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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Sep 1915, p. 8

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~lL M 5liToronte laut Iavoley DowteÏds ààevlg M.e' ovbue-t er un ~(a il Bnwn visited trienda ln -EHmlton reuty.1 mmns James M"aum la atixtes- tte u nSuuderland. MusaLaura irs.uels, et Torenté, vai, M, bou. for th. eeeu- Mie, Wm. Bliglit basr.tprnedfrein a luigtbi ait lu Tornto. Mis. Robt,, Glrey, ef BOlçq.geon, bas beexividsiiwith Mr. sud Mms. K ethroy. Mr m.arovf e- Muikegea, Miehigan, lU vltlng bSis brother, Mn. George Broyn, Mir. Ralpb White and Mir. Mark Duf left last wek te attend Guelph col- loge. -% The Mimes Moore. et New York, na-e vtating thoir brothors. Drm Jas. andi John Moore.. Mma. rodonick Stewsart. c4 stoney Creek, bas beau viatIng lier da.tîgh tte, Mmra.Uriab Jones. Mr. W. M. Lawrence and fnauiy willl moeSie Mt. Seott's new bouse as noeqoItla .completed. rnr and Mmra Barot and ohiltiren. et Bute, wve ro nt Vlisilorsai the home ot Mr. A. Keichon. Mr. and Mm . Sbrlock. vho bave been bore for tbe auminer. fle .c Iis woek for their homo Sn Sudbury. Miss IldStb Brown, who bas beeon holldaflng with her parents hamrone- turued te Wbitby on Mlonday to-msuie ber duties on tho P'ost Oiliee staff. Mrs. Bingliaz, an olci rostd-ent of Brookln. who bas been Illiiug with ber daughtm-, Mms. Scott, In Kinley, &ua.k.. i. visting wtth frienda here. Mr. Arthur (Coakwtl] lins sold tie Temperance Hotîse ta Mr. Jas. Luko. of Celumibua. Mr. Luke, will tkle posses- ampn about Oetobor 16th. DMucli sy=patby la extended ta Mn. and Mrs. R. OrmIston, lI the death of their 10 monthe' oid son. 'Theftunoia.l took place on Tuesday atterncon te JUn ion Cemetery. The lIrooklIl Women's Inatituto willl moot a a . mHa.ycstt'a ou Tbursday. Septomber 8th, at 3 pn. Subjeci. ,*Plowor Gardons.ý" by Rev. H. W. Fctey. AUl ladies are tnvited. That Brooklinla an ldWa place tc hIvo la evident froni the numbrof etpo. pIe wazUnig te lve here..1r. Robent- Balteur, wbe vas a morchant bure seme years ago, la roturniu.g te take up bis residonce lu thebous.e oculed by Mr. W. M. Lawrence. hir.,»aMeur Su- tends starling a honnet>'. Tbe deatb cccurred heme on 'reasae morning ast th. homeofetbis daughten, »ira. eo. Blight, of Wmt. 1Tt>'ier, SaÏ bis 81.1year. Doceuess le armdent ef Wbitby for many year a, sud vas weîl known lu that tovu. For sevema ,-ears ho bas made hie home '511h Mmn. BlSght. lie beaves a wldow and a large- tamily. Mi-. and Mmra Robent Bannah, et To- route, have beeu vlsiting frIonda bhe. Mr. Will Tomtiinson returued te Win- nipeg un Tueedayi, after vitiug vthi qutilU, terecov-ering.1 ON Def-vmauaag t Mr. m&e ir. auu W1liýon mi Otbu r relte iiiiboa- 7%m re Wju b. -v.ser0 o n Sun- 41 It t tmnb., Xth, htuSet