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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Jun 1915, p. 6

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i~~ utinproD1)abIy 'Mil osp.nu- xxsxno, i L'JaAIRI uJESpmarff Y L .ter or not the cordial relations gramme. through otaining Grnt Brl- betwwen tbo twio Govèrrmnts are ho tain'. consent to Importationsu of food coxitnue. This dexpand ls.regsded by cargo. into Germaxiy for the, civil offiiai Washingtn && the cmx of -thé populatIon. Tbf. uifort on tlf. part of note wilch Peuidex Wilson despatcb- the, United States came ho naught, _e ho Germany. other points ln and finst.ad, of a cthxg iupon Germany's ~e cmmuicaton ere nndedtointimation that it'mib b.rengwed, b.e subordinat. and, incidentai to this. tii. President xiow laya upon the~ Kai- Two featurea of the note, while li ser an d bis advlsers the responaibility, jo wlse-ým odifying the demand for as-; of making any. proposais tW Great burances as ho the future, iiold thel Britan.0 .' boyr open to Germany'for a possible 1 Tii. kernel of the PFxesident's note ulteration of ber submarine pro-1 to Germany in found in thi conclud- gramme. On. of these i. the Presi-; ing sentence: dent's Invitation to Germanylte sub-1 "Tiie Government of the United Wît anyll"convlncfng evidence" li its!States deems ih reasonabie to expeet possession' that the , United States 'that the lmperial Gerxnan Goverxi- -officiais failed te perform their duties ment wlll adopt the measures neces- ln ý examiing thç Lusitania before mii. mary ho put these principies (tiiosé 01 sailed. Tiie otiier in the. Preaident's, international i1aw) -Ixiho practice li re- offer to convey to Great Britain or spect to the. safeguardmng 0f Apierican Germany any Intimation or sugges.-lahips, and sasks for assurances that tioi .ihlher Government may b. wil- 1this wili b. do ne."t ffEBMAN AUfENTS- Alm I. to Itender Idle Big factories ln the. United States Who Are I Supplying.Arias ho Allies.-- -A despatch £rom New York, aays: Agc-ntà of Gcrmaay, it-ha. befn leara-i eçi in reliaible quartera, bave haken! sheps with the aim of starting strikes In the 1;ig factories that are aupplyilg- arma- ,ammunition and 'other war sup- plies for the. allies. Thfey have. worked 'Out witii minute, detail a gigantie plan'by which they hope ho prevent the filling of many of the contracta ,through atrikes of tbe . employes. Whule -tbey .May not expeet ho stop entirely 'the. aiipment of thie orders tint are varioualy esti-' Wi nted ah between $300,000,000 and pex4>nps. $500,000,OOQ, they are hoping for a bi-cakdp*n"la tii. immense busi-; ness now bein*g don. in this country. It 1 was not -decided ho tamper- with labor until many other aciiemea, aim- eta cut off thie 'kr supplies business In thil country, had failed utherly. Various, efforts have been made by German sympathizers or agents of Gcrrnally,-ither known or conceaied, hstop4the cxport- of-vast quantitie of. supplice frométhe United States for Jhé- soldiers of thé- ailied 'ountries. Firgf thefe -was ateinpted national legislâtion; then a personal appeai by * Ceunt von Bernstorif, the Germsan ,Ainbassador, ho Secretary of State gryan; next a big sciieme of Germans t o buy up the. big plants; nent an ef- fort ho swamp tii... same facteries *wihh- orders for German supplies that neyer would b. siiippc4frm u -. coyntry. Ail thI... achemes -having failed, plan are now being set on foot ho shart labor agitation in the àiffereat N plants-thah have received the. greateat \-ainount of orders. 