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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Jun 1915, p. 7

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;wien th5%a. demande est tbat ti.y'iiovieh anud the nerves fail té re- f~ ul uppy of uourloament' SVtus dance develope.'The' 4'4 kable succesu of Dr. Williams' Pinkl Pilla in curing St. Vitus dance shouid iead parente te give tuis great 14<od-buildine, Medicine t thieir chli- d ren at tise fire signe cf -the approach of the trouble. Pailor, blistiessnees, 'inattention, restlessuessanad irnitabil- lty are aIl symptôme which ealy show tiatthe bbeod and nerves are fslling tepseet the demand'upon them. Here la proof cf the. great value cf Dr. Wiliams' Pink Pille in cases of this kind. Mrs. Alfred Socelner, R.R. Ne. 6, Duanvilie, Ont., aye: "Our ton - yearn-old daugisteni, Violet, sufferedi venysevereiy from St. .Vitus dance. The trouble camnre en so gradually that 7 we were mt alanmed until it affected ber legs and anme, which weuid' twitch and jerk to sucli an .extenit that ehe .ould seareely walk and ceuld mt hld auything in lier lande teadily. 8h. suffered for about five menthe before we begar giving lien Dr. Wiliams' Pink Pille, but se hlad mot taken tise long befoee we feund tisat they were the iglit medicine, and aften she liad taken ine bexes se rad.fuily recov- ered lien former heaith and' strength. 1 eaui strcngby necommemd Dr. WiI- liam' Pink Pille te every parent biav- lmg a child sufferlng fromt St. Vitus dance'or amyfonm cf nervouenees. Iu troubles ef tiei kind no ther niedicine lias met with suci succees as )r. Williams' Pink Pille. You can get ' hese Pille tircuhay idcine deal- 'r orby, mail at 50 cents a box or six )oxes for $2.50 frini The Dr. Wil- iîapls' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Been Deceived.- "'Uncle, why did yeu neyer mdrry?" III neyer found a girl who would have mé." "'Somebody's been fooling you. Our -sex isn't that particular." i~FARES TO THE CALIFORNIA EX. POSITIONS VIA CHICACO & NORTH. WESTERN RV.. Four spléndid dai!y train. from thse Newr Pemsenger Terminal_. Chicago ta iMan Fran. elge,' Loo Angeles and San Diego. Choie@ of -Scenie and Direct Routes throngh thse beet of the Wet. somethin ta tees al thse way. Doubli&tracli. Autoatie elec. trie safety asiunais ail the iway. Let in %an youi'ttip and furnish f aldea aud j Il vartieulara B. I. Bennett, O.À., 46 Tangoe St., Tarante. Ontario. Iintriusicalby, Victoria Crosses are worth cuiy a, few pence. Most . Ujp51VALI&I5. &JSIUU $ VWKII burg le à1ready tahkng 'puce snd ssars their hâte le only artificial, and tblpks that mutual interests will make ids forget their treachery, their abomi- nable crfimes, cpttiug off the hands-cf women and chuîdren, murdering. the ,wounded, roasting captives alive, cru- cifying Canadiaus, aud" committiug outragea. toc horribl'e te print. 1 Gerrony muet b. sodismembered that -she',ud, ber, kuitur shal never again menace civilization. Her great prosperit-y and resources are iargely thse resuit of Engisnd's trade poiicy. England lias Permitted Germany. to buy at the. same prie. as Englieli con- aumers 12,000,000 tons of ceai (1913) annually, which supplied lier factor- les, warships, and forged Krupp guns. Engiand aise soid lier (1913) ïl1'5,000,- 000 worth cf raw woci' and yarns. Germany proepered by eellimg finished goode te Engiand for twice the amount of. her importe £rcm Britai. If we give lier another' chance to, recuperate and nie ether alliances, in a few yeare eh. would repeat the Belgian atrocities in England and buru London as thcy have aiways tlireatened