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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 9 Sep 1915, p. 3

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.,iý.Genr QiOfensive Foreshad4/wed of, Brito othe ser"Fi '4 ougbt ta go," neitiier may you bay Cheese-Finest westerns, 127/9ta the respousibibity ai your etaying oun 34;fne stre 2 a1e '---»~auyue ut aunelf Yar's latheButter-Chaiceet cneamery, 28% ta - 'a choîce. Stay if your consciencesasys 28%esec 7 od ;s, 2 e/îta 2c, Eggs- so;bugoi tsy ogfryr stock, 23e; No. 2 stock 20e Dressed SEmpire needs, the mon. - bge-Abattair kilbed, $13.60 ta $14.16. Pork-Heuvy Canada shtc mheàs, hbls,, 85 ta 45 pioces, $29; Cari- T FRM AUTRIAada short-eut back, bbis., 45 ta 55 THE TFO M UITI AKESPieces, $8 5. Lard--Coinpound, TO MNITIN MAERStierces, 975 iba., 10e; waod paîle, 20; iba. net, 10%c; pure, tierces, 375 ibs., Adspatcb ta Amnsterdamn asyo 11% ta 12e; pure, wood pulls, 20 Iba I S Faiiawîng the exampbe ai Germauy, net, 121/2ta 13e.- the Austro-Hunganian Governint now announeos, according te the United States Markets.. FranktutrZiufta hAs Minneapolis, Sept. 7.-W-heak--No --a, tnians sud Hunganiaus lu ueutt'5i 1 bard, $1 .03%; No. 1 Nanthemu, 97e ,6 countnies, psrticulanly the United to $1 .03; No. 2 Notheru,, 94 ta $1, States, arc warned not ta work in tac- September, 92e; Deçember, 92%e. tories 'produciug war inatenial for Corn-No. 8, yeiiow,, 75 ta 75%c. Oas enemies ai the Dual Mouarcby. This -N. _ wte 832 % ta 38e.Flur newpapr gystha %olaionofthia (new wheat baste) -ancy pâtents, newsaperesystha viastio ai $5 90- first clears, $4; second ebeane, drêeeispluiuhable by iuipÉiionMaent$3 -19 of ton te tweuty years, sud"even by Duluth, Sept. 7.-Wheat-No. 1 -capital punishaient unden certain cou- bard, $1.02%; Ne. i Nonthrnu, 9714c dirions. ~ta $1.-02UY-, No. 2 Northern, 9Yet $1.00U4; Moutana No. 2 bard, 95i14e bld; Sept».mber, 941/c; Decemben, BtRIG-GE PIE UTLDE SATS BOSTON. IBARQUE 3 a9% asked. Linseed, e<s FIRED ON BY U-BOAT 1.62; Se ptomber, $1.621/4; Decem- b ee 09~ OCâa"to regob - - 7 er, $1.64 bld.- sali:ewThe eau UaIoù ao- A despatch tram Boston ess TeLve Stock Markets. q p t'h Aencnbrqe!ut tr, wid Tarante, Sept. 7.-Best heavy fiça lu tis ity w~sfre upn tw-e y- steers, $8 ta $8,25; butcbers' cattieté'Osa a» b e t1 esn udiGerman submarlfe, when le ub0 hoice' $7. 0 te $7.75; do., good, $7.30 an oi@re~iieu wliunvsi ar4.1nd,'acfding to 4h. to 7.46;do., fuedium, $6.40 to $7.-10; gs<Ie. - - arrivai here from Llverpool. WuIchaice, $6.80 ta $7.25; jdo., surreucer - A eipatch.,Irom Pare ssys: The S G /era r itry .teditrO "" **' *iu Frenich have been peurlng ant aVa- svGraiiiltiYarjite the landhe Of, IieUsit<> theGen lue uiètoSwiess rontier oPO~8e~. 11 the west.. It is not'beiieved that French tOwn of Delle. Althoug1à un- -- ammmultlon-o uldhouediMpby dci'fie tram Frenq* -rtillerY, tbe - for the Puir-one a mgig the Ger-eolne undbgr-k. One, dam- .-. *. man trencbes, sud, theretare, an earlY aged machine came down na h.... ~_ eftei'aVôe 1lI iokcd fr. swiéss village aOf Buix, but- aftemrWids - ..