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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Jun 1915, p. 4

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for men connections aid nov cement T*. YO&M sidewaika.- ~pIIsI. W. D. Dykes aaked for a nov val] on Burns Street. - fra Geo. 1 .Wiisan ahed fo aidevalk on St. Peter- Street--from Brook Fo GRobert~ Paterson waits a 'waik on Burns Street, .alse a sewer on Burns from Brook Street. -Mr. Fred Rogers and Mis MeCanu asked for a waik on tho seuti saide of St. John Street, from Brook te, Athol Streets. fA. A. Atklnson, on behalf of the Do- minien Bank, applbed for oewerage cun noction with tho bank building. These applicatiens were net dealt with at the meeting. Wbether they wiii ho granted or net rçmains to bo seen. BY-LAWS TO BE INTRODUCED. Mr. Bateman gave notice efthte Intro- aB. WHITMAN duction of several by-lawî at next meot- 7allor St., Montreal. Ing ef Council. 112, 1 vas taken suddeniy M l One viliiauthoriz Lise-isiU-f de- cute Siomach Trouble and hcituXes to thee.-tên-t et $45.000 te pay Wnof sover systom. la - tise ,ja A second hy-lav viii authonize the al-jlhyaicians for neariy two issue of debentures for the sum of $7,- [vas li constant miscry from 000 te pay for, the south yard achool. aacis and my veight droppcd WANT REMISSION 0F TAXES. =i 225 peuzids te160 pounUi. Mn. Ricbard Aluin, on behaîf f et Mn f mny fiends advised me totry John Aluin, Centre Street, asked for ne- tvyea! aid I did se. That' wu mission of Ince tax nov Imposed. ,nth ag. 1bera laiwýmveMrs. Allin's income le said te ho trom zib ao. bganLaiff~rvemortgages, and net large. .-- vik the flrsi dose. No- other Mn. A. E. Christian, ai an executoî i Ieveruaod-atedao pleaaaniy ef the Rutledge estate, aikod for remis- -kly sas 'Fruit-stve' sidy oon of taxes on the office occupied by recoverodfrom tho - the late Jas- Rutledge, ho having dled rocved fm hedistreuin lait December. Trouble, ansd al Pain and Theso cases viii ho considereti by s lon and mumemy tere cured. I Court et Révision to ha helti next Tues 1vy raeffened bv the use of! day at 8 p.m. 'Pnuit-a-tivea' and '50w I weigis 206, peunds. I connot praise Fnuit-a-tivea' enougis". - H. WHITMAN. Sp. a boxs 6 nor$2M5, trial sizo, 25c. At. Mi desiens onrsent postpaid by Yrul-a-ive Liit4Ottawa. --?.7News from England. (Contintieti from page 1> . "The people bave been wonderfuliy good to -the Canadians, and have In- vitoti un out to tea tbis atternoon. Tliora tla pretty big troep ef Austral- lans -hr&tee, but the Canadians are the faelrIi¶ea." A LETTER PROM E. A. BROUGHTON Ernest -Brougiston, Who la vitis the No. 4, Canatilan General Hospital, 0f Univensity ef Toronto, writes a very In- terostlng letton, descriptive of scenes and places ho bas seen ln Engiaid. Ho - 'We came te anchor ln tise barber; at Piymouth about 6.30 a.m., and waits'd ùth ie tMe te nise -until 9.30 a.m., vben- vo proceeded up the baibor te- naval dock at Davenport. The vlew vo bati ---.oming Into the barber vas grand. -jIilsa on each aide, &peenen ibm any- thing I ever sa*; hodges cuttlng their aides ltnt aiysliape(d fields; bore and there, throug)fôut, weno fonts. At tan ancisorip-,-wèhad a fine viow <of Ply- ,ZeUL on tise nlght, and Davenport * -p tise harbor te our ieft- The tilbd --roofs and numerous chlmneys appear peculiar te-oui- Canadian eyes. Aimost *direetiy ln front of us vas a large mon- uMent that manketi thé place vbere Drake stoed to finish some game wbile tise Spantsb Armada was comlng up tue Channel, "Wo saw seyeral Englisb crusieo, gun h oas, torpodo boats aid destroy- ers, aise ivo-osubimanines.' Thoraare extensive naval dockyards, and sip- building snd ropairlng shopa along thea vater- front. The barbon Itseif la away *Up between bigi green bis, sud the tevn lasstlli furtiser along. 