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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Jun 1915, p. 5

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I.MIad.one 'for ypur t! ave us show you il. nian>' bsaidsonie jewelmy gifla me bave fentis purpeme. LavallIses sMd Pndait Aiugold and platiuiî ; set veth d&&ni- onde, pearis, aqususanines, pari- dets, emeraIda, etc. Pre84.00 te 8100.00. keepers aud vory dainî>' orna. -ments. Expansion braeelets of l0k sud 14k gotd, sud lu goid fluied. 810.00 te 840.00. Brmoohansd Bar Pins-et with fine combinatieus Or pretiena and scmi-prccleuos-aonou Pricea f rom 82.50 le 875.00.- -~ R -~ N; Bassett I" .b<OntàrIo' WC.T. 1U. 13LAMED DRINKC. Peter Kobiuik mas te-day'bontencod 10o serve tir e yors ai Stoeyo>'Muntal. b>' Mn. Justice Sutherland. Kobluils mas !euud guuli>', -fit the asizea. lasi meek, o! attemptlng le murder lie wife., He eut ber tbroal milh a lange knite, iufticting a mouadfIve luches long. The attack -iook place at ieishoie ou McBaIn street, Fort William, lu September lasi year. Themnukniock- the monian domu rbile Eîle irai batl"g 'ber baby, sud' mhli.shc *- as onthee foor eut 1cr tînoat. Te'~l.srg gled te a aeighbor'usud Ile! thîl ild la tise bath tub. She opeu, seVoral -weeks la tise bospitl. M ,Wen asked tîls,,mornung. mbet1er ' aaythiag te 55>' befèrýe sentence ,%as passed on lin Kobluilç said ilat le wanted te go back tehils mife. sud live witb ber. He bîamcd l418 trouble on drink -and sal4d blat le meWUîd neyer hiave dona thlade le been sober.--nPort Arthsur Chronicle. Almost every. day one- bears ofom> inew dwelling tixat has beenbovin lu ýWWLIby. ~ Iligh grade Pilot Roo0114, 11,50 rs Alex, M1cCachen, blacksmith, lu iasd- PaRed of hie business In Whitby to Mr. ]FÎd SuIreof Oshawa. 11ev. G. A. McLean preached at Ked- i'nMethodist'Churcb on Sunday aftp'r- noon and eventng Iast, on the occasion of the Sunday Sehool anniversary. 11ev. H. W. Foley, pastor of the-, > BrooklIn Methodist Church, occupied the pulpit of the Baptist Church, Whit- by, on Sunday evening, preacbing a «very acceptable sermon. Bee the new oil1 stove at Geo. M. Ilice's. Works just as good as the city g9as. Geo. M. Rice. Mr. W. A. Heitderson -occupied the 1plpit of the Baptict Cburcb, Brooklin, on Su nday afternoon, also the pulpit o f the 'Methodist Church, Brooklln, in the evenlng, In the absence of the past- ors of both churches. 4 Thie Audley garden party wlll be hiel on John Puckril' lawn on Thursday, June 24. Tea served from 5 to 8 o'- - dck. CJa& Iml, 'ntetaierof To- will be-present. Admission, ad- ulte, 30c.; hblidren 20c. Mr. J. D. Howden bas received a let- ter from the Sec f the Postînait- ers' Association stating bat the Asso- ciation bas ralsed to date about $7,500 for patrlotic purposes. It s tbeir atm to contrIbute altogether $1 000. * -0- Mr. Wm. Ward, Landing Walter for the, local Customs office, now aPpoars * In a branid new navy-blue uniform, with Shli-ing brasa buttons., The Govern- Ment pays the shot, and sithougli "Bi" would rather not appear no conspicuous be grits bis teeth and submits. In those timios o! stress and strs.in the uniform Xnilght weIl be dispenscd with. Heal týh trGoed health, viui and vig- assets. You ail kueir the old adage, ail work sud ne Play makes Jack a dullkboy. 