Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Jun 1915, p. 7

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fux imerv mtion e: faet lhi the -bise Iixemwevest liej d atate liaving bla reatment, Ictlm of exbausti mnpteme are is du n«ed Dr. Williami lieu' are a povol rhir etrenglienin, oves àe due ho Il nicix and buil4 uzg -wlie, Ier"-e are fed. tTnder lie tonic influence0 Dr. Wllllms' PlinkPilla ail trace'0 nervous weaicness disappear logelt WUth heg"dchez, lie hiso ia, th feeiiitofitense sveaknesia ad de preeui n of spirite liaI mali lie vie - in er ous ailmentse 'ëé,lt prdM.Henni' Marin,lprei N.ý8fsk. 0it I~gives me grealeslIe suet etif lk o the value et Di WMilami'. Fink I1IL -When I bega >tleir Iuse f wae a-Piu'scal vwreck; -'mi nenves-,vere; alilunstrung, I.suffero, from ufrequeul ieadaciee and bacëk aches, and was aimait wiolly, unitte for werk. I iad lned sevenai neme dies withht succes, vien I finaul1 feclded f give Dr. 'Williains' Pil ilsa tria Ibe six, boxes auc - hei' mode me a well monà." Wialtiese Pilla did for Mn. Moni -tieu' wIlde fer 'evenry. other wa and nérveus mon, .ifgiven o foin trial Bold - bu'1ail- medielue deaiers on soni bi' mail at 60 cens a box or six boxei * for'$2J0- by wnltinig. The. Dr. WiI. lanii' Medicine Co., Bnockville, Ont. 8011E NEW FACTS. c-rystals ci. sodum nitrate aic pure and perftlu' onmed filal Vihey ma ble, uaed linotical istrumente have .beon made,' l'y a Paris isciet- A- new'glebuior lite preeerver to l'e strappeci uponthe siiouldexsof Iwo persons caa l'e paoked fliaanci opeued for use.l'y ievoiviiîg a cran-i. - )fs-ssadhuetîa ïstudexIs ot vire- les. have h-ad good sûccess vili ex, p)ernnte- lmaivending sud rec-eiv- ing meesagie witi aerials laid on lie «round. Altuminuni caps isud ais tirouigi ihihoiaor. cuOld waten eau l'e circulatecihave been inveuilt- e d l'y a Viennea ungeon for.usye as su rgical compresses. A sacidle fias been patexiled bly a New Jer.-ey invenlor wicdi- oludee -leaVierfiape tle cuver t4i buciles which trequentli' weai out: ridée' lotiixg.- Cauxcrete arcies x'.stinq -upen A bed'uuokhave been l'ultýi, ',* gïla.ve: stoixiets'land loué e t.< s-upport Viem hseit. Both tue hrasieitten andi ne- oeiver cf-a uew French teluaphon'. mn l'e 'id-dlen 1in a.va«eoft foyers, & table ornamenl or au>' aller in- onapcuoui object. Thé United States navi' wi]J es- bà.bi»h a wirees station on Cape Cod eepeciaIy equippeci to guide reeftlsalong the. Atlâmtý cuostinl bime et fog. Membene eithle German Reichstag are fined twenti' marks for evýeri' do> lie>' fail to put in au appeorance iu te "bouse" "oep Mnard'. Linimesn the b ouse.I the newa as one.ofo!' hie u Fremai and IWiàm - lbe oa C d rmytd"to hôiairnew iha ê« wanr,. il. wuoadded, "no sumçui top n etach.7hly have trwue Sdieredi * Gemaniteroism' ý many . suoh- li -Ia i aready nove-r with a siander cf s'Ogr and libelloua aa nature ai "n es hivented form ofetacousallon.