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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Jun 1915, p. 5

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niids, ad&onee-for your 'best. Have us ishow you the many handione jewlry gis %We bave for tbis pârpose. - Lavalls'ssmg lPmndauts, ln gold and platinuini set with diani- ondo, peurls, aquamariaus, Pori- dots, emeors, etc,. Price 84.oo to 8100.00, Braceet Watchss-plendid time. keepers and very dainty orna. monts. Expansion braeets of 10k and 14k gold, and in gold filhed. $10.00 to 80.00. Irsoms u d Slu Pin-Set wiuh fiue coinbinations of preclous and eeml-preciouç clones PAmc. froni 82.50 tw $75.00. R.N ast J1 oueler1- ad rudhaté s i Whty, Ontario' h.' IGOAL HAPPEIHNOS,~ See our une « 1ladies' cloth teippeti boots, oxfords and pumps. 'Poel's, Shoe store.- 4- Whitby woman, Mn, Seymour, now bas two sons fightlng -in the Bnit- lsh cause, -oùe la the arai>, the other la the i. qvyî. A third son, wluo wau ln the Davy, loîtlis lIte wben the cruiser làGoa oDel ý" vas sunk soeamontha ago, All honer totthe mothors of sons brave enough and loyal onough b>' offer ibeir Ilves tir the. qountry's service. -0- A HUGE SHIPMENT, Durlng the lat week throe schooners» have arrived at Port Whltby laden wlth coal 'for LP. R. Blow,'The>' are the Ford River, Capt. C. Daryaw; Julia B. Dur- rell, Capt. H. Daryaw; City et SJzebohî- gOnt Capt. E. M. MacDonald. The total shfipaient b>' these three -voss 1,8 1,400 tons. The>' are now belng un- loaded.j Ask to se our men's taIlor-matiej tweed and worated suits at $9.90 and1 814.90, aIse a nen- lot of grey worsted suite on sale Saturda>' at 114.90, Bt W. G. Waltcru'. The annual gardon party 0f the Aud. Wînter cggs at -summer- prices b>'loy Methodiat Sunda>' Sebool will be usig wterglas, he esteggpreer helti on the grounds of Mr. John Puck- usig ate gusth bet ggdo er.rn, on Thunada>' evenlng, June 24. Tea ver. J.E. Willlls, drugglst and pt c an. served froas 5 to 8 p-m. Mr. Charles Dr Mra>.ThraetiCsbo Imnie, humorous ontortainer, 0f Toron- oD.hoos at e's hos Set uoreto, and other talent, wiltake part. Osh- Solel Soes t PélI Sho Stre. awa Orchestra la attendance. Adults New stock plain and fancyv 0c; bldrn 0e nets at W. G. Wahters', The excavation Je. prýctically com- pleted for the foundatlo ft the new -South wai'd public iâchool, Higb grade Pilot Roofing, 81.50 per square, at Gea. M. Rice.'.. -o-. The best druga and niedicinea are the eheapeat. Wc rua a stricfly drug busi- ness. You can ml>' on our druga and medicines. J. E. Willia, druggist and optician. .o- Sec the new oilI tovd at Geo. M. Rico's. Worka just as good ns the clty gas. Geo. M.,. Rice. -o CARD 0F THANKS. Mr. F. G. Harris wiahes to tbank the ziighbors and fnionda who showed hlm 80 much kindness'and sympatby dur Ing bis sad boreavement. Cburch's Potato Bug Finish, killea ah leaf-eating Insece. No mixiu. BasE- Ily applied. 4 Ibo. for 10c.,'10 lbs.K or 25c. J. E. Willis, druggist- and cpu- clan. New stock ladies' and misse' corsets the Crompton and La Dvu1, t e, te 45, at W. G. Waltera'. -o St. John's Roman Catholic Church wrill hold a gardon party ln the Town1 Park on Thunada>', July Sth. A corn- inittee Io already formed to make ar- rangements for same. Look for the9 programme later. -0- Men's Regal and Derby boots and shoos la the lateat styles. Peel's Shoe Store. -o New stock ladies' white and colored pique bats, $1.25 to $1.75 eacb at W. G. Walters'. 