te do. John Bull, an influentiai London weekly, with a circulation of nearly a million, has sounded the. tocsin: After thse war the Vendetta. We muet have a Solomton League and, Covenant, te which every British subject sliould subecribe for the protection of himself and descendants:- Neyer'te have any intenceurse with a Gçrman, either social or commer- cial. Never to buy froni orseli ta a Ger- man. Neyer permit a German arti'cle in hie house..' Neyer, te deal with a mendiant whe keepe a single article of Gernian man- ufacture in hie store. Neyer te, travel in Germiany non per- mit amy of lis family te, visit there. Permit ne Gernans te, enter Canada except on higlier ternie than Chines- a head tan of $1,000. The British Empire can do witliout- German trade; the lose te, Germany of the Britishi Empire's trade will be woree than the lose of lier svhole fleet annually. For 43 years tise Frenchi refueed to list Genman, secuities on thein mar- kets, have abstained from visiting or trading with Germsany, and we cau do the same. Let us follow the example of our gallant allies. "Deleuda Est Gen- mania," J. ENOCH THOMPSON. JToronto, l4th June, 1915. This Man Hires a Gardener. "Haven't you any penennials in your garden tiks. u ed "I1 den't t kn.Areth ed 4vty expensive?".. -1 The e Trouble Ahead. Constantly on t heir feet, attendlng to the wants of a large and exactint famlly, women often break do"n wlth nervous erbauistion. In tihe stores, factories, and on a farm are wesk, aling women, drag- ged down wiÃŽthÃŽ torturing backaehe and bearsh dmrn pains. Sc9,eriug isn't natural, but it's- dangerousbecauze due to diseasi- 1The. drzziess, insomis, deranged menses and other symptome of kid- neyô cop-aitcau 'cure t teevs they.reqp e the assistance of "Dr. Ham1in'ePlle which go direct to the seat cf tihe trouble. To giveý vitality and power to the kidneys, to lend aid th t he bladder and liver, to free the blcod of poisons, probably there je ne remedy s0 suc- ceesfui as Dr. Hamilton's Pis. For ail wcmanly irregularities their menit ie well knêwn. Because of their mild, soothing, and heaiing effect, Dr. Hamilton's Pille are safe, and are recommended for givîs and wcmen of ail ages. 25 cents per boxc at ait dealers. Refuse any substitute for Dr. Hamilton's Pille of Mandrake and Butternut. IMPERFECTWORLD NECESSARY It je Neceeeary for the Production and Training of Moral Beings. Professor . Soriey, of Cambridge University, lias beeni engaged iii de- livering a course of Gifford Lectures on "Ethie and Tlieism" at Mariechal Coliege, Aberdeen. In one of hie lec- tures he laid down hie own position in the following-words:- He wouid hazard the statement that an imperfect world was neces- sary for the production and training of moral beinge. A world of com- pletely unerring, imite beinge creat- ed and maintained se by the condi- tions of their life would be a world of marionettes. Not suchi were the beinge whom God was conceived to have created for communion with Himseif. ýThose spite muet figlit their way upwarde from the lowest beginninge. In thie progrese they had to attain reason and freedom 50 that the good miglit be known and chosen, and, tried by every kind of circumetance, to find and assimilate -the -values which could transforni the worid and malte themeelves fit for the higher spiritual life. This meant that it was possible to regard God ài tihe author and 1Ruer of the world as it appeared in space and tîme, and at the sanie time to hold that the moral values of which they were con- scioue and the moral ideal which they had corne te comprfehend with increai- ing -clearnees