>~ .... .... -'icfi' ÀopblyxItug g a sè-itot9tok ,ta the, air. sud escaped, toçards ---., mnecessa by the tQermans in,,au, attack Alsace. against Linge sud Schratzmaenneld, The Municipal Council amkn iu the Voages., Ater releauing ýthe arrangemnents ,with, the-Gve-mri gaz the "Grmans charge the French for.,an officiel commeinorSanýo the - i' .;:li~ positions, but were drive,,baek. iElue. Battbe af the Marne, luwhch lý where on 4h. Freuchfront there were Germen advance thraugh France in no infantry actions, tio"gh , heavy -the early weeks ai the, war- was end- cannonadîng occurred A -1eerai ed. The, ebbratiaii willbehohebdi an places. German aviatgrs joolated 0eptember 12. PURJRLAERofC!ORIFS - ACOMPARSON 0 Q;ermans are Retreatlug In Great CANADA'S - JTESPONSqIBILiTY. Disorder After a iSertes Of Defeats.- From Toronto Dally News.- -- A deppatch, tram- Paris sys., Fîght- Ia a year's time we. have seen.aur Ing continu es iutihe Cameroane, the army coifie inte beîng sud :grow, into __ German ,coliy in ý-Western "Afrîca a force o vr cnldrbi sze -u whlçh the British sud French have efficleucy;; but tus tine tieto rest been ,attempting sinice the eariyPar't an-aur laurels1, milch l& ainig bvelu s .genewa& ittw- et ,Yebuugge, the Germait n of thi. war te wrest irom ýtbe Garr- tendency- toivards- .elf.-congratulatioti. Belitan - cooat., The .ezte"ive -wattewa>-s provug -a.The.Iniutry ai o onies gave Our duty. naw <i& ta .appreclatethe fulit liven $or sub>Eiaies. B1rltlh- warâbips have i'0i but a statement to-day uanlgextent aiof ur'responaîbilities sud _______ndvssis tZebuge furtber victories. It follows: make adequate ,.-provision for- dis- ________________-- "French forces iu the easteru sud charging thein. -- south-easteru Cameroons are continiu- The United Kingdom entered the Maîkets0f The o$ld.90 -ing a vigoraus offensive lu the dlrec- war wlth a naval farce ai nat becs ta $s O tleo an decaitital ai the, c225,000, and witha miî,.'..-chaice, $6,.50 ta The German troope werë efo osed lâ force ia-lat20,0.Sic heBedauf.$6;0ota $7. treatinlin gret disorer. th 22t000 dBrthd*stu"fs a $6; o medit -asertes ai engagements sud are ne- outbreak thon. have been added ta t)eS, oot, et .MntoawetIe 6 5t 7 aith ntieGema toaamilitary force, oai compietely traiued -Old crp-Ja.' iNotlieru, nons - Ib o., $6.2571 7. "lMsuyo h aieGre ro sud equipped soldiens, nat boas than ferng; No. 2 Northern, $1.14 ta teacr $5ta$ surrendored, with their arma sud 500,000. Adding -1ta these the soldions $1.16; No. 3 Nontherun, $1,.09 ta hmedum, eac91r other equûipuxent. A party ai these wbich the United_ Kingdam now bas lu, track, lake ports. $50 -t11meiu, a 95; l 'letr~wrue on thein way - ta aur the makiug, in ail stages ai equip- Maioaot-aoofnn. d. uk$3. lg postet ut.kadmakei eucountered a coin- mont sud training, 'numboning « not Amenican coïn-No. 2 ycllow, 83%,c,iab,$ta7 pan a Gemaswboatexpted ta bass than 1,500,000, the total ia at tskeae-prs wt., $7.751 ta bar their way. The desertèr$ defeat- least 2,525,000. The figures are ap Canadian corn-No. 2 yellow, nom- hoga, off cura, cd the Germans, and aiea attacked a proxinrately ouly, but tbey ivili serve. inal, track, Toronto. ted snd watercd, Sungamelna. Ourbeing abut one- 'Ontario oas-Ã"ld: No. 2 white, 51î.h,$89. German post ut Sna ln.Orpopulation bigaou nta 52c, nominal, according ta ireigbts foutreal,9S. "Our ight columu, coming tram the sixth the population ai the United outeido; NO. 3 white, 50 ta 51c, se- go, $7 .50 tor uarth, attacked the