'N "Wlaidod about Ia.m., but it waa *4,30 p.m. before vo left on tise train for seornelife. The tri» te Plymouth viii nover ho torgotten. \Tbo scenory- vas almply magilficent, much botter thais 1 1usd ever imaginad. -The ceuntry cf Deon vas partlcu tnly beautiful. 1 *neresav no manf shadea et green, sucis -tim, vefl-fintisbad fields, paîtures aid anili homes. There soemed te ha Wethlng but bilIs aid valleys, covened -wth tise mont beautîful fellaga, Thse atone wats àeam peculiar, but give tise country' sa certain amount et pîctun- *esQuanea s. The bouses are all-of atone ansd-are veil-built, not flimiy, tempor- ary affaira that oe asees ln Canada. "W. passed 'th ggLondon at 10 ocloeck, £rrivin (at hoernliffe about 1 a.m. Wo von% te S. Martin's Plain, andi atter sa idng ~round for about] an bour managoti to paet ie on bsard boards-O mon ln dacb bouse, w3si noarly filhet ILt Lt kE k RESOLUTIONS. Bateman-Downey-A resolution au- lthorizingborrowing $20.000 te psy for sewers, until the salaeto debentures. CarrIeti.l. Bateman-Downey-A motion auther- Izing thé borrowIng et $3,000 te pay fer Inîtaliing sewer laierais. Carniéti. -Goldrlng-Bateman-Tbat ne more sewer extensions ho granted thia sea- son by the Council. Carrieti. It vas explained by the Mayor that It was the Intention et Council to hand over ai an early date the severage sy3a- tom te the Water anti Light Commis- sien, -vhich bodiy voulti thon look atter ail extensions aid connections aketi fer. TO BORROW $4.500. A hy-law vas put tbrough authoniz- lng the Mayor and Treasurer te horrov the su pf$4 500 te psy tornenovce- ment s1de'lks, thse same heing hulît on the local Improvement plan. MR. HUGGARD WANTS SIDEWALK. Mr. R.L. Huggarti, havlng heanti that the Councl bad--declded not te, builti the iidewaik on Byron Street from the Junction station te, Keitis street, ap- peanoti ln porion hofore tbat body anti represontedth te urgent neeti et a new valk. Aften ho- had exhauoted his oratery, ha vas Infermeti that It vas the In. tention te construot tise valk. AN EXTRA 0F $700. By reasen et the condition of the ground at tise sevenage dIsposai plant It bas; been found neceaaary té make an excavation dowss te rock lovol, vhici vIlLcost $700. The engineers, Mosass Murray & Loves, wrote tise CouncV about this, requestIng that the noceso sary exponditure ho sutisorlzod, for the goti ef the system. ACCOTJNTS Pasieti. Mn. Moere pnesented tise fellowlng acceunts for paymont: JOB. Heard & Sons ..... .... $43.45 Bort. SmitIr...... ...... .... 22.75 P. J. Reli......... .... .... 2.25 Walter Bunnu...... ...... ..0.81S A. McKimm, advertilng ...239,20 C. A. Goodfeliov & Son ....12.00 Jas. McLeod .... ...... ...... 