ý of Itwil&tius be amntliathe Di pont obbsined ne credence, nol eaué. ci any hi gl conception 'G erman farnese l'utl'ec.suse le resont tha iéhunwenlbhydevhcesi e.peared, t Aargue initaru weakri o_ n Genian's part. When Vie 10 cf,.ts li s «s was ounfirmed h ~'Geamany hitseif tihere woe noth Selse fer lie 'newpapers l'ut r* këeq silence on lie subject.1 Ln éalaiders" were, atter a1 e lànders, bltibi popular dis -peiunxient aid disillusion are Sdeep anci tiorougli lat il wil lu some lime ho recover froin thi effects. kn trie pariiaxnenlary lobby si p vs as exproaseci tuaI Germal whioh laims a Miiitory îup efficieuci', shoulci xeeont la weg r ns wîtih wfiiclî neitlher Auslnie k no RSsanshave seiliecith, pewens aund resources, in a 'w -againit A tee ili ieh hpersistei yhi'fas preclihxed ho be weake-r a infenier, ahoulci have ho resorit unscrupuleus berthes. Il iargu thah. Austia-Huxigary, in fighli Russia, la coxtending against powe-rtul aid detelimined eue. but, wiile excems, Smy haVe tle -admittec on, eiher side, -lier. ha been no flagrant viciations cfhint nationial conventions -on the u wriîteu laws cf hunianily. Wlxexi tbe hishori' of tuis wý kcoxr,?s te be witlten l'y an unbiù seci peu. thougb otrocilies al breakiug of cÃ"nventioxis wihi ha te l'eeieconded, il wilb. necogni ed liaI hie war of Ausî-ria-Hui gary anci Rusis wass i Vie ma 7waged on humane andci slt-respe< ing lines.- 0f lie mini' civaIrous incideni supplieci ly lie Austro-Ruweia campaign il iouI' necessari' 1 tek. lie case eofth'xee Serbian se diers vihe fouxic a weuuded Au [t-ian office. iying in a wooci ori Ai tilt.A ie Austrianlihne wvu e xx-earer, in orden ta rasve hie Iil Stîbey l'ncugfil hlm in tVere, &a1 tien aîked for permission lu nri tur -t t Vis-owu lEn.,lun r ýert4rç-oorîy and hi iaTtlyti'he> wexoe eâ;&ted hadt way bock. Compared vithinl stanees lie tibo-se. German "kil tur"l and "laumaniti"' hake- a ver, secondai-y place. Ris Promotion. Litle Rabert vas ver>' brigit, ani ai lie end af iis finît terux a scitool was jiromoted to, lhe scau grade. He wae ýnuch attacied tla ii fire1 grade teacher,-and was loti tý beave ber. "Miss Eva," ixe eaid wili tours ii is ei'es. I de wisi u'ou knèm enougi to teeacit second grade, no0 wouidu'l have ho louve u'ou."1 for the. ChiIdren Inclus!. pienty of City' Dairy Ice Creau mli th children's-dlet. . ln the summer time there Is no- thing that eau take ils place-it's cooling-it's a food and the chlld them ail the Ice Cr crpves ils sweetneas. - Give 'iey -con eat but b. sure !caouse "I flt's City vsi'yWhaee LooI< -. for Bleu'. N. Mi a tn n e 01 .i-. î,<. in.î,,., .î.isil -- prîe -a esadpnet>, n 0wtc i> - --' -'---~tii. Kaïsr liac bcn ldee pec py prompt attention. 'Th. servant The workmeu'i compensation law[ lie lime and buying medicine soa t fi hwvehe festiatlieý girl bias a fiat fan mode of rougi os' uil mn1 aoe o SEARS-CROSS Ioudiuge, >eflucfe lias xîeîixixig more ho lofe libl pare 10 blow lie chai-coul fines wilb, lie accident of bintit. Sedmtr Sai "S o oePs.u 0il econnxeetioxi. Swizerianj',s neutral- or uses il as a dusîpan; lie former Sed tr ee quit. I mode it stricly according ta ii', incieed, ilîcugi strict, îs ne bai a atout fan 10 wixiowis grain. Askc for luaidgc.nitsk. 