1h is said now tint 7ýsney la not lacking for tii. spread- l*gù,of the propaganda by which the - Gernt.ans hope ho cause general wide- apread labor discontent and bring about strikes.- The sehemne ha. been *evolved by a. master Mmâd, but, hIe heid workèrs la the consýpîracy are flot exppcted ho corne in oucii with tiie workingmen-. By working tiirougi., variois channels tiey are said ho bave' buceeeded already in influencing local lalior leaders- in thIe different cities apnd-towns unwittingly ho formulate demnandi on thc employer.. -Cod -Is OnOur Side, . Reaid German Orders A dcspatcii fromn Petrograd aya, The. Ruosians hiive obhained copies of the. followinag German staff order is- oued ho tii. troopu on thIe River Bzura In Central Poland: "God Himself is on our aide and $%gits for'us fan our conflici agrainati *'e whole world. W., by thi. Will of 04 Almigiity, bhave had put into our hdtds a ne-w and mighty weapon- UÏegases wherewith we bave de- tàk6d our, enemieo. The power and domination of Germany, over ail *Europâ are'our-=nly aluns in tusf war, and we Must allow nothing to stop us lI gaining a final and now assured vltory. E<tWO montha bave passed pur foea ,w'tll be beaten into the duat. ' To Éùxiàh iMurderera. A deqjistcii from El Paso, Texan,, saya;- Hî-C. 14yles, British Vice-Con- numl, thelegrapiied'GexiVilla-deadng puxishment of ViHalla «1iers eon-j ble for die recenit killng of furand! the wouxiding of on. British subjech n t Tuxpamn. Tii. xnessiiggÉ4 è- sent *on Istructions: of. Sir C cil--,g-I Bic, Britih Ambassador iu -Io. Sh. Tai k.d F'-ooeJt, IIUSSIÂNS «TAKE THE OFFENSIVE Ahhack the Inrader la B.th Galiela and the. Balhic Pro- vinces. A despatcii from London says: Russian reinforcements arrived in thie Baltic provinc~es and la Galicia, and it became their hum hto attack. Accord- iag hothi. German officiai report, part of the German force on tiie1Dubyasa River, in thé, Baltic provincear, tirea- tened by an encircling movement, jwere obliged ho withdraw, alhhougi in, thie region of Shail and on the Nie- men thcy dlaim ho be making pro- gresa, despite a ahcfbborn Russiaxi re- aiihance. More important, in the, bellef of military observera bere, la the appar- ent change that la taking place in the Galician bahtle. Here again, accord- ing ho -the German account, the Rua- sians, are advanciag ho the south and a.outii-east of Lemberg, and àlso are athacking Gen. Linaingea's force whici crossed,,the Daiester near Zur- awna. XIn'Eastera Galicia and -Bukowina, -however, the. Russians are falling back between the Pruth and Daiester rivera wvithtie intention, it is believed ber., of making thie Dnicster -their lin. of defena Ce rom tii. Éoumaapian frontier ho the. souti-eat of Peremyfi. Tiiey bave.very strong positions alongtiiis line; and militamy expertesaay tiat if tbey ana drive back the Gemmans who crossed thie river near Zurawýa, Lem.% berg will remain la tbeir banda, and they Mill b. la a position ho deliver a vigorous offensive, ah amy rate as soon as ýthe Austrians and Germans begin ho witidraw troops for theïr western and southeran campaigns. LOST 258,0Jfl-iÊ-N IN 10 MONTHS Premier Asquithi Givea List of Casu- alties in the British Army. A despatcb from London says: Pre- mier, Asquith annouaced la the. House of Gommons tint tiie total of British casuaihies from the. heginning of thie war ho May 3lst was 258,069 men in killed, wounded and missing., Divided lanto cahegorie s of killed, wounded and missing, officers and men, thIe lust shows the folowng- - Kiiled. Wounded.' Officers .... 