MsortEdoaOlW10 A ar i nuiber. rm ir 9 )à ;;WTaî the gradue.tlon "0bisthe au Mr à X O ret rVU; the O. L. C.,,paid 3Mr. ~ #~'B t~~ashort visit last wek. - M r <nili o wileMa gc*1 fo Bodlil etOdet bee last viek and bail his houe rais0d fomlvr8ilrYon Sn edaad o ready for the xiew foundation. lMr- Col- 27th eran Sth. nday nd on'wýIl hai MnadeMgy,,IproveIlOfto te lune 7han'9b O ud hft homie mnce Put'diaMig marne. M<rcoon et 2.30 services wilIl e he1d w~r. Johin'Follocit, of Toronto, vislted ,tfle church. Rev. J. D. Mrrison, at the home -of W. M. Lawrence, ths8 awa, will give an. address, also1we. , f11rssan505 tton y ebri f Mr. and Mrs.,T. A. Fisher, and Mr. e, echool. At 7 p.m. services will be and Mrs. Jos. Maunder, ýof Indsay, eaîï- ,pbndticted by Rev. J. D. Morrisoli. Spe- ed on riende here on Tuesday while. on f>rAl inging -by choir. On Monday tea motor trip. :;jWll be served on the church lawn, MrW. .Laene mtedd fnon1 5 t 8 oclock. Refremhment 1LnMa n.edaM.laswreemtoedt bootb on the grounids. Football matchLndaoedylstwl. et 6.30 p.m. sharp. At 8 p.x. there will' (On. of oun speedy motoriste wae fined be a grand concert given In the Mamo0nlc for spedlng la Oshawa. They will no Inall. ý Miss Bell ThoonI, elocutiomi' doilbt be careful In futur.. - lt. of Toronto, will talcs part.- Solon, IMo., John Warren andl son, of To., .;eig' trios, choruses will be given ironto, spelit Sunday et the homeî of B. ýýYaealent.Adlet n cn Fr . Camnpbell. C. Tea or concert 25c.; chlldren, tee-1 Dr. MeNeely a ucae e là nd concert, 25c, tea or concert 15c. Ford automobile. lire. A. C . Meepheérson a nd daugh- Mr' and Mrs. Albert China, 0f Tor- TorïVt, vmitd te frme'eonto, vlsited Ia the village on Sunday. ter,ofTrnf- itethom' 0 Dr. John Moore le lmprovilig the Bp. cousin, Me., EugeIiO Wilson. pearance of hlm reideflce by the e c- STr lawn social advertlsed for Tues- tion of a new fence. day evening ait the homle of Mir. Wm. Miss Thompmon, of Whltby, vlsiteil Dunn, under the auspices of the Wil. at the home of Mn. Grass recently. kIg Workere of $t. Thiomas' Church, Mr. and Mmm. Gordon Hall, of Bramp- was postponed until Wednesdey even- ton, vlited here recently. liig, wben It was held Iu the houme lMr. and Mrs. Chas. Elllott spent owlng to the unfavorable weather the week-end with .friende-IlOar George- conditions. The tee served from town., 6 to 8 wae the beet the ladies could Miss Jean Haecaft fa visiting iu provide. Af ten tee was senved a good Oshawa for a week. program was rend7red, whlch wes thor- Mir. John Maynard ln havlfli h oughly enjoyed by ail.- bouse patnted. ~,The football game on Saturday even- Mr. and Mrs. Rahaim, of East Whit.- 1.1-Msi p tho B.Rd Crossl rfE ladies have done a great work in this part of T1the country. They are anxious to do more and more, as the need is great. S8aturday, JuIy 3 we are going to hand to thlem [I10 Per cent. 0F OUR CASHN SALES -on, that day. Givo us a bumpÇr day, and they w'ill Set the benefit. <'Many bpecias secured for this big day's b iness. j' <ShS!IaYt 01IY 3rd-One day ouy r 'K<Iingând Country need your help. 1 W.