Thorný ta' hur6h. -ioratg service £1 il Q'coe oi, nhgservtoo g y7 0,010à. 1 Mr. W"Ua bas purcbaaed ibe ipr ty' et Ur. W. a. Park. Myrié UmssStfgi has beeu vliIu laiTo. SSehool wus closed bor for two dm I#st week owinx te Oshawa Mar. Romembor Almnondu flirveat Home on Tuesdtiy. October ôtb. Splend QuppOr and programm. Se.blit later. BIRTHS. JONES-In Breoklu, on Sunday, Sept. 12th. 1916. te Mr. and Mrs. Urlah Jones. a tsou (Frederick ieus). ANlflERSON-1fl Brooklln, on Satui' day, September 18, 1916, te Ur. a.nd Mrs. Chias. Anderson, a son. FRUIT BULLETIN l.rtas and rwf.i.t P0o imperfers coow-. g iod and nii itria fine fruit for hoein . flnIng. Th,<,rnnt debrhwnpeple t 41( merthole cfruit cutlt-hSl Lods: ge-atitinm.Amnt t. try hn~oIfe . aoutit demadi Niagarat Crown P.ehes. BROUGHAM. The Brougham R~ural Sobool Fair, held on Moiiday-atternon, wus prob- ahly one of the Most suooossul yet held under the dir'ctionl of the DepDartmont of AKriclture. Thore was a splendid attendance, and the ontrtes wore al of t-he ftnest ch aractor. Unfortunatoly, space prevents the publieaNton of the' prize last thits week. but it wUIl appear fûti dt ssue. To Reduce Your Weight Easily and Qulckiy. If you are ovor-stout the eaus» ai your over-stoutnNsatealack er oxygen- carrytng power lu theo bleod and taulty assimilation of thé bcd. '1oo lUtieleaI betug made toto the harder Ulaue ef muscle and tee much Ib to ile glo. bills of fat. Theretore you should cor- rMt the mal.asalilatlon snd Intreas the ixygen-carrying power e« the blood. To do thia. go le any good druggttand. get 011 of oene, oniy sold lu originAal packagos and la capsula tom, and take ne capsule afior each meei and one ai bedtimo f111 your welght la reduced te what t.sbould ho on ail parts et the bodY. - %'he offeci et cil of orilexie lu capsuile torm lui rerSable as a velgit reducer apd It la perfectly sst.-E4J.T. Any druggtst eun supply yen, or a largo aitte box wi'll bo sent on receipt et ;1.00. Ad4ress D. . 'LItti Dr*g Co., Box 1240, Montrul. Canada. Rerf. JOeUM Dpre iboa luit Sunds.y at 7 *olock. Dvinoe«Otc will be beld I he Ii.YIng àM tà>fr bath aise. hirs. Fred Parkin bas be poWi*, ed orgaisit et bur obureh &adi4 1.k btr bràther, Ie .ou tdwlt Wor bs asi f!~*4bat 11 lender, out., te ti" effeett *M ehp ta e$ jeyiug ber werk and meetingt iib 0* collenit suoeffa. W.tait 1ÎOezvixeeeb would make good.»1 Mm. Cb&s. Ledgett, te th* nortb, bas 1«a&edMr. Âlex. htore's farm n eroonwocd, ad lbas begtm P10gbn We wish hlm abundant 89 ii. r and Mrs. Paridel' VISitéd-wltb reSu ti-vas in the qien Major district laut Sunday. Mmrs John Rodd bas been lndli#idU for a few das.a C . J. tevouson attended lbthentra ExhIbition i-n Otiaiialiai w*eek.16e interme us bu spet a -very p.r turne. vialtlu.g the Parllament bui=ld n aud al tbe