3,327 6,498 Oher ranks. 47,015 147,492 Missing. 1,130 62,617 TËotal .. 50,342 153,980 53,747 The lasses u thie naval division are not included un tii. liat.- Mr. Aaquihl'u atement of losses was for the Continental and Mediter- anean forces of the Empire.. He pro- mi.ed ho give the lossea lathe naval division Inter. Neither did ii. liat la- C lude thie forces of Great, Britain en- gag.d la hhe various amali wnrs in A frics and thie Near Eat. Planned the Escape 'Of - ZeppelinPrisoncra A despatch from Copenhagen says: Ith ms been eshablished tint hwo Ger- mané arr.shed on Suaday ah Saeby, Denauark, who described thema.lvea as C. Gumpmecbt and T. Hauff, of New York, are not Amerieans, alhhough they had visited New York. Thea, men, wth H. Baa, of Copenhagen, weme arrestcd on the -charge of hav- ing been concerned in n plan-ho effeet the escape of the interned German officers of -the two Zeppelin. wrecked at February off thie Danialu coat. Two other- Germans have been ar- rested on thiesame charge. 1hleans- serted the men lad arranged ho çon- ~yey thIe interned German officers in ýîutimobile ho thie coat, wiere a qer waa waiting ho take them ho vure: Are y-ou s pillar of I 1 eoond Fdgure:- No, ig buttress-I suppot 1h w ofrance laàrge num- b fronfthtii i smiles. *j Turks Conlihtèd ,B<lid Netllà ng th -D c *f-& Btieh War'Ihp. p .articuljars are Iaekizig (doubtkms. for ceutorial ,ea.oni) a. te the exact cleziià t'ues'ar cSitZixi whicli thae 'Purkiih ?rsoiers we "a taiceinbu4iti hbôgbe cof o <etI'laei*hed- tmerainean. Peum ytberef4oreý, th.y wereca cdiu thb .0j» oprions 'n tii. eEst. The. jÉhtograph is interestùin, M luself a sobigVh n -'uiyof ii. j nISI alo n nagig imehind prim on, oeiard. Althouk 'gh bÏi m be .aeotopin 1 -LpesnaId cm y nb0nçcp uned below ýet4ng, yet!uI:îs OPeIn-air Prisonl in dect-dedly moe iunia,.th- w iib. somie darx oooenue blwdocks, and we ms.y be surethiat the pr1sonps.-e ré tL ~tb hseouaomaryhuumiy -end oourtesy wbwh ~ithe mem of thé~ Britigi navy invbzîy 4isplay toward.their foo. WIIA ISGOIG O OVRlx Joffre tlas ncw laIland tbe flost Formidable War TUE STATES. MachlûÙ I3ver Exlsted- Latest Rappenlagà ia Big Republie Coadeauid for Busy Beaders. Thirteen banks in St. Ikuis rehoui aggmegate deposits of $252,605,592. New York and New Hampifhire again fear a gassiiopper raid in the fields. New Yor.k polièe carnival will have its own aviator showing by Patrolman Murphy. On. 1hundred pupils ocf Ioida, Kan., higi ehool said tliey lhad ne- ver seen a saloon bar. Wanama-ker bas hought a build- ing ah Atlantic City as na sanitarum, for store- employes. After hhe rcview of VIe fleet ah New York, tiir.. U.S. subarines went on tie cdppled liat. 1 John Sperandeo, of Collinsville, Ill., thougi witluout hanids, bas qualifiedclas- a achool heacher. A Minneapolis m-an, ho show be- 11,f ia Union wages, left $5 la hie will ho easch of us pallbearers. Pittsburg magistmatee refused ho conviet for gaiubl-ing some Syians plo,yîng carda for beans. Former financier Addichs, once -political power in Delaware,_at 74, ha. -beeti jailed focr debt. Excitement ove-r the -wedding of lier son caused the Adbti of Ms.. El-as Lyman ah Burlington, Vt. Some toïxrist-s canceliled their pas- sages on- the Minnehaha. as she car- ried munitions ho Engîaad. A Ge-rmnan -glove firm la being sued by Uniied States for $252,367 f aud in cust-oms undervaluations. After 20 yeams in Sing Sing the jail taitor, John Bowman, las been reIeased; he was a murderer. -Jonathan