0o On Tuesday morning work was be- gun on the excavation of the cellar for the new rosidence to be built for Mrs. Jas. McClellan, corner of Centre and Ontario Streets, cornering the County Court flouse. 0o The maskilonge season opened on Wednesday of tbis week, and In order to be In at the firet chance, Messrs. -Frank, Clarence and Oco. Rice, Jr., mo- tored to Caearea on Tuesday, remain- Ing thore for a day's llsbIng. 0o Ail the latest styles in screen doors and wIndow screens at Geo. M. Rice's. Everythýng la hardware. The second annual athlelie meet of tbc St. Gregory's Athietie Club will be beld In Alexandra Park, Oshawa, on Juiy lat. Basobail and football tour- naments, running- and motorcycle races, tennis tournament. Ail the best athietics In Canada will compete. Pen Angle tooeInalal colora at W. G. Walters. Tom. Marks big Co. will appear for one weok, Juno 21 to 26, at the Opera flouse, Whitby, under the auspices of ~1 Dear Friend. We extend you a hearty welcomne to visit our store e and honor us by buying our fllgh lass Tea, pop lb.' 45o Cannod Salmon, 100 Cowfort Soap, 6 for 25o 1 Broom for -o FAREWELL TO TEACHERS. On Frida>' oveningasat the pupils of the Whitby HighSehool, held a faro- well to tho .rotiring teacherà of the High Sehool. -The music-hall was uaed for the ovenlng's procoodinga, and the, pupils only -were- la attendance, wlth the excepttAof fOT t* -nvlted guesta. After a short program, bad been rend- emed, rofresbments were served and a' social time was apent. -Principal Bell, Mm. Inais-and others spokeé biefly. Men's- spécial straw bat day-Satur- day, June l9th.- regular values $1.50 to $2.00 each. Sale prico, 98e., at W. G. Wators'. John Miller, a young man, now cm- ployed lu Whitby, Io about to malté 1zis fourtb attempt to fight for bis coun- try. Ho bas almeady>'ope nt two months ga training, bavIi enlisted some montha ago, but owlng to some physical Impaîrment Was not permi1tteti to Be- compan>' tho expeditionar>' force. It la te o b opedthat bis peositence and importunity wilh be rewarded this time. BUTTON DAY. On. Baturda>' lait a nuzaber of young ladies of the town gave their tîme to raising moue>' for the purchase of socka for the aoldiera. "Allied for Rlgbt"' buttons wero aold at 10c. eachi and a aubstantial aum was reahized.: The buttons aold had on the face a de-j aign bleuding the flaga of the five al- lies, Britain, France, Russla, Japan,1 Belgium. Penman's underwear, samplea from 10c. to $1.50 each, at W. G. Waters'. -- ENDANGERING THE PUBLIC. Red-lgbt lanterna, which have- been put on the roada whome coxient pave. monts' are now being constructod, bave been stolen recently. The persona who epommlt the tbeft are endangering the life and 11mb by'so doing, as paaaoraby are liable to sufer Injuries because of tho removal of the llgbts. The culprits will be proaecuted to the full extent of the law, says J. T. Hornsby, tho con- ti-actor. HOW 25c. FOUND $50.u0. Recently a, Wbltby woman bast a broocb valued t $50, and Iu ordor toj recover It sh4e lnsortod an advertise. « mont la mast week's Issue of the Gazette and Chronicle. The resuht was that wlthin 24 boums aft9r thé Issue was la the banda of the