11no *lxeu 179 QUeo e etWe7 directions, aud I wanl 10 tell >'ou tiat ;lexig.n ut a fxiexidly but ut a dcii. Anotier vonieti' is mode of water- T 7 change was tie greatest step lu mi' tincthi' unfriencili Charactex-. proof paper whici con be dipped iu The Paradox cf'Poventy. TORONTO0, - ONT.ý life. Il was easy, ta quit coffee l'e- Coniscquenit hi Emperor William water, and ereales greal coalnesi b>' 'It's s0 bard la be ponr cause I now like Poîtum betten titan fias madeo up bis minci he will &V&i1 evaporation. "And go easy." coffee. hiiuseif cf Vie epportuniti' te des- 3 "One l'y anc of lie aid troubles lefI cenci upon SwiVzeSlaud in th Bff Bullet of itou. were used lu the tunti uow I amx lu spleidid iteaitit, wyla ischceiuo sixteent cetury. nenves steudi', heurt al igit, and tteglm, Ittube aijecl ýu inan pain all gone. Neyer have an>' more tii.u iern provinjcesotfrinance nenvous chilis, do't takie an>' mcdi- anci liose portions cf uortiiern dune, con do ail mi' liuse wenk, and tly whichi are &te leatstrotnangy have, doue a great deal beside." defexided agaluet fouxeuig atta&i. Name given bu' Canadian Postum Tii. planofb em jna Ce., Windsor, Ont. Read "The Rod cf Swizoozkas.d, eb taed l'y tie le Weilviie," in pkgi.- Gexman Geienaul SU." la eald le Peslum coe nes a we ferme: pro"idofor,.the hxtltion or la PoSlum Cerea-tie original form- zeinofleurrrithé .1Iad éciWàsu omuaI beý well boiled, 15e snd 25e ltam Tell, siileoe to th4Iugi' pwckages.- ated bu' lie TsixIon autfoiis Instant Potum-a soluble powder Blu u autuihn. =wi a167te -4issolves qulky hIa cup of hot o«4,i & S l" et~a ia waler and, wti eream, and %augar, "gwitSrlma befgimS iaocu ma«a d.ldos bere.vmpWtm,,dy. cu h c4 lýra w 1t 80e snd 60o n, tim IQeùlm ll asGM*U'rv â.muroq B clii Iinds are quilly doudous andr~ a o o p *p < i »d cst aout he ame er cp.- OSI - - ~. mua ~ ~ P tihie' A. J -avis. the ccrre- ]leituenar)t u~pi-aof FiTeldi Maur- 1lcyek oe rldmuent of -hie o<xr-- a:s lîix-id ,d Mar'uhî,aJ if, front ut e thie i'xî-; Jd lie nît.At ice - Lui be-cl andc te s read>' -devecihi' f bis dan- 1lo i of te- t'hie ic a sa Ot,',@n ~ ~'exiy me4lcine i eau<t thiat al- of peaoeor warOig n1leb& ,tor some t1di 1 PîBi 1018 iiinoi,6i geYo~û~ ~t on the. wayq 4do my littie ounes good4- and- I ance wi±iregard 7, in . 11the world; they àlwa h ave~ 'zdalways keep tliem i.thehueiTei.benteseeý fnrkbérým bud qi o.cohto IiIJ~ Tabiets are sold b bouscie dealrshipa.tie eseie WIQICU vT <> , > j YS e or y ailat25bYmdiiii dalri di!o ateomPaign. 1The K.aier' thir <»yn tîhaitnobody else can xr ïbMala25cenits abox from The aîct îp1om4tfý ce BMIII, our f 'âtbI WliamsauAmn nhl nevieoe.hae 31B vr ill Ont. Medicine C«., Brocki- fre hene1 ZFotte vviaýiiu G.a..CA1Gt Yn 4 Emplr, b>ugt eeryavaLabe ii-os, Fulness ÀAfter Mul.- 0OWl iit1ofi. n h-the ÃŽ0ber- Alig iéorwrong, whioh in, but' a.yi, i> 1 by BACK VE F011TA4NBARM. EmnÏiànue--l wd hi oemment ite "Wben 1 waa woklng around the the odtafe4 wan Qd~ but nue h- tO adh t'hiýo-f indzo.thm t adeo Vother al-fn last wlnter, 1 had an attack of '.hn h a yestexday.