia possessea the wonld'a fin- edf- choir. This is in the Cathedral oft Alexander Nevoski, lu rétro-I grad, and lu attu-cled fa a con'ventt erected lu houeretfflue patron' suint ot Ruasia. If consigsa-<ut about fhirfy members. ahl monka,- chosen f rein fle 'estf-singers lu all fthe îtusian monatonies.. Their voicesarue sweet and atreng, and every mecuber efthfle choir cau, it is said, ahaffen t4n- ordinarýy g-lass into fragments merely. by siuging inte if,, se puivertul, are.flic vibra- fions et eaclu voice. Tîxese mnks are t.rained as nigo rôtusly-1a1 zyý ù_peru singer, andtI heirw leodutyý ut the menustery la toa assiâaf-atfleï- music ut nmass in fluhe niernin-g and, vespt'rs in fthe a.ff"rno-ot. - FRDIS TEMPE R PN YN IZOT Aur Oué nd OStIN 1 na CATABRE[Az Fy]]eU& surecur an poitie Preventivé"ln mnatter ho.w-Horsein at any age are Infected-er "expcbed,," Liquid, i- »the tangue, acta an ýthe ]Eloodad 0n11xpi u pipu àgerm ea i n u boy Cures DistemPer infl)ogs and $héep. and hoiea inPouiry.Largest selling iesokrmd Cures La Grippe amcng. human beiga ad 1 stocn~k de red.Cut thiff out. iCeep it. Show Irt t your ugit who w-ii get St for you. Fcdokit DsemzCui.1a andi Cures."rireBolt IDseàzpfCa.u.in 00,Chraiàto £nid 3&ct.oioôgbato.'Gocuis., U.S.A. 4915 IF you want ugar--that Lc ~ i lutelypread 1 wheÎ:'it l(!h 'can de end 24b. 1 20p, ARCHIVES 0f ONTARIC

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