readors, the broocb was retumnod, and this la spiteo0f the fact that It bad boon bast for over a week. Send your .Want Ada., Loat and Found, etc., or any other form of ad- vertising, to the Wbitby Gazette and Chroniclo. Sec our special Peu Angle' home fot boys lnalal sizea at 25e. per pair at W. G. Walters'. Ho for an outlng! Muskoka, Uppen and Lower Lakes, Tourist Points, Suai- mor To tR>'. Points lu Ontario and Quehec. Als omesookera' and Tour- lot Pointa la anItoba, Saskatchewan, Albei'ta, B. ., California, anywhere. Ch oi f Al routes--R>'., boat or océan linos: For 11 Information, réserva- tions, ticket etc., cal t WbItby's up- town central ticket and eerp f liee, E. Ste enqon. Bu>' bis local tickets to oronto, Riverdale, evon>'- whore.- See la othor advt. la this pa- pen: FORM!ER WH TBY BOY GIVES TO. Alfred I. Grosa, fonmerly of Wbithy, now a barriater la Chicago, bas pro- ented a Ford car to the Universit>' of Toronto Base Hospital, for use la France. Mr. Gros aya la a recent lot- tom to a Wbitb>' fniond: "I named the car 'The WhltbY' With the Idea that aometblng from our old town would be belping la the wan." Mm. Gross also fonwanded a- couple of anapahots shzowiug views of-the car, with the lettering. Theo car la now *hieing cated, and will sbortly be shlp- 4 to France. 7itby citizons will appreciato Mn. -"-#The Supremae>' of mre Peaco," b>' Miss lho Secret of Vie- -the ILord." e Caltho Coma The death Oecurred qt Toronto a- ALTOTION SALE' op TWO HOtYSeS. eralHIospital, 011.Thurodsj; 3une loth, 'Ph. ùnders1gned bas recele- -in-- ' 915 of ÀIÇe &Buiss, beio,.ed wife' etrctlne romFre Drpert0:011bY f ZG.,Harislu er42nd -year, Se Puli rUttomFr te Dape tobeen serlous1Y ill in the hospital public anction at the promhises, Brock fo Thoe e~ vrtigta St. north, Wbitbyi, on saturday, lunefrtreW "vrtig.hta 2Gt, te fllwln t'lualoresdenia possible was done toe save -ber lite, but property, .nilsttag df: without a-vait, Deceased was born in 1, rogh ut-oue, ompisig lvePickering townsbip' ,and nâd llved ln rouais and cellar, la good shape, LxrdeadCarmn io oe - brick bouse, comprisiag 8 romn, cmlng to -Wbitt live when s he wau sbe ad ciIr~ Thisbose a a earflaiod to Mr. Marris juetmoe au of lOt. a go. She W05Of a Quiet disposition, an, Sale at 2 o'clock sharp. exeinplary Wohilan, beloved by all who TeM ofsal: Tn er ut f pr.bad the PleUuire Of ber acquaintance. Thae.ric of saofTen per cet u- Sho was a membor of the Mthodiot Inh3e prico ordy furalebalantc lth- Churcb, and a constant church- worker, PI te0 d.Ffrbe r ariclasThe funeral,,wblch was beld'on Sunday Fred Draper, Ed. Draper, executors. to Groveide-Cemete>rwas ery large. A. E. Christian, solîcitor. iy attended. R.ev. M. E. Sexsmitb Con- 'Wm. Maw, Whltby, Ont., auctioneer. ducted the tuneral service. The pall Fred Rowe, Thos. Morcombe, Wm. TOM. MARKS COMING HERE. Kecmp, ]Md Philp, H. n. Webster. Tom. Marks, tbe celèbrated Irish- Mr. Har;ris and little son bave the comedian, and bis choyer dramatlc and heartfelt sympathY 0f their many vaudeville company, have madie ar- friends Ia their nadi bereaveipent of a rangements teh10 a week'a engagement lovlng wlf e and mother. et the Munie Hall, Wbitby, June 2te _______________ 26, cbnnging their plays and .speciai- tien each ovening, wlth Wednesday and MisceiianeOUS Advètts. ,Saturday