* M.LAWRENCE *BROOKLIN, lorieêQuc 3- good ýsýcond-hand. covered buggies. Wagoýn..l 1 light [ew Perjection.coal' oit str'ves. Viln' - Él Oi idSptâyert 'he 1ý,'aà Ous Olivex Corni Cultivators and .EVERYýTMI1N CIN <HARDWARE + RIAH JOlIES 'ARE,» - - - - - ROOKLI N ex' - s toucli Beginners, 44ivl sexeine.louselceepers, âure of ""id, Lealthful ,,food, à bould. caref ully th&iae[a4use oà ty a bakingpowder shown ajeýçfcream' of tartar. RYAL 'ing Powder J - ~ ~ - rakes the-fineslt and mos! acliciotis i h I 'II i ___food. andits use i a safeguard against bkn odr id fau u I . - ollei-cd as substtutes 9mmply>6ecause they cest less te make.f sy pent Sunday wt r.adMs COL'rMBUS. St. Andrew's Presbyterlan Church, who b John Whltefond. -Mn. and Mre. R. E. Hodgson,. cf To- wlth fniende had -motorod ou! from n ima Mln rne olwlll, la vlsltlng f019. ronIto, aPeut Sunday with fniende here. town. tiesluToone.Quite a number from here attended Mn. Walter Kerr, who ahanes with Il W. are pleaud te know that our en.- Decoration Day at the Union Cemeteny Mn. Heron the credit of training the h tenprising, but7cher,, Mr. Banaclougli, I udy choir of young men, necelved a moat le dolng a splendid busiins, and ila- tSvera rmhreto ath tn eryecore to hie splendldly gi ien t4 tends te uta.y with us. Fatronize home pienlie lagt week. 1 Brit.ish Over Ail." trade. On account of the wet nîglit, thons A veny sîncers vote of thanks waS Be sure and hean Miss Bell Thomp- wae rallier a emaîl tunnout et the lec- moved by Rev. Mi'. Heigof Columbus,P son, of Toronto, at the Mthodiet 8.8. ture on Friday nighit. who le aiways a. welcome visitto j concert on .Mondey night. . Arrangements are being made to Amhburn, not only te Dr. ratterson and1 If you wilih a higli grade Pa8try make the annlversany on July the 4th to those who supplled the m~usic, but flo-, . H Evis lii 1.and- 5th the bîggest and beet yet. aIse, to the ladies of the congregatlon Mn. and Mme. H.-Maynard and family, for the enjoyable supper pnovlded. This- of Toronto; spent Sunday la town with The Methodlets are havlng the fonce wau seconded by Mn. James Henon, e frIende. palnted lu front of the churcli, whichw Rev. J. H. torland, of Toronto, for addamuh tat appearance Teetnenet a rultt menly la charge of Brookla and Col- Kiiiale Garden Party, C. J. Steveli- close by the slnging'of e couple cf pet-1 umbus resbyerianchurcesw s n 11 lawn, Thursday, July 1. -Tes, fem niolle versee by the choir followed by - umbus Pneebaytlen hrts we s la 6 te S. Wbitby baud. Douglas Stan- the National Aiii-hem. The pnoceeds 'Mn. A . DMdge lied e veny succesaful bury, boy singer,,,>then good talent. Ad- f nom all sources were ever $220. barn a neing lest week. mission 30c. and 20c. Kinsale Gardon Panty, C. J. Stevon- We undenstand Thos. Hall lias pur. son's lawn, Thiursday, July 1. Tee fnom chased the eutt tern of the DeLong 6 to 9. Whltby band. Douglas Stan- estate. neivdts FRUIT BULLETIN bury, boy singer, other good talent. Ad- Word w ei hsweek of the 0 itereit h wes. lcil e-mission 30c. and 20e. death of lins. Fred Bowlee, whicli took tcsisg ven toby nigtabrim Asbburn shoemaken.' AlI kînda of place la St. Johna's, Michigan, on Sun- now. hasve