600 County Cuclteue The Ceunty Councîl have to, thoîr crédit s veny slim ne cord of business performed ln tise sec. ond veofe thoir June altting. Tht volume et business vould banely ouat a shadov f seti dupnigist la the sun. Business vas resumeti on Tuosday atternoon, ail theo members belng pro- sont but Wilson sud Heavener. Atter rqadlng of minutes anti com. munications tise Warden left tise chair vhIie com'ntteeis prepareti reports. On resuming business the neoet of the Finance.,Cemnttee vas prasented and adopted, an)te Ceuncliadjeurn- eti tili thse folloving day, ray v se aaroute ilancis WEDNESDAY. s, overlooking tise Channel The Reevas 0f Scugog anti Port Penny ta of Doyen, In tise distance applieti for a îum of meney vîu vusîcis 0 tise Cisalk Cliffa etof rance te fence the eastern portion ef Scugog 'esite. bridge for about 150 roda. a savarai rumors floatilsg a- Ceuncîl vent into commîttea on tise ur destination: one tbat vo by-lav te previde for tise ropsymont te o tise Islandi of Mlta te certain miner munîcipalîties efthtie f tise voundati trom the monies overpaiti hy tham. anether that va vili ho .The hy-lav vas appreveti anti pasaad. or elgist veeka." A deputation fem tise Wbithy Town Counclas te taxation ton levers vas isearti. Dr. Warren, J. W. Bateman aid did Way to ReduCe ex-Mayor Willis addressod thse Councîl. neA Weightteeconsiting of Messrs. pointeti, te vbom vas reterred tise erisapa ne oeatbing that above matter, same te report at thia assing f or youth 00. session. horrible tendeucy et some The cuatomary tee of $100 vas voteti on tee mueis 1weight atter the Warden. ,choi tise age of 26 on 30. The Clenk vas Inotructedti t write uungour face may appean, the County et York that the Concil livea us away." vîisedti tesubmlt tise plana et the of tîgis versteutness bridge over Toole's Creak te their an- nacisa couvert tise foodi wo gineon hefore proceeding witistise bacause thora la net on- vork, ln tise bloodt t produce a Councîl adJournoti. ustton, te dostroy tisa fatty1 THU1iSIYAY. tefcni educe yeur voigbt go t<> a This vas plenie day, ts oni ýt andi < eto ilane In1 eing tise Warden's guest on tisa ex- ýandi taice oeaften eacis Cur8t.Ou te Gueip*. ---' sold -enly ln original Ms.*YIDAY. 011 ef onllene taken st -A by-iaw vas pasacti, autisenlzing tha ývs yen all tisa benefit ot Warden a Id reasure r te raise meney est, andi st the samo tima by temporar4'O0 tatty tissue freml any part Adjoumn rdIe. wylere thora Io excessive AMternii b#'bteh et communi- vay many bsvo-retiuced catieng'il*a4 e rat.et about a lb. Mr. Rb* p'*@ V thîscond ne- ý eau la left. -port of this ontProp- - upply yon, or a erty 7Te e Ms D.- tle Ding Co.,, vanloi"id o fýlWueor one month's n,îrtfl s--t L [w 14 ST. JOHN, N. S. - AtJaatIC Suw siem Several o Medicine and quid uingItI Stomack Comi$i. Complote] The niembers ot the gradulating dais, t.- wbo occupied a section-0f the piatferm i pai g"id bwore Showered with bouquets dlUing i ai ~Ii ri~c sePILi thetçgraduatIon exorcises. The dans waacemposed of el-ghteen yeung iOdles, detached, 6- rooms, electrîc. Who had cempleted their courses in thea lighting, f urnace, water, 3 v aRIprt~ia-ts as.tL.- oi"s:-y RosaGreen, Hamilton, ont;Mins piece bath, full sîze concrete Gladys Irena Hart, Toronto, Ont.*,;I P Co Dorethy UnrenceNorman, Edmontn ýe larcoal mandie. The 9sâme Alta.; Mos Winnitred Wlorene Sim- je ready for occupancy. Will YIA-t.J-and A.1, .3f..)- ~for adi,$500 ash,(subjet oteory), Dêseroisto, Ont.; ýhdac arranged. These Ont.;_Mis Anela Olive Mi, 9oBu- I la Profetsional Carda THREADGOLD UIROS., JNO. E. FAREWE L, K. Ce Barnistor, County Crown Attorney and County Soliebtor. Office, seuils wing Court HousoWbitby- Au E. OCHRISTIAN Sarrlater, Solicitor. r4otary Publie, Etc. Office, Brook St, Opp. Standard BanIs. Monoy te Loani G.YOUJNG SMITH, LLB. Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES. Court Houso, -VWhitby, or residonae. De A. -J. SWANSON Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Convoyancor, etc., etc. Oshawa, - Ontario. Office-No. 2 King St. E., Mackio Bih. Residence-52 Drew St. Phonos-Office, 321; Residence, 326. Bapristers, Soilol1tors, Eto. Dundas St. Whlftby, Ont <Finit door west of Post Office) DENTAL- W. ADAMS, Dontisi, Office, Dundas Street, Residence Ne. 4, tho.Torrae Byron Street Wbltby. Phono No. 128. AUCTIONIEERS JAS. EISHOP Oshawa, Licensed Auctioneer. Succe. on te IU..Fairbanks. qor termuanmd dates appiy te self on G, . Eobb, Whitby. WM MAW- LICENSBD 4tUCTIONE2R AND VALUATOR. All kinds of sales promptly attendod te. Arrangements fer sales con ho made ai the Gazette Offie. Terms reas nable. Bell and Indopendent phonos. WlIITBY, ONT. CONTRACTORS J. 110WELL JAMES -Carpenter, Builder aid Contractor. Plans -drawn aid estimates furnIshed, Saab, deersanad trames. Agent for Brantfiord Roof log 130z 467 -WtIITOY Phono 149 - CARPENTERS sud BUILDERS Altarations and- Repîins. MO1T 01.155 WOSK OuAEATERD. Âppiy Dundas St. West or P.O. box 408- Telophono NO. 132, -1- W. WALK ER FPp Manufacturer - succissor to E. W1 Evans Sisop Dundas Stredt, Whitby. Three doors west of WhItby Hou&&. W. are prepared te Install weed or I-on pumps on s..ort notice, 'tise at. tend te ail kinda of ropairing. Agents for the Ontario wlnd miii, aise gazoline enginoi. Phonos-Bell 50, Imd. 26. MONUJMEN TS of aIIDe3gni and laterlal Kep)t in Stock It wilI pay you te eall at our worka' and Inspect -for yourself. Don't be mlsled by agents. W. do net employ them. Consequently we can and do ,aliow the agent's commis sien of 10 per cent., W'bich you wlJ certainly save by purchasing trom u&. A Cail Seiicited. TAILORINI O U Vau a ood ittlng Suit of Olothoés Ouaraliteedin every way-P -- '>Thon bave-your measure with Harry Gulliver for a Fit-Reform Suit, the best in the market. Ropalrlng, Oieanlng and. Pressing. promptly attended te. Roomsoever A. M. Rois' Dry Goode Store. Happy Oulliver SATURDAY. C m ecm hAILT.-Miss Wenowae Holmes, Toron-1 Council met pu'rsuanit to ' adjourn. ent uay to, Ont.1, ment, a quorum flot bavIng been pre. fI HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE.- Mies Amella 1 sent on theprevibus evening. 0-L L Joanna: Cox, Leamington, Ont.; Missi Mr. Mowbray's reiolution cpncerning Verda Day, Hamilton, Ont; Miss Nor- the Good Roads System, was'Ild over e ma Mary Dougali, BrIlliant, 0h1o; Miss on te tale ntilnextmeeing. Thecommencement Day, Tbursday, Lillian Mary Beatrice Folliek, Athens, on teblentilrane meeting.y o June 17, was such a one as -has neyer ont.; Miss Georgina WilsonSmith, ,Ha- A b-lw e aie ony y ayofbefore been Witnessed at theOtro ie iconsin. temporary tnse was passed. 'h nai ie i Reports were presented, read and .à Ladies' Colleie. Tespcatri CÃ"MEIL-i5Lti Guler opted on these matters: Roads a- front Toronto; with the erowd of guests, Whitby,- Ont. Bridges, Mileage and Per Diem AIIow- the graduation exercises, the pupils' ex- Twenty-four certificates, were grant. rance, Agriculture, Education. bibits, were, as usu1al, part and parcel ed ln Munic and one ln Househiold Bei- Reot fternoon. o the day'sprogram. But with ail the ence. on Finance and Assessment, Roada and reflected ln the faces of the graduating Bridges, Liegisiation and Memorials, Young ladies, and the mirth of the pu- Special Committe re Sewerage Asses- Pilis and guests mingling on tut s iast Ce fOLLEST day of the College year, an atmosphere ONROO N ULE ment on County Property. of sadness overcast the prceednge OR0F ALL DCIPTIO