-SBwiit. a&ve Wra SIîortaxe Results lu Dlscovery icy cf neuttÈàity; while.on <theflamination," w le r. B. P a- Temottimfin bt _____________ cf Ceap ûbattute otier hn-,FraÉ and Ruàsio, klna, Of Port ichmond. 1 was-w a t f h martyr; the incet awful re- One of the finIt reoulti of the, were endO4voriig ta pProuade. IWay wru f ie ut w.» enoch, b that o! 1h. ma"rtvred*patrict; the PARU FOR J' lie- quest of chemista Ifan .ubstitutes te cout in bfrèrlot with tihe Alaies wGr ntil Sng g. Butomethlng moisb splendid hat f the,h.iro P. LmO9<KNGFOR A FAEk. CÃ"NSUL'! of or yesmae à, G;rmn issul a Nyto.Usesate r py wetis foImea. My hurcfvièWtoY.-Dr. -Soutihe. l t, located I Ite tstoetione of On- cffo deamde(L GiiLIiyxiau- Beth the Triple E ntente and Ger- stomah an enliVi n« u e at o hsi ilEUlie M vryW.hI-onîtu< mdtni.A! r' on, Bramptoni., the phur black derived train so-cal led mnC eutut mucmetsofrand always afterouglit torejilc nstte 0 miint1-gnm ap- exhausted tan bark. One of thiemavhid utguem tsf a eatîng there wvas a pain and fuinesa, k a . P*PEA5FOR5A-,se1.Ihin. ls -best known 'rese>arch men 9<de territorial dmhrater-. Those of tie and alsymptOns 'Of. Intestinal Indi- fowing anyiiing clearly, es in ~ useniedsoe vrysaisaetryblckAllies were of a flOiieextensaive gestion. Nothing hyped Me until feling liat tie-e, iinfi-niiely more KINpNBWOSAND JOBE 01- use rde u i erysinxpenîlve b character, Ibut ilnvolved exendi- uied Dr. 1Hamitten'Plus. Ilstead <of whieh il cannot know.-RuskPnilac formin agoOtuotwm rom~ dmentionedthe bath cf w ehu is Lion .j W. Th1 àn Pblhin em n of ail tune of muci Italien blood ad hurtltg, 1k. other pille, they acted , Life is madie up, net of great sac- b».do.e. ul IniaormaÀIeacn ,.plifl- to connected *wiffi îanic aid. treaitire. These cffe'red l'y Ge- verY MIldly, and seemed te heal th. nificea or dutiés, but of ittle thingà 111Àd 1~ Th.e At a iaboratory it waa aa t t amny and Austmis. wer. is e eten. boiVeis, 1 did flot requine large dosees in1 which smules a&Md kind-neus, and te gt reulîswithDr.Hamitulto mall obligations given h abitually, CAUIEDDVR5JC not the iniventer for içhom there~~btcudb band~~ Plus, and feei oc giad that I have are 'what win the. hejtrt and secure ATDLD RGNLMN0 a.p- seaihes bave been cooxducted. by out. any fighthng. Prince Buel<ow's found a miid yet crtain remedy. comfot.-Sir u ryDv. I' O sadigRn een ighbKNýOr so the c'heuxhît forifie -lait few Menthe offe3o would, tiherefore, have been To-day 1 amn rel-no panDavy.our ood tain n oec roine, Le ake, dots not oce a.tVide lime tb make [mor0 ert faopaneiad ilit stach, a good appetite; able to di.- btain iâ~t of rib people îwhoare In- eir the. formai announceme.nt over ihis not been fer hie facIt that popuqw rgest anything. This la a whlole lot of WT N WSDM. vrste n -urehases et stai. n name pending certain îrade ar- sentiment tirougiiott the length 900d fer one, Medicine to de, and 1 cADbnndM wr ie eeloed fruof eutae m«65 un aneet.adfurtier e .e -and breadth cof l}be lenimaula and can Bai' Dr. Hamilton'. Pilla are the logu e fetlhed onlitrat e at&- ýny, mente. RH. bed-ieves