trongiy-iontified Kiugdam, -wve can rËeadily ascentain cording ta ireights out$ide;0uew onts positions ut the Dume station, simul- -ho minimum number ai mon that we 40 ta 42e..75 bcer b tauCeoueiy with anattaek tram Oui' should now bave availablo for service Ontario wheat-No. 2 winter, per 'igbulle, $4 to couthern columu. The Gerians were il we wene daiug aur full share. In car lot,$15nw,9ta8ehut p4'a1 çlfeated complotely. They abaudoued rudfgrs eaoi aeafnesibi tougb, 88 ta 93c; sprouted or 8,/ enpud -their positions, sud lu retreat tbrew aif at least 400,000 men. emutty, 75 ta 85e, accarding to amaux- ý $7.510, anf most ai their supplies into the river Turuing tram the ideal ta the roui, plesaN.,po aeosnmnl wt., aIl weighed sud allowed natives ta pillage other ive msy estimate the'streugth ai the jaccarding'ta ireights outaide. abandoned stores. . In - evacusting Canadian forces as iollowc:.- BarIey-Good muiting banley, nom- Dume the enemy set it on fine, making Adding the iew thousanda, we bud inal; Noa. 3 ieed, nominal; feed ban- DENIES GERi' a stand on a.ilîl overiookiug the town. ta hegin with ta those orgunized*dur- loy, nominal, according ta ireighte ARE LEF' This position, wbicb -vas deieudod iug the year, the total number ai outside. with artillery sud machine guna, was tnaiued sud equipped troape is nat Buckwheat-Car iots, nominal, se- A despatch ti care yassuit by one af aur off - more- than 60,000. Our incompîeteîy conding ta ireigbta autaide.- Home Sccretary cesnd ypioer. red anbyipe ros ilnm Rye-Na. 2, nominal, according ta atatementa publ cos udbypnsoorbe- rined sdm eupe ta raaps inl10um- reights outside. .States thut Geîi - br nt mretha, a aditoua 10,- Manitoba flour-Firat patenta, lu dren lu Landau 000; sud that noue ai aur fighting ne- jute baga, $6 25- second patents, in .E'-TAGLDINA Os ources may be ovenlaoked, we will jute baga, $Ï.79; stroug bakers', ln the iury pf W ANDTILLED AORSES add s -naval farce ai 1,000, making a .jute baga, $6.5e, Tarante; un Cotton aged by.thepn total ai 161,000. - ags, 10e more. ture out ai door A deepatcb tram Landau sayat Our ideal- minimum is 400,000, aur- Ontario. flour-Nelv Winter, 90 per buying food, ar rési maximum is 161,000. The nesuit cent. patents, $4, seaboard or To- subsiet on wbat1 "Doaeth by misadventuro" tas the ver- routa treigbts lu baga, prompt sbip- The Home Se dict at the inrinest held ut Shorucliffe ai aur calculations ueed nat make us ment. Carp~ian womnen on Pte. Wiliam Fiahburn Smith, Lau- down hcarted. We are;quite entitled MilIoced--,Car lots, deiivcred Mont- Germany areV don, Outý, ai the 2nd divisional cavai- ta eomiort ourselves witli the tlrougbt rosi freigta-Bran, per ton, P2-: doing, and that ry, who wss killed whilo -leadin that the original forces ai the United shorts, pér tan, $29;, middiinga, $30;, cidete hanes Siths egwa cagh in~Kingdom wore ineomplinabby auperior god eed flour, per bag, $1.811. plroetn se woss.it hicb howas augt e ata aursansd that the British Isies were putyPodc.smroeief asI nopsesadh othi aac w muchbebtter eupplled than we wene Cunrytudu e s piaonreiftfe t -hans s s o at is baHelnc eing witb the means, bath buman sud ima- Buttr-Fresb dairy, 24 ta 26e; in-, added that acci i tudylng for th e mîistry previaus ta tonial, ai creating a vast new anmy. ferlon, 21 ta 22c; creamery pninte, - oultnu.But this wili nat alter the fact that 28% ta 29c; do., souida, 26 ta 28e. 1 saine tomns as5 enlitmen. u the past we- have net doue aur full Egge-No. 19 23 to 24e pen dozen, in- German womnen - _____.