sightSaIntheliiivtY. Thé «ex hibit was good, but ry amall coînpar. ed te th. TorontoEx!lhibition. Wo are pleaaed te report Mark Brig- naîl aIment fully roefoed freis bls me. cent ilînees. Someofe the farmets hae begliuult. ting tiler cern foresilage., The crop iS sald te ho unUsually geod ibis ses- son. Mr. Wilfrid Sadler là muchbobtter, vo are pleased te report. Many f rom homo attended the Oshave Pain laat week. sud report a goed ex- hibit. Ramemben Aimonde Marvesi Rome on Tnesday, Ocoer Mt. Splendid supper and programme. Se. bille later. Mr. Sullian bas Ilulshed ianvestihg. The Kinsale bmaucb ef Southi Ontero Wemens Instituto vil metet atthe h omeof em Lr.L. E.Mowbray on ithe et. ternoon et Thizrsday. Soptember SMl, at haltpast iwo. We hopâ toaees.atul tunnent oet members. E-verybcdy voel- corne. Mm. C. IL. aokeY, President; Mmra R. R. Mowbray',Becreta:y. mm .Wcoxsoî aim Si. g e danghier lu Harliou.- Mr. A. MurM18 >ulDUIng 9AU e844k tien te bis houts. Mr. IE. Snddeu bas the, cotreot N.arly .verybody took la Ob# Fim. Mr. Arthur OMMa bas been judgtn stock et Eastern, Faire las: week.- Mesors. Slth -à Rilbds- b« a string ot herses at Otttaa Pir last week, sud ver.awarded a igene number et rilbbens.- mii.RalIy Servi" eat» l. Mtlýnos O-hurchhboe lsatSuxidey uaerlng vu largelr attended ut m'111& p e&ui Th*. contracts for t rige iWr eot itrobe vlTb qnioaudWýhü» - the dam. W. ,fv ta,oet t hi a'. ýÂftI4 tuftngfta loug unie wltb - 1 11 . #-1 IWé-IeýM $. v a by th sts.Kt rlwt iato toui fo lmva afrni4 of dylg. T]myeauomgo, I wc ro ej,~ mplus et IO'n4.ejyI and anu rtaktagthoni1I Wl reIIuf. ?hoen 1 sent for tht.. boes ad Ikep birprovig nl uv..Iquo deoep an4 digest weU-tu a word# 1tdm (AlY rcotvmd tlaib to Fruft.#ru. U»i. A1BOllrEÂ1. 5. a box 6 -tP.O9;1%tuAi I " 25& At dealersorsentpostpadouxroeiptof piee by Frult.a-tfre la Imted Ottawa. te waJkt. Botter iuek neui Umne, Mr-r May. Our elovator la very buqy theme days. as mauy loadsetfgran ecomini lun, Our llvery barn la keyt quite b11Y tht. week. Wo are glad Mr. SmIth la havlng such goed sucesu and gelting 80 much. te do. TFer, s mot eCatai-n la thia ascites et the :rnttrthIbs in l aller dae. pet tetber. and t, INIi Iettfew pesta wasup tg lbe ia. rabI,. lFor p great mant ertdotts pr. aoueecd hslca eL u renytbedl eace bui i-vets cater-rh te lie a eonatttutlosal disna.. adorefors rvequtr-.s ccoawltuaal trtietu. Hall'* Cai-lt (si-e, tpsuuactured s«gi.tuat cun te .maihket. riI' abo ivi- terall. tàcidiecýp'tbbl&daudmiqou. $U.rtuos tlb. .yutein. l'h., or os fundrad dallai,faers case ilt lla ta o e.Seud fer ch-cai-anmd teatlmouiîula. -. Addt.u: -ty. j. CIWP4RY & CO. Tofleo, 0h0. Tub. alnl '4cnatIII*Iàor cosadtiao. liti sd IMra3ou&Thomoon *nt Banday wlth BrookiUtà teâdt. Som yte bow êt0f tedaatbi of MCa W. a. Wilson.