that lhe wil1 le Vi heisa5d of Siciiy 'w,»s aven- best Pille, and My lIsUer, .1 amn sure, Nrate how bad a Maxi may mental glore. To the right persona )er- abemnbipeelepoeswhelmingly xin favor of Itaàl' maic- proves It. be, tien. 18 one woman whe oinfaut off'" attractive nemuneiÈetion. Write lu- gretlyai pnaen afai biciing cammon cause with tii. Alie., Refuse a subie orDr aml.801e geed in1 hlm. lence. with oerèno«. Obaracter la 08 ýa-getyton'i Pilla Of M nrk dmr motneim meiue d ina~hdxwil le f grel alu h tx-ags.inst Germniixy, and paiA3lianil nyeînow boeî'and 9 ~~tA celebrated man -i moree5 dimsp.O oance. Mon erne. Ad a-nai0hih wil b of reatvalu totex-Austia, homý th sol In ellw boes' o-ill dealers, well known to huxidred i e esons deuP . o 4.Xnrà iertl :1anutatuzers and at modenate Vi on Enman e fl .on The______________Kingston, or- The. fCatarrhozonmmanelo., eKntngitnhe iglad he doein't kxiow. t ISLLAEU htn Aitiough coniderable quanîlties ways been taugflt V, o lok upon am In repiy te a suburban Sutnday CANCEIL'-TUMO'.qý LUMPS, . t van of dye atufla have been comhxig oultheraheey PERSON L. *"el oce aî '~ sae uL pain by our heome treatment. lVit ut- of Gernuany lie indications are thaI Theii.imiportance of It.aly', <leci- that an "epistie i the whfe et'n 1 before tco late Dr., Belnan Mwdii ndo tinasîleaeotaeli un . tealier pouixeyrwihh egiazd tae I.xieuably it is an unintentiexial apeelle 1" Co. . Limites. ol ln*eod O&CPt te mer andî tue chamces for tiiecoin- lie war lay in, lhe tacti Ihat if aie cmoo e rbu i otnlian Thn 5ne suci thing ai ed indenaedbei.Ti uihr<etermhne<b upoxi joining in the. f nay t nma roeet tinisuk""ir int h h e Dng black eubstitute i eîs si y a4pt- da wier o eri o n s wo. umld l' Minisry 101licwe M . Ba our i e ever see any4body upset an ink- a ed for coîbon.d dr a ato iacnfilt. ma ni ta chaait f hnecku an.- e stand when lb won empty 1 Wy Anohil, a vegetable <bye whhch if Italy î1ned p.anithAlisate wd wea e ie 11eow, lurned-down Mn. Jinks: "We womren have or- 4 -l l'e gives tu woola varying ahades of folwsuit, anid ti.Alline h WU.Icollar, and the saine habituai black gauîzed a society te reduce rente." ' J "" vo red and bnewn, acoading to the wsit adsi udreitanding t14.. r JLs;" axveygidtahar er- etrengti of lhe decaction made te t felbtweeD Rame u<aO Since the establisihment of Viehn iti1 You eau begin on little Willîe's. ii.cW, n- from il, has, been found ha lange Buha was kxiown la have been truce lhe SURfragette. have aIse trousens 1"' quantifhes in Lowen ()aihfornia. ieitnefr ax ieia. made a truc. with lie fashioxie, an lu plan frox wiih Vi dye . o' T ien.eone nation, hcwever, judging &mtubemore styiiah cut ht lWs a- hahned i woth about $25 a ton. tli i snxiOuO 't'a.ll coite bO ad- of lie 0eloîhe. ef tihe principal kead- fln»twht t on , l~e suppiy is maïd k> l'e enc-mou.a eet l eunf!l i renian enrs. Mn,. Pankhunît, wie not S - Rle a n Mick were working in vè «Several corporations -have ne- as a apectator of the areia cf Cor-i esn aspco.y aswasPIe unamRelie asoand wn esale.oa z- tained dhiisslaework -oult<bye- bat lu ta* cf l'ecomè a partmi. elethed very beconuing .Cern Extractor t: lipoi. nTdeyen oe ilthe -vente i- stuif problems. Many branche. of p.t ttnc#ngl.Ta Regulariy snapsholted aI lbe nigit, adcerne feol tiàcae*ohe"br osng du lie <byeindustny in tiiacouuitry ha Swhtc.nlandý. Yet lu apite cf ail vanhetis funetions seatteds, b ybotter il h ix.m- unil c amdd ela lie "cabet t sing..m- et, have beexi in astate et euspended h cr hîci elle ha* exercised te Jellicoe tlkes Ihese compliment- O uwIsy "p tnu m't h abfr ,adale a fb anih mansewig t i. alpriedytcf avof icthn eg er nmen iary attentions very goed-nalurediy eson dthePain, destroya 1h. ros, knew what il did -menti.Whereupm ta h. ermni hthbcw~prcedyeîa.n' o th be'lients, and not- and ins Scuetimlease0aused aI lie kilie a corn' foiallme. No pan.Pat tumned a wtiering -eyo upon ie in Ciiext eciici hul an ceapwiuisaningli excrnou ame f ngenuity eofttie Photographier& ta Cure guanantoed. 0o1 a,26c. bottle cf feilovf-countrymatr and said: "Bq- te laor ta prodîxce products ai pnices oea - h.h pnti fi e '0dpse-fle htsei PunmW xroe,4Y wi- t wh liei ne aVion people coîîld mxnoneay which sfiof hsentlxIeglagc oee n iI h a unms xaetr.ago7ra Mick, I didn't lhink you wers mult.nyd~eu t ieneutralitYa-f bound te Jaugi. Tixat is the khnd so ...-.j 0iexo;ant-i sure, tiat's the. ifeland l-compete. ler terri-tory in guarding against otphotograph tie camera-mou l'est - Sr ehd inY T H AION asA Roaring TraiTe. of bh. neigiborinïg Powers, il i5 nre- Mr. Lloyd George hais e«sily ie "The oui>' wa>' for a man t0 IearxxLO lega.rded as axsued liaItiihean- couie lie mosî fluent niember <of al about womeu le te gel mannied."1 OSIF R-TIOS I CHCACO iNORT. El& <b A tniend ci mine whe h.9a seafar- nouncemexit liatI Ils.y las ;thnowu lie Cabinet. A long speech tram "And study lite ways of i& whfe, . WESTERN ýRY.- e- ing mani iad au incredible and li ier let w"htie Allies whll l'e hini, eccupying tinee column .i eh?" Faur-exlendid diy traina froînîht Ner er. Hingepenelwlinuaux g n t w qay axliiod sîian iaieyofa Gs er- u"The Tinmes," ha scance>' nIeffor "No! Listeu' te wiat site tells e! gene Terminal. (Ihicasato San Prau- amusxig exeniene seling slI waefoliand imecijtely 'y a LémanAngeleçand Ban'Diego. Chaise orn fter ecn' ihain n n te qaya csram ixe nitcvoij -ter-ho hium. Theïy aay tatlihe thinks hîm about othen woineu.' o Se -eanuDIrec oisthog r - et~o some af his hest ph rases wis , t f VWeat. Something to seL% an ~-up aud asked if lii. water belanged This îha leing discuss'e, not as a geifing ait Waltaxi Heath. If so,â Dul tak iÏ ~te my triend. He iooked at li-e maxi probabîiiy, but as a certain ity n i ugh >lea ii elgsao trie saifey-04inain ail die way Letm tyxidouhtoekingiynt repliedato plan yotir trip, and furnish foldera aa" ýyadjknl e litaIit did. official anxd militani' càrcles lu RomeW110 find Vhemexelves iavkiu.g inxi a- f li partjcuirs. Bi.R. Bennett. Ual, - Ie tide was fuil ai 1h. lime, lxx Parie, li tendion-,and evexi ai agiuathon. yneS.,T -no.Otro juil wanhing two feet tram 1he top Berlin and