~~-.--duty, sud we are thenefore under the case iota; extra ut 26 ta 27c.- they are ill. -greater obligation ta neapoud ta the Houey-No. 1 light (wholesie), 101, NoueTooGoo. cîl he overmeu lanowmakng. 11 %c; do., retail, 12 % ta 15c.i NoneTooGoQ. cal te Govermen isnow akig..Combe (wholesalo), per doz., No. 1, 1 The uinister ai a samali country Maiiy ai the initial difficulties con- $2 .50 ta $3- No. 2, $1.50 ta $2. PARENTS 0F flock was discuesing witb au illitenato inccted with the raising ai an army Pouftry-ëhickene, yearlings, dreca- GE' member ai hie churcb neligiaus tapies bave hec n ovencome, sud mou arc naw cd, 16 ta 18c; Sprlng chiekeus, 20 tg9 ai vurying intereat. The member ex- being accepted ion ovenseas service 21c; iowl, 12 ta 13e; dueklilga, 17 ta A deeputch t( "pressd the sggestp.tion tbat evente as napidly as tbey pfeseet thoeinelves18;tunkeys, 23 ta 25c. itri rs bea wee nue oo oodlu hiarai fo enisuiet. hei ps, spantia CheseLane,15 ta 15½gc;do.,.; pra rd ýta $6.25; do., rougr $5.25; butchera' cows, )$7; do., good, $5.25 ium, $5 ta $5,25; do., to $5; feeders, gaod, stockera, 700 to, 900 .25; cannons sud eut. A$5> - milkers, choice, 95; do., camman anc $35 ta $50; Sprngens, it ewee, $6 ta $6.71 50 ta $4.110;, yearling .75; Spring iambe, $9; calves, $8 ta $11; S9.40 ta $9.65; do., d, $9.25 to $9.30; do., ?pt. 7.-Butcher eows, 57.75; tain, $7 ta $721 25; medium, $6.110 -to bubis, $5 ta $7; eau- bo $4.50 per cwt. 01< Yac; aud lambs, 7/-,to 1.Hogs, select, $9 .50; id stage, $5 ta $6 pcr id off cars. MAN WO',%EN FT TO MOB'S MERCY .:a London enys: The .v ias issued a denial af Aiehed in the United ,man women sud chul Sare beîng exposed tc ft2ieih are encour- iweevrthey.ven )r, are pnevented ?rom ind are compebled tc tbey eau beg. ;erotsnysays that al ndesiniag ta retuntc Viven tueilities for a( t, together with thel -eceive the same poliei Bnitish aubjeets au 'rom the guardians ci ey are deetitute. It ii -ss ta hoapitais ou tii Britiahens une accorde( m and ebldren whei WAR HERO ET VICTORIA CROS% t0 Montreal says: Th won by the late Lune eriek Fisher, ai the 131i b. Julien, where ho wa n neceived by the heoe ind Mrs. W. W. Fichei ie Avenue, Westmouni )y u letton ai apprecis British Wan Office. Th er eamned the distinctio riy gshiantly assietir ei gun, lu coverng tà atteny, and later bring ,e gun into action, ur y fine, lu order ta covE supports. It vus whil as kiiled. i-le us anl "e. ad Force )f Southi A fric oer île ily 'a i ýpalntod -teoemonnd the adob ý h -eftfloah Art' la Voutlngsmfor tboeEq- -th _b Cp Colonial rustod thé taklng -.a i l% ai site Gerais terces JACONA SUNK BY MINE, jsm y aatecm s, t e__ NOT Y A UBNITNEmoning wen e emptied the pul ho NOT T ASUBAI~NE as ustouiabed ta fiud saul quan- IT IS A WAR 0F MACHINERY. - A despatch ram Mo trel says: tty ai starcb t the bottor. Thomnga Bolsovor, a Sheffield me- Powerfui Mechunical Onganization' of Officens ai the Thomsn Lino treîght- chaule, vas mending the bandie ofaite mas on Hurons, which annived here, ikuite made ai copper sudciliver;-..He n1 uulteBiib otxse