Iluber, of Jassamaville, Ps., iacomplehed luis forty-second term as public sehool teacher. Ida Woods, of Pangbura, Ank., wile et a picnic was bitte-n by a raàtieanaýke, walk-ed 50 yards, and died. Chas. Frolman, play producer, lost on -Vie Lusitania, was once a newsboy -on Philadeiphia streets. A hobo told Chicago judges that the city could not b. prosperous as - cigar ends now hrown away area shorter tha-n usual. The convicts of W..st Virginia pen, uat Moundsville, 1,227 in nuin- 'ber, -are to have Saturday haîf holi- day. ia suunmer. Mrs. S. Vandeveer claims to pos- ss thie axe witih which Abmahauui incoîn once split rails. « 5h. lives at Montgomery, Mo. Almost every ufarmer in Mont- gome-my County, Alabama, -as st-op- ped work ho look for a hon-rd of train robbers' buried goîd. A dying message was sent from .Margat-e, En*., teis sister at Hubbe-Il, MicI., by Herbert Tho- mas with the Canadian contingent. A Penylvani man was f re-ed of a&-white 4lavery charge becauee lhe conveyed hiq victjiin mb th. State by auto nnd flot by rail.: MOST VULNERABLE CITY. iVeaice Ha. Poomeat Chance in War of Italy. With Italy in the war, a /spot dear ho the tourlat, thi. taveller and thie lover of the artishie and omanhic is lapemi. Venice of ail the Italian coat hown)n is theyr4'ost vuinemable. When sic was mistlTeaÀ of thie sea and ier merebantinen. diled thie waters of tii. known woxld, wile 1er colonies spread over thi. Levant and hem war- shipishumbled thIe Turks, hIe ^igoons and thie long sandbnra were effective protectioni -But ho-day eheae -waters are hoo sbaliow 'for the taîian fleet, and hem protechtors mua t come frémn thie neamest fnaval base ah Taranto, ho save hem fronï- the, modem iong-raiuge guns of thi. Antriaxi ablips ,tint could nttack from Pela, les han'lSO miles nemoss tii. Adiktle. Ail theworld tt trnvelied -fo pleasume or istructiop.- vent ho Ven- lme The. continental hour of -every Ameaxin or Brithhiir was Incomple. wlthiônt'wai gîit '0f'-"hi,. PM*! Of -st. Marký, end he-, oniemoon of evéi prýopprou&s Gemkazu couple .walack- Ing intmýue senUimexitalihy If l1h dl net includea oxéfla ride enthe Grand CaàaaL Tii. tit'l ituation, arta~ momanhie istory, ýoId li hie wlidng uniuqe among aU resorts. ýA desPitcii from Paris says: 0f the Tiiese seven monti h ave alowed1 allies fitgiting agaînat tiie Austro- tiie Frenech, and. ïlso tb. Britishi, toi German block, it in certainly ' the . perfect' their armament anid ho drill French wiio, in propoiLtion te their their xiew units. Tii. commander-mn- population, bave thus far made, the. chief of tiie Franco-Britishi armies bas greatest effort. Alter nine montbs of now ixi baxd tiie mont formidable wnr tbe French army la more redoubt- war macbine hbat han ever eisted. able tban at any hlm. beretofore. The. Certainly the French have suif ered troops bave passed a bard appren- losses, wiiich, if smalier tiian tiiose "Of ticesiiip in war; tb.ey are well equip- the. Germans, are yet iieavy. Since ped and their-morale is in general ex- tiie atart of the campaign about 1,- cèllent. Tools, artillery, war material 300,000 French bave been put bora de and, Proyluions bave been massed in combat. 