yonr grocen &@eure N iagaro s boss and harass nepained. Good day, June 2th. i'n$ sla grwnkdbyarno workmaaship and niglit pnices -guanan- Mmm. Ellens, cf Oshiawa, le hlildaying, theirbemstand require les@ sugar. Goome- teed. For the uex! two woeks I will moul wite ber parents, Mr. and Mmm. S. Bond. bLriseon eady. Speak le oroc cheap some hand-made boots and shoos lins. Bannes, of Chicago, lo visiting yorrc t a great bergein. Sam. Oliver, alice- lier old home town. lins. Bannes, AHBURN mknan anes4parm wboae chlldhood days wene spenitliere, Fo he AmnttS lni hi la l6okiag aften smre proponty . F mtemoettesleddcor- KINSALE. A numben of the Masonie brelbren cf male voices rose to load lan h îgt the meollsrie t Joined wilte te Whitby order ln attend- singing of. tie "Te Deum" the large Oigt h eoilsrie Ing service la thee leteodist Tabmn. congregetion tbat not only taxed to alem en Sundey there was ne service nacle, Whltby, onj$unday morning. the utmost the regular eting capaeity home.1 Mr. Sandy Blair spent SuiLday et o f the cbuncli, but ovenfiewed Into the Miss Cone Lawrence spent the week- Mr. Jas. 'Woodwarda. aileos, the annivenseny services, held ln end witb ber parente. Kinsle GrdonPart, C.J. S eve-cnnection 'witb Burns' Ch urcli Aili- Misa Bell MeBrien la vlaitlng wlth son's lawn, Tliunsday, July 1. Tee tnor burn, ou Sunday and Monday of this le rteM.H cne te 9. Whitby-band. Douglas Stan- weok, June 20tli and 2lst, preved su Misa Lylla MeBrien Ivisited ln To- bumy, bey singer, other good talen7aê- uqaiie Ponneeetdeucs. Fur ef our Entrance pupila went mission 30e. and 20e. Rev. Wý_H. Andrews, of Eat Presby- down to Whitby te try their exems. toien Churcli, Toronto, conducted the thia week. We wisli tlem succesa. ____ services both menning and evening. Mme. S. Mackey and ber deughten, Beware of Ointmontslor Catai'I For the mo'nning lesson lie nead Glail- ins. Stevenson, have neturned fromn that CnUdn Mreury tene's favorite passage, part of- the their vîmsit te western peints. thatConainN*rUrY 4th chapten et the booki of Isaiel, Do-net fonget the institute meeting as mnercuti wiil surell destroy lb. musel of whom Jie named "1tee! anisteerat Ofet eMlra. J. Rodd's on Fnlday a.ttronon emeu end completely derauj; theéwble exstem polea' FX e ti Ai e# e uta frindy Suchatlcebrloul evr ho uMde.zesp « le, preeae a sermon est waà ,arakéd Mr. and Mns, C. Lldg9ett have return- prescriptions f nom reptablie physiciens. et the boîli by simplleity and deep spiritual ed frmm a few dalg> visit et St. Cathar- damnage tbey wfii do fa teu e o tegood you anteu oau possibly denive f rom thema. Hall& Oatarb enete5 Ines. Cue sufaetuied by P. J. CbeauIn -t, e hé evening the attendance wai lins. H. MeBrin aga bean'unden the Toredoc,7O.. cotala. ao mercury ~ad1 tkel lngr h"»-eric' mtenallï, sctlmg dlrectiy upea îhèl>bodleNd gr ha t the mornng srie octoP'5o cane, alec Mm. Howard liackey, =u= urfaces oLAhe system 'I buylulr mâny being' tûmned away at the door. but we ane glad te hear both are lm- HlallVasCatamrh Cure beçreyoug ettlie geauiae. To an attentive congrégation heoence proviug. by la . Ceney e. T1 ad e fi oullo, ee. more delivered a thoughtful diecourso We lied election cf officena and teacli- Sold by Drug Ma.