brought with thein details ai the saW these metais fuse togethen, and GenMraul, tpeakBri tidelltar sinking ai the Mantreai steamer Ja-the idesaifsibven - 'platiug wassbora 1 eugiu, ouseig6t i.,id hbouhad cana. The cabbed rnoat that the lu bis mind. He laid a thin Plate oai reeely , nhe utth frot. Sai ohn à Jacona wus sunk by s torpedo was silven ou s heavion one ai coppen, and 1r - l ee ttefon.SrJh deula. The -Jacona etnuck a5initeueted thora tili the edge ai the csi- I French toid *hlm that lu hic nviewthis sud sank lu tva minutes. Fonty ai ver begata meit. Ho tob thein' as a van of inucbiuery, sud that un- the cnev, inebuding the outine englue- tram the fine, let tbem cool aiightly, doubtedly wae the impression -Which roara staff,.Wêne dnowncd. .Only Capt. thon robbod sud bammered thora ta the wasbnaught awsay by everyoue vho Ongan and - the aine mon 'iho coin- eie hcns. hswteoi- studiod the pret cumpaigu, Man prieed the nlght wutch vere saved, à dori-mdnthiekuese. This vas the athg- elai f"Sheffield plate," al ai vhichtnmaar odoscul bb h sud tbey awed their lives ta th« ~a ud l hswyuti lcr.IGermaus oasiiy, but it was nat thé chance that a bout was. lying baose platiug wasiuveuted. soldions thoy had ta cape with. It wak and fiaated away. Cornelus Dubbel bift a bottle ai the artiliory, the munitions, sud the!- _______ Iaqua regîs (a mix'Ilpne ai nitnie sdan o ouypaefui incehanicai ,or- Wouders ai the Worid. m iai acd) aebl. It fell ganizution ai the Ge rman armythat The seven wondens ai the ancient aven; the acid ra dowu aven a vin- they vere up againat. Iu s second. wonld wree the Pyramide ai Egypt; day and dropped jutoas bottbe cantuin- speech, Mn. Samuel neienred 'ta the the Tomb of the King ai Caria; the: iug un extruet of gochineal. This succesai the War Loan, and stated Temple ai Diana ut Ephesus; the 1tÃœrntd ta a vivid scanlet. Dubbil that a tew days ago, apant tram the Walls ai R-anging Gurdens ai Baby-, found that the acid had dissobved jstîbscriptiana wbicb. had came thnough bon; the CoTtiasus ai Rhodes; the Ivony saine ai the tini ai the viudaw cas- the Bauk ai Euglaud, the people had sud Gold Statue ai Jupiter Oiympus;,iug7, and the combinatian bad pro- subscribed thnougb the Poat - Offie-_ the Pharos, or Wstch Tower, huilt at ducod the nov caban. A îew oxperi- spart fnom sa., los., and £1 vauchera' AlxadrabyPtIsyPhiladeiphusWmnts added the moat briliaut caban ftenmllon.Ho was now giad King ai Egypt. Saie nen thinke the - o the last ai dyes. obâlet sy-h hefgrha wouders ai the varld ta-day are the ,., ... isen ta twenty-tour million, still, ex- panama Canal, tbe Aeraplaiio, the At the deelanstian ai van, the Bnit-ciduah the aubseniptiaus througii Subrine, Wirebess Tolegraphy, the isb Army compnised 711,500 mou, ai the purchase ai script vouchere tho Gramophone, the Telepitote, sud the Whom nRguasadRegservos, figures of -which.couid nat'yet ho tabu. Ainship. 6100 wne uthe Bitih Tale. itd The iRake. L-A! u. ;. .el A emahi hounpeed, 'iýorioed-booking 1d1hd irbsIg Awanle m n as about te take an examina- ---LI-yE ti n for itfe insursuce. "You don't - > dissipate, do you?" asked- the physi- A despatch tram Now York sys: quin~tity o.ai rbplanesansd hyr0 cilan as ho made ready tan the tests. 'Lieut.