0f tiiese tiiere bave been unb.livable quantities. about 860,000 killed and 230,000 pri- Tiie Germaxis' great fault bas been' soners or missing. their seven montiis! stagnation on the. 0f tii. total Frenchiloas of 1,300- banka of the. Aisne and the. Yser. A£- 000, about 180,000 bave been dr4pped ter the defeat of O~e Marne they out, eltiier for wounds causing perma- siiould have tempted fate again st ail nent Infirmity or for serlous ilineas. Costa. -Tiiey pref.rred to entrench From 800,000 te 400,000 men cured of tiiemselves lai their mole buIis and wounds 'or ilînesa bave returned4ho wait for some vague favor of destiny. their places'li tiie ranks. BRIf'AN ATiïkÂKS Handa Out LOI, Statement, Compli- cating the ýAlready Crihical si tua4ioa. Ti Terrible Mrect on the Baqmy of Tii. Frenich Arhillery Fire. A deapateii from Wasiington saya: A despateh fmom Paria aya: The Wbule the Presidenh's note ho Gem- French official "eye-yïitness" in an many was being bhanded ho thi. xews- article on tii. fihtingnin the viciaity ~paper correspondeata at hei.State De- 6ah of Tayle-Mont givea the.de- j jartmeht, Wmi. J. Bryanw as passing tails of the. capture by the Fench out athlis home n shahemeat attack- forces several days ago of the Quen- ing the communication sent by Mr. nevieres farm. iWilson on behaîf f is Govemament. "Througbout the day hIere was a Inathe statement Mm. Bryn de- heavy bombardment of thie entire scribes the President of the -United Gemman position, wbich wns cvoatin- States ns an expanenit of tiie old sys- ued duing the night by aerial torpe- hem in dealing witb disputes bchweea does and muaketry. Our fire was vemy IGovemaments, thIe system tint bas effective, the hwo- battalions wbich 6wam as its cornerstoxie. Not only la held thie position suffeing beavy las.- 1tuas assertion, ' but in others, Mr. es, many of the. mca heing buricd Bryan sowed tinth. fears the pas- alive beaeath their bomb-proof cel- sibility of war bctweea Germany and lars. Ltiie United St.àtes as thie result of Mr. j W. nttacked wihh four battalions, Wilsona note. composed of Zouaves, Tirailleurs, Mo- Samuel Gompers, president of -hiemoccans -and Bretons, wha, witiout American Fedematiôl of Labor, issued iiavemaacks, camried hhree days' ra- a statemeat whici was intempreted by tions, 250 rounds of ammunition, haad Washington ho mean tat thie Fedema- grenades and a sack filled witi earti tion of Labor, while coing everytling ho serve as a temporary shelter in the >possible ta maintain pence, will stand captured trench. flrmly beiiind thie President la bis in- "Whn thie command ho charge was sisteace that American lives shaîl not given, the wbole line, as one man, be unnecessarily and uawarrantably rusied acrosa. Sligit opposition was jeopnrdized on the 11gb sens. encountemed. Only one uqick-flrer was used by the Germais-, whici occasion- Fimet Steamers Built on the Cl yde. cd amali lases. The attackl was b.- This year marks the ccntenary of gun ah 10.15 o'clock, and haîf an hour the establish)ment of ateamiboat inter thie irat prisaners were brougit communication between Glasgow to the officers' îendquarhers. and Rothesay. The Duimbami-on 'Tie 'dean sweep' omdered had been Castie, built in 1815 by Archiibald rapid and complet.., Two-hundred and MeLacilan & Co., Dumbarton, was fifhy prisoners wem thie sole surviv- the irs stame to akeup th'ors of thi. hwo battalions. Tic rein- hie ira stame hotak Upt1i forcements wrhicbhie Germans enden- -service, and the magistrales- of vomed ho bring up wcre mown clown by Rotiesny marked the occasion by our 75s. Two thousand of our ad- reeting the master o! the shîp, _versaries lwere plnced out of action. îlptalin James Jahnst-on, with a "The Zou es conhinued on pnst the puinch bowl. The Duimbar tonl Cas- second lia. M1 trencles townrd Tout- hie Was a vesusel of i08 tons and of vent -ravine. Ail at once thie