matinees, presenting some of the latent successes,-Tbe Golden. Rule." "Boughtý and, Paiti1 For," "Peg OY 'My FU.4 SALE. Heart, "The Irish Attorney," "MY BOY New framo bouse, 6 roomi, three- Jack," "The Hidden Secret," from pine bath, furnace, electrie light. Ap- '"Ttags to Riches," etc., opening Monda>' ply J. H. JAMES. _f day night, June 21, In the great past- oral drama, "The' Golden Rule."t A WANTED. Ibenefit will ho given nlghtly to the local Good dlean atraw for bodding. R.3. War Relief Association, under whose Fleming, Mea4owbrook Fanm, Wbitby. auspices the company will appear. Spa- -tf. cial prices-Oc., 20e. and 30c. Sete OT on sale at Willls' drug store. OT MYRTLE. Mr. Richard Wiles la able to ho out again, after being confined to bis bed wlth a serlous attacic of Inflammation. ,,r, James Kent motored to ooý last week. oTrnt jý Mrs, Jas. Dlckson was In Bow- manville recently attendlng her aunt,. wbôo was very Il. t .The recent showers have been very' bendficlal to the. crops, and f or the, time belng settled the duat which was so annoying that housekeepers were going to strike. Robert tbinks cars are a grand con- venlence, but the speed limit le rather tantalizlng, especially ln town. Mr. T. W. Brookes bas put ln apgaso- lune tank havlng a capacity 0f,200 gal- lons. This wilI be a great convenlence to motorists. Flr.et-class oll and at a rigbt price make many cars stop at the corner noi*. THREE MEN SENT TO THE PEN. It la no summer day's pastîme to at- tempt ,to escape from the Provincial de- tention camp, If one might so dub the Asylum farm at Wbltby. So Robert Armstrong and Loule Waxman have L..ocal 1improvements. Take notice that the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town 0f Whitby Intends to construet as a Local Improvement upon the followIng streeta, viz. * - (1) Promn Centre Street to King St. north aide of St. John St., 4 ft wîae, Eatlmated coat $145; town'ashaare, $58. (2.). On wost aide of Athol Street, from St. John St. to Trent St. Esti- matéd coat $150; town's share, $60. (3). On east aide of Byron Street, fnom Grand Truhk Station to Keltb Street Eàtlipated coat $900; town's ahane, $360ý- (4). On west aide 0f Broek Street f rom Trent Street to lot Street. Es- timated coat, $1.500; town's ahane 1600. (5).- Brock Street eat from Ontario Street to St. Peter Street. -Estlmated coat, $700; town'a ahane $200. (6). On Chostaut Street, north aide from Brock Street to Centre Street. Estlmated coat, $132; towun'ma hane, $58. (7). On Wahnut Street, north aide from Bnock Street to Palace Street. Es- timated coat, $320; town's ahane, $260.' (8). On Palace Street, west aide, from Dundas Street to Mary Street. EstImatod coat, $320; town's ahane, $80. (9). On Euclid. Street, oast aide, fnom Chestnut Street to John Newport'a bouse. Estimated coat, $220; towa's ahane, $88. (10). On Mary Street, south aide, froni Brock Street to Byron Street. Etlmatod cost, $150; towu'asahane, $60. (11).