expreseed Hie nature. On the view- which had juet been sug- gested they would explain ail reality, nature and persons, laws and values, as depending on a Supreme Mind whose purpoee wae being unfolded in the hietory of the world. SHOULD HAVE RAD CONVOYS. Three Ways t. Save Lives on the Lusitania. The ose of-the Lueitania might have been avoided, or the loss of life mucli minimized, according te Hud- son Maximi, inventor of higli explo- sives and authority on warfare, if tliree methode of protection had bêen utilized. H.e sys: 30,M00miles ef 0e«Ff4itie uT d 8 -miles of Bttle Britain's. participation fi-tise war by Iand.-means. mucis mor eti alies ý-thn the numter of miles she- 19 holding' at tblnt ivoulM ii este..,, The vanioug land fronts of- tbe belligerents Mu the. gleat wàr make a total mileage c 18 -mies Of- which the Britâll army occupies a front of 31 miles. Thse Genin«ans have the longeet land front, of. which part la opposed té thé Russian snd the remainder té the Frenchs, Britius and Belgian arniies. - The Ruesians, who corne next té thé, Gernians lu point* of mileage, ma intain contactj witli the enemy for 1;056 miles, and are opposed te all three nations in combination againet the allies. Thingà-te Coàider. In considering thie 31 miles lieldI by the Britisli force, the nature of the country held and the characten of the fighting muet -be considered. Along certain parte of the Frenchi lime, as around Belfort and Epinal, stnongly-fontified aneas render tii.' passage of the Gernians almost im- possible, and the task of the Frenchi is correspondingly easier. At otheri points, ns in the Vosges and the Argonne, French andi Gerniane op- pose one another only at certain strategic points, and in sucli places there je no connected*fighting line, but only a discontinuoue uine of emal detaclied bodies of troope etnuggling for points of vantage. British Face Great Odde. Witli the Britisli force, howeven, this is not so. Every inch of the ground is held only by tlie--severeet attack and counter-attack. The ground je quite open and exposed, and je contantly swept by artillery and machine-gun lire. Also, a 7short1, time ago the Gernian attempt toi break the opposing line 1wass made and repulsed along the Britishs front at Ypres, and before that' the Britiesh had held, in the face of overwhelm- ing numbere, the positions along thse Aisne, where thse Gennians were ex- pecting te netnieve psntly the rush back from Paris. So that it wili readily be conceded that the holding of this 31 miles means the holding of a stenin-beaten bastion which meets thse full force of the gale. Land Fightiug Lines. The. following table shows the ex- tent of the land ighting uines of tise wanning powers* Germans. Miles. Western front............... 592 PolisIs front .................500 1,092 Austrians. Austro-Russian front......... 218 Servian front .... ....356 RussiaÙs. Polieli and Austnian front French .856 543 Western front ............... Servian sud Montenegrin. Austnian front ............... Turks. Black Ses territery nean Erze- 2181 been a convoy cf terpede boat de- rmBiih.................200 etroyers. A proteetive couvoy shouldBits have patrolled tise course of the Western front .............. 