patrols, 30 n. h. P. ; the engin. was built by which were abead of the main body of D. MeArthur & Co., of Glasgow, troopa, were seen to sway and fail, When aboard thià steamer ia 1816, although no shot hmd been fired. The. James Watt, during a conversation Germans had - plac.d a low barbed- with thie enginee ~ discovered and wire entanglement in thue higi grain Personalîy Jemolat ra ted the pmac- fleld ho stop them. Our mcan soon ticability ot reversung the engine. severed the barbed wire nnd succeeded _ + in captuing tIr.. German 77-cannon, A Meinory Aid l'bt it snt. wiicl mad beeùi effechively iidden be- Within a little book 1 write neathe bomb-pmoofs a few yards far- The dates thiat I Must keep, hier on. The way mrny m-emnoy takels fiight "The wboîe position was captured Wouîd n4ake an ange' weep. and quickly fortîfied ho witlstand "Now l'l b.thIer," J flrmly 55, "On me it's safs 1te bet, For I have written dowa Vthe day, I'm sure I won'tý forget." And smootî, indeed, wouîd be mIy ways Witluout a tumn or orokg, Did I not quit. ferget ssci d&Y Tose ,wlut'lâi the book. War ClwsesNîgbtClubs. Tii. -"rh.paye aoOwhI tii. igiit clubs ii.L6adon. Mi firat s.rmy p nzd~ijm-t ia extên tha tuhy -wnt ul~a-wihu m-,,,of hile old swing anxd vim. Bu .l n oloin atiitaheso'à inVerdiot Wiitii referénS oe ho Soor- ini uinifox-m provtuet Ve fi" bleyw put up the shuttêxu, trenchea witi the main position were pmepared. Our aviators reported tuat freai reinfoircements lad been rushed, up from Royal la auto-busses. Dur- ing thie igii t he frcaii troopa atack- ed, but were repuised enci hlm. "JAh dawa tii.exiemy agaixi attaeked desperAtely our . two wings, but by ain or iinnd - grenades is tire wau effccively stopped. "IWe couxited on-tiie grouxid wiiere théebcunho-attaclçe took Paeýn J)roximately two thousaxid el eJ total estimahe of the exiemy's lois., lu tbre-thesanddead, .not -eouning tii. --my nen 4 ifle' aI4,00 wounded.l Wàph rf20_uul-ffireri axid ,ais* a runt qanoh f trèeh tanterlis.,' Wiei wlnd trayais a hundred mufle affxoir r ft? 1 fienIai a1rrI-. * ho Kwnac-lord ns, car lots, 77 to ge acoring tý, frelgiits out- ide. Ryeg-t -o.- 2, nominal, $1.10, - co oi *freigbts outsîde.. .,M3aWîtoba Iour-First patente, ln' t tebags, $720; second patents, li ut. é ags, Fe$6. 70; songbaker.', lni ute baga0, 46 -50, Toronto; li cotton ag, lOcmore. O4týntarloI llôur-Witnter, .90 Per cent. fatexitOa, $5 .20, seaboard, or Toronto Hfeed-Car otodelivered, Mont- real fieigbta-Bran, per 'ton, $25- siiorts $28; middlings, $29; go Counitry Produce. Butter-Cice dairy, 21 te 23c; inferior, 20c* creamery prints, 29 ho 30é- do., olids,'27 to 28c. plied, wftiiprie.. flrmand sle sah 22e per'dozen, ln case iota. "Beaxis1tTii-e market ii quiet ah $3.10 te $3.15 for prime, and $3.20 ho $3.25 for band-picked.4 Poulry--Cikens, yearlings, dreas- ed 18 ho 20c; Spring chiekens, 45 ho j50- f owl, 1l3 o15e. éh;eý-eemarket is casier, be- ing quohcd ah 193/4ho 20e for large, anZd at 20 ho 21/4 for twins. Pohahoes-Onharlo, 55 ho 60e per bag, out of store, and 45 ho 50e in car lots. j Business lni Montreal. Montreal, June 15.-Corn-Ameri- can, No. 2 yellow, 78 te 70c. Ot-: Canadian Western, No. 3 58Yc; ex- tra No. 1 feed, 581/c; R'O. 2 -local iwhbite, 61c- No. 3 local white, 60c, No. 4 locai whÏitc, 159c. Barlcy-Man. îeed, 721/c. Flour-Man. spring wieah patents, firàts, -$7.30; seconda, $6 .80; atrong bakersI, $6 .60; win-' ter patents, choice, $7.50; straight rolera $7 ho $7.10- straigiit rollera,I $3 .30 ho $3.40. Rolfed oats--Barrels, 7; do., baga, 90 Ibs., $3.25. Bran- 26 Sorts-$28. Middlings-$33 ho $34. Moulfie-$35 ho $38. Hayj -No. 2, per ton, car lots, $19 ho $20.50. Winnipeg Wheat. Winnipeg, June' 15.