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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Jun 1915, p. 4

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- So~ me, "boulder ibe-ri*fle and go0 forU, to figbte O*ber men siay Mt borne.and carry. on *bé busin~ess and industries of tbe couantry. Tbhse w'bo go offer their lives, if anecessary, Those. wbo s*ay must look afier - de ~iiiesofthose wbo go.- These are the Days$.l of These are times of standing toglether, working\, thinking, fighting together., The cha11engcf an enemy provokes quick re- sponse in e~ ry breast and proclaims the brotherhood of rich and poor. -You can hear the tread of armed men1 in' the streets. To-day they prepare, to-mor- -row they depart, and another day the-y fight. They are flot merely YOUR sons wlio go, or,,our neighbor's sons, but OUR, sons. We who remain here, thousands of m iles from the reek, of gun fire, have nô less a part to play than those who go. We are flot excused becatise we cannot fight. We must fi the places of those-who have already gone. 'Whaf tho This,,_pro sperous-Township ,f Whï<by c-annot lag belhind whent- ote at f the -Dominion afe.,respondi'rng- to te cail of patriot'ism. - We -must help bear 'the bur4ens"of thé, weak Wewant to h elp pro vide for the -families of those who are at the front de nding our homes and our liberti-es, We can. best help bycontributing to the cuaàu Pý1atoic Fn Wliat la This Funci? The Canadian Patriotie Fund wau incorpor- ated at the last Auguat session of the Domini-on Parliament. Ris Royal Higliness, the Duke of Connauglit, Governor-General of Canada, is the President. Mr. Herbent B. Aines, M.P., >of Montrcal, is Honorary Seerètary. The Hon, W. T. White, Minister of Finanice, is Honorary Treasurer. 31-. J. Praier, Auditor-General of Canada, is the Auditor of the Fund. An Executive Committee, composed of repre- sentative mon fromn41il!parts of the Dominion,. determne the policy of thé Fund, »within the seope provided, by the Act of Incorporation. Its objeet is to see that no one in Canada, in the families of our soldfiers who have enlisted for active service, shail sufer want, and that the providing of the necessary funde for this purpose shail not rest with a fÏw, but that B V E R Y C A N A D I A N shail be given the privilege of doing, voluntarily, what he or she can. The Wardens of the Canadian Patriotie Fund have decided that the Fund shall be admin- istered on the following basis:- Every case te be investigated separately by a local comxittee and the exact requiremenîs of the family ascertained. With this information before them thé Lo- cal Committee determine what ecd family shal receive, using thse follôwing as a biais: A wif e, or widoweîl, mother dependent Upon the soldien, $1.00 per' day or $30 per nsonth. A child unden 5 years, 10c. per day or $3 -per montis.. A chld bctween 5 and ten years, 15c. per day or $4.50 per month. A child bctween ten and fiftcen years, 25c. per day or $7.50 per month. Thus a family cf a wife and thnce childreen of three, seven and thirteen yrears respcctively would receive a total of $45 per month. Othens according to the number and age of the childrcn. From this amount is deductcd what thie (a- 4iadian Governinent pays the wiveis of thse sol- diers (termed separation allowance), $20.00 per month, aIso aîîy other assstance, sucb as remit- tanee of rent, continuation of isagesp etc. The difference between the two amounts is thien paid out.pf the'Canadian Patniotie Fund. When soldiers are reported to have been kçiiled on to be missing after 'a battle, thse Governinent pay ceases forthwith. . In such cases the Patriotie Fund will'provide the necessary fmids to -loo1k after, their familles' welfare until sucis time ais' thse Government com- mences payrnent to them of-the. regular pension. This ls nQt juit a Wib movemetit, it ie na- tional ln scope. Some sinaîl municipalities and rural districts in Canada have sent large numbers of soldiers te