1Sýtarting July 7th mc close every Wednesday afterneon- for stirest Orders Plie.sencd your orders cari>' for- i4 ibs ranulatod sugar $1-.00 CanoD tomnatois 25o tbmr soap - 25o 9 , ans Pou. - 25o r codsa aicilypi r4ces *OUe M y 0f Mu#10 lest week, f mameei......1 i ya not decided, - ix e'!bls n 0fiiW inQj,blstotng 1 Elmenary- pano- uim TAif n Mthlm 2- __O_ lge papei, «aaj ibersl,.bonuFr-,W 8Oflft <honore), Miss Annie lLibb <ho:. MeIntyre......* O RHat acre etf 900d g5fl5 f0 5UyOèi5bogiven to-ahna.taigj up. »piy- Ors), Misn Muriel Walters@.I ..hwb will eutit and tak. it-away. C. te box 476 G«ett. e.m Junior Piano.-Mien lvelyn ElvIdge. 1BUITON DAY. - A. Goodfellow. W cd e qsit l hr~rresn aturday, lune, 12, was "llied.for- LOST. the ls. rgest s tockI hardwafrocend Right Buitton'Day" lan Whitby, ilion à FARMERS VIOITUDGtIBLpHCOL, On wednesday, lune i6tli, 1915, a theo. M.restsok 'os. 1u ai a umlbei.of young ladies sud boyscouts "EGE Mack leather waflett, conta ning Pa- Iasaisted ln raislng meney by thee salo\ Deligbtful Weatber, an -unexeeed pers valuaaMe to the owner. Pie l of the' butos TeS rintendent train service to and from the Ontsari leas aeatpite-hoileOf The date of the R. C., Garden Par-ty visues to-acknowledge with thanks Agric'ultural ,College et Guelph .and a Whitbir. has been..changed te Wednesday, JulY,~ their splendid efforts. Misses Helen gratitYing turnout of farmers,' their WR ÂTD prgrmliitWekvosed cof the largest number of but- the nd excrsjtns the York- To rent from -100 te 200 acres. ýPos- -o- tonsi viz., 125, but were closely follewed CouDtY sdSotiOntarioiarmers, session1nif ail., Address box 905, Whit PRESENTATIMop. 0FCLUB BÀG. by Misses VeUduko, Ratte Oke, Vera- Institutes on Th1radayllast one long ýbî. - The Quarterly Board of the lMetho- Vanstene, Nellie Blsacbard, , »__o5te!te be remembce.~ ~ ~ j dist Cburch beld an informai metig Devcrelig'd -otilèrs. 0-f the Boy Scouts EverY station aloÏi the line froni TEACER WÂNTIED. on Wednesday afternooziut, at'7wbIch theAlil Saints' team beaded the list. Burlietezi- Junction te Doulands -,'sad TebrfoSholecino.1U- the members of the Board presented a Fred Jubb, of tbis teim, 501d 80. The Leaside eontrieuted is uota hio TonaPcerinrgco, cionNo. y , ni hand'some ýclug'bag te Mr. W. J. Gieen- Preabyterian snd' BaptIot troups aise scores came down the MeBtI'opolltsnCoty d.caspoeintSa wood, who , l scvering his cennection 5.sIsted. .Railway frôm Newmarket and other C0uny, ep2nc a prefesio. SAp- 'with the Ontarlo 1841cm' Coilege, and Themeney realized front the sale nortbern peints and Joined- terces wîth slaionseprecedust ud refere 115.A- lilrsd n Mitchell, nd ibis oppor- will purclasc socks for the soldiers, at their triends from théecast at th Dliesati ons ee p temul ot9. tufl-lty won taken before- his departure the rate efthtree buttons per pair et North Terento- terminal. The InstituteIH.la. Webster, -Sec..Treas.,, Whtby te sRhow apprecîation of bis services la socks. In ail ever 600 buttens -were visitera were further rcinfereed In hty a tangible manuer.