-Coiraauder Honni G. Van planes for HolIind tram Amhenican "'Nat a faut iver, on anythiug ai that manufacturons. Commander Van sort?" The ittie minuhesitatod a stoyu, ai the Dutcb uavy, vas ane ai SteYn said that al ai the' mach ines moment, iaalced s bit tnightened, thon the arrivais ou the steamer Noordain l ho used by, Holland. as a part of neplied,. lu a sinfih, pipin- voie-"I I ram Rotterdamn. le -said 'hé held a the nationalý defeuce iraprovo2ient someimescheva.lUlc ura. Icommission ta punchise an unlimited r uow-being- uxtnkc tere. - A&RrCHIVES 0F OnTArÀRiO ~1~ -r' - RHss Bee i a Bevere sti ,ti f, t ï MnI aeï t Imd" svyw- èhate . Jterestot AUl Tru Irish» - - jiaIy. Wd4espatch froui Lo>dn»i-eys: Fur- mn ,- - Adespatclafrom,,Parle a mYa: W th n frth lglied f orceon the ÃŽreands sbsilptanste heiS. P ý an intimatinthat, Xtý_ 4Zipoli Peninula j~e~ chronicled in lban are said ta 'ýmunt ta #Y00,00tpj0eCS1_l icil reportrî-eeived, £rom Gen-,00. OleÎëce iëDedaneles Ilsconaine4 1e 8eIr Ian Hamilton, cammaiideik-ifl Atteýery ,ro 1YAara ëfof the British forces aperatn n i a eore a'apI Jt aPtoieýéJL iortô I taly; sente gai'n tte Trs.'Th r Bi'ay a ee mde for $10,000 ef wa lé' ') te PtitParisien by ite ILomé c 1rrems, "Further fighting- on thé' inrthern stock. - ~ ~ pondent.- section of the ine bas resultediin the The Uétird iviion aoftoraLzichà I.,unnat 'oay much about -that," captre f4iporanttacieatb~OX1t~ a~,~a~'lO~*~th ~rn4squaed-8 sying, in re- Commnig-the BliukHAna nhtA.'v.nrp -stion .regarding, the Dar,. ey t- the east aBduyuk An-aaria ebiatby Majr-Gnerll ow ~ou? prcal, and nrthe ad 'a'-pê Mc.. m9nt. .R. .:ýî.'s - proit _ fnformation about preciable gain of the ground- occuped nçe-». raÇcsenet,1* br tb'ýAuïrallns - Èdý WZealnd, Ééld'âàýan Ct e moveméztsO r6p. brly' h utaiasai eZebtl iI corpan C nad#i JiEn fb. part Japa4 ha0 "T he c rps. las bee ar aied'the '- s ù à ' D .S.M . for con- , -tb Sa, tham "Th iYI~tng asalmïoit entirely *îcou iry 7 r pes ilYY3sao haund-týd-hn and di a severei aa- pu a roe u3 t sDn aid: "We have not ceased t et>lbab. ter. Ver iheavy bosses were , gîe isri o- outyDdieab Sa rtewifh'aur allies ta the- extent on the Turks, and three. af their m1 i.seesbaebeJalite eýî,<ltvs Tewol"ilb s chine, guns,'three trench ietr,30téfvi hsia t lnrs t lphiged wen i -Thénorl what we - v rifles, 500- bombe and e large qàantity -M;Ewr .Uwoe atedone, mi4.at we are.dc>ingand .what w. aif emfabi arme ammunition, eecp i'rWr .HWooCsl tue b s. ee a- {wsn èar AÀsýk'aton-ý, 'sa ajreeted â-ae l'ing ta do. The Russians are - by tu èanstaùlai'y 4,hargedwithna'e ossdw a be mast use' ' hêighie servant, Bilèn ù'Cosebe.' te to tléim. Reet assurà aith Ai reeh recru-itiixg moW14îI i he greateet'desirelai Japan -ta*- âssist PRICELESS ýRURBISf. yaunger zmen- in the Iih antb-every'day In the'sacred cause ai clvi- -ot n s f d : u o h a ln s o lar y as been issued in a circla i'V - a io Fortnes3(ae Ot ettheTaiing aiter addressed te Irish county insp~4 G<ld Mines.tare.TUE, LONG AND EMPTY PURS&. - The tailings of' the, gold-mines -aof The death je announiced at'Kilt;o6W' Several'Thingo That Have. Made tii. the tRand have'Iatterly proved n-early 'Àthlone, of-MIcbiael COyne,a ebOusdrM ve -as vabuable as thé reef. A new'trëet-kiôwü angier and spoits man. He Wa95susier -v ment- Was -dlscovéred, and the tailinge azed 106 and retaiïed'hie faculties ta ..The. resuit of war, aif any war, 'de- which encumbered the landacape for the end. pends upon',the abibity teý continue ta miles aroundt suddenly became new. .