the front. Some langer municipalities have sent few. Some poorer districts have contnibuted many soldiers, and some richer municipalities few in proportion to their population and wealth. If it remained with local municipalities' to provide for the1'amiies of the soldiers that had gone forwand, the bunden would faîl thse heavi- lest upon that municijpallty tint had already made the,. greatest *sacrifice in men, and the lightest upon tie ones that contributed tlie few- Io it not fair, therefore, that the strong should heip to bean the burden of the wenk 7 The soldiers who have enliuted are fighting for Canada and-"the Empire', not primarily for the miùsicipality f nom which they went. The Canadian Patriotie Fund lias been estali- lished for the purpose of providing adequately, on the saine basis, assistance to the fainily of every soldier f rom Canada, who lias enlisted for Active Service. -This Fund has been in operation for over nine menthe. It is now caning for approxi- mntcly Fif teen Thousand Familles at a mont hly expenditue f $300,000. The demands are on- tinually increasing. Townsh.ip Proposes fo do Arraingements b~ave been 1?ade to canvass every ratepayerin oligsb-i'sQ o. 1--thatý portion of the Townsh~ip southl of the'4th -concession--on either Tuiesdiy, WeCdiesday or Thur5dày, Jne 22,' 23 or 24. The territory lias been dividea nto- four sections, and two men will look after each section, thus: Qn"TTP'T' àl r "' F - - 4- .J'.u 'l ri NORTH NORTH SOUTH Prftbl-r.lngston ICoaci andi ail south; E. Lick and M. C EA.ST,..Kingston Road and ail east of the gravel road; WEST-Kingston Road and ail west of gravel road; A. WEST-Kingston Road and ail s ;uth; W. Kemp and F. Crawforth. N. Jeffrey and J. L. Smith. Richardson and T. Morcombe. To those who wîsh to subscribe several options wiil be given. They may pay ail cash, or part cash and the balance in one or more payments. INQUEST INTO DEATH 0P HENRY covered the body, John Sleigbtbolm, few days. He was, however, Inclined been' ln the water for a considerable May, 1915, and was found dead on the LEACH. who hadt been wou'king la the jower to worry over hig lose of a good posi- time, and It îs supposed that he came 8th day of June Instant. On Tbursclay rnorning iast, june 10, bouse nearby, the doctor ln charge at tion witb he aainFegtA -t i ct the sa- aCn hc o "ro h vdec hybleve Coronler Dr. C. P. MeGillivray, empan- the Hoaffi Lai for the Insane, aud g.)me ciation, on account of bis Iilness. dîapared from the Hospital. that the said Henry 8. Leach, being an .le& a jury for the purpose of Inquir- lot Lje rnan's relatives. On May 18, the day on wbicb be was -The Jury's verdict waas sfollowi nntB!sadHsia, n nae lux Into the death of Henry S. Leach' The evldencé brought out th,-, ftct lait seen alive, ho seemed to be la his "The jurors empanelled to find! the downed hfself lasptawaers ake ,whose body, bndly decomposed, was9 that Leach had been an Ininate 0f the usual health, and ate a bearty dinner, cause 0foel l the weattefsenryf.Laace ftOUd on the beach at Heyd<'nsniore H» i a nW~tyfr 'a tim&, bLu his later going out for a walk. That was finit that he came to bis death la the nalbIng then o! unsound mind."1 Park, on Tuerday, June Sth. mental clrngtent was meral emfi- teli en0 lutlo ue8hnlhoho fteHsi o h The funeral of-the deceased man, A number 'Of witnesscs wcrd excrImn. i'orary, and Ile hL so far recovercd as bie body was found at Heydenshore. Insane at Whtby, la the County of which was prIvate, was held last week ed, Including Mr. Geo. Pinder, who dis- to warrant. hlp Peing sent borne ln a Its condition indIcated that ho bad Ontario, on or about the lSth day of to Mount Pleasant Cemetery., Toronto. lU If; h"Perfect for ~-Jams asud 7 J~ue Buy h Original Packag es e I 13i Mr. and Mrosj ronto, and Mre. r rexa., aDeit 'th and -Mr. F. E. E~ Mn.