* sold, se that tbe young people may teed numbero by the presence et Wardeu -0-proud et their efferts. Morgan Of o!Sul OntârIe with te IREC19IVED THEIR OF'PICERS' Acknewledgement -luaiseo made here- memberi bs C1,eIuneil, i"a e L " e ' -CERTIFICAT'ES. witb et the tollowlng contributions te .-. _____________________________________ As a re0ult e! taking the course et heel pretecter tund:I BIRTHS.A.iLLN militaryI.>nstruction and thee.ezamin- Miss Alice'Smtb---------..$1.00. EBR~-InWhitby, on Saturday, Isser etfMarriage Licenoes suions given berelas winièr, Ge. W. Mno. Rebt. Tbompsen ...1.00 June 5th, 1915, te Mi.. and Mrs. J. Cre'dusoe hty P. Every, et this iown, bas quaîified fer Mrs. Adamsi-------------. 25 B . Webster ,a daugbîer. No Witneosc requirod. the rauk of Captain, "d. Dr, Austin. Tabernacle MeWe Pible Clans .3.50 Evans, now with tee Army Medical Corps ln Englaud, basni.eceived bis cor.- THE CALt L "M X AYPersoitai Mention. 1 tien te the cortificates gi.auted, te cil subjeci deaît wiîhb b> Rey. M. E. Soi- ins. C. Stevenson, of Torontoi sel crs wbo teok the saute examinatioes, smitb, paster of the Methodist Taber- Sundsy mw in r. A. Esudol, aitete krpenit.r, Boufder and Coutractor and suneunced a short lime ago, laceeah~ero elsboîonc htyHue V. O.N. TOTHBRUH COME- the oratt, mIen the mozabens ofthîe Mns. A. C. Macpherson and daughier, usdwuudeimesurshd - V. O N.TOOTBRUH CO M ýlocal Masonie Order attended service lu Doi.Otby, cof Toronto, visited lu toma Repairs, Alterations and Jobblng._ OnMnaTIrFION. the Tabernacle on Sunda>' mernlng on Wednesday last. BROOKL1N, ONTARIO OnMnaJuné'28t1. ai 4.30, the last. > - Mn. and'lins. Barnard, ef London, _______________ cemmtte of lb.eWiby brandi f et b. Mr. Seosmitb's toit mas freon Gala. ri.thlb gueula cf Dr. and M-rs. Haroe Victortin Order cf Nurses Iniendi bold- tiens 5:- 13-"lYe,,breibren, more ealledl during lb. closlng ai theb. O.L. c.'Etmte ie ing a gardon Varity on the lama of for freedoin." He took ibis as a basts Mi.. and Mrs. W. J. Luke and tamîl>'P. 0. Box 176. EsmasGie -Mn. John Baird Laidlaw's rosidence; for, a reference te tIho groat mai., sud motorod te Cobourg on Sunda>' wbere Tho Grange, Whitby, -for the awardîng Iben te tle cail of the new day which île>' spent a pleasant day. et the primes otebeuccessful cempet- iras the dam of the strife, . Mr. Young, ledgem keeper lu tbe P. Re Brad bu ry ieora lu the toolîbrugl coutesi. The Tt would b. a day. le said, of hlgher Dominion Bank, bas been tnansterredP IN Ran DE R TR tltte folks have showu a keen Internat Ideals, truer manhood, greateci. opportu- le Peterboro, sud lefttor thal cil>' on AN Ran D CO AT I lu the cempetitlon, irblcb iras mdll sus- nil>', and theretore langer responsibil- Wednesday. Papii'hsiglng s Spsolalty. lalned le the end. . Al competttors, jitues. sîronger faitb. Il mould b. s day Mn. sud lins. Allan Coliîl, et To- It 11cmr parents, aise sebhool childron le- o! ibje Clnlstlanlzlng o! thc nations. nonto, spent tse week-endwmIl tbe Mary Street,., - - WHITBY 8lweeu the ages o!five and ton, are lu- Eacb one o! these'phrases iras dealt tormcr's parents, Mn. and Mmi. T. G. vited te be preseul, the names cf ihose wlhl1 eal sda plctinfrGlll 3Intendlng te b. -present tb be handed the prescut dramn, as moul asteor the tu- Miss