-In the Southeru Police Court i- "ay pay#e payl" When thar-abibiti mines. It wae fouud that the ýamount Dublin, John Dunue, a plasterer, and'becomes impaired or, ceases 1 0 nust ai gold, leit in them wae enormous. liis w ie, were sent for trial on a -the 'ab1iity ta continue to make, e Many fortkunes were made out ai tai-cagea uDig a waman nained' stop. The'relative ability'-ai the na- ineaoe ahrne- Eyrue. tiaus at was<ýin tfliisre ,spect bave'been <Phere bas been much tabk ai cap.- Inquirles amang postal authorities under the clonent ecrutiny- by the turing the German trade in abiine have'elicited 'the, tact that applications sharpeet inanciai wits for modnthe dyes, a process ai expboiting coal-t aamunting -ta$200,000 have, bee'pas d c-the results arrived at may àdiscovered by British chemiste but de- made for War Loan Stock ini thecit~y ,go a long way ta explain seeeral, 5veloped by German manufacturera. ai Kilkenuy.L thinge thÈat have made the outsider But in the earlier days af gaelighting, An outbreak ai blàck ieg liasoc marvel, sys the Scattiah-American. ithe coal-tar was regarded as a barri- curred on the lande ai. the Co4gested For instance, thaugh it woubd veriiy 0ble nuisance, and surreptitiousiy got District Board near Tursk, and ai- appear that Germany, is uow at- ber -rid of. ready about twenty beasts have suc- i ihest pitch of :succesèud achieve- Then the great discovery was made sumbed ta the disease. wetit 't uid aiea' appear that-that- dthat ail the hues ai the rainbow dwelt At a meeting af the City and C oun- 1&peeRÊ not. appeau ta those upon wbom 5in this dirty-baoking stuif -wbicb men ty ai Dublin Recruiting Cammittee jt d~x h finaucial arrangements for, 'deapised and threw away. Ta-day -the /was stated that an application had cryn ntewr buhGr by-praducts af coal-tar arecocunted by 'beeu rèceived irom the Kingstan cis- many la ather -height. these expe-rtsý the dazen.- trict ta iarm a "Pals' Plateau." do nat see baw che can continue ta go In Lancashire alonrie\cattan-wsste It îa mentianed that Lard Dunraven an as she bas doànc-for wbicb -thère has an aunuai value ai fit teen millions bas plsced his residence at Adare, 1muet be a reason! Wàll Street s u- sterling! It consista ofr-fagrends and Caunty Linmerick, at the disposai -ot tharitios, and there could hsrdiy ho 'sweepings and picicingas âd-cambingu.'the Lard Lieutenant and hie Excel- better, bave couic ta tbe conclusion, Thausands af womeu are employed ta lency wiil take up bis, residence there indeed, that bawever victidus- Ger;-- 1 divide thie stif inta good, middiing, sbartly.mayny seem at tbe present mo- d and bad, and it le eald at» variaus The decapitated body ai anc af thei ment sbe is already beaten-because 0 prices far differeut purpases-paper- crcw af the Lusitania waa wsshcd ebe je realiy bankrupt, or an the verge xuaking, matting, surgical wadding, sabare near Çastîegregary. . ' 'w's5o? baukruptcy. That -viii certaialy ýr and, most ai ail, the niaking ai sbod- recoguized as a Lusitania victim iy zuake Gcrmsny, not Europe, "'trem- dy. the usme of the liner an the1-uttons hie";, for wheu her