3 slip and blown eut of the water any WsBelgins.......... submanine that dared te show s con-Wetrfot. ...... ning towen. -Bitain's Value on Ses. "Iu the second place, torpedo-nete Tihe great value of Bitain's parti- miglit'have been used. It is a pepu- citpation in tIse war ie more readily ian belief that these eau oniy be ueed appreciated when the. entent of the. wliem a slip is at andhor, sud in that ses fronts defended by tise, allies way thcy have been used on warships are considered. The Britishi feets for years. A protective ecreen mnay alone proteet a sea frontier of over be constructed for a limer whici 30,000 miles. France, which cornes would extemd below tlie waten lime ent, lias a totai-with hier colonies aud explode amy torpedo wiich came -of sanie 5,400 miles. in contact witi it befone it couid Keeps Open thse Oceans. reacli the side cf thes. sip. Such a Iu onder properly te visualise tihe screefi would lower the speed of the great part thse Britisli Empire je slip ,perliaps one-hlaf, but wlen you playiug in the present wari, liowever, think that the Lusitania was etruck it je necessary te bear in mind that wien proceeding slowly you can eee mot only does the British uavy pro- tiat a met eould have been carried tect oui' own ses frontiers, but it wîtliout reducimg lier specd amy fur- aise keepe open the great ocean trade tien than it was already. routes by wliici the slips of al "The third metliod of protection the friendly and neutral nations can je ratIer s way of ssving lives after bring the' supplies necessary for thse slip lias Peen etruck. Tlere their weil-beimg. should be on every steamer self- Have Sînali Ses Frcnts. iaunchimg rafts tliat would fliat the Germany sud Austria hiave rela- minute thse waten reached tieni. It is tively very emaîl ses fronts te pro- certain that s umber of rafts of tliis tect-700 sud 390 miles respectively. kimd would liave saved many lives in The Austnian ses front in, of course, the loue of ýtie Titanic, of tue Tour- confined to the Âdriatic Ses, whist aine, and of tise Lusitania." the Gennisu colenies having, ince "P__ the* begimning of the war, been aban-' A GOOD THING doned by tise German naval autioni- ties, tihe ses front te be protected je WhenIt Cmes lon Dont Le ~fcerreepondingby redueed. Getn I Awayes Pomg ou. Lt Ses Fronts of thse Powers. "Irslyel tiat.i.ti lia;dyou.Tii. folowing figures nepresent tie bI te all feltht t hrdy OS isen fronts of the belligeremts: bl osy teommcl in f er of Grape- British Empire. Nute as a liealth food," ' ritee a lady Miles. "Fer 9 or 10 years I iad suffered, British bIses ................ 2,500 froni indigestien and clironie constipa- Austrabia. .................. 7,250 tion, eaused by tihe continucd uee of, Canada ................. ----6,000 coffee sud nicli, leavy feods. My ail- India and Céylon ............ 3,700 meute made my life se wretehed thati New Zeaiaud and Tasiania ... 2,800 I wass ager to try amything that hled Souths Afnica....... ....... 1,500 eut a pp~mise of lielp. And that in Egypt sud British East Africa. 1,000 isow I Isàppened te buy s package of Ne una........800 Grape-Nute food iset eprng. Northi Bornee ................ 900 "That emded my expeiments. For Aden sud Somshiland .... .....0 in Grape-Nuts I fouud i exactly wlsat I Straits Settlements......... wamted and needed. 'From the day 1 Solomon Islamds ............ /00 began te use it I moticed an impnove- Fi............i0 ment, sud in a very ?.w weekq I found Goid Coast and etien terniter- my licaltl wpl k.ing nestoned. es . ..... ...... 0 111y digestive apparatus uew wcnks Iperfectly, aud chronie constipation isas '8,0 beeu euneey relievç I haye gained ~ France. In w4git fateiallY, suAIlle 6, 1Sem'41t-east Franc..1,....... .. 0 very pleassut thing te me so long asuI1IjYJrccoTunîs " t4 eo . use Grape-Nuts ouce or twice a day. Jaag ........... en Jhave foujp bexp. 'ment tist A"Tonigkng . . 