Vienua. They unite in Mir. Bottamiey caxinot -plead he in MINARDO'S LINIMENT la the oui>' efthVe quai', and tie xiewcomer's declarlig tihat Vie, Kaiser wàli 11011- net weii knOwn. Hge is- betten Liniment asked for at my store and You con tell b>' some men's aitieus next quer>' was a statlier. fy Swihzerlaxid liai he no lanrea- knowxi, howevez, l'y ieawnitings, the oui y one -w. keep for sale. that, they are used to eatirxg off - -a id "éCen I gel some to buy V, he feeLs himsell under an>' obligation apparentli', han by hie features; All1hhe people use il. red tabiecioth. aasked. Ho was intormed fie-couid te respect bien neulrality, whiio for, diuixig li a West End restaur- HARLIN FULTON. ihave lie lot il He liked and prompt- accor<ing te ihlm, lhas& already been ant veny fw pel re conie Pleasaut Bai', C.B.pu..xswusm1 umpzlwu dly requestedl five gallans.-- vialated l'y Brht-ish and 'Freh i fi. ' "I have iething to laie lt away aerial, fligits aven H1elvoxhan teJMï- Not se long adnceMr. John Bns Getting Bock. ;o i," ho coxtiuued, "l'ut I will go tory, anid Viat, uoreover, Gea descril'ed hie recrealions as crick- "My' cook lefIt tis mornixig merely upl t .eVw 1dg1 a t el e-sl axdlepoethnet, skating, rowinig, aid îoxig, because I osked hen te get dinboe Il hoi<b il." ~ixitenresits i tie St. Gothard Rail- but it muetI have be.iyassne_______________ for a fewfiedcfmn. ~'Imaiem.rex' upie od which, built mainly witi Gear- eltier pasîhuxe claimed lm esas "I hired lier, mi'* dean, and I doil wheu' standing l'y lie aide (4th£ie man capital, i uxider German anid oay Ben radg-nihBsi Pmsd.idg 'cnete o, vessel after Vie lido hbad gene out-, Lîalian contran-voar'. BYexdraigad e - Bsi roie.mdgving Yeu acine1e8o lie aw he mn cmingalogla always addixxg te liaI fine 1h- Wheu a yauug lady who waî about bock at lien. Brxng your fniexids ovue hosa le oncain oxg b. Years ago ht was pointeci ouI thia brai-y et bis en iapham Cormn oxibie marnhed visited au old fniend t0 mu' house for dinner." quai' with a pithir inoaci baud. hq ea-maxi>'was permiîted ho coxx- li wbici tb& hief treasure je a noturalli lte coming event was the - The . water-buyen was slaggered tnibule soiargely to.e i unds neeci- final folio ot Shakospeare-Uiis prnn- lopie of muci af tie conversation. wil amzeent. c fr Ve etepnie, J~waswlih dlPal amnsemnent appoars te be l'il- The young woman, wiose plans were "You must have doue a roaning ultenic>n aima, and tha» sooeen or liards, aImihchi 'e is net very ual yet mode public, thiougilit wise trade *whlie Ib'ave been away," he later aie wouxid take ad-vanîage ut skitul. t ldetc 111 onya-l excaiîxe. er menear' lnve-stmeits in the A Frenich writer lias been entis- dougilen of lie hause to secrecu'. - - +1 raill.roa<b ho endeavor t-o secuire pc-s- ixig about -the manly beauti' et Accordingli site called 11111e Bessie' SHE QUIT session net cxii>' of the lixi and General Sir Arthur_ Pagei, juil laelier, bold her 'liaI soon site and tunnel, but .alnise h rae ar a- o h Bia tae.WenM.Bitnw1 1 emrld n 1 à

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