- On Brock Street, wcst aide, C. P. R>'., a distance ot 1,200 foot aonth, timatod coat, $650; townm's ahane, $260. e40. (12). On St. Peton Street nortb side from Green Street to Bnock Street to Bnock Street. Estlmated coit, $150; town'm ahane, 160. And to asaega 60 per cén-t. of the final coat thereof 0f the pnoperty abuttlng thereon, andi to ho henefiteti thereby. The otimated coat of the wonk la $5,600, of wblcb $2240 Io to ha provideti for b>'the. Muaicipalit>', aid the esti- mated special rate per foot frontago la 0.9 cents. The speclal asmesament Io to be pald la twenty annual Inatalments. A petîtion againat the. work will not avail te prevent Its construction. JOSEPH WHITE, --50. Town Clerk. On Saturday, June 12th, a lady'goid watch, open face. Reward. Findep pleaso Icave at Gazette office. FOR SALE BY TENDER. Tenders will bo received up te and Includi ng Saturday, June 26, 1915, for the purcliase of the trame bouse-now occupled by Mr. Bruton, Walnut St., * FOR SALE. A note for $800 due ln four montha, and renewable for six mo~nt È, bearIng six per.cent. Interest. lifxote la gilt edge paper, and a liberal.. bonus will be given to anyone taking It up. Apply to box 476, Gazette Office. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. A desirabie bouse ln splendid locallty near Higb Park, Toronto. Tboroughly modern, eigbt rooms, bot water heat- Ing, gas and electrie ligbt. Every con: venience. Will seli or exchange for wbltby property. Box 123, Gazette Office. FARMERS, ATTENTION! Strong boy of 14 years, accustomed to farm work, good with team and cap- able almoat of taklng a man's place, wants situation. Only those who can give hlm a good home and will treat him kindiy' need apply. Good home more Important than big wages. En- gagement'to be for at least one-year. Address by ietteln fIrst Instance, box 676, Whitby P. Notice to Creditors. c IN THE MATTER 0F'THE ESTATE OF LOUISA MARY BORROWMAN. LATE 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY, IN THE COUNTY 0F OTRO SPINSTER, DECEASED. Notie ls hereby given pursuant to 1. George V., Chapter 26, Section 65 and axnending acts. that ail persona having dlaims against the estate of Louisa Mary Borrownian, lato of the town of Whitby, In the County of Ontario, spin- ster, deceased, who died at the sald Town of Wbitby, on or about the 24tb day of September, 1914, are requlred to deliver or send by post prepaid -to the Toronto General Trusts Corpora- tion, Toronto, Ont., the executors ef the said estate, on or before the lOth day of Juiy, 1915, their names and ad- dresses and a full description 9f ail. dlaims and the nature of the securitles, If any, beld by thein, and Furtber take notice tbat after the lOtb day of July, 1915, tbe said execu- tors will proceed to distrIbute the es- tate of tbe deceased axnong tbe parties entitled thereto, baving regard only to the dlaims of whicb they shall thon bave notice, and the said executors will not be hiable for the sald assests or any part thereof, te any person of wbose diaim tbey shah not thon bave rocelved inotice. TH, TORONçTO GEN. TRrST,9 CORORATION, Executors, by ;A. E. Christian, thoir Solicitor Dated the lltb day of June, 1915. -52 F. E. LUKE, REPRAOTIX4G OPTICIAN AT ALLIN'S DRUG STORE WH-ITBY. TUESDAY, MAY 4 70 YONGE STREET. Corner King St., Toronto. P. 0. Box 176, Estimates Given PR.Bradbury PAINTER and'DECORÂTOR, Mary Street, - WHITBY CLOGURT !Iastofr 44 syut.gtea Au., TORONTfO Willi be pleased to give estimates on al kindo of Plaaterlng, Lathlng, etc. Charges moderato. Write for terms. PIANO TUNING, Neil Y0lloWlees, who has been cm ing to Whitby and vicinity for the past cight ycaru, will, çontihue periodically ail season.