An Informai discussion as to the pre- The fact that Rey. Dr. J. . re, be PASO LDSCITO paration of the Equalization Commit- w ingJJ.Hrwo tee's report took place, ln which Mes- wsgiigto the worid his -forty-ftrat FURNISHED. srs. Mowbray, T. A. Wilson and Con- graduating clansOfofyung ladies. wouid einc,- TotlaCrrs ait took part. Mr. Wilson suggested no more preside over the destinies ofRedecrnnsCoes that as more timte was required for Its the Intutws cause for sincere Phône 41, Oshawa. - consideration than could be given It sorrow adrge-on the part or that day, the Council sbould return and aimunae, studeiits and friends of the WATCH FOR THE NEXT VISIT OF carefully consider the report, the mem- Clee de Otlhwvr a bers to receive oniy their actual ex- the regret caused by -the departure also Fe E. LLJKE, Opticlan penses.0f Mr. W. J. Greenwood, Miss A. Id. 1A motion was therefore carried to Taylor, Lady Principal. and Miss Kate adjourn until the 29th day of June Wright, al of whom are retîrîng from TO WHITBY at 2 p.m., and that the Equalization tesaf committee meet in the morning of that Whiie the loss to the College wlll belI day to finish their report. deeply deplored, the Incoming teachers Then have him test and principals bave the assurance that yu ys GLEANED PROM THE REPORTS. those wbo retire '«ill ever be the trueit yu ys The sum of $100 was granted each Of frîends of the College, and will endea- the Continuation Scbools of Canning- vor In ail respects to asslsti In litse___ ton, Bea+rton, Claremont. advancement. Indeed, Dr. Hare will Inspecter 1Perguson, of North On- resifle witbln a few bundred yards of 70 YONGR STREET. tarlo, was granted an outftt of-furni- bis beloved College, and will be close by Corner King St.., Toronto. ture, for bis ýoffice, consisting of Miîng to iend counsel at ail times. cabinet and desk combined, desk chair Apart front the'tarewell nature of and two ordinary cbairs suitable for the program, every other featurewa exceedingly enjoyable. Pobbl nes such an office, the cost to be $63, a unred rsnsmae b ty npeo furniture to ho purcbased from t ohnrnto sn md hetipfo Gold Modal Furniture Ce., Uxbridge. Tontln tbe special train, arrivlngDa A new bridge wili be but o te n htby about 3.45, wbereupon, the Do i n on -a boundary lino between the Counties of afenon concert commenced. Con- York and Ontario, a.nd botween Scar- trary te custom, the usual cantata b boro and Pickering. The bridge will the chora ln a not gîven, înstead E CURSION PARES be of concrete, and Mr. Hoover will act of wbicb were a number of choruses r a ComIsionr fr tis ouity. by the clas, and selections by tbree SINGLE FARE-Good going and re- 1 as Comisine fo thispeCont e members et the graduating clase, Miss turning July lot only. 100 oncssirontofed te et onshep Aurella Meath, planist; Miss Marguer- FARE AND ONE-THIRD--Good going lth coanc esso fBro, h. twsIte Homutb, soprano; miss Catharine Jn OhadJl iRtr ii A fence will bo bullt on each aide et McCormick, reader. July 2t nd, 1915 o. Return ikt lil b Scugog bridge for 70 roda. Jackson and At part of the afternoon's program soid between ail stations ln Canada east Gerow Commisponers. a most Interesting and boftting cere- 0f Port Arthur. Secure yeur tickets t.Geo. Veale & C,, want te movo thoîr monY-was lntroducod by the Trafalgar early at Grand Trunk Ticket offices. dam te the wost of Boaverten bidge, Daughers. Mrs. G. De .tkinson, Pro. andIf esss.Bolon OConor e-aident of the Toronto