- -Mrs.'WilsU*«vas *rosi- dent et laa unitila Oil f7 I, R.Inmbs. tlh*etl' UrvOM amr Ur, and Mia, Jas. o*ftt vmr. vt tttaglu Too~* q s- uu4a litaidétbe lh ofhfU veto ruufrcd to&l à. $tl late M . su eleea t Ouàung -Wo>Ir; sttioni!. IG. Rabi,. B >belli., IL luwa iL . uR1iy,~ .~J S qu ott B_. ,r o, 3I. Nxihos, W. moaq*, .B.WlgTHens, ruP - A.o. il. I.Jehngte. . 0. aixis', JT.Bls,.JWI3. fmlheranx, T., ris, H.P r. S epei, WAWlt W. T, Sterso, We. yi mris, B. I ThCorrofteli .1< daJ.ove areoul lito stPt a.-3. A Cner Nofoso Woo. oCuib T Hu erin& F. T.e Kpietn, iL Ld iIs .G bno, ONTÂIUO COUNTY W. C. T. U. CON- ,VBION. TTWO U.tleh Annuel Qea-vonof Ontario Ceuxity W. C. T. U. vas hel tuah l eihodist Chureb, Uzbfldg, on September 1'ttb. RéDpo t eevarlous branches vee ugi-von, aU6sefethue de- partments, much splendid verk bein; doue. 1Th. Pnesident's addreas contaiued an urgent gppeal te éerr>' orkor te be up and doit mIl aoeécmite ovèr. throw the ovils of the, iqUor trme. The convention v vy hlglily bon. ored lbY havlng fer theïr speakr lins. A...O. Iluthertor,. Heomary Prouident of the. Dominon W. C. T. U., vho gave ive excellent sddresaes on raflons do. partiofth tle werk. sud tmaced thé bîluor>' ef the, W. 'C,.T. 1U. tfo lb. b.e Ito w tu omuaogniain-x the sumum. â- - i1r. B*hrtord v i>ected w 14 boe1u hw orSf t deersfente 'b> the, Young sdues sud -youn o mn>'. piry A -ver> plaiu eature va lewMIs àMddenm cx-(m balo« 't"m Coneuni>', nated a"Ceuni>' lit.. ;àIhtIhP I t Ma B E tS? âks «eli man& onOulélbd e- h. wvuug aidff wu vu itndui a4GRA NOR R am > 4t~tc~ Fie nsracPOo DENT4L Haony J. Rudsou, D.D.S., LADS. - Succer te W. Adamsu. COce Dundas Streot, opposite 'Pout Orge. Phone 122. E. W. SISSOn, .&LDS Dental Parlers over* Âllfn'sdrUg Whltby, Ont.i OMie 1houng-9 to 12; 1.30 te 6. Phons,'Bell, 87; IndODPeduti 11. Graduateofethe Royal COUJ O-cf Dental -urgte &a*., OUIv le elW- Fea Eu LUXE * Tesday, Sp&m8he 70 TNRSU? Corner KIlngîSt», TotÏtOb TILE tTL Just Relei ONE CAR FIELO TJiLE 21 lan., 8i., 4 ln, jAS X~O On sale at my rchidenée ý-o S. ~ ~ ÂUU0M ~ Whitby, or at warehoqo%»ýTI or te- U MFarbankiK- efa da~ y e selfort o <f building matenia- - « -t»I< iE MU Tas MUER? - WNMAW àu n ofaaLu r ül; t04i-a -h emau me. offimi st-b OONTRW71Of PLASIEOF PARIl-jad PREALILOISI ips-rtwornt -u THE OGEIII-M la eonducted ai wMryBrmnch eoft goaBm where dpeiat $~os sud upwars te.re oeted sud lvid i et enflnt ratm es4.d Itl atalà ud e os ovesieni pwsteq f«our ulcnqy wI4ITBY DAANOH:A. A. ATKiNSO, Mpe OSIIAWA 1I.BAOC direet by exress treniGeorgiaBu 0Esy evr TBIDÂ *Mm FRESH MSA8GII et superor qumity erex? day. - BLUE' BERRIEê,." Dry, cleantdm yM ! b WM ý*q direODt h»b M » Cunht ho ,tlttab1t h~~~aob gnou-atm____ wu B. PRINGL - -4 -i t- i. TRE~ ~W& Pli e ~ e

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