- Price se per bottie. on "The Love cf God.,' ors of cun Suuday Schoo-l lest Fnidey Tak Iatla damlyPilla;fcr coastipation. Perbape neyer before lu the hislory evenIng. Tho ame officers wero elect- . ýý d M ýef the Village cf Ashburn bas Ihero ed akain. MYRTLE. been beard witbin the four walls cf its A carload cf cement was unloaded' Mn. R. Pike, of Toronto, epeut Sun- cburch se tmuly great an onator as bore et ôur sldiug this week. It was day witb hie son, Mn. J. Pike. Rev. Dr. Patterson, cf Cook'm Churcli, the fins! car on our new siding. Toronto. Iu introdueing hlm, Rev. Mn. Mn. J. Lawtoa le building a new The "Gasellue Bowaer'" et the corner Johnston, wlic was chairman, cliera- kitchen. le kept bumy these daye.- terizedi bimself as Dr. Pattermcn's Mr. Ed. Redmen le expectiIlg e car- Miss E. Gardner visited with ber sis- sou,. Tlmlthy, after the spirit: havlng, load cf brick te cempiete bis new ton lu Sonya necently. been persuadod to study for the minis- lieuse. Miss-,Ida Jeffrey, cf Brooklu, was the try largely tbnough the other'a solîcita- The crepa are lookiug fine la thlm gucat cf ber aunt, Mmm. C. Hantle, on lion and Influence. neighborhood. Suudey. As Dr. Patterson stepped acrose the Mr. and lins. Harlock, f nom Toronto, A number cf serlous accidents bave pîatform. one saw a man e tnifle ever were visitiiig et ins. Richardeoi's. liappeuod bore neceully, tbrough care- fifty, of massive frame and slightly -o lemanese and diaregerd cf the metor steoped. but lu whose every pievemeut RAGLAN. lews. It la blgh tîme the law was Ibere was lightness anid preci sien and The pulpit wes filled lest Sunday by beiug enforced ln this vicinity. ease. A pair cf sbnewd and humomous Rev. lir. Hazzard, of the Bible So- Those whe alteuded the enlvensamy eyes, ellled wlth e well-moulded and clely, Toronte, and a large crowd wae services lu Asbbunn on Sunday and bumorous moutb, presaged te ome preut to ho-ar hlm. Monday report that tbey wene cf auch extent that marveleus flow cf Irlih __________ an inapiring character- as ouly Presby- wIt thet proved noue the les Ireasat- teniana know bow te prepare. able wheu clotbed lu île cwn mother- MYRTLE LUVERY Rcad Comfmiesioner Downey's annuel longue. slegan pealed forth lat week, and as But Dr. palteneou's address. "Greater First Class Rigs for bire. Special aenedterahovels and ae boys wcru- l3itain and the Great War," was ne attention given te commercial travelers. ingd fthein King lsand aceuntwryhul-mere compendium cf wil. There was' ing goraver K tinndcmunrysionerdeep accru and nlgbtecus Indignation, Bus meets al trains. tInk ga thtlieurmoada h ould berptfer Infidel Germeuy et the crimes she1 rp lu nk t bat possible scodition fort hid committed againet a belplespeo- 1 THOS. SMITH.Prp comfcrt cf motorias, and to give them pe ua hamelse waor. Thea re ae so>_____________________ ln hebes pssileconiton orthepimuca h a lwas iufonmng, a paise 1' a favorable Impression of bis beat. where praise wes due, while over and lins. Brown, of Toronto, called on abeve aIl shone a great persouality, NIH LO S D N fredieeon Saturday. charmîug and nmelIow aud sincee. [JNDH)IRTAIKBR5 letwe r.on. a nt Moutr-oalt hu,-"u .kooha in-temon___________________ îUh1ïtà e1'gedctoezs cane, basnCuite fOCOT- Tem~wo~de ucuitraUw BZe loasdite re~. UE.U N MIy 1,fi AuhuraaceCoeMpaa, Reînember- tho gardonpaa-y tEj 1 = ~hche wanthEfe insurance. 