'i,éP vei off for a ewda my heaJ '__ for' the slirh, Iineaine USairs or 05milat as a ents a box frontTise Dr.' Willisms' Medicine ,Cc., Brockvillep, Ont-. To Measure a- Mais. At a meeting at which ,a m éinuter,* Whe in shert in stature, was te epeak, wtls Chairnil, endeavoning to le wi'tobseeved that he was some- whi4 dieappointed about the' miniý- ster's. physicai proportions. ",I ha, heard so mucli about M,.-," lie said, "lthat I natursly expectedto meet a big - man in eveny sense, but' -m" Many a one would have been upset by such an unfontunate begin-ii ning te the proeedeings,' But net sc the minieten. "r arn gnieved te find,"' lihe said, with a mock senieusuese, "that your chairman le -disappointed in my size, but tuis je owimg to tise way you have heère of measuring a man. In Ayrshine, whene I -corne froni, we measure a man from hie chin< up, but ýyou evidently measure hini fnom is chin down!" FREIGHT SERVICE TO RUSSIAi C.P.R. WilI Represent thie Russian Government. The traffic arrangement by. wiic the C.P.R. wil epresent .tise Ruif- sian Ggvernmemt in ,pnoviding for tirougi freigit services fnom tiset Dominion te Russia by týhe Trans-Id Sibenian Railway sud;*tise Russian Voluateer Fleet, which je an auxiiiai'y of tise railway, is an amplification of'2 thse connection whicl the cernpanyà lias sustained with the. Trans-Siber-ý ian Railway. wisicli is -a state-owmed systeni. The Company has offices in Moecow sud Petrograd in which-it does business, the oniy railway en thie continent te, have sucis offices in Russia. 'If it woul& 'àeem etrange tiat tise Company shouild,do business in either city, it need. only be men- tiened that tue C.P.R. je tise only railway in America which 'je a mcm- ber ef tise Round tue Wcirld Confer- ence of which the executive of tise LTram-Sibenian Railway 'ii- a chef element. The Camadian Pacilic, in its nound-the-wonld' tours, uses, - cf course, the Trans-Sibenian- Railway lime, which tise average -Ruosin- ways cails tise "Transcontinentl" uine-this beimg thi notion the- sys- tem convçys te hie mimd. On tuis lime tien. are three types cf engin. tise wecd, oùl and ceai using engin.. The wood engin. je a epeciai type, wiicis je ot built at ahl on tisis cen- tinent; 'bu> it serves the purpose in tise physîcal cireumstances on tise systeni, wiicli is differeutiated lu several ways f rom tIse on tuis 'cntinent. A Smnart Boy. A teaclier was examiuing a clase of emaîl boys in aritlimet.ic. Addressing a panticular smart 'boy se asked- "Can five go jute ome?" ; "Yes,"l came the amswer at once. "You stupid by!" shes aid. "'How do you make tiat eut?" "Pbesse, ma'am," lie eaid, "I put five tees into eue stocking thie merm- img!" I wae eured of Bromehitis and, Asthmaby MINARD'S LINIMENT. MRS. A. LIVINGSTON. Lot 5, P.E.I. I was cured of a severe attack of Rheumatism by MINARD'S LINI- MENT. Malione Bay. JOHN MADER. I was cured of s severely sprained leg by MINARD'S LINIMENT. JOSHUA A. WYNACHT. Bnridgewater. Doubtful. "IWheu do you expect te sec Mn. Green again?" III don't know." "But don't you uistuaiy sce him j once on twice s weck'!" "'Yes. But ycsterday I loancd him ivetlst lie was sureby te psy back te- morrew, and it le doubtful now that I shahl see him for a month or twe." ~" Orauuimtd Eyclidse Sore Hycsiamdy ,- ~ .~qicIy re ievd byMNadu LV 2u,,,,sdY Na Smnarin just Eye Comfott. A Yeur Druggist's o 5cpérBottîe. NMue y SIVSIITIbC2Sd. FcrDSokelihSEyefVSSiik Dsuggiau or Madus Lys Rc.dy Ce., Chicage Liglit takes Smin. l3sec. to travel fî'om the sun te thie esrtli. Zeet finarS'5 Liniment lu thes bous. àAIsfer Xinard's an.. taesnoa aise. Admirai Beatty's flagsIsip, the Lien, whicl is an Pightli of a mile long, and is hl sif e havy again asetue Dread-. nougît, was the finit British warsip te cust oven twd millions sterling. ,lu five minutes' ceutinueus firing. e h.e au dieciange 100,OOOlb.,of mei,ansd her eheils leave tise, muzzles, of lien guns at #.rate equ mf,)iléo n ohur. AW7yâlA nriy zzedal Ca ofpliaS se- cured one, as wellas tise clasp îwýard- ed te an officer who had - on tise Crossinu South Africa. 