* Orders left at AIlin's drug store wil receive prompt attention.' MRSU WALKER Organlat of AUl Saints' Chureh, Whlt. by, anid teacher of piano and slnglng, wrlll teach lu Whltby on ,.Saturdays. Pupils prepared for examtination. ROYAL THEATRE, ENTIRE CHANGE 0F PROGRAMME S Each Nlght. ,,The Troy 0' Harts" Every Uondaynlght. fiplostcurulondayApp'ill19 Baturday nlght, 109. te aiL BAIN PERIN, Manager. TP- Ideal Vacatio'n Route ý ONVHNIENTLY REACIIINO POINT-AU-BARIL FRENCHI and PICKEREL RIVI3RS SEVERN RIVER MUSKOKA LAKES RIDEAU LAKES LAKE ONTARIO RESORTS GENERAL CHANGE 0F TIME MAY 3o Particulare from B*E. R.Blow, agent, lVhitby, I.Ont.,orwrte3t.o.Mu ph ,b.P.ItToronto.1 Scianton Ceai Ail klnds of Coal Pea Coal, per ton .... .... ......50 At Harbor Coal Shedo 50 cents per ton less. "SCRANTON COAL.11 The ame guarantees the highest puality. Es Re BLOW, Bell Tel. 9. Whilby Home Tel. 14. vu) Hot Water Heating,, Hot Air,.Heating, Plu mbing, Roofing, Eavetroughing, Stoves and Furnaces - Repaired, General Repair Work, Estimates Çiven. Benj, Bryan .1 Dundas st. Whltby, Ont. I i PATRIOTJSM:.ý is somethina more than a waviny of fia gs,i port to home industry. So Buy Shoes ada. it is a loyal sup- Mlade ln Can- Ail the newest designs ini tootwear, the Invictus shoes," Glassic shoes, Empress shoes and Bçll.shoes give ail the most ex- acting can require in style, comfort, wear and -economy. See our Trmunks, Suit Cases and Club Bags at Lowest Prlicee ls When a langer quantiti5 s usd, dust the plants; -a pounce matie whîh two or thrce thickaesses oftn use a conimon flouz' sieve. Fi11 thesievn with u ovoecd plant; a very 11gb: duit w"ill fail anticoi -at once, For potato bugs wben-a aew crop hatcl Usually two applications are sufficleat for the emas O néopound packages là -Fivo Pound WIJI T.FI2LDeS WHIITBY9 Bell Phone 37. Indepeadent Phrone3y, I PINGE'SHARODWARE Special Pr"me on ROO 0FIlýNGÇ We. have just receivéI a large shipment of Roofing, purchased from the manufacturer at a- special pri c e, and we intend - giving our customers the benebt of the bargýain. Paroid Roofing, No'. 1, rogular, $2.50 -parsquare,.whils it lasts $1l .90 p««rsquare .4 .4 -4 -4 .4 4 4 4 4 4 --4 WV. M. PIgt[NdLÈ9- Hardware,-Whltby 4 4 ~vwmvv -~ -. ,~ -I Special Crder Talloring Senii'ready, Suits Made to Order in, 4 Days ¶r 300 patterns to choose from-AII imp'ort7ed British, Worsteds, Serges, Cheviots, Vicunas, Tweeds an&r Homespuns- Richest collection of weaves.ever shoWn. ¶W. have seenred the sole right to soul Seni-ready Special* Order Tai loring-hand- tailored clothea mnade by specialists' in fine tailnring-20 difféenut styles in the Album of Fashion. ¶It takes exactly 4 days ai the shops to finish a suit, and- we guanantee satisfaction and an accurate fit without a try-on. Values from $18 up. Maurice Murphy, 1dor s h tyOt Cleaning, Dyeing, Pressing and Repairing at close prices. WHJTBY EXC-HANGE HAS FOR SALE-' THE FOLLOWING: Young Pigs. Blacksmith Tools 1 WindmIll, Seed Buckwheat Cream Sepa'rator, nearly new 1 Extension Table wý Gobod Çjý Whea&1h Second han Repalî0lng.Neatly Done at BargaIn PmIce8. M.W.COLLlIS, ïagon ilding to take down MiA' i 'I I., The ARCHIVES 0F TORON' Drug and Stationory Store-- 4 2> TheRed Sboe Store URUBU" ukages 250 il 1- - pump.

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