01hevenlug t iy t. L. W. DIJDL£Y9 - M. SUTHEBRLAND. Igteven#>n.s bu*tei10 Agefaul oton, President>& Goeal Manager -A aplendUld p13 1i inarranged. -Whltby. Ont. Toronto. h'e W4tb p- - 4wi b n at< _ _ __ _ _ _ _ by wlll 07, f4mu p ' f-ih nghtthowrone- .-ufaniy FALL ILiIU OPENS SEPT. t k-k- romey 1;oliles te s tOii15h a élâ--k~ ttéi the liverïngeleiPST coutribute ytw, 14. l»,od n -Tc1rono n, .. le' frm 6 o'cJ0k ait s.orvod. 1g msbdyasiine cdaoto 'Admiossion80c., '~d 20co- » , 1bieconfidenic -hsnI ever befons1 Miss MeKey lut Sèn :Oro . imlnm forche~ or u pt L tu' que!. oi Dont frgt te srabery "*i -iea ad grand concert, undor Ibe auspices w hmeoJh ahace1s, J.'~" f the Ladies' Ad, te -be beld la the Oke, lira. Lugten, lins. H. lmreti, Hell, on Jule 301h.1 - W lter - Huèon,ý A. M CedW Kineale .Garden Party, C. J. Steve- Seale, Ronald-Hall, W4 Meeker,3r i., on'slawn, Thursdey, July 1. Tee fnom Davey, T. Anderon, A. Anferscn, 0, 6, 8o . Whitby baud, Douglas Stan- Rice, Jr., E. Broýwn,' Thos. Appletok.14zzM - ' bury, boy singer, ethen good talent. Ad.-TaorJ.Sney L.F Nrtaas~ misson 30 . and 20c. . e ul o li, re. W ilk nson, R .' ;. Quite e numbor frcm here attended Undenwod, A. A. Walker, W, Doui1a4a ,-,' ho anlvenmamy et Bethel, $uuday ad W. J. Roacli, A. Breen, W. Polocit, Mfonday lest. L, Starn, Wm. Ray, T. Hutchînsca, ;. Our youug people are Iookiug fonwad AMd, lire. Jas. MéClellen, lins. S. Jacki- le a big tinat the Miont Carmel pic- sn, H. Cohen, M. J. Holliday-, lin. EÉ& ie, oi July lt. - Bnedloy, lins. M. Mayne, lins. R.'CÃ" .' Wbiie playing football ene day lue! lIns, W. Stintevaut, H. Heerd, G. Stur- week, Abert Gnose lied hie leg broken geme, M. Fox, Wm. Aehby, Mme. ]H.. 4 jus! below .1h. knoe. ',We hope te see Thompeon, lins. Smith, E. HXendernson, hlm outagain a! an early dat. Herbent Wilson, lins. Bath, Mrns. Pcw. ..' ,Schoir gave aome veny choice sel- ell, E. Horno, S. Henstock, John Fellen, ttionm on Sunday. Alex. Pauls, lmes. Geo Robertson, 3 Will Hodgson lo having a well dm111- Seldon, R. Augustus, J.. E. Webster, LU ed on bis fanm Juet east of the village. Lavine, Arthur Noble, lins. W. H. John-! Wm. Avery's barn wam stnuck, by sIen, R. L. Huggand, T. Hardy, M. Sul- llghtnlug Friday night, but fortunato- livan, T. H. Clayton, Fred Pogeon, G. Iy no damge was doue. Pinder, W. Noble, lire, Pellow, lire. J. - ~Augustus. lme. J. liowal, Mime, NeUf. .1 Harper, R. McMillau, Miss Alma rib- ~ FRECKLES6son, Miss. M. G. Freser, Miss, .,:W, Fraser, B. Joues, F. G. Underwood. C. - I E. Flecher, Wm. -Marhal, A, Hemîl- NOW IS THE TIME TO GET RID 0F on, John Gniflin, Misses Bryan, A, - TFILESE UGT.Y SPOTS. Blanchard, J. H. Gulliver, C. W. W Thee'snolonerthe sllgbte ed 1herilt, Miss M.A. Lune, T. Caldernne Tmr e e Lucas, John Cooper, Miss F.E. Woo)d- cf