0f tise nine- teen officena- upon whom tise decora-< tien as bbesu conferired eight Phave, been killed, s have foéur ef tise thiry-twio nen-mmissiened officen sud' men among tise recipients. Ilu Kt cure Guaranteeci Neyer luowu to. 'MVore ,lal ctwihu borne ~soo>thlng, ~9Hg o1t.qo remedy seý saieMfe aud'suie ao Putnam's PaIn- FÃŽ&S Cern 1 xtràctor. Solid eo- wher.e-26c. er botle.- Germens have been using shrapnel composed of glass instead of lad. UNI VERBAL anadar l $23.5 This Bicycle là positiveiy Guar- anteeS. It lo ab- loutely thse best value an thse Ctnadian market, fitted iritis pawerful coaiter brake,.wood ýrn.,, beautifully enarnelied. 'strong mud-; guards, teal bag anS taule, guaraule- detachable tires. Write fat aur haud- ooms e ]MW] OCtaloge.Oui' 10w pricea, wiil stagger thse most. ecepticai iur- chasers. CtOui'agents'. proposition. lReembe -W ' eps vrrtllng. Our geods are dellvered , toerour doar fer tise same pnice yau see.in tise Catalogue. TUE CXV »BAL SALES 00.. (DSIIS. 10) 1«6e St. Lairrencs Bird., Kantrssi Que. FARU FOR RENT.- I LOOKING O FOUA FÂRM. C7 me ave everfJTwoJtlundred bleti latJL L ed In theiheot sections. tanlo. Ail ites. H. . Da.wion. Bra 1NfEWSPAPERS 5,FOR ,,SALE, Offices for . ale ln -goud Ont rio towns. The mos5t usefui and Interesting of ail businesser. -FUi11,isformyation on application ta Wlson P ubliising Coml piany. 73 West Adlaide,$t., Toronto. MISCELLANECUS. CANCER. TUMORS.' LUMPS; ETC-. i nternai ainc. external. cured wth- out pain by our homne treatment. Write ns before too l&e. Dr. Jiellrnal, Medcla Ca.LimiteS. Colinongwood. Oirr. CUTTrEN & FOÃ"STER BOAT TOPS" 1 Ford owners write for our catalogue. SEARS,CROSS Speedometer Station. 179 Qi!een Street West, TORONT09 -ONT. "r _________ 9fo r.4 l/~ i InSeveh- 1 dJône HOME Arts Courses only. SCHOOL KINGSTON, ONTARIO ARTS ROUCATION MEDICINE m SCHOOL OF MINING liinr Concrete'ýw'th tbf. 191 5 Model XINING ô HAND MIXER *aves you urne, !abc: and* CHEMICAL URCIIANICAL mener. You get a botter mi% uth leee CIVIL.. ElzfL ETR1C AL. cernent. Wnfrii m.cm~e ENGINRRINOWETTLAUPER BROI., GOO. Te CHEOWN, Bgsta Improved Conorae s aehlnery. Duit. W. SpadinitA*e.. Tcronto, Ontaric.- Freiglit Pxepaid to a.ny Ra&lway 6tatson in * . Otario.Length 15 Ft., Bea.mS At 9 In., - Dept'h j Pt. 6- In. AÂÇY Ã"TOR FPITS. S6peetigeatlos Ne. 2B Élving engins price. on request. Get eut' çjuotations ou-,'TIe Penetang Lime" Cezmerolal and Pkesure Laundies, Row boats sud Canees. fTHE GIDLEY BOAT CO., LIMITED, PENETANG9 CA"A à,s THE STOVE THA W ITl a NEW you don't havj#lo Just scratch a n~ -lights instanitly, and on thetb A NEW PER able cookigï *At hardware .7 2tM0 ARCHIVES -0F 0NTM TORONTO, PURE C1 CREAM YÃ"ur Dùotor WILL tel youýis a very nutrýitiolis And hkI7il 41t'b1e foôd-but It must be paire-Ice, Creamtob safe must be-made in,,a ierfectly sanit *ak4T Dafry. Whè"n yo'ôu eat -Çlty Dalry . Ie Crea«,m_ you get the benfit of.'the" iitfàiection -of Toronto's Llealth Department. The more tee Cream you -eat in suinmer, the botter health you ->will have, If It Is City Dairy te COream, because, ',If it's City Dairy '.1t'&Pur that!'@ Sureo" sale by deIwlminstIng .hopkeepose vei"ywhosP. in, our zown 1 ftm eh

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