-Cash qubti-1) tions--Wiieah No. 1 Nortiierxij $1.25; No.. 2 ortiirn, $1.22%; No.I 8 Northern,, $1.187/; No. 4, $1. 15%. ýOats--No!. 2 C.W., 52%c; No. 8 C W 5'c;- extraNo, 1'fe.d,5îcN. feed, 60e-, No. 2 feed, 49c. Flax - No.'1 N.W.C., $1 .62%; No. 2 C.W.,g - U. S. Markets. Minneapolis, June 15.-Nb. I Northera, $1.24% tho $1.32; No. 2 -Nortbemn, $1.21- ho $1.29%,; July, I$1 .24. Coma-No. 3 yellow, 66 tu -66%~c.. Ots-No. 3 ýwiite, 43Y4 t J44c. Fleur and bran uncbnnged. hamd, $1.29%; No. 1 Nortiema, $1.2b% teh $1.28%; No. 2 Nortiiern $1.20% ho $1.25%; July, $1.231/2. r Live Stock. * Toronuto, June' 15.-Butchers' cnt- hIe, choie, $8.10 ho $8.35; do., godd, $7.50 ho $7.80;'do., medium, $1,15 ho $7.40- do.,common, $6.60 ho $7.10; bu tebers' bulla, 'eîoice, $6 .75 te $7. 35; do*, goo&r bull,, $6.25 te $6. 50;., rough bull., $5. 25 ho $6; buthlrs' cows, choie, $6 .75 ho $7.35; do., good, $6.25 ho $6.50; do., medium, $5.25 ho $6; do., com- mon, $5 ho $5.75; feeders, good, $6.50 ho $7.25; shockeds, 700 ho 1,000 lb.., $6.25 ho $7.25; canners and cut- tera, $4 ta $5.50; milkers, choice, each, $60 ho $100; do., conimon and medium, e' h 0$35 ho $45; aprîngers, I$50 ho $95;lit ewes, $6.50 ho $7; do., heavy, $4.50 ho $5; do., bueks, $38.50 ho $4.50; yearling Iambe, $7 ho $8. 50; spming lmml., cwh., $10. 50 ho $12.50; calves, $4.50 ho $10; hoga, fed and watered, $9.60; do., off cars, $9.85 te $9.00. Canadian, Nurses Off For Firing Lin. A despatch, from London says.: Mme. Casault, daugiter of Judge Cas- -aulh, and 35 other Fmeach-Canadian nurses, have proceeded ho France for service la tii. British bas, hospital, where their proficiency- inath. dual languages will make them exception- ally useful. Wam Materials Bumned. A despatch fromn Loadon says: Buildings covering thmee acres, 100 Red Cross motor ambulances and 200; army motor -vans, ail rcady for- deîiv- ery ho the Govemament, wemc deshroy- 1ed by lire Fridny wcn he mohor worka of Brin, Hughes and Stmacian, ah Park Royal, weat up in flames. Tie damage is estimated ah $500,000. Troopa mad ho b. called la ho assiat Grampian Arrives 'With Canadian Troopg Adeapateh'from Ottawa saeyn: Milihia Deparhmnent wns ad.» Tiiursday of the saf e arrivaI Gampianata an Engliaii pr cnrried 1,038 officers snd tii. 48th battalion of W' fmom Winnipe'g and Tr forcements o thie 79V 83 doctora. Needie, 1"Whah t -o tahie nebuls the mani who to0rmàtioxi -".doa't k-- labr l1," - "ButÉ £e troxibleoetfi- seema a ah. psi Catcius thed France .Bestown Decoration. on tim .Airman Who Smashed the Zeppelin. A desPatci from Paris says:1 A. J. Warncford, thie Young Canadian avia. tor in thie service of the British navyt who destroyed à Gerinan Zeppelit from his monoplane while the airsiu waa flying over Belgiumn, bas beez given tiie- Cross of the Legion of Rio. nor for his exploit, on the. recommen, dation of General Joffre, commanden - in-ciiief of the French forces. Warneford_ was given tiie Victorli Cross by King George for his achieve ment. Relatives of Lieut. Warneford, V.0, who single-handed destfoyed a Zeppo lin in Belgium, have been discovereÉ. in New Brunswick. Rev. Mr. Warn. ford, of Johnshon, N.B., is a cousin1. and. -Dr. P. H.Warneford, of Haxnp- to5X4-is'an- uncle. The latterssyu tii LieùtýWxrriefôrd la the.soli of a mifitary, maxi and was bora li. Eng- ~~~ ordo.. notkowbe ther'-Wi peford