Bunkholder, Lady- Principal et PIAN O TUN IN G 16r Mi-ss Presaly on «Miss Dewar nettlune. South Edmonton Çollege, aud formeri>' 3laler Iban Friday morning. What lo tuee all o! lbe neir day? Lady Principal et Whitby O.L.C., bas Neil Yellowlees, who has been cern- L 1 Tt la, frs1 sud toremt, a caîl te put becu a guest at the Cellege for tle palt ing te Whitby and vicinity fo)r the past ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH. God lu the centre, le makre hlm .11e lub meek. Misa Bunkisolders inu toma eight years, wiii continuýe period ically -Paston-Rçv. A. *P. Meù--zes, M. A., around whlcl ev'erythtng Iniffe turns, tnienda were pleased to meet ber agaîn. ail se ason. Orders left at Allin's drug B.D. 10 relate ever>' act. 'and thbugbt-aad- store wiii receive prompt attention. '.1 a.m.-Paînîeîîc serv 1Ice, atenged deed to Hlm. We have eftsbniued tue SALE REGISTER.______ ____ by the Sunda>' Sehool lu a body. Ad- golden cal!, «and until It la tîroma2t.-utonsl dfs bclto. 4. own sud God exalted on blgb we ina>' Salunda>'. Juno WMO Plasterorsai Miale quartete-l'O Freedoin Home, lexpeet a continuation o et stifes, and Oet lire ouses on Brodli streel - orte, Our. C-juiàda.1ý eavyings and deatl-struggles. iII>', rroperty o! tihe estate cfth 1h.OU T Pateo The Sunday Seheol miii meet aI 10.45 1 The caillof lbe nom day la aise a cal laie lins. Draper. Sale aI 2 e'cleck 4 ylgb v. OOT a..et conserve ail our utaterial and îem- sharp. See large bila. Wm. iair,«SmlgnAvTROT j7 p m. sermon b>' 1ev. Geo. Yul., o! pond teorces; te redeoin tle morld frein auctioneer. Will b. pieaaed te give estimates on ail OsbaU.a. t he evîls ef; commercialîsin, materîsi- ___________ indi ef Plaslering, Lalhing, etc. An hem-"jSpnîng Bloomiag- ln My Isi n d mllitaisin. TIoi a eall te a more Charges moderato. Write fer torma. Heant.» f perfect bretberbood o! the wonld, irben iscelianeous Adveirts. ________________ lixed quartette-l'Hope Thou Aun- uch a wr as that nom naging mii le____ God.'l Impossible, because ail men miii respect WANTED. RO -L TH A R Prayer meeting, Thunada>' eveulng and bonor and love eacI other, sud mlll Good dlean stram fon beddîng. RJ V AL THE T June 24, at 7.30, te be addressed by! put aside ail pettinessud nîvaîles. Fleming, lioadombroek Farin, Wlitby., ENTIRE ORANGE 0F PROGRAMME Rev. Thos. Joplin, efthîe Sbantymecus, The cail la for a more demecratic _tf Christian Association. c ontrei. The autocratie rule ofetFRSAE eueDR Ec Ng 0 miiose ambition la for menld pomer mîlî OlAEB EDR ahNjt IR. BLOW GETS COAL CONTRACT. f e kuomune more, and the people Tenders mil le receivod up te sud "The Troy 0W Harts" Mn. B. R. Blow has been amarded the1 themselves mliibave the nlgbl te s>'Icuig audy Jul>' 3, 1915, fer contract for suppiyiug tle Tomn Coun- irbal their course shall e: île>' shall e purelase efthîe trame bouse nom Eii'yldaysght. Fptplatur@lenday,AprII 19 Cli sud the Board et Education mihflot be dragged mbt a mai. b>'eue min occupied- b>'Mn. Bruton, Walnut St., Batluray nighi, 100. te aIL cooal. His pnice to tle Councili ias se- or by a dozen men, Wbitb>'. J. H. JAMES. BAIN PERRIN, manager. cepti ounlionday evening, t iras ' LetlW, tle catI la te a bigler sud _______________ Egg sud steve coal-.....