Chaptor, presont- B. iqtooh..unAgent, phono 5W, Whftbv port tavorably, permission will be ed a cabinet of oliver. on behait et the_________________ granteid. Society, to Dr. and Mrs. Hareasn Agrant of $25 was made te the Whn- eiec tte rsnlgaiude of F byFie riad.their old puplas for many rears e of-f. CA N I Y N by Firaof 5rig badeqar fort and supervision. Dr. and Mrs. terly to the Canadian Patriotie Fund, aebt ele rfybu einy,ÀÇ c IFIc eut ef the fund rocently created by tbe exPressing thoir regret at leaving taie Councili for Ontario County. sfor dect aes e terhome for four_______s DOMINION DAY A handoebasds e a ie Mr. Thos. Joplin, of Toronto, isla domlrsanskstwa se inai. Pare-flood goin; Tburçdari. Jnly 5Whitby this week, repreenting the thented by hpt Mrs . W. H.Rcad O f litrneeturn Ilici Thuraa, uly lit, 1915. 5Sbantymen's Christian Association teWib hpet r .J.«uPare.. a n .eThird - flond goin1 3This Association-le doing a ment com - Greenwood. Miss Wrigbt was present- Wsdnesdsy and Thursday, Jue t&n D mendable work among the men of the db Mrs. Webster with a hoop oft ly ltrtr i sdy uy2d 96 Dlumber camps, and la also doing eîtra pearls, and Miss Taylor, retiring Lady <Minfinum charge Mec) Dwork now among the Soldiers ln Brit- Principal, wltb a bouquet of roses. ________________ litb campa. Mr. Joplin la solieiting con. gratitud e PACUFICa COAS TOURo tributions towards this work,, and wlll gatithd.P éFC O S O R be grateful for any aid given . Contri- th e conclusion of the program ln butonsmaybe eftat he azete he concert hall, the guests and pupils ai 1.w Fret inoludlag buinsmy eletatte aeteOfiescatered over the beautiful iawns, or "CIfrua eputo for Mr. Joplin, If that weuld be a con- ed tbrough thExpomwslton hItb venlence. Mr. Joplin will give a n ad. wanderedtr hte rooms of the Col- dress at the prayer meeting in St. An: loge, admlring the art exhibita, wOrkPý Wrro .rb,*.JA, oot wdrew's Church thls Thuroday evenlîng. 0f the pupils, displayed. Luncbeon was Ot, 0wrt . buphG. l. orno ________________________ The evening Proceedinga opened at 7.45 O'ciock, and were occupied largely with the cenferring 0f diplomas, pre- * MADE IN CANADA sentation Of cortîficatos and awarding of medais. Anl address te the graduating clans SI1lME1 UNDEIRWR was made by Dr. Hare, bis remarks ----- »ýbeing based on bis farewell te the Coi- lege. Ho ceunselled the graduates te be truc aiways to their Alma Mater wi-IICI-I GIVES and te ber Ideais. Mis aruit WHICH GWES ~~At tlis Juncture,miaMruit Homuth intreduced a surprise: when on- FULL CONFORT behalf of thepupls of the College, she semas wIcker easy chair, te Miss Taylor a club bag, and te Mr. Greenwood an umnbrolla, expressing te each the love the hearta et the young ladies fer them. C ER L L The Valedictory, by Miss Gladys > ffl __LHart, was a Well.worded, -walliRaA P>usr#g >VCoit Chod fpwpw. EXTRA ovoehUATEn-S Ug,,aIr preere ts lucius laorfor the winter days to com& overhal a cntuy J%é lias beez thie favorite sugar lu aafor preserving and ieily-makng-and' with good son. Because it is absolutely pure and always the. aamep cmii use it according to your recipes,4 yeuar mter yearwi*l confidence in the resuits. Fruit put up right witli r-m-WExtra Granud. ~. at:ed Sugar, wiII keep as long as you wish, and Swhen opened a' month 'or a year hence will kdelight you -With its freshnes nd &ivor. "Lo4t êw sweeten it» Get Your supply of sugar n iOuigizal REDPÂTH Packages, and- thus b.