- and 1Yrs. 4 fly rnototed frox spntthwe w idwtbMs.Uo Missnes ge eu.Mr utn LuuMissesagnes Kn, obeMy uttan, L.ul haepbesn atLtnie cNomal wchoolà bavebn ae' Nma hcoe, etroohv rtre ;rth, formeérly 0of 3> H. IHogarth, bas isneso and Io now. Y -eteran, Sask,- ry arrison, of to. i1ms, Fort Worth, rek-end with Mr. Wison. s an- f Wailternsaud an rn.t on Sturday LiMr. adM onS anro Mr. nd n ohn S. f, hibarnaro iondn, O. n, frely fWhltbyeno,e oflsithengeMn. and ns. W J. Genwoodn 0ftheClg, n ohr renal Mr.wnd. r.H .Hrioo o Mr- rs. H. A. HardbyMis rrio To nontoe, Mc.C.panbWiylisarson'or Woth, ersrs.. W. week-aendo! Fot 34rWadorthP.aarrspetewe-nd ontB- ôn Std r. F Hrioo y Dipbtherla has been prevalent ln the town for some timo, several children being victims. The disease has been confined- so fal, to the enstera portion of. the town. Mn., J. H. Perry received the welcome news on Monday that ber soli Cullen bai been promoted to a Lieutenancy ln the Ea5t Surrey Regiment o! the Eng- 115h Army. Thé sale o! bousehold furniture, the property o! the estate of the late Jane Wallace Bain, heid on Saturday after- noon last, was attended by a good crowd o! buyers. Everything sold weli. Mr. J. T. Homnsby bas commenced work on bis contract for the town ce- ment sidewalks. A good deal o! grad- fng bas aiready been done north. cof the C.P.R. tracks on Brock Street. About a dozen men are engaged aitogether. DEATHS. BILLINGS-Suddenly, on Friday, June 11, at tihe Victoria Hospital, Mon. treai, Frederick Billiags, barrister, Vernion, B.C., la bis 48tb year, young- est son of the late W. H. Billings, o! Wbit-by, Ontario. HARRIS-At Toronto Generai Hospi- tal, on Thursday, June 10, Allée S. Burges, beloved wi!e o!fP. G. Harris, o! Whltby, la ber 42nd year. LEACH-At Whitby, on June 8tb, 1915,- Henry Scott- Leacb, late fréi t: k-, spector with thse Canad"-IanJýiégt, Association, and eider son ot Hugh Leachs, Esq., o! 9 Spadina Road, To- ronto. THOMAS-In Oshawa, on Thursday, June lOth, 1915, William Henry, eld. est.son of Mr.and-Mrs. W.H. Thomag. PATRIOTISM STIRS MEN 0F THE Wbitby Township Is not to hé behind la the matter o!fnsisting tise pntriotic fund. Leading meno! tise township wntched witb keen Iierest the patrlo- tic cnsnpaign heid la Wbithy two weeks ago. nnd tbey becamý fired with zeal to do something as a .towasbip. Ac- cordingly a meeting was beld on Mon- da evenIng la the agnicuitural rooms, 1hltby, by a number o! those Interest- ed. Mr. F. T. Rowe, Reeve o! tise Town' sisip, iras la tise chair.-' It iras decIded after some discussion to organize a committee to underta<e aC canvass for funds, sud- the foliowIng officers were -appointed& Chalnman-F. T. Roire. Secetary-E. Llck. Treasurer-Chas. MeCleilan, Whltby'. On motion o! J. L. Smith. seconded by Mn. Cnaw!ortb, It was declded to coven poiling division No. 1. It was decided to divide tise terItory to be covered Into four divisions, ns. foiloirs: South East-Kingston Rond and all soutis., North Eat-AII Kingston Rond and ail east o! gravel rond. Nortis West-Ail Kingston Rond and west o! gravel rond. South West-Kingston Rond and al soutis. Four teains o! canassrs were select- cd as !oilows: Souths East-E. Lick and Mark Crair- forth. North East-N. Jeffrey and J. L. Smith. Norths West-A. Richardson and T. Morcombe. Souths West-WKeinp and F.T. Roire The dates set for the cannas were Tuesday, Wednesday on Tbunsday, June 22,23 or 24 - whichever day may Boom to ho most favorable., It iras decided to hold a meeting la tise AgicUitural rooms on Monday KINSALE. Kinsale Women's Institute wlll meet at tise home o! Mns. J. W. Rodd,, Fniday a!ternoon, June 25tb. Subjeots: "Sug- gestions fer Making tise Institute a Succesa," and "Summer Drinks sud Ices." A neoet freintise yearly meet- Ing is.xpect 4w BASEBALL. Little 8; Mathison 5- On Thunsdny, June lotis, tise game in thse Towa Longue bnc' getiser Littie's Nevren-QuIts Ison's Never-Sweats. Thie: ho ài runaway for LIttie's lait Inning. ln- t tsir gweais juniped on J,' and netted five nun"r mon were sufferir ged la pinces,- gresses tise bc some good go' The :f- engaged tb.at was ments, HEuntI' iroria Nover ~'h md SCOIAN», Ont., Àug. 2 lm. , ZI "MyWfewaamarlyrto Cossi1tjWi. W. trled everything on the clen ,, wlthout .satsaction, and, spent lare sumo ofnioney, until we happen-ed on 'FJut-ativea'. We havoused it in t4, family for aboàut'two years, and, ë would not use anything 'ele as long U, 'we a get "Flrit-a-tires.", "PHUIT-Â-TIV s made fron4 fruit JUIzicaMd tonies-is--rnd i action-and Pleaaant intaste. 