feeling aahamed cf your freck les, as bouse, J. T. Sîcan, lire. L. Gimblet!, F# the proscription ethine - double G. Coruleli, J. Proudfoct, T. Y. Atia- streugtb - le gueranteed te nemove s on, Jos. Ashby, Soc WIug, E. Tayioï'lf those bomely spots. lire. J. C. Conner, W. P. Wilieifs,. Simply get an ounce ef othîne -Miss A. B. Hem, Thos. Hawes, Sr.,-Fî double stnength-from eny dmuggiat Bmyeu, E. K. Hyd, L. M.E. Harvey, W, and epply a lîtle et il uigbt ad men- Rowson lins. Hwrd. ing and you heuld accu ses that even tb. wenst frecklea have begun te dia- Mrm. Geo, Clark....... .... .... Z 0 q#% appeer, whlle the ligbter ones have John MecEdward........ . 5.00 - - vanlsliedentimely. j! le seldom that lire. J. MacEdwerd . . more than an unce le ueeded te com-,ieG .MAldd'.... 5.00' pletely dlean the skln and gain e beauti- Oso. Sterrieon ... ---.5.... fuI dlean complexion. Ms amno - - - Be sure to asIc for the double R. GOMmley ...... .... .. 5 strength otbine, as tbis l a mold under lins. licBurney.- -- - -----------30 . guementee cf your mcueyback if it 25c.. , feils to romove freckles. mis Mebel PImsn, 'A. FîdIer, A- Sldsworth, Mme. E. JA. Watehou, Contnihutdons- to the -Patri-MryL~ Smith' otic fund. - (Conitinlued If rom last Issue.) $2.00 COIiTEBuTioiçS. F. acGoty, ~.Bryck, F. N~oble, Hsdley, -MZ and 1fr. arringtcon,- luntey, T.DeonWHWIk - Min. Veda Luke, Mm.. Iolden, Mrs.' seul, John Noble, Mdre ïior oison, :Mre., Wallace, J. -Walkerî-, .IL Bradbury, P.J. Sullivan, Mrs. M. L. Long, MiesJ. Wilson, BU-Murphy, W.À.AU. d 5 Henderoon, R. S. Vickery, Jas. Smith, Chamb.vIain b M. Mallett, F. J. Jones, Wm. Hopper, E. H. Harvey. $1.50 CONTIBUTIONS, J. Mathison. John Baker. E"Utalhecl ove" o4-o~ THE SADR HUIr-à M i 0FCANAýDA Ther A,,Cf' You WiollFdi Zetou sl 'n-Ùý & ffent.u Wesoliciî yur oc -w-w*~ -i.-- v 381 SSAVINGS DEPAI WHIT-BY B C. A. McCIlenmw,.w WisSu.Lil se Bomnlreolhin (C.41 r1~. MADSI N CANADA Ford T9rngcel Price $590 The beat thet moey cati buy-is thi.etlionýr that goos irito the Canadien, Ford. Our- wonkmen are the higliost paid motor cen mechenios lu the British Empire. This means dollars saved in aten expenset'a he.- ma who drives a Fond 6"Made lu Canada."ý * Beceuse the Fond can je built ight. Bu yera cf Fond cars will aà hare iu our profits if wp- mll 31,000 cane betweea, Auguet 1, 1914, si- August 1, 1915. Ruabo>ut $540;'Towu car $840; F.OB.F0 'nalo wth al equipment, izmcnding eleet-- r leadlightu; Cams on display and iMle ~ .aw as me~ t - WI5TR Sticky Fly 2 ehects fer Powdei a. rebiable dis-infec N.5. 5 and-lOî ii _E. VIL Drug 1 't.and. f MEIiICAL HW Brock Ste' a >ýHà ving Taken-O JI H.0 Oowney 1 am. preparei1 b 'Iili a] CLEAN BRIGH1 GOAl Weil screecd, Wý tee prompt dehivery Orders mnay be le effiee f J H .Doive James -Sam Whtby, t Mgarriage Lic AIL ALUN Ismuer cf merIige LI Corner drugat NO Witnemees recjuined. The Creator Canada- li - LandGo., Limil Real Entale Dettleri, Este Renta Collected, Firqt DEo Pro1,erties binught , For tmmnîqs apply llead (11 -1.011 Phone 13 Sales -Msnrngerf. RICHARDSON & RIWIARDSOI N E SELL F) In ofSu LIVERVI-SALE Ai BOAROINO STABL kinda, ý - ý mi