$6.60 nobler lite. Iu conclusion Mn.* Sexsmitli Notice to Creditors. t n C a HMg tender te the Board of Educa- le resd>' sud eager te anismor It, aud te cr tiô' lwas: see------$.5 bring la thls uem day on earth, mIen IN THE MATTER 0F THE ESTATE Egg sud ty........$65 Christ shall reigu as King ovor ail na- 0F LOIJISA MARY BORROWMAN,S c a t n C R Chestaul..... ...... .... .. 6.80 tiens. 1 LATE 0F THE TOWN OF W11ITBY, ___ The occasion cf ibis dhurch attend- IN THE COUNTY 0F' ONTARIO, The desîl occurred on Sunda>' morn- suce b>' tle Masonle Order mas as SPINSTER, DECEASED. A in sof C a lug o! Winuie Hemstock, daughter et partiag tribut. te Mr. Sexamitl. hum- Notice ls berel>' given pursuant îe oAl1.ns oa lir. and lira. Hematock,;. atter sel! a member efthîe Order, mIe miii George V., Chapter 26, Section ~5sud Pea Coal, por ton---------.... a severe Ilîness o!flire meeks frein leave toma te assume bis uem pastor- amendlng asetiat ail pensons baving diphihenia. She mas a înight,i ameet ste lu Picton, Ont., ou July lut. There dlamns againat tle estste et Loulsa At Harbor Coal Sheds 50 cents per T dispositioued chid sud ioved b>' aîî mas abgleudid attendauce efthîe mem- -Mary Borremman, laie oethîe toma Of ton lois. "SCRA2NTON COAL."1 The ber pîsymates. Everytbing that med. bers, mbo eecupied the centre section Whitly, lu 11e CeunI>' ot Ontario, spin- icai skili sud leviug hands eeuld do iras ofthîe churel. ster. decesed, mIe died at île saîd naine guaranlees t1e bigleat pualit>'. doue b>' the tamîl>' te save the clild's -o Toma et Wbitby, ou or about thb 24t1 life, but witbeut avail. The taml>' WHITBY AND LINDSAY ASSOCIA- day o! Seplember, . 1914, are requlned nI have the deepeet sympatly of the coin- TION 0F BAPTIST CHURCHES. te delîver or send b>' pont prepaid te f BLIIWo Whihhy - muait>'. (Held over frem la8t week), île Torno Genenal Trusts Corpora-HoeTl1. .0The uinety-seventb aunuai meeting tien, Toronto, Oui., the executora cf Bell Tel. 9. HoeTl14 FARMERS. ATTENTION! efthîe above Association mas heM mîiithhe said esîste._ on or before îhe lotî __________ Your masoýn'_s latchet.7 i mas n-ecessoar>' oton ut as ee1ns> pira 1 urhselumbing, Ils Chie! te dram lus revelver, but le- Theno bave be-mn uoâ Having ucae the business of Roig fore ibis iras doue, Frsuh liseGreil>', changes during tle yosr, there beinne o A. MeCachen, (at Nempert's old . jing who as asistng l thearre tomfer than olgît nom pasters lu tle As-.tad ceived a naît>' 110w la the bead. s I o.1 tn) mprepai.eu te de al Eavetrougsîing,- .Kirkpatrick, irbe la a trot offeuder -The addresses delivered b>' île var- kinde of Stoves and Furnaces- la Whitby, but su, old band at the lous speakers mere of a high erden. The ganire lu general, mag fined $10 sud discussions upon vanieus lopîca et llve' Blacksmîithing, Homsethoeing Repaired, cesîs, $18 lnalal, mitirew monlîs te Intoreat mere keen sud most intoreat- sud Genemai Jobbiag-. pa>'. He lad s good job amaitiug lin, Ing sud profitable. GnrlRpi ok sud pronxuucd le go te îî at once. Thie Association cpoued on Tuesday FIRSTGCLASS TIRE SETTER. Estimate-s Civen. licArdeli, irlo denied oven test le merng sud couclud.d on Wednesday_____________ mas dnunk, mas ftned $10 sud