508, a box, 6 for $2.60, trial size 2ke. At deaiers or »eut on receipt of price by Yrut-&tiven Llmited, Ottawa. ed to strike i t. Thé umpire orderts hlm to -first base, wbereas he should' bave been called out. This decisbon wue too much for the Blackfeet, and tue7 refused to continue, the gaine going to the Never-Quits., In future an officiai umpir e will be present Wo take charge of!-the gamea and speétators may feed reasonabiy sure.that the. trouble will not be re> The gaine for to-nIght (Tbursday) wlll be Mathison's Never-Sweats Y&. yecIntyre's Ironsides. The League standing to dgte le: Won Look Little...... ...... 3 o Blaekféet .... .... 1 1 MeIntyre ........O 1 Mathison......0 SALP, REGISTER. Saturday, June 19th. -Auction Bale ofhouséhold furniture, the propntty of Miss L. Starr, at the Baptist parson. age, ýByron Street, Whbitby. Sale at 1.3O0 o'clock sharp. Terins cash. Wm. Maw, auctioneer. Saturday,» June 26th.-Auction sale of two bouses on Broclk street forth, Whitby, property o! the estaté* of the late Mns. Draper. Sale at 2 o'clock sharp. Sec large bis. Wm. Maw, auctIoneer. Barrie's tax -rate will be 28 mllls this year. Owen Sound -bas Ihad five "dollar days,- and tele last or#e was a great success. f.4Arr-INJ CANADA I S-UMMERUNDERWEAR WliICIi GWES F'ULL COMFORT TAI L ORI1N'O Do-You Want a. Ooo d Flttlng Suit of obts Ouaranteod in evory way P Then leave your mensure. with Harry Gulliver for a Fit-Reforin Suit, the best in the market. Ropaitlngt, teaning and Pres8sing promptly attended to. Roome over A. M. Ross' Dry Goods Store. le os Fe Anoual: Excursion -TO TORONTO, 1ver G.e P. R. Sreehes and Ra las cmbinatic LOCAL HAPP Winter-eggs at sun, using water glassi- the b ver. J.E. Willis, druiggi * Di. Murray's Tea) S8oleil Shoes ai; Pcei's St sNew stock 'plain and~ *:nets at W. G. Walteýra'. The excavation la prý pleted for the' foundatiol * £South-ward public achool - igh grade Pilot Roof ,..Square, at G;eo. Mt. Rice's. * Theàs drugs and meÉ 4'eheapeat. We run a atric m ~ess; You can reiy on c ýedic1nes. J. E. Wiilis, optIclan., -Sec the nfew oil stoe ltlce,'s. Works.just as , * tas. Geo. M. Rice. CARD 0F TEL Mr. F. G. Harris i-ishei xseighhors and friendi iris 80 mucb klndness -and- s * ng bis sad bereavement. Cpiurch's Potato Bug F' leaf-eatlng, lnsects. Noi - ly applled. 4 Ibs. for 10 '25c.. J. E: Willls,. drugj clan. New etocl l.adies' an&z tise-Crompton and 'La DI1 4- 5, at W. G. Walters'. *St Jobn's Roman Cal " wlll hold a garden party Park on Thuirsday, July k 'Z mittée la aireadj- fonzned rangements for Saie. iprogrammne-later. -Men's, Regal and Der' she athe iatest style. Store. New stock ladies' -whit iylqpe-bats, $1.25_to- 51.75 On -Tuesday morIng gun on tise excavatioii cf the neir residence to 'ho SThe msiog ès .* Wýeeday of' this -wrek, to be ln at th irsnt ch Frank,- Clanence-and Geo. * - tordd to Casanrea on Tms ng.,there for n 'day's flas -Ail the latest styles lni and wIndow screens at C Everything la hardware. *The second-apaunal atl te St. Gregony's Athlc Ibe beld ln Alexanidra Ps on July st.BaseiballandI * * nni ts, ' running ard racesj,' tnnis tournamnt. athlcties la Canad4 wmli c Pen Angle bose lau-nll Tom. Marks bl- Co. w one weok, June 21 te 2G. HOUSe, Whitby, unden tb wW.extendyou and honor ,u.s by our HIgh GlasTea, POP I Canned 8Salmon, Coiufgrt soap, for 1 Broom for 2 lb. and 5 lb. Sealed Cartons@ Also .10 lb., 20 lb. and 100 lbO.DaBg& Look, for the Lantic Red&Bilon ecpkg Al1aatie Suger RlurmgLiI Dear Friend 1 ,. 1 àRCHIVJEESS

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