credit is aeeailed Soap-boiiere used ta bave kreat dif, ai the clothes.. and ze becomes linanciàlly, nat ta ficubty in getting rid oaf a thick, cvii- Lively scenes took place at a m ee'- ay nrorally, credîtbeaes. she may pre- smeiling iiqufd which was the chief ing ai Dublin C9rparatian during a paefrsde &oias.Teecn y by-product ai their inditqï-ý sj.,They debate an a resolutian demsnding that tisîs which Germany cannat praduce ran it into streamas and sewers. Pre- the Home Rule bill should be put inta she muet get tram ahrosd sud pay le sentiy somneane hegan caibecting it oporatian for aill rêFanfi on Septex-' for with goid, ,bcr credit being under- ýf and refiuing it. The recuit was pure ber 17 uext. - iiued. And gold bas heen disappearr d cI rne The etofteodtmainteigi-satigrp4t>rihG- A yaung man wba had beon reduce'd County of Wexford, and perbaps in mauy; Thus bankruptêy faces'the- ua- ;literalby ta bis atcnwswner Irobaud, bas occurred wbea Geo. tion. -ing àimlesaiy about thei docks ai Frankinu, a farimer, living at Coul'a- On the ather baud, financiers are 2-L 001,o, H e saw a lot of frowey-, murray, Euuiscartby, passed away at eulyçov .e9ta h oi s n looking stuif, the use ai which nody the grzat age of 110 years. tion capable ai flnaucing the war ta »o cauid tell hlm. It iriricocme tronr Intelligence bac reacbed Traieasceeu ocuinj ra rt South Afies tbree uronths before that Baiinagraun House, the beauti- ain. ,Whéne the pusuance ai war je Il sud had faibed ta find a purcbaser. fui residence af Major J' MacGiibi- reduced ta a basis ai thie kind it to The yaung man made a bid ai eigb- cuddy, Royal Munster Fusiliers, bas-m -tont teee betahl W teenpence a pauud, and bought tobe apeoydetoe yfr.Teoct loget, tbat je baving the ability r lot, three huudrd bales. It wa damage is ostinfiatcd at $35,00, ta continue ta "psy, psy, pay!" long- eaipaca, the wool ai a sort af came- Atlth omgua ittoin ai tuenDe-er than the other felow, there cani b id like sheep. The purchasor's name partmnentaCamteainqionbtn edtitilteote fq. Dfwaa Titus Sait,.- the founder ai Sai- the question ai food. production. in Ire- but onu-ena t t ac thh.. ql in taire, Engband. land, the iuquiry took the iorm-o"Ta h osbltteo elgr le - 114........cousider wbat stepesbsould be taken e peer i nbii, hnrpt bei liger- dTHE DEATH 0F PEGOUD by begiciatianor atberwise for the et vrgighou andkruptcy je rinate n 1$ OFFICIALLY CONFIRMED olo purpose afici'Oaiug the produ- Iclore are eeing; sud thie-may have t i on a if io a d in I r e la u d ." o v n e h m t a w h i t e s p c A despatcbtam Paris sayc: Re- Under the patronage ai the Lard o< icxindte thar a ithina the spacos parts ai the death ai Adolphe Pegoud, Lieutenant and Lady Wimborne, the a i otao era h oga cial Lod Myor f Dbli, th FrnchGermay's colapse wil ho bruglit the famous aviatar, bave been offica-LrMyoai ubiteFnh about froux witbin. The work ai crusb- 3S ly confirmed. The news cauced sin- ambassador and the Frenc14 Cousu1, a ing bier tram without, theretore, neod dtc srrow aang the French p)eale, cobbeition wac takçn lu Dublin in aid b îe wo rgared im s a ora aitheIrib Hopitl, bic ba hennot, it may bave beon argued, b -f/ r - Il avtal base an tbq de an *aimost idam peatediy ahelied the(

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