ý sure of the genuisie- Canada-*# favorite sugar, ut Lt. beat. Ij Put upin 2and 5I. Sa.d artm al 10, 20p 50and 100 b. BU&, - 14 ~llhîI ~ CANADA SUGAIREFINIG Co., LUMD, NoNTRAL a Msoue jeèweury gifts we Isai -i for ibis -purpos,6. -Lavalem an sd Pendasts, in g an sd piatinuxu,; set witli dias onda, pearis, aquanries. -pei *. dots, emerldm, etic. Pie4 -to $100.00. k ;. - - - Bracelet W atches-S pilendidtim keeperi andi vory dainity ouni - monts. Expansion braceeets-i 10k and 14k- goli, and ini go, filet. $10.00 te $40.0(). li.ochs and Bar Pipi--Set vit fine combinations of prec;iot sud «semi-precmous utones lni et from $2.50 to $75.foi.- R.N. Basset .lîwels sund. Graduai. Optidfas - Whltby, Ontari< W.- C. Ti U..- BLAMED DIRINK. Peter KCobluik was toý4ay sont 'te serve tyro years at stoney 1to byM.Justice Sutheliand. IMo waa found guiity, at the asslies wreek, et attempting to murdor *Ife. Ho cut ber throat wltb 'a knIfe- lnfficting a wVound five il long. The attack took place at bis1 -on MeBain street,' Fort Willfan Soptember last Year. The man kr I-he woman down wblo she was bat - - 'ber baby, and whIie ube -s'as on flor eut ber throat. ýThe wife S gled te a nelgbbor's andUIeft the ln tise bath tub. She sIkntse -weeks ln thee beupital. - When asked? this mornIng wÈuý lso-hadanytbing te stiy beforo sent was passed on hlm Koblulk sald ha wanted te ýgo back te bis -%ite live wIth lber. No blamied bis iro en drink and iaid that ho weuld n iava don It hade he been sober-ý A&rth&ur 0lironicle., LOCAýL HAPPENINGS Aimoot evory. one hears ota aiw dwellilng thl!' bas been beguz Wbftby, À,Higb grade Pilot Roefing, U <r,-~.<r~.~UBW t-EID.M, Rice's, - Aloi.. McGachen, blac4amitb, bas -pos3ed- pofbhW.business ln M-htby te :]Fed Squlnnel, of Oshawa. >< Rev. G. A. MeLean proached at zon Methodiat Church on Siunia.y ai mlon and evenlng lait, on the occa '-of tise'Sunday School annl'etay Rev. H. W. Fobey, pastor et BrooklIn Methediat Cburch, occul - -'tisa pulit of the Baptist Cburcb, .M by, on Sunday evenlng, preacbinfM ýVery acceptable sermon. --See tise new eli steve at Geo., Iliee's. Wàrks mast as good as tho -<as. Geo M. Rice. Mn. W. A. IHebdersop eccupied vulpIt 0f the BapfIct Chùrcbi Brook onSunday afteroon, aise th- pu -Cf the Metbod4 Churcb, Brcreklin, 'the evening,.In the- ab sence of the p n et ofbeth cburcbes. The Audley gardonparty wlil be b ýon John Puckrlni's lawn on Tbursd June 24. Tea servýd dem 5 to 8 %ýC ockC.-ÃŽtà.4rre, 'ontertainer, et ot,<will ho presenit. Adnisîssion, t tlts ,*cheldren 20c.- j Mn. J. D. Hfowden bas recelved a ter trem the, Secery etthe Postes 'ens, Association,.sttlg that the A -ciation has ralied.to date about $7. for patriotic purpeses. It la their j -ta contilbute -ltogothoer $10.000. Mn. W=. Ward, Landlng Waiter 'tise local Customs offie, now appe ln a brand-nov navy-blue un lforin, m shlning brais buttons. The Govi Ment paya tis het, and although "E 'would rathon not appeéar so, conspicu 'be gnits bis teotis andi stsbmIts. In t-b timaes of stress aid itrain the Unit i ',Mlight well ba dlspenised with.- eé-alth 3od healti, vim sud vlsg- e the grocery maný béosi dage, ail Wrk sund nt makes Jack a dull boyý ing "41Y 7th wé losit Wednesday afternoou reat- Laand your orders early fo i. Granuiated SUgar41.00 I tomatoos -250 is Peas 25 oe r igoods at it>' p'ic 'Choice Fruit, Deserves "Onusatusg ovor thee îlli and etraigi we could sot direcily çpv( "lThré are bout as W ou ae golng tF tako care of Dardanolis, bore fer six Limited

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