coïts, a evoaing. Ahl work gurautced. Give me a cal total et $21, te be paid ai once. His Rev. John Ford, et Port Ferry, mas employer, Bert. Smith, pald île amount sppointed Mederator fer the ensulng layer hemmesoteWbeaesuj F. qurelBenj. Bryan te, get Is services ai once, sud licAr- Fr , S uire. dcli l te appean on .Friday nighi, iwith - Rivemers fte htvlead1Dundas St, Whltby, ont. the otler tme members ofthîe quartette Gre en RierdurcIes wiri.OunsarLÂi Crock Street, - Whitîy, Ont. ou anoilen charge. _________________ TOWN BASEBALL LEAGUE. The tire gaines durng île lai mweekII la tee Town League have been rua- airsys, la escî case île tean le le on île sIent end efthîe score. being tle M no ta d S o 1 Ironsides. Laut Thursda>' ulgîl, Malhiaou's / Nevon-Sireats mxade a 10-2 against tle Irosiesan onModa nihtof hi V RYT'HING isbzing slaughtered in our Two Shae Stores, where we have a meek tIc score belmeen Llttle's Neve: ' Quits aud îhe rusIdes mwu 17-4, lun E stock 0f-over $ 2,OCoo. We have purchased the stock at.F. N. Burnis' old stand, tavn cae il. te,&.the ullbe of at a rate on the dollar, and will be able to seli to Our cusfoniers cheaperbot and the Inensides iras et preseul, île shoes than ever before. catcher being absent on Thunada>', sud tle pitcher belug airs> on Mouds>'. Had the latter>' been preseut. lu full Watch for the Frlday B rg in strengîl ou Monda>' eveniug,île gaine - r a mouid lave boen close probsîl>', as Col- ln th «windolws at Burns'g Stand. lins, ton tee Never-Quita, mas miid, Ivniag. Asesasd eotonbaiouo acI See our bargain tables and cut prices. We are determined to clear this big st0ck mould. be painful, teerefoei o s omit- at any price. Corne in and take advantage -of these auction prices. liaurice Murphy, as umpure for the, -- lait tio gaines, ha givou cuntire salis» I d An*m lh i D!a.Ci. f«Mnn_,. aA ié-ll qàmnnirtfr . hâ Taoe aOU0&, imu Wilà MAuvArLUL" mu r tle remainder, cf tee saasn. T» uscond gae. thls week miii, be ~5WMA H vri~atf DI'ug and Stationory -Store', WflitBY, feu Phono ~ Independeat Pbene 37 SpeciaI Crder balloring OInARInent 3 Suit's Made to Orderin 41 s- PR NGL'8HARDWAREý Special Prieu on We have just received a large shipmniet of Roofing, purchased froni the manufacturer at -a special prîce, and we intend giving oui customers the beneet of the bargain. Paroid Roofing, Nou- Il regular $2.50 par square, while it -,Iasts $1 .90 par square Mi PRINGLE, Har.dware, 1'ehjtby- 't ---~ 4 Genùine Tailoring Days I300 patterns ici choose from-AII imported British Worsteds, Serges, Cheviots, Vieunas, Tweeds and Homespuns-Richest collection of we aves ever shown. OU W. have aecured th. sole cighite 4!1 Semni-reacdy Special Order Tailoring.-haud- tailored clothes made by specialists in¶-fne tailorng-,20 différent styles in thc Album o!f ashion. GIt takes exaetly 4 days at the shops te finish a suit, and me guarantee satisfaction sud an accunate fit without a try-en.' Ice Murphy, ido suhWhitby, po. Hotel Royal M1aUË WIfITBY EXOHA-NGE i 'jNb t4uLdLvWIiNU: YoungPigs Blacksmith T 1 Wlndmill Cream Sepaî 1 Extension, HAS FOR SALE Seed, imp- new _ 't *------- ,/1 \~ - See us ARCHIVES 0F - 1 'ri.3 = vti i

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