had .been in Canada, touglx despatches reltin o. ti Young aviator referred to hlm as,& Canadian. SCOUNS WAR9S ÀLA R NS. In Anxusinig Story of Sir John < 0 Te veska DgFrench of. tek 0 o ,Tieîlv na Dagetof stc- 1iodm, eîls fan auconesondentlc t, il tee f rom a cwrresponFidn 1,ýaFh! iron hong VIat Filcom mandrsihl Sr hnB rith , rcl i mrander cf teritisii forctl i âererewih.his persinal ocan- -for-te. ..1 The story was told hothi. ccrre- spoadent by a young lieutenant who- was -on duty witih is regi- *me-ahtcoenight on the outelcirts, of Compiegme, rwherje tic Field Mar- shal and hi. staff -lad tiheir liend- quartera. At six o'cloc.k one morning a heavy bombardrnent of the hown was begun by the Cor; mans. The lieute-nant wa-s lhuýi-ied- 13' sent ta inform the Fi-eld Maruhal t-hathei Gernmnu were in fr-ont of the town. Ah 1h. Joor of tic enastile tie-ie-îî- tenant was stoýped by an ordcrly. !h yug.iffie-mtolthe ordcirly of ilm bion, addimghtint hle - uiation looked critical- and i. must sce iSi-m John Fr-ench atý'once. "The Field'Marshaila isi bed and mug not -b6 distiurbed," aaid the orderly calunly. In tii. street atom)nobilh-s were sîtan-ding wit-h aIent chauffera rezd-y te hale Sir John h aplcecfasc ty. Afte r a wait cf an boaur fine lieutenant war, again çrd'ered- by hie supel'ior effiem'te e.Sir J'5'nn F-reaoh and advisè h1m et lia dan- "The. Fie!d Mar*~lal is aow iii iW4 bath," sa-id th.~er-ô-wrly. Mean- while tic staff officers of the. French a-ad Englicih forces -id Lake.n their places in tie automro- biles -ready ho start, but Sir Joh-n w-as net worried. At, dg-ht o'clock,, when it wa-s nomenta.rily exp2cte-d» tiat the Germans woîîld marcfi inho the Vtown, the lieutefnant was -m-e- questhed a tird time to try h o - make thee- stato r m o 'tii Brfi.iâ,h comamander, "1h is ab!ut2ly necessarv that 1 gec the F ield Ms-ai, aidt'î lieutenant.- "'And it is absoluitely IAîPocsÇibl.8 fe -1 ou e tShîm-. " jrelied th2> or-- timfly. "The Field Maial. ':,jujs brenaint." ,- 1 - -diklSir iebn - 4.- lie nervous weakness disa witi the. headaches, tii ligof ,intense wea pression of spirits that hlm of nervouaý ailMenf proof.- Mr. Henry £ &.S., says: "1h gives me sure to hestf s te thi Wiliams' PinkTFills, tbafr uge Iwas a phys nerves were ail unstr frem frequent ii.adacii a ciies, and was alnrost1 for woik. I had trl.d Lies withouf succes4,, becided hto. give Dr.1 PIla-a trial. I took ILiiy ade me a well Wbtthese Puis dd *tbey will do for ever anid nervous man, if giv ,Soid by ' l medicine d, by maistS0 centsab for $2.6b by writing. diams' Medicine Co., Br( SONE NEW F. Crysitalà _(d sodium pure'and perfectly fo>r OMa. b. u.ed 'lm optca Ii,~av been madle by a let. A'new .glbuilar lhfe be strepped uipon the two. persons can b. p opened for use, by-i beas have had goodý suý -periMýents Lu ýe ndjimg ing Mesage. w)Ith a. Aluminum' caps th-rough whieh ihot ý6 can be circulated- 'haveè cdý by a Vien-na surge.£ A ad~le asbeen-p New,-Jeraey inv-entor oluô~.1therlisp;s 1 buekies w-hidi frequen rjes lothing. Conacret. arches -ri bed,ýrook have heex i support temitseIL Both the. transmitt oeiver of a new Fren oen -be 'hidden- in a Y& & table or.na&me-nt or i aonsipiecus objeet. The Uinited StatEs i t..blish a wirel«ese atu.1 - Cd eopecially equipjq veseels along tie Atlà Lime of fog. Members- of the Germ are fined twenty marks îhiey fail t' put in an the "bouse." P- urei- - IncIludej - children's di *thiig that a - féod and th * - them ail-the

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